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Can you imagine a world without chemistry?

The role of chemistry in the world as we know it

Chemistry plays an important role in the world as we know it. Chemistry allows us to have
mobile phones
phones, cars, sunscreens. It is responsible for higher food production, healthier food,
purifies the water we drink, allows us a cleaner life. Chemistry is all around us. In buildings
in which we live, the shoes we wear, the asphalt we walk on. Almost everything that surrounds
It is made of chemicals. Our heels need foam to make our walk easy and
painless, our clothes need synthetic dyes to be bright, our homes have chemistry
needed to keep warm.

Chemistry makes our lives cleaner

Recently, the COVID-19 pandemic has been facing major challenges and changing the way it is
we observe the world. All economic branches tirelessly adapt to the new situation in desire to
stop the spread of the virus, but one of them has a key role to play: the chemical industry. Which
provides the healthcare industry with the necessary raw materials. Pharmaceutical ingredients,
raw materials for disinfectants, washing and cleaning ingredients, as well as ingredients for the
production of medical equipment and personal protective equipment for health professionals are
just some of them disinfectants are chemical agents that serve to disable or completely destroy
microorganisms on inert surfaces.Without disinfectants viruses and bacteria would be Chemistry
makes our lives cleaner.
If only we could imagine what cleaning inside institutions and in the open looks like kilometers
and kilometers of hospital corridors, floors in shopping malls, endless receptions a room where
all glass and paved surfaces must be shiny and flawless clean. Detergents must not leave any
stain on the floor, but they must be dry and However, all these facilities, especially hospitals,
have another important requirement detergents not only have to remove dirt, dust and spilled
liquids, they also have to leave surfaces hygienically clean, and ideally provide more permanent
protection against microbes. Cleaning at home can get us out of step, because if we just clean
work surfaces, they are already crying for the new. If we multiply that by a thousand, we get
acres of floors and areas in hospitals, schools and offices, whose cleaning, as we know, is
necessary to perform regularly. The active substances that make the surfaces easy for the next
cleaning are of great help to the agencies to maintain cleanliness while adhering to the schedule
and achieving adequate results.
Health and safety rules have drawn attention to the quality of cleaning. Places with big with a
frequency of people like schools, hospitals and shops, the area is full of thousands of people
touches daily. Manufacturers of professional cleaning products for these locations are competing
to prove how their products provide effective disinfection, and not only leave surfaces clean,
ideally and long-term protected from microbes. From cleaning agents materials and plastics are
expected to disinfect but not degrade.

Chemistry provides enough healthy food and water

In 2050, almost ten billion people will live on Earth. As the world's population grows, as and its
needs, the planet's resources are limited. The United Nations predicts it will be it is necessary for
humanity to increase food production by 70% by 2050 in order to feed the world. Providing food
for a growing world population is the biggest challenge for agriculture. To To meet this
challenge, farmers need new technologies and new solutions.

Every man, woman and child must have access to healthy, quality food, both now and in the
future. It is the foundation for everyone’s quality of life. To ensure that agriculture can satisfy we
need to use today's and tomorrow's food needs, as well as the needs of future generations all the
potential of world knowledge.

Chemistry provides more clean water

Water is the main source of life. As much as 80% of our body consists of water, and 70% of our
planet it is covered with it. However, water is becoming scarcer as the number of people on
Earth grows their need for it.

There is enough drinking water on the planet for seven billion people, but it is uneven distributed
and too much is unnecessarily spent, polluted and unsustainably used. Many of these challenges
can be solved with suitable water purification solutions.

