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Angels "within" Archangels

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Angels "within" Archangels

Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2014 1:24 am

by +David
Greetings dear Elder Brother

In several places on the forums you teach about the meta-dimensionality of spiritual beings, Light-palaces,
and so forth. In particular, I'm referring to an angelic host being 'within' the body of their archangel - or
perhaps 'being' the body of that archangel -in Yetzirah.

I mention because two days ago I was reading the "Paradisio" from Dante's "Divine Comedy". In Canto XIX,
the poet describes a great celestial Eagle that is composed of a multitude of spirits - the Eagle speaks with one
voice, although that voice proceeds from them all. It tells Dante why it is in a state of glory, and of the way of

An illustration for the verse, shows the Eagle with each of it 'feathers' being the face of spirit.

Shalom Aliechem

Re: Angels "within" Archangels

Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2014 8:47 am

by Tau Malachi
Greetings and blessings in the Holy Light of the Messiah!

Yes, indeed, the angels of an order, host, or choir are contained within the archangel that presides over them;
hence, the archangel is in them and they are in the archangel, and it is as though they are the “body of the
archangel” in Yetzirah, or emanations of the spiritual power of the archangel in Yetzirah.

The deeper we venture into direct experience of the Tree of Life, the Sefirot and Yahweh, the more we
understand this, for we will see and hear and know the meta-dimensional reality of the Tree of Life or Sefirot
manifesting through the five Olamot-Universes, and how the Olamot emanated from one another, and
interpenetrate one another, and are completely interconnected and interdependent with one another, all the
emanation of the Infinite One, Yahweh Elohim, from the primordial and supernal reality into the spiritual,
astral and material dimensions of creation. The archangels are the emanations of the spiritual power of the
Names of God and Partzufim, the Names of God and Partzufim containing the archangels, as well as

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something of them being in the archangels; hence, the archangels are these Divine Attributes, or Divine
Powers, in Beriyah, the spiritual universe, the realm of great cosmic forces, or “forever and ever.” This is true
of the archangels and angels, the angels being the manifestation of that same Divine Attributes, or Divine
Powers, in Yetzirah, the astral universe, and this is true of the angels and celestial intelligences, elemental
forces, and spirits of all things, these are the emanations of the same Divine Attributes, or Divine Powers, in
Asiyah, the material universe.

This is also true of souls, or neshamot, we are not as separate from one another as we think in the ignorance,
the unenlightened condition, nor are we as separate from the universal – the entire array of creatures or
sentient beings on all levels, nor from the Infinite One; all exists in complete interdependence and
interconnectedness, or Sacred Unity, inseparable from the Infinite One, and all is Belimah, “without-what,”
without substance, apart from the Infinite One (Ain Sof). It is in this, if contemplated, that you may
understand a teaching I’ve given elsewhere in the forums, and in a Shabbat discourse a couple of months ago,
sharing the truth that Yahweh, the Holy One, is nearer to us than the archangels and angels, for Yahweh
Elohim is the very essence and nature of our holy soul, and the very essence and nature of all creation, on all
levels, so that in truth, Yahweh Elohim is equally near unto all – this we know in the experience of the
Shekinah of Atzilut, or Messianic Consciousness.

Aware of this, we will understand that although creatures are not equal as they are in themselves, they are all
equal as they are in the Infinite One.

This does not, of course, negate the reality of the individual, or individuality, but rather speaks the truth of
inseparability of the individual and universal, and the individual and universal with the Infinite One. There is
One and countless Many, and yet the One remains the Only One, within, yet ever beyond all; hence, the truth
of the Divine Name, Yahweh Elohim Tzavaot, “Lord God of Hosts.”

Very truly, there is something of the I Am, Eheieh, within all things in the spiritual, astral and material
universes (Perud); hence, “something” primordial and supernal. Yet, while within all, the Holy One of Being
is beyond all, and is the Transcendent Supreme, El Elyon; hence, El Elyon and Eheieh as the Divine Names
of Keter, the Supernal Crown.

