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Encampments part 1

An exploration of the myriad camps and settlements around ye ruins of

olde Mordheim
by Steve Gibbs, Stephanus Harburgh & Nicodemus Kyme

Encampments such as Orcs and even the Possessed are camp. First, they must decide which of the
known to walk freely. Nowhere is more settlements they wish to set up camp in
Introduction Since the cataclysm that smashed the city of
infamous than thrice cursed Cutthroat’s Den. (obviously dependant upon which settlements
These rules are designed to add a Mordheim, crude shantytowns have cropped
up beyond the crumbling city walls. At first Here life is cheap and the only law is that of will let them in!) or if they want to risk
little more spice and background the sword. Although a foul and dangerous actually staying in the cursed city. When you
to your campaigns of Mordheim by these pitiful settlements housed the sparse
remnants of Mordheim’s population. place, there are many things that can be decide where you want them to stay, roll on
allowing warbands to acquire their bought and sold here because of the shady the appropriate Housing chart to see what
own base camp. In this and the However, as soon as word reached the other
towns and cities of the Empire of the magical sorts this place attracts. The last place even type of abode they were able to afford, steal
following couple of articles, we will the toughest, most brutal of scum would think or win gambling. A warband may only have
explain how warbands can take up residence Wyrdstone that could be found in the
blackened shell of Mordheim, the treasure twice before making their camp there is one camp at a time and may only roll for a
in one of the encampments that surround the within the haunted ruins of Mordheim itself. new camp if they lose their original one. Any
city and the benefits and hazards they face in seekers came. The existing settlements were
practically overrun by bands of mercenaries The dead are said to walk here and the foul effects that a camp provides start after the
doing so. These rules are purely experimental servants of the Shadow Lord are everywhere, warband’s next battle. After each battle you
and although we would encourage players to and bandits who would set up their camps in
whatever tumbledown buildings were waiting to claim the souls of the unwary. may find out if you gain income, if other
use them they are as yet unofficial. For those There are those, however, that brave the warriors join the warband, or if repairs need
players out there with an adventurous streak available or pitch their tents behind crude
barricades. Soon there was a flood of greedy mutant infested cursed city even after nightfall be made to the camp.
and who would like to give these rules a go but then again they seem quite suited to it.
we would love to hear your feedback – so souls, many of which were not human as the After each battle you
stench of Wyrdstone tempted many from afar. Foul Ratmen scurry about the sewers,
send it to the usual place. In this, the first may choose to visit
Necromancers make their homes, confidant
instalment, we will explain how a warband There are three main settlements in and locations within the
that the foolish righteous won’t disturb their
chooses their encampment and makes their around Mordheim. Sigmarhaven is inhabited settlement to procure
unholy practices and, of course, the children
camp. We will also cover the first of three mainly by the loyal followers of Sigmar and is goods and
of the Shadow Lord, the Possessed, claim the
encampments, Sigmarhaven, in detail a place of law and relative order. It also entertainment. If you don’t, you may use the
ruins as their domain.
describing income, places to visit and random attracts a large following of Witch Hunters Trading chart as normal. Roll a D3 to find out
events that may occur. and their ilk, and understandably mutants and Experimental Rules how many locations you may visit. Different
the Possessed are not tolerated there. Paid When starting a new campaign, all players locations can help you find items, receive
and equipped watchmen are maintained for must decide or not to use the encampment healing, make money or other things.
the security of those who camp within it. rules. Only after their first battle may each Between location visits, you must roll on the
There are, though, far more lawless player then try to find a settlement and make Events table to find out what happens to the
settlements around Mordheim where scum warband as it carouses around the town.

olace, if such a thing exists around the tortured ruins of

S Mordheim, can be found in Sigmarhaven. T’is the camp of those
righteous enough not to stab you in the back for a sly glance nor
offer up their virtue to the ruinous powers. Mercenaries of all states,
grim Witch Hunters and their ilk are all welcome for a small fee.
Though there is still division there, cliques exist unhidden, the camp
splits into quarters where new arrivals can more readily find their kin.
That belonging to the Witch Hunters is the largest quarter, known
simply as ‘The Cabal’. Entrance is only granted through secret symbols
and clandestine ritual. They are a suspicious lot, ever vigilant of
charlatans and find peace in isolation. No bawdy songs echo round the
campfires, libations are quiet and ironically sober affairs. Not a place
I’ve visited, nor would I wish to! The other quarters are less
unwelcoming, yet mistrust around that place is as ubiquitous as the
corpses that sway about the gibbet. Middenheimers rub broad shoulders
with their haughtier Reikland brothers. Fights are scarce, so I’m told.

A new warband comes to town...

10 11
Encampments Encampments

Sigmarhaven traders and merchants can buy and sell their

Sigmarhaven, bastion of hope and goodwill, is wares – everything from food, ale and
located to the north-east of Mordheim where weapons to horses and even Wyrdstone. Most
honest, decent folk are welcomed here from h, I’ve been there, mark that. Smelt the evening roast
the River Stir still runs pure. It is not the
largest of the settlements around Mordheim
but is by far the safest. The settlement is
many of the Empire’s outlying provinces, and
even the odd Elf or Dwarf can be found
O on warm fires, tasted the clearness of the Stir from
wandering around the morass of camps. its wells, clean of chaotic taint. A great wooden palisade
surrounded by a wooden palisade and has a looms around its border, t’is scant but wards off all but
well-armed militia, which is paid for and Who may camp here: Mercenaries the most determined invaders. If you’re a praying man, and
maintained by tithes from all of the warbands (Reiklanders, Marienburgers and Sigmar knows we all look to the gods in these lean times,
that reside there. Middenheimers), Ostlanders, Averlanders, a temple stands at the heart of Sigmarhaven. It’s not much
Sigmarhaven was originally founded by the Witch Hunters, Kislevites, Dwarf Treasure to look at, a cluster of shanties and worn tents but it’s
Sigmar-fearing folk who managed to flee the Hunters, Shadow Warriors and Amazons. safe, patrolled at all hours by the Watch. By Sigmar they
cursed city but has since become the refuge of Special Rules: Any warband residing within are grim of face and humour. Never have I seen any man
Witch Hunters and Reiklanders alike. A Sigmarhaven is responsible for the upkeep among ’em smile, lest their faces crack I’ll warrant! Diligent
makeshift wooden temple stands in the centre and defence of the place – as a result a tithe folk they are though, ever watchful, fierce and driven. There
of this shanty of wooden shacks and canvas of two shards of Wyrdstone must be paid after is a fire that burns in those eyes, and steel the like of
tents, and the priests of Sigmar preside over each battle. which I’ve never seen. Madness or bravery I know not
the settlement and deal with the day-to-day which, but suspect a union of both!
running of the place. The centre of the Roll on the Housing chart below to find out
settlement is a bustling market place where what type of camp your warband has T’is the lot of the Watch to enforce order, and keep their gaze fixed on the bustling markets where
acquired. most is up for trade if you have the coin or Wyrdstone. There are many who ply their wares and
services: apothecaries, mystics, armourers and the like. I’ve seen ’em all. Honest folk they are,
leastways as honest as any man can be in this age of darkness and uncertainty, and hard of face. Of

Housing Chart course there are less salubrious establishments, where perhaps the scholars of Altdorf would fear to
tread. A hive of gambling houses and drinking dens lie at the fringes of the market square, furthest
2D6 Camp Effects from the lofty wooden towers of the Watch. Tis often used as a place to recruit new blood, swap
2-3 Drinking You have somehow managed to acquire a deserted tavern or a stories or drink your nightmares to oblivion, at least till the next day… There are games of chance
Den makeshift drinking hole. This den is always a good place to attract new aplenty, dice, skulls, daggers, whatever your inclination. I’m no betting man; risk is a thing that
warriors. After each battle you may roll a D6: leaves men for dead most oft! Less desirable elements have been known to frequent these places.
D6 Result They don’t last long as I’m sure any witch fynder or bounty hunter will testify!
1 Bar Room Brawl – You must pay D6x20 gcs to repair the damage done.
The only advice I’ll give yer is this. Haven it might be, heaven it is not. Watch your back and keep
2 Profits Down – Lose D6x10 gcs.
to your own. Mordheim isn’t the only place where blood is shed on the streets!
3 Nothing untoward happens.
4 A Hired Sword (select one at random) has overspent on ale and cannot
afford his bar bill. He offers you his services for the next battle for free.
5 A Hero has overspent on ale and cannot afford his bar bill. He offers to
join your warband for free (this cannot be over the maximum number
of heroes or warriors in the warband though).
6 Business is good! You earn D6x20 gcs.
4-5 Old House In your meandering you have found an old abandoned house. Your
warband has taken it over and fixed it up to your liking. Merchants see
the house as a sign of wealth and are more apt to stop by to sell their
You may add +2 to your roll when searching for items on the Trading
6-8 Tents You have set up your tents in Sigmarhaven. This gives you a place to stay
and keep your stash relatively safe.
There are no benefits or adverse effects.
9-10 Ruined In your meandering, you have found a deserted farmhouse, which is
Farmhouse both spacious and dry.
You may add +1 to the maximum size of your warband.
11 Old Shrine You have set up camp near an old abandoned shrine.
You may take a vial of Blessed Water for free before each battle.
12 Cellar You have set up camp in an old long forgotten cellar. It even has some
nice tunnels running off of it to who knows where!
The sewer allows the player to set up for each battle using the infiltration
rules with two of his warriors.
Nothing beats a good brawl outside the boozer!

