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FORM -04 REAKWATER, SEAWALL AND CHANNEL DREDGING WORKS REQUEST FOR INSPECTION (RFI) * Contractor Inspector: Mr. Iof Ashan (+62 621 2725 8893) + Attachment = Shop Drawing Layout Plan WSW2 (2 Page) ‘Shop Drawing Detail Bamboo Mattress WSW2 (6 Page) (PERMOHONAN UNTUK PEMERIKSAAN) DATE + Wednesday, 30 September 2020 Ref No. RFYSS4 7 TAW/RFI/ Crangoat) INSPECTION ITEM | Bamboo Mat WorRs PAY ITEM NO = Variation Order (item Inspets) (Uraien) DESCRIPTION | Inspection of Fabricated Bamboo Mattress for West Seawall- | QUANTITY 7 16 set (Uraiar 2 (WSW-2) Gumi LOCATION Patimban (Lokas) Bl DATE & TIME FOR INSPECTION | | Friday, 2 October 2020 (at 08.30 am) MEASUREMENT. INSPECTION BY, "APPROVED BY, REQUEST BY CONTRACTOR (Dipertsa ooh) (Disetiu) (Diaiukan ofeh kontrakton) Inspector Engineer in Charge (Chief Resident Engineer (PatimOne Consul) (PatimOne Consul) (PatimOne Consul) Poche (OBA. 1088) ‘Contractor's Notes: Inspector in charge (filed by the Engineer): gust AL, DESCRIPTION / COMMENT / NOTES Wo-ck (Wraian / Komentar / Catatan) ot Ok — ot Nov 2010 2 Ste abnclnent fr details. 7 Sumi the peck sheets for oggroval {M7 Ly Refrmce changed fo PTB-e2— thw S62 [feapnted tmp / th /tes /ae Ava) 2 tamtzo mats fur ww have hen tngeced Saccassfly i 20-2 + Inspection Result: YU Aoproved Approved as noted [J resect ae ‘ZMsM\Jo} uoneouqes ssamieW coquies cetrstnepinsey uB.eW OOqUIEG WOT 30534 OLLET :sassas1eU Ooguieg Je 40j uoRdwinsu09 jeyoyew! OoquieG [e104 yet COgUIEG WOT 40 594 ZT j20Ua} BUO3S WOT X WOT Jo J9Ae| T 104 uonduinsuO> jeLareU CoRWIER - new OoqUIeG WOT 40 534 09 1882 N12W WOT x WOT Jo J9Ae| T 40} uoNduinsuod jexayew! coquleg - fe oueet [0 Ge wo pasdsur ATK ect orst BO OE wo PaadsUT NsHONaAG| ezt6 oes eer wsezt rsezt eset eset tet eset vive vere viver vive viver ‘s60zt ‘s60zt ey En ra Pe nuersng :Aq pasedaug (z-msm) Z llemeas 359M 404 puea Auesodwa uequiijed 32 sseuneW ooquieg payediigey paysadsuj JNsuo> suQuIyDg assert sous (one) vias Es ons soar SN 7 = FyPEB. 130.00m x W16.50m - LAYOUT PLAN PATIMBAN PORT DEVELOPMENT PROJECT (|) CONTRACT PACKAGE 2: BREAKWATER, SEAWALL AND CHANNEL DREDGING WORKS uN CONTRACTOR (@ owectoRATE GENERAL OF SEA TRANSPORTATION TOYO-ADHI-WAKACHIKU JOINT VENTURE PROVED BY rect Peearen 3 SCP ORANG THE: WEST SEAWALL (WSW-2) BAMBOO MATTRESS LAYOUT PLAN (1/2) st) ) oor) roc Wes As Tae WONT Pe © redone genes ‘Aboroved- Submit Final Drawings - Construction may sroced sporove xcot sr Peon xcot a noted make changes st so LAYOUT PLAN eco $ te 7 TOTAL NO] TOTAL AEA Dina |e | nt ; 420.00} 2.00] $60.00] 03. Septet sot] — 5.00] E7550 7 el ‘rac stova| Feo Soma sty rap] snsea} — too} ssa j Tras] | — roo] — 0 CaF em Leader seat] eo] Tea f : SH UNE TE scx PATIMBAN PORT DEVELOPMENT PROJECT (I) DIRECTORATE GENERAL OF SEA TRANSPORTATION a SHOP DRM THE Zour enrnaonn [me Wesrsauauiyonay | aSswown) ot BAMBOO MATTRESS SEAWALL AND CHANNEL DREDGING WORKS TOYO ADFEWAKACHIRU JOINT VENTURE oH rao MATES Panic PLAN OF BAMBOO MATTRESS TYPE A (2ND LAYER) PLAN OF BAMBOO MATTRESS TYPE A (4TH LAYER) SALE: FRONT VIEW SCALE 1100 SefieiOne C = Sionapay proceed Pe Fank@eavigs- Ch Drawings con 3 as noted - Make chips PATIMBAN PORT DEVELOPMENT PROJECT (1) CONTRACT PACKAGE 2: BREAKWATER, SEAWALL AND CHANNEL DREDGING WORKS SIDE VIEW i SCALE 175 @ oirecrorare GENERAL OF SEA TRANSPORTATION GNP. 3, TOYO-ADHI-WAKACHIKU JOINT VENTURE SPDROTET Correct and resubmit PREPRED 8 © review not Required: Construction may axoce= lL, HOP ORANG TE: DETAIL A 138 Note |. Minimum lena of Bamboo used for matress assembly shal ol be sealer than 2 Diameter of bamboo shal e more than 60m, 3. Contractors) oa propose an aiematve rangement bt it approval by engineer). DETAIL OF BAMBOO MATTRESS TYPE A FOR WEST SEAWALL (WSW.