Thus, reality, creation, is not as linear as people may view it and think it is in restricted consciousness or the
unenlightened condition, but rather, truly, it is meta-dimensional and magical; all the radiant display of the
One and Many, Yahweh Elohim, the countless Many being emanations of the One. This is true on every level
of reality, from timeless-eternity (Yichud, primordial and supernal) to the various gradations of time-eternity
(Perud, spiritual, astral and material).

If and when we enter into God Consciousness, Messianic Consciousness, we will know and understand this:
That, in truth, there is only God – the One, and nothing but God; and as such we will know, all in a great and
supreme mystery, that all lives and moves and has its being in the Infinite One, and everything transpires
according to Divine Providence and the Will of the Supreme (Ratzon Elyon).

If you consider it, various stories in the Old Testament hint to this, stories in which the distinction between
angelic visitors and the God blur, and likewise in the New Testament as the distinction between the Son and
Father, or Messiah and the Infinite One blur. The difficulty of most faithful people reading and contemplating
the Holy Bible, and other Holy Scriptures of various wisdom traditions, is that they do so in a state of
constricted consciousness, and the dualism and linear perspective of mental consciousness, not through direct
experience of God Consciousness, or Supernal Consciousness; hence, not in the experience of conscious
unification with the Holy One, the I Am (Eheieh). Thus, the Holy Bible is read and contemplated apart from
the experience of expanded states of consciousness and God Consciousness from which it is inspired, and
distorted dogmatic doctrines are formed, and many misconceptions are generation – a very limited

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understanding and view of the revelation and realization of the Mysteries of Creation and God, as well as the
angels and the heavens.

I will share this with you. The reality of neshamah and archangels, and ruach and angels, also blurs in
awakened or realized souls; hence the story of Enoch translated into an archangel, and so innumerable hosts
of angels. If ever we encounter one who embodies this God Consciousness – a great tzaddik of the
generation, when we pray and meditate with them, and engage in ceremony with them, when archangels and
angels are invoked, as much as coming from apparently external space they will come from apparently
internal space, and thus, as much as coming from the “outside” they will emanation from within the holy

Many do not comprehend what is meant in Gnostic Scriptures when they read, “The kingdom of heaven is
within you and all around you”; many repeat this, but do not understand it through direct experience, the
experience of God Consciousness. In the experience of God Consciousness, Supernal or Messianic
Consciousness, this is the literal truth of our holy soul in the Light Continuum, Yahweh.

Here we may also say, just as we may speak of heavens above and heavens below, as discussed in the
“Zohar” forum, so we may also speak of supernal archangels and angels within and beyond the archangels
and angels of creation. These are the true angels of the Messiah or Christ – the Pleroma of Light; to
understand these holy and enlightened angels, though, Aliyat Neshamah, the mystical ascension of the soul,
must be brought to its fruition by the Holy Spirit, so that like Enoch, the soul is able to reach into Atzilut to
see, hear and know in the Supernal and Primordial Universes, or Light Continuum (Yichud, or Atzilut and
Adam Kadmon).

This realization corresponds with the Yod in the Great Name, the least of the Holy Letters, and regarding this
we may share an esoteric secret concerning a teaching of Adonai Yeshua. When he teaches that “the least
among you will be the greatest in the kingdom of heaven,” the “least among you” corresponds with Yod and
with the Clear Light Union through which the corresponding Supernal Influx, and Supernal Realization,
transpires; hence, the fruition of Aliyat Neshamah, the mystical ascension of the soul in the Messiah, the

Such realized souls are saviors, redeemers, with Messiah Yeshua, having knowledge of their neshamah in all
neshamot and all neshamot in their neshamah, and having the supernal power of hayyah and yechidah in
them; thus, truly, they may uplift living spirits and souls in return to God, or facilitate the enlightenment and
liberation of sentient beings, for they are aware of their interconnection with all and abide in conscious
unification with God, the True Light.

