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Millionaire Speed Wealth Secrets

Awaken the Financial Genius Within and Finally

Learn the Millionaire Secrets of the Worlds Silent Rich

Mal Emery

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“People Like You Make The World Go Round.  
I Just Want To Kiss You. Thank You.” 
Mal, how do you say thank you to someone as extraordinary as you? Not only did 
you make a massive impact upon my business, when I came to you 12 months ago, I 
thought I'd rather slit my throat than continue living. Man, you taught me some things 
that laid the foundations for a multi‐million dollar business, and we're making it happen. 
I don't know how to thank you. 
And then, to put icing on the cake, you bring us Joel Bauer. How do we say thank 
you for that? People like you make the world go round. I just want to kiss you. Thank 
Jennifer Elliot, Integrity and, Orange NSW 

“Through Mal's Speaking Training, I Actually Made $30,000  
Worth Of Sales In A Matter Of An Hour.” 
I first met Mal Emery close to four years ago now, and back then I was a person 
who started out in business and knew nothing about marketing. I had years of 
experience in IT and computer technology, and even telecommunications. Even with all 
my skills, as a business owner, I struggled to even get the first clients into our business. 
When I met Mal he was able to teach me the finer points of marketing, and more 
importantly, Direct Response Emotional Marketing. It's through that that he has helped 
me to evolve my own business, and myself personally, into becoming a media strategist. 
I now work and talk on the stage, and through Mal's speaking training, I've been 
able to go to seminars and present at seminars, and at the last one I did in fron of a 
group I actually made $30,000 worth of sales in a matter of an hour. 
It's through Mal's amazing training and his ability to actually relate with me ‐ and I 
know he can do the same with you ‐ that I've been able to make a change to my 
business. Again, thanks Mal. 
David McMahon, Media Solutions Pty Ltd, Ashmore QLD 

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“Mal is Absolutely, Without Question, Australia and New Zealand’s  
Leading Marketing Authority!” 
I've known Mal Emery since 2002, and I have seen a man transform Australia's 
entrepreneurial free‐thinking people into multi‐millionaire business owners. I'm one of 
those people, and I want you to know that Mal Emery is somebody you absolutely must 
have in your mentoring list. 
A few key things you need to know. Mal is absolutely, without question, Australia 
and New Zealand's leading marketing authority. But it goes beyond that as well. Mal is 
now revered around the world for his talents and his innovative and forward advanced 
thinking, and helping people not only what Mal himself personally achieves in his own 
marketing, but actually transform their businesses and subsequently their lives. 
It has been an absolute honour for me to have known Mal as long as I have, and to 
be able to offer up this opportunity. Now, the door is open for you to discover how Mal 
Emery can help you transform your life. Do not miss the opportunities that Mal presents 
to you, to join the Platinum group or any other programme that he offers. 
Every cent I've spent with Mal, and he certainly gets me to spend many of them ‐ 
many hundreds of thousands of dollars over the years ‐ every cent I've spent with Mal 
has been absolutely worth it. 
This is your chance to experience, What me and my family have experienced, 
thanks to Mal Emery. 
Jennie Armato,, Williamstown, VIC 

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“I've had more new clients than I can handle actually, to be honest.” 
A couple of years ago I was searching for referrals and leads, and was having 
trouble bringing in the type of people that I was wanting to attract. I spoke to Mal Emery, 
and through implementing a few marketing strategies that he devised, it interestingly 
generated business that I wanted. New clients, and I've had more new clients than I can 
handle actually, to be honest. 
So, if you're looking for a person who can help you take your business from 
ordinary to extraordinary, Mal Emery's definitely the guy and give him a call! 
Glenn Korn, Korn Corp Consulting, Londenderry NSW 
“In Just The First Four Months Of Working Together,  
My Profit Was 38% Higher Than At The Same Time Last Year.” 
Mal helped me to clarify my unique brand and position in the marketplace, which 
has clearly established me as the #1 supplier in that niche market. As a direct result of 
Mal's coaching, I've been invited to speak and promote myself at international 
conferences in the U.K., Canada and Singapore. And the numbers speak for themselves: 
In just the first four months of working together, my profit was 38% higher than at the 
same time last year. Thanks, Mal! 
Gihan Perara, First Step, WA 

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“Since Dealing With Mal, Our average sale is now about $80,000 per  
client rather than $5,000.” 
Hi, my name's Gary Fumeaux from Advanced Profit Improvements. We're a cost 
reduction organisation to help companies save on business overheads and expenditure. 
Now, before we started working with Mal Emery, we used to deal primarily with small to 
medium sized clients. We found our average sale per client was about $5,000, and we 
had a lot of admin work and a lot of clutter ‐ work to have to deal with on a daily basis. 
Since dealing with Mal, Mal helped us to focus, and target more clearly who our ideal 
client was. And we found that our ideal client is actually large corporations. Since we 
moved to dealing with large corporations we now need less clients. Our average sale is 
now about $80,000 per client rather than $5,000. 
So what it has really meant to our lives is that we have less admin, less clutter in our lives 
‐ we need less clients, I've got more time to do and enjoy the things I enjoy doing, and we 
make more money. 
So I'd just like to say "Thank you, Mal, for the help and the guidance that you've given us 
in improving our business, and more importantly, our lifestyle. 
Gary Fumeaux, Advanced Profit Improvements, Concord, NSW 
“From Working 38 hours to Just 24 Hours” 
“With your One on One Coaching and Mentoring I went from working 38 hours per week 
down to just 24 hours and increased my income and profitability. You gave me a taste of 
what it means to be financially autonomous.” 
Michael Cornish, NSW 

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“Mal, You Changed My Life, If Not Saved It” 
Approximately six years ago, I met a gentleman on stage at a money expo at 
Darling Harbour. His name was Mal Emery. At the time, I couldn't afford to eat, I literally 
was starving, and I was a struggling electrician. 
Mal showed me some strategies that I madly wrote down. And since I've just used 
him relentlessly trying to get more information out of him. And I'm glad to say that he 
took pity on me and shared some of his skills with me. 
Now, six years later, 37 million dollars, or more than 37 million dollars in sales, 3 
multi‐million dollar businesses, and the ability now where I have shown other people 
who were in a similar state to me, how to turn their lives around and save themselves 
from closing their doors. 
My name's Ian Marsh, Mal, you changed my life, if not saved it. I will never ever be 
able to thank you enough. 
If you want to make a difference in your life, financially, and you want to have a 
clear cut strategy on how to get clients coming through your doors, and making good 
profits on those clients, and then keeping those clients for life, there is no one else you 
should look to, but Mal Emery. 
Ian Marsh,, Windsor NSW 
“Profit Generating Tactics” 

  If you’ve got a business, or thinking of starting one, no‐one gives you as much real, ‘in 
the trenches,’ profit‐generating information as Mal Emery. 

Brett McFall, QLD 

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“Since 2005 ‐ 2007 We Have Had About A 91% Growth. We Just Put That 
Down To Mal's Marketing” 
We joined Mal Emery's Platinum group in December of 2005, and we'd like to 
share a few insights into our growth and the story of our business. 
Prior to that we had a very successful cylinder remanufacturing business, that was 
severely impacted by government regulations. It did harm to the industry itself and 
almost destroyed our business. At that time we had developed what we thought was an 
excellent product to solve the problem, but it failed. 
We met Mal in December 2005, and with his help we were able to relaunch our 
new company, with some strategies that enabled us to double our sales within 18 
months to our customer group, and in recent times allowed us to do very special projects 
such as winning over major corporate customers with some of those sales over half a 
million dollars. 
Which just means that we now have a very viable business, and a process that 
we're now safe to license to other engine reconditioners throughout Australia who, have 
given them a way forward with a very profitable process. 
It has been an incredible growth story, since 2005 ‐ 2007 we have had about a 91% 
growth. We just put that down to Mal's marketing systems, the way that he teaches, the 
information that he has given us has just been sensational, and we just can't thank Mal 
Emery enough. 
We were putting on 5 buying customers every working day last year, which was 
just chaotic to deal with, so it's obviously new profits that we're finding. 
So we'd just like to say "Thanks Mal, you've done a wonderful job with our 
business and we just thank you very much. We love you dearly!" 
Mark Selbst & Carl Smith, Allhead Service, Braeside VIC 

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“Was Going To Sell the Business, But it’s Going So Well Now I’m  
Having Second Thoughts’ 
The reason I joined Mal Emery's group is that I had some issues with my business, 
and I hired some people to try to teach me to get out of some of the issues that I was 
had. But I was unsuccessful. Mal seemed to have the remedies that I was really seeking. 
The issues that I had with my business was that I just didn't have enough turnover, 
the profit wasn't there, I was losing interest and I couldn't retain staff. All those things 
after I joined with Mal, he put me through a step‐by‐step process analyzing, and he put 
me through the test also because the problems start from me ‐ from the owner. 
I was able to turn that business around and it's a very successful business. 
Originally I joined Streetsmart Business Builders to get the business ready for sale, but 
I'm having second thoughts whether I'm going to sell that business purely because the 
business now is doing so well. 
I thank you Mal ‐ he's done a brilliant job. Everything ‐ he has challenged me, he 
has put me through the test, he has made me accountable, he tells it as it is and gets 
straight to the point. He has assisted me enormously and I thank you for that. 
Sam Raslan, Taza Bakehouse, Adelaide SA 
“Technophobic Couple Discover the Lazy Mans Way to  
Riches and Make $250,000US in 12 Months Online, then Retire” 
We  now  make  money  in  our  sleep,  day  after  day,  living  a  lifestyle  we  previously 
only ever dreamed of. We literally pinch ourselves daily with excitement. Mal promised 
financial freedom, and we’ve achieved that because we’ve now quit our fee‐for‐service 
consulting work. This wouldn’t have been possible without Mal. 
Dr Daryl & Andrew Grant, QLD 

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This work is copyright. Apart from any use permitted under the Copyright Act, 
no part may be reproduced by any process or any other exclusive right 
exercised, without the permission of Magnetic Marketing & Publications 2008 
© Magnetic Marketing & Publications 2008 
Published by: Magnetic Marketing & Publications 
PO Box 83, Mt Hawthorn WA 6915 
Tel: (08) 9201 2122; Fax: (08) 9201 2133 
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While every attempt has been made to verify information provided in this book, neither 
the author nor the publisher assumes any responsibility for any errors, inaccuracies or 
omissions. Any slights of people or organizations are unintentional. 
This book is not intended for use as a source of legal or accounting advice. It is sold with 
the understanding that the publisher is not engaged in rendering legal, accounting, or 
other professional services. If legal advice or other expert assistance is required, the 
services of a competent professional person should be sought. You should be aware of 
any laws which govern business transactions or other business practices in your state. 
The income statements and examples are not intended to represent or guarantee that 
everyone will achieve the same results. Each individual's success will be determined by 
his or her desire, dedication, effort, and motivation. There are no guarantees you will 
duplicate the results stated here, you recognise that any business endeavour has 
inherent risk for loss of capital. 
Any reference to any persons or business, whether living or deceased, existing or 
defunct, is purely coincidental. 

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Introduction by Mal Emery                  13 
SECTION ONE:   Creating the Million Dollar Mind Set 
Pat Mesiti      Millionaires Start In The Mind            14 
SECTION TWO:   Speed Wealth Marketing Secrets 
Dan Kennedy  Using The Internet As A Cog In The           32 
Marketing Wheel 
Joel Bauer  It’s All About The Herd…It’s All About           47 
The List, It’s All About The People You  
Rich Schefren  Build Your Business And Free Yourself           61 
Of The Daily Grind 
Ted Nicholas  Secrets To Becoming An Entrepreneur           89 
Rather Than An Employee 
Carlo Castellano  How To Trade The Market And Generate         105 
Rick Otton  Make Great Money And Positive Cash           127 
Flow From A Thing Called Real Estate” 
SECTION THREE:   Internet Marketing Millions 
Alexandria Brown  Making Money Is Being Able To Write           148 
An Email And Press Send 
Matt & Amanda Clarkson  Know For Sure That Your eBay Business          156 
Will Bring In At Least $1500 A Day 7 Days  
A Week 
Armand Morin  We’re Going To Talk About Something I’ve         169 
Been Teaching For A Little Bit Called Internet Marketing  
Jennie Armato  Who Would Like To Have Businesses Running         178 
While You’re Traveling Around The World? 
Stephen Pierce      The Blueprint For You To Create Your Own Success      195 
Dedication                        218 

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There is a controversial message I need to get off my chest before I explode, to the honest hard 
working people of Australia. Did you know that... amazing new research reveals that every day about 41.09 
new millionaires are created in Australia. That’s one NEW member of the “Silent Millionaire’s Club” every 35 
minutes. This phenomenon is spreading faster right here than most other places on the planet.  
Now, this new research by Finance Professionals Capgemini & Merrill Lynch as stated in their 2007 
“World Wealth Report”, revealed some astonishing information including that...  Australia is one of the fastest 
growing regions for millionaires in the world. 
That’s the good news, now for the frightening bad news, further research shows that only 19% of 
Australians would last one week on their current savings if they lost their job, 45% would last 4 weeks and 
only 23% would last more than 3 months. 
So it’s blatantly obvious that the vast percentage of hard working honest Australians are being left 
behind, and have little or no chance of joining the “Silent Millionaire’s Club”. 
So why is it that the “Silent Millionaire’s Club” is growing faster than ever and have you ever 
wondered as I have...  What makes the chasm of difference so wide between some people? 
It obviously isn’t intelligence because I know a lot of really broke smart people. It’s not talent or 
dedication either because I know a lot of those folk that are really broke also. It’s not because one person 
craves success more than another either.  
The difference lies in what each person knows and how he or she implements that knowledge. 
Unfortunately the mere possession of knowledge does not carry with it sure fire success, however the 
effective use of the right knowledge carries with it... Almost unlimited guaranteed success. 
So here’s what I’ve decided to do to help you get in sync with the “Silent Millionaire’s Club” and claim 
your right to be rich. I’ve handpicked, paid a king’s ransom for and called in a few chips to interview a 
number of the “Silent Millionaire’s Club” members, all within the pages of this book.  
You’re holding in your hands right here what I believe is one of the most informative books on the 
entire planet. Here's why. Each revealed their single most powerful strategies, relevant know‐how, inside 
secrets and nifty ‘tricks of the trade’ for piling up a fortune using a particular brand of wealth creation killer 
strategies for success at warp speed. 
Let’s face it, opportunities abound if you know how to take advantage of them. Within these pages 
lies the knowledge on how you can stack the deck in your favour… and claim your right to be rich.  
 So let's get started... 

Mal Emery  
Committed to Elevating the Financial Wealth and Wellbeing of Society  
Through Entrepreneurial Excellence and Guilty of Conspiracy to Create Capitalism 

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“Millionaires Start In
The Mind”

Pat Mesiti is an entrepreneur, a motivational speaker and who escaped a  
childhood of violence and negativity to turn his life around and develop a  
multi‐million dollar business that touches people around the world with a  
powerful message of hope and prosperity.  

“You see businesses don’t stop growing, people do. If

you stop growing your business will shrink.
It’s your thinking.”


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ntroduciing Pat Mesiti,
“Mr. M

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Pat Mesiti is not only a motivator, b preneur, an author and a ssales specialist. He has a u
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Pat is summarized by th
hree words…

For More Speed Wealth Insights from Mal Emery Deliveered to Your
Pat Mesiti

(This chapter is and uncensored and uncut transcription from a recent presentation of Pat’s on “How to
Achieve Money, Prosperity And Abundance.”)

“My name is Pat Mesiti and I love seeing people make money”.

“Is there anybody interested in making money”?

“Recently I was on a trip to the United States and we were on a speaking tour and I was with my business
colleague Greg Owen over there and we were on this plane and we got upgraded to first class because I needed the
leg room. Sitting in front of us are these 2 blokes about 27 or 28 years old. They have the chiseled chin, the 6 pack
abs and these two young blokes are in tank tops and they come up to me and say you’re from Australia aren’t you?
I said that’s right. They said what are you here for? I said I’m on speaking tour. The guy said what do you speak
about? I said I speak about money and prosperity and abundance. I love to help people make money and don’t
have to apologise for it.

“And this moron looks at me and says money is not that important to me. I said you’re broke aren’t you? How
many of you know that someone with money never says money is not that important? Is money important”?

“Then he says I got things that money can’t buy. I said name them. He said I have peace”.

“Now how many of you here would be more at peace with a couple of million dollars in the bank?”

“I said you have a mobile phone? He said yes I do. I said listen next time you get your mobile phone bill what I
want you do to go to your carrier and say I’m sorry I have no money but I have lots of peace”.

Then he says, I have love and money can’t buy you love”.

“I said let me tell you something, even if you’re ugly as a dog and you have money some woman will find you
cute. Isn’t that right mate? He’s got all these weird ideas in his head. How many of you here want to see your lives

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prosper? Their incomes go to another level? Their relationships go to another level? Who would like a
relationship? But you see a lot of people say if I just made more money, if I just made more money, if I won the

“I know a man that won $350 million in lotto and blew it in 2 years. Mike Tyson, Mike Tyson made $400
million US in boxing. How many of you here could live on $400 million US? Come on Mal raise it please. Who
could live on $400 million US? If you invested 10% how much would that give you a year in interest alone? 40,
who could live on $40 million US? If you’re a complete idiot and invested at 1% how much would that give you a
year alone? $4 million, who could live on $4 million US”?

“Mike Tyson is flat broke. As a matter of fact, he’s in a drug rehab center”.

“Here is the problem, Mike’s income grew but he didn’t”.

“What a tragedy. If you’re income grew, it’s amazing how many people they come to a seminar like this and
they’re looking for the idea or the angle or something out there and sure their incomes will grow for a while but
sooner or later their income or wealth shrinks to the level of their thinking”.

“Mike Tyson’s wealth grew but he didn’t. And eventually guess what happens”?

“Your wealth won’t keep you where your mindset won’t hold you. You’ve got to think rich. Now will
everyone do this say, shift this, touch this, hear this, especially us Wogs we like cash money”.

“I was speaking at a real estate meeting a little while ago and there were a couple of Lebanese guys there and
one of them says Pat Mesiti I love the way you’re talking mate. You come and talk to my team. I said no problem.
He said how much do you charge and I told him. Then he said how much for cash? Don’t you love it? Now do it
again and say shift this, give yourself a little knock in the head. How many think it’s a little uncomfortable when
you do that? Shift this, then touch this. You’ve got to do what you love and love what you do”.

“See you’ve got to have a good emotional relationship with money. My God some people you say come to this
seminar, go get some books, go get a program and they hang on to that dollar coin so tight the coin is choking.
Here is the problem and please don’t be offended by this, some of you are waiting for the idea, the investment or
this or that and they’re all great and wonderful. But what happens if that grows and you don’t”?

“What a tragedy”.

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“How many of you here want more then you have right now”.

“Let’s say this is you, your tree of life. You have a very skinny tree now you were kidnapped by Jenny Craig.
Now if I say anything you want or anything you would like I want you to go give me a big yeah”.

“I want more money. Yeah! Better residual income. Yeah! A nicer house. Yeah! Better car. Yeah! Better face.
You didn’t say yes. Lose weight. Yeah. People say to me, I tried diets and diets don’t work. Diets work people

“Who here has ever tried to lose weight? Let me give you a tip. Who would like to lose weight? Get a sign and
write on the fridge do not disturb and then go for a walk. This is called walking. Is walking easy to do? Answer
come on, yes. Is reading a book easy to do? Yes. I’m a fast reader. My books won’t go any faster than your
capacity to read them”.

I’ve discovered in life that what prosperous millionaires do and I am in the business of creating millionaires if
you’re interested, don’t laugh because people aren’t. They are just waiting for the universe to bring it all to them”.

“Shift your thinking. I’ve got my crystals and they’re just going to bring it to me. If you believe that I have a
nice bridge I would like to sell you. Shift this, millionaire’s start in the mind. It starts up here”.

“See a lot of people want all this stuff but I’ve discovered what’s easier to do getting a program, getting some
material, building yourself up, reading a book, getting the CD, going to a seminar like this. How much did it cost
you to come here? $1,500 with travel, I’ll tell you what this seminar is probably worth tens of thousands of

“And thank God for a man with a millionaire’s mentality called Mal Emery who is interested not just in
creating his wealth but for you. Listen I’m a coach, I’m not your mother”.

“When you’re out there training a coach doesn’t say oh don’t do that push up sweetheart it will hurt. A coach
says go again, it hurts, go again; Pain is weakness leaving the body”.

“Anyway, I’ve discovered in life that what is easy to do is also easy not to do”.

“What is easy to do? Get up, walk to the back of the room, get something inside of you. How many of you here
want to go up to another level? Are you sure? Are you positive? You want to see your prosperity grow, incomes

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grow, businesses grow. Someone said to me how do you get an Australian started in small business? Give them a
big one and wait 6 months and I’m including me”.

“Recently I was speaking at a financial services company and one of Australia’s premiere sporting guys was
there. I began speaking and at the end of my talk he comes up to me and says Mr. Mesiti you fired me up. Mate,
you motivated me, you motivated me”.

“Now if I come along and motivate you and you’re an idiot what have I got now? I’ve got a motivated idiot.
How many of you know people like that? How many of you are sitting next to one”?

“Now this guy if I mentioned his name you would all know him. At that time, he had signed a multi-million
dollar deal and he said Mr. Mesiti I know you’ve worked with so and so sporting figure and this model and so on
and named a whole bunch of people who I would love to name but I can’t and he named them all and how their
careers have blossomed. He said would you mentor me? I said yes and I’ll bill you for it”.

“Now this guy has a full pocket but an empty head. I want people to have a full head, full heart, full pocket.
You’ve met people with a full head and empty pocket haven’t you? Journalists, we won’t go there. You’ve met
people with a full pocket and empty head”.

“Let me tell you my background folks. My background for many years I was the Director of ‘Teen Challenge
Drug Rehabilitation Center’. I had a live in residential program and I graduated 400 young men from heroin
addictions, cocaine addictions, crystal meth addictions, crack addictions and you name it with an 86% success

“Those boys never ever went back to drugs and I never took one cent of government money. I raised it all

“What I discovered in that program is the same thing I teach people in wealth and abundance”.

“Are you serious about your abundance? See many guys thought the problem was out there. No the problem is
in here. The problem wasn’t the drugs and your problem is not money. Are you sure? This is not a poor man’s
gathering. If you earn more than $100 a week you’re in the top 5% of income earners on the planet”.

“How do I make more money then? I’m waiting for my lucky break. I’m waiting for my ship to come in. Why
are you at the bus stop then? Listen very carefully the interesting thing is that most of problems, most of our
challenges are up here”.

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“The biggest battle you ever face, the biggest poverty is up here. So if you have some whiz, bang, great
financial idea this week end and you took it and it takes off what about you? Are you growing”?

“You see businesses don’t stop growing, people do. And if you stop growing your business will shrink. It’s
your thinking”.

“The boys in my program it was their thinking. This guy has a thinking problem. He thinks that motivation will
change him, just motivate me. Motivation doesn’t change you. Look if you’re driving down the street the wrong
way, you don’t need me to motivate you to go faster. You need someone to say stop change”.

“I said you want me to mentor you? He said yes sir. I said okay let’s work out where you are right now. So
work out where you are right now. I said to him, son out of 10 how do you rate yourself as a football player? He
looks at me and says I reckon I’m about an 8 out of 10. I said I’ve seen you play”.

“Now come on if you’re 8 out of 10, I can only get you up a couple of levels. Now if you’re 8 out of 10 and I
get you up to levels, I said son that’s 10 out of 10 and that’s perfect and you’re not a female”.

“I said I reckon you’re about a 6 out of 10. Now come on if you want to go from a 6 to an 8, see people want
$100,000 incomes, $2 million dollars a year incomes, watch this with a $5 mindset. Benjamin Franklin said empty
your purse into your mind and what’s in your mind will fill your purse. Little wonder so many people are broke”.

“This guy wants to go to another level. Come on if you want to go from $60,000 to $80,000 to $100,000 how
many of you know that you have to do something different or at least better”.

“He says I played for Australia. I said yes and you lost to New Zealand 34 -0. How could anybody lose to a 3rd
world country? Come on. Where are all our New Zealand friends, give me a wave? I said son I reckon you’re about
a 6”.

“He says all right. I said okay first thing I want you to do before we sign any contracts, number one I want you
to train 30 minutes more than everybody else. He goes mate I can do that, I can do it. I’m fired up I can do it! I’ll
go the extra mile. I said just go the first one”.

“See some of you here want to go the extra mile, why don’t you just go out the back at that table and get some
material first. Start up here, don’t start here”.

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“I’m going to say something here; Mal Emery’s mind is worth billions. His mind is worth billions, my mind
we won’t go there. But here’s the deal”…

“You have to learn to learn from the greats not just the accessible. You have to learn to learn from the

“Mal is one of the greats. Some of the speakers here are some of the greats. But you have to learn. Well that’s a
bit arrogant. I wouldn’t be up here if I was broke”.

“This guy says I’ll go the extra mile. I said train 30 minutes extra a day. He said okay. I said number two stop
going out and getting drunk in the middle of the week. He goes huh? I said number three change your friends. Now
why would I say change your friend’s folks? Am I a kill joy? No”.

“Listen very carefully the quality of your life will be determined by those that are closest to you. Every
relationship you have will either feed a strength or a weakness in you”.

“How many of you here want to create wealth for your family, friends and yourself”?

“Then you have to watch your associations. Why is that? Associations equal assimilations”.

“How many of you have kids? How many of you if your teenage boy or girl came home with a new best friend
who had a swastika on their head, 666 written here and kill the mothers tattooed on his arm, how many of you
would be wildly concerned about your child’s friends? What about your friends? What do they have you reading?
Where do they have you going”?

“In life you learn from two things mistakes and mentors”.

“One of those two is easier, mentors. I had a guy come up to me recently, let me finish this first. I said change
your friends. Number four I said where is your car? He said over here and points to this brand new convertible
Mercedes Benz. I said point to the most important part of the car. He points to the engine. I said where is the CD
player? I said listen you want to go up another level”?

“Here are some of the greats Jim Roan material, Brian Tracy, Zig Zigler, Mal Emory, Pat Mesiti. I said turn the
I want to shoot your mama music off, see some of you are driving a car listening to feelings, nothing more then
feelings and you go to your client and your client says, change the music”!

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“Why is that? Your mind functions better according to the environment you create. What environment do you
create in your car? How many of you want a happy home? You want a happy home but you’re a miserable slob”.

“Does anybody still love me out there”?

“Look if you want a happy home get happy. Well he doesn’t make me happy. She doesn’t make me happy.
Dude, if you have to move more then one inch from where you’re standing to get happy, you’re never going to get

“Happiness is not getting what you want; it’s wanting what you already have”.

“You’ve all got wealth, you’ve all got abundance, you just have to seat it somewhere to get a return. Want
what you already have”.

Where are all the married people? Don’t be ashamed. I just want a happy marriage. Well get happy in the one
you’ve got. Does that make sense”?

“It’s not out there. I said to the guy change the environment around your world. Come on ladies and gentlemen
your car is the university of success. Your computer and all that material you can put in there. How many of you
want to increase your wealth capacity by increasing your mind”?

“People say I desire wealth, Mal I’ll do whatever. The proof of desire is in the pursuit. You’ll never possess
what you’re unwilling to pursue”.

“The price you’re willing to pay for that pursuit will determine the result of that pursuit”.

“You tell people and you’ve heard it said, pay people peanuts and you get monkeys, right? I went to that
seminar and the stuff was so expensive”

“Education is not expensive ignorance is”

“I was at a seminar speaking at a real estate conference a while ago and this guy comes up to me and says Mr.
Mesiti I love your stuff mate. I really love your stuff, you helped my mate George sign an $11 million deal. This
guy George works for First National Opp in Brisbane and signed an $11 million deal after being in my program for
3 months after 2 years of not listing or selling a thing. His other mate was on $35,000 a year, got on my program
and after 6 months was earning $186,000 a year”.

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“My stuff works if you do what I say. If you follow instructions”

“How many of you here are in business? Never promote anybody that cannot follow instructions, bad

“So this guy says to me Mr. Mesiti I love your stuff mate. I would love to get it but I can’t afford it. We’re at
Jupiter’s Casino and Mal, we go down there to have a drink in the bar and there it is its happy hour. I’ve never seen
a bloke run so fast to happy hour in all my life. Then at 6:00 it was two drinks for the price of one. Then I see him
at the pub machine and he’s doing this, hoping to get lucky. He comes up the next day Mr. Mesiti I love your stuff.
Your second talk is better than the first and I would love to get it but I can’t afford it”.

“I said you smoke don’t you son? He goes yeah how did you know. I said how many of those things do you
smoke a day? He says a packet sometimes two depending on my stress levels. Now how much does a pack of
cigarettes cost? $10, they’re actually more then 10 but let’s say $10 because I’m a wog and I can’t count”.

“If he spends $10 a day, how many days of the year here in Sydney? It’s not a trick question folks. How many
days in the year? 365, $10 by 365 that’s $3,650 a year plus his ching, ching habit there’s another $3,000 plus his
drinking habit and the way he was knocking them back there’s another $3,000 that’s $9,650 a year up in smoke”

“I said son yours is not a question of affordability, yours is an issue of priorities”

“How many of you here want to prosper? Life prospers when priorities change”

“Do you prioritize your mind? Listen your mind, your millionaire mentality will be built and you’re either
going to build a prison or a palace. But what you put into it…I said to this guy number one try 30 minutes more,
number two stop going out and getting drunk, number three watch your associations, number four fill your car with
good stuff, number five one girlfriend! He goes I can’t do that I’m a footie player. I said then stay average”.

Now do I care how many girlfriends he’s got? No more power to him. That went down well. I don’t care how
many girlfriends he has, what business is it of mine. He said he wanted to go up another level. Do I care how much
he drinks, no not my business but he wanted to go up to another level correct? Yeah. Do I care about his friends?
No none of my business but he said he wanted to go up to another level”.

“Here’s the first law, the first law that governs prosperity and a millionaire mentality is change. If all that
changes but you don’t what changes? Nothing because change has to start here before it happens here”.

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What’s your dream? I was talking to a lady in one of my programs and I said Debra, Debra what’s your dream
darling? She goes I don’t know can you tell me? Sweetheart if it’s a mist up here it’s a fog out there”

“Here is how many people live their lives – ready, fire, aim. What are your goals, what are your targets?
Targets, I don’t have any. I’ll just have a go. Then we draw a target around the bullet holes and we go bull’s eye.
No that’s bull. What is your dream”?

“I have a dream. I feed 6,000 children every single day. There are 1,200 children in an orphanage in
Afghanistan that I feed. Afghanistan, why would you go there? Because I can, right smack under the nose of the

“I have another orphanage and we look after 600 or 700 children dying of HIV. You realize 2 million children
die of HIV or contaminated by that virus every year. I was at a church speaking the other week and I said 2 million
kids are infected with HIV. Children! Most of you couldn’t give a shit. I said as a matter of fact some of you
people are more concerned that I use the word shit then you are about the 2 million kids”.

“What’s your dream? All the great achievers in life, see some of you are looking for a way, if I can just find
that way, what’s the way Mal, just give me the way”.

“Listen I can show you but if you don’t have a reason you’ll never find a way”

“What is your why? I just want to learn to make money. Why? I don’t know it seemed like a good idea at the
time. What’s your passion? What’s your dream? All the great achievers in life, Martin Luther King the great civil
rights leader, I have a dream! John F. Kennedy dreamed that they would put a man on the moon. He died but the
dream didn’t. Michelangelo 7 years on his back painting the Sistine Chapel. All the great dreamers, artists, Elvis
Presley, Bob Dylan, Michael Jackson there’s a story for you”.

“You know what I love about America, you can be born a poor black boy and turn into a rich white girl. It’s an
amazing place. What’s your dream? You know what I love doing through my programs? Teaching people how to
dream. Some of you lost your dream. You’re looking for a way, wrong. You have to have a reason first”.

“Next key attitude, what is your attitude like towards money”?

“Well I love it! Really? Man money is like manure, you horde it and it stinks, spread it and it makes
stuff grow”.

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“Now you have to have some but many people don’t have a good relationship with money. I started a club
called the Millionaire Mindset Club just to teach people how to feel good around money. Quite frankly many of us
don’t feel good around money. Our attitude towards ourselves, come on, what is your attitude like towards

“This is you. Now if I say anything you like give me a big yeah I want a bigger business, yeah, make more
money, yeah, in less time, yes, better car, yes, more residual income, yes, retire with money in the bank, yes, build
a huge empire, yes. And then over here your subconscious goes I don’t know, I’m from Banks Town, it could be
worse I’m from Tasmania. Its okay someone has to be from there. See over here you go yeah and that’s
conscious but over here in your subconscious you don’t really believe it. It’s called a virus.”.

“We’ve been taught all our live the rich get richer and the poor get poorer and the middle class go shopping”.

“Money is the root of all evil. No its not, it’s the love of money that’s the root of all evil and you cannot have it
and love it”.

“And some people that have it don’t love it, we use it. But in your mind, where are all the ladies here who
drive a manual car? Girls remember when you first started driving your manual car; you were like a kangaroo like
this all the time. Remember that? Who remembers that? Now you can get in your car, drive the car, talk on the
phone, put your lipstick on and tell the driver off two lanes across from you. What’s driving that car? Your

“What you respect moves towards you, what you disrespect moves away from you. The millionaire mind,
the millionaire mentality, come on how many of you want to build a millionaire mindset”?

“ What do you respect? Do you respect yourself? Do you respect your business? Do you respect your personal
development? You can have more because you can become more”.

“You’ll never learn from a book you don’t read, you’ll never learn from the CD you don’t listen to and you’ll
never learn from the mentor you don’t have”.

“In life I’ve discovered that we will be remembered for two things”…

9 Number one the problems we solve

9 Number two the ones we create.

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“One of those two makes you money. You know what guys like Mal and myself do, we solve problems”

“Next your attitude, what is your attitude like? Some people say Pat Mesiti I can’t fulfill my dreams. I go why
not? I can’t have a millionaire mind. Why not? I’ve been hurt. How many of you here have been hurt, let down,
used, abused, mistreated, ripped off, lied about, cheated on, dumped on, raise your hand please. The rest of you
stand up and I want to beat the crap out of you this morning”.

“People say you don’t know my past. You want to talk about hurts in the past, let’s go. I could keep you here
all day”.

“I was speaking at our nation’s capital, Canberra. I went to the back of the room as I do every meeting and I
will do today, I go to the back of the book table and I’m signing books and doing stuff and this girl comes up to me
dressed in black from head to foot. Her face is painted white and she has all this weird stuff all over here and she
comes up to me in the weirdest voice and says can I talk to you? I said sure which one of you wants to talk to me

“She pulls her arms towards me and her arms are totally cut and slashed to pieces. From the age of 7 to 17 she
was sexually abused by her step father, brother and uncle, some time simultaneously. When Victoria came into my
world her whole goal was to kill the men that did that to her. Could you blame her”?

“But here is the problem; unforgiveness is the inability of the weak”.

“Unforgiveness is a poison you drink to kill somebody else. And we poison ourselves. You can’t have that in
your life and prosper”.

“When Victoria came into my world, her whole life was full of anger and bitterness. But I could see, listen I
could see the millionaire inside of her. Can you see it in you”?

“Michelangelo could see David in a rock. That rock was discarded by 8 sculptors but Michelangelo could see
something. You see I can see something in every one of you. Look at me, if you just allow me the chance to sculpt
it if you’re interested, some people aren’t”.

“She came into my world and after a few months she began to blossom and grow. After about 8 months she
became one of our leaders. Finally, she graduated onto our team; she graduated 76 girls from eating disorders, all
kinds of drug addictions and everything. And today she lives right here in this city, a very successful little

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entrepreneur prospering, money in the bank, 3 kids; you can’t tell it’s the same girl. Now come on, what’s your

“People say you don’t understand I’m going through hell. Then don’t stop. Listen your future tomorrow is
where your focus is today”.

“If you would just begin to learn to focus on the future, don’t spend one moment on your past unless you
intend to live there. How many of you here intend to go to another level? “How many of you want to
create that millionaire mentality in your business and your life? Are you serious”?

“Last key, focus, everybody say focus. Where your focus is today, your future is tomorrow”.

“I would say to my boys in my drug rehab center never say you’re a recovering alcoholic; never say you’re a
recovering drug addict. Why is that? Because I’ve never met a butterfly who says I’m a recovering caterpillar”.

“Listen, your life moves towards your most dominant focus. How many of you here have parents? How many
of you here have a parent and it doesn’t matter if they’re alive or dead. How many of you here ever thought or said
I’m never going to be like that in my mom or dad or my auntie? How many of you here are discovering the older
you get, you know why that it? You become like it because your mind can’t think in reverse”.

“So you think I’m not going to be like that, so you become that”

“If I could just get into your mind and get you to think, act, walk, talk, project, focus like a multi-millionaire,
would you be interested”?

“Raise your hand if you’re married. How many of you hear remember when your husband was first trying to
hit on you? Boy was he focused. He opened the door, he closed the door, he remembered Valentine’s Day, he even
remembered your mother’s birthday. Then after a few months of dating you dream about running along the beach
in slow motion together and he says to you will you marry me? And you poor diluted thing go yes”.

“Then you go on a honeymoon and now he’s focused. After 4 years of marriage and 2 kids, he becomes the
fastest remote controller in Australia”.

“He sings to you put another log on the fire, cook me up some bacon and beans, go out to the car and change
the tires, darn my socks and sew my old blue jeans. Come and pour another log on the fire and come and tell me
why you’re leaving me”.

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“What do you expect, what you neglect regresses, right girls? Now it’s your turn. Before you were married
you had your Jane Fonda video, your ab machine and go I can’t eat that because a moment on the lips is forever on
the hips”.

“Then after 4 years of marriage and 2 kids you become donut queen. Law of life, what you feed grows”.

“Men we have issues. Look men and women are different, no better or no worse. We’re just different, face it”.

“Women remember everything, May 14, 1984 at 6:00 he didn’t take the garbage out. I lost it. Girls when a guy
says he doesn’t remember he doesn’t remember. See a woman is so advanced she can spot a blond hair on your
jacket from 300 yards. A man can’t find the butter staring at him in the fridge. The woman comes down and finds
the butter and he goes it wasn’t here when I looked”.

“Different, like the whole sex thing. Men and women are different. Men are like an instant microwave oven.
Come on baby hey let’s get it on. He’s crabby all afternoon, sits up in bed, hello baby. What do you want? See
women aren’t like microwave ovens. They’re like crock pots. Turn on in the morning and ready in the evening”.

“You tick her off here, you get nothing here. And women practice delayed payback. You fight with her on
Monday about her mother, Tuesday silence, Wednesday the guy is going I’m not getting lucky I better apologize.
I’m sorry baby. She goes I forgive you and you think so”.

“Thursday he says let’s go out for dinner tomorrow night, Friday night candlelight dinner, music’s playing they
get home and he’s going tonight’s the night. She goes to the bathroom, why do you women do that? Why do you
take your faces off? They go in with all these pretty colors and they come out and you go who are you? Then she
snuggles up to him and says the words at that point every man should just roll over and go to sleep. She says,
honey can we talk? Cause she wants to talk about Monday”!

“She just wants to inflict as much pain as possible. And bathrooms good Lord we are so different. For women
bathrooms are a social occasion. They sit at the dinner table and one lady goes anyone want to go to the bathroom.
Oh yes let’s go together. Can you imagine if I’m at a table with Mal and a couple of blokes and said hey Mal want
to go to the loo with me”?

“I was at the Kiwanis Club the other week up here in Sydney. I was sitting in the cubicle at the Kiwanis Club
and I’m sitting in there and this bloke in the cubicle next doo says hello. I said hello. He says how are you? I said
fine. He said John I’m hanging up the dude next door thinks I’m trying to talk to him”

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“Come on we’re talking about focus, come on who wants to go up another level, let me see. Focus watch this”.

“So now they go for counseling and the woman has her list. The counselor says any more things you want to
talk about? Oh yeah, blah, blah, blah. Then we get to the bloke, anything you want to talk about? I didn’t even
know there was a problem”.

“Nothing you want to talk about? Well there is one thing on my list. Now come on I want everyone on the
count of three to yell out what the number one thing the man wants to talk about. Here we go 1, 2, 3, that’s right

“I don’t know what happened. Before she was married she wanted me baby. Then she ate the wedding cake
and it’s all over. What do they put in the damn cake”?

“Well it’s not the cake sir it’s your focus. See before you married you would talk to her and now you talk at
her. Before you would look inside her heart and now all you do is look at the outside and what’s not there”.

“It used to be and see the problem isn’t what’s on the list; the problem is there is a list”.

“So many people even in this room when it comes to your wealth you’ve got your focus in the wrong
place. You have to begin to focus on creating the palace here”.