Encampments Encampments

APOTHECARY Brain Surgery table
(See TC 8 – 2D6 Result
‘Sawbones’ by Daniel 2-3 ‘Someone fetch a priest!’
Carlson) The physician has been a bit too zealous in his treatment. The Hero is dead
Each warrior may only and must be stricken from the warband record, but his equipment is retained
attempt to get treatment for one by the warband.
injury at a time, and only one attempt at
treatment per Hero may be made during 4-5 ‘Erm... that’s not right!’
each post battle sequence. The cost for The treatment has not only failed to help the warrior, it has actually worsened
treatment is 20 gold crowns per his condition! The warrior is now subject to Stupidity. If the warrior was
Locations attempt (one attempt = one being treated for Stupidity, there is no change in his condition (except
After each battle roll on the table), and this perhaps, a bit more drooling than usual).
you may choose to money must be paid before
visit locations within 6 ‘A bit unhinged, that one!’
rolling on the table – The treatment has failed, and the warrior emerges from the treatment as
the settlement to Mordheim physicians
procure goods and something of a raving lunatic. The warrior suffers a -1 Initiative penalty (down
demand payment in advance, to a minimum of 1). He is now so unsettling to behold that he causes fear.
entertainment. If you while the patient is still capable
don’t, you may use the of doing so! 7-8 ‘Sorry lad! Done my best!’
Trading chart as normal. Roll The treatment was unsuccessful, and the warrior must miss the next battle
a D3 to find out how many The following injuries cannot be treated: while he recovers.
locations you may visit. Different locations Chest Wound, Blinded in One Eye, and Old
can help you find items, receive healing, make Battle Wound. They are permanent damage 9-10 ‘A bit of rest, and you’ll be fine!’
money or other things. Between location the afflicted warrior will carry to his grave. The treatment was successful! The warrior may remove the injury and its
visits you must roll on the adverse effects from his profile. He must, however, miss the next battle while
The following injuries use the Limb Surgery he recovers.
Events table to find out table: Leg Wound, Smashed Leg, and Hand
what happens to the Injury. 11-12 ‘Shallaya be praised!’
warband as it carouses The treatment was a complete success! The warrior may remove the injury
around the town. The following injuries use the Brain Surgery and its adverse effects from his profile.
table: Madness and Nervous Condition.

Surgery table
2D6 Result
2-3 ‘Someone fetch a priest!’
rom pristine quarters to back street butcher shops
The unfortunate patient has expired due to excessive blood loss. The Hero is
dead and must be stricken from the warband record, but his equipment is
retained by the warband.
F there are many places to find an apothecary. You risk
your life and limb literally when you enter them. I’ve
4 ‘This has got to come off!’ heard tales, they are grim listening, and I’ve known many
The surgeon has felt the need to amputate, ostensibly to ‘keep the rot out’. If a who’d rather die of infection than leave this world on a
leg was being treated, the model now has its Movement halved (rounding up); butcher’s slab. Oh they’ll claim they can cure any
if a hand was being treated, the warrior may only use a single-handed weapon malady: arms, legs, head, some even wager they can cure
from now on. insanity. Stepping into those places you make sure you
get the job done right then pay up, the surgeon’s knife
5-6 ‘Sorry, lad!' Done my best!’
is always keener, his purpose clearer when he hasn’t been
The surgery was unsuccessful, and the warrior must miss the next battle while
paid. There are scant few apothecaries in Sigmarhaven,
he recovers.
yet a good ’un is sought after with some zeal. Of
7-8 ‘No luck!’ course they all know old ‘Sawbones’, his reputation is dire, t’is a
The surgery was unsuccessful. brave man who enters that surgery. Rumour has it, his apprentice, Jeremiah Hakem has set up
9-10 ‘Mind you stay off it for a bit!’ shop in a small corner of the settlement. His practices are dubious. I’ve only heard tales mind,
The surgery was successful! The warrior may remove the injury and its adverse but there’s talk that if yer can’t pay in gold or Wyrdstone he’ll accept a small body part in
effects from his profile. He must, however, miss the next battle while he payment, a finger, nose, toe, yer know, anything expendable. His purpose is unknown as far as I
recovers. can tell but I believe he is under close scrutiny of the ‘Cabal’…

11-12 ‘Shallaya be praised!’

The surgery was a complete success! The warrior may remove the injury and its
adverse effects from his profile.

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Encampments Encampments

CARTOGRAPHER he will divulge some of this info to you. Roll a SMITHY weapons and armour. When visiting a
A cartographer will help the band with their D6 on the following chart: Hearty blacksmiths work at the smithy where blacksmith you may add +2 to your Search
exploration. He also carries many different 1 You may re-roll one of your Exploration they fashion all kinds of metals into a variety rolls when trying to find armour or close
maps. You may purchase maps here without dice after the next battle. of useful items. Mainly though they create combat weapons.
searching for them but the rules for maps
2-5 The information was interesting but
from the Mordheim rulebook still apply. The
utterly useless.
cartographer is also a wealth of little titbits of
very warrior needs a sword; it’s the bread and butter of this place. Strong steel and a stout
information that he is willing to sell. Most of it
is useless but some isn’t. If you pay him 5 gc
6 You may increase or decrease the result
of one Exploration dice by 1 after the E heart are all you need in the darkness. Fashioned of stone, the smithies of Sigmarhaven
next battle. billow gusts of smoke from their forges. Finding one is easy, as ubiquitous as the dead, just look
for the ashen black pall in the air. The stink of leather and metal fills these places and the ring
of steel on steel swells my heart! Weapons and armour of all descriptions can be found there for
the right price of course! No fool would ever dream of robbing them, such is the bounty of
ordheim is a labyrinthine city. I know, I’ve been to almost ever nook and filth encrusted
M cranny. There are dark hollows, forgotten pitfalls, which spell death to the unwary or the
arms they hold, the smithies are old warriors, or injured such that they cannot risk the City of
the Damned any more. Skilled too, ah yes, no one would rob a smithy. They are strong men,
ill prepared. Some claim to know the city; better than they know their own faces. They are hours spent by the forge moulding sinew and muscle to the hardness of anvils beneath tanned
mapmakers, cartographers if you will, old adventurers who’ve mapped out their routes with quill soot-soaked skin. Want a tip? The best smithy in Sigmarhaven goes by the name o’ Roguehann.
and parchment, turning their knowledge into a trade. Cartographers are rife in Sigmarhaven, strange In times past he was the Captain of the Guard in the charge of the Elector of Middenheim. It
given that most folk can neither read nor write. Treasure seekers often go to these men, eager for sounds a tall tale but his fate led him to Sigmarhaven after a duel with a nobleman. No one
an edge, something to set them ahead of their rivals. Others who can afford it commission the knows the reason for their altercation, but after besting the whelp he was ambushed and beaten by
scribing of maps and adventurers are paid in coin to provide accurate descriptions of the dark the coward’s stooges and has limped ever since. Poor Roguehann was disgraced and flung from his
places that exist in this world. Mathias Blankk, he is the greatest known map smith in all of post, but no less proud and sets up his stall in Sigmarhaven now. He is as honest as any man
Stirland. He moved his business to Sigmarhaven, hoping to explore the city himself; such was the there, quiet and brooding. He wields a sword of Estalian steel, t’is a wondrous blade, his finest
man’s adventurous nature. No good with a sword though, he’s a scholar through and through. He and rumours abound that it will never break! One thing is certain; if Roguehann ever chances
contents himself with making maps from the stories of others and frequents the many drinking upon that nobleman again he will take his revenge in blood…
dens in hope of loose lips providing a free source for his endeavours. It has been spoken, in
whispers alone, that he’s taken to drinking crushed Wyrdstone with his evening libation. They say
it grants ’im visions of the city and this is how he fashions the most detailed maps of dogs. He reduces the difficulty of finding
Mordheim. They also say this addiction has driven him mad and at night he huddles in his A beast master takes care of the animals. He animals by adding +2 to your dice roll on the
quarters, terrified of the dark, bubbling froth on his lips. Insight has a cruel price and dementia feeds, houses and trains horses, ponies and Trading chart.
an even greater one…