Consider this: The inner sanctuary is composed of the Holy Tzaddik, Archangel and Shekinah (or hosts); and
the secret sanctuary is composed of the Threefold Body, Truth Body, Glory Body and Emanation Body.

Likewise, understanding this, contemplate Tzaddik and Community as the Living Body of Messiah, and
understand that the Living Body extends into the heavens, encompassing archangels and angels of which the
heavens are composed.

Considering this mystery of archangels and angels, consider the mystery of the Messiah in us and us in the

Praise God for the salvation, the enlightenment, to which we are predestined in the End-Of-Days and World-

May we be blessed to experience the Great Vision, and Supernal Beauty (Tiferet), the truth and reality

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of the Messiah, the One Anointed with the Supernal Light and Spirit of the Infinite (Ain Sof). Amen.

Yahweh Shalom!

Re: Angels "within" Archangels

Posted: Sun Mar 23, 2014 8:24 am

by tonybellah
I just wanted to thank you for this wealth of knowledge and information,the area's of study are amazing,bless
your hearts,I am amazed,Sophia indeed,my heart soars like a hawk at the opportunity to learn these names
and principalities,the interactions and effects,with humble respect I learn all I can,and with the blessing of our
Adonai Yeshua and our Lady we abide in holy sanctuary and become a sanctuary unto all.
Shabbat Shalom. Ahava Achad

Re: Angels "within" Archangels

Posted: Sun Mar 23, 2014 9:15 am

by Tau Malachi
May the face of Yahweh shine upon you this day dear brother! Amen.

Shabbat Shalom!


Re: Angels "within" Archangels

Posted: Sun Mar 30, 2014 2:27 pm

by sheryl
Shabbat Shalom, Dear Tau and Friends!

Praise and bless the Holy Name of God!

I was delighted to read your above teaching, dear Tau, especially in light of the first three of the Six
Essentials: attachment to Messiah, Tzaddik and Community.

You shared:

Consider this: The inner sanctuary is composed of the Holy Tzaddik, Archangel and Shekinah
(or hosts); and the secret sanctuary is composed of the Threefold Body, Truth Body, Glory Body
and Emanation Body.

Likewise, understanding this, contemplate Tzaddik and Community as the Living Body of
Messiah, and understand that the Living Body extends into the heavens, encompassing
archangels and angels of which the heavens are composed.

It comes to mind that attachment to the Messiah, the Holy Tzaddik and Community around Tzaddik, is
related to our awareness of and cleaving to the archangels and the angels of the Living Body. The Tzaddik
stands in this world as the Speaking One and so all that emanates from Tzaddik - thought and word and
action (all of this prayer of the Holy One), extends the Living Body into this world and beyond. Is it accurate

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to say that our ability to draw nearer to Messiah, Tzaddik and Community is related to our ability to perceive
and cleave to the Living Body within and behind the movements, the rituals and teachings of Tzaddik and

It has often been taught that to invoke teachings and blessings from Tzaddik requires a kind of skillful means
- the ability to seek, to question, to ask, in the right way. This right way seems very much related to our
efforts to know and cleave to the Living Body, what is within and beyond the appearance in the physical, or
the teaching or ritual of Tzaddik - the body of archangels and angels, through our daily spiritual living,
through our studies, contemplations, meditations, and relations with others.

Any thoughts or adjustments to this contemplation will be received with gratitude, all as God wills.

There feels to be a great empowerment in this as well. If we are cleaving to the Living Body, then we have
the blessing to seek, to ask, for blessings, for greater teachings, for empowerments from our Tzaddik. And we
can know in faith that we will receive, according to the Will and Wisdom of God.

Indeed, the Kingdom of Heaven is within us and all around us! Hallelu - Yah!

May we cleave to the Living Body of the Messiah in all that we think, all that we say, and all that we do.

With gratitude,


Re: Angels "within" Archangels

Posted: Mon Mar 31, 2014 7:20 am

by Tau Malachi
Grace and peace to you in Hayyah Yeshua!

