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MEDICAL & DIAGNOSTIC CENTRE semats Cuomo Gre ~ ALL LABORATORY & IMAGING SERVICES - «jy YASHEEEN RE Ref No: 1096 Date of Examination: PERSONAL DATA: ‘Name: _| Farhan Hussain S/O; [_Ghulam Hussain bow: | 01/01/1999 Nationality: Pakistani NIC#: — 34603-8129114-4 Marital Status: Married Sex: Male Passport No: _YH6901141 Date of Issue 02/11/2022, Place of Issue: PAKISTAN, ‘OEP's: _ITTEAHD TTC ‘Ref By: *** ‘Country to Visit;_Canada Trade: PACKING ‘About any Present of Pass iliness) | Result __| Type of Examination | Result ‘Type of Examination | Result Tuberculosis ‘No ‘Height 5.6 feet BP 120/80 Asthma No Weight 71.00 kg Pulse ‘Normal ‘Typhoid Fever E a No | Vision Both Side) RT. 6/67. 616 Heart Beat Normal Uleer No | Color vision ‘Normal Lungs NAD Malaria No | Hearing ‘Normal ‘Abdomen NAD Surgical Procedure No | Liver Not Palpable Hernia Absent, Skin Normal Kidneys Normal (Psychiatric / Neurology Disorders) No | Hemorrhoids ‘Not Seen Varicose Veins ‘Absent Allergy No Diabetes No Thyroid Gland Not enlarged Others No UREA BSR mg/dl DRL Negative Creatinine mg/dl ‘Tuberculosis ‘Negative Bilirabin OVAICysts ‘X-RAY CHEST (P/A VIEW) : Remarks:- ‘The Examinee is Medically FIT for Employment where it may be concemed. Not valid for court, This Report is acceptable only for 60 days. Electronically verified report no signature (s) Required. rer} oe ater Set Dr. Mehreen Fatima Dr.Sonia Shoaib —_Dr. Ijaz Hussain Khan MBBS, M.Phil MBBS, FCPS MBBS, DMRO (Pb) Histopathologist Consultant Radiologist Consultant Radiologist a eee enc Pte cr Ree

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