nimals are unusual fare around the City of the Damned, and only the most affluent can
A afford them. If yer looking for any type of beast then you’d best find a muleskinner. They
ply their trade within tented lodgings; a stout post is staked within, about which the beasts are
FLETCHER visit a fletcher you may add +2 to find the tethered. But tis the stench of the place you’ll remember most! Those beast masters must be
The fletcher is a master at making bows and missile weapon you are looking for (this does immune, for t’is potent and unpleasant. I’d wager The Pit has a similar odour! They care for
arrows, along with other missile weapons. He not count towards Black Powder weapons many animals, horses and dogs in the main, personally I trust a man with a blade over a brutish
does not have the craft or know how to create though). beast any day but there are those who place their faith in such pets and leastways they cannot be
Black Powder weapons though. When you bribed into treachery… Of all the traders in Sigmarhaven, muleskinners are the most reclusive,
seems they are more comfortable in the presence of beasts over their fellow man. I’d fancy some
even resemble the beasts in their care: hairy folk, wily and instinctive. Such men would be open
ean and long-fingered are the fletchers of Sigmarhaven, shaped like the bows they fashion I’d to ridicule, but their demeanour is both sombre and threatening and providing hounds for the
L fancy! Any type of bow or arrow is available from a fletcher. Some of the more extravagant Watch guarantees their protection. One such muleskinner went by the name of Hurkram Shakram,
he was a dark-skinned foreigner and never before have I seen his like! The man commanded
captains order specific wood for their shafts, particular feathers and individual tips. T’is a precise
art and secretive which many fletchers hold dear to their heart. Despising the soot and ash of the respect though, a mute although t’was rumoured he could commune with the beasts in his care,
smithies, their tents bear the stench of oil and wood sap. A fletcher of some repute and dubious making him the finest muleskinner I have known of!
renown goes by the name of Hans Krogen. Was a fine targeteer in his day and could shoot a
bulls eye from a thousand paces. I’ve never placed much faith in bows, the only sure way to see
a man dead is face to face with a blade in your hands. Still, his skill was a marvel and his MERCHANT DRINKING DEN
mastery of bow crafting was equal in its adeptness. The merchant is a purveyor of a great variety This is a tavern where you may play a game of
of goods. He sells just about anything that’s chance, look for new recruits or just get
not nailed down. The merchant gives you +1 smashed! You may gamble at any time in the
to find Rare items. Dancing Pig. To find out what else you can do,
roll a D6 and consult the chart over the page:

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Encampments Encampments

D6 Effects Scenario: Encampment Raid

1 Drugged
One of your Heroes (select randomly) partakes of a curious drink offered to him by a
Often warbands are jealous of the platform to shoot from (this may be as tall as
stranger. After one swig he feels the effect of the liquid take hold – he has been drugged!
Roll a D6 on the following table: accomplishments of their rivals, and the more 8") – 20 gcs common.
1-3 Your Hero has been poisoned and is at -1 Toughness for the duration of the next
opulent a warband’s camp is, the more
The following may be combined with the
battle. successful they have been in scouring the
above defences or as stand alone.
4-6 The liquid in question is actually a very strong ale, and your hero quickly gains a
ruins. Also, this is where they stash their loot.
taste for it. He wakes up the next morning with a pounding head. Heads on spikes: These cause Fear and may
Other players may challenge your warband
be attached to barricades or palisades (the
2-3 Taken with the joys of hot food and a good too many bottles of Bugmans, your leader and attack your camp in an attempt to take it
enemy must pass a Leadership test if they
and his men overspend on such luxuries by D6x10 gcs. over for themselves. Play a ‘Defend the Find
wish to assault them) – 5 gcs Common.
4-5 Hireling scenario’ with the following exceptions:
Whilst carousing in the bar you meet many different characters and warriors. You sit Ditch: These cost 5 gcs for a strip that is 6"
• Set-up the camp in the centre of the
down to have a few drinks with some. Roll a D6 on the following chart: long by 1" deep. It counts as difficult terrain,
1 You are drinking with a Halfling who, impressed with your propensity for ale, offers reducing movement by half.
you his services at half the normal rate for the next battle. • The defender cannot be routed except
voluntarily and only if at least 50% of the Stakes: These cost 10 gcs for a strip that is 6"
2 An Ogre challenges you to a drinking contest. Roll a D6: long. It counts as difficult terrain, reducing
warband are taken out of action.
1-4 He drinks you under the table – you wake the next day with a terrible movement by half. In addition, those
hangover. • No member of the defender’s warband
attempting to cross must roll a D6 – on a 5+
5-6 You drink him under the table and he is in such awe that he offers you his need take an All Alone test.
the warrior takes a Strength 3 hit with no
services for the next battle for free. • As long as a model stays within the armour saves allowed – Common.
3 You sit down with a mysterious Elven Ranger and start to tell tales of your exploits. encampment’s boundaries, they may use
One of your tales moves him so much, he offers you his services at half the cost for the the Leader’s Leadership value to roll for Tunnels: These allow one Henchmen group
next battle. tests – regardless of how far away from to be held in reserve at the start of the game
4 You sit down and share a drink with a Freelancer. As the night wears on you find that their leader they are. and may be placed anywhere on the
he and your father served in the same company together. He offers you his services for battlefield at the start of the defender’s turn
the next battle for free. • One Henchmen group may be set-up
but no closer than within 8" of an enemy
Hidden at the beginning of the game.
5 You find yourself drinking with a young fellow who is itching to test his metal in the model, however – 15 gcs Common.
Cursed City – you may add an extra henchman to your party (not above your If the attacker succeeds in capturing the camp
warband’s maximum number of warriors however). Traps: The defender may place up to three
he may either destroy it or occupy it
6 You sit with a fellow who looks battle hardened. As you talk, you discover that the rest trap markers (per trap if you have more than
(provided he is allowed within Sigmarhaven).
of his warband was slain searching the ruins. You may ask him to join your warband as one) anywhere within their encampment.
In addition, the attacker claims the defender’s
a Hero. You may add a Hero to your warband for free, although only if you haven’t got Each marker is marked with either ‘Trap’ or
the maximum number of Heroes already. stash for his own. The defender must then
‘Decoy’ on the underside. When a model
roll for a new camp.
6 Bar Room Brawl touches the marker, flip it over. If it says
Your leader gets into an argument with another patron in the tavern. The argument soon The defender may purchase any of the ‘Decoy’, nothing happens. If it says ‘Trap’
escalates quickly. Roll a D6 on the following table: following items to fortify his encampment. then that model takes a Strength 4 hit with no
1 Your leader is thrashed and must make an immediate roll on the Injury table. Each of these must be represented by armour save – 30 gc Rare 6.
applicable models when using them while
2 Your leader takes quite a beating and leaves D6 gcs poorer.
defending your camp. Sigmarhaven Watch
3 Your leader knocks the patron to the ground and takes D6x3 gcs from his purse for his If a resident of Sigmarhaven’s camp comes
impudence. under attack, the watch may turn up and
4 The patron is joined by his warband and an all-out brawl ensues. Roll a D6: 1-4 you Additional Equipment assist them against their aggressors. Roll a D6
send the warband fleeing and gain D6x5 gcs, for your trouble. 5-6 you are routed and Banner: See Mordheim 2002 annual. each turn and on the score of 5+ the watch
lose D6x5 gcs (you may instead play a skirmish scenario vs a starting Middenheimer
warband (500gp) if you so desire to determine the outcome). Ladders: These are useful for assaulting have arrived and will immediately do battle
another warband’s encampment and negate with the attackers.
5 The brawl attracts the attention of the watch, who arrive to throw the patron in the
stocks. the effects of barricades and palisades – 5gcs The watch consists of a Captain, four
6 The brawl attracts the attention of the watch who arrive to throw everyone into the Common. Swordsmen, and two Marksmen (use standard
stocks. You must pay D6x10 gcs to get everyone out. DEFENCES Reikland mercenaries). They are all armed
Barricade: These cost 10 gcs for a strip that is with swords, wear light armour and carry
6" long by 1" high. A warrior defending a shields. The Marksmen are also armed with
Gambling bows.
barricade can only be hit by his opponent on
Your leader gets involved in a rather dubious game of dice. Roll a D6 and consult the table
an unmodified D6 score of 6 – Common.
D6 Result Palisade: These cost 15gcs for a strip that is
1 Your leader loses 3D6 gcs and comes away a little wiser. 6" long by 2" high. A warrior defending a
palisade can only be hit by his opponent on
2-5 Your leader manages to break even. an unmodified D6 score of 6 – Common.
6 Your leader gambles away a fortune before Lady Luck smiles on him and he wins it
all back with interest. Collect 3D6 gcs in winnings. Watchtower: This gives the defender a high