“Opportunity Knocks, in life we are all faced with opportunities every single day. I missed that opportunity,
well you did but somebody else picked it up. Let me teach you how to maximize, leverage and create

“Soaring higher, 6 years ago I went through a very public, very hurtful breakdown emotionally, martially,
mentally. I was in depression for two years and I could not speak. Could you imagine me not speaking for 2
minutes? I learned more in adversity then I ever did in the good times”.

“Then How to Have a Millionaire Mindset, this book is in every major airport in Australia. I wrote this book as
I’m sick and tired of the average Aussie battler mentality. This is not a nation of battlers; we’re a nation of

“Let me tell you one last story”.

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“This little boy I knew grew up with two alcoholic parents. His dad would make him wait outside pubs. He
would say son I want you to wait here 5 minutes, I’m going to go have a beer. It was never 5 minutes and never
one beer. The little boy would wait outside the pub and he would be so scared to move because the father would
say if you move from there when I get back I’m going to beat the life out of you. So this little boy waited outside
and he would dirty himself and wet himself and the drunken father would come out and not even notice”.

“One morning the father puts his trousers on and notices money missing out of his pocket and thinks the little
boy stole it. He grabs the boy in the middle of winter and throws him outside, rips his clothes off and turns on the
garden hose and hoses him down in the freezing cold. As he’s shivering in the cold, he goes out in a fit of rage,
grabs a nylon rope and begins to beat on the little boy. Don’t you ever steal from me. With every blow the kid is
going daddy I would never steal from you. He grabs the mother, cuts the eyebrows open and puts her in front of the
little boy and says if you ever touch my money again I’ll cut you up like I did her”.

This little boy would go to school and the teacher would say have you done your homework son? He would go
no I forgot. He never forgot, he remembered every day. One day finally he did some neat work and the teacher
decided to send him to the principal’s office to get a gold star. See she understood one of the great, great key of life
that you’re motivated by recognition and reward. But the principal saw him coming and didn’t even notice that he
tried hard. He just grabbed his book, threw it on the ground and beat him across the legs until they started to welt”.

“At 16 years of age he was expelled from school for violent behavior for beating up a couple of young men
and setting one of them on fire at a railway station. At the age of 21 because nobody believed in his dream he
became a physical, mental, emotional and spiritual wreck. Now he said no one believe in my dream. They don’t
have to, you have to believe it”.

“At the age of 27 the dream started to come to pass and at the age of 35 he’s standing in front of the Monument
about to address a court of million people televised in 40 million homes. And at the age of 48 that little boy who
couldn’t read and write, his books have sold 700,000 copies, his curriculums have helped over 2 million people on
the planet discover wealth, abundance and prosperity. And if you haven’t figured it out yet that little boy is
standing in front of you today cause that’s my story”.

“And I’m here to tell you something if my life can prosper so can yours”.

“People say it’s such a sad story. It’s not a sad story it’s a great story. Do you know why it’s a great
story? Because if I had been given much more I would have accomplished much less”.

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For Your Weekly Dose of


Marketing Clarity

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Rebellious Rant List 
Enjoyed reading Mal’s collection of Rants? Then 
continue to receive a weekly no‐bull dose of 
clarity from arguably Australia’s leading marketing 
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PLUS….if you’d like to find out more about how to 
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Internationally recognized as a millionaire maker Dan Kennedy is helping people in 
just about every category of business turn their ideas into fortunes, here he is 
discussing the 7 most important changes, trends and opportunities in marketing today 

“The folks who are finding themselves in trouble are those who
relied on the internet as an exclusive means of doing business at one
end or the other or at both ends. So the people who are trying to do
all their business online and generate all their leads online, they
build a false and unsustainable economic model”.


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ntroducing Dan Keennedy,
Markeeting Gen

       Dan Ke
ennedy is a m
man that need
ds no introdu
uction.  For th
he last 20 yeaars Dan has b
been producin
ng and 
uccessfully marketing his o
own info‐pro
oducts and heelping others to do the sam
me making m
millions in thee process. 
Hiis clients include Nightinggale Conant C
Corporation, G
Guthy Renker Corporation
ns and Hume
e Publishing.
Based in Phoenix in the
e US Dan is in
nternationallyy recognized as a millionaaire maker he
elping people
e in just 
bout every caategory of bu
usiness turn their ideas intto fortunes.
Dan Kenne
edy’s advice ccan be moved
d with ease ffrom one veryy different fieeld, industry or profession
n to 
nother with ccomplete success. His teacching will allo
ow businesse
es to attract aa flood of new
w clients thatt will 
park a huge surge in yearlyy cash flow. 
He is now the leading cconsultant in Direct Marke
eting, Copyw
writing, Intern
net Strategiess and Profit 
mprovement Systems. 
Dan is the ‘Professor’ o
of harsh realitty because he
e’s provocative, sarcastic and tells it likke it is in a w
way that 
o other markketing ‘guru’ d
Mal Emeryy talked to Daan about the 7 most impo
ortant change
es, trends and
d opportunitiies in marketting and 
elow we are lucky enough nd results of his tested strrategies that have helped millions 
h to hear his ccomments an
off people to prroduce millio
ons of dollars in revenue.

For More Speed Wealth Insights from Mal Emery Deliveered to Your
Dan Kennedy

The following chapter is a transcription of an un-edited phone conversation with Mal Emery and Dan Kennedy on
‘The 7 Most Important Changes, Trends And Opportunities In Marketing’

Why We Should Use More Than One Form of Media

“Stating my own case and how I use it, I use offline marketing to draw traffic to my website and when I get
them there I also get their details by an opt in process where I capture their addresses and so on and send them a
gift in the mail. It’s actually an audio tape, so that works very well for me and I manage to capture those people
and at the same time on my advertising I give them several ways of doing business with me. The other ways, of
course, is they can request a free report from a 24 hour prerecorded message”

“You’ve got it about as right as it can be under current circumstances. That is mixing offline and online both
at the front end and at the back end of the process. Meaning in the acquisition of prospects and customers by using
offline to drive to online and by making sure you insist on getting full contact information not just email and doing
offline follow up”.

“The folks who are finding themselves in trouble are those who relied on it as an exclusive means of doing
business at one end or the other or at both ends. So the people who are trying to do all their business online and
generate all their leads online, they build a false and unsustainable economic model. Obviously, the cost of getting
a lead online is a lot less then getting a lead offline. But you can’t get enough of them online on a continuous basis
in order to sustain growth in a business. Furthermore, you’re very vulnerable any time all of your prospects are
coming from one source”.

“At the other end of the process, as you undoubtedly know Mal, the delivery problems in email are
multiplying like rabbits breeding on steroids”.

“And in many respects it’s becoming the junk mail or bulk mail problem we’ve had here with paper and ink
delivery for many, many years. The equivalent of the postal carrier throwing the junk mail out in the dumpster
behind the coffee shop is now the online problem”.

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“AOL admits last year to non-delivery of 68% of all of the email that went through the AOL system,
which they arbitrarily screened as spam, dumped, not notifying either sender or intended recipient that it was
dumped. And undoubtedly within that volume there are some false positives. There is stuff getting dumped as
spam that isn’t spam”

“Most people now have all sorts of diversion files for which they can hit a delete button and can dump
everything that the computer itself that their little robot for them decided is junk and that draws some false

“On top of all of that, the clutter and clog is just ungodly and the more successful are the customers to who you
sell the busier they are the more email they’re getting and the more tempted they are on any one given busy day to
just dump it all”.

“So we’ve seen people who are very, very reliant on online marketing and follow up of their prospects and
leads in many cases suffering declining results. And again, the worst position of vulnerability even if its working
for you at the moment is dependency on one media”.

“I see people who have relied on one form of media, the most dramatic example is I have a client who has
600,000 people on his email list and has only 3,000 valid hard physical addresses”.

“Now my contention is he’s got 3,000 real prospects and customers and the rest of it is questionable at the
moment and could dissolve out from underneath him without much warning”

“The greatest successes are those who are essentially using your model. They are using this thing as one piece
of the puzzle and not the entire puzzle and they have therefore what I call a sustainable economic model”.

“Their cost of acquiring leads mixed online and offline and their pricing and all of their other economic
support, the dollar cost average of all of those sources the same with the marketing on the back end”

“I just don’t want the audience to miss that”

“That was you threw all of your media into one bucket and you didn’t just ask one media to perform in a
certain fashion and measure and analyze it accordingly and test it. You’re actually saying the way people should do
it is see their media, their way of getting a client, their prospecting irrespective of what media you use as one
bucket of money”

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1. Short term versus long term thinking.

“The great temptation is let’s say whatever kind of business we’ve got, we’ve got a health food store and we
find that we can get customers into that store by advertising in the local newspaper, advertising in a local
magazine, advertising on radio, doing direct mail by postcards and doing email and driving people to a website”

“Store owner looks at each one and sees that 2 of them bring customers into the store at a cost of $12.80 per
customer and 2 of them bring customers into the store at a cost of $62.80. What his temptation???”

“To stop doing the things that cost $62.80 per customer and only do the things that cost $12.40 per customer.

“On a very short term basis that could look like a big financial winner to him, but over the long term what he’s
going to find that he can’t consistently get enough customers only from the cheap methods”.

“If he builds his entire economic model on that cost, he will eventually be leading himself to slaughter.
Whereas the really sharp guy what he does is he uses every one of those methods, anything that can bring a
customer into the store. He takes the worst number, which I said was $62.80, the best number $12.80 and he dollar
cost averages them. Let’s assume that comes out to $35 in order to get a customer in the store”

“Now he uses the $35 number to base his pricing on and the way he builds his packages and how he figures out
he’s going to finance new customer acquisitions”.

“By using the dollar cost averaged number, he is able to use more media, he’s able to use all the media and if
one media dries up it doesn’t matter to him and he has the greatest flexibility in using one media versus another
media if his circumstances change”.

The best example is…

“Right now in this country we’re a few months away from a Presidential election and in the last 8 weeks of
that, it’s going to be very, very difficult for any kind of a local merchant to buy TV time at any type of reasonable
fee. The campaigns are going to be buying everything there is in sight and they’ll pay any amount there is for it”

“So if a merchant was really dependent on TV, he’s out of business for 8 weeks. Whereas if he’s using the
approach I just described, he can shift his marketing dollars for 8 weeks over to the other 6 things he does, leave
TV off the matrix for a while and come back to it when its media cost returns to normal”.

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2. ”We live in a world where the marketplace is increasingly fragmented”

“At one time and I assume the same thing is happening there and just to use TV as an example, we had 3 TV
networks and you sat down for the evening and here you picked NBC, ABC or CBS and you put them on and
that’s what you watched for the night. Now we have 500 cable channels and there is a cooking channel, a golf
channel and a Hispanic channel and a Black channel and a gay channel and a tennis channel and so on”.

“So as marketplaces fragment, it requires the smart marketer, the opportunity is it gives you a lot more media

“The requirement is you have to be able to use them in an economic manner that gives you the greatest
flexibility. And that’s not, its never focusing just on the cheapest”.

“One of the other mistakes is people don’t succeed in one particular type of media”.

Mal again makes comment that people must become proficient in all types of media. If they are no good at TV
of at radio they must educate themselves, attend seminars to improve their skills. Because all these media strains
do work. They cost a little more and they cost a bit less but you’ve got to learn to use them.

Can then continues saying that “one of the requirements of being an entrepreneur and arguably one of the
differences between being an ordinary business owner and an entrepreneur is how many different weapons you
have at your disposal and how able you are able to use them effectively”

“The guy who is going to war who is really, really, really proficient with a rifle but no good with a hand gun
and no good with bombs and no good with a bow and arrow, he might find himself in situations where the rifle is
useless. Whereas the guy who is good at all of them, it doesn’t matter if it snows, rains, there are mountains or flat
land, it doesn’t make a difference”.

“Everybody is short sighted and has these short views of history where they think whatever they’re doing
they’re going to be able to do forever. And for a variety of reasons and you mentioned one, regulatory interference,
changes of laws, changes of costs that simply is not true”.

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“In fact, it’s a virtual certainty that whatever somebody is doing today to advertise, publicize, promote and
market their product, service or business however they’re doing it today, they are not going to be able to do that the
way they are today 18 to 24 months down the road. And if they’re not really, really flexible they’re going to find
themselves in trouble”

3. The most powerful word in advertising is free.

“There are marketing gurus who try and make the case that that’s antiquated and outdated and that the
consumer is too sophisticated for that. Where all of the empirical evidence remains that it’s hard to be free as an

“And when you are using intrusive marketing methods such as the telephone or when you are asking for
information from prospects or customers beyond what they might easily and automatically be happy to give, so
like the example you gave of capturing a lead online but not just wanting an email address but also wanting a
physical address. Or perhaps you want the month of the birth day or some information like that”

“So in either one of these case when we’re using intrusive marketing or when we are asking for information, its
very, very smart to be giving away something free and for that to be the focus of that offer because it diffuses
irritation about intrusiveness and it incentivizes providing the information that you want”

“Yeah it makes perfect sense doesn’t it? I’m aware of several models myself like that and certainly broadcast
fax for the financial business where they raise funds for people giving away a free report how to beat the banks has
worked very successfully using that technology”.

“I’m also aware of a model where a video was created of a presentation for a share trading and real estate
package here. And what they basically did was video his introductory seminar and then sell that in the newspaper
using various media as well”

“I have a client in the travel business that continues today to use mass broadcast fax to small businesses with
no relationship or permission. Now in our current regulatory environment this is very dangerous. But this client
makes the choice to continue to play the game. So they send out between 250 and 500 million faxes a month. Their
prior model was for the fax to advertise really great vacation packages, 3 days at Disneyland and a hotel and a car
to use for $499 that kind of a flyer fax”.

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“And over the past year their problems as a result of doing that has multiplied to a point where its untenable,
fines, lawsuits, complaints, etc. so the problem they came to me with is we are going to insist on continuing to use
this media but we want to reduce our problems without reducing our effectiveness”.

“So the current fax I have them using has no vacation offers on it at all. What it offers is a free report and a free
audio tape about how to vacation in Florida, Las Vegas or California for 10 cents on the dollar. How to get the
secret, hidden great vacation values that only travel agents take for their own families.

“And so it’s a totally free offer. Now the good news is 5 times more people raised their hands and request that
free information then were responding to the previous fax”.

“The complaint and legal problem factor has been reduced by 5 times in the other direction. Now the bad
news is there is some added marketing costs now of sending the report and following up on the leads. But it’s a
dramatic example of the difference between a free offer and non free offer”.

“So in that model they respond, by filling out a form right at the bottom of the fax and fax it back”.

4. Telemarketing

“I know in your own case Dan, you have not elected to use telemarketing in the past and that is people phoning
them directly to entice them to do what you want them to do”

“However, I’m also well aware that Ron LeGrand, for example, in the real estate information business and also
Bill Glazer previously in his retail business and now in his information business teaching the retailers how to
improve their business are great advocates of this, so much so that the likes of Bill gets 50% of his sales in his
retail stores, I think, from telemarketing”

“Instead of his staff sitting around when times are quiet, they’ve got a scripted methodology for getting on the
phone and making something happen”.

So what is your take on telemarketing Dan?

“First of all, specific to that issue with Bill the sales staff in his stores are for the most part calling present and
past customers; they’re not calling cold prospects. And that is an important distinction”

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“You’re absolutely right though it’s a lesson for all small business people is if somebody is sitting around
twiddling their thumbs waiting for somebody to walk through the door that time can certainly be used more
proactively and productively”

“Here is sort of the summary of telemarketing and the reason I’ve always resisted doing it is two reasons…

One is I think like one of the worst lifestyle options because I forces you to have and manage people, although
with voice broadcast as you know some element of this can be robotized.

“It overrides the whole positioning take away selling thing that I teach. So as a lifestyle choice my preference
has always been is if you can engineer a business that doesn’t need it in order to be satisfactorily profitable so
much the better.

However in saying that…

“You almost never have a business situation where you can’t plug telemarketing in profitably to increase sales
and profits. So purely as an economic choice, it makes sense in every situation”.

“So a person just has to weigh their willingness to do it. Everything of course has positives and negatives just
as this does. So you should not draw a conclusion and I know you haven’t personally, you should not draw a
conclusion necessarily from observing me because I have maybe more so then many business people I have put
lifestyle considerations above money in many cases and have had the luxury of doing so because other things have
worked extremely well”.

“In some businesses, you would be like brain dead dumb not to incorporate it. And if I owned those businesses,
I would assure you that I would be using it too”.

“As a media in the United States we’ve had very recent legal changes”

“We have what is called a Do Not Call Registry that consumers who do not want to receive telemarketing calls
can list themselves on and it is the illegal to call them”.

“This doesn’t just affect cold prospects; it even affects your own customers. There is a window of time allowed
after a transaction where you can continue to call that customer and then if another transaction hasn’t occurred to
start that window again you can’t even call them anymore if they’re on the list”

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“So in many businesses that’s been a dramatic upheaval, a dramatic change in the way they do business and for
some a traumatic change because looping back to our prior conversation they had allowed themselves to become
excessively dependent on that one single media”.

“It is relevant to note that there is serious discussion in our Congress about the equivalent of that for internet, a
do not email list and this is not casual conversation this is serious”

For those Australian residents Mal points out what the laws are currently are in comparison…
“What I can let you know how it works here, essentially in May of this year we had the Electronic Spam Act
passed. Now the intention of that was to wipe out a lot of these email problems that are going on but it also
embraced voice broadcast, telemarketing, fax broadcast and all this electronic media that you referred too”.

“The distinction is this, we don’t to my knowledge have a bonafide opt out list in which someone can call into
and have their name registered on that. What we do have is a privacy act if you like that says when we use those
media what we’re obliged to do is certainly give our name, address and details but also give them an opportunity to
opt out with the person contacting them”.

“Yeah that’s essentially the way it used to be in the US prior to what went on during this past calendar year.
What I believe is that and again is an important trend that we’re talking about here is and I don’t mean this
disrespectfully here but what happens here in the regulatory environment seems to catch up to other parts of the
world 2 or 3 years later”

“So if you look at what is going on here and you view that as possibly the rules of the game that you’ll have to
play by a year or two down the road here is the mandate that it gives you. It’s two-fold”.

How to take advantage of this before regulation:

9 “One is to crank up your activity now and get as many customers into your fold as is humanly possible
before it becomes more difficult and expensive to get them”

9 “And two do a great job of nurturing the relationship with the customers that you have so that you have
permission to continually communicate with them any and every which way you want too. They want to
hear from you”.

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“There is a term that has become popular for this, permission marketing and it’s my contention that right now
that’s good strategy”

“The trend is it will become the requirement and you’ll be in this closed loop of if you don’t have permission
to talk to me, you can’t talk to me”.

“The game has dramatically changed. Now the thing to remember, of course, successful entrepreneurs again
are not really adversely affected by changes of rules because we can win under any rules”

“So whether its 50 yards or 100 yards on the field, 3 downs, 4 downs, 2 downs, a really great head coach
adapts and can still go in there and win”

“But you need to be in a position of flexibility as a marketer and with the economics of your business to make
those adjustments”

“Yeah it’s what I call choosing to be a tactician and not a victim as far as your business is concerned” states

5. Direct mail and the challenges we’re facing.

“So we’ve got the same issues with direct mail and I suppose getting our products and services read”…

“The letter boxes are going to be full, around the time of an upcoming election as the politicians broke all
records last time and even though they promised us that the incoming government would try and change all this,
the word is that they’re going to spend more money then they ever possibly imagined, many times over what they
spent in the past”

“So we as marketers in all the media and direct mail included are going to be competing with that as well,
aren’t we Dan? So what is your take on that one”…
“There are several good things about direct mail even in circumstances like that”

“One is that they tend, specific to politicians and political campaigns, they tend to use that less then any other
media. So there is a lot more of the budget spent on broadcast, TV and radio, billboards then there is anything

Secondly, direct mail is still a medium where unlike almost any other, where you are selling in a vacuum”.

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“Meaning if I can get you to open my envelope or to pick up my folded over piece and open it, you and I are
then for however many minutes I can hold your attention one on one”.

“What else is in the pile doesn’t matter as opposed to any place else”

“If you take a phone directory advertisement, all of your competitors are there at the same time and if I look at
a page there are 5 of them, magazine advertising, newspaper advertising, they’re seeing more then one thing at the
same glance and it never becomes one on one communication”

“So there are advantages to direct mail that continue to work even in times when the environment is more
cluttered then others”.

“There are a few guys like myself (Mal) who have traveled over to the States and have been in your seminars
and use it extensively.

“The question I get asked and the thing is they seem to be funny about is the money they spend on direct mail.
They seem to be concerned about the cost as opposed to everything else”.

“The other thing I get asked all the time is what is your percentage of return? I believe that’s totally the wrong
question. It’s more about…what percentage makes me money and being able to measure whether I do or I don’t”.

“Look the percentage of response in direct mail is just as foolish a thing to be talking about as the number of
visitors to a website, the number of people, the circulation of a magazine, none of that makes any difference
because that’s not what we deposit at the bank and pay our bills with. At the bank we deal in dollars, so there is no
place on the deposit slip for percentage of response, there is only a place for money”.

“So with all marketing, the only legitimate discussion is return on investment and you track cost per lead and
cost per sale. But actually if you’re really going to measure ROI you not only track cost per sale or cost of initial
transaction if you’re acquiring new customers, you actually track long term customer value because in many cases
what is true is the customer acquired by direct mail proves to be a better customer, a more valuable customer over
time then a customer acquired by any other means”

“Probably because they are a more thinking customer and they’re a customer now that you can effectively
communicate with over and over again because people tend to buy the same way they were originally sold”

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“So the customer that you get into your place of business, for example, by television and now you want to
promote your summer sale, how do you send them a television show or a television commercial?”

“But the customer you got into the store by direct mail who you know will respond to direct mail, you can mail
them a postcard about the sale.

“So there are a lot of things that aren’t immediately apparent when you start to try and measure the return on
investment of different media”.

“Also referring back to the cost loops we discussed previously in the conversation about dollar cost averaging
and not just using cheapest media”

“Also a lot of business people because they don’t think in return on investment, they only think in terms of
comparative costs. So like here I hear it actually more about yellow pages, telephone directory advertising then I
even do about direct mail”

“For example not long ago a member of one of my coaching groups said I’m cutting my yellow pages
advertising in half this year because they raised the rates. I said what did it cost for the full page before? $8,000.
What is it going to cost for the full page now? $9,800. How much did the yellow page ad bring you in business last
year? $26,000. So you’re going to cut the ad in half because they raised the price $1,800 but you made $26,000.
And the answer is $9,800 is too much. It’s too expensive”

“So to mail 10,000 pieces is “x” and that’s too expensive. But too expensive compared to what? Well
compared to sticking a sign on the side of my car. Well what does that have to do with the price of rice in China?
It’s compared to return on investment not compared to one cost versus another cost”

“And you’re right, in terms of direct mail they tend to be foolishly, stupidly cheap about refusing to use the

6. Events happening relevance

“I can remember Bill’s take on that and I think he did the Governor Terminator voice broadcast where he
called his retail clients with an offer from Arnold Schwarzenegger if you like an impersonator and he took
advantage of the fact that there was actually an election on. And that’s something I think we’ve all got to learn to
do. I think it’s like that Robert Collier principle of entering the conversation that is already happening in their
mind, isn’t it Dan??????”

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“Yeah and the trend is that the public’s focus, the public’s attention span their interest in any one thing is
tending to get shorter and shorter and shorter”.

“And as marketers that mandates fast response leaping onto the conversation that is going on in their mind
immediately because you are only going to be able to leverage it for a short period of time”

“So you look at, we had a thing with I think he’s from your part of the world, Mel Gibson’s Passion for the
Christ movie. Well this was the thing in the news, the controversy, the topic of conversation, the thing on
everybody’s mind only for a period of about 6 weeks at the crucial time around Easter”

“And then it’s on to the next thing. And so if you’re not, if you were marketing a church and you didn’t
immediately leap on that it was over before you even knew it was happening”

“So the trend is a short burst of interest in any one given thing. But profound focused interest in only one thing
at a time. So you’ve got to be right on top of that”

“So another example is what you referred to in California, they recalled the Governor and we had a big off
term recall election and California had like 500 and some odd people running for Governor. It was a circus freak
show and several celebrities it turns out, Arnold Schwarzenegger being the winner. And that was like everybody’s
focus for about 10 days and during those 10 days you could make real hay with it”

“One of the examples you gave, Bill did but if you weren’t on it in 10 days you might as well not have
bothered because everybody’s focus was on to the next thing”.

“Where as if you go back 5 or 10 years you had 6 month spans where things stayed in the news and continued
to be talked about. Today its 6 weeks for less”

7. Broadcast media which is a term that I think refers to radio

and TV I suppose and how to best use TV and radio.

“It’s no different than any other media. The headline is the major thing to get the person’s attention even more
so. And then he talks about curiosity or sucking them in and getting them interested. Then he talks about proof of
what you say is true and of course testimonials and things of that nature. And to make sure you have a call to
action and an offer in there and of course a response method and maybe that’s a 1-800 or a location to go too”

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“The most important part to realize about number 7 is that is media changes, opportunities change, technology
changes and the tools we have to use may change but principles don’t”.

“ Marketing principles are the same and so for some reason marketers try to behave differently as they use
different media. So you see, for example, just tons and tons of really bad TV commercials because they lack all of
the things you just rattled off that you would have in a direct mail piece or a print piece”

“All television is essentially a sales letter brought to life. The good news is you get to have pictures and voice
and the bad news is you have a short span of time”

“All a radio commercial is it’s a classified ad brought to life and all the same principles apply. You have to
have a headline; you have to have a call to action, etc”.

“So the most important point about all of that is not to lose sight of the foundational principles of what works
in marketing as you move from media to media to media and how new tools and different tools become available
to us”


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“It’s All About The Herd…It’s All About The List, It’s
All About The People You Nurture”…

Master Persuader Joel Bauer chats with Mal Emery about how to build your 
business through taking ultimate care of your customers and  
building a personal brand. 

“We are all selling ourselves, people are buying you,

until you realize this you will fail miserably”


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Introduccing Joel Bauer,
The Masteer of Perssuasion”

 Joel Bauerr is married w
with three children residin
ng in California.  
Joe Bauer ‘The Master of Persuasion
n’ has built faame through his unique ability to build
d crowds for trade 
how exhibitors and convert them into willing prosp
sh pects for his cclients. 
He enginee
ered the convversion proce
ess, described dible feat of mass obedience that musst be seen 
d as an incred
o be believed. 
From the aage of 21 to 4
41 Joel create
ed and produced infotainm
ment presenttations and ro
oad shows on
n trade 
sh nd at corporate events intternationally.. He is the author of bestsselling books as well the creator of 
how floors an
4 systems to do with perso
onal marketin
ng, branding, passion, info
otainment, sp
peaking and ffinally closingg from 
he platform. 
Joel retired
d at the age o er now enjoys passionatelly presentingg performing and training others. 
of 43 howeve
Over 20 million people have experie
enced persuaasion presenttation includiing corporate
e companies llike, 3M, 
Caanon, Generaal Motors and een empowerred by his currrent book How to 
d IBM and ovver 20,000 peeople have be
ersuade peop
ple who don’t want to be persuaded.
ourite quote is “Mans greaatest fear is n
Joel’s favo not being inad
dequate, but powerful be
eyond measurre” In the 
ollowing chap
pter Joel talkss to Mal Emery about his tthoughts, me
ethods and siimple techniq
ques that gen
massive result
m ts… 

Vissit the Mal Emery Web Store at www

w MalEmery com to Find Out
Joel Bauer

The following is a transcript taken from a phone conversation between Mal Emery and Joe Bauer on ‘How To Get
People To Do
What You Want Them To Do’

“…it’s all about the herd, it’s all about the list; it’s about the people you nurture. And most aren’t nurturing
them. The only reason you don’t make money is if you don’t take care of those people and create massive value for

“I just like doing this and for the people on this call I really do care about them generating revenue. I would
like them to take away right from this call very usable, immediately intergratable things they can implement,
techniques and tactics that are going to make a difference in their bottom line and enable them to spend more time
with their children, which to me is a little more important than anything else. I have 3 children and everything I do
is based upon spending more time with them and enjoying my life now and not waiting until later when they’re so
busy with their own children.”

“It’s all about autonomy isn’t it Joel? My autonomy will differ from yours, yours will differ mine and it’s
whatever these folks are trying to create in their life and certainly a part of my process was to spend a lot more time
with my own kids and mine are 27 and 29 now. I went and visited my daughter last night at her pizza franchise
group and she makes a hell of a fuss of dad. I think it’s all because of the relationship I was able to create early on.
So I’m with you on that one”

“Now the thing you referred to there about being more successful and making more money, it’s really what I
call optimization Joel. The most powerful money making secret I’ve ever, ever discovered is compelling words”

“In this case, on a telephone call for example and I know you’ve used this same process at tradeshows, it
doesn’t cost you any more money to say the things to persuade people to choose you as opposed to your

“I mean call it manipulation, call it a negotiation if you like whatever way you like to look at it you certainly
want to persuade them to choose you above your competitor. I don’t know anything that can do it other then

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“Now I don’t know whether they’re on paper, a TV ad, infomercial or whatever else it might be. Either way
whatever we’re about to hear folks is the most, one of the most important things you’ll ever know and that’s how
to get people to do what you want them to do”

“So can you share some of your secrets with us now Joel”?

Joel’s first comment is one that represents his teachings as a whole

“I want people to know that there is nothing that I do that isn’t transferable, duplicatable, absolutely
replicatable because my process is a very simple one”

“It doesn’t require intricate education, it doesn’t require them spending a lot of money and all the techniques I
use are extremely simple and direct and yet they generate massive results”.

“What is really staggering is there are simple things they can do from this information that will begin to
generate an immediate result”.

“We’re going to discuss some of those tactics.”

“My background was the cruise ships. I was a magician. At age 8 I had a fascination with the craft of magic
and unlike most children I didn’t give up on it and I hung in there. It enabled me to literally manage a magic store
at age 11 and at 13 I went on the cruise ships for Carnival Cruise Lines and literally at 21 years old I ended my
cruising career realizing I was making a ton of money on the ships but it was no life. I was never going to have a
family. I would be literally floating around the rest of my life”.

“So I asked myself how do I take these skill sets that I have, these communication skills as a cruise director, as
someone who manages large groups of people, keeps them in a very positive state of mind and has them generate
an amazing emotional experience that they remember long term, how do I take these skills and apply it on land?”

“What I came up with was the idea that the one place that all companies go and the reason I chose corporations
is that companies always have a present budget. I call it an APB and that always present budget they need to
spend on entertainment, on marketing, to motivate their people, sales training, motivation training,
persuasion training, they’re going to teach their people to be a little better”.

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“I realized that forgetting all the training where do they actually go? They go to introduce their new ideas at
tradeshows and sales events, new product introductions”.

“So I approached the corporate tradeshow industry by really cold calling on foot. I went through, I would do a
demonstration, I would perform my live marketing, my info-tainment where I take their message and I generate an
immediate pitch”.

“I got so good at it on the fly that I had Intel, Toshiba, Panasonic, Motorola, Boeing, the largest of the Fortune
100 and 500 corporations on the planet were hiring me”.

“I did this for going on 2 ½ decades and I was generating massive dollars because I was doing the one thing
that everybody on this call wants to do and that is generate more leads and convert them. Build a larger list, have
more people believing in what they do and create greater value for them”.

“I would suspend disbelief the whole idea of suspension of disbelief. Nothing happens until they stop

“Initially let’s face it, I can love Mal Emery and I can love people on the call but I don’t trust anyone until I’ve
had a reoccurring relationship with them where I know their word is good and they will never let me down”

“So suspension of disbelief doesn’t begin with trust, it begins with rapport and credibility”.

“How to get someone into immediate rapport (instant credibility) where they begin to take interest in who you
are and ask you what you do for a living and instead of reciting the unique selling proposition, we do something we
call the DOE, which is the Doorway of Emotion”

“With these techniques we can teach people how to become top speakers”.

“My story in a nutshell is very little education, tremendous amount of experience and what they don’t teach at
Harvard or Stanford or any other university is precisely what I reveal”.

“That’s what I learned the hard way through my mentors. I had tremendous people in my life that were
producing massive numbers and I simply modeled them and applied their skill sets”

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“Everything I talk about comes from direct experience. There is no theory here, there is no guessing and
I don’t give them 15 ways of approaching a solution. I give them one way and the one way will work if they
do it”

That’s what these folks are clearly geared in for, that’s why they’re here I suppose, the way to get more money
is to help them more clients.

So what is the most powerful, persuasive sales strategy you’ve ever come across and how do you go
about implementing it?

The television industry uses a technique to produce $25 billion a year, a technique that the government uses in
getting politicians elected, a technique that you use perfectly and a technique I believe I can ramp up even and I
don’t mean to insult you but I believe even you will leave with a different angle on this technique”.

“This technique is the most powerful in persuasion, communication, sales and negotiation. It is called
testimonial integration, 3rd party testimonial or the technical term is social proof”.

“When someone goes to a Mal Emery website or link and they hear people speaking emotionally about the
result they generated from Mal Emery or from Joel Bauer, they immediately begin to relate to one of those
individuals and see themselves”.

“Anytime you talk about yourself, you’re actually doing the worst thing you could possibly do because
that doesn’t convince anyone. If someone else speaks about us it’s instantly a raving fan, it’s a referral

“We all know what that is like when someone puts a deal right in your lap and there are no sales involved.
People believe in your before you even open your mouth.

“Testimonials are the number one persuasion tool and they come in many forms”.

“The most powerful technique and this is the one that gives them everything you just indicated in one shot is
technology and I don’t want anyone to get frightened now because I am going to talk about technology but the
simplest type”

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“I do 18 things on a computer that’s it that generate millions of dollars per year in revenue and passive auto
pilot revenue generation. The most important thing I do on a computer is I’m able to take information from a
camera and put it for free and I’ll reveal how to do that right here, directly on the web at no charge and with
virtually zero knowledge”.

ƒ “The first form is the written testimonial

ƒ Then the audio testimonial
ƒ Then we have the video testimonial
ƒ The multimedia audio/video testimonial.

“You get yourself an inexpensive camera $199 US or $80 US, I don’t know the precise conversion in
Australian and all you need is a camera that does 30 frames per second. You do not want a video camera, you want
a pocket camera”

“Video cameras are intimidating when you pull them out with the big flash and the size. No one wants to look
into a video camera but everyone doesn’t mind if you literally approach and say the right things and I’ll go over
that right now”…

“The first thing I ask someone and there is only one type of testimonial that will make you money and that’s a
testimonial that is monetized”

“See most people are very happy just having someone say Joel Bauer is great. He showed me techniques that
will empower my life. That’s meaningless, that’s dribble. Those are the testimonials that you forget”.

“What if you knew exactly what type of testimonial to get and exactly what to say to generate that exact

“And what if you could get people to say exactly what you wanted them to say and it was the truth? Then you
would have something. And Mal that’s what I want to reveal right here and this is after so many years of doing it
the wrong way where I still made a ton of money and then finally realizing the epiphany, the whack on the side of
the head where you go how come no one taught me this? Why? Because it’s not taught out there”

“You teach it I’m sure in large part but you’re one of the masters of marketing. And they’re not going to find
this information somewhere else because it’s so obvious that it eludes common sense”.

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“For example, Mark Rubel, a guy in real estate. He came to me and I helped him with his process, his
communication, his words, his visuals, his imagery, his psychology, his flow. I helped him build a presentation and
he generated $1.72 million dollars in less then 6 months additional revenue above and beyond what he had. And
this is an immigrant from Croatia who came to the US with less the $50 in his pocket”

The important process is called, social proof, testimonial acquisition makes a tremendous amount of
money. In fact without it you’re working at such a disadvantage you could actually fail with everything else
in position if you’re missing this one part of the equation and you can fail miserably.

“So what I taught him to do was to go to his clients that had already generated”…

“Here is what he did he went to the clients that he already shown how to do foreclosures, already showed them
how to invest in real estate. And he said to them without even bringing a camera, no camera the camera is in his
pocket, he says before he even takes out the camera”…

“Would you mind sharing with me precisely how you feel about what I’ve done for you and with you
and the results that you’ve generated”?

The money you put in your bank account, the amount of time you spend with your children and the
amount of freedom you now have in your life”

“Those are the 3 lowest common denominators, money, time with the children, more leverage in their personal

“If people don’t know that and I’m giving them an equation here, it’s a formula and the formula is dead on
every time”.

“If you don’t know what to ask them, see people don’t know what to say, people don’t even know how to
begin to tell you how they feel they just freeze. So when you give them specific parameters and you direct the
process you’re not forcing them to say something. You’re giving them an idea, they’re beginning to create pictures,
they’re beginning to emotionalize it”.

The importance of this formular is the testimonial you receive…

“So then you be quiet and they say Mal as a result of just 2 of the techniques you taught me, specifically
testimonial integration and building my herd and a list and doing follow up and nurturing them and taking care of

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them. I have now put an additional $560,000 in my bank account in the last 2 years above and beyond what I
would have made. I’m now working less then ever before and I’m not working harder, I’m working smarter. And
Mal quite frankly if I look at the tiny investment I made in your information it’s a joke, I spent nothing. That’s a
good testimonial because it’s monetized. They have the specific number they put into their bank account that has
enabled them to live a better quality of life”

“The second form of monetizing from a testimonial is let’s say someone is a speech pathologist or a massage
technician or a holistic healer, well for those people its not the money, it’s the fact that they’re now pain free as a
result of treatment as a result of someone just touching my shoulders in 6 sessions I no longer have pain, my
doctors don’t understand how I’m pain free and I’m able to enjoy my children and do the things I haven’t been able
to do in the last 15 years. I believe that the treater (personal name) has saved my life. That’s a powerful

“So when you’re going to gather a testimonial, you want it to be specific and the more specific and exacting it
is and the more from the heart that its gut wrenching, here’s how you know you have a good one.

“If you feel your eyes are beginning to tear, if you’re beginning to get emotional as you’re getting the
testimonial you know its going to be magical because all selling, all negotiation and all the persuasion is the direct
result of one principle. The more senses we involve the more money we make”

“It’s all about emotions, people buy emotionally. Testimonials enable you to communicate directly to their

-Tips to capture the testimonial on camera-

“What they now do once they have an emotional testimonial, someone sat down with them, someone freely
expressed themselves they now say the following words:

“You don’t mind if I capture…now they already used the term “you don’t mind” that is a direct command, it’s
an embedded command. I deal a lot in linguistics but I don’t do it in a complex fashion. I give them the formula.
When they’re with me live at the event they’re not going to believe the stuff we reveal there. They’re going to be
hanging on every word because everything I show them is immediately usable”

“During my actual presentation, I do some things they will have never seen done to prove that every tactic
actually works. And that’s what really flips people out.

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“When you sit down and you have that camera in your pocket now, Make sure you have enough gigabite and
power, you never want to run out of power when the one thing you’re getting from someone is going to make you
more money then any other tactic you’ve ever exercised”

“When they take out that camera now, they don’t just whip it out. They bring it up to the edge of the table, if
they’re standing they bring it up to the back of their body and before they bring it up they say”…

“You don’t mind if I capture in my little pocket camera the way that you feel because the way that you
feel is going to help me help more people just as I’ve helped you”

“Who is going to say no to you when they already said something and all you’re saying is I would like to
capture that to help more people. They would be saying no to helping more people. That’s what is what shuts them
down from saying the word no”

“Let’s say there is somebody out there right now is brand new to Mal and they’re not familiar with marketing

“This is all new information for them and they’ve never produced a result in the business they’re in. how can
they acquire a good testimonial? Well they can acquire a character testimonial about someone who believes in
them, a friend, someone who worked with them in a business, someone who educated them and can talk about their
moral fabric or integrity”

Even that is a credible testimonial that can be used on a website, on a web link, in a written letter. It can be
used in your email brand where your testimonial is put directly into your email which we’ll talk about later on for
free, which I can demonstrate right here if we have time.

“So they pick up the camera and they click on the play but they do that before the person sees the camera.
Once the person says no I don’t mind, then they bring the camera out and you don’t hold it up in front of your face
focusing on them. You hold it up at your breast, your right breast level, you hold it up with your right hand at
breast level where you can see the view finder in the back and you can see they’re in frame and you look at them”

“You say don’t even worry about this thing, just talk to me from the heart. You don’t need to speak loud, just
speak from the heart because your message is powerful. It’s going to enable me to inspire a lot of people, help a lot
of people and possibly save some lives”

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“That’s the key; they don’t feel now that they’re being examined. And if they muck it up you just have
them repeat, oh just keep going and don’t worry about it. If you don’t look good and sound good, write this
down, if you don’t look good and sound good I do not use it. I just delete it. I want you to look good and
sound good that’s what I’m all about because this will help more people then ever before”

“Remember most people aren’t actors and they’re not used to being directed. Their number one fear is
communicating on the camera. I want them to have that one crystal clear 1 or 2 ideas that they’re now emotionally
queued on and that’s what is going to make that magical”

“Otherwise, you’re actually distracting them. We can always add the details such as name, line of work etc.
underneath it in the caption”.

