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Birzaitiel: Olive Wells of God

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Birzaitiel: Olive Wells of God

Posted: Fri Mar 15, 2013 10:41 am

by Tau Malachi
Birzaitiel: “Olive Wells of God”

This is an archangel of creation from the order of elohim, “divine beings,” who prays continually on behalf of
the faithful and spiritual elect for the evolution of their interior life through which they might be able to
receive a greater flow of shefa (spiritual powers) and ruhaniyot (spiritual essences) of the Holy Sefirot, or
Divine Attributes; as Birzaitiel and his/her hosts pray for the empowerment of souls in the spiritual life and
practice, so also this archangel sends forth myriad emanations to inspire and guide souls in the development
of their interior life, inspiring them in prayer and meditation, and the generation of a deeper communion with

Birzaitiel holds much knowledge of the ways of prayer of great tzaddikim and prophets, and for example, it is
said he/she was present when Elisha prayed over the widow’s oil, increasing it and generating abundance.
This angel of God knows ways of prayer such as this, and how the power of prayer increases when a daily
continuum of prayer and meditation is remembered and kept, joined with remembering and keeping the Holy
Shabbat. This knowledge and understanding is, in truth, very important if an aspirant wishes to entertain
communion with the holy angels of God, for no one can enter into this communion apart from daily prayer
and meditation, and the evolution of their interior life. One cannot conjure the angels of God on a whim,
anymore than they can conjure the Spirit of God, but one can invite and welcome them, praying and
meditating each and every day, and so seek their good company.

As you might imagine, if and when an initiate or tzaddik is aware of a brother or sister struggling to pray and
meditate each day, Birzaitiel is among the powers of God they might invoke to bring inspiration, guidance
and the healing of faith to restore that brother or sister’s prayer life. Likewise, if they know a brother or sister
is laboring for an evolution of their continuum of prayer and meditation, or hears that they are engaging in a
spiritual retreat to deepen their prayers and meditation, they might invoke Birzaitiel to bless and empower
them in their efforts.

There is another spelling of the name of this archangel, which indicates knowledge and power he/she
acquired in the reception of the Messiah. This name is Birzavitiel, which means “wounds of God.” According
to a Christian Midrash, when the Risen Messiah appeared in the upper room and revealed his wounds to the
disciples, Birzaitiel was present in the subtle dimension of that sacred and holy place, and he/she, along with
many angels of God, bowed down, honoring the Lamb of God and worshiping in the Shekinah of the Messiah
for the first time. The self-offering of the Lamb of God, and the sight of his wounds struck this archangel

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deeply, and rising up in the Shekinah of the Messiah, so he/she received his/her supernal essence and power,
and the name Birzavitiel was spoken by the Lord, Adonai, in heaven. In this, as you might intuit, Birzavitiel
is among the archangels associated with the mystery of the stigmata, which those who pray with passionate
faith and devotion, cleaving to the Messiah in the Passion and Crucifixion have experienced; and as such, this
is an angel of God that bears witness to the reality of the Passion and Crucifixion of the Lord, and who
inspires faith that God has walked among us.

The invocation of Birzavitiel is not openly taught, but there is an invocation and chant that can be shared for
Birzaitiel. He/she appears in a glorious jeweled body, in the likeness of a human being with two great wings
of translucent light. When invoked, often the Name of Yahweh Tzavaot and El Shaddai are called upon, and
among the chants taught for the angel is: Ba-Ya, Bee-Ra-Za-Ya-Ta-EE-El.

Peace be with you!


Posted: Tue Apr 02, 2013 10:12 am

by +David
Greetings Elder Brother and Tau

By contemplating this Shining Being's name as "Birzavitiel" - the wounds of God - one thinks of those
Tzaddikim who are known to have displayed the Stigmata.

Then I remembered tales of other Tzaddikim of whom it is said, that on receiving the Stigmata, they would
pray for it to remain invisible.

Is it known in the tradition of the Stigmata appearing on the higher Bodies - Light, Glory, or Beatific - but not
visible upon the physical vehicle? And are these 'wounds' emblematic of openings (in the hands, feet and
heart) for outpouring of light-power to others?

May the grace of the Risen One be upon us all this day!

Concealed & Energetic Stigmata

Posted: Tue Apr 02, 2013 11:44 am

by Tau Malachi
Grace and peace to you in Hayyah Yeshua, the Risen Messiah!

Yes, dear brother, there are tzaddikim who have experienced the stigmata, but have prayed for their wounds
to be hidden in humility, but also to conceal their spiritual works so that they might not be encumbered or
hindered in their prayers for the people. In a similar way, most tzaddikim will hide “signs of attainment,” not
wishing to attract attention to themselves, and very often in spiritual works will pray and meditate in secret,
and render invisible assistance, but not wishing to glorify themselves, but rather wishing to glorify God and
bolster faith in God.

