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School Mayuro National High School Grade Level 8

Daily Lesson Log Field Study Student Mark Angelo Balela Learning Area English
Teaching Date October 1, 2022 Quarter First

l. Objectives

A. Content Standards The learner demonstrates understanding of how the lesson

incorporates different learning styles to help student get a firm grasp of
what a noun is and its function. It every highlight the important tie
between grammar and writing.

B. Performance Student will be able to explain the role of a noun and be able to
Standard identify nouns in the sentences.

C. Learning Competencies

Objectives At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:

1. Define and provide examples of nouns.

2. Identify various objects (e.g. door, ceiling, desk) .
3. Use correct pronunciation when defining noun.
4. Use listening skills and subtle clues to solve answer.
5. Use nouns (words) in sentences while upholding grammatical

ll. Content “Noun as a Part of Speech”

lll. Learning Process

A. References

1. Teacher's ● English Language Teachers Guide 2017

Curriculum / Guide

2. Textbooks/
Learner's Materials

3. Additional 
Resources 

4. Other Learning Computer, Marker, Paper, TV, YouTube


IV. Procedures
A. Reviewing the  The teacher will greet his/her students and check the
previous lesson or attendance.
presenting the new  The class starts with a prayer to be led by the assigned student.
 The teacher would ask one student to do the recapitulation on
the previous lesson which is all about verbs.
● Lastly, the teacher would ask some students about their
learnings on the previous topic.

B. Establishing purpose  Share with the students the purpose of learning grammar: so
for the lesson that we can become better speakers and writers.
 Tell students that today they will be learning about what a noun
is and how to find them in a sentence.
 Ask students to look around the room and look for objects. Call
on a few students to share their item.
 Explain that all of those objects are nouns, which are the words
we use for people, places, and things.
(The teacher will introduce the new topic or lesson to the students by
presenting a short video presentation about NOUNS.)


Then, the teacher will discuss the content of the video presentation
which is all about NOUNS.

C. Presenting  After discussing, the teacher will give simple assessment to the
examples/instances of the students related to the topic being discussed.
new lesson ASSESSMENT
1. Based on the video presentation you have watched, what is noun?
2.How many types or kinds of nouns do we have?
3. Enumerate the different kinds or types of nouns.
4. Give at least 5 examples of nouns.
5. What do you think is the difference between our previous topic
which is all about verb to our present topic which is all about nouns?

 The teacher will provide another assessment in which he/she

will provide numerous sentences with nouns and then the
students will identify how many nouns are there in a specific
sentence and will name it.

D. Discussing new concepts MOTIVATION

and practicing new skills  The teacher will group the class into five. Teacher will make
two table with five columns. In the first table, it consists
different words that will be put in the second table which were
the students put the words into their respective nouns (persons,
places, things, animals and ideas or events).
 If the students believe that this word is a name of person, then
place this to its respective column (person) in the second table
and so the same with others. The group that finishes first will
be declared the winner and will receive five points for the

Albert Philippines Eagle Horse Bird

Disneyland Catfish Party Town Girl
Shoes Holiday Pasay Christmas Mother's
City Day
Faucet Cellphone Teacher Book Cat
President Park Miss Table General
Anna Assembly


E. Developing Mastery  Teacher will play a song entitled “Love Story by Taylor Swift”.
Students should listen carefully the song for them to identify
the different types of nouns. Teacher will give 45 minutes for
the students to write them down the different nouns according
to the song. Student who can easily explain their work in front
of the class will be given an additional point by their teacher.
After that, teacher will ask some questions for them to fully understand
about the lesson.
1. What is a noun?
2. Enumerate at least 5 different types of nouns and explain each.
3. Why is it important to know the types of nouns?

Teacher will give another activity to the students to apply their

knowledge and ideas about the lesson. Teacher have here a crossword
wherein the students need to complete the crossword with different
types of nouns. To answer it in the board, students will raise their hands
for them to maintain the discipline in doing the activity.
2. A person in court who decided the outcome of the defendants.
3. A popular fast-food outlet. (proper)
6. An animal that you own and take care of. (concrete)
12. A popular chocolate company. (proper)
14. Something that you write with and can rub out. (concrete)
16. When you put food into your mouth you can do this. (abstract)
17. A popular shoe brand. (proper)
18. When someone dies, and you are very sad afterwards. (abstract)
19. A popular caffe. (proper)
20. When a person offers to look after you or offers you things you
need. (abstract)

1. Large amount of water. (common)
4. A vehicle that you drive. (common)
5. A popular fizzy drink company. (proper)
7. Something you access online. (common)
8. An item of clothing that you put over your clothes to keep you warm.
9. A job that you create paintings or drawings in. (concrete)
10. When you are very upset about something. (abstract)
11. When a person or people typically live in a country that is corrupt
or poor, they live in. (abstract)
13. Somewhere you go out to eat. (common)
15. Something that is in the sky. (concrete)
F. Finding practical As a student, what is the importance of noun and how do you apply it
applications of concepts and in your daily life?
skills in daily living.

G. Making generalization •Explain to the class that they are going to complete a noun storm.
and abstraction of concepts •Draw 4 columns on the board. Label your columns "people," "places,"
and skills in daily living. “animals,” and "things."
•Explain that you need help thinking of as many nouns for people as
you can.
•Tell to record their answers while they share.
•Ask students to pair up and copy your graph. Tell students that they
are to work on columns 2, 3, and 4; and list as many nouns for animals,
places, and things as they can think of together.

H. Evaluating Learning • Present the short story "The Tale of Peter Rabbit".
• Tell the students to get a piece of paper and ask them to write the
nouns found in the short story.
Story link:

I. Additional activities for WHO AM I?

application and remediation Write your own biography. It must consist of at least 2 paragraphs.
Ensure the right usage of plural and singular nouns. It will serve as an
assessment with regards with the discussion.

V. Remarks

VI. Reflection
A. No. of students who
scored 80% or higher on the

B. No. of students who

scored below 80% and need
to take remedial activities.

C. Was my written plan

organized? Was the written
format effective?

D. Was my presentation
clear? Were my students
highly involved in the
E. What problems did I
encounter which my
principal can help me to

F. Does the method of

assessment effectively
capture the needs of my
students? What should I do
next time?

G. What materials did I use

that I may recommend to my
co teachers? What did I learn
from this experience that will
help me in the future?

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