“Now the beauty of the video Mal is you can pull the audio off the video. You can use the video in its entirety
and I’ll indicate how to do that ,where they don’t have to pay anything and they can use it and make it viral”

“I’m all about viral marketing where you do the work one time and it costs you zero and you’re able to put it
out there and now millions of people if they choose to can access it and talk about it”

“As we know, word of mouth becomes a geometric exponential positive nightmare because you have no
control of it at a certain point. The beauty of that is everyone who sees that testimonial and it brings attention to a
certain thing that you’re marketing or process or solution and it happens to catch on, I’ve had testimonials that
were played 223,000 times”

“Then it directed people to my sales website and sales were coming in and I had no idea that was possible. And
that’s what we’re suggesting right here, capturing that video testimonial gives you all other forms of testimonial”

“You now have written because you can transcribe it, you have the audio and the video, you have all forms of
testimonial and you have the legal release. When they look in that camera or they speak to you and see the
camera is there, no judge, no attorney in the world is going to sue you”

“That is the legal release, they know you’re taping. You ask them and you’re recording it and there is the fact
right there. And that’s a major concern because a lot of people don’t want to sign releases”

“It’s another step that can put them in a fear mode and shut them down at a critical point”.

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“People will actually understand what those individuals are about and what their passion is and will understand
they can actually relate to it and may want to invest in it as well”

“What do you do with these testimonials now?

“ I know if we asked people right now could they think of 3 people that they’ve somehow helped in life on
some level most people can come up with 3 and you can come up with probably 20,000 or 2,000”.

“You could send out a mass mailing to your list because you already indicated the biggest secret is if you don’t
have a list, you don’t have a herd, you don’t have followers that you’ve taken care of and nurtured and created
value for, you’ve got no business that is your business”

“My active list is everything to me. Those people believe in me because I never let them down, I’ve never
lied to them, I’ve never misrepresented, I never exaggerated and as a result of that they’ve generated far
more then they put in”

“How do you begin to build that list? You do it with testimonials”.

“By giving them something of value without asking for something in return, we call that reciprocity”.

“The more you give the more you get. So by creating value here for your people, where we actually want them
to learn something, but they don’t have to buy anything. There is no money required here and you’re giving them
really precious information”

“People live vicariously through the words and actions of others. That’s it! People live on the edge; they
make their decisions based upon what someone else did so they can relate to it”

“So the video testimonial becomes a 3 dimensional commercial for the results you generate. Now you take that
testimonial and we’re going to do 2 things with it. We’re going to put it on the worldwide web and we’re going to
put it into your emails”

“Every single email that your people now send out is going to have live video that plays for free that is not an
attachment, its not embedded, its not going to take up any bandwidth, its not going to consume any power, its not
going to cost anything”

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“So what we’re doing here is we’re going to take that video, take one testimonial or 3, let’s just start
with one and let’s show you how to turn it viral right now and pop it in your email”

“You put the chip that’ sin your camera into the computer or you attach the USB cable from the camera to the
computer. I’m not going to get any more technical then that. If they don’t know how to do these things they can
consult with an 11 year old child”.

“When you plug it in it appears as a hard drive under my computer. You’re going to drag the video off the
chip onto your desktop and that’s it, done. Put the chip back in the camera and you’re done”

“Now you go to your home page and it says video at the top. If you click on video and follow the directions,
upload your videos for free. It sets up an account in 5 minutes, it doesn’t cost 5 cents and they never need to set it
up again. You are then able to literally tell the program, which is free, where the video is on your desktop and it
loads it for you”

“It generates something and once it’s loaded it gives you a confirmation, there’s nothing technical about it and
anyone can do this”

“People that are completely void of technology, any kind of knowledge at all, people that can’t send or receive
an email, they can do this as long as they have an IP connection at home or the library or school. They literally take
the link that it gives you and that is called a URL. That is an actual address where your video now resides with
your testimonials with people raving about you”

“You can now cut and paste that little address into your email and you can send that email to anyone, you can
put it on your website and when someone clicks on that link the video plays within seconds right there on the
screen and when they close it, it goes right back to the email”

“Your emails are forgettable, interchangeable, they’re disposable. Most emails look the same. When
people get an email from me they’re constantly opening it instantly just to find out what is inside it and I
don’t put any attachments in it. I am actually able to put a photograph or my brand directly in the email
with the video clip and it’s no larger then it was. Hard to believe?...Simple”.

-The key to all this is to play on emotion-

“Generate a JPEG with the people and underneath it is a caption. The caption says Mal Emery has saved my
life. $223,000 in additional revenue and I now work 7 hours per week versus 69. My life is forever changed. Mal

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thank you and my family thanks you as well. With love John Sullivan, Perth, Australia. Underneath that is a video
clip of this gentleman in Perth, Australia raving about Mal with his family there emotionally engaged in the video
that Mal posted”

“I cannot urge people enough to do exactly what we’re talking about and to do it immediately tomorrow
morning, tonight and start to gather those testimonials. We’re only covering just a few simple tactics that
make a massive difference”.

“You see this whole idea of video taping is not just for testimonial integration but it’s for building credibility”

“People go into your email, they have no idea what you do necessarily nor are they driven to go anywhere but
if they could click on a link that said what it is I do that impacts the world around me and the click on that link and
it says I specialize in helping people like you and families like yours find, qualify for and own your very own home
with little or nothing down and less then perfect credit. Find out how through a free consultation. Call this toll free
number and I’ll make time for you, no charge, because it’s my way of giving back”

“My whole goal with your audience when I leave them is to make sure that people understand who they
are, what they’re about and understand the value in what they have to offer. That is a huge achievement”.


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“Build Your Business And Free Yourself

Of The Daily Grind”

If you haven’t discovered Rich’s real world business building strategies you’re 
currently working way too hard for a fraction of the income you should be earning. In 
this chapter Mal and Rich chat about the strategies you can apply to build your 
business find a strategy that works and stick to it. 

“This is the idea. You want to be a thought leader, you want to be someone
who is a little bit ahead of the market, thinking ahead of the market and
interacting with the market saying this is where it’s going. It’s kind of like
what I’m doing today. And you want to be that person in whatever niche you
have some desire to be in”


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Introducingg Rich Schefren
S n, “Coach
h To Thee Internet Guruss”.
Rich gradu
uated from Un
niversity as aan accountingg major he was then recru
uited to Arthu
ur Anderson’s 
Sttrategic Plann mped at the cchance to takke on a failingg clothing business. He waas only 
ning division where he jum
2 years of age
e when he to
ook the clothiing store on. The businesss was makingg $1.5 million in sales how
brreak even waas $3 million. Within 3 yeaars the store was crankingg over $6.5 m
million dollarss. 
His next bu
usiness went from fresh sstart to $7.5 m
million in ann
nual sales in less than 4 ye
ears with onlyy $7500 
eing initially iinvested. 
Rich has be
een profiled on the front page of the W
Wall Street Jo
ournal and w
well as featuring on Newsw
ntertainmentt Tonight, ABC, NBC and so on. What p
En puts Rich in a ‘league of hiis own’ is he’s one of a sellect few 
o have cashed
d in successfu
ully in both offline and on
nline worlds. A
An example o
of this was hiis first inform
prroduct, in its first week it netted a who
opping $287,000, since then his busine
esses have made in excesss of $35 
million dollars
m  in sales. 
His unique businesses online’ gets big money resu
e philosophy about ‘How tto build real b ults for his cliients. His 
ompany provvides coachingg to online en
ntrepreneurss who want to
o know how to get their b
sttrategically an
nd ultimatelyy get free from
m the daily ggrind. 
earnt with all struggling internet marke
w where Rich’’s passion is, in sharing what he has le
This is now eters who 
want to build r
w ove their quaality of life at the same tim
real businessses and impro me. 
Rich recently caught up mery and shaared his thougghts on the current online
p with Mal Em e situation ass well as 
ow to work o
online and offfline simultan
neously. He is all about bu ming rich and staying 
uilding busineesses, becom

Vissit the Mal Emery Web Store at www

w MalEmery com to Find Out
Rich Schefren

The following is taken from Rich’s recent presentation at the ‘Silent Killer Super Conference’ in Sydney Australia.

What I see as currently going on online and offline and what I think you need to do to win. And by
winning I mean build a very successful business and make lots of money!!!

“So what I’m all about is building something that consistently works and works for a very long time. And
because of that, I take a different approach”.

“So what I’m going to share with you today is”

“I have a track record of being accurate when I make suggestions. Two years ago, I explained in a seminar that
I thought that it was going to get more sophisticated online and those people who built a business around their
marketing skill would be much more successful and they would have a big lead over other people. And a lot of
people took me up on that and I helped them build their businesses”.

“There is a gentleman that is following me, Mike Filsaime, for example he was in my coaching program. He
joined my coaching program when he was making about $15,000 a month and he was working out of his house. At
that time, anybody probably in this room could have competed with him”.

“He was a single guy just working out of his house. Fast forward to today and I think last year he did like $6
million, so that’s a little more then $15,000 a month. It’s about $500,000 a month and I think he’s even done more

“And now he has a staff of 20 or so and if you wanted to compete with him it’s going to be a lot more

“I can give you so many war stories like that where I saw something coming, I pointed to it and the people that
followed and did very well”.

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“This is my current business. Strategic Profits and in our first 12 months we did $7.5 million”.

“So what I’m going to talk to you about today is how I did that and how you can do it too”.

“To begin with I idolized people like Dan Kennedy and Jay Abraham, direct response legends who I now work
with and receive testimonials from. It is very difficult to get testimonials from both geniuses however I did and that
what makes me so proud of them”.

“Some of my coaching clients who you might recognize include, Mike Filsaime, Jim Edwards, Gary Ambrose,
Keith Baxter, Ryan Dice, Carl Goletti, Marlon Sanders, all of these guys are very well known marketers or internet
marketers. All these gurus were in my coaching program where I helped them really grow their business”.

“But this is probably the thing I’m most proud about. We’ve increased the revenue of the companies that
we’ve worked with and I told you that we just really started this company. We’ve already increased the companies
that we’ve worked with $270 million”.

“So that’s pretty cool. It’s one of the reasons why I’m one of the few people that you can type my name into
Google and you’ll find sometimes 40,000 pages about me, sometimes 100,000 pages and you’ll be very hard
pressed to find one page that says anything negative about me”.

So why was this presentation born? How did this happen? Why am I talking about this today?

“Well I have this program where I coach a bunch of people and twice a year I have a seminar and at that
seminar its very different then a seminar like this. It’s just for clients and it’s always been that way at least”.

“What I realized when I was preparing for this seminar is that it had been a year and I couldn’t believe that it
had only been a year because the company did about $7.5 million and we went from me being alone to having like
15 or 16 people in our office and a whole bunch of programmers working in Turkey”.

“So, I really wanted to analyze and figure out how come I was able to do it so fast and so many other
people struggle? So I’m pretty well known for doing a lot of research. I’m a very research oriented person and
from that research I thought about it and analyzed what was going on in the marketplace”.

“On a call with Jay Abraham, I was telling him about this realization I made and how excited I was about it.
And he got very excited about it and actually you can do a search online and you’ll see that we did a call together

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where he interviewed me. Once every 6 months, he does an interview for his private clients and I released it for the
world to hear”.

“He said you can’t just do this for your clients, you have to do this for more people because they really need to
hear this. And Jay has been a mentor of mine so I agreed”.

“I wrote a document called the Attention Age Doctrine and I’m pretty well known also for writing a lot of

“Like I wrote the Internet Business Manifesto and that was a series, I did a bunch of videos and this was a new
report called the Attention Age Doctrine. Unfortunately, I didn’t get to finish it because I had to release it because
it wouldn’t do any good to release it after the seminar. So I released it half finished and told people I would be
following up with the second half and the second half is actually going to be coming out in about a week or two”

“We sold out the seminar in 5 days, the 5 days before the seminar because that’s when I released the report.
And 9 out of 10 participants said it was the best seminar they’ve ever attended in their lives”.

“So here we go, this is the internet or I want you to imagine at least that it’s the internet. I want you to
imagine that box is your website or your company if you’re offline”.

“Its kind of lonely right, there is nobody around and there is just a lot of stuff. This is what happens to the
typical online marketer. They put up a website, it sits in the middle of cyberspace and they don’t really ever make
any money it. It just sits there”.

“The bad news is that actually the picture is even worse then the picture of the supermarket because in the
supermarket in the States at least there is about 45,000 items; online there is about half a billion websites and 15
billion pages”.

“Your job is to stand out and to create a relationship with your customers”.

“And that’s not easy to do, especially with a lot of advice that was being given out a couple years ago about
just find a niche that has a need and fill it”.

“For example Apple came out with a phone called the I-Phone and people were lining up like days in advance
so they could get the phone, very different then the supermarket. How does that happen? Why does one company

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get a bunch of people so excited that they’re coming out with a product and other companies just sit there by
themselves? Is it the product, the marketing? You should ask yourself that type of question and think about it”.

“If you follow the common strategy that is pursued by most marketers you’re going to end up off the cliff”.

“When we’ve done surveys and when other internet marketing gurus have done surveys what we find is there
are really a lot of people who have just started and then it goes down to a very low number and then it goes back up
like after 3 or 4 years”.

“You either make it through that period and you make a lot of money or you don’t. The market is consistently
being refilled with people who are just starting out and some of them will make it through and hopefully all of you
will make it through if that’s what you decide you want to do and if you follow my advice I’m pretty confident that
you will”.

“I don’t know how sophisticated you guys are with marketing or online but if you’ve been around for a little
bit, I wouldn’t be surprised to hear what was working well once is no longer working as well”.

“Marketing tactics, marketing tricks are becoming less effective. So when I wrote this document, the last
document I put out which was called the Attention Age Doctrine, I had some beliefs, beliefs about what was
currently going on and that attention, human attention is one of the scarcest resources that we have. And it wasn’t
always the case and actually people used to have extra attention because they just didn’t have that many things to
focus on”.

“Now it’s the opposite and that changes everything. That changes marketing, that changes how if your business
grows how you handle employees, that even changes how you run your business and what you focus on”.

“Info overload, there is so much information coming out now that it’s impossible to keep up. More
information will be created in one day then you can digest in your whole lifetime. More information comes out
in a newspaper today then somebody 100 years ago was exposed to in their lifetime, so tremendous amounts of

“Interruptions, we went from a communication age to an interruption age. The average person in the United
States gets interrupted every 6 minutes. It takes 15 minutes to get into a flow state, into a focused state. So if you
get interrupted every 6 minutes it’s somewhat problematic”.

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“Paradox of choice, we used to think that choice was good but that was when we had 2 choices, 3 choices or 4
choices. What happens when you have 1,000 choices or 2,000 choices? How do you know which phone to buy?

“For me, I don’t want to read 3 magazines about what the best phone is, like that’s just not how I want to spend
my time. But I assume because there are so many choices that there is a perfect phone for me. Then when the
phone I get isn’t perfect, I get upset. This is the typical pattern and this is called the paradox choice. Too many
choices actually interferes with happiness and interferes with decision making”.

“In the United States, they did this study and for every 10 additional options in a retirement plan that they
offered employees, an additional 2% would not sign up for the retirement plan at all and that’s free money. The
company just puts the money in the retirement plan. But the more choices the less likely they were to actually do
something to sign up for free money because they didn’t want to make a mistake”.

“Advertising solution, advertising is everywhere. In urinals, it’s tattooed on people, companies will pay.
You can’t avoid advertising. They say at a minimum you’re exposed to 3,000 commercial messages a day. You
have to look at this from both sides, you yourself and also the prospects or customers that you’re trying to get their
attention. If you’re 1 in 3,000 how do you get through? And technology just keeps accelerating which puts
additional pressure on us to learn more and more to stay up to date”

“So all of these things are competing for your attention – choices, staying up to date, dealing with the
information, dealing with too many interruptions. All of these things you have to deal with and more
importantly your prospects and customers have to deal with it”.

“Now more and more people are online and they’re online where they’re always connected. It’s not through a
phone it’s through some high speed connection that they’re plugged in and this changes a lot of stuff”.

“So attention demands have exploded and if your business cannot command attention you have a

“If you put up a website and you think that just because the website is up there that all of a sudden you’re
going to do great you’re wrong. And even if you have some form of effective advertising it won’t be enough”.

“This was a Nobel Prize winner and in 1971 he said this, so he must have been like just so far ahead in his
thinking. He said what information consumes is rather obvious, it consumes the attention of its recipients hence a
wealth of information creates a poverty of attention. There is not enough attention. Your attention is finite”.

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“Studies show that if you drive and talk on the cell phone, the likelihood of you getting into an accident goes
up 400%. The reason is that you don’t have more attention, you can’t just add a little. So when you’re on the
phone, no matter what you’re doing it’s taking away something from your driving. So all of these things are taking
stuff away from you and they’re taking stuff away from your customer”.

“Rand Corp which is a pretty well known established research facility in the United States said human
attention might be the most restrictive limitation to the promise of the internet”.
“Here is my belief, my belief is that the more attention you get the more money you’ll make”

“I actually want to show you another thing that is going on online”.

“How many people here are familiar with Web 2.0? What I was going to talk to you about is attention and the
more attention you get the more money you make and I have a bunch of proof about that but also prove that
attention has value”.

“So one of things is that in Japan they now have vending machines that don’t cost anything and you just have
to watch the screen for a period of time and get your beverage or snack”.

“In the States there was something called the Million Dollar Home Page. The Million Dollar Home Page was
started by a college student who decided he was going to sell a million pixels on his website for $1.00 each and he
did and made a million dollars while he was in college”.

“He was just selling advertising to a site that had no reason for anybody to go. But why? Because he had
people’s attention already, he had some momentum”.

“Marla Maples, you might not know who she is, she was caught sleeping with Donald Trump while he was
still married. Immediately after that she got paid $600,000 to be a spokesperson for this company called No Excuse
Jeans. Now why would they do that?

“Because she had the media’s attention at that moment. So the company thought it was a good investment”

“The one that seals the deal though is a woman or a younger woman in the United States as well named Paris

“Paris Hilton has made for the last 4 or 5 years at least $5 million a year. I think the year before she made $7
million. Why? What did she do? She has people’s attention”.

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“Like when she goes to Las Vegas and goes to a club, she’s not going because she wants to go she’s going
because actually she gets paid over $100,000 to show up at the club that night because the club owner knows that
when she shows up so does the press and when they write about her the club will do that much better”.

“So more and more because attention is so hard to get and its also so hard to keep because you can get
someone’s attention like by screaming but then if there is no value there for them they will divert their
attention back to whatever they were doing”.

“So you have to get attention and then you need to hold onto it. So the commodity of attention is very

“So it used to be and if you buy any older classic books on copywriting in marketing they’re going to give you
a formula – attention, interest, desire and action. The premise behind that formula was that each step of that
process was more difficult to get”.

“It was easiest to get attention, then to get them interested was a little more difficult, desire more difficult and
action the most difficult- My belief and I’ve talked to a lot of people about it and they agree with me is that it’s
flipped now”.

“It’s actually once you have someone’s attention it’s a lot easier to get their interest, desire and action because
they’ve already made a decision. They don’t just give their attention easily anymore. So the first part is the hard
part and it gets progressively easier”

“So there are 2 ways that people generally deal with attention issues.

9 “Either they try and multi-task, they’re trying to do 2 things at the same time which has actually been
proven not to be effective at all”


9 “Continuous partial attention, which is they try to pay attention to lots of things at the same time”.

“I don’t know if you’ve ever had a phone call with somebody who was also paying attention to someone else
but that’s pretty frustrating and you know they can’t do both pretty quickly”.

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“So when somebody is paying attention to a bunch of things like listening for something but also typing
something or talking on the phone and answering email, how can you get through to that person? How can you
actually get their attention and get them to start moving in your direction?”

“So my belief is in the short term, not in the long term, visibility trumps ability”.

“If you’re known, you’re seen that is a big step in the right direction”.

“Here is a post in the most popular internet marketing forum called The Warrior Forum and they were talking
about branding and whether branding really matters or not. So one person they said that branding does matter and
they gave the example of if you looked at Jay Abraham, John Reese, myself and Mike Philsein that we could
release a product and it would be guaranteed to sell a lot just because it had our name on it”.

“That’s true, any time I release a product I sell it very well. But if I release a crappy product I don’t sell the
next one very well”

“The brand is like a promise”

“What is interesting also is that if…I have to say the United States because all the big brands today that have
come into existence in the last 10 years got there with no advertising”.

“Google never advertised, Starbucks never advertised, right? You cannot advertise your way into having a
brand anymore”.

“It’s too expensive and media is too diluted”.

“What they’re not paying attention to is old media. I’ll show you some stats about it”.

“Old media is dying and that’s a Business Week cover story about the vanishing mass market, the mass market
in the States at least is disappearing”.

“Here is another old media, newspapers, and this is a story about how the New York Times had to lay off
another 500 people, cut backs.

“TV is already dead and it will only increasingly get further dead. In

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1965, 35% of people could recall the commercials they saw the next day, now, well before I even get to now it
was 9% in 2000 So it went down huge because that’s the effectiveness of advertising on television”.

“Today, only a third could even name one commercial and to make you guys feel a little superior to
Americans, 21% couldn’t even remember the TV show they watched. So that’s the audience”.

“Magazines, are going down and they are projected to continue to go down in all countries. Advertising Age
says old world media is starting to feel the pain and it talks about how now money is leaving those old channels
and is moving more online and other types of advertising”.

“So that’s one area. People are not spending time or their attention with old media as much”

“Another place people don’t like spending their attention on… people that lie to them. Only 14% of
consumers trust any advertising whatsoever. So trust is gone, advertising lies”.

“Sony got caught having fake blogs, making fake posts from fake consumers talking about their wonderful

“Wal-Mart got caught doing the same thing”.

“Whole Foods, this is a company that is highly regarded in the United States It’s an organic store spread out
throughout the country and they’re very successful. The CEO got caught posting stuff about another CEO under a
false name and it was a big scandal”.

“McDonald’s they got caught doing it too, a blog about how somebody found a French fry that looked like
Abraham Lincoln, our 16th President”.

“So all these have been caught because online you get caught, offline you don’t always get caught”.

“So we have something in the United States called the Do Not Call Registry where you can sign up to make it
against the law for a telemarketer to call you. Well 60 million people when they launched it signed up in the United

“This is a lot. 69% of consumer’s want ad blocking technology to just block out all advertising, 65% of
consumers feel that they’re constantly bombarded with advertising and 56% will not buy a product if they feel it’s
too intrusive in their advertising”.

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“Once again Advertising Age says and this is like, this is the Bible of advertising in the United States.
Everybody on Madison Avenue, the capital of advertising reads this… It says, presently you will be given 5
reasons to consider something barely imaginable. A post apocalyptic media world substantially devoid of brand
advertising as we’ve known it. Okay well if they’re not paying attention there, where are they paying attention?”

“Well people are giving attention to other people like themselves. People are giving attention to experts”.

“That’s a short cut right, if I don’t want to read 3 magazines about a cell phone, if I know somebody who
knows a lot about cell phones I will ask them”.

“Solutions to the problems that we experience, online communities and online content which we’re going to
dive a little deeper into”.

“So let’s talk about Web 2.0 and Web 1.0”

“Web 1.0 was about connecting computers worldwide and making technology more efficient for them to

“Web 2.0 is about people connecting and making technology efficient for people and they are”.

“So in the past with Web 1.0 it was a one way channel, just like every other broadcast medium. I the advertiser
will tell the world exactly about my product and they over time will believe me if I say it often enough, one way”.

“Now the web is two ways and that is what Web 2.0 is all about”

“So where does attention go online? What do people spend time doing online?”

¾ 5% of the time they’re searching

¾ 16% of the time they’re buying
¾ 79% they’re either doing content, they’re reading
something, watching something, listening to something or
they’re communicating with others.

“Web 2.0 is about social media and social media is about tying content and communication together”.

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“So blogs are an example of that. Its content, I post to my blog and then people respond and now we’re in a
conversation. That is part of social media”

“Here are just a few Web 2.0 sites and there is literally thousands of them trying to connect people in lots of
different ways. So media has become somewhat human”.

“We’re spending more and more time looking at other people and what they’ve done”.

“The barriers to getting attention have gone down, like anybody can get the world’s attention, anybody that has
access to it but the competition is more fierce then ever before”.

“So this is a very interesting study. P to P stands for Peer to Peer, me and you and in 2003 people trusted
people like themselves, like Amazon says people who bought this also bought that 22% of the time”.

“Now 4 years later 68%, it’s the highest level of trust. In the United States we trust CEOs less then we trust
lawyers and legislators, 23%. People like ourselves are the most trustworthy source now”

“So Web 2.0 is about fostering that through the rise of social medium”.

“So it’s a cycle. You find something, you then share it with others, you have a discussion with other and they
share it with others and then something gets created. It’s called a mash up. You can take content from different
places and bring them together and it’s a cycle”

“If you’re not familiar with Web 2.0 I suggest that you get familiar with it because it really is going to be
the way the internet goes”…

• You Tube; You Tube is a Web 2.0 site.

• Flicker which is where people can put their photos, all these photos from this presentation came from
Flicker, just random photos that I found doing searches that people had posted in their online photos
albums that they were willing to share. So articles, podcasts, all these different things,

• Slide Share and Slide Share is really cool for someone like myself who does presentations. People just put
up their presentations to show the world. So when I’m thinking about learning a new topic, the ability to
see a bunch of presentations on that topic really cuts my learning curve down.

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“Then there are all these social sites that help you find content”…

• There is Digg which is when you find a story that you like and you Digg it you can press a button that says
I like this story, this is really relevant, this is really good. It moves up in the polls. If someone else finds it
and they don’t like it they can press undig and it goes down in the polls”.

“So when you go to those types of social bookmarking sites and do searches you find very pertinent
“So what are the after effects of Web 2.0? Well this is big”.

“Advertising can’t trick people anymore. You can’t tell the world that you’re something you’re not. You used
to be able to do that”.

“You could tell the world that you were this and nobody was talking to anybody so you can get away with it.
Now the web is a community and everybody is talking to each other and so if you do that you will be exposed,
which is why those companies got caught”.

“You can’t trick people and you can’t remain anonymous because you will be found out. Your marketing can
never defeat a community”.

“In the last election or the election before, the Presidential election, Dan Rather who was one of the most
respected journalists in our country lost his job because supposedly he was using some documents that were

“Who found out?”

“People online, bloggers”.

“So more and more we’re moving to a place where if you want to have a long term business, the branding, the
positioning is going to be determined by the people that interact with your company”.

For a lot of people that’s a really scary idea because they don’t provide value or they don’t live up to what their
promises are.

“Your company is going to be defined by the people that interact with it and not by you deciding”.

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“Did this lock ever make it really big over here, it’s called Kryptonite? Yeah all right so I always wondered
what happened to Kryptonite? Well a person complained that you could pick it with a Bic pen and the company
didn’t respond. So this person put it up on You Tube, a video of him picking the lock and here is what happened.
10 days later the company took a $10 million hit on doing a full recall of the product and they’ve never been the
same since”.

“Dell right? There was a guy by the name of Jeff Jarvis who owns a magazine called Entertainment Weekly.
He bought a Dell computer and he had a horrible time dealing with customer service in India. And every time he
tried to get it fixed there was another problem. He paid extra for special service. He didn’t tell them who he was
but after he had enough he started blogging about it and there are over 100,000 pages about Dell Hell, about bad

“Eventually, I mean you can see what happened to the stock price over that period of time, from a high in 2005
all the way down. And eventually Dell took action and now they’re very customer focused and some people in the
blogging community are somewhat skeptical but we’ll see”.

“When everybody is connected you can’t get away with very much”

“A lot of internet marketing for the longest time was about well you just hire a crappy ghostwriter to write a
product and you just throw it out, you just put it out there”.

“Well you can pretty much guarantee yourself that you won’t make a second sale, right, which is where all the
money is made but you also over time will not even be able to make the first sale because of the community
structure and just there being information out there”.

“Rupert Murdoch, I assume you guys know who he is right. I think he’s Australian right? He’s worth $7 billion
and this is what he has to say about what’s going on, his words”…

“To find something comparable you’d have to go back 500 years to the birth of the printing press, the birth of
mass media. Technology is shifting”.

“Now this is the guy who owns more media then anybody else so for him to say this, this is a very big deal,
which is why he’s gone online quite a bit”.

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“Technology is shifting power away from editors, publishers, the establishment and now it’s the people who
are taking control, which is why he moved online”.

“He owns My Space, the number one site on the internet”.

“He bought it for $580 million and the year after he sold it for $900 million”.

“He’s a sharp guy. But over time bigger better companies will eventually get it. McDonald’s isn’t going to
make that same mistake again, Wal-Mart won’t make that same mistake again and they’re bringing more money
online which will mean that it will be more difficult in a year from now, 2 years from now to be able to start an
internet business”.

“The infomercial business was like this to in the States at least. There was a time when all you needed to be in
the infomercial business was a camera”.

“You could shoot something, bring it down to the station, play it at night because they had no idea that the time
was worth anything. Now if you want to get into the infomercial business, it costs you millions of dollars”.
“So it’s no longer open to anyone. I believe that over time the internet will get more difficult to play in as
companies move more money out of TV, radio, newspapers, magazines and put it online”.

“Because people have finite attention spans and if they’re competing with a lot of money, whether it’s
advertising or not because they can hire lots of bloggers, they can hire people to create wonderful content and it
will be more difficult”.

“The concept is what you should aim for is what I call a viral visionary”.

“This is the idea. You want to be a thought leader, you want to be someone who is a little bit ahead of the
market, thinking ahead of the market and interacting with the market saying this is where it’s going. It’s kind of
like what I’m doing today. And you want to be that person in whatever niche you have some desire to be in”

“Now my experience in my own company and all the gurus that I helped is that this is the fastest, the easiest,
the lowest cost method to actually build a business that can get you immensely wealthy”

“I think that over time it will become more difficult. But right now because people really haven’t figured out
this media landscape, its prime and you can do it. You can be a thought leader and thinking ahead and knowing
where the market is going but you also have some marketing behind it so that your message gets out”.

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“If you have those two then you’re a viral visionary and if you’re a viral visionary you have supreme
influence in your marketplace”

“So what is a thought leader?”

“Let’s talk about that for a second. In an attention deficit world where attention is scarce people look to experts
because they are looking for a short cut to making a decision”

“So Dan Kennedy, the person I showed in the beginning, he says people are walking around with umbilical
cords in hand looking for a place to plug in, just tell me what to do and I’ll do it. In that mode being perceived as
an expert isn’t a bad thing”.

“So what is a thought leader?”

“A thought leader is a recognized expert”.

“Not just that you yourself recognize you as an expert but that others do. Others credit you with a full grasp
and understanding of the market, with keen insight into customers, recognizes trends before the masses, referenced
on other peoples websites if we’re talking about online, has lots of inbound links from other non-associated places
just because people follow what they’re thinking about, what they’re talking about”.

“They introduce new ideas into the market, which are adopted by the market”

“And so this is the model”…

“How can you be a thought leader?”…

“You have to pick an area that you love and that you’re good at first. It would be very hard for someone to
compete with me in my area if they didn’t love what they did. I just want to think about it all the time, its hard for
me to disengage from it and enjoy my life. I actually have to use discipline for that”.

“You have to pick something you wouldn’t mind committing lifelong learning because things change and
you’re going to have to continuously stay ahead if you want to follow this model and I think its like I said the
fastest, most certain and cheapest way to make a lot of money and build a business”

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“Where you enjoy spreading the word, where you enjoy telling others about what you’ve discovered, what you
found, what you’re thinking. With a message that you strongly believe in so much so that even if others disagreed
with you it wouldn’t change your opinion. And that you would be willing to speak and write about it for a while to
establish yourself without any big payoff”

Thought leadership is about sharing your best ideas. It’s about being in front of everybody and then sharing
those ideas. What I’m trying to do with you is the same exact thing.

That’s why I have a good reputation, that’s why my business has grown and that’s why. I follow this model.

“Many internet marketers though have the exact opposite thought process. They’re afraid to reveal their secrets
because they’re worried that everybody is going to rip them off”.

“What they don’t understand is that the hard part is not to protect your secret method; the hard part is even
after you’ve released it to the world to get people to try it, to even consider it”.

“So this will stand in your way if you go into internet marketing more then any thought process. So if you
decide you want to be an internet marketer, just make sure if you ever think I shouldn’t release that idea because I
can make a lot more money if I kept it to myself that is a recipe for not being successful”.

“I built my business on free content. I just gave away some of my best ideas. Whenever possible try and be
distinct and unique”.

“So becoming a thought leader, here are some other outside requirements that you will have to do”…

“You have to multiple your ability to process information. You have to be in front of your market which means
you have to know more than they do”.

“When we’re working we’re not thinking we have already done the thinking”

“It’s the same like in professional sports. If you know any professional athletes, I know a few professional
athletes and they don’t do their thinking in competition, it’s too late. If you’re like an American football player and
you’re thinking on the field, you’ll end up in the hospital”

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“A knowledge management system, there is so much information out there you have to have a way of like
when you have a good idea of categorizing it. When you read something having a place to put it so that it’s
accessible to you later on”

You have to leverage your strengths and do something because who you are gives you an advantage.

“We do this test with our clients and it gives you your modus operandi, how you go about solving problems.
So its no big surprise to anybody who works with me or myself that when I have a problem I like to do research
and that’s what the test shows and that gives me an advantage in what I’m doing here”

“An effective learning strategy, how you go about learning and retaining the information. You can listen to
stuff a lot faster then you believe you can and you will understand every word”

“I listen to audio between 300 and 400 percent the speed that it normally is and you can do it too. I guarantee
you that you can do it at 200% right now which would cut your learning time in half”

“You can also watch video much faster and you wouldn’t notice it either as long as the pitch is done.

“What it feels like when you’re playing to your strengths, I want to give you an example like a visceral
experience of the difference between playing to your strengths and not playing to your strengths”

“I’ve had the experience of both and I assume most of us here have. When I first got involved online I tried to
do SEO and I even taught a few seminars with SEO with Steven Pierce and we were partners. Its search engine
optimization, very technical, very detail oriented stuff. I’m like more of a big thinker, I want to be left alone and
read and I don’t want to be tinkering around and analyzing code on a website”.

“Steven would get it in like a minute and I would still be tinkering with stuff 2 hours later and I was not
enjoying the process. That was a very real experience for me of not doing something that I was naturally wired

“See strengths are something that you had a natural talent for”.

“It’s not just something that is inborn but it’s actually something that was fostered and you worked with. So
over time you’ve worked with one and you haven’t worked with the others so therefore that was difficult”

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“If you’re in a business where you want to be a leader and you’re not wired for it, it’s going to be like that
every day and that’s not fun. So how do you determine your strengths?”…

“What comes easy to you, you have no idea that it doesn’t come easy to other people. It’s always come easy to
you. So you need to think about your life experiences and where you’ve excelled and that’s very important because
you will get close to it but you need to ask people who you are close with what they think your strengths are and
what your weaknesses are. And you will get a much better idea from them then you will get yourself”

“If it’s not easy for you it’s not a strength”.

“Product launches”.

“I want you to imagine a crowded room, people talking, how do you get everybody’s attention? It’s not easy.
You can scream but what if everybody is yelling, then you won’t get their attention”.

“So product launches are about entering a marketplace with a grand entrance where it makes an impact. It’s a
way of focusing a lot of people’s effort for a short period of time so that you make an impact”

“Marketing that delivers value, getting people engaged, getting them into a conversation, viral marketing,
getting other people to pass the message along because when someone else passes the message its much more
likely to be received because they don’t trust you until they know you”.

“Moving the free line, that’s a concept we have in internet marketing about the more you give away for free
the more you’ll sell and the more that people will be willing to pay”

“Personal branding strategy, you have to understand what do you want to be known for because on the internet
everything is a permanent record. So you better be clear about what is your persona, what do you want to be
perceived as?”

“Multi-channel marketing, you want to be in lots of places, leverage social media which I’ll talk a little more
about, optimize buying”…

“Influence your network, there are influencers out there and there are ways to find them and online it becomes
much easier to find them”.

“You’re looking for higher authority websites”.

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“One of the easiest ways is if you go to do a blog search and a site called Technorati and it will tell you the
authority of each blog and you will know that a blog that has a lot of other people linking to it is a higher authority
site. You want to network with those people”

“Moving the free line, free stuff right, give people more free then they’re used to and they will be willing to
pay you more and also buy from you sooner. The more you give away the more people will want to buy from you”.

“Record companies were really scared of radio when it first came on the scene. Then they realized they were
wrong because it actually increased sales incredibly. If you heard a song a couple of times, you were much more
likely to buy the album then if you never heard it before”.

“I built my entire company on free content. And I can tell you that a lot of the other well known internet
marketers have done the same”. So these are the first 3, this is the Manifesto Trilogy. The first one after I released
it I made $3.5 million. That one 35 page report made me $3.5 million. People told me, we did a survey, I charged
$5,000 for 5 half hour calls with me and they also went through my e-learning system. I don’t do personal
coaching any more but I did it back then”.

“It was just me giving them really good information about the difference between an entrepreneur and an
opportunity seeker. There is a really big difference and opportunity seekers get crushed consistently and I see it all
the time in internet marketing. It bothered me so I wrote that report so I could educate people about the difference”.

“So people, 80% of the people that became my clients had decided when they read that free report they had to
work with me and the really disappointing thing for me was the average price they had decided in advance because
they were sure it was going to sell out and it did, it sold out pretty quickly in 2 hours all that money came in. The
average decision was $10,000 was what they would be willing to pay. I only charged $5,000 so I left a lot of
money on the table”.

“I made a mental note, next launch do a survey about the price. But that shows you the power of giving people
stuff but it’s not just any stuff and I’m going to tell you what type of stuff”.

“About 6 or 7 months ago I did this, I broadcasted live to 10,000 people from a seminar I was having down in
Florida. I was the first person to do that and we maxed out the company that handles Cisco and AT&T, their line
and they were like oh don’t worry about it”

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“Internet marketers have the ability to move a lot of people at very precise points in times. We put
10,000 people, 10,000 people watched me do a presentation at my seminar for free. It cost me like $25,000 to do

“Then I opened up my coaching program again and I did $2.8 million. When I released the Attention Age
Doctrine, 5 days later if you typed in Attention Age not necessarily my pages but pages about me was every one
except for one and of the top 13 I was 12 of them. In quotes, it’s probably less now because I don’t think that many
people are talking about it but if you put it in quotes which means that exact match, “Attention Age” there was
already 23,000 pages about it”.

“So what kind of content?”

“When I studied hypnosis, whenever I do anything I get really passionate about it and I want to study with the
best. So when I studied hypnosis same thing. I wanted to study with the best and I did study with the best and I
learned a lot but I really didn’t like hypnotizing people so I didn’t do it very long”.

“But one of the things that was really interesting was that they tell you when the client comes in and tells you
their problem, just nod your head but don’t really listen because if they knew their problem they wouldn’t still have
the problem”.

“So yeah you think your problem is or I think my problem is that I just can’t control myself at night. That Ben
& Jerry’s ice cream just calls to me and I have to eat it. It’s my wife’s fault because she brings it into the house and
if it wasn’t in the house I wouldn’t eat it. Okay. There is something deeper, there is something causing that”.

“People will tell you that people buy for emotional reasons. We’ve all heard that people buy out of emotion
and not out of logic. Here is the thing that most people don’t tell you but I learned from one of my mentors that
emotional need that causes that purchase never goes away. It’s never satisfied by the purchase. So I buy a lot of
books. I probably read about 4 or 5 books a week and I buy like 10 books a week. It’s like a compulsion, a book
buying binge every week”.

“There is something going on there and I don’t know what it is and I really don’t want to know. I have this
need but there is something going on. And I guarantee you that I’m never going to read a book that is going to
solve it. I’m not going to read a book and go okay done I don’t need to read anymore books”.

“Which is why advice that talks about get a ghostwriter to write something and all that kind of stuff is the most
backwards way of thinking about business”.

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“Like you’re not over delivering at the first purchase and you’re not getting a second purchase and this
emotional need that caused them to buy doesn’t go away”.

“Is that in every case? No because sometimes you’re not buying for emotional reasons. If you have a flat tire
you need to get it fixed, it’s not emotional at that point. But most purchases are done on an emotional basis and the
emotion never goes away”.

“Let’s talk about information overload”.

“My belief is that when you have information overload there is a couple of issues going on in your life and one
of those issues for a lot of people is they value external information more then themselves, their own information”

Now as long as you have that issue, as long as you value external information more then you value your own
generated information you will always have information overload because it doesn’t matter. You have this

“But I know if I wrote a report and took that approach it would resonate with a lot of people and it would go
viral and it would cause me to sell something else. I only write reports and create videos when I have something to
sell. I don’t do it when I’m not”.

