Angels .

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A forum for the discussion of Sophian Gnosticism

Angels .

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Angels .

Posted: Sat Oct 30, 2021 6:37 am

by Palm
I have been reading up about the ways interaction with angels is possible. And the practical use of their
attributes wings and swords. I really enjoy this detail. Some angels come equipped with lots of eyes, I can
appreciate the symbolism of an extended field of vision, penetration. Is there anything further that can be said
about how the eyes function in the performance of their roles, can we engage with them as we cooperate in
Thank you!

Re: Angels .

Posted: Sat Oct 30, 2021 11:51 am

by Tau Malachi
Blessings to you in the Holy Light of the Messiah, light of the heavens, life of the entirety!

First you need to bear in mind that just as the true names of angels are not known, so also their true images.
The names given are the actions, powers, of the Holy One, Holy Shekinah, that the angels manifest,
designations that arise in our hearts and minds in contact, communion, with them. They are names given for
our sake, and the same is true of the images, appearances, of angels. In truth angels can assume many
different forms, and while they may appear as images that may be described, talismanic or symbolic images
we can relate with, often the images in which they appear elude any true description or explanation outside of
the experience, the play of vision and sound when their presence is revealed. At times they may manifest
more like 'forces' than 'beings' in the way we would conceive of beings, or for example, the might appear like
luminous energetic fields, streams, rays, geometrical shapes, and so on. From one occasion to another how a
given angel appears can radically change, and generally speaking angels can have peaceful, wrathful and
blissful appearances, corresponding with actions of mercy, severity or compassion - compassion being some
combination of mercy and severity with them. In this regard it is good to bear in mind that angels are the
manifestation of the radiant energetic display of the Holy One, Holy Shekinah - 'light,' 'fire,' energy, that is
intangible, different from the play of form in this dimension, this world. Thus, whatever images we might
share in teachings on angels, they are relative, provisional images, helping aspirants and initiates open their
minds and hearts to the powers of heaven - angels - the names and images giving them a way of kavvanah -
focused attention, devotion - and so a way to invoke angels, along with the Names of God.

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The names and images given here come from revelations of angels in a movement of the Holy Spirit to share
these teachings, and so it is every time teachings on heavens and angels are given, there is a revelation for
that occasion of sharing mysteries of angels and heavens, specific to that intention and movement. In this
regard they are spiritual empowerments - there is a blessing from heaven and the Holy One in them to help
bring about interactions, communion with angels, powers of heaven.

This assumes, however, that one has a good foundation in knowledge of the Names of the Holy One and how
to invoke them, and is mature in faith and love, and cleaves to the Holy One. For to pursue angels apart from
this, it will not be angels of God, the True Light, that are invoked and attracted. Quite naturally, in
experiences of the visionary and sound dimension - the intangible energetic dimension - the state of our own
mind and heart, our own consciousness, will determine the quality of the encounter, the experience, whether
hazy or clear, impure or pure. For our consciousness is the vehicle of revelation, the 'field' within which the
experience transpires. Quite naturally, the more we are able to pass away in oneness with the Holy One, Holy
Shekinah, and so abide in the radiant emptiness, nothingness, of the inner aspects of soul, mind,
consciousness, the clearer the revelations, or 'visions and voices' will be; hence, with frequent invocation and
prayer, the need for much deep meditation, contemplation.