We cleave to the Infinite One, and the Infinite One alone, but our cleaving is through the Holy Sefirot, and
through the Messiah, Tzaddik and Community, through which the Infinite and Eternal is revealed and known,
and interacts with us, and so, likewise, through the archangels and angels, our siblings in the heavens.

There is something of an open secret that may be shared, one reflected by Enoch translated into Archangel
Metatron. At the outset angels uplift souls into the heavens, all as God wills it, and angels visit the righteous,
bearing the word of the Lord, and sharing knowledge and empowering. As souls receive the Holy Light and
Spirit of the Messiah, and they progress in the Gospel, so through the Holy Spirit souls may ascend into the
heavens and supernal palaces to visit tzaddikim and maggidim (angels) in them, and as souls enter into
Supernal Consciousness and unification with the Messiah in El Elyon, so they transcend the stations of the
angels and may uplifted them. When there is perfect devekut, cleaving, so angels cleave to awakened souls
and are drawn in ascension, the potential of a reciprocal interaction being realized, so that, truly, a human
soul resembles the angels and becomes a mature sibling of the warriors, messengers and luminaries of the

For a time we are created a little lower than the angels, but then as souls receive the Light and Spirit of the
Messiah they are uplifted and exalted among them, and beyond them. In this we might consider, and
contemplate, a Shabbat prayer of the Master recounted in the Gospel of St. Philip: “O you who have united
the Perfect Light and Holy Spirit with us, join with us now the images of the angels that we might be
complete” – that we might walk in your beauty and holiness, your true image and likeness.

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There is a reciprocal interaction between us and the angels of God, they blessing and uplifting us, we blessing
and uplifting them, they giving us strength, light power, and we giving them strength, light power, and
together through the Spirit of God, Ruach Elohim, Ruach Yahweh, we are uplifted in the Great Ascension, us
and the angels of God, all gathered in Adonai Messiah. Praise God!

Cleaving to Tzaddik and Community, we cleave to the Messiah and El Elyon, and cleaving to Tzaddik we do
not cleave to the name and form, or to the personality display, but we cleave to the indwelling Messiah, the
Light-presence and Light-power within them, and around them. The same is true of our Elder Brother,
Adonai Yeshua, it is not the person of the man, Yeshua, that we cleave to, but rather it is the Messiah, the
Anointing in him – the Holy Light and Spirit of El Elyon, the Supreme. Thus, understanding this, in order to
cleave we must have faith, an intuitive sense of the Living Presence within the Tzaddik, for otherwise we
cannot cleave, and would not cleave; and to engage in full cleaving with our soul, and our mind, heart and
life, we must have, not only faith, but knowledge of the Holy Light and Spirit in them, or some experience of
the transmission of the Holy Light and Spirit with them. Then, having the vision of experience, seeing who
and what they are in the Light Continuum, and having some experiential knowledge, we are empowered to
engage in a full cleaving, and so we are drawn near and are uplifted, and we are well established in the
Sanctuary of Grace.

A human being may, indeed, be a living tzaddik – an awakened soul, a holy person, but the Holy Tzaddik is
not the human person, or personality display, it is the Living Presence embodied in them, to which the person
and life serves as a vehicle, and is merged with in harmony; hence, the Holy Tzaddik is the indwelling
Messiah united with the awakened soul within them.

If and when we experience the transmission of the Supernal Light and Spirit, and we experience the
revelation of the Glory Body, then we clearly see and know the Holy Tzaddik, the Human One of Light; in
Body of Glory they resemble an archangel, or rather, a supernal prince, and yet more, the resemble a great
palace of light and the luminous assembly of souls and angels in it – an inconceivable and immeasurable
array of Holy Light and Fire, Shekinah and the Holy Spirit. If and when we are touched by the Holy Light
and Spirit, and yet more, when we behold the revelation of the Body of Glory – the Truth of the Risen
Messiah, then we can cleave to this Living Presence, the Holy Tzaddik, within and around the man or woman
of God we know in this world, for then we have the experience, the knowledge, through which we can

Quite naturally, believing is one thing, and it is good, but knowing is another, and it is superior to believing;
ultimately our salvation is not accomplished through believing, but through knowing – understanding this we
are rightly called Gnostics, and ours is a Gnostic Apostolic Succession.