“So I wanted to tell you the 5 whys”

¾ I want to do this?
¾ Well why do you want to do this?
¾ Because of that.
¾ Why that?
¾ Because of something else.

Why do I want to lose weight? I want to lose weight because I want to be a better father and have more energy
for my kids. Okay then why is it important to be a better father? I think it’s important to be a better father because
children need fathers and I want to feel good about myself.

“Five whys are utilized when you’re trying to get at the deeper reason. And when you come up with a deeper
reason it is the hook”.

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“Michael Masterson says, most people in the information business think they’re selling information. We’ve
never thought that we sold information; we sold big ideas that resonate with people. Nobody wants more
information, they want a big idea. What I gave you just then was an idea. It might not have been a big idea, it
might have been a small idea but it was an idea.

“Your marketing must provide value to your target market”.

“If you are to remember one core concept for the longevity of your business it would be this one”…

“I practice what I preach. You can see all the stuff I’ve given away for free. The reason I give all that stuff
away for free is whether somebody buys from me or not I want them to feel that they got value so the next time I
have something to market they’ll at least look at it”.

“So every time I’m marketing something, I create really valuable content”.

“And we usually do pretty well but I’ll tell you a lot more people read it then buy it or watch it and that’s fine.
My hope is they’re happy with it so they’ll give it another chance the next time”.

“If you’re just yelling and screaming and hype, why should someone like look at your stuff the next time? And
the longevity of your business, like I said at the very beginning of this conversation, I’ve had lots of money and
lost it and I promised myself I was never going back there.”

“As long as you deliver value in your marketing I don’t think you will be there”.

“But if you don’t, over time it’s like the boy who screamed wolf or whatever that nursery rhyme is. Remember
what is most important to your business happens outside your business, especially in this new age, the conversation
that is going on about you”.

“You have no control over it so you better deliver value in your marketing”.

“I call this like the new marketing chasm. How you sell must be congruent with what you sell. If it is
congruent there is a message to market match and people won’t be disappointed after they bought from you”.

“You need to think of consumers not as your target but as your salespeople, your sales force to go out and get
more in a social world and social media”.

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“So I try and do that, I try and match whatever it is I’m selling with how I market. I give them similar
information. So in your market, wherever you decide you want to start your business or if you’re already in a
business and it doesn’t matter you don’t have to be selling information you could sell anything and you could just
think about what are the problems people have and how can you think about them more deeply because most
people don’t think at all”.

“So if you spend time thinking about the issue, think about the deeper reason and then this is the other hook…

“If you can articulate their problem better then they you’ve got them”.

“Do you get the right type of attention? You can hit someone with a brick and you’ll get their attention but
that’s the same thing as using hype and cheesy types of stuff that you’ll be embarrassed about a year from now”.

“You don’t want to hit people with a brick and I assume the laws are pretty similar and you’ll go to jail here.
But you would get anybody’s attention if you hit them with a brick”.

So if you have a business now how are you going about getting the attention of your marketplace?...

“Become a thought leader to get attention, move the free line, give more then what they ever expected away,
piggy backing and I’m going to talk about that in a second, PR and if we have a chance I’ll talk about that, be
different, have something different and unique to say. It’s the same reason I name all my documents weird things.
The more distinct you are the easier it is to remember”.

“Make a grand entrance and that’s product launches and viral marketing and then social media optimization”.

“Okay piggy backing attention”…

“When I thought about this concept of jumping on other people’s attention I realized that I’ve done that in
every business I’ve been in”…

“In the clothing business we had a lot of celebrity clientele, my store was in Manhattan and Madonna and Eric
Clapton and all those people shopped there. So any time they came in someone called like the gossip columns so
we were always in the gossip columns. And that got us a lot of business”.

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“And I’m not the only one who uses this, this is head and shoulders and they leveraged a conversation that
must have happened a long time ago between Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston. Jennifer Aniston was complaining
about his dandruff and so the whole thing is an ad, it’s the same stuff”.

“This is an offer that gets attention; offers can either get attention or not get attention”.

“Offers that get attention have certain characteristics”...

“They solve an urgent pressing problem with a uniquely superior solution. So it’s a better solution and it’s also
a different solution that is backed up by as much proof as possible with an appealing proposition that is hard to

“If you have an offer like this you’re set. An offer is what drives the sales not copy”.

“Copy is important, it’s very important but in direct response the list is the most important, second is offer,
third is copy and it’s a lot less. But copy is the easiest to adjust which is why it’s so important. But offers have a lot
more power to them”.

“Proof that gets attention, there are 3 types of proof”…

(“If you can have the third type of proof you will always sell more”)

First type of proof is that you did it but most people have a self esteem problem so the fact that you did it
doesn’t mean anything to them.

Is you helped other people do it. That’s good but maybe that person was smarter than me. Show me that you
helped someone who is stupider then I am with less resources then me and now you have my attention. Tell me
that you took some brain dead person who couldn’t speak and you turned them into a success, now I believe you
can do it for me.

“So I’m not always saying you can do this, I’m just laying it out there for you so that you look for it”.

PR Marketing

“This is one of the best ways to start to market your business online today”.

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“PR in the old days because I used to have PR agents work for me like in my other businesses and it used to be
about getting the medias attention because they were the gatekeepers to society for mass attention. I already told
you it’s not like that anymore”.

“So now press releases are about contact with your audience and its about releasing them on a frequent basis
because they actually get very good ranking if you do it correctly”.

“You should be doing press releases on a consistent basis at least a couple of times a month”.

“Find good reasons to send them out, create them to appeal right to the buyers as opposed to before where you
were appealing to the journalists”.

“Write releases full of your key words in your copy but don’t over do it”.

“I think that PR is incredibly important and that’s why I put it there. I also think blogging is incredibly
important if you’re going to be a thought leader in your space and has anything to do with online or information”.

“But you should have a blog and you should post on a frequent basis and then you should try and network with
the other important bloggers in your space because they have authority, they have influence”

“And if you’re going to be a thought leader and you’re going to try and grow your company in this manner
then being connected with them would be a very good thing”.

“The attention concept, what we talked about today was primarily from a marketing angle. I can tell you that
it’s just as significant in growing your business and how to run a business and also in your own personal life”.

“A scalable business is a business that can grow without requiring additional attention from you. If as your
business continues to grow it continues to need more attention from you then it won’t be scalable and it will top

“Systems are in place so that you can pay less attention. If you do something the same way over and over again
you eventually learn it through rote. The purpose in having very structured goals for your employees and focusing
everybody’s attention on only a few goals is incredibly important these days”.

So those are 3 things as far as running a business where attention is just as important like how you
manage it.

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“There is generally more demands for your attention then you can satisfy”.

“That sets up a chain reaction that if you handle it well doesn’t really impact you and if you handle it poorly
can actually set you back big time. If you have a business and we spent 5 minutes together and I asked you to
identify the top 3 challenges you currently face in your business, you would be able to come up with them for the
most part”.

“Then if I asked you how much time you were spending focused on those, I guarantee you it would be less
then 15% or 20% of your time but these are the big challenges in your business”

“Which means the biggest challenges in your business aren’t getting the attention they deserve”.

“So attention is much bigger then what I just talked about today. I want you to just appreciate that and just
have more of an awareness like when things go on in your life regarding where do you place your attention? Is it
deserved? Who is sucking your attention up?”

“But I wanted to share that with you because I see the impact of people who channel it right and I see
the impact of people who don’t and I’m convinced that this is one of the major differences in successful
people and people who are not successful”

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“Secrets To Becoming An Entrepreneur

Rather Than An Employee”

Ted Nicholas is a master copywriter and presenter. He is known as the 4 Billion 
Dollar Man having sold that in products through his range of companies. In this chapter 
Ted reveals the secret insights that have led him to a lifestyle most only dream of.  

“In my mind it’s much less risky and much more rewarding
psychologically and financially to be an employer then to be an
employee. Your fate or fortune is not in your hands as an employee
it is in someone else’s. I think that is a risky way to live”

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ng Ted Nicholas,
r Copywrriter”

Ted is a wo
orld renowne
ed author, co
opywriter, sellf publisher, p
public speakeer and direct marketing exxpert.  

Ted started
d his first bussiness withou
ut capital at tthe age of 21 years old and since then has had 22 
ompanies. To
oday Ted is Prresident of Nicholas Direcct, Inc. his ow
wn company w
which marketts his books, audios 
nd videos, ne
ewsletters, se
eminars as we
ell as other in
nformation p
products. He h
has written 1
14 best sellerss and has 
ublished 53 b
books by othe
er authors an
nd serves on tthe Boards off numerous ccorporations.. 

As a consu
ultant Ted hass provided se
ervices to com
mpanies in ne
early 100 diffferent industrries and when Ted 
was just 29 he
w  was selected
d by a group of business leeaders as one
e of the mostt outstandingg businessme
en in the 
naation and invvited to the W
White House tto meet the P
President of tthe United Sttates.  

Ted curren
ntly holds sem
minars in Euro
ope and in th
he United Staates on directt marketing aand self publishing. 
Atttendees havve paid up to $7,500 to atttend and feell they’ve gottten far more then their m
money’s worth

Ted also prroduces the n
newsletter Su
uccess Marke
et, a free ezin
ne where Ted
d shares secre
ets of his dire
marketing succ
m cess that mad
de him a milllionaire. 

He has pro
oduced over $
$5.9 billion dollars in sales within not o
only his own company, bu
ut for his clients 
orld also. Whether you are
arround the wo o be an entrepreneur, exeecutive salesm
e or aspire to man, public sp
au Nicholas advicce will change your life forever. 
uthor or copyywriter Ted N

Ted found out early wh
hat it takes to
o make peoplle buy. He haas spent millio
ons of dollarss, testing whaat 
worked and w
w what didn’t. He found from
m his testing tthat it was th
he words thatt made the diifference in aany 

Vissit the Mal Emery Web Store at www

w MalEmery com to Find Out

Ted Nicholas

Taken from an interview on ‘Advertising Secrets of Ted Nicholas’

“I thought some day if I could ever make a living writing words, I would be a happy, happy man”.

“After spending a number of years in business, by the time I was 29 I had 30 stores and yet my biggest thrill in
life was to write letters to the editor and get them published in newspapers and magazines”

By the time I was 35, I wrote my first book which was called How to Form Your Own Corporation Without a
Lawyer for Under $75. And happily that book has been an incredible best seller with about 2 million copies in
print. It’s the largest selling book of its kind ever”.

However, when the book was completed I couldn’t get a publisher to publish it. I went to 9 publishers and they
all turned me down and said it would never sell. I knew it would sell because of my experience as an

“I knew entrepreneurs were like me and didn’t want to if they could avoid an unnecessary legal fee they would
be happy to do it. Basically that kicked off my direct marketing career”.

“I worked with salesmen, wholesalers, retail shops but I found when I ran my first $90 ad in the Wall Street
Journal in 1973 and got back $360. Really the most exciting is the direct marketing method I employed then and
now with so many clients and my own companies”.

So in 1991, I thought I would try retirement because I had long…by then I was very blessed with success, I
had enough money to retire and sold my businesses for more money than I could ever spend”.

“In about 3 months I was so bored with the life of retiree that my friends started coming to me and asking me
for marketing advice because they saw me as a marketing specialist because my businesses were all very heavily
marketed and well known in the US and Europe as well”.

“Basically, I started consulting with people and in 1991 I also decided”…

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“The number one thing people need if they want to be successful is information about marketing and
being a successful entrepreneur.”

“So I did my first seminar. I didn’t know what to charge so I charged more then anybody else charged in the
US because I felt I had a much more valuable message then other marketing presenters in the sense that I was an
entrepreneur first before I became a marketer”.

“Whereas most marketers basically make their living as marketers and not necessarily entrepreneurs. In fact a
lot of them by their own admission are very poor entrepreneurs”.

“In that seminar I charged more money than anybody else because I knew I was going to deliver more value
and who did I get as attendees but all of the Olympic champions of business who were fans of mine or readers of
mind and they basically since then I’ve just done hundreds of seminars and been consulting with clients all over the

“Most of the world and I know this is the case in Australia and the US, most of Europe the idea that through
the culture that the parents have is that they would like their children to get as good an education as possible and
then ultimately get a good job”.

“I’m not opposed to a good education and in fact I think it’s very good to get as good an education as
possible. But it depends on how you define education”

“What I don’t like about conventional education is that it teaches you or focuses on you becoming an
employee working for someone else. And what I wanted to encourage them to do was to look at the alternative to
working for and becoming an employee”.

“In my mind, its much less risky and much more rewarding psychologically and financially to be an
employer then to be an employee”.

“When you’re an employee, especially in today’s world you’re subject to the whim of someone else,
someone else decides if you work, when you work, how you work, your salary, your hours, your responsibilities
and so forth”.

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“Your fate or future is sort of not in your hands but in someone else’s hands. I think that personally that’s a
very risky and a very unsatisfactory way to live”.

“So while entrepreneurship may not be for everyone, I think it’s certainly the case that the majority of
people I would just like to see more and more, a bigger percentage of the population become self employed”.

“Many of today’s trends are heading in that direction, such as the internet
where you can work from home and provide services to companies without necessarily having to be in someone
else’s building and being a so-called employee”.

“So I like to focus on entrepreneurship and I like to also dispel as much as I can the myths about

“A lot of people believe the myth its very risky and that it’s a highly hazardous kind of occupation”.

“I personally dislike risk enormously. I am not a gambler. What I like is what I call calculated risk where
I’m going to do everything I can to create an opportunity for myself and my customers in such a way that provides
the least amount of risk for me and the largest potential for reward”.

“Basically that’s the way I structured all of my businesses where I risk small and what I call roll out big. In
other words, I run in many cases small ads, small marketing techniques that I use in order to determine how many
people are raising their hands in interest and once that interest is shown then I can capitalize”.

“First I like to create a small level of interest before I go further”

“This is the message I like to bring…and the only time I speak at absolutely no charge is in schools and
universities. I like to talk with students, not only my own family and friends and their children but I like to talk
with young people and offer an alternative”.

“Too many, I know when I was growing up I never had, except for my father’s example as a small business
owner, my professors and teachers basically wanted me to get a degree, get a job, work for somebody else”.

“That was the whole idea. Its one of the reasons I dropped out of school when I was in my first year at
university because I felt I was really wasting my time and that was learning how to be an employee and not an

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How to get started in the information marketing business.

“Didn’t you put your first ad in the Wall Street Journal back in 1973; it was $90 ad that returned you $300 or

“Yes the advertisement was for the first book I had written”.

“How To Form Your Own Corporation Book’, 9 publishers had turned me down. I decided to publish it myself
and in effect become an information marketer”.

“All of you people listening to me right now if you’re thinking about information marketing, you’re thinking
on the right channel. It is the world’s best business”.

“That was my first product and I started with that small $90 classified ad. It was only about 25 words but
those words were magic words that caused people to call or write for more information about the book, which is
one of the secret ways and I’m going to show you how you can do the same thing”.

“That $300 I made was the most enjoyable $300 I ever earned”

“By that time I had formed all these other companies in the candy and ice cream business and I found that
when I was a retailer in a conventional business, I had to first produce the product, my candy and ice cream, then
offer it for sale in the marketplace and then I would get customers who liked it to come back again and again. But I
had to finance the whole thing”

“What got me the most about the information and direct marketing in that way was here I could offer my
product in the marketplace with a money back guarantee of course, which I’m a firm believe in, offer my product
and if people liked it or loved it they kept it.

“In the meantime, they had sent me their money for the product before they received it. And I thought this is
terrific because a small business entrepreneur like me because I basically had no money, $96,000 in debt and no
money whatsoever”.

“I had about $800 in savings is what I started with and I could create a huge international business running
these small ads all over the place and people would send me money before I delivered the product”.

“Now it just doesn’t get any better then that as an entrepreneur marketer”.

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“That’s the way that you want to ideally market your products because you can build a big business and your
customers are happily financing the business without you having to go out and borrow enormous sums of money to
create this kind of enterprise”

“This way of thinking is what a really successful marketing entrepreneur has to do these days. Think about
getting the marketing together first because while the product is crucially important you have to have a great
product or you can’t succeed in any field”

“Your information product has to be wonderful so people love it and benefit from it”

“Assuming that’s the case, your biggest task is getting your marketing together so that you can get the phone to
ring or the coupon to come in or the email to be sent or a combination thereof which is really the best way”.

“You’re getting people to respond in the way they prefer to respond but you’re doing it in such a way
where they are basically ordering the product before you even are producing it that’s fantastic”.

“And very few people except say the direct marketing insiders fully understand that idea”

“I like it much better to have all this impact in the marketplace before I even produce the product”

The process of self publishing your own books…

“First look at conventional publishing quickly and then we’ll look at self publishing”

Conventional publishing involves getting a 3rd party, a publisher, to publish market and distribute your book.

“I believe there is one good book in everybody”

“Essentially as a self publisher here is the way I do it”

“First of all, I create before I write a word of the book I write an ad for the book”

“The exact opposite of what most writers and publishers do. They basically create the product and then they sit
down with a dilemma that everybody has when they have a finished book”

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“I write the ad first because then that forces me to think through my proposed book from the reader’s point of
view which is the only way your book will ever succeed if you somehow touch the reader’s mind and heart”

Let’s talk about non-fiction which are how to books, information books that I’m sure your audience is most
interested in”.

“These are the kinds of books that I have written 14 best sellers and they’re all how to information books. So I
write the ad and what I then often do is send the ad that I wrote to a small list of my best customers”.

“Now mind you I have not written a word of the book. But I send the ad and if I get a lot of people sending me
orders for the book, I make what is called a pre-publication offer and if I get a lot of orders for the book that gives
me a lot of encouragement that I’m in the right channel”.

“If nobody responds to my letter, I know I had better go back to the drawing board and not waste my time on
this book”.

“So after I finish the ad then I’m in a position and I get interest, a lot of interest in my forth coming book then I
sit down and I write a fantastic Table of Contents”

Most books, if you go in your local bookstore and look at the Table of Contents it is tremendously boring. So I
create my Table of Contents like I do an ad where it’s exciting”.

“It’s exciting because like title is crucial the Table of Contents are crucial. If it happens to be in a bookstore
people look at the Table of Contents very often before they buy the book”.

“Then I sit down proceed and write chapter after chapter until I finish the book”.

“Then the first edition of the book normally these days I bring out on the internet, I make it an electronic
edition. I don’t even print it yet because it’s available electronically and it’s incredible to me”.

“I started selling my books on the internet in 1999 and I’ve sold hundreds of thousands of copies of my books.
And still every time I think of it it’s like a miracle”.

“A lot of people what they do with my books is they print it out and then they punch holes in it and they put it
in notebooks. So I come out first with the electronic edition of a book and then I have concurrently very shortly
thereafter with the bound edition of the book”.

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“Then essentially the ad that I created before I wrote the book often is the basis of or is the exact marketing
campaign that I use when I offer the book to my entire mailing list”

“Then I put that same ad on maybe the internet and on the magazines and newspapers as a space ad and then I
proceed in marketing the book and going forward and getting my book out to as many places that are appropriate
for the marketing of the book”.

“In addition to the fact that I send it to reviewers and others who may write favorable reviews and often do to
my books, I’m happy to say”

“Those reviews become like free marketing material for sale of the books as well”

“I write all my books on the basis of they’re perennial books. In other words, they are not dated; they are not
like a book for this year. They’re a book forever”.

“All of my books have universal concepts that are used forever”.

“This is what I have in my mind, how can I write a book that is going to last forever; the concepts are
going to last forever”

“Then I can market the book forever and it can help people forever. So this is the way I go about the idea of
self publishing”

“What I’m building in to my books is experience in the marketplace that works and is proven and I show
examples. I show how the reader can create their own variations of what I’m talking about in the book”.

“I feel the 2 best ways to learn in life are books and travel”

“The most sophisticated people that I deal with are”…

“My book and newsletter readers as well as the people that come to my seminars because they are information
seekers. The people that come to the seminars really are willing to put their time, money and effort at the seminar.

“So they’re the people I admire the most because they are taking action toward educating themselves in a way
that is really useful”.

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“I’ve gotten so many testimonials from people who attend my seminars, the impact on their career and their
lives that that’s part of the reason that keeps me going is helping people in playing a role in their lives with regard
to the information I impart”.

“I often people are willing to give me all the credit and I don’t think I deserve the credit, they deserve the
credit for taking the action and taking the information that I offer and using it to build their own careers”

“I assume most of the listeners here are entrepreneurs or want to be entrepreneurs”.

“All the listeners are converts to the direct marketing style of selling. They’re all very interested in direct
response marketing and the techniques you employ to sell their products or service”.

“You and Mal have been great pioneers in Australia in getting the message out about how valuable direct
response marketing is so the people are very fortunate to be on your list”.

“Do you want to run through some of the advertising strategies that you may use to sell your products
and services?”

“Basically, what I do, the number one thing that people listening to this call need to be able to do to sell their
products and services it is to craft a sales message that gets someone to not only be interested in reading it but get
someone to sit down and actually place an order and write a check for your product”

“Now that is easier said then done because everybody in the world would like to do that or would like to be
able to do that. And when I think about it, I’m sitting here right now in Switzerland as we’re conducting this call
looking out at the snow clad French Alps across Lake Geneva thinking that I’m a pretty lucky guy that I’m able to
live this kind of lifestyle”.

“What I’m going to do when we finish this call is what I do basically every day and that’s write a sales letter
for, in this case it happens to be a company that I’m a partner in”.

“One of my many passions is health because we’re 10 years away from breakthroughs and we’re all going to
be able to live to be well over 100 and probably 120 or more and God wiling and barring accidents, I would like to
be one of these people. So I’m personally very interested in health”.

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“So when I finish this call, I’m sitting here in my office looking at these beautiful mountains and I’m writing
this sales letter and people are delighted to pay me a lot of money to do it because I generate so much money for

“So isn’t that a wonderful way to live your life? And everybody listening to the call will be able to do that once
they learn the proper ways of communicating”.

“So basically what I do for every product is the same thing every listener has to do for their product. You
basically have to create a message, here is the way I look at it”…

“You have to create a message in order to be able to effectively sell your product to another human being who
is a complete stranger to you, never heard of you, never heard of your product and somehow you’re going to get
that individual to write a check and place an order”.

“So the very first thing I think about is how can I craft a sales message that is going to be exciting and still
truthful and full of benefits and compelling reasons that someone is going to want to buy the product?”

“Then I think about once I start working on that message concurrently I’m thinking about where am I
going to put this message?”

9 The internet
9 Direct mail
9 Space ads
9 Radio
9 TV

“It depends on the market. Who is the market for the product? The other question I’m always asking myself is
who is the market for this product or service and where and how can I reach them cost effectively?”

“Now the very best way for you listeners can create a huge market for your own products is to basically
have a large list that you’ve developed of your own”.

“No matter how successful you are, how good you are in looking at outside mailing lists, looking at magazines
and newspapers and analyzing and so forth, the very best list you’ll ever have are people that already have bought
something from you or have gotten something free from you and they know you and trust you and they love you”.

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“Now one of the reasons that I have a free ezine on the internet with thousands of subscribers worldwide is
because it enables the people who are interested in the work of Ted Nicholas and interested in my work to try my
work at no cost to them and they can compare what I’m saying with anybody they choose, any other marketing
guru or source of information”.

“If they find that what I have shared with them works for them in a big way then naturally they’re very
receptive to being invited to a seminar, being invited to buy another book or newsletter or home study course that I

“When you’re sitting there you have to create yourself and find a way to get that message out to a lot of

“Now I personally object, my most successful students who are multi-millionaires are first students before they
become practitioners”.

And basically what they study is how to create sales messages and then using my recommendation in choosing
the place they put the message”.

“Whereas a lot of people these days want to become so-called internet, they want to be huge successes on the
internet so they think about and focus on the technical side of the internet which is not important”.

“My most successful students are first understanding and studying the science of direct marketing and the
internet being one of the best ways to direct market, they get involved”.

“Because you can hire people at very low cost that are the technical experts that can help you with the internet
pages and a lot of the electronic stuff”

But that’s not the key thing;

“The key thing is getting a good message out to the people”

“And so this is how I look at it and this is how I recommend other marketers look at their business is

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“First focus on the rules of direct marketing and then applying it to different media. Sometimes direct mail is
by far the best way to reach your audience and all things being equal, direct mail usually runs on a percentage basis
about 4 times”…

“If you have a list of people on the internet of let’s say 20,000 who bought something and you have another list
of direct mail who bought from you, 20,000 on the offline list, the offline list usually pulls about 4 times as much
as the online list because people take the time more to read letters they get in the mail and so forth”.

“It’s very easy to bypass what is on electronically and they don’t read every word”

“If people ask me my favorite medium, I really don’t have a particular favorite”.

“I mean 5 or 10 years from now there may be some new electronic bouncing off satellite system that is
different then what we have now and you can rest assured my messages will be there if I can reach customers”.

“I’m more focused on the message then I am on the medium if you see what I’m saying”.

“90% of the success with any direct marketing message regardless of the medium that you use is the headline”.

“The first thing I do is I focus my efforts on creating a powerful fantastic headline then a powerful and
fantastic sub headline because that’s what people read”.

“If people don’t read the headline, they can easily turn the page or throw you letter away”.

“On the internet you have to have a fantastic subject line which acts like a headline. And you have to get
people’s attention and if you don’t get that attention you’re not going to be able to sell your product no matter how
good you are, no matter how good your sales letter is”

“So while most copywriters and marketers they write the letter first and as an after thought they write the
headline, I do the opposite”.

“I write usually for an ad of any kind that I’m doing sometimes as many as 250 headlines before I write a word
of copy; whether it’s an email or a letter I’m delivering through the post office”.

“Then the first sentence”

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“This sequence of what you write and when you write it is critical because of a lot of different psychological
“You basically want to start out with your headline on your sales letter and if it’s a piece of mail you’re going
to deliver through the post office your teaser copy on the outside of the envelope is critical or if it’s an electronic
message your subject line is critical”.

“There are 3 things that you have to have”…

1. “You have to have of course your copy”.

“It has to be very powerful and it has to meet certain rules”.

2. “You have to have the list that you’re sending to”

“A lot of people think if you have a great piece of copy written by anyone, including me, if it’s to the wrong
list you’re not going to get any response”.

“I write the greatest sales letter ever written for someone and I’m trying to induce them to buy a fishing tackle
that is perfect for catching bass and the person has never fished in their lives, no matter how good my letter is I’m
not going to be able to interest the person because its not their passion, its not their interest”.

3.“The other thing I focus on is the offer”.

“How are you going to present your offer in such a way that excites people enough to buy the products?”

“I test offers all the time and I see the results. For example, an offer such as 50% off can be powerful, half
price, but even more powerful I found over the years is 2 for the price of 1. Where the same revenue might be
coming in to me but the way you phrase and position the offer either induces more people to buy the product or
turns off people that they’re not interested because of the way the offer is”.

“So you have to have your offer, your list, and your copy in balance”

“What is the next step that you’re going to do?”

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“Basically I sit down and do the smallest test that is going to give me the most information and feedback. On
the basis of that test I’m going to be able to decide whether I crank it up and go to larger tests or go back to the
drawing board and rewrite the letter or what I do from that point”.

“So I’m going to sit down and now if I’m doing direct mail, for example, when you rent a mailing list many of
them have a 5,000 name minimum but you can rent 5,000 from 3 different lists, so you’re going to test 3 different
lists on your first go around”.

“But I usually do not send to 15,000. What I would do is perhaps take half, 2,500, of each of the lists so my
total mailing would be 7,500 people. I would take the 7,500 people and carefully code my order coupon so that I
know where and from which list my list are coming from. I would then send it out to them”.

“Then in about 30 days after the mailing is dropped what we do is 30 days out we look carefully at the results
because you would have roughly half the response that you’re going to get. We call it the doubling date, 30 days

“You look at the doubling date and if it looks really good, in other words, if you get double the orders because
after the first 30 days you’re going to have people straggle in. You’re going to have about twice as many orders
come in that come in the first 30 days before the mailing exhausts itself”.

“If that doubling day, if you double the potential sales at that date and it looks very profitable let’s say on 1 or
all 3 lists then you’re in great shape”.

“Then I go back and I then plan to go out on the next mailing lets say for like 15,000 or 20,000 on the list(s)
where I’ve made a very nice profit and I’ve got all these new names on my mailing list. Then after I do that process
that’s when I would go from there to 100,000 to 250,000, many of my mailings go out to 250,000 to 500,000

“That’s why people think I’m a big gambler Dave because they think God I’m doing these huge mailings, I
must be a big gambler. I’m not a gambler at all. I know exactly what my orders are going to be before I send out
those big mailings”.

“If the offer is being made on the internet, I can be much less, let’s say not as precise with my pencil, my
pencil doesn’t have to be as sharp because the internet names to mail to them costs very little or nothing”.

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So I may not get the response percentage that I get in direct mail but I get a response without a lot of
investment. So I can go out to my list and possible other lists for very low cost and then I can basically evaluate in
the same fashion”.

“If I get a huge response whether it’s the internet or offline, I would within no more then 60 days I would
make the offer again in exactly the same way because I get about 50% of the orders I got the first time of a
successful offer the second time I go out”.

“People are reminded about the first or they almost bought the first time and very often repetition can help you.
Be careful with the word repetition because repetition in itself doesn’t sell. Repetition of an offer that people are
excited about, repetition of that can be a big seller”.

“But in the context of having good response, great response the first time you’re going to have good
response the second time. that’s essentially how I’m looking at it and in the meantime how I’m always thinking
about it is new sales letter and new ads that I’m going to test against what I call the control”.

“So I write a letter B and I’m always testing a small panel of the mailing list of let’s say 2,000 to 5,000 people
of my new sales letter that may or may not exceed the results of the first sales letter”.

“If it exceeds the results of the first sales letter that’s beautiful because now I have an even more profitable
mailing. If it equals the first letter I’m now in great shape because now I can have 2 alternative letters I can send
out. In some ads there is always some fall off in response and I’m always looking for that next great, very often
just by changing the headline”.

“I often will in every mailing which is a repeat mailing is I’ll test a new headline on the letter and the envelope
because that’s the easiest and cheapest test to do”.

“Ted, it’s been great talking to you today. Your information has been priceless!!”

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“How To Trade The Market And Generate Cash”

Learn that the key to making money out of the market is achieving  
direction, strategy and timing.  
In the next chapter Carlo Castellano will show just how to achieve that trifecta! 

“It doesn’t matter what world economies are doing, if you

know how to make money when a share price goes up, down
or sideways you should be able to make money in any
economic climate”.

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Introdducing C
Carlo Casstellano,,
“Tradingg Strateggist”

Carlo begaan his working career in su
upermarkets.. He eventually found him
mself employe
ed by IGA. He
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or a gentlemaan that owned two countrry IGA stores which were located over a 1hour drivve to his home in 
Melbourne an
M d his job wass to help the businesses to
o turn around n dollar lossess into $1 million 
d a $1 million
ollar profits p
per year.  
Carlo found he was spe
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with his family and one daay came to th
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was missing ou
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de the first ste
So he mad ed investigating the share market. He w
ep and starte wanted to be
ecome financcially 
Since begin
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essional trader he has edu
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n the art 
off trading, shaaring with aud
diences his syystem that heelps him conssistently find successful trrades and gen
multiple stream
m ms of income
e. He is now tthe Chief Inveestment Officcer of Traderr Circle. 
‘The rewarrds from beco
oming a successful traderr are truly am
mazing. Ten yeears ago I had
d no idea thaat trading 
would open so
w o many doorss for me and I would end u
up living a life
estyle I had o
only dreamed
d of.’ 

Vissit the Mal Emery Web Store at www

w MalEmery com to Find Out
Carlo Costellano

The following is taken from Carlo’s presentation at a recent Mal Emery event entitled ‘Trade the market to
generate cash’.

“My name is Carlo Castellano as you heard and I’m a trader that’s what I do. I trade the market. I trade the
market to generate cash. Who needs more cash? Fantastic, I’m in the right room then”

“Now I haven’t always been a trader” I

“One day I’m in my office, working for IGA I thought to myself why am I in this job working all these hours
and not spending time with my family? Now why do we do that? Does anyone know? For money, we do that
because we need money”.

“And I thought to myself there has to be easier ways of making money”.

“You see I had friends who were making money through investing. Not huge amounts but enough to get them
by and I thought to myself if I could learn to invest, make some money from investing, maybe what I could do is
quit this job and maybe get a job working 2 or 3 days a week”.

“Now who would like to do that work 2 or 3 days a week? And the money I lost going from full time to part
time I could make up through investing. But my problem was at that time in my life I had never invested in

“I didn’t have a clue about investing. So what I did was I started reading books on investing, I started attending
seminars on investing and after reading all these books and attending all these seminars, guess what I did? Nothing,
absolutely nothing”.

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“One thing I found when I read these books and attended these seminars I came across a common theme and
the common theme was this that every book I read and everyone I listened to they seemed to say that their way of
investing was the best way to invest”.

“Now who has heard that before? But if everyone is saying that their way of investing is the best way to invest,
which is the best way? It confused me, so I did absolutely nothing”.

“So I just kept working away in the supermarkets”.

“Then one day a sales rep comes into one of the stores and I had gotten to know this sales rep quite well over
time and I told him how I wanted to invest but I didn’t know what to invest in”.

“He said Carlo why don’t you try trade options. I said options, what are options”?

“A couple of things he said caught my imagination and one of them was this”…

“Carlo once you understand how to trade options it’s possible to make money in the share market when
a share price goes up, goes down and goes sideways”

“I thought is that true because all I understood about the share market was you buy shares and they go up and
they make money. But if they go down you’re going to lose. I thought is it true? And what does that mean”?

“So I started thinking about it and to me what it meant was if I understood how to make money when a share
price goes up, goes down or sideways I should be able to make money in any economic climate. Does that make

“It doesn’t matter what world economies are doing, if you know how to make money when a share price
goes up, down or sideways you should be able to make money in any economic climate”.

“So what I did was start reading books about option trading and I started trading options”.

“Now options trading in Australia started back in the late 70’s, 1976 actually. And back in the late 70’s or early
80’s if you wanted to trade options you had to have a full service broker. And if your broker said buy you had to
buy, if your broker said sell you had to sell. You pretty much had to do what your broker said”.

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“The reason for that was this, your broker was the only one who had the information to be able to make the
decision on what to buy and when to buy and when to sell”.

“But you see what has made trading accessible to all of us is the internet”.

“Because of the internet we can now look at the same things they look at. So now we can make the decisions
for ourselves without having to rely so much on our brokers”.

“But my problem when I first started trading was this, I was still working when I first started trading and at
work we didn’t have the internet because that was a few years back. So how was I going to trade”?

“Well you see when it comes to trading the market, many people have many theories but I’m of the firm belief
that if you want to make money out of the share market you’ve got to pick the direction right. Does that make
sense? See if you know how to make money when a share price goes up, down or sideways, it’s all about then
picking the right direction”.

“But what I used to do is go home at night because I didn’t have the internet at work and I used to go home at
night and do my analysis”.

“What we actually analyze as an options trader is the share price”.

“What an option is it’s a derivative. Now what that means is it derives itself from something else. And what an
option derives itself from is the actual physical stock”.

“So what happens is when a share price fluctuates so does the price of its options. So I used to go home at
night and do my analysis. Then what I used to do is I would do my analysis and I would pick the future direction of
a stock”.

“So I would have a form of view of what direction a particular stock would go and I would write myself
a short list”.

“It looked like this, for instance, CBA I expect that to go up tomorrow. So what I would do is put an arrow just
like that on a bit of paper”. I would end up each night with a list of 2 or 3 stocks that I expected to go in a certain
direction the next day”.

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“Then I would do with that list is I would give it to my wife. You see my wife is at home looking after the kids
during the day. We had the Internet at home. So I would get her to periodically check the share price and then fax
me the share prices to work”.

“So when I received that fax, if Commonwealth Bank was going up like I expected, I would ring my broker
and I would buy the appropriate option. If Woolworth’s was going down like I expected I would bring my broker
again and buy the appropriate option”.

“My position at IGA was just to make my boss money. At that point in time I was making him millions of
dollars cause I ran his business”.

“Now I wouldn’t stop for lunch because when I work at anything I put 150% into what I do. Who else in the
room does that? The reason I started so early and got home so late was because I won’t leave anything that has to
be done that day for the next day. I would make sure it was done that day. And I wouldn’t stop for lunch. Why stop
for lunch? It means I would probably get home an hour later. So I would eat while I was working”.

“I then realized I can’t do this; I can’t work for someone who thinks of me in that way”.

“This was in the month of May and I said I’ve got to make as much money from trading, so by the end of the
year I’ve made so much money from trading that I can quit this job and just get a job working 2 or 3 days a week. I
made that commitment to my wife, to my family, to myself that I was going to do whatever it took”.
“So it got to the end of the year and guess what I did? Quit? No, quitting a job is scary. When you’ve got a
family, you’ve got commitments, you’ve got debts, quitting your job is a scary thing to do”.

“What I did was I went on 3 weeks holidays and in those 3 weeks I was able to look at the market whenever I
wanted too. I was able to look at it in a way that I didn’t have to worry about somebody looking over my shoulder
and telling me off. And in those 3 weeks I was making more money trading then when I was working. I said to my
wife, I can do this. I’m going to go back to work on Monday and quit”.

“You see a funny thing happens to your psychology. When you learn how to use money to make money you
start to question things”.

“If you know how to use money to make money why are you working for it? Now don’t get me wrong, there’s
nothing wrong with working for money. Do you think up here I’m working for money? Yeah but you know what
the difference is between me and most of you? Let me explain it this way”… “

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Do you have a passion and keep your hand up if you have a passion in life. Now only keep your hand up if
your passion is your job”.

“See trading is my passion and it’s become my life. I love it and do you want to know why it’s my passion?
It’s changed my life”.

“You see 15 years ago if someone said to me Carlo one day you’re going to be up on stage talking about what
you do for a living, I would say yeah who would want to hear about supermarkets. 15 years ago I couldn’t imagine
this that’s how much has changed my life. It’s enabled me to meet people I would never have met before. I’ve met
Mal and I would never have met Mal if I didn’t do this and so many other people. That’s how much this has
changed my life and it’s my passion”

“For instance, who invests in shares? Okay so I’m going to challenge you today because the way I’m going to
show you the way I trade is short term. When you invest in shares you’re thinking long term and I’m a short term
trader. I do invest as well. I invest in shares, I invest in businesses, I invest in property”.

“I invest in many different ways but I trade the market and I trade the market to generate cash. I trade
the market to generate cash”.

“Now before I get into how does that, I am licensed to speak to you today. To speak about the share market
you have to be licensed in Australia. Now I am and part of my license agreement,so any general advice contained
in this presentation does not consider your objectives, your financial situation or needs and you should consider
whether its appropriate for you. If you’re thinking about acquiring a financial product you should consult our
financial services guide, which is on my website”.

“Now what that means is this, stocks are classified as a financial product. You buy a stock you are buying
a financial product. You buy an option you are buying a financial product”.

“Today, I’m going to talk about stocks; I’m going to talk about options. I’m going to talk about
historical trades that I’ve done”

“Now at no stage am I saying to you, today go out and buy those stocks or Monday go out and buy those
stocks. Because back then when I did buy it was the right time to buy. It doesn’t mean that it’s the right time today.
Is that okay with everyone”.

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“The other thing is because I am licensed that should also give you some confidence because I am regulated.
There are things I can and can’t say and that should give you comfort because I can’t say anything that would
mislead you”.

“Now I told you that I invest in the market and I also trade the market. Now to make money out of the
market you need to be able to do some analysis. There are two types”…

9 Fundamental
9 Technical analysis.

“Now what fundamental analysis is it’s about reading company reports, profits and loss statements,
announcements that come out. It’s also about understanding the economy, how different factors within the
economy affect the share market”.

“If interest rates go up how will that affect the share market? Now 99% of the time interest rates go up and
share price falls. The market falls. Now why does it fall? It falls for a number of reasons but one of the reasons is
this, you see if interest rates go up that means you have to pay more money on your mortgage. If you’ve got to pay
more money on your mortgage what that means is you’re going to have less disposable cash to spend”

“If you’ve got less disposable cash to spend it means on goods and services that means businesses are going to
be selling less good and services. If they sell less goods and services, they’re going to make less profit”.

“Now who would like to invest in a company that is going to make less profit”???

“That’s the reason why stocks fall when interest rates go up. Also companies they borrow money, they borrow
money for expansions, for new explorations for all sorts of things. So when interest rates go up it actually affects
their bottom line directly”.

“Fundamentals are also understanding how other factors affect the market. For instance, when they announce
what the unemployment figures are that’s an important figure”.

“The reason being if unemployment is low that’s a good thing for the market. Why is it a good thing?
Because people are in jobs and if they’re in jobs they’re making money. And if they’re making money guess
what they’re going to do with it? Spend it, so that means companies will make more profit”.