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Encampments Encampments

Hired Sword – Warrior Priest of Sigmar

In the centre of Sigmarhaven is a wooden Settlement Events Table (Roll D66)
Temple of Sigmar and this attracts many 11 THROWN OUT OF TOWN
fledgling warrior priests. To test their mettle Your warband’s wild behaviour in the many taverns and markets of the settlement attracts the attention of
against the horrors of the Cursed City, the the Watch and they throw your warband out of town. Your warband must head back to their camp and
priesthood hire out their acolytes and make prepare for the next battle. If your camp is in Sigmarhaven you must move to a different settlement.
careful observance of their faith, resilience 12 UNEVENTFUL
and fervour.
Hire Fee: 40 gc to hire, 20 gcs upkeep. As your warband moves through the busy streets, your leader suddenly gets a feeling that something is
wrong. He reaches for his crowns to find them gone, snatched by a rotten pickpocket. Immediately cross
May be Hired: Any warband may hire a off half your gold crowns from your treasury.
Warrior Priest of Sigmar except Witch Hunters
(they already have the warband choice!), Whilst travelling along a derelict street of the settlement, you stumble across a Halfling Scout being
Middenheim mercenaries, Possessed, Orcs & accosted by a gang of scum. Roll a D6 and consult the table below:
Goblins, Skaven and any other suitably ‘evil’ 1-3 There are too many foes, and besides, you don’t much like Halflings anyway! You leave the wretch
warbands. to its fate and continue on your way.
Rating: A Warrior Priest of Sigmar increases 4-5 You decide to help the Halfling, and manage to save him from his fate. As thanks, the Halfling offers
the warband rating by +16 points plus 1 point you a map, which you may add to your stash.
for each Experience point he has. 6 Your gang charges into the scum and manages to beat them off, saving the Halfling who keeps on
mumbling something about an honour dept to you. You gain a Halfling Scout Hired Sword. The
scout will fight for free in your next battle, after which he demands the usual hire fee.
Priest 4 3 3 3 3 1 4 1 8 15 UNEVENTFUL
Equipment: Hammer of Sigmar, light armour Your warband stumbles upon a makeshift steam baths run by some shifty looking Arabians and spends the
and shield. rest of the day recuperating. You may not visit any more locations. However, any warriors that previously
had to miss the next battle no longer have to due to the healing effects of the baths.
Prayers: A Warrior-Priest is a servant of Sigmar 21 FIGHT
and may use the Prayers of Sigmar as detailed Your leader argues with a merchant who has tried to charge him too much for some cheap items. The
in the Magic section. argument grows into a brawl quickly. Roll a D6 on the following table:
1 Your leader is thrashed and loses D6x3 gc.
Skills: Warrior-Priests may choose skills from 2 Your leader takes a beating and leaves D6 gc poorer.
the Academic skills list, or they may randomly
3 Your leader knocks the merchant to the ground and takes D6x3 gc for his impudence.
determine a new Prayer from the Prayers of
4 The merchant is joined by his bodyguard and an all-out brawl ensues. Roll a D6: 1-4 you send the
Sigmar list.
merchant and his guard fleeing and gain D6x5 gc for your trouble. 5-6 you are routed and lose
D6x5 gc. (You may also play a skirmish scenario vs a Middenheim warband (500 gc) instead if you
5 The brawl attracts the attention of the watch who arrive to throw the shady merchant in the stocks.
6 The brawl attracts the attention of the watch who arrive to throw everyone into the stocks. You may
not visit any more locations.
A couple of shifty looking scum approach your gang asking for help with their smuggling operation. If you
decide to help roll a D6 and consult the table below:
1-3 You are unable to off-load the illegal contraband and make no money.
4-6 You earn D6x10 gc by selling on the merchandise. Add this amount to your stash.
A dishonest trader has fooled your leader. One item (decided randomly) that you purchase in this
settlement is a fake and is useless. Discard the item in question.
One of the henchmen in your warband is conscripted into the local Count’s army and is due to be
shipped off in the next couple of days. Decide randomly who is conscripted and then roll a D6. On a 1, he
fails to get out of his predicament and is never seen again. On a 2+, he manages to escape the barracks
and returns to your camp. Your warband, however, must leave the settlement immediately otherwise the
henchman risks getting re-captured. If your camp is in Sigmarhaven you must move to a new location.

A Warrior Priest prepares to face off against a Marienburger warband.

20 21
Encampments Encampments


Your warband is employed by a merchant to carry his wares around the settlement. Each henchman in
your warband earns you D6 gc. Add this amount to your stash. 53 REWARD
Whilst wandering through the settlement your leader sees a poster warning that a well known assassin is
32 UNEVENTFUL reputed to be in the area. Upon reading this, he realises that the description given matches that of a
stranger he bumped into earlier. He rushes back to the spot where he last saw the assassin and manages
to apprehend him just as he drags a merchant into a dark street. Roll a D6 and consult the table below:
Taken with the joys of hot food and a good too many bottles of Bugmans, your warband overspends on
such luxuries by half the gold in your stash (strike it from your treasury). 1 The assassin laughs, slits the merchant’s throat, throws the knife at your leader’s feet and flees
shouting “Help, murder!” Your leader is soon surrounded by the Watch and hauled off to the gaol.
34 DRUGGED By the time he manages to protest his innocence many hours have passed and he decides it is
Visiting a local tavern in a seedy part of town, one of your Heroes (chosen at random) partakes of a unsafe to remain away from the warband’s hideout for any longer period of time. Your warband
curious drink offered to him by the bartender. After one swig he feels the effect of the liquid take hold – may not visit any special locations.
he has been drugged! Roll a D6 on the following table:
2-5 Your leader saves the merchant’s life, for which he receives D6x5 gc, but the assassin slips away.
1-3 Your Hero has been poisoned and is at a -1 Toughness for the duration of the next battle.
6 Your leader saves the merchant and captures the assassin, turning him over to the Watch, for which
3-6 The liquid in question is actually a very strong ale, and your Hero quickly gains a taste for it. He he receives D6x5 gc. The merchant is so thankful for your leader’s help that he offers his services as
wakes up the next morning with a pounding head. a go-between for selling useful scrap or items that your warband has. You may add a +1 when
35 UNEVENTFUL searching for items and sell items at three quarters of their cost.


The Watch has mistaken you for a band of rabble rousers (if you are the Watch ignore this result). Roll a As you walk around the streets you notice that a dog has started to follow you. It joins in the fray when
D6 and consult the table below: you scuffle with the unsavoury elements of the city. You now have a new fighting companion. Add a
wardog to your roster (even if you normally can’t have one).
1-2 You hastily explain to the captain that you are not who they think you are. He believes you and lets
you go. 55 UNEVENTFUL
3-5 You try to explain to the captain who you are but he doesn’t seem to believe you. As you talk on 56 SHORTAGES
you realise that a little money may help the situation. You pay the captain D6x3 gc (if another Unexpected shortages in this settlement cause all local traders to increase their prices. For the duration of
warband is the Watch pay them). your stay in this town all weapons and equipment costs double the normal number of credits.
6 You try to talk your way out of this difficult situation but the captain doesn’t buy it. He arrests your
warband and throws them in jail. You may make no more location visits after this. He releases you
One of your Heroes (chosen at random) visits a fortune teller. The teller attempts to divine the future and
after lightening your purse by D6x10 gc (remove this from your treasury). You may also chose to
receives payment. Roll a D6 on the chart below:
battle the Guard using the Sigmarhaven Watch or fighting the warband who is currently the watch.
Play the Street Fight scenario. 1-4 The fortune teller is a hack and doesn’t know what she is talking about. Lose D6x 3 gc.
5-6 The fortune teller has seen the future and gives you insight into your next battle. You may re-roll
one missed hit next battle.
You leader visits a local drinking hole and gets involved in a rather dubious game of dice. Roll 1D6 and
consult the table below: 62 UNEVENTFUL
1 Your leader loses 3D6 gc and comes away a little wiser. 63 ILLEGAL CONTRABAND
The Watch arrest a randomly determined warrior from your warband for possessing illegal contraband.
2-5 Your leader manages to break even.
The fighter is thrown in the gaol to await trial (often short and unfair by all accounts). Roll a D6 for the
6 Your leader gambles away a fortune before Lady Luck smiles on him and he wins it all back with warrior. On a 5-6 he manages to escape from his cell and makes it back to the warband’s hideout in time
interest. Collect 3D6 gc in winnings. for the next battle. On a 1-4 he is convicted of his crime and is executed at the block. Remove the warrior
from the gang roster.
43 JOIN THE WATCH As your leader attempts to buy some equipment, the trader refuses to accept his gold crowns, pointing out
The captain of the Watch marks your warband as useful looking recruits for the Watch. Your warband is that they are counterfeit. Looking through his stash, your leader finds that indeed some of his gold crowns
deputised by the captain of the guard and given the chance to become watchmen. If you accept, you gain are counterfeit. You must discard half the number of gold crowns in your treasury as a consequence.
an additional 25 gc. If any other warbands have to fight the guard before the next battle then they fight you.
A terrible illness strikes one of the Heroes in your warband (decide randomly which one). That Hero must 66 CRIME
miss the next game recovering from the illness, after which they are fine to continue as normal Your leader is accused of murder and thrown into the gaol. The matter is eventually sorted out and bail
must be paid. Pay D6x5 gc if you can’t pay it then the leader is stuck in gaol until after the next battle.
Whilst wandering the streets of town, one of your fighters stumbles across a small sack lying on the
ground. Upon opening the sack you find it stuffed with gems. Claim the moneybag and 5 gems worth
2D6x5 gc.
Beggars accost your leader and, overwhelmed by their sadness, he gives each of the 2D6+2 pitiful
wretches 2 gc. If your leader cannot pay he is a beggar himself, and you must roll a D6 and consult the
table below;
1 Your leader is thrown out of town for begging (see Settlement Event roll of 11). The rest of your
gang must leave town immediately so as not to risk the wrath of the guards (or their leader for that
2-6 You leader gains 2D6 gc from begging on the streets.

