Final Project

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Andrew Hittinger

Professor Kenneth Willmott

OGL 357

October 6, 2022
Operations Update

We have recently reached our 10-year anniversary as a company. What once started off as a
small Silicon Valley start up of 36 people losing 20% profits over or first three years has grown into the
company you see today. 246 Employees, generating over 50 million dollars a year and traded publicly on
Wall Street. Our success has come from our great leaders, who have been tried and true with the
organization since day one. As we reach this 10-year milestone we as an organization would like to
reflect, analyze, and prepare for our future as we continue to pursue the exponential growth, we have
already ben experiencing.

Organizational Assessment

As we continue with
our pursuit of being an
exceptional organization, we
must reflect on what we did to
get. We must also understand
our current plan and
leadership, as well as prepare
our organization for future
leadership to continue our
success. The company will be
performing an organizational
assessment. This will help us
determine the health and
viability of our company and assure that we are on track for continued success. We hope to
assure that everyone within our organization shares the passion and culture that aligns directly
with our leadership to work efficiently, effectively, and collaboratively. We will then use this
baseline when hiring on new team members and hope to create a seamlessly, positive, and
exciting work culture for everyone within our organization.
To conduct our organizational assessment the company has chosen to utilize the Baldrige
model of Assessment. This will be explained in the following

Baldrige Performance Excellence Program

“For more than 30 years, the Baldrige Excellence Framework® has empowered organizations
to accomplish their missions, improve results, and become more competitive. The Baldrige
Excellence Framework includes the Criteria for Performance Excellence, core values and
concepts, and guidelines for evaluating your processes and results.” (NIST)

Focuses on:
- Leadership
- Customers
- Strategy
- Workforce
- Operations
- Results
Make up the core values and concepts of our organization
We will measure our current leadership and determine how our
founding and senior leadership has been successful. We want to
understand the foundation of our organization and the culture
and inspirations that lead to success. Understanding how our
leaders govern the organization and the contributions they make
to our success will be a key concept when conduction our
organizational assessment. After we understand our leadership
and the direction, we wish to take the organization in we will
utilize this to create our strategy.

Our customers are our main priority. They are
the reason we are and here and the reason we
will continue as an organization. We need to
understand how our organization is listening to
our customers and develop ways to learn from
them. We will pursue and understand how our
relationships with our customers are created,
lost, and developed. We must also understand
our current relationships with our customers.
This will have a direct impact on the strategy we are building. We need to listen to our former,
current, and competitor’s customers to understand our customers preferences as we continue
our design of our products and services. By understanding our customers, we can integrate our
customer requirements into our strategy, as well as our customer relationship building and how
we can continue to measure our customers satisfaction.

We need to develop a plan that will allow everyone in the organization to commit to our
mission and see the vision in which our leadership wants to move towards. During this phase
we will determine how our organization can develop farther, and implement our strategies to
be aligned with leaderships sights and goals. A major contribution to our strategy building will
be revisiting the success we had in the past and understanding how we made the jump into a
profitable company.

By understanding our leadership and the success that they have

had we can utilize their success and best practices to develop a
strategy that will help us understand, and utilize our customers
to be a more efficient, higher quality organization. Once we
have a clear understanding of what our customers expects and
the services they are looking for, we can combine this with our
leadership’s missions and idea to as ourselves, “What do we
need to do to meet both our customers and leadership needs?”

When it comes to our operations, we want to understand and focus on how our organization
team can improve our work process and key products we offer. Effectively managing our
operations will lead to efficient and quality work that will offer better results for our customers
and ultimately push us forwards in becoming an ultimate organization. We want our daily
routines and work to be simple and effective and the way we do this is by managing and
designing clearer process that will greatly impact our operations. Creating a clear and defined
operational strategy will directly impact our workforce in a positive way.

Our workforce is made up of everyone who works at our organization. Our mission is to ensure
that our workforce is intellectually and emotional engaged with our culture and understanding
of our customers. We want to effectively monitor our key performance and drive our customer
eccentric ideas to develop a strong work force where everyone is aligned on our ideas and
mission. But understanding our workforce and comparing it to our daily operations we will have
a solid set of results to understand exactly who we are, what we are doing and how we are
executing as an organization.
Understanding our results from our organizational assessment is the ultimate goal. We want to
identify our key indicators that are linked to our key approaches as an organization.
Understanding the results of our organization will provide data and information that is
necessary to evaluate and improve our performance. Our results will consist of our analysis of
our leadership, customers, strategy, operations, and workforce.

At the end of this organizational assessment, we hope to shed

light on our organization as a whole and where we stand
currently and where we want to be over the next 10 years. We
have done an incredible job growing this company and hope to
continue our success at a rapid rate. This organizational
assessment should be viewed as an opportunity to develop and
grow as an organization and less of an audit or correction. We
hope to have your full engagement as a team and are looking
forward to our results to share with you and look for all your
opinions and ideas on how we can become a better

“Baldrige Excellence Framework.” NIST, 11 Feb. 2022,

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