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“Its understanding how, for instance, who would like to know before the market opens whether it’s going to
open high or lower? Who would like to know how to do that? It’s really simple”.

“In the Australian market, we have the share market, options market, warrants markets but we also have a
futures market. Now the futures market is the only market that trades 24 hours a day and they call that the

“Share Price Index is what it stands for. Now there is a day SPI and a night SPI. What happens is this at
nighttime when our share market is closed; all the overseas markets are open”.

“Now our SPI is open as well. So if something drastic happens in the US market or the UK market our SPI can
react to it. Our share market can’t because our share market is closed. But the SPI can react to it because it’s open
24 hours a day”.

“Now what happens is this, if you watch the Today Show at 6:15 in the morning they always have a pretty girl
on there talking about what the overseas markets have done. They’ll also mention what the SPI has done. Now if
the SPI is up you expect our market to open up, if the SPI is down expect our market to open down”.
“I look at that every morning just to get a gage on what I can expect to happen in our market today. Now I said
open up or down, I didn’t say it would close up or down. Who has noticed that sometimes the market will be up
during the day in the early part of the day and the afternoon it will be down? Who has noticed that? Do you know
why? Check the Chinese market, the Chinese market is the strongest market in the world at the moment and they
open 3 hours after us. So when they’re open and they start going down it usually drags our market with it”.

“These are all fundamental things”.

“Fundamentals is also understanding whether a company is cheap or expensive”.

“Now do you want to know how to determine that? Every company on the Australian share market has what
we call a PE ration, Price Earnings ratio. Now every company has one and when I first learned about this it was
very early on in my trading. I rang up my broker and said I want to buy a stock. He said don’t buy it. I said why
not? And he said the PE is too high. I said what does that mean and he says if the PE is high it’s too expensive”.

“If it’s low it’s cheap, so only buy stocks with low PE’s”.

“I’ve since learned that a PE ratio can tell you if a stock is expensive or if it’s cheap. But it can only tell
you if it’s expensive or cheap if you’ve got something to compare it to”.

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“So what do you compare it to? Well what the AS6 does is it classes stocks into different sectors”.

“We have a financial sector so what companies do you think are in the financial sector? Banks”.

“We have a materials sector, anyone know what sort of stock is in the material sector? Mining companies,
resource companies. Now so every stock has a PE ratio, every stock is classified into a sector”.

“So if every stock does have a PE ratio does it make sense then that you can get an average PE of that sector”.

“Now so if you’re looking at a stock and it has a PE of 10 and the sector PE is 20, one of two things is going to
happen. Either the PE of the stock is going to go up closer to 20 or the PE of the sector is going to fall. Now one of
the ways for the PE of the stock to go up is if the share price goes up”.

“So the rule of thumb is if you’re looking at PE’s, when you’re looking at a stock’s PE check the sector. If it’s
lower then the sector then its cheaper then the sector so that’s pretty good. If it’s higher then you probably
want to wait for the share price to fall a bit.”.

“Now this is all fundamental information. But then there is technical analysis. Now what technical analysis is,
it’s about looking at pictures and the pictures we look at are called charts”.

“What a chart does is it shows us the historical share price, so what happened in the past”.

“Now when we look at these charts we go back in time and when we go back in time we look for patterns. If
you see a pattern appearing on a particular chart for a particular stock and you see that pattern appearing a number
of time and every time that pattern appears let’s say for example the share rice goes up. If that pattern appeared in
today’s market on that same stock what would you expect the share price to do”?

“Now if I’m going to invest in the market I base my analysis on fundamentals and I back it up with technicals.
If I’m going to trade the market I base it on technical’s and I back if up on fundamentals”.

“Now let’s talk about trading the market because you need cash. When I want to generate cash I’ll trade
the market”.

“The first thing I want to do is determine a trend of a stock”

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“Now stocks trend, they go up, down and sideways. Now an up trending stock is when the stocks fair price is
moving in that upward direction and forming peaks and troughs”.

“What happens with an up trending stock is this, share price goes up and people profit take comes

“Share price goes up people profits take comes down and that’s trending up. As long as each peak and
trough is higher then the previous peaks and troughs then that’s trending up”.

“If the peaks and troughs are higher then previous what that means is the trend is more likely to continue.
When a stock is in a trend it’s more likely to follow the trend then go against it”.

“Now why does stocks go up and down like this or just go straight up”??
“See a stock can’t go straight up or straight down for any length of time. To do that it needs a lot of momentum
but it can’t sustain that straight up or down momentum for any great length of time. So it goes up and the profit
take comes down, up their profit take comes down”.

“Now a lot of people get scared when they buy a stock and they see it coming down. Those downward
movements are a healthy sign for an up trending stock providing the peaks and troughs are higher then previous
peaks and troughs. They’re a healthy sign; it means that the trend is more likely to continue in that direction”.

“Now that’s a technical explanation of an up trending stock”

“A simple explanation is…

“All you need to do is be able to look at a chart and when you look at that chart you see the share price in the
bottom left hand side and finishes up in the top right hand side, which way is it going”?

“Is that simple enough? Now look that’s very simplistic, any of you that are technical analysts you would all
agree that is extremely simplistic what I just said. But no one can say that what I said is wrong. That’s a fact, that’s
trending up”
Now the point I want to make about technical analysis is this”…

“Technical can be complicated but it also can be simple”.

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“Who notices though that when you read books on technical analysis they make it sound complicated? Yeah it
doesn’t need to be complicated”.

“Technical analysis can be simple, very simple if you want it to be. We as humans we like to complicate
things because we figure if we do more we should make more. But on trading it doesn’t work like that. Now stocks
trend up and they also trend down”.

“A down trending stock is when the stock’s share price is moving in that downward direction and again what
its doing is forming peaks and troughs but this time they’ve got peaks and troughs that are lower then the previous
peaks and troughs and trending down”.

“I often have people come to me and say Carlo I bought this stock and ever since I bought it, it has done
nothing but go down in price. Can you tell me why”?

“The first thing I do is look at the trend and it amazes how often I find people who are buying stocks that are
trending down. When a stock is in a trend it’s more likely to follow that trend, so why would you buy something
falling in price? To me it doesn’t make sense but you know it happens every day in the market”.

“Every day someone is selling and if someone is selling then someone has to be buying. Why did they do it?
They do it because maybe they got a hot tip, good price, and its low, can’t go any lower. Well how low can a stock
go? Zero”.

“A stock will follow its trend, more likely to follow the trend then go against it. The reason why the stocks
change trends is usually because something fundamentally has caused it to change. So remember when a stock
follows trends they are more likely to follow the trend then go against it”.

“Now this is another pattern. So we have up trending stocks, down trending stocks, stocks that go sideways
and this pattern is called a channel. Now this was the pattern that taught me that trending doesn’t need to be

“Now one thing I will tell you about this particular pattern is this, stocks don’t go sideways like that

“Eventually they will break out of that pattern; they will break out of that channel. The question is though if
you’re going to buy a stock that’s doing that and there is a real possibility that it could break out of the channel
what would you want the trend of the stock to be? Up, does everyone understand that? Okay”.

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“So with this particular stock the trend was up and it did break out of that pattern on the up side. So if you
owned the stock and it broke out is that a good thing? You bet it is. Now one of the things that really annoys me is
this, when it comes to the market people love to take advice. There is nothing wrong with taking advice but just
make sure the person you’re taking advice from knows what they’re talking about”.

“So don’t presume that your broker knows how to trade”.

“How I learned that was this, I taught a guy how to trade a few years back. Now he had a broker who was
helping him and he helped him make a lot of money but the broker left the firm. So they assigned another broker to
him. And he rings me up about 3 months after using this broker and says Carlo this broker is giving me this advice
and I’m losing money where before I was making money. I said what do you know about your broker? He goes
what do you mean? I said have you met him? He said no. I said you haven’t met your broker? If you’re taking
advice from someone you should know who that person is”.

“I said how old is he? Cause he told me the guy’s name and I actually know this broker. I asked how old he is
and he says oh he’s got to be in his mid-40’s going by the sound of his voice. I said wrong, he’s 23. How much
does he know about trading? He told me that he has been trading the market for many years and very experienced.
I said he’s 23 years of age; 6 months ago I congratulated him on passing his exams to become a broker. So how
much experience do you think he really has”?

“So I say to people if they’re going to get someone to give them advice make sure you know who that
person is and make sure they’re real. Make sure they practice what they preach”.

“If anyone ever, ever, ever tries to force you into putting money into anything that you’re not
comfortable with ask this question. Are you going to buy some too? Think about that. And I asked that question
and he goes no I’m not buying it myself. I said thank you very much, let me know when you are. And he didn’t
bother me again for that day. So just make sure the people you take advice from, make sure they know what
they’re talking about”.

“Because we can never stop learning”.

“Now all successful traders have their systems most are different but they all have a system”.

“They don’t just go into the market throwing money in buying a stock and hoping its going to go up. They’ve
got a methodical way of approaching the market; a methodical way of doing their analysis that tells them when to
get in and tells them when to get out”.

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“Never stop educating yourselves”.

“But what drives the share markets? Well its peoples emotions”.

“They say fear and greed but what it is when there is more supply in the market, when people are trying to sell
the share price will fall and when people are trying to buy share prices go up. And that’s based on their emotions,
on what they think. They think the share price is going to go up, so they’ll buy”.

“Now I said I look at patterns. I’m going to share a couple of these patterns with you”…

“This first one is called a pennant”.

“Now I’ve drawn a trend line on this particular stock going upwards there, I’ve drawn another trend line
coming down. When you look at those two lines do you notice how they form a triangle pattern? Now can you see
how the share price is getting closer and closer to the point of the triangle”?

Does it make sense that eventually it’s going to run out of point, its going to run out of that triangle pattern?
Eventually there is going to be no more point that the share price can go into. So eventually it has to break out of
that pattern”.

“Now which direction that’s the thing we don’t know. We don’t know which direction and we don’t know
when but more often then not the share price will break out in the direction of the trend”.

“Now the interesting thing about this particular pattern is for it to break out of that triangle the pattern needs a
lot of momentum, it needs a lot of strength behind that. Now for that strength to occur, sorry when that strength
occurs it normally has enough strength for the share price to keep going in the direction for a number of days”.

“So if you were to buy the appropriate options on the day that it broke out believe you would have a smile
from ear to ear by the time it got up to the very top level because your percentage returns would be over 50 and
even possible over 100% return over those number of days trading the options on that stock”.

“Another pattern is called an ascending triangle”.

“So what we’ve got here is the trend of the stock is up and we’ve got a resistance line. Why is that red line
called a resistance line? Simply because the share price has gone to that level and couldn’t go any higher. It found

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resistance at that level and it came down. Went back there and again found resistance. So again when we look at
the red line and we look at this line here there is another triangle”.

“Now it’s called an ascending triangle because the share price is ascending, it’s going up. Now like any
triangle patterns when the share price, as its getting closer to the side of that triangle eventually its going to break

“We don’t know when, we don’t know which direction but more often then not it will break out in the
direction of the trend. So with this stock again if you did buy the appropriate option on the day it broke out, held it
for a few more days, a week or so again high percentage returns.

“But what’s an option? As I said I’m an options trader, I trade shares, I trade options. So what’s an

“An option is an agreement between two parties that gives one party the right but not the obligation to
buy or sell something. Now so its nothing more then agreement, it’s not anything you can physically see at all.
And there are two types of options, exchange traded options is what I trade and there are calls and there are put

As an options trader if I buy a call option what I’m doing is I’m actually buying the right but not the obligation
to purchase shares, the right but not the obligation to purchase shares at a strike price at any time during the life of
the option”

“Now with options what happens is this”…

“When I buy a call option because I’m buying the right to purchase shares, the AS6 says I have to pick a price
that I have the right to buy those shares at even though I never want to I still have to pick a price”.

“Now they call that price the strike price and strike prices are listed, they’re listed by the AS6 and I just have to
pick one of them. Now at any time during the life of the option, now options have a life. They’re not like shares
where you buy a share today and you hold it until the day you die. As long as that company hasn’t gone
broke or merged with another company, those shares will still be there whenever you’re going to die.
Options aren’t like that, they have a finite life, they have a day they no longer exist. They call that day the
expiry day”.

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“Now I trade options on blue chip shares. I’m not interested in penny dreadful shares at all; I only trade blue
chip shares. With these blue chip shares most of them have options expire on a monthly basis”.

“Commonwealth Bank has options that expire for October, November, December, etc. Now I can pick
whichever month I want them to expire in up to 5 years in advance. Now I don’t go 5 years in advance but I could
if I wanted too”.

“Now all stocks that have options that expire in the month of October or November or December and January,
they all expire exactly on the same day”.

“If you want to know what that day is you look at the last Friday of the month and it’s the day before on most
occasions. So what day of the week do options generally expire? On Thursdays. For instance, for October the
options expiry date is next Thursday. So all stocks that have options that expire in October, they all expire next

“So when I buy a call option, I am buying the right but not the obligation to purchase stock at a strike
price at any time during the life of the option”.

“And the buyer of the call option makes money when the share goes up. So what happens is if I buy a call
option on a stock and the share price goes up, well then the value of my call option will go up as well. So the idea
is if the value of the call option goes up we sell it for a profit. Does that make sense? And if the share price falls the
value of my call option will fall and then I will lose money. Does that also make sense? Okay. So that’s call

“Then what we’ve also got is we have put options”…

“Now if I buy a put option I’m buying the right but not the obligation to sell shares at a strike price at any time
during the life of the option. And the buyer of a put option makes money when the price of the share goes down”.

“So what happens is this. If my view is the stock is going to fall in price what I can do is buy a put option. If I
buy a put option on a stock then that share price does fall, the value of my put option is going to go up. So the
share price falls, put option goes up. Then I sell that put option for a profit. But if the share price goes up then the
value of my put option will fall so then I’m going to lose money”.

“The key with trading calls and puts you’ve got to get the direction right”

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“Now when you buy options you have to buy them in contracts, in lots of thousands. You can’t buy one or two
or three options. The reason for that is there are some stocks; you can buy an option for one cent, two cents, three
cents. Now the AS6 don’t want a lot of 1 and 2 cent transactions going on, so they make you buy them in lots of

“Now this is a trade I did recently”.

“The stock is BHP”

“Each of those little black lines represents one day’s trading. So what happens is this, you’ll notice there is a
little line on the left hand side, little line on the right hand side. The line on the left hand side is the stock’s opening
price. That’s the price that the stock opened at on that particular day. The line on the right hand side is its closing
price, that’s the price the share prices closed at. The top of the line is the high price it’s traded for the day and the
bottom line is its lowest prices it’s traded for on each particular day. And they call that chart an open high low
close chart”

Now on this particular day here the share price opened high and it came down. It was falling. I formed a view
that I expected this stock to fall further. Why did I form that view? Well one its broken through my trend line, two
my indicator is there and I’m not going to into how they work and the intricacies of them but simply if they’re
pointing down I expect the share price to go down, if they’re pointing up I expect the share price to go up”.

“So what I did on that day is I expected the share price to fall. So what type of option would I want to
buy? A put option”.

“So this is my broker’s statement and what I did was I bought some put options. They were BHP put options
and I won’t go into all the details. The price was $1.68 each. So options are a lot cheaper then the physical stock. I
bought 3 and what 3 means is 3 contractors, means 3,000 so $1.68 times 3,000 is $5,040. That’s how much I put on
the trade”.

“So what happened to the stock then”?

“Two days later it had fallen $1.00 so now it had gone in the direction I wanted. So what did I do? I sold the
options; I sold the 3 contracts for $2.06 each, $6,180. Now that’s $1,100 profit. How many people would like to
make that in a couple of days? Yeah so once I’ve done the analysis, once I’m in the trade, I just leave it and wait
for the stock to do its thing. That’s 22% return in 2 days. Who would be happy with that? Okay”.

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“So those two strategies calls and puts make money when a share price goes up and makes money when
a share price goes down but you have to get the direction right, that’s the key with those two strategies”

“Now when you understand options its possible to use options with shares”.

“Now the strategy I use is called a buy right strategy”…

“When I own shares I use options with my shares and you can use options in your shares to one generate cash
or even to increase your yield on your shares. Instead of just buying shares and holding them you can actually do
things in conjunction with options to increase your yields, increase your returns”.

“Now what a buy right strategy is”…

“It’s this, its buy stock, sell call options. Now how it works is like this. We want to buy stock, let’s say a stock
is trading at $12.70 to do this strategy because it involves options and you can only trade options in thousand lots
you need to be able to buy a thousand shares. So if you can’t afford 1,000 shares don’t let that worry you at the
moment. So a thousand times $12.70 is how much? $12,700 that’s how much to invest in the stock. So the strategy
is buy stock sell call. See if you own a stock that you can trade options on you can actually sell the call options on
those stocks. So the strategy is buy stocks, sell call”.

“Now as an options trader if I buy a call option I’m buying the right to purchase shares”.

“So if I’m selling a call option I’m giving someone else the right to purchase shares from me”.

“Now because I’m giving them the right to purchase shares from me, I pick the strike price they have the right
to purchase those shares at. So what do you think do you think I pick a price higher or lower then my purchase
price? Higher because if they’re going to buy them off me, I want them to pay me more. But understand this is
also a cash flow strategy that I’m showing you here. This is not a strategy for capital growth, purely to
generate cash”.

“So let’s say this stock has strike prices at 50 cent increments, at $12.00, $12.50, $13.00. I would pick a $13.00
call option and I would say to my broker how much could you sell that call option for. He might say Carlo look I
might be able to sell that for 70 cents. So 70 cents times 1,000 is how much? $700.00.That $700 is in my bank
account within 24 hours of my broker executing that trade”.

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“Now with this strategy there are risks. Do you want to know what the risks are?”?

“On options expiry day if the share prices are above $13.00 so it goes up I’m going to have to sell my shares
for $13.00 but is that okay? I make money here and I make money on selling the shares. Is that good or bad? It’s
always good when you make money, isn’t that right”?

“The other risk is this, let’s say during the month the share price fluctuates and goes up and down, up and
down but on expiry day its still $12.70. It’s just gone sideways. But what happens is this; first of all I always keep
the money. You all understand that? Okay. Now what happens is if the share price has just gone sideways I’ve
given someone the right to buy my shares at $13.00. Why would they pay me $13.00 when they can go in the open
market and buy them for $12.70? They won’t. So what happens now is I keep the money and keep the shares. Now
the cool bit is I can sell more calls on them next month and make more money. Is that good or bad? It’s good”.

Now the third risk is this, let’s say this company comes out with a report and it’s bad, real bad and the share
price does this. Let’s say now its trading at $5, really fallen. Well what happens is this, we know if the share price
is above $13.00 on expiry day the risk are this, share price above $13 we know we’re going to keep this money,
sell the shares and make more money. Share price goes sideways, keep the share, keep the money and sell more
calls again the next month. Share price plummets now, worth $5 what happens? They’re not going to buy the
shares off us at $13 when it’s trading at $5, do you all underhand that? They can buy them on the open market for
$5 its silly to pay us $13. So what happens, we keep the money, keep the shares but now we can’t sell calls with a
strike price higher then our purchase price.

“If the share price is $5 no one is going to pay us for those $13 calls, they’re going to be worthless. So now
I’ve got a stock I can’t do anything with, heaven forbid. What if though you could ensure your shares like you
insure your car? Look who has heard of agreed value insurance on your car? What if you can insure your shares for
an agreed value? You can, I’ve already told you how to do it”.

“If I buy a put option what does it give me the right to do? Sell shares. So let’s say I say to my broker look I
want to buy some put options with let’s say a $10 strike price how much are they going to cost me? He’ll say Carlo
look the share price is a long way from $10 and its going to cost you 10 cents. So I’m going to buy 1,000 of them
because I own a 1,000 shares, 10 cents times a 1,000 is $100. So that now brings my gross figure down to $600”.

“We already know if the share price is above $13 I’m going to have to sell my shares for $13. But I make
money here and I make money on the sale, good or bad? Share price goes sideways, keep the shares, keep the
money, sell more calls the next month and make more money, good or bad? Share price plummets, now I’ve got

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the right to sell my shares for $10 because I’ve got put options with a $10 strike price. If I decide to sell they must
buy. If the share price dropped to $1 and I decide to sell they must buy, guaranteed, it’s a legal binding contract”.

“Now you might be wondering who are they. Well you’ll never know and probably you will not want to know
either but they have to buy, it’s a legal binding contract. Like if you’re wondering who they are, when you buy a
stock do you know who you’re buying it from? You don’t, it’s the same thing, you don’t know who you’re selling
it to either. That’s a legal binding contract and if I say buy they must buy them at $10”.

“Now have I just reduced my risk. This is one of the safest strategies in the market”.

“You can work out your potential profit, you can work out your potential loss but before you put any money in
the market. This is a strategy that enabled me to leave my job. You see when I wanted to leave my job, my wife
was worried because we still had a mortgage and my wife was worried that I was going to trade the market, lose
money in the market, not have an income, not going to be able the mortgage and we would lose the house”.

“Now some of you are thinking yes $600 is not much but you know what some of you in this room instead of
buying $12,000 worth of stock you can afford to buy $127,000 worth of stock. Then instead of making $600 you
could make $6,000 for the month. Some of you I know are in that position right now. Who wants to be financially
free? Some of you don’t realize how actually close you are to being financially free. I didn’t realize it until I
learned this strategy”.

“Do you want to know what the other thing I love about this strategy is? How many directions can a share
price go? I make money if it goes up, I make money if it goes sideways, I’ve got 2 out of the 3 covered”.

“Does that put the odds more in my favor? That’s what I love about this. But some of you are probably
thinking $12,000 I owe $127,000, I can’t afford that. Who would like to see a better way? Okay well what I’m
about to show you, you won’t read about in any book, not yet anyway. I might write one, one day but you won’t
read about it in any book because what I am is I’m a trader. I’m looking at strategies and I’m always looking at
better ways of applying strategies”.

“Who has ever read a book on strategies in the share market, tried to apply it and found it’s too hard to make
work? Who’s ever done that? A few of us in the room. I’m a trader. I look at these strategies and say okay how can
I do this better”?

“I’ve been educating people since 2000 on how to trade the market and how to generate cash using these

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“A gentleman said to me why don’t you start your own recommendation service? At least I’ll know you’re
system and if you told me when to get into a trade at least I would understand why”.

“Now for 12 months I did nothing but I thought about it and a number of other people said the same thing. So I
went to the guy that licensed me and I said listen can I recommend trades? He goes under the license yeah you
could. I said but I don’t want to just recommend trades because when it comes to trading the market one of the
gaps I see and if you listened to Paul carefully he always talks about niches. And one of the gaps I saw was that
there’s no real support out there for option traders”.

“There’s no real support out there. So I said I don’t want to just give recommendations. I want to take people
I’ve taught in the past and take them to a level where they are consistently making a lot of money out of the
market. That’s my aim. I said but I can’t do this by myself, do you want to start a business together”?

This was 2 ½ years ago and we started Trader’s Circle”.

“Now Trader’s Circle we started with two people and in 2 ½ years we’ve grown to 34. Pretty much from
referrals. Why did we grow by referrals? The reason was this, my aim and the staff’s aim is do what we can to
help you make money because if you make money, if we help you make money your friends and family are
going to want to know where you learned how to do this”.

“Now if we help you make money who are you going to send them too? That’s the idea”

“So we work as hard as we can to help people make money”.

“Now a margin line as far as I’m concerned is one of the easiest ones you can get. The reason for that is they
don’t want to know how much you earn, they don’t want to know anything about you financially as long as you
don’t want to borrow more then a million dollars. All they want to know is your name, address and phone number,
who your stock broker is but they want security”.

“The security could be in the form of cash, it could be in the form of stock and not all margin lenders do
this but our margin lender will let you use a put option as security”.

“What does that mean? It means this, if you buy a put option with a strike price of $14, if the share price
plummets what’s the worst price you can be guaranteed to sell those shares for? $14 guaranteed because you’ve
got that $14 guaranteed price the margin lender will lend you $14 a share. Who likes that leverage? Yeah, so if
they’re going to lend you $14 a share, the question is how much money do you now need to put in the trade”?

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“So if you use a margin loan and they lend you $14 a share all you need is $7,998 to get in this trade. Now that
$7,998 includes interest on the margin loan because it’s an interest only loan. It also includes all the brokerage fees
on that particular trade. So that’s all cost”.

“Now that also you’ll see it has the words cap at risk. That is also your worst case scenario. If the share price
plummets below $14 understand that put option protects the margin lenders money. So if the share price was to
plummet you could lose that $7,998”.

“Now if you’re not happy with that risk should you do the trade? No”!

“But if you wanted to do the trade but you weren’t happy with that risk what else could you do? Buy less”.

“If you buy less the capital at risk will reduce. So you can actually with this strategy you can adjust it to how
much you actually want to spend on the trade”..

“Now we know our worst case scenario, what’s our potential returns? Our potential returns are this, if the share
price on expiry day has just gone sideways, then we’ve got a return there of $1,942.00, 24% in 3 weeks. Who
would be happy with that when a share price goes sideways”?

“If the share price is above $15.50 on expiry day then you’ll end up selling the shares so there is brokerage on
that and it will $1905, 23% return in 3 weeks. Who would be happy with that? Okay gee not many of you? Who
would be happy with 23% return in 3 weeks? That’s better”.

Now do you want to know what happened to the stock? Yeah okay. The share price on expiry day was above
$16 and everyone got what we called exercised, in other words they sell the stock at $15.50 and they made $1,900
return, 23%. So who would have been happy with that again? Excellent”.

“Now trading successful is not about getting every trade right, it’s about getting more right then

“But one thing I want you to understand is this, when it comes to trading to be able to do this stuff, when
it comes to trading the how to trade is actually the easy part. The psychological side of things can be the
harder part”.

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“Make Great Money And Positive Cash Flow From A

Thing Called Real Estate”

Who wants to buy a property for just $1.00? This is what Real Estate Pioneer Rick 
Otton teaches 1000’s of people every year making them millions in the process. In this 
chapter he shares his creative real estate strategies so you can build your own real 
estate empire!

“I don’t like real estate. I have no interest in buildings, my

interest is to get the benefits that the real estate provides
without the problems associated with real estate.
That’s all I’m about”.


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ng Rick Otton,
The Origginal Piooneer”

Rick Otton
n, 20 years aggo came off th
he back of a TTV show in th
he United Staates with the Fox Networkk. “I 
would still be w
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ork except the channel 10
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American imm
migration ran d said Mr. Ottton there is ssomething wrrong with your TV 
ng me up and
how. I said what’s wrong w
with that? Th
hey said you h
have no visa””. 
So the TV sshow finished n the savings and loans in Dallas, Texass, it was a perriod of 
d and he found himself in
me when the banks in the ssouthern stattes of the United States. TThe banks colllapsed and there 
ere were no b
were no banks
w s for about 4 years. This re
esulted in cheeaper housin
ng so Rick useed his creative
e property sttrategies 
o get money ffrom the ban
nks for other iitems to makke cash for ho
neer of creative property sstrategies in not only Austtrala but in the UK, NZ an
Rick is the original pion nd of 
ourse the US.. He is admire operty industry for his possitive cash flo
ed by the pro ow and little o
or  no moneyy down 
prroperty transsactions. 
dedicated vision he is the founder and  CEO of ‘We b
A man of d buy houses’, aleading pro
operty enterp
which Rick has
w s expanded in
nto markets aall around the world. His ssuccess has b
been achieved
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prropert profitss can be maximized when
n you start to create strate
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prroperty is acq
quired or sold
d. It is not sim
mply relying o
on price led sstrategies. 
You will he
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ells and tradees property u
using little or none of his o
own money aand how 
e structures ttransactions tto create possitive cash flo

Vissit the Mal Emery Web Store at www

w MalEmery com to Find Out
Rick Otton

The following is taken from a recent presentation discussing

‘The Secrets To Using Real Estate To Create A Positive Cash Flow’

“Who came here this weekend because they want to make some money? Who came here because they want to
make a bunch more money? And who in the room believes that real estate is a great investment vehicle”?

“Oh yeah and who is rich”?

“It’s interesting. I ask this same question quite often and people always say in different countries around the
world, yes real estate is a great investment vehicle. Who’s rich? And it’s normally less then 1% of the room”.

“If real estate is the investment vehicle the thing that doesn’t work is the way we’ve been employing the real
estate in order to harvest our profits”?

“My goal today in this short window I have is to teach you a system that will sky rocket your income using real
estate but it will rely on 3 things”.

“Virtually you have no prior on real estate, you have no money and you have no time”.

“So here is my question, if you walked into a real estate market and let’s use Sydney as an example and there
were no banks and you couldn’t borrow any money, do you think the price of houses in Sydney if you could not
borrow any money, do you think the prices of houses would drop? Yes”.

“Anybody want to have a guess at what percentage you think house prices would drop by if you couldn’t
borrow any money? 70% that’s not bad and in Dallas, Texas they only dropped 95%”.

“When they dropped 95% it was this way, if you went and borrowed money for a real estate loan it was 5 years
in jail. The Federal government was very concerned about the banking industry”.

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“So you had to get somewhat creative and you could not borrow money from a bank if you wanted to buy real
estate. But then the problem was things got cheap. Two bedroom townhouses, two story, two car garages, with
central heat and air was $600. You rent them at the rate of $1,000 a month”.

Now as long as you were prepared to buy a subdivision, 3 bedroom brick homes were $1,500 each but you had
to buy them in packets of 30. So you needed to create some new systems”.

“By the way, if the houses got that cheap and you could buy Sydney real estate for 5 cents on the dollar would
you find a way to buy some? Yes. So where would you get the money”?

“So what we used to do was we realized that we could borrow money to buy a motor car, so we used to go in
and get a car loan and give people a free house. Or I would go down, I would get a personal loan and go to the
musical shop and buy $20,000 worth of instruments and I would stand on the side of the street and sell the $20,000
worth of instruments for $10,000 and use that to go buy 3 or 4 houses. And I didn’t even play drums”.

“So you got pretty creative because there was no other way, you just had to find ways. So I used to sit down
and I knew nothing about real estate but I had to find ways in a very, very short window to buy as much real estate
in Dallas, Texas as I could. Because I knew that one day the prices would go back up to where they should be”.

“Now coming up with these crazy ideas based on the fact that there was no banking system became a little
company called We Buy Houses. Now we operate in 4 countries, Australia, New Zealand, the United States and
the United Kingdom. We are the largest house buying organization in the western world”

“It all started from these little ideas where I just figured out when you got no money I had to create new
systems to buy and sell houses. So that’s the thing. And then the question I go back to was, let’s bring the focus
back to real estate because whenever I buy a piece of real estate I never buy a piece of real estate unless I know
why I’m in it”

“If I don’t know where the exit is I never walk in the entrance”.

“I look at this because I look at people who buy the real estate in Sydney up to 2003 and I look at the people
who have brought the stuff into Perth and trying to get out. No one really knows how to get out because they never
figured out where the exit was when they walked in the front door”.

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“The thing is the question is this is great we’re all running around buying the real estate but the question is
what for? See a lot of people buy it and I’m going to ask you guys the same reason. To do what? What’s it for? To
do what? To make money. To do what? Have a lifestyle, very interesting”

“We just took that whole conversation from logic to emotion”.

“Here’s the point, people never do anything in life for logic, they do it for emotion. But later on they will find
the logical reason to justify the emotional decision”.

“You see nobody actually buys real estate for capital growth because I’ve never yet been able to go out with a
capital growth. No one does anything for money, its what the money will do, it’s the lifestyle. What we’ve just
done is move a conversation from logic to emotion. Because if you don’t feel good about what you’re doing, you
aren’t going to do it”.

“In fact if we did stuff based on logic, we’d all be single. So people are buying houses. So if people are buying
it for the lifestyle to be able to do what they want to do when they want to do it, maybe it’s not about the money”.

“I don’t like real estate. I have no interest in buildings, my interest is to get the benefits that the real estate
provides without the problems associated with real estate. That’s all I’m about”.

“I want ways to suck the benefits of owning the real estate without all the complications that go with the bricks
and mortar because I figured out that that’s probably what most people are looking for”.

“So if we’re looking for this feel good factor from real estate some of us have it and some of us aren’t getting it
and I’m going to suggest from what we heard in the room so far everybody hasn’t found that yet”.

“So if we look at what people are doing now, what are most people doing right now for money? Working.
Work hard, get a great job, work hard. Man I tell you what I was only working 22 hours a day and my father used
to say you’re slacking off, go 28, work hard, work hard”.

“Then what would happen is I went and bought a couple of properties because dad said buy a couple of
properties and then what happens is I was losing so much money and he said work harder son because in 72 years
you’ll be able to pay for them. I thought great. I worked hard and then they brought out big commercials to support
my pain. Grab this beer and I’m sitting and getting old and what would happen is I would come back at night and I
was watching all these guys at my age now. They were coming back at night, they were working hard, they are
working in their buildings until 10:00 at night and then they would come back in, they would scream and grab the

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remote control, which is the new way and get a few drinks and drown themselves in alcohol until 1:00 in the
morning and then they would get ready to do it again”.

“I got a friend, I was watching her and I said what are you doing getting up at 6 in the morning? She says I
have to leave at 7. I said what time do you have to get to work? She goes well I have to go there at 8. I said but you
don’t start until 9. Yeah but if you get in there after 8 everybody looks at you like you’re not doing the right thing
for the company. So you get there at 8. I said what time you have to leave? 7 and the exciting part about her job is
she can leave at 7 at night even though she was supposed to leave at 5”.

“Do you know what’s really tragic about this whole work hard message that we got? 20 years ago all the
women’s magazines came out and said women get a career, get all this money and you’ll be able to find the right
guy. Well guess what? They’re all gone; all the right guys are gone”.

“There’s only the messy ones that are left. I’m one of them. So here is the thing, all the good guys get gone and
38% of Australian women will not have kids and their biggest regret they have in their life is that they did this
whole thing, work hard, get the career, they’re going to be financially set up and bang they’ve missed it”.

“They’re all on IV drugs trying to have kids and 38% won’t have kids thinking they got a bum steer and the
money was never there. The whole package didn’t work out and the whole country has it wrong to the degree”.

“According to the Sydney Morning Herald two weeks ago, 900,000 Australians are suffering some sort of

“Wow and John Howard has just spent $250 million with Australian scientists to understand depression and
how it’s affecting the Australian population. And I’m going to suggest to you that the 900,000 Australians who are
taking pills and suffering some sort of depression its not because they’ve been getting too much beach time”.

“Everybody wants to feel good but guess what the husband is never home anymore, the lady says you have to
keep this lifestyle, you have to work harder. So the guy works 28 hours a day and finally comes home and she says
I never see you, you’re never home. Suddenly they split up and get another partner and start it all over again and
then we get the whole divorce cycle”.

“So I thought well maybe there’s another way cause I’m looking at that whole thing and I’m thinking
people are making all this money but they’re not getting to keep it”.

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“I thought how can I do it differently? How can I create some systems that do things a little bit differently if I
want the benefits now and not when I’m in the old people’s chair? So I thought maybe there is a different way”

“So what I wanted to do today is introduce you to some different ways to do things. I believe real estate
is an incredibly great investment vehicle”.

“I just look at ways people have done it and I question myself is that the most efficient way to get the money? I
don’t love real estate. I like what real estate does for me but I tell you what I look at some of the systems that have
been employed and I look at those systems and say I wonder if that’s the most efficient way to get there”?

-Ways to buy houses without much money-

“I would like to teach you some ways that you can buy houses without using much money. And what I think I
might have to do, so I don’t come straight out of left field I might relate to something that we know and if we relate
to something we know that I can add extra bits to it and it will make more sense to people”.

So what I want to do is I want to propose that we do an exercise. We do an exercise where we decide we’re
going to go out and buy a house in Sydney tomorrow and if we buy a house in Sydney tomorrow we’re going to
need some stuff, some things, some components of buying a house that we’re going to need. So why don’t you
guys just yell out what are some of the issues or the things that we need to have in order to buy a house in Sydney.
What do we need? We need a deposit, stamp, legals, deposit loan, job, house, evaluation, let’s stop there.

“Now deposit, stamp, legals, let me ask you something, tell me if you think this is possible. Do you think it’s
possible that in Sydney we could go out and it’s possible that you can buy a house without a deposit? Yes”.

“Do you think it’s possible that you could go out in Sydney and buy a house without paying stamp duty? Yes”.

“Do you think it’s possible that you could go out and buy a house in Sydney without employing a lawyer?

“And do we think it’s possible that we could go and buy a house without having to sign and get a loan for it?

“Is it possible to buy a house in Sydney, Australia without you guys having a job? Yes”.

“Can you buy a house without evaluation? Yes”.

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“So if we think its possible that we could buy a house without deposit, without stamp duty, without using these
lawyer guys, without having to get our own job and without evaluation and without having to sign a bunch of loan
debt, let me ask you something. How are we going? Hands up if you have 50 houses so far”?

“Okay I can show us probably 3 or 4 ways and if I had more time probably 8 different ways you can actually
buy houses and trade houses with nothing absolutely nothing, maybe $1, no job and none of that”

“Now I want to propose something to you. Have you guys ever been to like the property expo show or some
fair or something where you get a little sample bag at the beginning and you go to every single booth and you go
that’s a good idea and you put the little brochure in your bag, then you go to the next booth and love that and put
the brochure in the bag and you go around in the fair to all the little stalls and you get the brochures and the free
stuff and stick it in the bag”?

“Then at the end of the show what happens to the bag? It goes into the trash bin as soon as you walk out”.

The brain is made of two bits. The back bit is called the alymadala. The front is called the frontal lobe. Now
it’s what goes in here that’s really fascinating. You see what we have in here is all scripts, life scripts of how to do
stuff, all process, everything we learn in a way of a process and everything else like anxiety, worry, self doubt and
this is the stuff that ends up stressing a body and for some people puts us into a state of depression and we take

“The next thing is how about this one, if you want to check scripting, scripting is one of those things you learn
and it goes straight to the back of the head and it stays there and spirals around”.

“When you go to work and the guy goes, hey Rick how are you? Good. How are you Harry? Good. And
everybody walks on. So the next time the guy walks in I go hi Harry how are you and he goes good”.

“He says how are you Rick? Dead. Oh good. You watch how many times you can kill yourself in your own
office and people will congratulate you on being dead because it’s a script. It just goes through them and they don’t
really hear what you say”.

“Everybody cross your arms opposite to the way you would normally do it right now. Look at that, I’m
watching a process of the body having to think through. You see when you cross them the normal way you guys
don’t think about it. It’s a process that you’ve learned. But as soon as I changed the process the brain has to think
about the new process. And here’s what happens”.

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“We start off with nothing in here. Now as we start getting scripting and processing and we start learning more
stuff we also have in here flash memory. The back of the head starts to fill up. We get more processes and more
ways established on how things are and how processes are done and the scripts that go with them. What happens is
this starts to fill up until we get to around 50 and its hard to get new processes in. so that’s why entrepreneurs are

“If you ever looked at entrepreneurs they’re always young guys because young guys can accept new process.
But what happens is as we go through life we get pretty full up here and it’s pretty hard to get in new process”.

“The other thing we have in here that’s an interesting science is flash memory. Flash memory is when someone
50 years ago went to Viet Nam or WWII or something like that and then they get them to recall it on TV the guy
starts crying and starts having the emotional thing that was happening 50 years ago because when you pull
something out of here and you relive whatever happened in your life 10 or 15 years ago, it’s called flash memory”.

“What that means is for that period of time when you relive it, you’ve pulled your past out of your
subconscious, it comes into a conscious state of mind. You relive the emotional again exactly the way it

“Who has ever tried to go somewhere if you’re a guy and you get the map out and your dad goes, son do you
want me to show you the short cut? You think dad I haven’t got time to go to New Zealand. You go there’s a new
route and they go son forget that stuff and I’ll tell you what works”.

“My mother talk about process, my mother makes a cup of tea. Mum makes a cup of tea; she puts it in the pot.
Do you know what she has to do? Turn the pot 3 times. What’s that all about? I have to put my hands on the pot
and say stop moving the pot. I can’t change it. I cannot change it. When I put her in the grave she will still be doing
that as her hand goes down. I can’t change it”.

“So what I’m dealing with is this but there’s a way because they’re not going to understand the front bit. I
know what goes in there that’s process and scripting and anxiety and stress and stuff”.

“Well here’s the frontal lobe and the frontal lobe is really interesting. In here come all your new ideas, ideas
come in here, inclination, motivation, all sense of reasoning and passion. This is an interesting one and the passion
is made up of 3 chemicals that make up passion”.

9 The endorphins

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9 dibromene
9 serotonin.

“They are the feel good passion drugs. That’s when you go on a runner’s high. People get runners high because
they start sucking that stuff in the frontal lobe of the body and it just pumps good stuff into the body”.

“Well let’s talk about this, when you talk about new ideas, do you notice when someone has a great idea they
go oh great idea. So then what happens is I think that’s really good so all the good stuff goes in here and I have to
understand passion and the natural chemicals in the body”.

