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Dumahiah: Yah is Silence

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Dumahiah: Yah is Silence

Posted: Fri Mar 01, 2013 1:46 pm

by Tau Malachi
Dumahiah: “Yah is Silence”

This is a supernal archangel from among the hashmalim, “speaking silences,” that uplifts souls of the
spiritual elect so that they might receive revelations of inmost secret mysteries of God, and most subtle and
sublime illuminations from the Spirit of God. If and when an initiate makes it a habit to abide in deep prayer
and meditation, hitbodedut, silencing the mind and quieting the vital, so Dumahiah may be sent to that soul
and bring perfect silence, uniting the silence in that soul with the Great Silence that God Is.

As we know, when thought and desire are a singularity, there is no thought and no desire, and the mental
consciousness enters into repose or cessation; abiding in this complete cessation awaken and alert, it is in this
state that the dawn of Supernal or Messianic Consciousness transpires. Because of this, Dumahiah is
associated with the Thunderbolt Enlightenment.

In Supernal or Messianic Consciousness there no need for thought and thinking, although it can and does take
up mental, vital and physical consciousness, transforming them into vehicles of the Supernal Light; instead,
in the experience of Supernal Consciousness everything is accomplished through silent volition. This is
among the lofty and holy angels that hold this power of the Supernal Crown, or this power of the realization
of Eheieh, the Divine I Am.

The invocation of this Great Maggid is going within, and going deeper still – it is in deep meditation,

When your mind is completely silent, and your vital completely still, so this Great Hashmal may come upon
you, and with it, so also the full Supernal Influx.

This angel must not be confused with Dumah, an emanation of the angel of death that corresponds with the
silence of the grave, and who is also an angel of vindication, bearing power to silence accusing angels.

In closing, there is one more thing we can share concerning Dumahiah. He/she corresponds with Perfect
Peace, the peace of the “unmovable ones.”

Peace be with you!

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