22 23
Cutthroat’s Den
Encampments part 2
Law and order are dirty words here oft
Like an ugly wound, muttered with a foul oath or curse. No body
Cutthroat’s Den seeps with the of order exists. It is merely the survival of the
worst virulent filth that is attracted fittest that dictates the outcome of any
to the City of the Damned. It lies to disputes and the cultivation of fear in one’s
the west of Mordheim and tis easy to enemies born out of ruthlessness and
find. All a man needs do is follow the reputation that ensures any semblance of
stench of that place, so rank is it with safety. Indeed, only the strongest or most
corruption and dark dealings or pursue the cunning will survive in this place, where tis
rich vein of sewer stink that eventually as sure as the sun rising you’ll find a dagger
bisects the encampment. in your back should you take your eye off it
but for a moment.
Shunned by the pious daughters of Sigmar,
zealous Witch Hunters and all good, honest
folk, Cutthroat’s Den attracts a rare breed of
pure scum. Mercenaries, thieves, outlaws, pit
fighters and their ilk are all admitted here.
There are even rumours of cloaked figures
shambling amidst the tents and shanties
affiliated with the dark lord of the Pit and
those that travel only by night with the slow,
wavering gait of the restless dead. It seems
no filth, no matter how debase, is denied
And yet, despite this swelling mass of
dangerous men, there are traders. They are
the deadly, unscrupulous types, ex-
professionals thrown out of legal service for
bad practice or dubious religious leanings.
Cutthroat’s Den offers all these men and
women a home and the means to ply their
wares. Armourers, weapon smiths,
muleskinners, indeed even the more esoteric
professions such as cartographers, are based
here. These establishments are often seedy,
dark parodies of those encountered in say,
Sigmarhaven, their proprietors as tough and
menacing as the mercenaries they provide
As well as the more common traders,
Cutthroat’s Den also harbours its own breed
of particular marketers, offering specialist
services unique to their patrons. Grim
alchemists brew foul smelling potions in the
Cutthroat’s Den as its foreboding name thick and heady confines of a darkened
suggests, is a hive of iniquity and villainy. All shack, with only flaps of tarnished leather
of the foulest scum you might ever encounter barring the entrance. Their trade attracts all
in a lifetime make their camp in the filthy, manner of weak and unsavoury characters.
ramshackle shanties that pass for a Those addled by the corrosive addictions to
settlement, hoarded up in weather-beaten drugs peddled by these amoral merchants, or
tents streaked with filth or dilapidated huts, Assassins seeking poisons with which to
worn beyond repair. debilitate and kill their chosen quarry.

An exploration of the myriad camps and settlements around ye ruins of
olde Mordheim
by Steve Gibbs, Stephanus Harburgh & Nicodemus Kyme

Rumours are rife of a cadre of grave robbers blood and fearful sweat. Thick iron grates
and body snatchers operating within the seal the unwilling participants within cages
fringe of the city walls and beyond. They only to be forced out, half-blinded into the
peddle their ill-gotten wares to the most burning torch light, deafened by gruesome
insidious of traders. Known in some circles cries; bones, blood and all manner of bodily
as cadaver merchants these morbid men sell appendages strewn about the floor as grisly
these, oft times fresh, bodies to a very trophies. Thick stone walls are punctuated by
particular clientele; secretive men in thick, cruel iron spikes to add to the sport for the
dark cloaks. Who can tell the purposes of baying mob and they are sharpened daily to
such men, some believe they are foul ensure they split armour, flesh and bone with
practitioners of the black arts, Necromancers ease. A number of the more notorious pits
pursued by the zealous knights of Sigmar, or are underground and their owners use the
scientists driven mad by their experiences of seclusion to house deadly beasts which they
the dark city. These snatched bodies are pit against the hapless fighters dwelling
valuable commodities to these dark scholars, miserably in their dungeons. The fighting pits
risen as slaves to their master’s will, undying are indeed the central attraction for the
servants immune to pain and human needs hordes of Cutthroat’s Den much to the
or forced to tell secrets from beyond the debased delight of the Slavers. A powerful
grave, perhaps the location of a hidden coven of cruel and greedy men, the Slavers
treasure vault or the identity of their are ever on the lookout for willing and
murderers. Some dark apothecaries even sell unwilling participants for their gruesome
spare body parts which they sow in place of blood sports. Prisoners, captured by the vile
destroyed limbs with eager relish. These scum that make their camp in Cutthroat’s
limbs must be taken from the recent dead, Den, are often dragged, screaming or
fresh and oft robbed directly from the fatalistically silent, into the throbbing
surgeon’s slab. It has been known for such merciless half-light of the dreaded arenas
limbs to come alive and attack their new where they face almost certain death at the
owners as if possessed by their former bodies. hands of a pit fighter, ogre or worse. Some
All such things are for sale in this bleak and men, the lucky ones survive their experiences
debased settlement. There are also those that in the pits and become mighty pit fighters in
openly refute the true gods and worship the their own right, but such a feat is seldom,
foul benefactors of Chaos. These men are resident champions putting down any would
collectors and sellers of dark, unholy items, be usurper in an uneven and oft bloody
ancient arcana dredged from deep within the contest. In any case they are still nought but
pit and nefarious texts describing forbidden a slave, and only postpone the dire end that
rituals penned in blood by their own hand. will inexorably claim their lives.
Such men also possess the necessary skill to All the fighting pits in Cutthroat’s Den are
corrupt a once holy item and turn it to the owned by the Slavers, their coffers swelled fat
cause of evil. Only the most dire and with the gold of their bloodthirsty patrons.
malfeasant of individuals seek out the Much is to be learned about the art of
services of these dark acolytes but alas tis all survival from the fighting pits. Pit Fighters
a too common practice in Cutthroat’s Den. come in their droves to train and fight there,
The night is seldom quiet in Cutthroat’s Den. although such schooling is brutal and not
Screams rent the gloom with desperate without fatalities.
futility and the clatter of steel oft merged A throng of thieves and evil men, bent on
with the deep, throbbing bellow of a hundred violence and suckled on gruesome blood
cheers rings out an unnerving and sports, a culture of depravity pervades
bloodthirsty chorus. Cutthroat’s Den. Expect no welcome here,
This is the din of the fighting pits where men expect no mercy, the only truth is in death,
fight and die alone and unmourned to the oft faced in a cold and unforgiving night if
hungry, blood slaked cheers of a lusting mob. you drop your guard, even for but a
The fighting pits are dark and harrowing moment…
places. They are filled with the stink of dried
Encampments part 2