Now, concerning appearances of angels, and the various characteristics and objects that may be seen or felt,
or intuited, in communion with them . Understand that the various characteristics - wings, eyes, arms, legs,
faces, and so on - and various objects, symbols - sword, shield, cup, orb, crystal, rod, and so on - these all
have layers of possible meaning, and from one encounter to another their meaning can be different. You see,
their names and appearances are a communication, and are mental and vital translations of movements and
manifestations of spiritual and astral forces - archangelic and angelic forces. As an example, while wings in
general indicate powers, or levels of holiness, glory, power, they also may indicate dominions, or energetic
fields associated with the angel, or elevations, heights into which the angel's knowledge and power reaches.
But then they are also shields and veils, and may indicate the extent to which the angelic presence is
restricting or withholding itself to relate and interact with a soul without overwhelming it. The same if true of
a sword. It might very well be just as we might ordinarily think of a sword, a weapon of a warrior of heaven
engaged in a movement of guardianship or deliverance, striking down spiritual forces of the Other Side. But
then, it might indicate truth, discerning awareness, or a speaking of the word of the Holy One with power,
among other possible meanings. Concerning eyes, in general they indicate knowledge or wisdom held, but
then, so to many eyes may indicate sight deep into secret mysteries of creation, revelation, redemption and
the Holy One, or into various dimensions and continuums of space time, possibly from the view of the eternal
realm. When such images appear, along with what is seen, it is a question of what is heard and felt, and
intuitions, knowings, that arise in heart and mind. Do understand, most often angels speak heart to heart,
mind to mind, soul to soul, and it is as though their intentions, thoughts, become our own in communion with
them. As an example, when I was a young man, a young elder in the lineage, an angel calling itself 'Michael'
appeared in a vision during morning prayers and was bearing a spear. The angel touched me with the spear,
and a deep knowing of certain future events pervaded my mind - events many years into the future at that
time. Then the angel turned and threw the spear at what seemed to be nothing, and it shot from the hand of
the angel like a flash of lightening and disappeared. I was aware, though, that it was thrown into a dark being-
force - demon - in the future time, and when that obstructing force was eventually encountered in the timeline
this would come to pass, out of seeming nowhere it would be struck down, shattered, with no action on my
part, or on the part of the Divine Presence in me. On one hand, that spear was a weapon as one might think,
but on the other hand it wasn't at all, it was the insight of foreknowledge and a word of the Lord - Yahweh,
Yeshua; but more so, a 'spear of destiny' - power of predestination. In the visitation, vision, this was clear to
me, though I'd never quite thought of a spear in that way before. Many years later what was seen, known,
came to pass, and when the time came I knew to do nothing but witness the 'hand of the Lord' delivering.

So encountering angels, communing with angels, we seek to abide in a state of spaciousness, emptiness, open
and sensitive to the powers of heaven and Holy Spirit, and seek to look and see, listen and hear, and feel, and

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intuit, taking in the whole communication, vision and voice-sound-vibration, and the intuitive knowing that
arises in the angelic presence. In this way we will know and understand what is being communicated - the
'word of the Lord,' Yahweh, Yeshua.

Do understand that all of the various realities of our experience are a play of nothingness, or emptiness,
energy and forum. The radiant nothingness, emptiness, which is the inmost nature of our soul, the intrinsic
nature of our mind, our consciousness, corresponds with the Holy One, and resting in it, abiding in it, is
cleaving, merging, with the Holy One - intimate nearness, oneness, with the Holy One, Holy Shekinah. The
iridescent radiance of the nothingness, emptiness, corresponds with the vibration and light arising, the
intangible visionary dimension, and so shifting from the emptiness towards form and the tangible, the
images, appearances, of subtle bodies of light and light realms, and archangels, angels, heavens, and such,
and various other relative realities of the inner dimensions, supernal, spiritual and astral; and then there is the
manifestation of tangible forms in the material dimension, and this world. Needless to say, the more we are
able to abide in a state of radiant emptiness - spacious radiant awareness free from thought, uninvolved with
thought, emotion and such arising - resting in the Holy One - the more lucid, clearer, revelations of the Holy
Shekinah, Holy Spirit, and powers of the Pleroma of Light and the heavens will be. Naturally so, for there
will be awareness of their origin, the intention of their arising, and awareness, knowledge of them, as they
arise and appear, just as they are in the Holy One, Holy Shekinah. In this there is intimate knowledge of
angels as 'siblings,' 'comrades,' but then so too as spiritual and astral forces, powers, in the inner space and
outer space of consciousness, all the radiant energetic display of the Holy One from which we are inseparable
in our inmost essence and nature.

I write this in response to your question, and so for you, but also because in the Holy Shekinah, Holy Spirit, I
am inclined to share this teaching with my community for the sake of deeper understanding of angels, and
communion with angels, and how to have intimate knowledge of angels, such that from angels, various
awareness-beings, jinn, and such, and the Holy Spirit, knowledge of deeper secret mysteries might be
acquired, remembered. If indeed you cleave to the Holy One, Holy Shekinah, abiding in the radiant
nothingness, emptiness, of your intrinsic nature, angels will answer you, the Spirit will reveal wonderful
things of the Messiah and Holy One to you - certainly so!

In closing I will share that this emptiness is fullness - a 'creative spaciousness' - from which everything arises,
and so is likened to a 'womb,' and is often called Imma Hokmah - 'Mother Wisdom.' From this womb holy
and enlightened ones are 'born,' and angelic beings emanate, and it corresponds with your 'beginningless
enlightenment,' your innate unity with the Holy One - the Infinite and Eternal One. In this you may
understand that it is also called Imma Messiah - 'Mother of the Messiah.'

May many living spirits and souls be blessed to enter and abide in the rest of the Eternal One - Yahweh
- this day, and abiding in the presence of awareness, so experience true clarity, lucidity, in the arising of
what is happening, just as it is happening, inward and outward! Amen.

Shalom Aleichem!

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