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Classwork STUDY GUIDE TEST Chapter 13: The Respiratory System

Name: Class Period:

1. The nasal cavity is divided into two nostrils by the:

2. The fleshy lobes of the nasal cavity that increase surface area to warm and moisten air are the:

3. The nasal cavity is separated from the oral cavity by the hard and soft:

4. Mucus-lined cavities within bones of the skull alongside of the nasal cavity are:

5. The tonsils located at the sides of the soft palate are called:

6. The tonsils located high in the nasopharynx are called:

7. The tonsils located at the base of the tongue are called:

8. The middle space of the thoracic cavity that contains the heart and bronchi is the:

9. Place a “C” next to structures in the conduction zone and an “R” next to structures of the respiratory zone:
_____ Nasal cavity _____ Trachea _____ Alveoli _____ Larynx
_____ Pharynx _____ Respiratory bronchioles _____ Bronchi _____ Terminal bronchioles
10. The serous membrane covering the surface of the lungs is the:

11. The serous membrane lining the wall of the pleural cavity is the:

12. The extension of tissue from the soft palate that guides food into the throat is the:

13. The superior portion of the throat, behind the nasal cavity is the:

14. The portion of the throat behind the mouth is the:

15. The inferior portion of the throat is the:

16. The voice box is called the:

17. The flaps within the voice box that vibrate to produce sound are the:

18. The flap of elastic cartilage that covers the larynx when swallowing is the:

19. The passageway from the larynx to the bronchi, called the windpipe, is the:

20. The hairlike projections of the windpipe that propel mucus away from the lungs are:

21. The trachea divides at the inferior end to form passages that enter the lungs called the:

22. These divide to form the smaller second branches called:

23. And these divide to form the smaller third branches called:

24. The smallest respiratory passages (small bronchi) are the:

25. The air sacs of the lungs where gas exchange occurs are the:
26. After inspiration, oxygen passes from the alveoli into the:

27. Gas exchange between blood capillaries and body tissues occurs by what passive process:

28. Gas exchange between alveoli of the lungs and pulmonary blood capillaries is:

29. Gas exchange between systemic blood capillaries and body tissue cells is:

30. The period of breathing when air enters the lungs is called:

31. The period of breathing when air leaves the lungs is called:

32. The muscles between the ribs that lift the ribcage during inspiration are:

33. The muscles between the ribs that lower the ribcage during expiration are:

34. During expiration: the diaphragm (relaxes or contracts), the volume of the thoracic cavity (increases or decreases),
the intrapulmonary pressure (increases or decreases), and ribcage moves (inward or outward).

35. During inspiration, the diaphragm (relaxes or contracts), the volume of the thoracic cavity (increases or decreases),
the intrapulmonary pressure (increases or decreases), and ribcage moves (inward or outward).

36. Which gas is the most important stimuli leading to increased rate and depth of breathing:

37. When carbon dioxide builds up in the blood, it combines with water to form:

38. This condition is called:

39. This condition occurs because blood pH is too (low or high).

40. The condition that results when carbon dioxide levels are too low in the blood is:

41. This condition occurs because blood pH is too (low or high).

42. A severe decrease in respiratory rate will cause a (decrease or increase) in CO 2 in the blood.

43. A severe decrease in respiratory rate will cause a (decrease or increase) in pH of the blood.

44. A severe decrease in respiratory rate will cause a (decrease or increase) in carbonic acid in the blood.

45. The protein found in red blood cells that binds with oxygen is:

46. Extremely slow and shallow breathing is called:

47. When CO2 is not adequately exhaled, blood pH will (increase or decrease).

48. Hyperventilation leads to a (decrease or increase) in blood CO 2.

49. Hyperventilation leads to a (decrease or increase) in blood pH.

50. Temporary lack of breathing is called:

51. The vital centers of the brain stem that control depth and rhythm of breathing are in the:

52. The most common cause of lung cancer is:

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