Encampments Anyone with gold is allowed in and those

Different warbands set up camps in and without tend to find their hands in other
around Mordheim. Mercs and Witchhunters people's pockets. Fights break out routinely
tend to set up camps with tents and crude and only the most daring or stupid of
barriers outside of town or find a merchants sell there wares here. It is said,
tavern and take it over. The "Anything can be bought for a price in the
undead and possessed tend Cutthroat’s Den". All goods are at a +2 to find
to be a little less scrupulous but cost twice what they would normally.
and take up residence in There are a few brave souls (or fools as some
abandoned buildings or have said) that stay in Cutthroat to make
graveyards located in town. money. The famous Twisted Goat is located
The Sisters have their monastery and a here. Despite being in a bad town the owner
number of "safe houses"(for some mysterious keeps it clean and safe as brawls are at a
reason still standing after the cataclysm) minimum. The infamous Pit resides in the
scattered throughout Mordheim. The Skaven center of town. Many have lost their lives here
of course tend to stay to the sewers, but have and many have made their fortunes. The
found that old cisterns and basements are a slaver Ashen Pettyflesh has a thriving business
great place to stash their goods. here. He sales any humanoid for a price to
There are three major settlements around anyone with the right amount of money. Roll
Mordheim. The safest is Sigmarhaven, the on the encampment chart to find out what
next safest is Brigandsburg (if type of living space your warband has. When
you can call it safe) and the visiting Cutthroat’s Den roll a d3 to find out
most infamous is Cutthroat’s how many special locations you may visit. You
Den. Each of these settlements may choose to skip visiting locations and use
has markets and traders in the trading chart to get equipment.
them. They tend to be made up of Please note that a Warband must stay in
smaller encampments of the different Cutthroat’s Den in order to take advantage of
adventurers who arrive to search Mordheim. special locations.
There are other settlements springing up all
around and encampments that are outside of Having rolled on the Housing Chart, a
the towns. Warband must stay at the given location for at
least one battle. After having fought a battle
Cutthroat’s Den they can either stay at the same place, or roll
Cutthroat’s Den is a place of villainy and evil. again on the Housing Chart if they prefer.
It is located on the west side of Mordheim.

Housing Chart
2D6 Camp Effects
2 Tavern You have gotten your warband a deed to a Tavern. You get to earn extra cash for
renting out rooms and selling food, you may also pick up a hired sword for free
for a game or gain a hero (only if this does not take you above normal restrictions)
Roll a D6, on a
1-4 You may add one hero to a group.
5-6 a hired Sword has out spent himself and offers you his services for your next
exploration in payment.
- D6 gc every game
- Each game roll a D6 on a 5 or 6 there has been a brawl in the tavern causing
D6x5 gc in damage. All money you have and receive must go to fix the tavern
before you may make other purchases
3-4 House In your meandering you have found a House. Your warband has taken it over and
fixed it up to your liking. Merchants see the house as a sign of wealth and are
more apt to stop by to sell their wares.
- Add +2 too find items roll on the trading chart.
- Each game roll a D6 on a 5 or 6 you must spend D6x2 gc on repairs to your
5-7 Tent You have set up your tents near Cutthroat’s Den. This gives you a place to stay and
stash your goods. You also attract lots of beggars.
Roll a every other game D6.
1-2 you may add a beggar to a henchman group (+2 above the total number of
warriors in your warband. Always start a new group, even if there is only one of
3-6 you feel sorry for the beggars and give them d6 gc.
8-10 Ruins In your meandering you have found some ruins that you convert into a
- Every other turn roll a D6
- 1-4 you have found a stash of D3 gc hidden under some of the rubble
- 5-6 part of the ruins collapses injuring one of your men. They have to miss the
next combat as they recover from their wound. Roll a d6 to find out if it was a
hero or a henchman
- 1-4 - henchman
- 5-6 hero
11 Graveyard You have found a graveyard to your liking. With nice mausoleums and plenty of
Staying in the graveyard you run the risk of being attacked by some of the restless
dead. Roll a 2d6 on doubles that many zombies attack you. Use the stats for
zombies from the MH rule book.

The grave corpses tend to be better preserved and good for reanimating.
After every game 2 models that were not in Mordheim may dig up corpses. Having
been BURIED rather than simply LEFT where they died, the corpses available in a
Graveyard are better quality for animation and MAY have grave goods buried with
them. Roll 2D6 and subtract 9. If the number is positive, THAT is the number of
Zombies you may add to your Warband for free. On a roll of doubles the grave has
collapsed on the diggers. Roll on the serious injury charts (treat like they had been
taken OOA). On a roll of 12+, the gravediggers find ONE corpse suitable to
become a Zombie and 2D6gc worth of grave goods. (The gravediggers do NOT get
caught in a collapsed grave.)

12 Cellar /
Sewer (Skaven only) Cellar
You have found cellar to set up camp in. It even has some nice tunnels running off
of it to who knows where.
-The cellar allows the player to set up using infiltration rules with 2 of his people.
-Roll a d6 on a 6 you are attacked by a swarm of giant rats and d6 of your
henchmen fall ill from the bites they receive. They have to miss the next game as
they recover
You have found a lovely section of sewer to set up camp in. It even has some nice
tunnels running off of it to who knows where and diseases run rampant.
The sewer allows the player to set up using infiltration rules with 2 of his people.
Skaven roll 2d6 and on a 12 they are sick and can’t fight in the next game.

Encampments part 2

Locations Necromancers often visit the

surgeon looking for body parts and
bodies for their creations and
You may visit a surgeon to help heal or take
zombies. A necromancer may
care of battle wounds. The surgeons of
stop by the surgeon to find
Cutthroat's Haven are mere hacks at best
bodies for zombies and reanimate them.
and only the most brave or foolish allow
Roll a d6 if you roll a 6 you may add a
themselves to be worked on by them. If
zombie to your warband at 1/2 the cost.
you roll a serious injury on the serious
injury chart you may visit the surgeon to
fix you up as good as new, if you’re lucky.
The surgeon cost 5 gc per hero you want to
try to have repaired Roll on the chart below
to find out if surgery was successful. He also
has contacts to procure drugs and potions
more easily. Add +1 to your die roll when
searching for them while at the surgeons.

Surgery table
2D6 Result
1-4 ‘Uh Oh’
The doc has made a mess of the operation and left your fighter in a state worse than when he
came in. Roll a D6 and look up the result on the Uh Oh Table to see what has happened to
the unfortunate patient.
5 ‘Which one was it?’
The Doc performs the wrong operation. If your fighter has any other serious injuries then the
Doc attempts to fix one of them instead. Determine which serious injury the Doc operates on
randomly and then roll on this table again. Treat further rolls of "which one was it" as
"successful surgery". If your fighter doesn’t have any other serious injuries then the Doc has
gone a little mad and performed some kind of experimental surgery on the unsuspecting
victim. Roll a D6 and look up the result on the Uh Oh Table to see what has happened to the
unfortunate patient.
6 ‘Successful Surgery’
The surgery was a success. Remove the serious injury from the fighter’s profile on the Gang

Uh Oh table
2D6 Result
1 ‘Dead’
The doc accidentally punctures a vital organ during the operation. He tried to save the
patient but he bleeds to death on the operating table. The patient dies and should be
removed from the Gang roster. On the bright side the doc offers you D6 x 5 gc for the body
which will provide him with a useful supply cadavers to practice on. This amount is added
directly to the warbands stash.
2 ‘Complications’
There are some complications with the surgery that lead to your warrior suffering further
injury. Immediately make a roll for the fighter on the serious injury table (treat full recovery,
bitter enmity and captured results as a roll of 5-6 (Not too Bad) below.
3-4 ‘Duuuuhh’
Some combination of anaesthetic and drugs has turned your fighter into a drooling idiot.
He is now stupid (follow the stupidity rules from the Mordheim rulebook)
5-6 ‘Not too bad’
Even though the surgeon made a mess of the operation nothing too bad has happened to
the patient. Your fighter survives unharmed from the surgery, but will have to miss the next
game whilst he recovers from his ordeal. Note that the patient still suffers the effects of the
serious injury that the surgeon was meant to have operated on.