“Then I started young kids about 20 or 21 and they go to restaurants and they’re in love with each other. Do
you know what they do? Women can relate to this, how often has your girlfriend met a new guy and you go tell me
about it? I don’t know anything about him but he’s so dreamy. And you watch them in restaurants and they look at
each other. And what actually happens here is you get a young couple in a restaurant. You have a couple of heads
straight out of their front bits, you got all this going, all this passion and it’s called mind traffic”.

“Mind traffic is you have these feel good drugs that are going on and that’s why you get people who are in
love and then they get really, really excited and they play with each other’s fingers or look at each other lovingly
and say all those little flirty things like cuddle bear and all those love things. You go to the restaurant and you can
see those people. Then of course that happens for about a year, they get married and straight to the back of the

“So when you can live out of the front of your head life is good. Life is incredibly fantastic but guess what
happens? We have to be trained how to live out of this bit because if you live out of that bit there’s another type of
drugs that gives you the same sensation and that’s cocaine, alcohol, heroin, uppers, downers, LSD and all that other
crap that people take. Why”?

“Cause they’re trying to artificially put that into the body. But here’s the thing, their brain, the stuff that goes in
is going into the wrong bit. So how do I fix that”?

“I want to be on a natural high, I want to change process, I do one simple thing. Everything I look at, anything,
anything at all I go that’s okay. I accept all that. That was then and this is now. See I can’t deny that”.

“If I deny that and suppress it and pretend it doesn’t happen it stresses the body and I end up taking all
those valium drugs. So I say that’s okay that was then and this is now.”.

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“My sister borrowed $5,000 off me 10 years ago and she never paid me back, little bitch. But I used to go to
the Christmas with the family and I would sit there and they’re passing around the presents and I would look at my
sister going you owe me $5,000, you owe me $5,000 and you haven’t paid me”.

“I was stressing myself out until I learned this science and said that’s okay. That was then and this is now. That
was then and I can now move forward. I can now enjoy my sister’s company”.

“I can walk into any country and I can change process. I can change process because there’s no holding me
back. That doesn’t exist. Everything comes in through here. I can go forward”.

“I went into England 5 years ago and they said Mr. Otton we don’t do what you do in Australia. We don’t do
that here in England. I said I know that and that’s why I came over”.

“It runs adrenaline through your body when you go up to a system that’s 200 years old and they say to you
here is how it needs to be. I say so you’re the country that had the biggest empire in the word and in 94 years you
brought it to the smallest empire”.

“Then there’s one other thing, I have to change process but I have to feel good about it, I have to feel right
about it. Everything comes through the front, the natural drugs will look after me and I’m on a high. Now the next
thing is this, has anybody ever heard of an expression called the tall poppy syndrome? Has anybody ever
wondered how it came to work or came from? Would anybody like to know how the expression the tall poppy
syndrome came about”?

“Here is how it happened; 200 years ago England had a cleaning out house sale. They decided they would
sweep house and clean out all the trash. They got all the hookers, all the druggies, all the losers, all the welfare
people, all the people who had low self esteem, all the people who were thinking out the back of their head, all the
crap and stuck them on boats and brought them down to Australia”.

“So I went to England and said I’ll investigate this for myself. I looked up my great-great-grandfather and now
I pulled up all the shipping records of when they sent him out here. There he is John Otton came out on the 17th of
March 1830 and they gave him life in Australia until he died. Why? Cause he stole a horse”.

“What we’re looking at now is warrior based countries and convict based countries. Here is what happens, all
the people that came out here what they did was they were worried they only had one guy, one little guard, one
soldier per 10 convicts. They were really concerned about the colony and that the colony could fall over. So what

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they had to do was destroy all types of self esteem, destroy all entrepreneurialism and they had to destroy all self
thought. Otherwise the convicts could over take the young colony”.

“Here is what they did”.

“You’re a bit of a smart ass; you’re a bit clever because you spoke up. When you spoke up you go to Bandai
Beach for 2 weeks and enjoy yourself. The rest of your crew who has all been chained together like this you guys
are all going to the Blue Mountains and you will dig that road through and you’ll come back in two weeks time and
who do you think is going to have the better suntan? Right. Now what do you think the rest of the crew used to say
to this woman who spoke up? Stop being the tall poppy we want to get out of here”.

“In actually fact, if I go back through the Australian history records, which I did and I went back to Governor
Phillip, “One man had been sentenced to 7 years transportation and there was no doubt that his sentence had now
been served. But when he pointed this out forcibly to Governor Phillip he was given 600 lashes and put in irons for
a further 6 months in the colony for his insolence.” Are you going to speak up or are you going to stop being the
tall poppy real quick”.

“So here is what happens. You have a situation where everybody decided because I couldn’t understand, I’ll go
to America and they’ll say at the dinner party what did you do this week, Rick? I said I bought 47 houses. They’ll
go how much did that cost you? And I’ll go $3 and they’ll go damn boy that’s awesome. How do we get some of
that action”?

“I come back to Australia and they say what did you do this week Rick? I say I bought 47 houses. How much
did that cost you? $3. Oh who did you rip off? I couldn’t understand it. I have been living overseas for 20 years and
I came back”

“When I was 14 I was in Mississippi with my father and they had those little things that go all around and cut
all the grass. I said dad fantastic. I went and got myself an import/export foreign trade license and I said I’m taking
those to Australia”.

You know what my father said to me? Well son, if it was legal somebody would have already done it before
you. I’m wondering where all this scripting came from”.

“Now here is my point, I found that New Zealanders, do I have any New Zealanders in this room? Wow the
most entrepreneurial country in the world. Do you know why? When those guys went to New Zealand they paid.

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See they were in England and they were the entrepreneurs who said guess what? Let’s put our money together, go
down to that pile of rocks called New Zealand and make a buck”.

“How are we going to do it? We don’t have a clue but we’re going to find a way when we get there. What a
different head of space was that”.

“Do you realize over a million Australians have left Australia and they now live overseas. Wow just over a
million. John Howard the biggest problem he has right now is the Australian brain drain. Anybody who is
entrepreneurial, anybody who makes money gets out of the place. And guess when they come back? At 65 when
we give them all free medicine”.

“Something else is this; if you want to put the tall poppy syndrome into a search engine, let me tell you ladies
and gentlemen about how we are viewed. This is disappointing being an Australian. The tall poppy syndrome is
typically Australian and is served and used to cut down those who are superior to them”.

“It is used to explain why most politicians, some academics and the occasional millionaire command a level of
community admiration inferior to that of a toilet cleaner. It also used to explain why instead of praising someone
who drives a prestige car; some Australians will get out and scratch it with a key”.

I can show you guys a bunch of ways right now to buy houses for $1. Who wants to know?

“First thing you’re going to do when you want to buy a house for a $1 is you must create a process and a
system. The system is any system”.

McDonald’s created a great system. I know you guys know how to buy a house. I know who knows how to
cook a hamburger? McDonald’s knows that too. All they do is teach you a system by which you can profit by
cooking hamburgers. People pay half a million dollars for that system. McDonald’s knows people know how to
cook hamburgers; they just create systems by which people can profit”.

“Okay let’s look at a good system; a system must have a couple of ingredients”…

“A successful system must be automated. If a successful system is not automated we missed the point. A
system must be automated”

“It must also use very little of your money”

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“It must also have very little risk”

“Also you can’t affect the lifestyle because this is the issue we had in the beginning. People are buying
the houses and missing out on the lifestyle. Maybe it’s all about a system that creates good lifestyle. And the
systems must work for anybody in any economy in any country”.

“We Buy Houses came out with an idea 20 years and I would like to suggest it to you. It goes head butt first
against the way most property investors think”.

“Most property investors who get into real estate think what’s in it for me? And keep spending their entire life
trying to negotiate what’s in it for me”.

“Let’s change that a little bit. Let’s change the value statement and figure out what does the other person need.
Here is the thing if you give other people what you need first, what they want first you will always get what
you want by default”.

“Let’s look at this. It won’t work that way but it will work better this way. Let me show you a transaction, a
transaction works this way”.

“Do you think there are people right now in Australia who are renting houses who would prefer to own a
house? Do you think that’s possible? Yes okay”.

“Why don’t you yell out to me a couple of reasons why or what has stopped them today from buying a house
and why are they still renting”.

9 No deposit
9 Fear is a great one
9 Apathy
9 Interest rates
9 Wrong mindset

“Do you know what is an interesting one, new immigrants to Australia. We’re sucking them in at 20,000 every
couple of months cause the Australians keep moving overseas. As we suck them in those people cannot buy a
house in Australia for at least 2 to 3 years”.

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“So out of all those people who want to buy a house, I realized something, I realized there’s a 7/11. Hands up
if you ever shopped at the 7/11 corner store. Anybody ever done that? Did you pay more money? Great why did
you go there? Convenience”.

“So here is the point, people will always pay the price if they get what they want when they want it. You see
7/11 Southland Corporation is not selling you milk and bread. They are selling you convenience and they’re
charging you 3 times the price and people are paying the price to get what they want when they want it”.

“So back to my transaction engineer, here is what I found out. I’ve got 35% of the country including a whole
bunch of investors who want to buy some more houses. Do I have any investors in this room buying real estate
who went to the bank to buy another house and the bank says you have too many and wouldn’t lend you any more
money? Is it just me”.

“Okay transaction engineer says this, this guy wants to sell and this guy wants to buy. I’m thinking okay he
wants to get out….do you know last year guys we had 10,000 home loan defaults. Do you realize this coming year
they anticipate it will be 40,000 home loan defaults in Australia”?

“We currently have the highest defaulting home loan rate we’ve had in Australia’s history. Everybody is just
falling over like flies”.

“Now all these people want to sell, they want to get out. They can’t afford it and they don’t want to be in it
anymore. They’ve had enough”.

“All these people want to get in. I do this thing over here called a rent to buy, rent to own. All these people
want to get rent to own. What’s interesting? Did anybody do their census last year, the census in 2006? Do you
remember what the census was? It was a form that the government sends out to you. Does anybody remember what
question 56 was? Question 56 was are you buying your house with a traditional mortgage or are you buying your
house under a rent to own system”?

“First time in Australia’s history more people are now buying their houses on a rent to own then on any other
time. It’s now part of the census”.

“So I pick up this house and all I’m doing is being the guy in the middle. I’m solving a problem for that person
and solving a problem for that person and if I do it correctly I get what I want. That person wants to get out and
that person wants to get in. Let me walk you through this very quickly”.

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“I don’t see houses guys, I don’t have time. I never see houses. I go on the internet and there it is. I ring up the
guy and say trying to sell your house? He says of course I’m trying to sell, can’t you see it’s on the Internet. I said
okay how long have you been trying to sell it for? The agent has been trying to sell it for 3 or 4 months. How is it
going? It hasn’t sold it yet”.

“What are you doing? I’ve moved to Melbourne, I bought a new house. I’ve got my house in Melbourne with
the family and I’m stuck with this thing and I’m trying to get rid of it in Sydney”…

“So I said what do you want for it? He said well I’ve had it for $525,000 and I’ll now take $450,000 just to get
out of it. I said why do you have to get out of this thing? He said man the payments are killing me. I’ve got
payments in Sydney, I have payment in Melbourne. I said what is more important, the house goes away or the
payments go away? He said mate I want the payments to go away”.

“So I said if I give you the $450,000 that you want for that house but I can’t give you the $450,000 right now.
Can I rent it for a while and pay you down the road when I get the $450,000? He said Mr. Otton I can’t do that.
The rent is only about $300 a week and I need about $450 a week. I’ve got a mortgage, I’ve got rates and taxes and
all this stuff”.

“I said let me ask you how much rent would I have to give you every week to cover all that stuff? He said well
look if you want to pay me $450 a week which is 50% more rent that covers all that stuff and then down the road
when you’re ready you can write me another check for $450,000. I said okay and sent him down my form. I sent it
down the fax machine and he sent it back to me 3 minutes later”.

“Now I’m thinking okay and I’m looking at this thing and it looks nice so far. Apparently its fully renovated
townhouse. I rang up a real estate agent and said, excuse me do you rent properties”?

“She said we’re a real estate agent What do you think we do? I said I’ve got this property and I need you to
rent it. She said where is it?”.

“How much rent do you want for it? I said I want $500 a week. She said $500 a week, the stuff up there only
rents for $300 a week. Yeah but tell the tenant if they want to pay the $500 a week, the rent goes towards buying
the house”.

“She said you’re kidding? So it’s not dead rent? I said no just tell them the $500 goes towards buying the
house. So she sent me down one of those little listing agreements on the fax machine. I signed it and sent it back.

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That night she rang me up and said Mr. Otton I have 3 people that want the house, which one do I give it to? I said
that’s your job, that’s why you get the $118”.

“So she picked the person and said by the way I forgot to ask you one thing Mr. Otton, what’s the price of the
house? You said the money is going towards the house but everybody forgot to ask how much is the house”?

“I said its $500,000. She said are you negotiable on that? I said of course I am but why would they want to pay

“So the next day she sorted it out and sent me the papers and I said have them fill in the forms and have them
send the forms back to me. Now she sent the forms back to me. Now here is the thing, I’m in here and I’m renting
down there $450, these people are renting off me at $500. She said do you mind if we collect the money and do it
for you? I thought great idea how much are you going to charge me? $12, I said okay you’ve got the job”.

“Now so she’s collecting the money, by the way let me stop you right now. The guy in Melbourne who owns
that, does anybody want to guess or do you want me to tell you what the guy looks like? Never met him. Does
anybody want me to tell you what Sophie the real estate agent looks like? Never met her. Does anybody want me
to tell you what the person looks like who is in the house? Never met them but I will tell you what I do know. I got
these people who are in this thing and they’re doing this rent to buy at $500 and I’m doing this one down here at
$450 but guess what comes a day when they say okay we’re paying you out and I say thank you very much”.

“And for a bunch of people I’ve never met here is what happens. $51,043.75 goes in my bank account”.

“Did I get any bank loans? No. Guess how much stamp duty I paid? Zero. The people who moved in and
wanted to own their own home, how many bank loans did they need? None. They just did the rent to buy”.

“By the way, do you think they need to pay stamp duty either? No. We’re exempt we don’t pay stamp duty. By
the way, if you made $51,000 by doing nothing for 3 ½ minutes sitting at my desk, would you do it again?
You bet. I thought that was a good idea too”.

“So guess what? In the same month I ended up doing it 3 times and got over excited. One day $140,000 for
people I never met on houses I’ve never seen off the internet and I got $140,000. I thought that was okay. I can do

“So here is what happened. Channel 7 rang me up and they go Rick Otton you’re doing it differently then
anybody else does it. So here is what happened, they said can we come out and see how this all works? I said what

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do you want to do? They said we see what you do; we understand what you want to do. We want to have like a
cliff hanger at the end of the series for 2007 so people have a real big wow factor so they’ll watch the 2008 series”.

“I said how much is all this killing you for? She said I’m in the hole of this thing; I’ve got to get $280,000 just
to pay that whole lot out. Maureen how quickly would you like this all to disappear? She said if you could take this
off my hands tomorrow that would be great.

“I can’t do it tomorrow but it will take me 30 minutes. Within 30 minutes Maureen thanked me very much. She
never saw that house again and I’m into this house. In 30 minutes I said I’ll look after all that, look after that, look
after that, look after the whole lot. I’m looking after the house for $280,000”.

“Then I put an ad in the paper that said, who wants this house and they can come in and fix it up. You see I
already knew if the house was fixed up it was worth a lot more money. A whole bunch of people turned up and
said man do we need a bank loan. I said no come and fix the house up and it’s yours. A whole bunch of people
walked in and I had to choose who was going to want this house for $340,000”.

“25 people lined up down the street and if you saw the show we went through a bunch of people until
somebody fixed that house up for $340,000. They did not need any money to get into that house. They did not need
any bank loan to get into that house. They did not pay any stamp duty to get into their first home. They rang me 2
days ago and the house is now worth over $400,000. They fixed that house for $350,000. If the people walked into
a house for $350,000 and made 60,000 do you think they’re happy”.

So here is my question, I’ve sat there and the problem with this whole exercise was this, I said to Maureen I’ll
look after that for $280,000. I said you guys can look after that but you have to fix it up and you can have it for
$340,000. They fixed it up and it’s now worth over $400,000. They made a whole bunch of money. I made some

“The problem was I didn’t need to be there, it was an automated system”.

“If I leave enough in it for the next person and they are getting what they want, which is Maureen got relief
from the pain of this whole problem of this house, those people had been trying to buy a house for 5 years and they
were living with her parents and not only that they made $60,000 and they did the whole thing for $350,000”.

“I do something else different. None of my students pay stamp duty. You see I looked at a lot of systems and a
lot of things we do in Australia we do because they’ve been doing it for 200 years. But no one has ever stopped to
look at the system”

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When I started sitting down with people in Australia and saying why are we doing it that way and not that way
and people would say to me because Rick people have been too busy doing it the old way to stop and look at doing
it a different way. My students don’t pay stamp duty. By the way, is there anybody in this room who would like to
start buying houses without paying stamp duty”?

“There is nothing in the legislation that says buyers who buy houses have to pay stamp duty”.

“In actual fact, my students do not buy houses unless the seller’s pay their stamp duty. Not only that this man
is a New Zealander. Most entrepreneurial people in the world. I start teaching my students if you start saying to
people which car comes with the house, 5% will point to one of their cars and say I guess that one. My student has
12 cars. That’s his 3rd of 4 BMWs. Why? Because 5% of the people selling houses want-to sell houses don’t need 3
cars and will always say I guess that one, by simply saying which car comes with the house”.

“Now being entrepreneurial that he is and buying his houses for $1 and having no money, here is where his
cars are. He has one car at Auckland airport, one in Queens Town, one in Christchurch and one in Wellington
airport so that when he gets to New Zealand he has something to drive. It makes sense. It’s just a different way of
doing things”.

“I can only do what I do if I give people what they want”.

“If I give people what they want I get what I want. I get the lifestyle and I get to do what I want when I want to
do it. It’s just a change of system. Life is a tool box and some people renovate. I get it. Some people renovate and
spend a bunch of time and a bunch of money to make money on the renovation. I make money on renovations, I
just don’t do it”.

“I probably have 15 renovations going on right now on houses I’ve never seen with profits that I’ll make and
I’ll probably be next week I’m in Amsterdam. But I don’t have to do it as long as I give the other person emotional
satisfaction for what they want and I leave in it for what people want out of their life. Because if I think about
people first, I will always get what I want”.

Some people do developments. I don’t understand it but it’s great. As far as I’m concerned, going to council
that’s what a mouse did and came back as an elephant. But the thing is I don’t do that. Some people do
developments that’s great. Some people do renovations. I do buy and holds as well, 20% of my properties are buy
and holds”.

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“My properties are all around Bandai, around Sydney Harbor. They’re high growth properties but they are
massively negatively geared but I’m not going to the factory and putting nuts on a bolt. I will have all these other
houses that give people what they want and I’ll create a massive amount of income stream to offset all my
negative gearing so I can get to do what I want to do”.

I would suggest to you that the old days of buying houses when you got all these people who don’t want them,
the old days of putting down 20%, signing on for a whole bunch of debt, paying stamp duty is a really, really old

“And some people won’t get that and some people will realize that going forward if you can do your buy and
holds for $1 or for $10 that’s the way of the future. Taking the old way and tying up all your cash I just don’t get it.
I’m not too sure that’s the way I could ever do business”.

“Life is a tool box and what I do is a little bit different”.

“I sell a house in 3 days. I don’t think I’ve ever had a house in my books longer then 5 days”

“A real estate agent will take 3 to 4 months. I never learned that system. So I will teach you the systems that I
learned when I didn’t go to real estate school”.

“We’re not in the job business; we’re in the lifestyle business. These guys make $1.3 to $5 million every year
and they’ve never seen any of their houses. How did that photo get taken? I went to Queensland and said guys take
me out and show me what you’ve done. They said we’re not too sure. I said what do you mean? We’re not too sure
where any of our houses are and there they are they have their maps figuring out where the houses are that they
bought cause they’ve never seen them. They make $1.3 million on houses that they never look at”.

“A lot of my students come back every single year because they just want to hang out with people who
think that way and do what I do. My event you guys what I’ll teach you is different. No one else teaches
what I do. I actually believe ladies and gentlemen I’m the best in the world at what I do, although I can’t
speak for other planets”.


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Platinum 2.0 Mastermind

Business Coaching
Work with Mal one‐on‐one in your business as 
your personal marketing and business coach.  
    The Platinum 2.0 Mastermind experience is not 
for everybody. You must be serious and have a 
burning desire to succeed.  
    Simply, the Mastermind environment is about 
making money, lots of it. And in the process, 
discover who you are and where you want to be.  
For more information, go to: 

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“Making Money Is Being Able To

Write An Email And Press Send”

Alexandria Brown has revolutionized the art of e‐mail marketing teaching people 
how to build their lists and generate income through the power of E‐Zines.  

“I didn’t know exactly how I was going to do it but I

just knew that it was what was going to happen. So I
took a big leap of faith. I’ve heard a saying when you
leap your wings will appear and that’s kind of
what happened.”


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ucing Alexandriia Brown

“The E-zzine Queeen”

Alexandriaa Brown, a.k.aa. "The E‐zine
e Queen", haas fast becom
me the foremo
ost authorityy in driving saales via e‐
mail publishing
m nline formulaa needed to catapult 
g. After masttering the maarketing basiccs, she found the exact on
erself to bein
ng the authorrity – dare we
e say celebrityy – in her niche. Last yearr her businesss brought in o
over a 
m e only works a few hours aa day, and haas a blast in the 
s using email and the Interrnet, and she

Ali has bee
en sponsored
d by Microsofft, intervieweed by The Wa
all Street Jourrnal, and has been feature
ed in 
ntrepreneur M
Magazine and countless m ooks includingg Confessionss of Shamelesss Internet Prromoters.  
marketing bo

Her award
d‐winning pro
oducts and prrograms at w
m have now ttaught thoussands of 
mall businesss owners how
w to use the In
nternet to geet famous and worked with clients 
d get more saales. Ali has w
ncluding New York Times D
Digital, Adwe
eek Magazinees, Scholastic Books, and D
Dun & Bradsttreet, but herr passion 
es in showingg entrepreneu
urs how to crreate *consisstent streamss of online inccome* using ttheir expertisse and 
ersonality. Yo
ou can sign up for her FREEE weekly ezine "Straight Shooter Marrketing" at 
w m

In a recentt interview w
with Mal Emerry Alexandriaa Brown reve
eals some of h
her methods to getting 
sttarted as welll as how to m
maintain yourr online incom
me using Emaail. 

For More Speed Wealth Insights from Mal Emery Deliveered to Your
Alexandria Brown

Ali is one of those entrepreneurs that took the initiative to try something that wasn’t being utilized well
enough, the internet. She came from a background of working hard for her dollars which always involved working
for someone else, she was never happy.

One day at the depths of despair and poverty Ali had a brain wave she sat down at her computer about to admit
defeat to her family when something happened at that particular moment she recalls “I thought to myself I haven’t
even touched the internet or email. I’m meeting some good prospects but I don’t know how to follow up, and this
(Email) seems comfortable. I don’t like calling people or showing up at their door. Why don’t I email them?”

It was then Ali realized the importance of Email and its ability to reach millions of people all over the world.
Ali had knowledge and information about not only life but business that she realized she could enlighten people
with via these E-zines or electronic magazines.

The E-zines could be used to promote products, businesses as well as just to inform. It could be used to
promote just about anything, it was a technique that could and has proved to help people all over the world to
promote whatever they needed to at a low cost. Ali recalls sitting at her computer on that ground-breaking day “I
started (Email list) with 10 people and that included my parents and my cat and sent that out and an amazing thing
happened, people started reading and they started forwarding it around. My list started growing and I want to tell
you guys to, I did not have a website, I did not have a clue. But this little missive, this little email was spreading
the word about my business”.

It was then that she began receiving calls from people calling her for help, people wanted Ali to help show
them how to market with this E-zine. She found that people loved the concept but could find little information
about the method and how to apply it. That is when Ali decided to write a small E-book called “Boost Business
with your own E-zine”, this really was the beginning of the Ali Brown we know today the woman who had stopped
selling her time and had started to sell her knowledge.

It wasn’t all ‘smooth sailing’ for Ali and she always makes note in her teaching that every time she has a true
break through she first must have a big breakdown and she highlights that yes it still happens but she looks at these

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breakdowns as the universe “giving you a little kick in the butt and saying you’re better than this, its time to move
up and to make a transformation so that you get what you deserve”.

Ali now teaches a much broader perspective of marketing and business then E-zine however it’s
definitely the core tool that she teaches as it is a SIMPLE, EASY and CHEAP method for anyone to get
started making money online.

Talking with Mal, Ali drives home that if you don’t get the marketing down you will never build true wealth
for your business. She makes the point that what she tells is the marketing which is more important than the
mastery. In other words it doesn’t matter whether you are an accountant or a dog groomer if you market your
product or business effectively that is more important than being the best at your profession. If you can market
your product in a way that is different to the competition and that draws your target audience in it is then
important you use every power to keep that client and in turn build wealth.

In Ali’s teachings she shows the individual how to use their expertise and personality to create consistent
streams of online income. She highlights the importance of making yourself out to be a rock star and see yourself
that way even if you think no one sees you in that way. “You have to start by just coming out and believing that
about yourself and then the environment around you will rise up to match it” These are key words spoken by
Ali you have to believe in yourself because if you doubt yourself so will everyone around you. It is important to be
confident and positive to be able to create positive wealth.

Throughout Ali’s discussion with Mal Emery she made special mention of the core of her teaching, the
basis of her success- Her 7 ways that Email can help you to make more money. They are as follows…

1. An ezine let’s you market one to many instead of one to one.

A lot of us when we start a business we’re one to one marketers, we’re meeting people, talking to them on the
phone, networking, shaking hands, going to the breakfasts and lunches and things like that. Make a shift and start
thinking about marketing one to hundreds, thousands to tens of thousands.

We now take for granted that you can do this with the push of a button its called EMAIL. You used to have to
mail out hundreds or thousands of mailers and it was a lot of work. But with just one push of a button you can
reach a million people. So keep in mind that you’re going to make a lot more money, use a lot more leverage when
you can market to a larger group of people.

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2. E-zines will help you sell more as it is a chance to show
not just tell your product, service or program.

In traditional advertising Mal and I worked in an agency where we really wrote ads that were just bragging.
We’re number one; our product is the best, etc. Well an E-zine let’s you really put your money where your mouth
is and you can write and give people samples of your program or product.

You can share testimonials, you can have success stories, you can answer questions that people might have
about your product or service. It gives you the chance to do what is called education based marketing. You’re
giving people a sample of what you have to offer before they try it.

3. E-zines position you as an expert.

I never said I was the expert but he saw me, he perceived me as the expert and that’s very, very important.
When you share good information on a topic and you want to pick content that is related to your business products
and programs people will lift you up in the top of their minds.

4. Email is a great way to stay in touch regularly.

You may send out one email and think you’re going to get a big response but the repetition is actually more
important. So when you’re looking at ways to do this at almost no cost, email is the perfect answer. And what’s
great about doing an E-zine is this is something that people sign up for. Its good information, you’re educating
them, its useful information and you’re not just sending them promotions all the time, so they love to get it.

They really enjoy receiving your email. It’s as if they’ve given you permission to market to them all the time.

5. E-zines and emails are a great way to spread the word about
your business at NO COST.

We’re all in this together around the world now and emails go back and forth all the time. People are forever
forwarding Emails of interest to friends, family collegues etc. the perfect way for you E-zine or email to reach the
perfect target audience.

6. E-zines are one of the most effective marketing strategies to get

people on your list.

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You need to capture the contact information of as many people who visit your site as possible if you have a
website and you are not getting people on your list, you are watching money walk out the door.

The reason why is that 99% of your web visitors will not buy from you. They will not contact you, they will
not hire you, whatever you’re trying to do they won’t, they’re just going to take a look at you and then click away
because dinner is ready or an email just popped up or they’re going to go to the next website, you’re gone, you’re

You need to do everything you can to capture them while they’re at that site. Now there is many ways to do
this. There are e-courses, free reports, and all that but they work wonderfully when paired with an E-zine. The E-
zine is what gives you permission to contact these people on a regular basis.

They look at E-zines as helpful information and they look at subscriptions as a wonderful thing. It really is
something of value that you’re giving them for free. And you will see your subscriber numbers go up when you
offer an E-zine. I do recommend that you also offer another goodie they get right away, such as a free report, e-
course or maybe an audio program. ezines are one of the most effective marketing strategies to get people on your

7. Let’s all give thanks to E-zine/Email for being so instant, cheap and easy.

We really take for granted that we can push a button and send a message out to a million people if we want too
at virtually no cost. It really is the major factor that sets Email/E-zine ahead of many other marketing tools.



“The biggest tip I can give is another little secret of using email to build customer loyalty. It’s also my
number one secret for really cutting through the clutter because people are overwhelmed each day and that
is to be personal with your readers and to be like their friend”

Ali believes in producing fun in her E-zines because when you are yourself and let your personality come
through then you have no competition. There is no other Ally Brown. There is no other Mal Emery.

When you let your personality come through, that’s what makes you completely unique, that is your unique
selling proposition. She believes it’s the personal touch that gets people engaged and keeps them buying from you

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Ali’s Concluding Tips to E-zine Success and Consistant Wealth

9 There are ways of making sure you have high deliverability rates. The most important is to …Make sure you
work with a really reputable list management company or email publishing service.

“I see a lot of people starting off cheap or with free services and you’re wasting your time. Cough up, its like
what $20 US to get started per month with a decent email publishing service that will manage your list for you
and then can help you determine when there are problems”.

9 When people are starting out and they’re contemplating what to write about? I suggest you do some reverse
engineering. What are you trying to sell? What are you trying to position yourself as an expert in? What
programs and products do you offer? Back up from there and that’s where you come up with ideas of tips and
content to share with people.”

9 You don’t need to write your articles. How about top questions that your clients and customers ask you
already and answer one in each E-zine. If you have just 12 questions that’s 3 months of content right there
that you can answer questions. People love lists and tips, top 5 lists, mistakes top 5 mistakes people make
in blah, blah, blah. There are all kinds of formats that I teach. So you don’t need to be a good writer. But
the content should always give people a taste of what you have to offer.

9 When you’re looking at list building, I want to give you this advice before you start searching. It is so
important to be CLEAR on your target market. I call on the words of Dan Kennedy who states “the
who is more important then the what”. I’ll say that again, the who is more important then the what.
Most people come up with an idea for a product or service and they create that and then they go looking
for people to buy it.

You should figure out who your audience is, write the E-zine for them, start building the list and then you have
the audience ready to buy from you. I did this by accident because when I was doing my little consulting business
in New York, I was just building a list and doing the newsletter and then suddenly that day several years later I had
that e-book to sell and bam I had a list of several thousand people and the sales started coming in because I had the

And remember, in this system, there is nothing too technical, there is nothing overwhelming and it’s either the
same strategies that I use or my clients use with great success.

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“I’ve got clients making in excess of $5,000 a month to $25,000 a month, US dollars. And a few of my clients
this year hit the million dollar mark. So these are the same strategies I teach and people tell me that no one
has put together internet marketing in a step by step plan like I have. So I’m really glad to share that with


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“Know For Sure That Your eBay Business Will Bring

In At Least $1500 A Day 7 Days A Week”

Matt and Amanda Clarkson are the “magicians” of eBay business. In this chapter 
they will guide you through the different ways in which you can  
generate huge cash flow from the eBay phenomenon.  
“It’s the real dream for most people isn’t it? Doing
something you love and you don’t even think you’re
your working. I now work less than I ever have, I make
more money than I ever made and I get to love my life
with passion and enthusiasm”

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Introducing Amanda
A a and Maatt Clark
kson, “T
The eBayy Magicians”

If you everr wanted to kknow how an
n everyday pe
erson can start an eBay bu
usiness from scratch and tturn it 
nto a multimillion dollar empire then A
Australia’s ow Amanda are tthe couple to
wn Matt and A o ask. 
Amanda le
earnt from an
n early age to
o fend for herrself and 11 yyears of age w
would disapp
pear into the w
machine to fin
m nd money thaat had fallen o
out of her fatthers overallss. With the m
money she fou
und she woulld buy 
ollies from the
e local store ttake them ho
ome cut them
m into smaller pieces and sell them bacck to the fam
making a nice 
m profit so the buying, sellin
ng strategy h
has been with
h her from a yyoung age. 
Amanda iss now a succe has started 7 highly profitable businesses from scraatch. Her 
essful entreprreneur who h
skkills are in dirrect selling, m
marketing and
d of course cu
ustomer servvice these havve allowed he
er to uncoverr a niche 
market on eBA
m Ay. In her first 31 days on eBay Amand
da made saless exceeding $
Using her sskills, passion
n and tenacitty within 90 d
days of startin
ng on eBAy A
Amanda receiived the eBayy power 
eller status an
nd holds a 10
00% close rate
e with her au
uctions. Aman
nda is also th
he founder off ‘You Won th
he Bid” 
nd creator of the first proggram of its kiind to appearr on eBAy. 
Matt began his workingg career in caarpentry. He sstarted buyin
ng old apartm
ments and ren
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make a profit a
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e turned to b or $25.00 an hour. One daay he realized
building, workking in tough conditions fo d there were  people 
ut there acce
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n that he wen
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eed to do som
mething diffe
Mal Emeryy recently spo ends Amandaa and Matt Cllarkson who will share with you the ke
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prroducts that yyou can sell o make big buckks and reveal just how theey got their eB
on eBay to m Bay business started 
ass well as help
ping each of yyou to make aa consistent iincome from the eBay weebsite

For More Speed Wealth Insights from Mal Emery Deliveered to Your
Matt & Amanda Clarkson

“Amanda and I are going to show you the different ways that people make money with eBay.

“There are a number of different ways and there are quite a few myths as well when it comes to eBay”

“People have this understanding that it’s a junk yard and you can become a slave to it. We certainly can show
you its completely different from that. You can have a completely automated business and we’re going to show
you that part today”.

We’re also going to show you how you can start selling on eBay with no stock. Who likes the idea of doing
that? Being able to sell something before you’ve even paid for it,

Who are we? Now I know you’re all here to find out how we make $70,000 a month on EBay and its regular,
its like clockwork.

So why is EBay so good? What makes it so simple?

Well the good thing is there are millions of people already there and they’re already shopping. They trust
it, they know it and one of the things that are so great about eBay is they’ve been able to overcome one of the
biggest fears that people have with shopping online and that’s knowing whether you’re going to be safe, whether
you’re going to get what you’re paying for. And with eBay using the feedback system have overcome that and
made it so open that you can literally see if you’re having a good or bad experience with people.

There are a few people there that are educators but there really is only the top 5% of people that are making
money and that’s where we thought this is something we can do. And that’s when we jumped in feet and all.

Who is EBay?

“What we did like a lot of people when you’re looking at a business, Amanda thought her kind of research was
buying shoes and I thought well maybe I should do some research and find out what is with EBay and how do
people actually make money with it. This is what we came up with EBay at the moment has 242 million

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registered uses. And EBay themselves say that if you added that up as a population it would be the 5th largest
country in the world, all these people they’re buying on EBay.

“Basically with 70,000 new people signing up every day, we knew as internet marketers the place that we
really needed to be when it came to being online was EBay because that’s where the people were, that’s where the
traffic was. With $141,000,000 being spent every day on eBay equating to $1 billion being spent every week we
quickly recognized our money making potential”

“One of the things about EBay that has made it so successful is the fact that it is so simple to do.
We want something that is going to be a long term sustainable business however with minimal start up
expenses. The good thing is you don’t need to mortgage the house to get started on EBay”.

“So who would like a business working less then 2 hours a day earning $70,000 a month? In fact, we don’t
even do that now. We have a girl that does it part time, so that’s how automated you can get it. In fact, ours got to
the stage where our business was so automated that I got bored and that’s why we ended up being on stage here
sharing our story”.

“Another benefit of eBay was its Super low risk, the worst thing you can do is sell your CDs for the wrong
price. That’s really the worst case scenario when it comes to initially selling on EBay”.

“Just about everyone who starts on EBay initially starts from the spare bedroom and then they expand out from
there. What we’re talking about here is something that is so simple to start for such a really low risk and with such
a small amount of cash, but something you really can build on to make it into such a salable asset.”

Matt and Amanda recognize that here are 50,000 categories that you can sell into on EBay.

“Now we sell into one category only, so there are still 49,999 that we haven’t even gone into. Our business
turning over nearly a million dollars a year will easily be doing that in the next few months. Who thinks that will
be a salable asset if we decide to put that on the market? Someone looking to buy a business that runs less then 2
hours a day. So that’s what we think of, this is as good if not better then real estate. This is cash flow and with cash
flow you can put it into real estate or whatever you’re into. But cash comes into our account every day and
someone would love to buy our business”.

Amanda comments on the advantages of her eBAy business, “Peace of mind and a healthy lifestyle are the
most valued aspects of our business. For me you can always get more money but never more time. So every

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morning I wake up I look past Matthew and I see the beautiful blue ocean and I know that I am free to go down
there and enjoy it”.

“Who gets to do what they want to do every morning when they wake up? Not enough of you”.


Matt and Amanda distinguish the first aspect of conducting research to be so important and but so easy to do.
“I mean if you’re the sort of person where you don’t mind sitting at home surfing on the internet basically that’s all
we do for research. Conduct your research, create your listing which is you just write up your sales letter, you
launch your auction for a 7 day, 10 day, 5 day auction whatever you want to do. And the final thing is you bank the
money. Who likes banking the money?”

Who wants to be the next EBay millionaire? Who wants to be a millionaire full stop?



• Drop shipping

Is a really popular strategy for people first getting into EBay. That’s where you get to deal directly with
legitimate wholesalers who hold name brand products. You simply list the name brand products up in your
EBay store, sell the stuff to your customers, the customer pays you and only when you get paid by your
customer do you pay the wholesalers. The best thing of all is the wholesaler ships the product directly to your
customer. So you don’t have to touch a single product, all you do is collect the money and the profit is the
difference between what the customer pays you and the wholesale price.

Does that sound pretty easy to understand? Yeah so basically you don’t hold anything. You sell it and then you
get it shipped out by someone else and they do the rest.

• Run a consignment business.

Consignment just basically means that you sell stuff for somebody else. When people get to know that you sell
on EBay and you do it well, I have to share with you that people hound you to sell products on EBay. There is
a never ending supply of stuff to sell. And this person, this lady, is a perfect example. She lives in America and
she sells pre-loved Louie Viton handbags. Girls what a business.

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Now I know she charges 30% of the sale price. So 30% of all these prices she gets to keep and all of the
business comes to her. She has a tiny little thing on the top of her listing that says want to sell your pre-loved
Louie Viton handbag? We can do it for you. This girl makes over $30,000 a month selling other people’s
handbags. Who would like to do that? It’s a good business.

• eBay arbitrage

Basically what arbitrage is its you’re buying all of your stock that you’re going to sell from eBay and you’re
reselling it back onto eBay. Remember I said there are a whole heap of people out there that sell but they really
don’t know what they’re doing? Well what you’re able to do is you can go on there and you can find the items
that people have either listed incorrectly or at the wrong time and you’re able to purchase that stock on EBay
and then resell it for a profit.

I met a lady in America last year and she was buying name brands women’s suits for business. She used to
work in the corporate world and earn $160,000 a year and she would now go online and she buys all of these
name brand suits on EBay and then she resells them at a profit. Pretty simple and she was even quite smart this
lady. What she would do is she would buy a suit and then she would say look I’m going on holidays for about
10 days, can you just hold onto it for me and I’ll send you the details when I get back. She would then put a
listing up and resell that suit before she’s even paid for it and before she’s even had it shipped to her. Then she
would get whoever sold it, she would get them to ship it straight to her customer for her. Pretty cheeky,
absolutely, My point here is don’t do arbitrage of anything that you’re interested in. I should have done golf
clubs; I would have done really well at that. So I gave up that.

• You can sell all your own products.

There are a number of ways you can do that. Now throughout the weekend and you’ve probably all been to
different internet marketing seminars and you can sell digital products online. A digital product is usually and
e-book or it can be an audio download or whatever. You can sell all those types of products on EBay. You can
sell your hard products, it could be a DVD, a CD and basically there are a lot of people now that are pulling
out some of their knowledge and expertise and they’re putting that into a product that they are then selling on

We even found one guy, was it the tire changing thing? He created a DVD just on his camcorder thing, a little
DVD thing on how to change a flat tire. He is selling quite a lot of them. There is another lady who made her
own DVD on how to clean a horse hooves, that’s different. My point is open up your mind and ask yourself

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what are you good at that other people would like to know about? You might be able to bake the best chocolate
biscuits in Australia; it could be absolutely anything, how to groom your dog at home or something like that.
You would be surprised at some of the stuff people actually buy on EBay.