Concerning the stigmata, with some tzaddikim it will become visible only in private times of prayer, or only
when they are in spiritual retreat, and likewise with some, it may only become visible in powerful movements
of the Holy Spirit with souls given to them by the Holy Spirit who draw very close to them; hence, in very
special moments of energetic transmission and blessing.

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There is, indeed, an esoteric manifestation of the stigmata in the subtle body, which as you have said,
corresponds with an opening of the heart star, and the interior stars in the hands and feet, which is an
empowerment for a greater transmission of the Christ-Spirit, or Holy Light. If and when this occurs,
wherever that tzaddik walks is holy, blessed, and whatever they touch is holy, blessed, and wherever they are,
there is holiness, and blessings, in that place – the laying on of hands is very powerful with these holy
tzaddikim. This esoteric stigmata in the body of light comes through a very direct and intimate involvement
on an energetic level with the rite of ransom, the taking on of the sorrow and suffering of others, and the
giving of one’s peace and joy, light and life, in return; when an initiate becomes fully immersed in this Great
Gesture, and there is no other thought or desire than the love of others in this way, so the energetic stigmata
may occur in their Body of Glory.

At times, quite distinctly, and quite literally, there are tzaddikim who undergo physical illness or trauma as a
talisman of the rite of ransom, consecrating and offering up the physical suffering that arises in their
experience and journey in life to Christ and God for the deliverance and healing of others. Very often when
tzaddikim engage in this energetic stigmata will occur in their Glory Body, for in this divine action a greater
influx of the Holy Light will enter into them and flow through them, and through the energetic stigmata they
have a greater capacity to share the Holy Light with others.

There is also the stigmata of the crown of thorns, and there is something we may share about this, for this
corresponds with the holy desire for the illumination of souls, and the uplifting of souls in the Great
Ascension; hence, if and when the energetic stigmata is complete, so a tzaddik will also have a great capacity
for the transference of consciousness with other souls.

The stigmata on every level corresponds with a very deep and intimate psychic and spiritual connection with
Christ in the Passion and Christ on the Cross, and generally speaking there is deep knowledge of the True
Cross, and the Holy Light of that Cross; not the cross of wood, but of Holy Light and the Fire of Heaven.

O Adonai, may the Light of the True Cross shine brightly on earth and throughout the entirety this
day. Amen.

God bless you!

Creation and Wounds of God

Posted: Sun Aug 04, 2013 7:14 am

by Anna
Greetings and blessings in the Merciful Messiah!

The “Wounds of God” brings up a beautiful contemplation of God’s Limitless Love for Creation, for all
beings. I was wondering if these wounds were created on the second day of creation, when the waters above
and below were separated and God did not say that it was good. My understanding is that this is the creation
of Perud, the Realm of Separation. Further, might these Wounds correspond to the worlds of separation and to
the klippoth in our incarnations in this way:

Beriyah, (Creation )—Name

Yetzirah, (Formation)—Form
Asiyah, (Action)—Personal History ?

It becomes an astounding contemplation of God’s Love and the Love of Messiah, to consider that God
created these wounds, and that God’s Annointed bore them, for the sake of the healing of Creation! No

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wonder there is such rejoicing in the heavens and on earth when the Risen Messiah appears! Praise and Glory
to the Holy One of Being! Praise to the Messiah and Kallah Messiah!

May all beings receive the Healing and Liberation already won for us, destined for us all since the Beginning!

Shabbat Shalom!

Re: Birzaitiel: Olive Wells of God

Posted: Tue Aug 06, 2013 11:24 am

by Tau Malachi
Grace and peace to you in Hayyah Yeshua!

The play of name and form, and personal history, all of this corresponds with Asiyah, the Universe of Action.
There must be, however, something of this throughout the inner, metaphysical dimensions, reaching into the
Supernal Dimension. At the level of Yetzirah there is the astral dimension of this, corresponding with this
incarnation, but at the level of Beriyah there is the spiritual dimension of this, corresponding with the
countless incarnations of our soul and all that has transpired leading into this incarnation. At the level of
Atzilut, the Supernal Universe, there is our name as we are in God, or the Light Continuum, and our supernal
zelem, image, as we are in God, or the Light Continuum, and all the incarnations of our soul are a present
reality, past, present and future, for it is the eternal realm and there is no time, no past and future in it. Thus,
at the level of Atzilut there is no personal history, though there is the reality of the Ancient of Days, or
Eternal Youth, in the inmost dimensions of the Supernal Universe; hence Atik Yomin.

The greater the realization of the soul, the further the reach into these inner dimensions of name and form,
and the greater the knowledge and remembrance of this grand journey of the soul, and in Supernal
Realization, something of the power of our name and image as we are in God becomes embodied in this life,
which is to say something of our divine or enlightened nature, our bornless being, is realized and embodied.
In this there is an awareness of unification with God and Godhead, and something of God, the Divine,
becomes embodied, as we see in our Elder Brother, Yeshua Messiah.

