Tqm5-Ba6ma Dimaporo JT

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WRITTEN WORK TITLE: Introduction to Total Quality Management
WRITTEN TASK OBJECTIVE: The learners independently analyze and interpret the discussion in the topic
by answering the questions given.

1. Why teamwork in important in a workplace?

- Teamwork is important in a workplace because it builds strong employee relationships because the
more employees work close to each other, the more they get to know each other and develop a liking
for each other. The more they work together, the more they learn and learn to live with each other's
likes, dislikes, strengths, and weaknesses.Team work is defined as working together as a group with
common expectations and goals. Therefore, this involves helping others with their weaknesses to make
them stronger.

2. What is teamwork in the workplace?

- Teamwork in the workplace is when a group of individuals works together toward a collective goal in
an efficient manner. When multiple people work together toward a common goal, your business can
flourish. Teamwork is efficient work and that's just another way to say teamwork. Employee teamwork
enables your workforce to: Split difficult tasks into simpler ones, then work together to complete them
faster. Develop specialised skills, so that the best person for each task can do it better and faster.

3. What are the Pros and Cons of a teamwork?

Pro: Shared responsibility.

Con: Not everyone pulling in same direction.

Pro: Effective problem solving.

Con: Never-ending meetings.

Pro: Build stronger professional relationships.

Con: Potential for conflict.

Pro: Teamwork is a platform for quality leadership.

4. Hows a TASK FORCE differ from a TEAMWORK?

Task force comprises of representatives from organizations and discusses the problems on a specific
issue. This task force is a temporary group of people. The members, who represent the issues of the
respective departments explain their problems and carry the solution back to the department. The task
force helps in effective horizontal communication. The task force is generally used when a difficult
situation arises in a particular department. While teamwork is the product of people effectively working
together. It is essential for team members to understand the importance of good communication skills,
mutual respect, good leadership, and excellent decision-making skills to achieve team goals.
Coordination and collaboration of ideas and people who work towards a common objective are called

5. Give one scenario where offices applied Cross Functions in an organization.

Apple is all about the user experience, even in ways consumers may not observe. This team is
responsible to keep things going as finished products move through their supply chain and sales
channels. They work cross-functionally with other Apple teams to discover ways to enhance processes,
such as making it simple for consumers to order a product online and pick it up in a store. Cross-
functional collaboration is critical as no one team is responsible for a product or a service on its own.
You may need dozens of specialist teams for even a single module of a new product. Yet every team
works with a common motive – to create an amazing customer experience.

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