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Simran Roy

1 June 2022
STEM 8430
Final Lesson Plan Reflection
Deciding to get my Master's degree in STEM education is the best decision I made for

myself as an Educator. Traditional methods are failing us and our students, and a change is

needed. STEM integration creates opportunities for our students to think about complex

problems that involve multiple STEM disciplines and the development of 21 st century skills.

Science lessons include technology, engineering, and math intentionally in a STEM

environment. Having this background and degree allows me to share all the benefits of

integrated STEM education with other teachers, students, and parents. I’ve learned strategies,

tips, and ways to integrate the four disciplines that provide a new type of learning experience

for students. Everything I knew about science was questioned in the reading by McComas. It

gave me an entirely new perspective on the nature of science that is a complete 180 from what

we were taught in school. As he stated in the reading, our instruction should give students an

opportunity to experience science and its processes rather than focusing on its facts and

principles. I believe that students should be exploring and experiencing all content areas rather

than using traditional methods consistently. STEM integration is a new way to teach these four

disciplines in a way that shows students the connections between them through big

ideas/conceptual skills.

In order to advance or even bring awareness to STEM education, the meaning of STEM

must be clarified when it comes to educational policies, programs, and practices. The

importance of the technology and engineering disciplines are just as important as the science
and math parts of STEM. Bybee states that the T and E in STEM are worth emphasizing on, and I

agree. Technology influences our everyday existence and engineering is involved in problem

solving and innovation. In order to properly implement and integrate these two disciplines that

are often forgotten as a part of STEM, curriculum reform is necessary. Bybee included a

timeline of how we can initiate and bring these changes into action on a national scale. STEM

literacy should be a priority for all students to increase their knowledge in not only core

subjects, but also with 21st century skills. For my science lessons, the integration of technology,

engineering, and math will be more intentional now that I know the increased benefits that

come from this kind of learning. Fogarty shared ten ways to integrate curriculum but stated

that these models are only the beginning and integration should be an ongoing process for

teachers each year. I knew my way of teaching science had to be shifted after I went through

the myths McComas pointed out and saw this new perspective of science.

My perspective of teaching Science changed after reading the myths McComas shared.

Incorrect ideas about the nature of science are what most of us grew up learning, and in order

to provide a more realistic view for our students, these ideas need to be seen as starting points

when we redesign instruction. Although there are many ways to integrate, my plan of action is

to include technology, engineering, and math in my science lessons. It’s not difficult to find

ways that these disciplines overlap or connect, but my goal is to be more intentional about

integration when I plan my lessons. However, I will continue to adapt my lessons after seeing

what works and what can be improved for my students. My lessons will be based on the

framework for quality STEM education as stated in the article by Guzey, Moore, and Harwell.

This includes an engaging and challenging context, inclusion of engineering practices, where
possible, student-centered activities, and peer collaboration and communication. I believe that

this is a good starting point for my students to gain the most out of their science instruction. My

teaching will give my students the opportunity to learn by doing and sometimes failing. When

students are forced to explore and find answers on their own, their potential for learning

increases and there is no limit to what they can accomplish.

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