Let us understand the true purpose of this, however, and let us have no idols – the purpose is the awakening
and uplifting of our soul in return to God, the realization of the inner tzaddik and indwelling Messiah, and the
experience of God Consciousness (Supernal or Messianic Consciousness). When I say, “let us have no idols,”
what I mean is, let us receive in oneness, not in the delusion of lack, or the illusion of separation, and let us
understand that as who and what the Holy Tzaddik is in God is revealed to us, so who and what we are in
God is being revealed to us that we also might abide as the Anointed, a Human Being of Light – a true
daughter or son of the Living God (Elohim Hayyim).

The entire purpose of the Holy Tzaddik and their revelation to us is the awakening and realization of our soul,
and our return to God, and this revelation, and the anointing we receive, is not from a mortal being, or flesh
and blood, but it is from Shaddai, the Almighty, and is communicated to us through Ruach Elohim, the Spirit
of God; Yahweh Elohim, the Lord God chooses, El Elyon, the Supreme ordains. What transpires was
preordained, predestined. It’s God-given! Praise God!

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Look and see! When we receive the revelation of this Living Presence and Power – the Messiah, then,
cleaving to the Messiah and Holy Sefirot we cleave to the Infinite One, Ain Sof; and cleaving with
knowledge, da’at, to Tzaddik and Community, so we cleave to the Messiah and Sefirot, for we know that
Holy Light and Spirit in the Living Body. When we receive our anointing, and we cleave, so are we joined to
the Living Body, and we, too, embody that Holy Light and Spirit, that Living Presence, more or less, all as
we abide in the remembrance of the I Am, all as ordained by El Elyon.

Truly, this revelation, this realization in the Messiah, is a holy remembrance – remembering who and what
we are in God and in the Pleroma of Light, and living the Life Divine is being and becoming who we most
truly are, the unique and individual emanation of the Living God that we are, and shall be.

Archangels, angels, they are not foreign to our soul in the Messiah, they are our siblings, our brothers, sisters,
in the Light Continuum and the heavens. Thus, in the Revelation of John the Beloved, a very different
relationship is spoken between this anointed tzaddik and the angels than with the prophets before him, for
when he bows down before the angel and his angelic tzaddik corrects him, the holy angel tells him, “We are
siblings.” This happens twice in Revelation, and it is a message to all of us who are in the Messiah, the

Listen and hear, and understand! If, indeed, in the Messiah we are siblings of angelic, divine beings, and if in
the Messiah we are uplifted in ascension beyond the world of angels and world of archangels into the Palace
of the Messiah, the heart of the Supernal Abode, then we have every reason to abide in spiritual self-worth in
the Messiah, while also having spiritual humility before the Infinite One, Yahweh Elohim, Shaddai. The
Infinite and Eternal is within us, and we are in the Infinite and Eternal, and the Infinite and Eternal is ever
beyond us – in unification with the Infinite we touch and do not touch, and so we abide in spiritual self-worth
and all humility, and we give praise and thanks to the Lord God, and we worship the Lord our God.

We cleave to Yahweh Elohim, Shaddai, and to the Messiah, the Lamb of God, and through Divine Grace, the
Holy Spirit, we are unified with the Messiah in Yahweh Elohim, Shaddai. Praise the Almighty Living God!

The more we are aware of the Infinite One within and behind what appears, and what transpires, the
greater our cleaving, and the greater our experience of nearness and oneness; may the Most High bless
us with this holy awareness, this holy remembrance, and gather us in! Amen.

Shaddai Shalom!

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