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Lecture #4 a

Cylindrical Fibers

Electrical Engineering Dept. COM 527-OFCS(Dr. Kamel Hassan) 1

• .For planar waveguide TEm ,and TMm
• The cylindrical waveguide is bounded into two dimensions .rather than one….
• Meridional rays: Two integers l,m are necessary to specify the modes
{TElm ,TMlm }In cylindrical waveguide →meridional rays
• Skew Ray Propagation: HElm and EHlm(depending upon whether the components
of H or E make the larger contribution to the transverse (to the axis of fiber) field

Electrical Engineering Dept. COM 527-OFCS(Dr. Kamel Hassan) 2

Linearly polarized Exact

LP 01 HE 11

LP 11 HE 21, TE , TM
01 01

LP 21 HE 31, EH 11

LP 02 HE 12

LP 31 HE 41, EH 21

LP 12 HE 22, TE , TM
02 02

LP lm HE 2m, TE , TM 0m 0m

LP (l ≠0 or 1)
lm HE , EHl+1.m l 1.m

Electrical Engineering Dept. COM 527-OFCS(Dr. Kamel Hassan) 3

Electrical Engineering Dept. COM 527-OFCS(Dr. Kamel Hassan) 4
Mode pattern

Electrical Engineering Dept. COM 527-OFCS(Dr. Kamel Hassan) 5

Mode subscripts
• 2l field maxima around the circumference of the fibre core.

• m field maxima along a radius vector.

• l in LP corresponds to HE with label l+1

• l in LP corresponds to EH with label l-1

• Scalar wave equation:

Electrical Engineering Dept. COM 527-OFCS(Dr. Kamel Hassan) 6

Wave Equation
•  is the field (E or H),n1,n2,k in vacuum ,r and  cylindrical coordinates
• For guided modes

• The solutions of wave equation are given by(separation of variables):

a. The wave is sinusoidal in z direction, and in time t,
b. F3(z).F4(t)=ej(ωt-βz)
Circular symmetry of the wave guide

Electrical Engineering Dept. COM 527-OFCS(Dr. Kamel Hassan) 7

Wave Equation (Continued)

For SI fibre, it is a Bessel Differential equation

• core: Bessel function Jl(r)
• Cladding: Modified Bessel function Kl(r)
The same for Hz

Electrical Engineering Dept. COM 527-OFCS(Dr. Kamel Hassan) 8

Wave Equation (continued)
• Outside the core,
Ez(r<a)=C Kl(Wr)ejlΦej(ωt-kz)
The same for Hz
Kl (Wr) modified Bessel function of the second type.
Jl(ur) Bessel function of the first type.
U: Radial Phase parameters

W: Cladding decay parameter

Electrical Engineering Dept. COM 527-OFCS(Dr. Kamel Hassan) 9

Normalized frequency V (V number)

• Number of modes: M
NA=sinθ=(n1 2 –n2 2 )1/2
=π θ2 =π(n1 2 –n2 2 ) , For small  ..sin  = 
M=2A/λ2  =2π2 a2 /λ2 (n1 2 –n2 2 )=V2 /2

Electrical Engineering Dept. COM 527-OFCS(Dr. Kamel Hassan) 10

Normalized propagation constant b.

Electrical Engineering Dept. COM 527-OFCS(Dr. Kamel Hassan) 11

Normalized propagation constant “b”

Electrical Engineering Dept. COM 527-OFCS(Dr. Kamel Hassan) 12

SM operation

• Examine the previous Figure:

• LP01 mode can exist (0< V< 2.405) single mode operation
• LP01 Two orthogonal modes.
• LP11 Cu-toff at V =2.405
• SM operation requires :1) Low core radius Launching light …Joints..problems
• :2)
 < 0.01……Fabrication Problems
• For low V and  ….EMF associated with LP01 extends
to the cladding
Electrical Engineering Dept. COM412 – Communications 2 (Dr. Kamel Hassan) 13
SM operation (Continued)
• For V=1.4, more than 50% of modal power propagates in the cladding
• Cladding has a suitable thickness(> 50 microns)Low absorption ,and scattering

Electrical Engineering Dept. COM412 – Communications 2 (Dr. Kamel Hassan) 14

Guided modes
• In Weak guidance, the field matching conditions require:
• Continuity of transverse and tangential components of electric field at r=a
• Eigen value equation for the LP modes
• .Solving this equation→The eigen values U and β are estimated

Electrical Engineering Dept. COM412 – Communications 2 (Dr. Kamel Hassan) 15

Guided modes

•U and  are estimated :

Unguided (radiation )modes
Cutoff : =n2k, W=0,Unguided or radiation modes have frequencies below cutoff
• < n2k→W is imaginary →unguided modes
At =n1k,all power is confined at the core
Allowed regions for LP modes l=0,1

Electrical Engineering Dept. COM 527-OFCS(Dr. Kamel Hassan) 16

Electrical Engineering Dept. COM 527-OFCS(Dr. Kamel Hassan) 17
Lower order modes
• Vc is the cutoff point for a particular mode
• First zero crossing J1 occurs when V=0→cutoff for LP01 (HE11 )
• First zero crossing J0 occurs when V=2.405→cutoff for LP11 mode
• Second zero crossing J1 occurs when V=3.83→cutoff for LP02 (HE11 )
• Cutoff value of Vc which occurs at β=n2 k →corresponds to b=0

Electrical Engineering Dept. COM412 – Communications 2 (Dr. Kamel Hassan) 18

Mode Coupling
• Definition:
Change of propagation characteristics→ coupling energy from a mode to another.

• Cause: Waveguide perturbation.

• a. Deviation of the fiber axis from straightness.
• b. Variation of core diameter
• C. Irregularities at the core- cladding interface
• D Refractive index variation
• Effect
• Adds losses, and reduces the rate of increasing intermodal dispersion with the fiber length

• Effect

Electrical Engineering Dept. COM 527-OFCS(Dr. Kamel Hassan) 19

Mode Coupling

Electrical Engineering Dept. COM 527-OFCS(Dr. Kamel Hassan) 20

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