The cause of the wounds of Christ does, indeed, come into being on the second day of creation, and likewise,
it comes into being on the sixth day of creation, with the separation of Adam and Havvah; but the full
generation of these wounds comes when Havvah and Adam eat of the Tree of Knowledge prematurely, and so
are not able to remember and keep, or realize, the Eternal Shabbat. God does not cause the sorrow and
suffering that pervades creation, but rather it is caused by the demiurge, which is to say the ignorance, the
illusion of separation, and the self-grasping, self-will, and play of desire and fear in the ignorance; in a word,
the sorrow and suffering is caused by sin, or negative karma, in the delusion of lack, the illusion of
separation. As such, God does not create the wounds of Christ, just as the ransom given is not to God, the
True Light, but to the demiurge and archons, and demons; and more than a ransom for the deliverance of
souls, this action was for the sake of revelation for the realization and fulfillment of souls in God – the return
of souls to God.

God did not crucify the Christ-bearer, ignorant, wicked people did, inspired by spiritual forces of ignorance
and wickedness; that these spiritual forces are a byproduct of the second day of creation, and that and that
shards of klippot from previous cycles of creation are activated on the second day, so what transpires at the
crucifixion is set into motion on the second day.

God forbid, though, that we should believe that God, the True Light, creates suffering or created the wounds

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of Christ; the intention of God in the creation of the Human One was not the illusion of sin and death, and the
immeasurable sorrow and suffering caused by it, but rather was, and is, the Eternal Shabbat, which is to say
infinite light and eternal life – the realization of Bornless Being (Christ).

It is true, though, that the spiritual and mystical experience of the stigmata is a gift from the Spirit of God to
those who are very zealous for the Lord, and who have passionate faith and devotion, and who yearn for
nearness and unification with the Lord on the Cross, or who mourn the Passion and Crucifixion, and who
desire to take something of that burden upon themselves, indentifying with all who are bound up in sorrow
and suffering, and therefore desiring to participate in the rite of ransom.

I know of an initiate that many years ago was engaged in giving and receiving, and who had just received the
spiritual empowerment for the Threefold Rite of Perfect Joy from Tau Elijah – the practice of a threefold self-
offering. As the initiate was engaged in giving and receiving meditation the initiate experience a spontaneous
unification with Christ on the cross, and when another initiate happened to glance over at them during the
session of prayer and meditation, there was an aura of glory surrounding them and the signs of the stigmata,
blood freely flowing from the wounds that appeared, and it was as though those wounds were giving off the
fragrance of celestial, heavenly flowers, a beautiful fragrance such as is not to be found in this world. Those
who were present experience s profound radiance of God’s love, a deep peace and sublime joy, as well as awe
and wonder; after the experience the initiate recounted being taken up into the heavens, and spoke not of
pain, but the most intense joy or bliss, though at the outset she shared it all began with the most
overwhelming vision of sorrow in deep empathy with all sentient beings bound up in suffering. It took
several weeks for the wounds to disappear, or heal, and when they did not mark was left behind. Needless to
say, this was received as a great blessing, not only for the initiate who directly experienced it, but for all who
witnessed it, and for the entire circle of companions. This transpired with an initiate in Tau Elijah’s circle,
and apparently it had also happened with Mother Sarah in the past, before I came to circle, during a Feast of
the Crucifixion and Resurrection, as well as at other times.

This is among the gifts the Holy Spirit can give, though it is relatively rare. Among other things, it seems to
be a witness of the Holy Spirit to the truth of the crucifixion and resurrection, which is the essential vehicle of
the Light Transmission within the Christian stream; hence, it a witness of the Holy Spirit affirming faith and
bolstering faith, as well as granting knowledge through direct experience. Joined with this, when the stigmata
happens, it also seems to be a theurgic action and talismanic of a forgiveness, deliverance and healing of
souls, or a return of souls to God at that time, in that generation; hence, an uplifting of souls at a distance, as
well as those who are present.

May the spiritual labor of the rite of ransom continue in our generation and may many living spirits
and souls return to God! Amen.

Yeshua Shalom!

The Wounds and Our Spiritual Labor

Posted: Wed Aug 07, 2013 12:47 pm

by Anna
Blessings in the Holy Light of the Sacred Heart of Messiah!