Chemistry keeps the air clean

The air around us significantly affects our daily lives. In fact, recent studies have shown that air
pollution can make it difficult for us to breathe in our sleep. Our catalysts help reduce it harmful
emissions from cars and industry. It is the chemistry that keeps our air clean.
Smog is formed due to a large number of small particles floating in the air. These particles come
from many sources, but mostly from traffic and industry. Air pollution can and does be fought
From the moment we wake up to the moment we fall asleep, our lives are affected by quality the
air we breathe.
Chemistry protects our skin

If there was no chemistry, on a sunny day on the beach, we would enjoy only our imagination.
We would have burns, our skin would be damaged, so we would age much earlier after all.
Plants love the sun. People love the sun. Everyone loves the sun. However, the sun can be very
harmful. Human the skin is vulnerable and that is why it is now more important than ever to
protect it from the sun's ultraviolet radiation. Fortunately, chemistry protects us here - with
protective means. The sun emits different ultraviolet rays that differ in their wavelength as UVA
or "Aging rays" (ultraviolet radiation with a wavelength between 320 and 400 nanometers) and
UVB which cause skin burns (ultraviolet radiation wavelength between 290 and 320

The main ingredients in sunscreens are chemicals. They are called UV absorbers and their main
goal is the absorption of harmful UVB and UVA rays to make them safe for ours skin. The best
sunscreens contain both UVA and UVB absorbers. UV filters have a difficult task. They are
expected to provide reliable protection from various UV rays. Sunscreen and care products must
also be extremely pleasant use. Excellent socially based technology is required to meet all
requirements. Combining effective UVB, UVA and / or broadband filters that provide overall
protection it became imperative. Clothing and textiles are a good example of this because they
evenly reduce total UV radiation to the skin. The first sunscreens and their UV filters focused
only on prevention of UV erythema, known as sunburn. Now products to protect against solar
radiation have many more tasks. Modern UV protection is twofold: cosmetic and health. Health
reduces the risk of skin cancer. The cosmetic looks at UV radiation as the main reason for
premature skin aging, the formation of wrinkles, as well as why we look older than we really are.

Chemistry makes roads safer and more durable

In 2050, almost 10 billion people will live on Earth. Fast pace of life and faster urbanization, as
well as the growth of road freight transport will require the application of new concepts in area
of the building. Material savings, durability, longevity, easy maintenance - a list of road
requirements and the streets of tomorrow are long. Road freight transport in Europe will continue
to be significant in the future grow. Therefore, sustainability is crucial when it comes to
infrastructure. Increase in traffic volume and unfavorable climatic conditions require more
durable, safer and sustainable roads. Road construction faces a number of challenges that include
reducing duration and costs maintenance works, limiting construction delays and traffic
problems, as well as improving safety at work by reducing the effects of harmful emissions.
Therefore, there is a great demand for modified bitumen that guarantees longevity roads, thanks
to excellent behavior at low temperatures, excellent resistance to high temperature, low viscosity
and simple mixing process.

Chemistry enables the recycling of plastic waste

Plastic waste, especially marine waste, is considered a major global problem. On the one hand it
grows pressure regulations regarding recycling quotas and recycling benefits, while on the other
hand our customers commit to an increasing share of recycled material in their offer. To solve
these problems require innovation and joint efforts in all segments of the value chain whole
world. Chemical recycling enables the recycling of plastics that do not exist today other
recycling solutions: mechanical recycling is suitable for recycling clean materials up to which
are obtained in large quantities by collection and sorting. However, our waste also contains
plastic products in which several types of plastic are combined for optimal properties, plastics
containing residues (eg food residues on packaging) and plastics that cannot be economically
sorted for recycling purposes. These materials may be chemically recyclable, so it can be
prevented from ending up in incinerators or landfills. Chemical recycling represents an
interesting business opportunity for us and our customers because the obtained products have the
same quality as well as fossil raw materials. At the end of the life of the plastic product, you
should choose the solution with the largest eco-efficiency. Because chemical recycling is an
opportunity for recycling mixed, multilayer and other complex plastics, it complements
mechanical recycling and can be a viable alternative to incineration or landfilling. Life cycle
analysis we ensure that this innovative approach creates value for the environment.


Beyond the general definition, chemistry is in the eyes of a careful observer all around us. It can
be said that fascinating, because people often experience it as something magical,
incomprehensible, artistic and One of the strongest motives is the fact that what we see, hear,
smell, we eat, we touch includes the existence of chemistry. Places for playing chemistry are
different, from the smallest building blocks of living pumpkins - cells, to the largest space -
space. In short, better knowledge of chemistry means a clearer understanding of the world.

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