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1. What are the problems associated with drinking bottled water?

R/: The problem with drinking bottled water is that we are contributing to the pollution of the
environment with so much manufacturing of these bottles.

Name at least two problems.

• The use of oil for the manufacture of bottles.

• Water disinfectant and other chemical residues harmful to health.

2. What is the difference between bottled water and drinking water?

• Bottled water is processed and more expensive, apart from adding chlorine and changing the
flavor a little.

companies dispose of raw materials, then incinerate them and from there arise the new plastic
bottles Drinking water is natural and has not been subjected to the heat of machines.

3. Describe the process involved in making a plastic bottle.

A/: The companies dispose of the raw materials, then incinerate them and from there the new
plastic bottles emerge.

4. What happens to plastic bottles after they are thrown away?

A/: It ends up in landfills where it remains for thousands of years, or incinerated where it is
burned, releasing toxic pollution into the environment.

5. What solutions can be implemented to solve this problem?

• Use drinking water from the tap in our house.

• Promote campaigns not to throw away these bottles and reuse them.

6. Is this problem common in your community? What is the community doing to address it?

A/: In my community it is not common, people dedicate themselves more to looking for bottles to
recycle in the garbage and thus contribute a little to the care of the environment.

7. Will you drink bottled water again? Why? Why not?

A/ No, the truth is that I have not agreed with bottled water, because I believe that if I do not buy
it, I am helping to reduce the pollution caused by these bottles.

8. What will you do in the future to reduce the amount of plastic bottles used in the world?

In the future I would like to carry out campaigns to make people aware of not buying bottled
water, show them the environmental consequences that this is leaving us and what is affecting us.

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