Such a passionate act of love and compassion for all beings that the Perfect Master made on the cross is
beyond the power of words to describe! His agonizing passion and death speaks not only of an astounding
intensity of love, but also of a keen awareness of the incredible suffering of all beings in the ignorance--
beyond anything that could have been done physically to the Christ Bearer. This willingness of Master

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Yeshua to offer his suffering for all beings speaks of the Divine intent for all beings to be happy and fulfilled.
The original intent in the creation of the second day seems in allowing free will, so that beings might all
choose to love freely, choose to be all that they are in God, out of love for God and one another. In this
creation of free will, so God opened Godself to all that would happen as a result, including the necessity of
enacting the Rite of Ransom, both initially and as an ongoing spiritual labor, as I understand you are drawing
out in your post, dear Tau.

The vau in the name of Birzavitiel brings up the teaching that the three vau/nails used in the crucifixion
represent the three worlds of Beriyah, Yetzirah and Asiayah. In his theurgic action of pacifying, enriching,
subjugating and destroying klippot in these three worlds, it seems a conduit between Heaven and Earth was
finally generated for all beings on this Good Earth. After this heroic and passionately loving act, we may now
abide in the Sanctuary of Grace which unites Heaven and Earth in the Christ Bearer and, to some degree it
seems, in all who are blessed to take refuge in this Holy Sanctuary.

These wounds run very deeply, through the body of Master Yeshua and, by grace, into each of us who take up
our cross and follow in the Way. For certainly none of us can walk this Way of the Master, this Way of the
Cross, without some blessing of love for others, expanding our hearts and joining to some gradation in the
Sacred Heart of Christ.

The wounds of the Passion speak profoundly of Yeshua's identification with Ain. Humiliation, both physical
and psychological, was inflicted as he suffered persecution for the Kingdom, and revealed an intensity of zeal
rare in this realm. The flogging that is mentioned in each Gospel account is traditionally accepted to be 39
"stripes" by which, according to Christian tradition, Isaiah says in Chapter 53, verse 5, we “are healed.” In
contemplating the theurgic action of this it also comes up that the crowning with thorns occurs after the
terrible flogging. The numbers seem kabbalistically to speak of the Tree of Life in the four worlds, Asiyah up
to Atzilut. Are there teachings concerning this part of the Passion? It would seem that the theurgic action that
brought the healing of the Separation of the Waters must have been one of extreme purification.

To engage in contemplation of our Lord’s Passion and Crucifixion is a tremendous blessing, one which
moves us on every level of being. I cannot help but weep at what he suffered, and more so, to weep at the
intimations of what he must have seen, his profound understanding of the Vision of Sorrow.

What further teachings might be shared of these wounds of God and this blessed angel that bowed down in
the Presence of the Risen Messiah and arose in his/her supernal essence and power? How may we more
deeply connect with the Perfect Master in his Passion and Resurrection so that the Light Transmission may be
shared more fully among us, so that the “spiritual labor of the Rite of Ransom” may be enacted deeply in this


Re: Birzaitiel: Olive Wells of God

Posted: Thu Aug 08, 2013 4:53 pm

by Tau Malachi
Greetings and blessings in the Holy Light of the Messiah!

If we wish to acquire deeper knowledge and understanding of this angel of God, and how this holy angel was
moved by the wounds of the Master, then let us follow the instruction of the Master, “Take up your cross and
follow me in my way.”

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If we wish to understand the cross we are to take up, it is love and charity, understanding charity as the action
of love, and as the desire to enact a full surrender to God, or a full self-offering. If we consider those who
have experienced the stigmata, they have an extremely passionate faith and love for Christ, and generally
speaking, they have passionate desire, yearning, for a complete self-offering and unification; so much so that
they enter into a complete self-identification with Christ in the Passion and on the cross, and therefore receive
this gift from the Holy Spirit, experiencing these holy wounds as their own.

I’ve shared a teaching on the spiritual power of charity elsewhere today, from my morning prayers and
contemplation, please see there – “The Gnostic Path” forum.

It may be, though, that in a focus upon the rare gift of the stigmata, and the more esoteric ramifications of it,
we have missed the larger spiritual labors of this archangel from among the elohim, and missed the intentions
for which this angel of God is most often invoke; hence, for progress, leaps, in the interior life, and in one’s
practice of prayer and meditation, and the worship of God. If there are any gifts of the Holy Spirit given, do
they not come through this; that we are willing to deepen our spiritual life and practice, and that we generate
greater zeal for Yahweh? Thus, this angel of God can inspire greater zeal for Yahweh, the Light Continuum.

If there is something more to be said of this great and holy angel, it is this: He-she knows and teaches greater
knowledge of the Anointing, understanding that within the Anointing there is the ruhaniyot and shefa of all
the Sefirot and Netivot (the 32 Paths of Wisdom), and that it may be rightly said that there is an manifestation
of the Anointing, Messiah, corresponding with each Sefirah and Netivah – the Habad of this is held by this
holy angel of God.

Invoking this archangel a deeper acquaintanceship can be acquired, and with it, greater knowledge of this
angel of God.

Peace be with you!

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