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TELE 1-1


The community or locality I choose is Aniban Central School near in Zapote, there are lot of
malnourished students or kids and they are also lack on vitamins. As I witnessed it is the part of
Bacoor that has the least improvement or development in the community, not in judgment but as
I witnessed there are many thieves and vices there due to poverty which also causes the
presence of malnourished people child or student, the community they have shown a poorly
performance in improving the environment so the children there often get sick or are neglected
by their parents because of the habit, environment, and especially poverty.
It is appropriate for the Aniban community to participate in the activity that I will carry out, it will
also be good for the people who live there, we will provide food for malnourished children and
vitamins for them, their participation will also be a benefit for their community especially of the
inhabitants there.

The possibility of a test or issue that may occur is that there may be a stampede that may cause
overcrowding and may cause harm especially to children and the elderly who are with it.
Here’s the chart where you can see the gap
Aniban's people weight between the weight of people in that
community, and also as my observation,
Aniban was always an overcrowded place
because it has a small road and also have a
big market around it that’s why people gather
there every time. So, if I will do my proposed
activity there, it become more crowded than

Malnourish Obese Normal weight Body fit

III.Proposed Solution
To solve the possible problem that might happen, I will hire my family and friends to help me in
this activity and there’s the Baranggay team who can assist us to organize the people in that
community. When it becomes to our funds that we will gonna use in this activity, I’m going to
start a fundraiser and also soliciting with the help of Baranggay also to achieve the purpose of
the event.

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