Encampments part 2


A smithy works metals into items that are Enter a fight: (Same as sold to the pits on pg
useful. They create many weapons and armor. 119 of MH rule book).
When visiting a black smith you may add a +2 You may nominate a hero to fight in the pits
to your search rolls when trying to find Armor versus a pit fighter or another player that is
or close combat weapons. visiting the Pit.
MULESKINNER Roll to see which side charges, amd fight the
A beast master takes care of the animals. He battle as normal. If the warrior loses, roll to
re-shoes and feeds the horses, feeds the dogs, see whether he is dead or injured (ie, a d66
trains them and cleans up after them. He roll of 11-35). If he is not dead, he is thrown
reduces the difficulty of finding animals by out of the pits and may re-join his warband.
adding a +2 to your dice roll on the trading
If the warrior wins he gains 50gc, +2
experience and is free to rejoin his warband
MERCHANT with all his weapons and equipment.
The merchant is a purveyor of many different Gamble on the fights:You come on a night
goods. He sells just about anything that’s not when the bar is open for pitfighting. You may
nailed down. The merchant gives you a +1 to enter one of your heroes in (per the serious
find rare items. injury chart) or bet on the fights. Roll a d6 to
Special Locations
You may visit the slaver to add to your 1-2 The fighter you bet on puts
warband. Ashen sells just about anyone he up a good fight but not good
can get a hold of and to anyone that wants to enough. He is dispatched
buy. If you are searching for a new recruit to and you are out d6x5 gc
add to your warband stop by he may have 3-4 The fighter you bet on puts
what you're looking for. Roll 2d6 on the up a good fight and wins but
following chart. If you like what he offers you the odds were for him you
may purchase them at 2x the regular cost and only win d6gc
above your racial maximum. You may only 5-6 The fighter you place your
purchase one slave at a time this way) money on is a long shot
which pays off in the end
you win d6x5 gc
2 Hero
3-5 Henchman (not including
large creatures or animals)
6 Large creature (ie Rat ogre)
7-9 Henchman (not including
large creatures or animals)
10 Hero
11 Animal
12 Large creature (ie Rat ogre)

Encampments part 2


This is a tavern where you may play a game of 1 Drugged
chance, look for new recruits or just get One of your heroes (choose
smashed. You may gamble at any time in the randomly) partakes of a curious drink
Twisted Goat. To find out what else you can offered to him by stranger. After one
do roll a d6 and consulate the chart below. swig he feels the effect of the liquid
take hold – he has been drugged!
Roll a d6 on the following table:
1-3. Your hero has been
poisoned and is at a –1
Toughness for the duration
of the next battle

4-6. The liquid in question is

actually a very strong ale,
and your hero quickly gains
a taste for it. He wakes up
the next morning with a
pounding head.

2 Pickpocket
As your warband jostles through the
crowded bar, your leader suddenly
gets a feeling that something is
wrong. He reaches for his crowns to
find them gone, snatched by a lousy
pickpocket. Count the loss of half
your gold crowns.
3 Pit fight
You come on a night when the bar is
open for pitfighting. You may enter
one of your heroes in (per the
serious injury chart) or bet on the
fights. Roll a d6 to bet:
1-2. The fighter you bet on
puts up a good fight but not
good enough. He is
dispatched and you are out
d6x5 gc.
3-4. The fighter you bet on
puts up a good fight and
wins but the odds were for
him you only win d6gc
5-6. The fighter you place
GAMBLING your money on is a long shot
You leader gets involved in a rather dubious which pays off in the end
game of dice. Roll 1D6 and consult the table you win d6x5 gc.
1 Your leader loses 3D6 gc and comes
away a little wiser.
2-5 Your leader manages to break-even.
6 Your leader gambles away a fortune
before lady luck smiles on him and
he wins it all back with interest.
Collect 3D6 gc in winnings.

Encampments part 2

4-5 Hireling 6 Bar Room Brawl

Whilst carousing in the bar you meet Your leader gets into an argument
many different characters and with another patron in the tavern.
fighters. You sit down to have a few The argument grows into a brawl
drinks with some. Roll a d6 on the quickly. Roll a d6 on the following
following chart: table:
1. You are drinking with a 1. Your leader is thrashed
warlock who offers you his and loses d6x3 gp
services at half the normal
rate. 2. Your leader is beat pretty
bad and leaves d6 gp poorer
2. An ogre challenges you to
a drinking contest. Roll a d6 3. Your leader knocks the
on the apprpriate table Patron to the ground and
take d6x3 gp for his
3. You sit down with an impudence.
halfling scout and start to
exchange recipes. One of 4. The patron is joined by
your recipes he has never his warband and an all out
herd of, he offers you his brawl ensues. Roll a d6 1-4
services at half the cost. you send the warband
4. You sit down and share a
fleeing and gain d6x5 gp for
drink with a freelancer. As your trouble. 5-6 you are
the night wears on you find routed and loose d6x5 gp.
that he and your father were (you may also play a skirmish
in the same company. He scenario vs. middemhiemers
offers you his services for the (500gp) to find out how the
next battle for free. outcome happens)
5. You find yourself drinking 5. The brawl attracts the
with a young fellow who is attention of the watch who
itching to test his metal in arrive to throw the patron in
Mordhiem you may add an the stocks
extra henchman to your
party. (This is above your 6. The brawl attracts the
racial maximum) attention of the watch who
arrive to throw everyone into
6. You sit with a fellow who the stocks. You must pay
looks battle hardened. As you d6x10 gc to get everyone
talk you discover the rest of out.
his warband was slain
searching the ruins in
Mordheim. You may offer to
have him join your warband as
a hero. Add one hero to your
warband if you don't have
room for one of your regular
heroes (ie you already have 2
champions or 2 youngbloods)
you may use the stats of a
henchman (like lads got

Drinking Contest Table Roll on the Settlement Events Table printed in
1-3 He drinks you under the table. Town Cryer 28 in between visiting locations in
4-6 You drink him under the table
and he is in such awe he offers Den. Although the description’s for some of
you his services for the next the events may seem slightly out of place for
battle for free. Cutthroat’s Den, the results should still be
applied as written.

by Steven Gibbs with input from Bill, Paul, and
additions by Tachyon, Todd (The Sane) Luikart and
Todd (The GOR) Estabrook


Different warbands set up camps in and around Mordheim. Mercs and Witchhunters
tend to set up camps with tents and crude barriers outside of town or find a tavern
and take it over. The undead and possessed tend to be a little less scrupulous and
take up residence in abandoned buildings or graveyards located in town. The Sisters
have their monastery and a number of "safe houses"(for some mysterious reason
still standing after the cataclysm) scattered throughout Mordheim. The Skaven of
course tend to stay to the sewers, but have found that old cisterns and basements
are a great place to stash their goods.

There are three major settlements around Mordheim. The safest is Sigmarhaven, the
next safest is Brigandsburg (if you can call it safe) and the most infamous is
Cutthroat’s Den. Each of these settlements has markets and traders in them. They
tend to be made up of smaller encampments of the different adventurers who arrive
to search Mordheim. There are other settlements springing up all around and
encampments that are outside of the towns.


Brigansburg, hired swords haven and rogues hideaway. Located to the east of
Mordheim Brigandsburg houses the largest amount of hired swords in the area. They
let just anyone who looks human roam the streets and those who don't get thrashed
out of town. The town tends to be dirty and hold a less savory type of person. Street
brawls erupt here between rival warbands and are usually joined by other warbands.

Brigandsburg tends to house the more unsavory characters. Middenheimers abound

here as do Witch Hunters. Some Reiklanders set up camp here and very few
Marienburgers (after all it is too filthy for them). Possessed are a rare site but do
appear at times as do the undead. Here you will find the most hired swords. If hired
out of Brigandsburg they are hired at 75% of the base cost but their upkeep is the
same. The streets of Brigandsburg are dangerous and not for the unwary, if any
Heroes go out searching for Rare items they must roll a d6 under their I to keep
careful watch of them selves or risk ambush. If the test is failed they do not get to
search for items, as they have to avoid the roving street thugs.

In Brigandsburg there is one healer who has stayed despite the roughness of the
town. Her name is Selena. There is also a dubious merchant who seems to be able to
carry just about anything some one could be looking for. He hails from a far off land
and is known to have shady dealings at times. His name is Omama ben Buyin. There
is also a tavern in the town called the Raging Bear. One may find a hired sword, a
game of chance, dwarf throwing and even some pit fighting on occasion. When
visiting be sure to watch your purse and your head, as brawls are known to break
out frequently.