• Sell your e-book on EBay

A lot of people say you can’t make money on e-books on EBay. Well we sell those, they’re $37 US and we sell
1 or 2 a day sometimes. Basically what we’re doing there is we’re using that as a lead generation process.
These people that buy from us with these e-books, they’re sent back to our website and we collect their names
and addresses and they’re now on our database and we can up sell them.

Just recently and this happens quite regularly as well, it might only be a $37 e-book but we made about $4,000
or $5,000 out of up sells from those in the last 2 weeks. I’ll also just share with you that magical little e-book
there that we just started selling because we don’t sell information products on EBay like Matt said was an
interview I had done with another internet marketer who was asking me all about EBay. I just had the thing
transcribed, put a forward in and a cover letter on it and that was it. We made $350 a week selling that. Who
would like to make $350 a week selling something maybe an interview they did with an expert? Who could
you interview and transcribe that and turn that into an e-book? It took an hour and again all automatic and
nothing to do, no cost, no shipping, no nothing”

“What we’re talking about are all the different ways or different media you can create a business. EBay isn’t
our business, its one of the medias we use”.

“Now here is an example, if you have a small business, you can now advertise on EBay for the services you
provide. Automotive mechanical repairs, counseling, cleaning, builders, lawn mowing, all these different services
that people are now advertising online. And you can do that for as little as $10 a month”.

“Who would think that if you could put an ad in the paper for $10 a month and you could actually access 240
million people, I would think that would be a good deal. You won’t find that in your local newspaper but you can
do it with EBay”.


1. You have to get your head space right

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Because a lot of people come to me and say there is nothing to sell, all the good products are gone. That is bull
dust, there are millions and millions of products to sell and it comes down to your little space in here. If you have
an open mind and you say to yourself there is a million things I can find, it’s going to be easy, it will happen for

Less then 1% of sellers are serious, less then 1%. If you got serious what could you do on eBay? Who can see
that that’s a real opening? So many people just don’t know what they’re doing. It’s amazing.

2. Write down or record your ideas.

“We go to the States regularly and I’m always buying different types of magazines, business magazines, stuff I
have no interest in whatsoever. But what I’m doing is getting ideas. We actually have a book now of 250 ideas of
products that we know would sell on eBay right now and would make a fortune with. Should I put it up for
auction? Who would put a bid on it? 250 that I’ll never get around to selling because I just don’t have the time or
don’t want too”

3. Look at what your kids are doing, what’s hot.

“Shows like Oprah, I love watching Oprah, the reason being because they’re talking about stuff that is going to
happen usually here about 6 months later. They start to look at trends and stuff that is happening is always
happening on Oprah. We keep our eye on that sort of stuff and we can see what is happening and we can see where
it’s going to come from because we’re always a little bit behind. It’s almost like having a crystal ball.
Ask your friends and family what are you spending your money on?”

4. Finding a product to sell and creating certainty.

“We use programs; we use a program where we can actually look and find out exactly what is selling. For
example if I wanted to sell these clickers, which I wouldn’t because its very out of date but if I wanted to sell these
clickers I could actually go on and find out exactly how many are selling, what price they’re selling for, who is
selling them, how many they’re doing, what time of the day they’re selling, everything”

“So what we’re good at doing is taking out the unknown. When it comes to selling on EBay we do the research
and its really simple stuff. I can work this out in half an hour now whether this will be a go or not and then I can
move onto the next one”.

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“That’s why what we do is we take a lot of that fear factor out and we know for certain with that daily or
weekly certainty what we’re going to make and how much will be ongoing. We look at things like EBay post.
There are places on EBay where they actually tell you what people are looking for”.

5. Plan to profit for the long term

“Now this is something that a lot of people, who ask me about eBay have a hard time with. The thing is with
eBay the people are there with their credit card in their hand ready to spend right now. So you have to give them
what they want, that’s all, that’s all you have to know. Sell what people want and not what you want to sell them.
And decide on your outcome and work your way back”

6. Sourcing your products

Matt states that “sourcing your products, I believe, is the easiest part of having an eBay business believe it or

Amanda adds that “The other part you have to know is just how to sell. You can start from home like we did.
After I sold that set of CDs we were making $600 to $800 a week selling books and stuff from around the house,
anything that wasn’t nailed down I was selling”.

Who would rather be having fun at home selling books for $800 a week then going to a crappy job, sitting in a
stinky train in hot traffic? Absolutely so that’s how we started”.

“After that there is drop shippers, light bulk, consigning where you sell other peoples stuff for them. You can
become a trade assistant and list your services on eBay. EBay will even put your ad up on their website where
there are millions of people to let other people know that you can sell their stuff for them”.

“There is importing, you can buy stock from wholesalers. There is no guessing in that. We know what to look
for and we know whether something will sell and for how much, if we’re buying something we know we’re going
to make a profit. We don’t hope, we don’t pray we’ll sell it, we know it will sell. And here is a stat for you, on
EBay 54% of items that go up for listing don’t even get a bid on them, let alone sell. We currently have a sell
through rate of about 95%”. AMAZING!!

7. Try and look professional.

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“Take for example selling DVDs on eBay. There is a young boy only 23 years old, we have met him and he
does $3 million a year selling his DVD’s on eBay, his secret is he buys direct from wholesalers. The important
thing is, is that his store or in other words his mini website on eBAy looks professional and because of that, he
attracts the right buyer as it looks just like a proficient business”.

“The key to this success step is that you can set something like that up for a couple of hundred dollars and look
like a world player right from the beginning. It doesn’t cost a fortune”.

8. There are a number of ways you can actually list your items for sale.

“There are 4 main ways that we go through, firstly we’ve got the online auction format where you just put
something up and people bid for it. Now that’s one of the things that has made eBay so successful is that bidding
process. People love to bid and you’ve got to let them play that game”.

“We’ve got the fixed price where people can actually just go there and buy the items straightaway. There is no
bidding, you’re in a rush. I want to get my bike now and you can click it and own it”.

“You can put it up in your store which is another simple way as well.”

“The last way and this is something new on EBay and that’s called the classified ad and we’re doing a lot of
testing with that now. That is essentially just putting your services up. People can contact you directly from there.
You can put your phone number in there, you can put your email address in there and people will be able to contact
you directly. Who thinks that is pretty innovative? It’s brand new and it’s fantastic”

9. Outstanding customer service.

“We all know how to give good customer service but the thing with eBay is because they can’t see you and
they can’t get a feel for what type of person you are, they’re frightened to hand over money. So your customer
service is paramount on eBay. I always send out a letter when I sell something on EBay, I send out a letter that
says good day gorgeous, I hope you really enjoy this product and you’re going to get heaps of fun using it”.

“Our whole business is built on referrals because we give outstanding customer service. So the problem with
95% of most eBay sellers is they think the deal is over when the money is banked. That’s not right, it’s just

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“So if you’re friendly and kind to your customers they will send other people to your business. So that trust
and building of a rapport has to be there and it comes down to your service and how you treat people”.

“The good thing is that once people begin to trust you, as Mal says you’ve acquired a customer. They’re
paying you to join your list and then from there you then have a back end process where you can then start to
market to those people over and over again. Often times because they had such a good experience with you from
the beginning they know you, like you and trust you and the hardest part is already over and they just want to keep
buying from you”.

10. Dominating your chosen category.

“It’s very simple, as many eBay sellers do not really know what they’re doing this means that you can come in
and really dominate a category very quickly”.

“ What we do is we set it up in a way so that we become the expert. If we were moving into telephones we
would become the expert in that area or we would show our listings to the customers to say hey I would be mad to
by off that guy there because these guys really are the experts and that’s very simple to do. Just by having smart
looking listings, having good graphics in there, lots of photos you can dominate that’s what it comes down too”.

11. Automate you eBay business

“I love EBay so much because you can automate so many of these processes. We’ve automated over 90% of
our business. In the end, Amanda was saying can you stop automating it, I need something to do. It was crazy”.

So the whole process, the listing part of it that’s all automated, sending out emails again is all automated, the
feedback process, a lot of these day to day ways of running your business that are essential you don’t even have to
do, except check your cash balance at your leisure”.

12. You just repeat the process.

“Once you’ve got this set up and you’ve got it in a way that its not going to be time consuming it gives you
that freedom. Who here is looking to make a million dollars or who here is looking to buy their life back? Yeah
everyone wants their life back. That’s all the money is going to give you. So if you have a way or a business that
gives you lots of spare time because you’ve now created a really good cash flow system, the good thing is you now
start to do it over and over again but you’re just doing it for fun”.

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“EBay for me is a vehicle, it’s a great business and I love it. As you can tell I really love it, it’s an exciting fun
business. But at the end of the day, it’s the vehicle and it could have been cherry picking for all I care. For me, I
just want to putter around and have some time to enjoy it”.

“Once you have the money the money comes but then you don’t want to be at the point where the money is
coming but you’re still working 50 or 60 hours. Who has had that experience where they’re making more money
but they’re putting in more time and effort to get that money? In the end, it’s not even about the money”.

“You must start getting serious about having multiple streams of income. Who is into having multiple
streams? Not just one because it’s too scary. And don’t try and reinvent the wheel. For me, that’s the
hardest thing”

“But what it comes down to is making money in a way that you’re not complicating your life, you’re not
creating this beast that all of a sudden it controls you and you end up one of those business owners that would
almost rather be an employee”

“It’s about creating time and creating cash flow so that you can then enjoy the process of what we call
life. That’s what I love more then anything now, the fact I can wake up and do whatever I want of a


“What they didn’t do was create ways they could have a cash flow income or business while they started to do
other things in their life. Look at the statistics, most people who retire if they even live this long, if they are retiring
at 57 they’ve got another 20 years to live. Are you ready for it? Have you put it away? Most people don’t have
anywhere near the amount that they’re going to need, so what else are they going to do? How are you going to do

“Just open up your mind and think about the future. We don’t like to, it’s a fact that we don’t like to and we
think it’s all going to be okay but its not. You better do something about it just like we have”.

“So we can guide you all the way holding your hand and, of course, your fears and doubts can be
removed. If I can build a business close to a million dollars a year just after 12 months so can you. It’s that

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“And that’s it; August of last year is when we started doing this full time. I think that’s pretty impressive. Here
are some of the stats that we have here. These are some of our sales figures. This isn’t a fluke, 65, 55, 69, 70; this is
every single month that this is happening. And because its automated, we now have the time and the ability to
show other people how to do it and we don’t have the fear factor of thinking oh there will be too many people
selling on EBay”.

“The most exciting bit is we’ve been able to create a simple system that if used properly, just about
anyone can do what we are doing. Thank you for your time”.


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“We’re Going To Talk About Something I’ve Been

Teaching For A Little Bit Called Internet Marketing”

When it comes to making money, the Internet is the fastest, easiest and least 
expensive way to reach your global market.  You just have to know the system and 
process, have the right tools and the right marketing strategy.  Who better to teach you 
this than Armand Morin who has revolutionized the way businesses and individuals 
alike use the internet to make big profits. 

“You always want to better yourself. I want the

marketplace to be wondering what the hell is Armand
going to do next. Who the hell is Armand going to get? I
always try and top myself and it’s deliberate on my part
to try and improve upon it every time”


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Inntroducinng Arman nd Morinn,
“Intternet Maarketing Stategist”
S ”

Before starting on the iinternet Armand sold vacuum cleanerss door to doo
or for 5 yearss however in 1996 he 
egan marketiing online fulll time, since then, he has sold over $4
be 45,000,000 wo ucts and services and 
orth of produ
haas trained ten
ns of thousan
nds of people
e from all ove how to build a successful online busine
er the world h ess. His 
usiness actuaally made $4 million in the
e first 12 wee
eks of being o
Armand is one of the m
most well kno
own internet marketers cu
urrently in the world. His personal onliine 
usinesses gen
nerate over $
$10,000,000 p
per year in on
nline revenue
e. He has also
o taught tens of thousands of 
eople his amaazingly uniqu
ue and propriietary Interneet business building principles and straategies which
h work 
without fail fo
w r every single
e business wh
ho has implemented them
m.  In fact, he
e is most reno
owned for teaaching at 
hiis own Arman
nd Morin’s Biig Seminar w
which is the largest Interne
et Marketing event in the world. 

His straigh
ht to the point teaching styyle which hass the unique ability to liteerally transform anyone’s business 
n 90 minutes o
or less has m
made him a re
equested speaaker not onlyy in the US bu
ut around the
e world!  He h
elped people
e from all walks of life to in
ncrease and eenhance theiir online busiinesses throu
ugh automation. 

“I am going to show yo
ou some key p will help you tto create an eeight figure business onlin
points that w ne like my 
wn and how tto continue tto grow it”. “You always w
want to bette want the marketplace to be 
er yourself. I w
hat the hell is Armand goin
wondering wh
w ell is Armand going to get? I always tryy and top 
ng to do nextt. Who the he
myself and it’s
m s deliberate o o try and imprrove upon it every time”
on my part to
Armand re
ecently chatte
ed to Mal Em
mery via the p
phone in a general discusssion on how tto ‘Internetize’ your 
nline writing.. 

Vissit the Mal Emery Web Store at www

w MalEmery com to Find Out
Armand Morin

“You see its okay because here is what you need to understand, rule number one you have to understand
that its okay to make big money and work less. $227,000 that is what my business does on a weekly basis and
we’re going to show you how we do it and what we do. Your business should be an island meaning you have
100% total control over what your business does. I don’t care if Google shuts down tomorrow my business is
not going to be affected”.

• You need to take action, you need to be decisive

• You need to take action, you need to be decisive
• You need to take action on these things. You need to just get
• You see you can think all you want, you can plan all you want
but if you don’t do anything nothing is going to happen
• You see if you are on a path where you know exactly what you
are doing, people don’t get in your way. They want to join you and they start following you. So you
have to know what you’re doing and what direction you want.
• If I’m making $300 with one website and we’ll show you how
you can do that, it’s very easy. But $300 with one website, if I
have 100 of them how much money am I making? $30,000

Different Strategies to help enhance your online business-

The most important part to building an online business is your list, getting the details of your target audience
people that are interested in your thoughts, products or processes and the most effective way to do so is by creating
an opt page.

“ An opt page is simply just a headline, a few key bullet points and asking for the first name and email address
prior to them actually getting to the website itself”.

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“The reason we do this is because each and every event we do, we usually collect somewhere between 16,000
on the low side to as much as 22,000 names every single time we do this. So we’ve built our list consistently. But
also what that does is from a sales standpoint it increases our conversion. Now let me explain what I mean by that”.

“By simply putting in an opt in page in front of your standard sales letter and people have to essentially pay the
price in order to see your sales letter by putting in their name and email address before seeing the sales letter what
we found out through a lot of testing is our sales letter will increase in its normal conversion”.

“You know how to market which is the key ingredient to all of this. What your job is to know the marketing
that will actually aid and assist you in getting your message across. The marketing is the key to anything you do in
business. You can have the greatest product in the world but if you have no one to market it, it doesn’t matter
because you’re not going to make any money whatsoever. You need to understand the marketing concepts that are
behind it”


“My concept of success leaves traces works we want to go by historical evidence. Write those two words down
– historical evidence. I don’t want to guess, I don’t want to think, I want to go by what has been proven to actually
work. Does that make sense”?

“We don’t want theory, we want facts. Does that make sense? Because when you learn a fact it’s undeniable,
it’s proven. You see success leaves traces means that we look at the facts”

The tips below come from historical evidence of what I have tried and what has worked…

“Here are the basic things, number one, we’re automatically going to increase in the amount of response from
our website by actually changing the overall font of the main text throughout the copy to an Arial or a Verdana
font, which will actually increase our response. By just doing that alone, you increase the ‘readability’ of the text
and make it easier for the target audience. The thing with websites is if the individual is finding the text boring or
difficult to read they simply exit with the click of a button”.

Now here is the internet rule that I’ve taught many direct response people especially. That is by putting a
double space in between our paragraphs and separating them out that is actually going to again increase readership
of that paragraph. And the sales letter we find some of the subheads we need to center and bring over to the middle
of the page in order to make them read that as well.

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Also one of the rules that we use on the net is actually keeping our paragraphs, even if it doesn’t make
grammatical sense but keeping out paragraphs 3 to 4 lines max. Here is what happens, when we look at a big
paragraph online and its so easy to (a) go to another page, (b) hit the home button and go back to Google or
whatever or (c) scroll past it, when we look at a big paragraph we’re essentially too lazy to read it. And if it’s more
then 3 or 4 lines people tend to actually skip it.

Enhance certain things by removing the underlining and maybe using a bolding technique instead.

Your target audience will skim over the text looking for things that pop out at us as they’re reading through.
They’re not turning a page, they’re actually just scrolling down piece by piece. So that’s going to give us the
opportunity to make a stop and say what is implementation with speed? Let’s stop here and take a look at this or
accuracy, let’s stop there and take a look at that.

“Sometimes we found using red and here is the key and it may sound a little too much but we found that our
sub headlines throughout the copy is usually in a brick red. We also found things we want to highlight sometimes
are brick red. I mean sometimes you mentioned it; highlight is a very powerful in many cases as long as we don’t
use it too much”

Then taking our sub headlines, we have many sub headlines throughout a piece and here is what we found out.
By increasing the font size of our subheads actually to a bigger font even from what you have here. I know you’ve
got it bold but what we found is by increasing the font up to, actually we use a 16 point font.

Now this is something I think you’ve done extremely well Mal, I find that most direct response people do this
more so then online people and online people really don’t even understand the power behind this and that is bullet
points.One of the things that we can use to even separate the bullet points and make them stand out even more,
which we found actually focuses the eyes in on the bullet points is every other bullet point we actually bold the
whole bullet point. By doing that, it actually causes us to read it more.

Utilising true case studies meaning that you format it as a case study as you would in a white paper basically.
One thing we can even do to enhance this is a technique I call, box it out. And what I mean by box it out is literally
that each one of these case studies, if we put it in a box in the middle of the page maybe with a yellow, a light
yellow background or maybe even a light green background.
“We found out and this is a technique that we are using more so then ever before. In fact, on the seminar
marketing sales letter that we had for the product itself, we used a huge number of boxes to describe every single
on of our different products and we’ve also done it with every single one of our case studies on that page and
we’ve also done it with all of our testimonials as well too. And by boxing it out, it forces the people to say here is

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something new. And what we’re doing at this point is something even more subtle. For example, I may use one
color say for every one of these case studies. Let’s take for example a light green in the background for each one of
my case studies. So each one of my case studies would be, first of all, a different box as we’re coming down the
page and so for example there are 3 case studies right there so there would be 3 light green boxes. Now what I just
did though is subconsciously we’ve just trained our audience to recognize okay light green means case study”.

“Here is the one thing that I found so far and this is really, really key. You see many times in direct response
we want them to read to the end of the sales letter before we ask them to buy. We have really one chance in a direct
response letter and they get to the end and hopefully that’s where the order form is or it’s on a separate order page
but that’s the separate order form itself”.

“On the net what we want to do and what we found is the more we ask them to buy the better it is. For
example, at the end of each one of our case studies in those 3 sections we’ve already seen even though we’re about
a third of the way down the page, what we can do is go ahead and ask them to buy at the end of each one of those
case studies and with a simple link to your order page”.

“By doing that and I would use a phrase like this for example, in case study number 1, we just talked about
these people jumped on a plane and paid you $25,000 and now we showed them the results that could happen.
They’re up over $300,000 per month right now in an industry that has been devastated by regulatory changes in
recent years. Now again that’s one case study, so at the end what would you, for example, if you would like to be
our next case study, if you would like to be our next success story then click here”.

We don’t want to take them to the order page yet but we want to take them further down the page to our actual
order area and I’ll talk about that later.

“We then began testing the number of times we ask people for their order and we went from starting off with
only 5 times, we asked them to buy 5 times and that was it. Then we actually doubled our sales and we went to
what I refer to as the magic number range and that is between 9 and 12. If we asked them between 9 and 12, we
found that we doubled our sales without doing any other changes on our site, except asking for the order more”.

“Now many people would say what if you went to 20 or 25 or even 100? The more times you ask them surely
maybe that would even increase further. Well on another one of our websites, any time we mentioned a product
name or any time we mentioned anything about the product we asked them to buy via link. In fact, when you
totaled after, when you totaled all the number of ways you could order it was actually 104 times we asked a person
to buy on that one page. What we found is that it didn’t increase our conversion whatsoever as far as sales go”

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“One of the other things that you can do in order to increase sales is to not only put the person’s picture there
but if we can get an audio recording talking from the speaker letting the audience know how excited they are about
the seminar to help personalize the copy”.

“You would be surprised but many people will come to a seminar not to hear 10 speakers or 5 speakers or
however many speakers you have at your seminar, but they’ll come to hear just one speaker”

“Maintaining interest level at the start of reading it starts to rise and let’s say they get up to maybe a 20 as far
as their interest level phase. They went up the hill and got to about a 20 and all of a sudden we ask them to buy.
When we ask them to buy all of a sudden oh no I can’t believe they asked me to buy and my interest level drops
down again. But it doesn’t drop down to zero; it drops down to maybe only 10”

See we built some value; we built some long lasting value. Now all of a sudden we have to start over again. So
they continue reading our sales letter and now all of a sudden their interest level rises all the way up to 50 and what
do we do? We ask them to buy again because they’re hot at that point. And we ask them to buy and their interest
level drops again but it doesn’t drop all the way down to 10, it may drop to only 30 this time. You see we’re
building value as we go.

And we never know when they’re actually going to say yes. So by asking them multiple times throughout the
sales letter all of a sudden we have an opportunity to sell them multiple times again.

Here is an example I use for this. Many of you may have been in a relationship at one time or another. Maybe
you were married, maybe boyfriend or girlfriend but you were in a relationship and maybe you were kind of upset
at what your partner had done. There was not even an argument yet because here is how it normally went.

Honey what’s wrong? And they said oh its nothing, don’t worry about it. But you knew something was wrong.
Then a couple of minutes later, no honey seriously I know something is bothering you, please tell me what is
bothering you. Oh don’t worry about it, its nothing, its no big deal. It’s just me. You do this a couple of different
times and here is what happens. About the 6th or 7th time you ask this honey what’s wrong question about the 6th or
7th time they let you know what is wrong and they just spill it out and tell you everything and now its out in the
open and you can deal with it.

We need to ask them multiple times in order to get them to buy our product or interested in our product and get
the real objection out in the open.

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You can actually make a certificate and put that certificate in the background and it looks very official. But one
of the things that makes our guarantee stand out over maybe another guarantee you may see on a website is we put
the audio, our audio in my own voice on the guarantee. And even if it’s not in your own voice but in your
particular case and they’re coming to your event I think it’s appropriate and in your case it would be your voice.

“Continue to entice seminar numbers by offering a ton of bonuses. We can get more value for the bonuses,
where appropriate by having a picture or visual of the bonus prizes. This is a stacking technique where I’m asking
you to buy, I’m asking you to buy but here I’m going to give you this”.

“We use for example, register by September 30th and get a $100,000 in free bonuses just for registering your
seat today”.

Here is another technique and that’s using graphics in this as well too. We put a stop sign right next to where
the bonuses are. By using a stop sign it makes people stop right there. They can then grasp what is being offered
and what has to be done to gain the bonus.

To complete your letter you must have an ordering page which must be straight forward and ‘easy to do’

Number one is order online via our secure ordering page and there is a link there. Number two simply print the
order form, click here. Two Print the order form here and send it by physical mail to you. Three or call our phone
number, four which I think is wonderful adding that personal touch, if you’re local why not just visit our office and
register in person. Lastly make sure you advise which credit cards you accept, if any in a check box for importance.

“At the completion of the letter our testing has found by using 3 different PS’s at the bottom; the middle PS
will be the one that will actually grab their attention the most. And by putting a link at the end of each one we can
actually test that and find out which one gets us the most response and so we have a link to order on each one of
those. That we found out to be most helpful as far as the most click through”.


When creating a seminar it is important to have the right speakers as they are what attracts your target audience
and in turn can improve your attendance rate. Through taking note at changes you can make to your online
marketing if you’re able on your last event to get 1,000 people and primarily those being all over the internet, with
my tips I think we can increase that quite dramatically helping your events to attract 2,000 or 3,000 people.

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“What we do is we actually say when you sign up for our event, when you pay us because we’re charging
$2,000 US and then you only and only you can market our seminar”.

“So we’re making our affiliate program exclusive in that respect. Then we’re paying them $1,000 per head as
far as every referral they send us. So it’s a little bit different scenario”

“One of the reasons is because and this will explain a lot to you Mal, what we do at our event we actually pay
all their meals and we have a bunch of giveaways we do throughout the event itself. For example, one of the things
we give away is a car. We give away about 17 to 20 laptop computers and we also give away about 30 IPods”.

“We know other seminar promoters in the US are too cheap we know they won’t spend the money we’re
spending and therefore they can never compete against us and squashing our competition from that angle because
we know we’re going to be doing it long term as opposed to short term like some of the other events. So that’s the
reason why we do it”.

“Mal also offered a strategy to Armand which he uses to attract attendees, he begins with one person coming
in; one person signing up but that person can bring 1, 2 or 3 people with them. So now every person you sign up
has the potential of being essentially 3 or 4 times the amount of people coming to your event. So it’s a great
strategy for people to use”.

The internet itself makes the seminar business that much easier. Prior to the internet direct response, direct
copy, direct mail was the method to go. But because we have the availability of the internet what we can do is we
can do things that were maybe too costly for the mail in order to do. We can also test things much faster.

“In conclusion if you give a person a reason why most of the time they will allow you to do whatever it is you
want to do. So when you’re writing copy you need to do it but you also need to give them the reason why you’re
doing it and that will make more sense in justifying and allow you most importantly to maintain your credibility.
What I did today is gave the short cuts. These are things that we tested in our other businesses and in our own
websites marketing all our seminars. So I was able to provide you with the short cuts into some of the things that
we know will make a difference”.


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One of Australia’s foremost female entrepreneurs, Jennie Armato provides her 
clients with the opportunity to create web businesses giving them the flexibility to 
work anywhere in the world!  

“When I look back over my past people need to know

I’ve done the wrong things, I’ve spent and wasted bucket
loads of money and finally I figured out
how to do things the right way”

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ng Jenniee Armato,
“The Real Deaal”

       No matter whether you
u’ve come fro
om a conventtional marketting backgrou
und or you haave no technical 
caapabilities, th
he web business opportun
nity is availab oman or man prepared to focus on gettting 
ble to any wo
esults ‘the we
eb way’ ‐ thatt will spend tthe necessaryy time develo
oping ideas an
nd the appro
opriate action
ns to 
launch and gro
ow in the glob
bal web markketplace. 
Jennie sure w to unlock global web maarketplace po
e knows how otential and tturn it into web business 
pportunities tthat pay well. She is the R
REAL DEAL seelling over 4000 products o
online in ove
er 20 countrie
es (last 
A businesss and marketiing entrepren
neur first and
d foremost, she now head
ds up a world‐wide coachiing and 
onsulting servvice helping o marketers re
other entreprreneurs and m ealize the full potential of the web business 
Jennie's on
ne of the hotttest internet‐‐focused exp
perts going. W
With profitablle websites o
operating acro
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In 2001, she noticed emerging potential using the internet as a powerful marketing media and her journey 
for personal financial independence and peace of mind using the internet and web business begun with gusto. 
She spent thousands and thousands of dollars and hundreds and hundreds of hours over the following few 
years experimenting and testing concepts, strategies and tools, most of which resulted in poor results. So again 
she was forced to adopt new approaches to business (some people are slow learners!).  
In 2004, Jennie teamed up with a group of world‐renowned marketers and entrepreneurs to teach people 
the right and wrong ways to create success on the web. Listening and following other world best internet 
marketing masters then combining that with her own first‐hand successes and failures, Jennie developed her 
own super strategy and system that incorporated the best from the best.  
This 'super' strategy and system impressed her mentors, peers and clients greatly and she now travels and 
presents her “Winning Web Business” system all around the world. Her current commitments include events in 
Australia, USA, UK, Asia and South Africa and that’s just in the past 12 months. 
Jennie Armato is a straight‐shooter. Her fun and simplistic presentation style has seen many audience 
members literally discover that one extra idea or strategy you’ve been missing to getting started in your own 
global business, working from home or anywhere you like and creating the lifestyle and financial security that 
comes with being on the leading‐edge of how people buy and spend online, today and in the future. 

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Jennie Armato

The true keys to not only success in business on the web but how to build wealth trough leverage-

“What I want to do today is give you the foundation and insight so that while you go out and make money
immediately you’re also building for the future”.

“What I want to talk to you about today is the ultimate lifestyle business. You see, you can do business in
a variety of ways. You can do business that takes your life away or you can do business that adds value and quality
to your life. What I want to talk to you today is about how you can have a piece of the biggest pies of opportunity
and when money is being spent in the world economy today to be able to do it with lifestyle”

“Business is an asset, business is an investment, business is an opportunity for you to create multiple
streams of income in addition to your other investment windows of opportunity, whether it’s the share
market or property”.

“For us, we like all 3 but we find that business has been the one that has allowed us the most freedom and
most security. If there is one thing I love most about business is that when the transaction is complete and
confirmed it’s my money”.

“Nothing happens to that money unless I choose for it to happen. There is no tenant trashing the house or any
of those sorts of problems, there is no broker ringing me up to remind me that my trades have gone askew. I’ve
been through all of that”.

“So what I’m going to be telling you today is not only something that can set you up for a solid secure future
but to be able to do it with peace of mind”.

“But if there is one thing that matters the most its to understand that you’re not on this journey on
your own and when you understand the principles of marketing you can achieve anything in your life
including meeting the person of your dreams at an event like this.”.

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“But we traveled Italy and we were able to build our businesses while we were traveling. And for the most part
they ran by themselves. But we still had to do 1 to 1 ½ hours at night in our hotel room. That’s the truth of the

“I’m going to teach you today is the exact system to create that opportunity and use the internet as a
medium to get the volume of people that you want in your business.”

“It’s a combination of things and there is something else to add into that combination and that’s what you want
from it”

“So what are some of the things that you want? Wealth, money, of course, choices, freedom. If we’re going to
design your ultimate ideal lifestyle business, do you think you might need to know what it consists of?”
“It’s a bit hard to make the cake if you don’t know the ingredients”!!!!!!!!

What is your ultimate lifestyle business made up of?

“Time, absolutely time, to be able to go to the kids schools sports in the afternoon and participate in that and
then come home at night and do an hours worth of work. To be able to have the freedom to do that is that what you
want? People are actually willing to do some work if it gives them the freedom to have the choice to do other
things in their life”.

“Having something ready to go means you can get in the game when? Absolutely right now”.

“One of the biggest mistakes we see people making is that they want to pursue the ultimate lifestyle business
but they’ve got no products, no website and no where to start, no customers, no affiliates or anything like that. It
takes a long time and a lot of effort to build those things up”.

“You want to look at is a way to get in and get started now because that can give you the cash flow and
in doing that you can then build the wealth”

“Support is another really important thing that we hear people want and need to get started and get running
quickly in their business”.

“Systems based, you must have systems. This is how you’re able to leverage over and over and over and build
wealth. One of the things we learned is whilst you want to be deeply involved in a niche; you want to be involved
in multiple niches so that you can create continuous steady income streams across the board”.

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“Be able to do that you need to have systems. So we find this is essential if you want to create the ultimate
lifestyle business to start thinking about business in a systematic way”.

“Finally what about this one, get out of bed when you want.”.

“Who likes that idea?”

That was one of the big attractions for Paul because while he loved teaching the kids sports he hated the alarm
going off at 7 a.m. in the morning because he’s not a morning person, he’s a night owl. But with the ability for him
to get out of bed when his body is ready meant a lot for him to create his ultimate lifestyle business”.

“So does that look like something you would want if you could create it? Unless you own these things, you
cannot expect to have them. Is that fair? You can’t get from here to Melbourne unless you know that that’s where
you want to go”

“If you want to build wealth and experience the ultimate lifestyle whatever that means to you on a day to
day basis, these are the things you’re going to need”.

“Here is what else we hear that people want and these are the key things that can change your life starting
today if you want it to be today”.

Ways for you to generate cash flow immediately, not just from things that you do but through the
leverage of hundreds and thousands of other people on the internet so that you can generate
cash flow right now

“We live in the instant information, communication and education age. We want it and we want it now. You
want it now so you want to be able to generate cash flow right now but you need to be making sure that you keep
an eye on the future as well”.

“You don’t want to make the mistake that we see too many people making. They spend 2 or 3 years messing
around with stuff and then they have nothing to show for it. You know this opportunity is good, you know people
are making money but after a couple of years after what feels like you’ve been bashing your head against the wall,
you’re not where you want to be”.

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“If you have it in your plans to generate cash and in the same equation have a set up to build wealth you
can have it all ultimately”.

“As I mentioned about having or owning a position in a number of different market segments you’re
able to create multiple streams of income from different performing marketplaces. Do you think some
marketplaces have peaks and troughs? You understand that, so if you’re able to own a position in a couple
of different markets, when one is troughing another is peaking what will that do to your income? It will
balance it out and give you peace of mind”.

“So you can generate multiple streams of income through that strategy as well as having a number of different
ways for people to transact on your website and we’re going to discuss some of those different options you can
have both in marketplaces and different ways to make money from the one single website”.

“Something that really has nothing to do with the technology or the medium but has everything to do with your
success is the laptop computer”.

“That’s not a revelation is it but still we have that voice in our head that says maybe not. It sounds good but I
don’t think I can do it. What you need to be able to do is decide this is the day and be decisive about taking
massive action. You need to be decisive about your thinking because the laptop computer will control your bank
account, make no mistake about it”.

“You want to feel fulfilled in your life and being decisive about what you’re doing is what will ultimately
empower you to have what you want.”.

“Finally, deciding today is the day”.

“You have that power. I think sometimes we forget that. We get so caught up in the frustrations of what is
happening and we forget that actually I could decide that today is the day. You can decide that today is the day. It’s
a wonderful position to be in, you can do so much more with that level of energy then I’ll think about it”

“No matter what direction you go, if you truly want to create the ultimate lifestyle business and have the
success and fulfillment, you need to ask yourself are you on a path that is going to allow you to achieve

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“We forget to ask this question though. So let’s have a look at the 3 things we’re going to touch on today that
are going to empower you to be able to move forward right away into marketplaces that are ready and waiting to
spend their money”.

-These 3 are the most important of those secrets. What you will be able to do is take these away and
begin on your own pathway to making the changes in the direction you want to go in your business.-

1. The right skill sets versus what is the wrong skill set.

“It’s not about how much skill you have technically, which was great news for me, is that great news for you?
Right it’s about timing in these marketplaces. It’s about being able to recognize where the opportunity is and tap
into it irrespective of how capable you are with technology. When I realized that I was so relieved because for me
technology is a big challenge and there are still many things that I can’t do. And that’s a good thing. You can
actually know too many of the wrong things and be doing the wrong things the right way. That can cost you a lot
of money. You need to know how to do the right things the right way”.

“So it’s not about you understanding a whole lot or having a whole lot of talent, it’s about your ability to take
advantage and understand when an opportunity is open”.

“So how can that be? 95% of people are failing, yet more millionaires have been produced out of this medium
then anything else. What do you think is the difference here? They’re doing the right things the right way. These
people know how to take an opportunity when they see it, the timing and they don’t let their talent hold them back.
They get on with the fact that there is an opening and they don’t worry that they’re the best in the business because
that comes anyway with the experience”

“Interesting revelation and again one that when I realized it, it was like man anyone can really do this because
people are making money right now. People are making money last night on the internet and most of them are
working at home in their pajamas. The internet allows you to do that”.

Here’s an everyday example of this…

“Robin; she’s a single mom with 2 teenage kids. In March last year, she finally built her business up to
the point where she could safely and securely replace her bookkeeper income and run her business full time.
So in March last year we had a big celebration and Robin retired from the rat race and the full time work
force to run her business from home”.

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“It’s so funny and we always giggle because she rings me up and says what pajamas are you wearing? Right
because we can do that. Now she still works her business but she’s able to work it around her commitments as a
single mom with teenagers. Which those of you with teenagers would know is quite a commitment right. So she’s a
single mum”.

“So anyone has the capacity to learn, right off the bat, how to do the right things the right way and
create their ultimate lifestyle”.

“So let’s just now have a look at what is truly behind their success because she had no skills. The only skill she
had bothered to focus on and learn is the skill of marketing. They wouldn’t know a thing about their websites and
they don’t want too. They just contact us and our people take care of all that for them”.

“Here are a couple of key points that were able to give them the success they have today and its common
throughout these people and everyone we’ve worked with around the world”.

“ They just got started, they just got started, they said this is the day, I’m going to make it the day and I’m
going to do what it takes to get where I want to get too. They just got started”.

“You may not realize it but if you’re not where you want to get to yet, you just haven’t made that step to get
started doing the right things the right way. That’s all that is missing for you at this point. In their case, as soon
as they figured that out they just got started”.

“Of course, they made sure they had a support system. I’m surely not the first person to talk to you about the
need for having support, right? And then finally and most importantly they understood that you don’t wake up with
an announcement that today is the perfect day unless you make it. That’s when the perfect day comes”.

2. What about the exact assets you need? The exact assets that will give you the wealth that you’re
after in your business.

“This is the key to you having longevity. If you dream of being able to create your ultimate lifestyle business
and replace what is ever producing your primary source of income right now here is the key to that”.

“Its building and appreciating assets. And many people think they don’t exist in a virtual business but apart
from cyber space being the most valuable real estate there is in the market today, the cheapest and most profitable”.

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“When you build assets in your business you’re creating stability, you’re creating something that will grow in
value that if you choose you can sell and that’s the key to the next secret. Its building tangible assets”.

“One of the most important ones and this is the one I want to spend a little bit of time on is your lists. They are
essential lists because you need and want a marketplace of customers that are ready, willing and able to buy from

“But what you also want to have is a list of people who are wiling to do work for you on a commission only
basis. In other words, be paid on results only and you want to have hundreds and thousands of these”.

“So you need to have lists of resellers or affiliates. This is underlying wealth strategy”.

“Many people go on in their businesses and they do a whole lot of hard work themselves building up their
business creating a marketing momentum in their business but they never leverage off other people who are willing
to go out and promote their business for them”.

“So let me ask you this question, would you prefer 100% of what you do, 100% of the earning from what you
do or 1% of what 100 people do for you? If you had a business and everyone in this room was doing some sort of
promotion for your business, would that be more valuable to you then just you doing your business?”


“The internet allows you to create an opportunity for hundreds and thousands of people to help promote your
business and you only pay them on results.They’re known as affiliates and resellers”

“The next ones are your products”

“We have never sold anything unique on the internet, yet we have transacted millions and millions of dollars.
We’ve used products that we can source from other places, add value to them, use the power of our marketing
because that’s the skill set that makes the difference and then worry about doing our own unique things later”.

“If you do that you get in the game right now. You can start making money right now and start building your
asset base for the future and you don’t have to be unique in your product. Its in your marketing, it’s in your offer;
it’s in your communication”.

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“And your products, the different ones you have are an important part of your asset base whether you created
them or not. What you want to do is own the rights or have some sort of control over the sourcing of those

“Your marketing management is the next most powerful asset for your business”.

“Marketing covers so many different aspects because marketing is really just about communication.
When you can put an offer together that appeals and impresses an individual and motivates them to take
action, you know you’re onto acquiring the skill set of being a marketing expert”.

“And we mentioned it before in what you want in your ultimate lifestyle business it’s the systems. When you
have the skill set of marketing and you can generate interest in something because of your skill set you then want
the selling systems in the back end to help take care of the transaction. That’s how you can leverage over and over
and over again”.

“The other thing about these assets is you can sell them or sell access to them any time you want. If you decide
to never sell them is that okay? But would you like to know that you have something that is sellable? Absolutely
that’s how you need to think if you want to build wealth on the internet, and that’s what these people, the 5% do”.

“When you have a solid plan for your asset base, you’re able to create money now and build for the future so
that you can be around 2, 3 and 5 years from now. This is what has under pinned our success that today in 2007, 11
years after I started on this journey I’m still here”.

“When you understand what I taught you here and you embrace it that will never be your experience.
You’ll be able to acquire the freedom that you truly desire when you are planning for these asset bases in
your every day making of money”.

“If you have a business and you don’t have a way for people to earn money with you, you are not creating
wealth if only you were going to be the one making the money”.

“You might make a lot of money but the minute you stop what else stops? The money stops, so what you want
to make sure if you want to build for the future is make sure you have a visible place for people to be able to align
themselves with you. And on the internet today, these resellers are called affiliates and they will go out and build
and be paid on performance only”.

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“That’s how you make money while you sleep, someone else is out there doing it for you and you reward

“Are you willing to give up part of the proceeds to have someone to build your business? If you really are
make sure you have this on your website. And if you’re offline make sure you have it somewhere else in your
marketing. Invite people to participate in your business with you”.

