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Step 1.

Blog post

headline Managing Covid-19 Anxiety

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introduction In this past few months, we are worrying about

all the news on the new corona virus and the
illness it causes stress nor anxiety.

your main points Steady yourself around worries about the COVID-
19 and you need to know how to manage your
own anxiety always take a little thought and
when anxiety rises because we’re facing a
distressing threat the COVID-19 pandemic, we
need to focus on what tends to work for us to
ease anxiety.

Conclusion Keep these thoughts in mind and try some

exercise to ease anxiety and to lessen the worry
about covid-19 pandemic.
Step 2.

Hooking your audience with catchy introduction

Introduction v1 Ornamental peppers are safe to eat, but

they are normally grown for their attractive
color and ornamental qualities rather than
their flavor, which you may find
disappointing. Most people consider them
too hot to enjoy anyway. Peppers bred for
culinary use produce better fruit for eating.

Introduction v2 Netizens are now shipping Ivana Alawi with

current internet dancing sensation
Rhemuel Lunio a.k.a. DJ Loonyo.

After falling victim to her family’s previous

prank, Ivana made DJ Loonyo her pretend
boyfriend in her latest vlog and pulled a
prank on her mother Fatima with her
younger sister Mona as an accomplice.

Introduction V3 The rhythms of the world are all wrapped

up in one single activity- Dance. Be it the
soft beats of the heart, the rustle of leaves,
the splash and fall of the river as it
cascades on a rock, rhythm is everywhere
and where there is rhythm there is dance
Post reading question


1. In the first paragraph, this sentence capture my attention, “Public school students be allowed
individual to make decision about clothing, or should all students be required to wear uniform.
2. The students need to limit their freedom of expression about wearing school uniform, because
uniform provide identity as a student.
3. The reasons in Paragraph 2,3&4 are:
First reason in paragraph 2, wearing school uniforms would help make students’ lives simpler.
Second reason in paragraph, school uniforms influence the students to act responsibly in groups
and as individuals. Uniforms give students the message that school is a place for learning.
Last reason in paragraph 4, school uniforms would help make all the student feel equal.
Students standards of living differ greatly from family to family, and some people well-off while
others are not. People sometimes forget that school is a place to get an education, not to
promote a “fashion show”.
4. Implementing mandatory school uniforms would make all the students look the same regardless
of their financial status. School uniforms would promote pride and help to raise the self-esteem
of the students who cannot afford to wear expensive clothing.
5. Paragraph 5 presents a counterargument, because the writer tells that opponents of mandatory
uniforms say the students who wear school uniform cannot express their individuality.
6. The writer’s refutation of the counterargument by showing that writer doesn’t have enough
supporting evidence and his/her opinion was not appropriate.
7. Studies shows that students learn better and act more responsibly when they wear uniforms.
Public schools should require uniforms in order to benefit both the students and society as a
8. The writer’s opinion about this issue was, studies show that students learn better and act
responsibly when they wear uniforms.
1. Adults must pass a test before they 1. Before they become a parent, parenting
become a parent. should not be studied because they can
learned easily.
2. New parents should be required to go 2. Adults quickly learned how to become a
through parenting test. parent on their own without a test.

3. Adults should be required to pass a 3. Adults that wanted to become a parent,

test because we are having more and should not take a test in order to raise
more teenage pregnancy. their future kids.

1. Lowered to 18 years old in 1. The drinking age in japan will

Japan must be allowed to drink lowered to 18 years old it would
alcohol in environments with increase their education.
supervision and guidance.
2. The drinking age in Japan 2. Drinking alcohol is not good to
should be lowered to 18 years less than 18 years old.
old because they are
responsible enough to drink
3. Drinking age in Japan must be 3. The minimum of drinking age in
lowered to 18 years old, if they Japan must be 20 years old and
let their parents know that they above.
are drinking.
3. Original Thesis Statement

Thesis Statement: implementation of 24 hours curfew in the Philippines under GCQ and MGCQ should
be 0-20 years old and 60 years old and above.

1. 24 hours curfew in the Philippines must be 1. 0-20 years old and 60 years old and above
0-20 years and 60 years old and above should be allowed to go out because they
because they must be prone to virus already know how to stay safe.
2. 0-20 years old and 60 years and above 2. 0-20 years old and 60 years old and above
must have a 24 hours curfew and they should be allowed to go out to get essential
must stay at home for their safety. items.
3. 24 hours curfew must be implement to 3. 0-20 years old and 60 years old and above
high risk people especially with the age of should be allowed to go out to buy food and
0-20 years old and 60 years old and above. everything they need

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