Roll on the encampment chart to find out what type of living space your warband
has. When visiting Sigmarhaven roll a d3 to find out how many special locations you
may visit. You may choose to skip visiting locations and use the trading chart to get

2d6 Camp Effects

2-3 Tavern You have gotten your warband a deed to a Tavern. You get to earn extra
cash for renting out rooms and selling food, you may also pick up a hired sword for
free for a game or a hero (You may not add more than 1 extra this way, it is also
above racial limits).
• Roll a d6 on a
• 1-4 you may add one hero to a group.
• 5-6 an hs has out spent himself and offers you his services for your next
exploration in payment.
• d6 gc every game
• Each game roll a d6 on a 5 or 6 there has been a brawl in the tavern causing d6x5
gc in damage. All money you have and receive must go to fix the tavern before you
may make other purchases
4-5 House In your meandering you have found a House. Your warband has taken it
over and fixed it up to your liking. Merchants see the house as a sign of wealth and
are more apt to stop by to sell their wares.
• Add +2 too find items roll on the trading chart.
• Each game roll a d6 on a 5 or 6 you must spend d6x2 gc on repairs to your house
6-8 Tent You have set up your tents near Sigmarhaven. This gives you a place to
stay and stash your goods. You also attract lots of beggars.
• Roll a every other game d6
• 1-2 you may add a beggar to a henchman group (2 above the maximum must be
the same level if none are at o level start a new group)
• 3-6 you feel sorry for the beggars and give them d6 gc
9-10 Ruins In your meandering you have found some ruins that you convert into a
- Every other turn roll a d6
- 1-4 you have found a stash of d3 gc hidden under some of the rubble
- 5-6 part of the ruins collapses injuring one of your men. They have to miss the
next combat as they recover from their wound. Roll a d6 to find out if it was a hero
or a henchman
1-4 - henchman
5-6 hero
11 Church You have set up a church to put out the evil mark of Chaos. Possessed
and Undead may also overtake a church and foul it with their presence.
• Every game one vile of Holy water (or unholy water as the case may be)
• Each game roll a d6 on 5 or 6 vandals have burned your church and you have to
repair it pay d6x5 gc
12 Cellar You have found cellar to set up camp in. It even has some nice tunnels
running off of it to who knows where.
• The cellar allows the player to set up using infiltration rules with 2 of his people.
• Roll a d6 on a 6 you are attacked by a swarm of giant rats and d6 of your
henchmen fall ill from the bites they receive. They have to miss the next game as
they recover

You may visit a surgeon to help heal or take care of battle wounds. These surgeons
are not as good as healers but are much more affordable. If you roll a serious injury
on the serious injury chart you may visit the surgeon to fix you up as good as new, if
you’re lucky. The surgeon cost 10 gc per hero you want to try to have repaired Roll
on the chart below to find out if surgery was successful. He also has contacts to
procure drugs and potions more easily. Add +1 to your die roll when searching for
them while at the surgeons.

1-2 UH OH
The doc has made a mess of the operation and left your fighter in a state worse than
when he came in. Roll a D6 and look up the result on the Uh Oh Table to see what
has happened to the unfortunate patient.
The Doc performs the wrong operation. If your fighter has any other serious injuries
then the Doc attempts to fix one of them instead. Determine which serious injury the
Doc operates on randomly and then roll on this table again. Treat further rolls of
"which one was it" as "successful surgery". If your fighter doesn’t have any other
serious injuries then the Doc has gone a little mad and performed some kind of
experimental surgery on the unsuspecting victim. Roll a D6 and look up the result on
the Uh Oh Table to see what has happened to the unfortunate patient.
The surgery was a success. Remove the serious injury from the fighter’s profile on
the Gang roster.

The doc accidentally punctures a vital organ during the operation. He tried to save
the patient but he bleeds to death on the operating table. The patient dies and
should be removed from the Gang roster. On the bright side the doc offers you D6 x
5 gc for the body which will provide him with a useful supply cadavers to practice on.
This amount is added directly to the warbands stash.
There are some complications with the surgery that lead to your warrior suffering
further injury. Immediately make a roll for the fighter on the serious injury table
(treat full recovery, bitter enmity and captured results as a roll of 5-6 (Not too Bad)
Some combination of anaesthetic and drugs has turned your fighter into a drooling
idiot. He is now stupid (follow the stupidity rules from the Mordheim rulebook)
Even though the surgeon made a mess of the operation nothing too bad has
happened to the patient. Your fighter survives unharmed from the surgery, but will
have to miss the next game whilst he recovers from his ordeal. Note that the patient
still suffers the effects of the serious injury that the surgeon was meant to have
operated on.

A smithy works metals into items that are useful. They create many weapons and
armor. When visiting a black smith you may add a +2 to your search rolls when
trying to find Armor or close combat weapons.
A beast master takes care of the animals. He re-shoes and feeds the horses, feeds
the dogs, trains them and cleans up after them. He reduces the difficulty of finding
animals by adding a +2 to your dice roll on the trading chart.

The merchant is a purveyor of many different goods. He sells just about anything
that’s not nailed down. The merchant gives you a +1 to find rare items.

The fletcher is a master at making bows and arrows along with other missile
weapons. He does not have the craft or know how to create black powder weapons
though. When you visit a fletcher you may add a +2 to find the missile weapon you
are looking for

Special Locations

Selena the Healer:

You may visit a healer to help heal or take care of battle wounds. If you roll a serious
injury on the serious injury chart you may visit the healer to fix you up as good as
new, if you’re lucky. The healer costs 20 gc per hero you want to try to have healed
Roll on the chart below to find out if healing was successful. He also has contacts to
procure drugs and potions more easily. Add +2 to your die roll when searching for
them while at the surgeons.

The healer has made a mess of the operation and left your fighter in a state worse
than when he came in. Roll a D6 and look up the result on the Uh Oh Table to see
what has happened to the unfortunate patient.
The healing was a success. Remove the serious injury from the fighter’s profile on
the Warband roster.
The surgery was a success. Remove the serious injury from the fighter’s profile on
the Warband roster and roll a d6 on the following chart. This effect only last one
1-2 +1 to Strength
3-4 +1 to Initiative
5-6 +1 to movement

Omama ben Buyin the Merchant:

Omama ben Buyin the merchant carries anything for a price but not always of the
quality you hope for. He may not always have it available when you want it but he
has ways of obtaining it. You may add a +3 when searching for items here but you
must pay 2x the cost. If you purchase an item from Omama you must roll a d6 on
the following chart:
1- The item is not of any good quality and is useless you are out your money and the
2-5 the item is fine and you got your moneys worth
6 - The item is useless and Omama is willing to refund half your money

The Raging Bear

This is a tavern where you may play a game of chance, look for new recruits or just
get smashed. You may gamble at any time in the Raging Bear. To find out what else
you can do roll a d6 and consulate the chart below.

1-2 Drugged
One of your heroes (choose randomly) partakes of a curious drink offered to him by
stranger. After one swig he feels the effect of the liquid take hold – he has been
drugged! Roll a d6 on the following table:
1-3 Your hero has been poisoned and is at a –1 Toughness for the duration of the
next battle
4-6 The liquid in question is actually a very strong ale, and your hero quickly gains a
taste for it. He wakes up the next morning with a pounding head.

3 Pit fight
You come on a night when the bar is open for pitfighting. You may enter one of your
heroes in (per the serious injury chart) or bet on the fights. Roll a d6 to bet
1-2 the fighter you bet on puts up a good fight but not good enough. He is
dispatched and you are out
d6x5 gc
3-4 The fighter you bet on puts up a good fight and wins but the odds were for him
you only win
5-6 the fighter you place your money on is a long shot which pays off in the end you
win d6x5 gc

4 Hireling
Whilst carousing in the bar you meet many different characters and fighters. You sit
down to have a few drinks with some. Roll a d6 on the following chart.
1 You are drinking with a warlock who offers you his services at half the normal rate
2 An ogre challenges you to a drinking contest. Roll a d6
1-3 he drinks you under the table
4-6 you drink him under the table and he is in such awe he offers you his services
for the next battle for free
3 you sit down with an halfling scout and start to exchange recipes. One of your
recipes he has never herd of, he offers you his services at half the cost.
4 You sit down and share a drink with a freelancer. As the night wears on you find
that he and your father were in the same company. He offers you his services for the
next battle for free.
5 You find yourself drinking with a young fellow who is itching to test his metal in
Mordhiem you may add an extra henchman to your party. (this is above your racial
6 You sit with a fellow who looks battle hardened. As you talk you discover the rest
of his warband was slain searching the ruins in Mordheim. You may offer to have him
join your warband as a hero. Add one hero to your warband if you don't have room
for one of your regular heroes (ie you already have 2 champions or 2 youngbloods)
you may use the stats of a henchman (like lads got talent)

5-6 Bar Room Brawl

Your leader gets into an argument with another patron in the tavern. The argument
grows into a brawl quickly. Roll a d6 on the following table:
1 Your leader is thrashed and loses d6x3 gp
2 Your leader is beat pretty bad and leaves d6 gp poorer
3 Your leader knocks the Patron to the ground and take d6x3 gp for his impudence.
4 The patron is joined by his warband and an all out brawl ensues. Roll a d6 1-4 you
send the warband fleeing and gain d6x5 gp for your trouble. 5-6 you are routed and
loose d6x5 gp. (you may also play a skirmish scenario vs. middemhiemers (500gp)
to find out how the outcome happens)
5 The brawl attracts the attention of the watch who arrive to throw the patron in the
6 The brawl attracts the attention of the watch who arrive to throw everyone into the
stocks. You must pay d6x10 gc to get everyone out.

You leader gets involved in a rather dubious game of dice. Roll 1D6 and consult the
table below:
1 Your leader loses 3D6 gc and comes away a little wiser.
2-5 Your leader manages to break-even.
6 Your leader gambles away a fortune before lady luck smiles on him and he wins it
all back with interest. Collect 3D6 gc in winnings

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