“Blogs are one of the newer phenomenons on the internet but essentially they’re just a website”.

“But when you understand the future trends and you’ve got to think like a hockey player when you do
business, particularly on the internet because have you noticed it moves fast. Think about an ice hockey player, if
there is a little bit of an opening or opportunity they’ll jump there but they skate forward cause they understand the
momentum and the trend if you like is in this direction”.

“If you follow that concept in your business, you’ll understand that you need to embrace some of the more
recent phenomenons on the internet like a blog but without having to compromise your conventional site”.

“So you don’t need to give up your conventional site, especially if you paid tens of thousands of dollars for it.
But what you need to understand, where the puck is going on the internet is that we’ve gone beyond just the
information age and e-books, we’re in the mobile communication industry now”.

The internet has become a mobile medium and you need to know that you need to do the things that allow
people to communicate on the internet and not just get informed”.

“But what you need to know for the future is if you can embrace and include things as they emerge, as the
puck emerges and shows the direction that the momentum is going, you want to get involved with the things that
allow people to do what they’re saying they now want to do”.

“Blogs allow people to interact with you. They allow communication so the whole internet experience now on
websites is not one of a one way interaction anymore. Its not you just speaking out. People want to contribute back
and the blogs allow you to do that”.

“Blogs with their fresh up to date content and in a fast moving world that’s imperative. Every time you put
something on your blog, the search engines will come and check it out and they will favor it over static 2 year old
pages that haven’t changed. So you’re appeasing the search engines as well as building up the ability for you to
communicate directly with the marketplace”.

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“Finally there are site maps”.

“This is something you must have on your websites if you want the search engines to take you seriously. Site
maps allow search engines to scan your sites quickly”.

“Search engine visibility is something you want. Its something we learned, we mastered the art of it and we
still hold number 1 and 2 positions on Google and Yahoo 5 years after we earned those positions initially”.

“And it’s just because we listened to the marketplace and we listened to the search engines and we respond

“So what is the secret behind the secret? Systematic, low capital start up and appreciating from day

“A predictable marketing system, once you’ve built your list ideally you want to get to 1,000 initially because
remember lists are your number one asset in your business”.

“ Once you get to a certain point and you’ve had at least 6 months in your market and ideally 12 what you’ll
find is that X will equal Y in marketing because you will discover that when you send an offer out at a certain price
points to your list, a certain amount of people buy each time. And you can start to predict the levels of earnings that
you will acquire from that list over and over month after month, year after year”.

“I’m amazed by how many people do not have this objective of being profitable”.

“If you’re going to create wealth in your business, turn what is in here into something that I can come with my
checkbook and buy from you”.

3. The exact business models- profitable and powerful

“The secret of the exact business model that you want to look at if you want to be able to create the sort of
models that we have created to have a domination or an ownership in a number of different industries all earning
us income at a certain time at different levels depending on where that marketplace is at a particular time”.

“So what I’m talking about here is a wealth creating business model. Not all business models are wealth

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You need to know the type of business model that you’re in. I’m surprised by how many people I speak to and
I ask that question and they go I don’t really know. I say is it a multiple product business? Is it a multiple
marketplace business? What sort of model is it? Who owns the asset? Where does the traffic get driven too?
What’s your revenue streams? What is your revenue model?”

“So I want to talk about one of the most powerful and profitable and that’s digital download products and also
physical deliverable products if you want to do that but it’s a much harder gig. It’s a little harder to travel and have
the ultimate lifestyle if you’ve got to ship boxes and do all that sort of stuff as well”.

“I thought we might just talk about digital products a bit more”.

“First of all, there are two distinct market segments and we operate in both”.

“So I want you to know about both because it’s a combination of both that has created the freedom for us and
many of our clients. The business to consumer market, B to C, they’re buying for themselves using their personal
or family or as a gift. So it’s usually a personal purchase that somebody is making and they’re a big segment

“The second and other market segment is B to B, selling business to business. Pretty much their demands are
very similar to the B to C marketplace except they’re spending someone else’s money, which is kind of nice. And
usually they’re looking for 3 extra things and this is one of the things we love about the B to B market. They’re
looking for consumables, something they’re going to use again and again. And what does that do for you? It allows
you to have recurring income over and over again”.
“And some great news about the B to B market in particular is that they spend a whole lot more”.

“One of the key criteria that we have is that our business models must be a multi-billion dollar industries
because you only need a very, very small piece of that pie to have more money then you’ll ever need in your life.
So if you go after those market segments, the B to C and the B to B, you’re able to leverage off of the different
ways and dynamics of how money is spent online as well as tap into if you know which ones they are billion
dollar marketplaces in both”.

“So selling B to B and B to C, the wealth is created simply by this, selling to both segments. That is something
we teach our clients to do. Right have something that you can offer to the consumer marketplace and something
that you can offer to the business marketplace”.

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“We recommend being involved in multiple markets. It’s not to go from zero to 15 niches all over night
that’s not going to be possible. But when you understand systems and the way we teach the assets you get really
good in one and then what do you do? You replicate over and over and if you already know where and how to tap
into these different marketplaces you can do that with the asset register”.

“Complimentary products because if you do tap into these sorts of marketplaces you want to be able to offer
them more then one thing right over and over”.

“It won’t always be your product but they need to be through your business on your list from your marketing,
from your affiliates marketing which is the most important component to be able to create wealth from these
market segments”.

“Most importantly everything we do, of course, is building an asset register. So if it’s not contributing to
our asset register, we drop it in a heartbeat”.

-So how do you operate in multiple markets?-

“This is because of the software we use. I’m sure you’re going to find out about so many different ones. We
buy a particular one because it does exactly what we want to do and it gives us the power to have the sorts of
businesses and the lifestyle that we want with it”.

“But the main thing is you get an integrated system that allows you to easily manage all of these elements of
your business so you can operate in all these different segments.”.

“One of the other things that we go hand in hand with that in a similar idea of being able to operate in a
business to business recurring income, is we also set up businesses that service other business needs”.

“Now I want to talk about the actual business model”

“Information in the form of e-books is not new. Is there anyone here that doesn’t know what an e-book is? It’s
an electronic version of a print book and the reason they’ve been so popular is because people can get it and get it
in a snap. But the marketplace is becoming more demanding now”

“We don’t just want a text version, we want a what version? An audio version because people want to
listen in their car, they want to burn to disk, they want to walk the dog, they want to do whatever it is they
do and still get educated”

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“People do not want to be tied to the computer these days. And as the generations grow, you know the ones
who are coming behind us are now completely mobile.”

“So being able to download things right away and knowing what is coming in the future you need to be able to
consider the difference that you can leverage from where the puck is going. So first of all, subscriptions sites,
we’re big fans of this concept”.

“The concept of recurring income from people paying you a set fee to receive regular information from you
every month, if someone paid you $5 a month for a piece of information to do with improving their life or solving
a problem would that be reasonable income for you to automatically receive every month? You would be happy
with that”?


“This is one of the streams of income you can achieve. The other one is the e-books, the audios and the
software programs that I’ve mentioned that can be put into mobile devices or into computers”.

“The great thing about these is they’re quick and easy for you to deliver. You set it up once and people get a
download link and they get it from you after they’ve paid. You get the money in your bank; they get their product,
end of transaction”.

“So here are a couple of examples of some products we have, some e-books and not just books on their own.
We have accompanying audio programs with many of them and we find this is meeting the emerging trend of
people wanting to be educated in how to solve problems, in how to improve their position other then just reading or
printing out an e-book”.

“This is actually selling software that would appeal to business people and to the consumer marketplace.
Software is great because you can get so much more mark up then you can on just information alone”.

“Then B to B software, this is a software that we sell for $200 and its how to plan profit in your business. It’s a
unique product that one of my clients made a couple of years ago to help people to measure the value of their
marketing from a profitable standpoint”.

“Because you’re able to actually say how much do I want to earn? How much is this costing me? Am I
profitable? What can I do to correct it? So a $200 piece of software to the business community sells very easily but

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then so too does a $20 e-book and audio program to the consumer marketplace. And by having the mix you’re able
to meet the demands of the different marketplaces and make money no matter what is going on in those different

-These are business opportunities or

marketplaces that you can move into-

o The environment wildlife care

o Home and garden
o Cooking and food recipes
o How to manage your diet and body
o Christmas marketplace
o Hobbies and crafts
o Self improvement area
o Relationship happiness
o Travel industry
o Pet care
o The women’s health marketplace,
o Web business success, or internet marketing
o Raising families

By utilizing the techniques I explained above you should be well on your way to starting your own
online business that can make you money as well as allow you to create the lifestyle that you want.

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“The Blueprint For You To Create Your Own Success”

Stephen Price has had the foremost internet gurus seek him out to ‘tinker’ with 
their business models. He devotes his time and efforts to training business owners of 
small to midsized businesses and corporations to leverage their already existing 
company resources and design optimized business systems to chart a successful path in 
the market place. 

“What I hope to happen is that I give you a new perspective and from this new
perspective you see all of these new possibilities out there for yourself. Because what’s
available to us today is unbelievable but where we sit and where we stand we don’t
necessarily see everything that’s available to us”.


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ng Stephen Piercce,
“The O

Stephen Prrice has been
n active in intternet marketing since the
e mid ninetiees. He came from limited 
ducation as h
he did not agrree with scho
ool and schoo
ol didn’t agree with him. H
He was youngg man who crreated a 
lo ms for himself through neggativity and anger. 
ot of problem
He has file
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nd was strugggling to make
e a future forr himself, unttil he decided
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haad to make changes to hiss thoughts an
nd actions and to create his own wealtth. 
Stephen iss now known as a keynote
e speaker, coaach, trainer aand facilitator for numero
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ompanies in tthe US. He traavels to addrress audience ot come to him as he lovess the feeling of 
es who canno
mpowering o
others to creaate wealth as he has usingg his 5 step prrocess of  VISSION, SRATEG
nd finally CELLEBRATION. 
Now livingg with his wife in a $4.3 million dollar e
estate Stephe
en has proven
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manages to ma
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h well foundeed 
usiness growth principles.. He is also a proven stockk trader and p
provides consultancy in taat particular aalso. 
 In Stephen
ns own word
ds he says abo What I want you to be able to get is w
out his job, “W what is importtant for 
ou. I want you to have a b wn success”.  
blueprint to create your ow

Vissit the Mal Emery Web Store at www

w MalEmery com to Find Out
Stephen Pierce

“Success is a three step move away”

“Now I have to tell you this, when it comes to marketing and I’m not just talking about Internet marketing, I’m
talking about all kinds of marketing there are very few people that I respect. Mal is one of them, but I met a person
not too long ago 5 or 6 years now that he said some things that just ultimately changed the way I looked at things”

“Well this person did that”

“In 5 minutes he said one thing that made me literally go on hiatus for about 2 years and change the way that I
do business online. In fact, because of that 5 minutes I literally tripled my business. Now we’re not talking a couple
of hundred thousand dollars, we’re talking several million dollars just from 5 minutes of hearing him speak”

“So I’m going to introduce you to this person because he is an incredible person. He is also a very dynamic
speaker, Stephen Pierce”
(Introduction by Armand Morin)

“Help me to understand something here, when does some day fit in? It doesn’t does it? Yet we plan to do
certain things when? Some day right? Some day we’re going to do this, some day we’re going to do that but the
reason we never get to it is because some day never comes.

“But we know some day never comes. So here’s what we’re going to do, its no longer going to be about some
day its going to be about today, today because I remember one of my mentor’s sharing with me that yesterday is a
cancelled check and tomorrow is a promissory note but today is cash on hand”

“I’m here to serve you. I’m here to share with you what it is I believe can be something that can
significantly change your life and I don’t just say that. I say that because I know it can be true”

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“So what I want to do is give us this whole new perspective. To change your perspective on what it is you’re
probably looking at right now to allow you to see something that is unbelievable. That its not just something I
have a privilege to take advantage of but something that every single one of us in here have a privilege to take
advantage of”…

“Here’s the thing, the moment we see this and we see these opportunities, we have this new perspective and
we’re in awe of everything we can actually do, be and experience, for us to take full advantage of it its going to
require us for the most part to do things we haven’t done before”

“It’s going to require us to learn things we don’t currently know. Ultimately, it’s summed up in one
word, its going to require change”

“We all know how we feel about change”


“Everybody cross your arms, look at which wrist is on top. Now uncross your arms and cross them the
opposite way. Ah I see some of you struggling. That’s all right. Was it as easy the second way as it was the first
way, yes or no? But was it possible? Yes”

“And that’s how change is. Change isn’t all the time easy but is all the time possible”

“So really what it is we have to understand and develop is the muscle to be able to push through the change
process and be able to deal with the discomfort that we experience when we’re going to through that change
process because change is the raw material for innovation, for creativity and for the wealth that it is you seek”

“So the moment we try to resist that we’re not going to get to where it is we ultimately want to be”

“I’m here to give you is that new perspective and hopefully together we can push through that change process
so you can get too ultimately where it is you want to go”.

“Now the reason I’m here is not because I’m more gifted then you or more special then you. It’s because I had
a different perspective a while back and I’m going to share with you that perspective and honestly if you do
something with it what you can make of your life from this day forward it can really be not just talk”.

“This can really be the brokest day of the rest of your life”

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“Not just an intellectual thing, not just a pump up to get you motivated but I’m talking about something that is
real. And I know that for an absolute fact”.

“I have no formal education. I don’t have a degree, I don’t have a high school diploma, I don’t have
anything like that. I was actually kicked out of school because I was out of class more so then I was in class”.

“So they politely asked me to leave. So I left with a 10th grade education. It’s not something I brag about but
it’s what I was left with”.

“I literally just allowed myself just litter my life with a bunch of bad decisions, missed opportunities, so the
mess that I created was the mess that I created. Although it was convenient for me to blame other people it was the
mess I created”.

“Technically I filed for bankruptcy twice but only one of them stuck”

“I’ve been homeless before, I don’t recommend it. I’m telling you this because I want you to understand where
it is I come from. And I wasn’t shoved in that situation; it was a situation I put myself into”.

“I think one thing we all have to do is own up to what we have in our life and where we are. Because we’re not
really victims of our circumstances, we’re creators of our circumstances”.

“One of my mentors told me a long time ago, you’ll never correct what you’re unwilling to confront”.

“So you have to understand what our role is in everything that has taken place in our life”.

“Despite all of that, despite every single thing that I went through that was pretty much my fault, I was still
able to significantly change my life around. Here is the thing I want you to understand, despite everything that
happened in my life, despite all the negativity, despite everything that had me feeling down and cast out…

“ I was able to use one thing for the most part to unbelievably turn my life around and that’s the

“So let me tell you, you guys are in an unbelievable place today. I want to applaud you for being here and
sticking it out for this many hours and speakers. The level of commitment that you’re showing here is if you ask
me the kind of commitment that is basically a tell sign of the fact that you can actually become what it is you want

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to become using the internet but you have to remember that its not just absorbing information in this environment,
its doing something with it to make a difference”.

“I go on the internet, I don’t have any resources and I’m giving you the very, very short one minute version. I
used somebody else’s computer, somebody else’s internet, I used free websites”.

“I have no idea how to put up a website and I ultimately build this small list of 1200 people and in two weeks
after I built that list of 1200, I start a service charging $1250 a month and I go from zero to over $35,000 a month
in less then 2 weeks. In my first 12 months I do like half a million dollars in business”. So that’s like the short
version of my story”.

“I want to give you the steps so you can write your own success story and not necessarily sit here and be the
sponge and take in everybody else’s”.

“Here is the thing, as much as people want to succeed and I’m going to talk specifically here about the internet,
as much as people want to succeed, I’ve had the privilege and opportunity to travel all around the world and
literally work with thousands of people and speak before tens of thousands of people”.

“If there is one thing that drives me is the ability to be able to go and help individuals, help groups and
companies to grow and to change and to experience financial success as well as success in other areas”.

“But there is just something that frustrates me that angers me and saddens me is to see somebody who has the
same access, rights and privilege as these other people who are succeeding and they don’t succeed”.

“So what happened was I’ll have this group of people and they’ll have the same information but there will be a
group that succeeds and ones that don’t succeed. And while I’ll celebrate and be overflowing with joy about those
who are succeeding, it was hard for me to shake off the people that weren’t succeeding”.

“For some reason I allowed myself to become emotionally involved in the success of people I work with”.

“So I had to try to figure out”…

9 What is this thing?

9 What is holding people back?

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9 What is the real difference between those who are
succeeding and those who are not?

“How many of you ever purchased something before? You got your box and maybe it’s an infomercial or from
a seminar and its like if you follow these particular steps you’re going to get this result”.

“You followed the steps but you didn’t get the result”

“We all like to get the plan. The plan makes us feel good and we like to sit at our desk in the comfort of our
home and go through our checklists and our plan all comfortable and hoping that this is going to bring us success.
And if it doesn’t work its really easy and convenient to blame the plan, BUT…..Here is one of the things you
need to understand, planning is for controlled environments”.

The very plan that you make for your success is the very thing that sabotages your success. I know that may
grind up against what it is you probably know but it is the truth. Planning is for controlled environments”.

“Like you can go into the kitchen and plan to bake a cake and you can control every single thing in the kitchen,
the temperature, the utensils, the ingredients, everything”.


“Every dollar you want to earn; every dollar you want to make is not in that controlled environment. It’s in a
contested environment and that requires strategy”

“Planning has its place but see your plan collides with a competitor’s plan that collides with customer plans
and guess what happens? This collision creates something that nobody plans”.

“A good metaphor for business strategies and success, I think this one is a little more simple”…

“How many in here have ever played tic tac toe? So here is the thing if you’re able to successfully play that
believe it or not you understand the fundamental principles of being strategic and successful in your business”.

“Here is the thing that’s interesting success happens in 3 steps”.

1. “You moved to the position that gave you the most options, we move to the position that gives us the most

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2. “Believe it or not, is the move where people succeed or fail for the most part. The second move the
decision you make is based on the move that your opponent makes after their first move. Move number two critical
to your success, adjusting to the moves of others”

3. We look for the openings and then we move into those openings that give us the highest probability of

“To think that you create opportunities is like a drop of water thinking it can change the tides of the

“What you do is spot opportunities and opportunities are the things that are left open by different moves or non
moves that people are making in the environment. Maybe mistakes that companies are making or they fill one need
that creates another need”.

“You just need to understand that success is just a 3 step move away”.

“You move to the position that gives you the most options, you adjust to the moves of others and then you
move into the openings that give you the highest probability of winning”.

“But the reason that I found that a lot of people were not succeeding was move number two. See you get your
little step by step plan and when something doesn’t work you’re stuck. You haven’t learned how to adjust. So they
say if you do this you’re going to get this result and you don’t, you have what we call a mismatch”.

“Now from this mismatch one of two things happen”.

9 “For the people that don’t succeed they become disoriented and through that disorientation the morale
starts to drop, they become frustrated, become scared and they just completely get out of it and spiral down, hit
bottom and then they figure the way to recover is to go find another plan”

Only to go through that same cycle all over again.

9 “But for those that succeed they see the mismatch and instead of allowing themselves to become
disoriented they reorient themselves. They make the move, they make the adjustment”

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“Think about this how many of you in here drive? So you can know exactly where it is you want to go and you
can know exactly how to get there but on your way there driving aren’t you going to encounter various traffic
patterns? Right or wrong? Right. And you’re going to adjust your driving according to the patterns you’re facing.
It’s the same thing”

“Just because you know where it is you want to go it doesn’t mean this literal step by step plan is going to get
you there. So the plan that you have for your success is the very thing that ends up sabotaging you because when
you’re going for money it’s all contested”

“It’s all contested, so what we have to do is develop the ability to think and be strategic and be able to adjust”.

“Every single one of us in here are marketers and I’ll prove it to you”.

“How many of you in here have a job or you used to have a job? Now let me ask you, did you get that job
because you snuck in some back door and parked yourself at a desk and chair and all of a sudden ended up on
payroll? Yes or no? No. Of course not, you did an interview right? You submitted a resume. What were you doing?
You were marketing yourself right? We all have and one thing we’re going to talk about here are patterns”

“We all have this same pattern that we use when we’re making our money”.

“We have who, we have what, and we have how. This right here represents your financial engine. I don’t care
what industry you’re in, what country you’re in, what language you speak, it doesn’t matter. This represents the
core engine of your success”.

“See everybody has their who, what and how they’re marketing. So what we have to do is understand
that every single one of us have a who, a what and a how”.

“But what we want to do is increase our capacity and our capability and the internet is the thing that puts you
in that position and gives you the most option. Let me ask you, why are you here? I hope you know why you’re
here. Why are you here?”

“The reason you’re here is because you want to ADVANCE YOUR POSITION. That’s it. You may define it
and color it with all kinds of different words and specific things but at the end of the day every single one of us
want to advance our position because we all have a position”

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We all have a position whether we like it or not, we have a position. And every single thing we’re going to do
is advance that position”.

“Because if we don’t do something to proactively advance our position no matter how you define it, if we
don’t do something the position is going to erode naturally because of one of two things,

1.Change in the environment which is constant

2. People we’re competing with advancing their position, which automatically puts the pressure on ours and
causes our position to erode.

“But see the thing is we have to understand how to advance the position because many people advance
themselves to a position that’s a dead end position. And they’re wedged into a corner and there is no other place to

“So we have to understand that every single thing we’re doing is an advancement of our position. Everything,
you’re doing is advancing your position and I’m hoping that you start to understand some of the thinking that goes
behind all this”.

“Every single thing you’re looking to accomplish and achieve financially and I’m talking specifically about the
internet could be found not in a plan but can be found in patterns”

“So if you can start to recognize patterns you can become incredibly successful”.

“Believe it or not that’s a pattern every single one of us has, we have a who, a what and a how, every single
one of us”.

“How many of you in here understand English? Okay so for those of you who didn’t raise your hand you have
no idea what I’m saying right now, right? English, think about English and all the books that are written in English.
You’re talking about millions and millions of books. Despite the topic, despite fiction or non-fiction, despite best
seller or a book that nobody ever hears about, they all use a combination of this same 26 letters”.

“What about art, who in here likes art? I love art. What about movies, high definition movies? I love them. But
think about this art you love and art you don’t love is all traced back to 3 primary colors”.

“So the things that make up your success are the same things that make up failure”

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“Write this one thing down, it’s not just what you do its how you do it”.

“Its not just, anybody can put up a website because they can know what to do. But turning that into something
that is like passive revenue you need to understand how to make that happen”.

“Anybody can write a book but how do you turn that into a book that’s like a best seller. So it’s not just what
you do its how you do it”.

-7 patterns-

“The things that actually make up what every single one of us can do online that we an become a success”

“And remember it’s not just what you do but how you do it”

“I don’t want you to think that the gap between where you’re sitting and this stage is some kind of significant
gap and we’re up here and we’re special. Listen what it is we’re doing and what it is you can do”

“We’re not doing anything any different then what you can do once you know what to do and how to do it,

“What you decide to focus on in your past or present or your future is going to determine what it is you

“See if you focus on your fears or the fear that you have that something may not work out for you then you’re
not going to see that it can work out”.

“If you only think about everything that failed or didn’t work in your past, you’re not going to see all
the opportunities that are sitting in front of you today”.

“This is how your brain works. The thoughts that you’re carrying around, the fillers that you’re carrying
around with intensity and what it is you’re telling to yourself and what it is you’re deciding to focus on is
determining what’s being filtered out of your life”.

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“Dont think what if it doesn’t work, what if I waste my money or whatever, what if I waste my time or what if
they don’t like me or what is this person going to say about it or whatever, the moment you get caught up in that
particular place of fear and uncertainty and doubt, the real opportunities are you’re going to miss it”.

“Let’s let the future take care of itself because if we do what we’re supposed to do today, the future that we
want is the future we’ll have”.

“So we’re not going to live in the future, we’re not going to live in the past; we’re going to live in this
moment right now. We’re going to maximize it by focusing on the things that are going to serve us and not the
things that minimize us or the things that paralyze us from moving forward”.

“We’re going to talk about how to be an internet profit taker. We’re going to look at these 7 patterns”.

™ “Look at market research”

“Absolute number one question you can ask yourself is whether you have an existing business or you don’t is
where can I win? Where can I win?”

“Right so think about it, if you’re doing it the wrong way in the wrong place, it doesn’t matter how many
resources you have it isn’t going to work. But if you do it in the right place, it doesn’t take as many resources as
you think”

“Many of you are like well this is my strength and this is my weakness. You have to look at relative strength.
Relative strength is you’re strong or weak as compared to what? Strategy is all about being relative”.

“You’re strong or weak compared to what? See many times we do something in an environment that minimize
our strength or neutralize our strength. So some of you in your business, you probably have frustrations, you’re
probably doing the right thing, you’re doing it the right way but you’re doing it in the wrong place”.

“Okay how many know what an acorn is? Okay and what does an acorn become? A tree. Maybe but if you
were to plant an acorn in the desert would it become an oak tree, yes or no? But despite all this potential, despite its
nature, despite what’s inside of it genetically an acorn isn’t going to become an oak tree because it’s in the wrong

“It’s not just what you do, it’s not just how you do it, it’s where you do it”

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“So this is what you don’t want to do, you don’t want to go into positions that are blocked, congested. That’s
not what you want to do, period”.

“Think about this, how many of you guys want to know what I personally
consider the fastest way to make money?”

“Find something that people are already buying, That’s step one”.

Then step two is… “Don’t sell it”.

“I know that doesn’t make any sense but here is the thing, most people in an existing business or a new
business they do one of two things when they see something. They copy or they look to compete”.

“Remember we talked about advancing your position? If every position you look to take was a position that
was wedged into a corner that people were resisting and didn’t want to support, it would be very hard for you to
leverage your environment”.

“When we advance our position, we advance our position by leveraging everything that has taken place in our
environment. We look at the opportunities and the openings that are out there and we use those to move our

“So that’s why when you see something and you take the position of either copying it or looking to compete
with it you won’t have the maximum amount of success. And if you do have some success it’s going to cost you
much more”.

“What you want to do is sell to people that are current buyers, using current money to fulfill their current needs
in that particular way. So here’s the best thing to do as far as what kind of position to take”.

“Find something that people are already buying but you don’t sell that, you sell something that compliments it.
You follow me? So you don’t have to do it all the time but one of the strongest places to start is start from the
position as a compliment. How can you compliment something that’s already out there that has momentum”?

“Now there’s a higher probability that that person will embrace your position, support your position and help
you to advance that position as opposed to resisting it”

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“If you’re coming up against them and you’re trying to copy them, trying to complete with them directly then
its going to be very difficult to get them on board. Again we’re leveraging the environment. We don’t have to
create this stuff, it’s already out there”.

“So we have to actually want to look for the gaps. We want to look for the openings in the market place that
will allow us to move our position forward”

“Angles of attack, this is what most people look at with their business”

9 Place
9 Time
9 The experience
9 The situation.

“The internet ultimately changed a lot of those things. Think about what happened in the coffee industry. Not
just what Starbuck’s did. Starbuck’s changed the place and they changed the experience. But somebody also
changed from coffee in the morning to coffee ice cream; cereal in the morning to cereal bars in afternoon and late
night snacks. So what we need to do is we need to look at our market 360 degrees. What you want to know is how
many different ways can I capture a profit in this market”?

“That opens you up to more opportunities as opposed to just trying to make money from one particular

“Every single one of us in here knows stuff, we have experience but what we tend to do is we tend to minimize
them. We don’t tend to really appreciate it. We kind of go through life like driving down the highway and all these
billboards are coming past real fast. We never really stop to take it in and understand the essence of it or what it
really means”.

“So in this life you’ve accumulated all this experience but you probably think nobody else can appreciate it”.

“I have a friend who sells products on the internet and he makes a million dollars a year making videos
showing people how to play the piano. So you would be surprised what it is you already have inside of you that can
be a huge windfall of revenue and cash and passive income for you and your family”.

“You have to do that regardless of what business you’re in, you have to make sure you evaluate what it is you

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“Sometimes it’s a hard decision to stop and turn around because we’re so comfortable and we feel that if we do
that we’re going to be failures or people want to look down on us”.

“Screw what people think about you. Everybody is going to have their opinion regardless. What you need to do
is do what’s right for you and your legacy”

“Every single one of you have this same opportunity to be able to completely change your life around
regardless of where you are. It doesn’t matter where you are. It doesn’t matter how bad you may think it is or how
many things didn’t work out”.

“Look at market research for income streams”

“There are 3 ways you get paid online”

9 Pay-per-click,
9 Pay per sale
9 Pay per lead.

“It’s very simple. Pay-per-click put these different ads on your page. How many of you are familiar with
Google Ad Sense? Right so Google Ad Sense is a program you can put ads on your page and people don’t even
have to buy anything. All they have to do is click on the ad and you get paid. This is a wonderful world to live in.
Making money and people don’t buy anything”.

“It’s about understanding that you can get paid per click. So who is the one that’s going to pay you the most
per click? There are over 88 different companies to choose from that will all pay you and they don’t even charge
you to sign up for their programs.”.

“People don’t have to buy anything. They come to the website, they click on something and that’s don’t
even have to create the content. There are people out there that have written all kinds of articles that will allow you
to use their content. So you don’t even have to come up with the stuff yourself”.

“The other thing is pay per lead. How many of you have ever filled out a survey or went into a sweepstake or
did a questionnaire or something online? There’s a chance that the person who sent you that or referred you to it
made some money the moment you filled it out”.

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“They’re lead generation programs. You can get paid per lead and what that means is you send people to a
page and they don’t even have to buy anything. But if they fill out the form you get paid a certain amount of

“My favorite pay per sale. It’s very simple, you sell something and you get paid. If it’s your product you keep
100%, if it’s your product and somebody is selling it for you then you get 50%. If you’re selling somebody else’s
stuff you get 50%. But we’re talking about patterns and I don’t have time to go into it in depth but the key pattern
ultimately at the end of the day on the internet, is very simple, traffic generation and traffic monetization”.

“At the end of the day, all of this noise is surrounding being able to generate traffic and being able to monetize
traffic. That’s it in its most simplistic form. You don’t get any more simple then that on the internet, generating
traffic and monetizing traffic”.

“Amazon is a switchboard. They sit in the middle, they generate the traffic and by the way they have over
350,000 affiliates and their maximum affiliate pay out is 7%. Tell me they’re not pimping. You can get 350,000
people to send you traffic and they got to earn the 7%, meaning you don’t start off at 7%. They are the biggest
pimps in the game”.

“But see everybody can be a pimp; everybody in here can be a pimp. All you have to do is generate the traffic
and monetize the traffic. I don’t say it in a bad way. At the end of the day that’s what you’re doing. But see if you
understand that it’s not about all this other stuff that’s going on, it’s about a bunch of noise but in its simplistic
form you’re generating traffic and monetizing it and if you can’t do that you’re not going to make money”

“If you don’t generate traffic and you don’t monetize traffic forget about it”

“That goes for offline businesses, if you can’t get people into your store and sell them something how long is
that store going to be open? It isn’t going to be open long. Those are the 3 ways to get paid”.

“These are some simple ways that you can actually take the idea of getting paid per lead, pay per click and pay
per sale and turn them into specific strategies or business models if you will that can drive continuous passive

“Look at marketing and selling information products”

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“So marketing and selling information products. Pretty simple here, on your page just circle the product title
that matches the market research area. Here is the thing with information products, two ways you can market them
or you can sell them”.

“It may sound like its one in the same but its not. For example, if you have a business that’s either selling
information products or selling some kind of physical products or services, you can market information
products to allow yourself to do 4 things…

9 Position
9 Shape
9 Bridge
9 Close.

“Don’t have time to go into those in depth but I’ll touch on one”

“A position, position yourself, use information products, not necessarily that you’re selling them but you can
use information products to differentiate yourself. You can also use them to shape the environment or shape the
marketplace. In other words, use them to influence the evaluation”.

“You can use it to set the criteria for what people should ultimately be looking for. And if you’re setting the
criteria and nobody else has set the criteria and they buy into your criteria and you’re the company that meets the
criteria, guess who starts to get the most business”?

“You can use it to bridge and what that means is you’re linking the marketplaces needs, wants and wishes and
desires to your solutions using information products. And you can use it to close business. In other words, use it to
pretty much solidify the whole deal”.

“ It’s called building a learning relationship, create a learning relationship with your market using information

“If you want to sell information products you can create them yourself or you can private label them from
somebody else. That means somebody else has created it but they allow you to private label it meaning you can put
your own name on it and do whatever you want to do with it. You can get the resale rights to products, which
means they give you the rights to sell it and keep 100% of it or you can do like public domain”.

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“Public domain is just tons of public domain works out there of products that lost their copyright that you can
get and put your name on and get full credit for along with the original author and make the money and keep

“This is something that every single one of us in here can do because there are certain forces that shape
winners and losers in the marketplace. It’s not about who you are, it’s about you understanding these forces and
putting those forces to work for your benefit”

“The thing is if you don’t know the forces chances are you’re going to be the victims of them and they’re
going to be your master and you’re not going to master them”.

“Look at lead generation advertising”

“Lead generation advertising, pretty simple here. You always want to go for the lead, in other words,
regardless of what it is you want to sell it’s always a good idea to get at a minimum the name and email address so
you can follow up”

“The reason why is people aren’t going to all the time buy from you the first time they come in. In fact, 97 to
98 percent of the people aren’t going to buy from you the first time they come to a website. So you want to get the

“By doing that you’re creating what we call action momentum. It means you just got them to do something in
your direction that favors the value that it is you’re creating and moves them closer to a greater degree of value that
you’re providing. If they’re not doing anything you have no momentum with them”.

“The moment you offer them something that’s free and I built my whole business off starting with giving
people free stuff”.

“Understand the reason you want to do it, you want to get the lead and you want to create the initial

“But remember the one thing you’re looking to do is create that initial momentum and you can use any one of
these things to do that. But it has to be something that is related to what it is they’re doing. It has to be something
that is related to their interest, their need, their want, their wishes or whatever it is”.

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“You can’t offer them something for free that doesn’t make any sense. For example, you can offer free wrinkle
cream to 13 year olds all day but it isn’t going to happen unless they have a grandparent or somebody they want to
give it to. It’s the wrong offer to that market”.

“So you have to make sure whatever it is you’re offering for free to generate the lead makes sense and is

“The easiest things to do is take the first chapter and give it to them for free, especially if you want them to
buy the book, just give them the first chapter for free. You don’t have to go back and create something new. For
the sake of time, just give them the first chapter for free and hopefully it’s good enough to entice them to buy the
whole thing”.

“Look at traffic generation”

“Traffic generation, got to have it”

“There is 3 ways to generate traffic;

9 You can buy it

9 You can borrow it
9 You can redirect it.

“It’s very simple, buying it is like buying ads, classified ads, banner ads or buying pay-per-click ads”.

“Borrowing it is like joint venturing that maybe does an endorsement to their list. But redirecting it is one of
my favorites. Redirecting it allows you to tap into traffic that already exists”.

“All the traffic you will ever need is already in circulation out there. You just have to find out where it’s
circulating and then redirect some of it over to you. That’s it”

“What you do is identify what are the places online where these people are already congregating, where they’re
communicating, where they already have momentum based on different themes, topics or concerns or issues as it
relates to what it is you’re about? How it is you can serve them? Then you become a part of that conversation and
start to redirect some of that traffic over to you”.

“One of the best examples is You Tube, there is significant traffic already in circulation”.

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“So here’s the thing, remember creating traffic for you website isn’t really about creating it, it’s about
redirecting it from other places”.

“Look at automation”

“Who does not have the ability to accept credit cards online for your product? Very simple you can get a
merchant account if you want but you have to go through a credit approval process and I ultimately recommend
that you should get your own merchant account”.

“Be able to accept Visa, Master Card, Discover, checks and all kinds of good stuff and you don’t have to go
through a credit approval process”.

“We want to automate everything. That allows us to create a hands free business”

“Look at acceleration”

“Acceleration, now remember what we were talking about action momentum. Action momentum is when they
come in and get something for free. The thing we need to do is convert that, convert that action momentum into
what is called buyer momentum”.

“Now what happens next is very, very important. Let me ask you, how many of you have left the house saying
I’m going to the store to get one thing? And how many of you don’t come back with one thing”?

“Because the moment you have that buying momentum and you’re already in process you keep it going, you’re
already in process, you already have the momentum, the credit card is out so you just keep it going. It’s the same
thing. Its human nature”.

“So one of the things when people call me in to improve their processes and they think I’m a genius and I just
think it’s obvious, the thing is many people’s sales processes are too shallow”.

“Do I have a product or free offer and there’s a one time offer and that’s it. Maybe they’ll have something else.
Push them to buyer exhaustion. I’m serious. You should ultimately have so many products in your sales process
that they never take the last one”.

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“Here is your main offer, the moment they take that you have another offer. The moment they take that you
have another offer and another offer and then you have another offer”.

“But let’s just say down here at offer number 5 they’re not taking it. Then you do one of our process
improvements is to fish, to focus, improve, sustain and honor. We focus on this part right here. Something is not
working. They’re buying 1, 2, 3, and 4 but they’re dropping off at 5 and nobody is buying 5. So we have to focus
on what’s going on here and we improve it”.

“We want them to start buying number 5. Then once we have it improves and people are buying number 5 we
sustain it and now we add a sixth item, then we add a seventh item”.

“If people are buying every product in your process then you need to add another one. But for the most part
many people don’t have enough products in their sales process so you never get wealthy, you don’t become rich.
You can make a lot of money but if you want to maximize the amount of money you make online you have to have
so many products and one sales process that people don’t buy everything”.

“You want to make sure you maximize the opportunity and listen its not about taking their money, its about
giving value to them because they have something they want to move forward with and if you have the value that’s
going to help them move forward you can’t hold it back from them and you can’t feel bad about offering it to

“Its like you’re not really selling them anything, you’re giving them an opportunity to experience in life what it
is your products and services can help them to experience. There should never be any shame in that; you should
never be ashamed of that”.

“Let me tell you something, people come to your site and you buy one product, don’t think they’re done.
They’ll go and do a search and find somebody else’s product because you didn’t property serve them. Forget about
it, serve them. Let them say enough. Don’t you decide for them that they had enough”.

“While you’re completing your marketing statement I’ll read mine”

To serve the brain wave market and get paid per sale and paid per click. I’m going to market an information
product titled Optimization, which is a product I created. I will generate leads by giving away a free report. I will
generate traffic to my site by borrowing it using joint ventures and affiliates and I will accelerate my income by
doing a one time offer and a thank you offer.

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“Here is the thing, I set a $1 million goal for this product over the course of 12 months and I didn’t want to do
a lot of marketing for this. I spent the first 30 days marketing it pretty hard. And every month I spent about 30
minutes a month maintaining it and watching the numbers”.

“Around the 7th of September last year is when I was testing everything and getting it ready. Look at the
numbers on the right side, these are daily sales numbers. The first month is when I did all the marketing and
thereafter 30 minutes a month. It’s very, very passive income”.

“Gross numbers like $1.1 million and net numbers over $960,000 working 30 minutes a month. It aint’ a
million but I ain’t mad”.

“I’ve gone from being bankrupt and homeless, my wife and I own a beautiful 4.3 acre million dollar estate, a
12,000 square foot home but I don’t have to come up here and beat my chest about all that. What I want you to be
able to get is what is important for you. I want you to have a blueprint to create your own success”.

“That’s what is most important. Its good to know what I’ve accomplished, its good to see that other
people have done it because that give you a new reference point but something that you need to have here is
what? The blueprint for you to create your own success”

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My first impulse was to dedicate this book to my first mentor Owen McGrath of High Wycombe Hardware.
Owen was and remains very generous of spirit. He knows how highly I regard him, because I have told him so.

My family was an obvious choice of course. My wife Pam certainly deserves the dedication, given her love
and unshakable belief in me. She also has the ability to interpret my drafts and uses words in a way that the reader
will best understand, effectively bridging the gap between writer and reader. My daughter Denva is an outrageous
marketer herself and my son Trent possesses qualities I admire greatly.

I could also dedicate this book to my various school teachers who, by demonstrating to me how hopeless a
case they thought I was, made me all the more determined to think differently and desperate to prove them wrong.

And of course there is Dan Kennedy, whom I consider to be a truly great marketing mind and perhaps my
most revered teacher. Much of the knowledge I gleaned from him has, in turn, been passed on to you in this book.
There are other great marketers with whom I have honed my career and I have mentioned each of them.

So, in a very real sense, this book is a tribute to all of those people.

But still they take a secondary position, and each of them would, I know, applaud the decision I have made as
to who I shall dedicate this book to. This person comes before all others - and you are well acquainted! Therefore,
I’d like you to perform a small task for me.    

Simply print your name on the line below.


After all, it’s you who made the decision to pick the book up in the first place and it’s you who has taken the
time to read to this very last chapter. This tells me, that you are ‘serious’ about your future, and it will be you who
will liberate Australian small business from the plague of mediocrity.

So above all the important and talented people mentioned above, I dedicate this book to you!

I Cheer You On!

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