-2) =o [ee Ze ee oe = eset so | ae [foo [a | om | a ‘ao I PLAN OF BAMBOO MATTRESS TYPE B (2ND LAYER) PLAN OF BAMBOO MATTRESS TYPE B (4TH LAYER) R) SCALE: 7209 SCALE 1200 pom | om AC | | = fem Ohsul ‘ os See rel proved: sual Caniiuction may pe ee ar Tl popovedxceongganad ale changes nd sami a rset a end a ares | sya zd Caer and-ashomt = fd ED tee not eaued «Conraction may proces DETAIL A : seal 35 SIDE VIEW = os C12T28| Note 1. Minimum length of Bamboo used for mattress assembly Shall ot be sunaller dan St 2. Diameter oF bamboo shall be more han 60 mm, 3. Contactos) can propose an alternative arangerent bt it shall be subjected to rir approval by engineer). PATIMBAN PORT DEVELOPMENT PROJECT fh @ wEcTORATE GENERAL OF SEA TRANSPORTATION oe poe mE CONTRACT PACKAGE 2: BREARWATER, PETAL OF medida saarrnexe SEAWALL AND CHANNEL DREDGING WORKS COME | TOVO-ADHI-WAKACHIKU JOINT VENTURE ae TYPE B FOR WEST SEAWALL (WSW-2} =f = - = C PLAN OF BAMBOO MATTRESS TYPE C @ND LAYER) PLAN OF BAMBOO MATTRESS TYPE C (4TH LAYER) SCALE c SCALE: rato po ca VA pate FRONT VIEW SCALE 100 eet Ee tion may proceed = reprobed Barak test Btlwings « Const oa Opsomed =o changes fe Conctredon may proceed 3 39 2 Not approved «Corfect and ressomit TT Rew not Regul - Constretion may px SIDE VIEW ones: 0772/20 oe seni 18 1. Minimum length of Bamboo used for matress assembly Shall othe salle than Si. 2. Diameter of bamboo shal e more than 60 me 3. Contracts) can propose an alteratve arrangement but it shal be sbjecedt prior approval by enginee(s) | DETAIL A, AE PATIMBAN PORT DEVELOPMENT PROJECT (1 ‘as sHown CONTRACT PACKAGE 2: BREAKWATER” DETAIL OF BAMBOO MATTRESS | SEAWALL AND CHANNEL DREDGING WORKS CommeT. SG TOYO-ADHI-WAKACHIKU JOINT VENTURE = TYPE C FOR WEST SEAWALL (WSW-2) co GEN @ OIRECTORATE GENERAL OF SEA TRANSPORTATION ‘Shop opameG TE PLAN OF BAMBOO MATTRESS TYPE D (2ND LAYER) PLAN OF BAMBOO MATTRESS TYPE D (4TH LAYER) 1200 SCALE 130 SCALE FRONT VIEW SCALE: F100 = —— Seema fc, Consul Tl mepoved, band sated. ake changes and st _Dr2wind#* Construction of proceed s approved Shc TBA resubmit =] Review not Require - Construction may pr “one OLBL3 2019 Sogivcer ‘Minioum length of Bamboo used fr matress assembly shall ot be smaller dh i, Diameer of bamboo sal be more than 60 mm. foam Vode Contactos) ean propose an alternative arrangement but it shall be subjected to prior appeoval by cagineer(9) SPN @ DIRECTORATE GENERAL OF SEA TRANSPORTATION He ORAM TE cece or DETAIL OF BAMBOO MATTRESS TYPE D FOR WEST SEAWALL (WSW-2) PATIMBAN PORT DEVELOPMENT PROJECT (1) CONTRACT PACKAGE 2: BREAKWATER, SEAWALL AND CHANNEL DREDGING WORKS CORTE. 80 TOYO-ADHI-WAKACHIKU JOINT VENTURE — OF BAMBOO TRESS TYPE E ND LAYER) 1300 StaLE / PLAN OF BAMBOO MATTRESS TYPE E (4TH LAY, : PatimOne Consul soproved Construction may proceed 1 soproved Submit Fat Oravings Contcion TF serrove excop a noted Make charges Drawings - Construction may proceed 9 3." 1 ox annroved« Coeract and rest Epes sw ns Ragwed - Conse tae OF Spt cero Leen —_ feb Sone [a La me OKI i owe PATIMBAN PORT DEVELOPMENT PROJECT (I) CONTRACT PACKAGE 2: BREAKWATER, SEAWALL AND CHANNEL DREDGING WORKS SIDE VIEW SCALE 175 cuEN @ owecrorare GENERAL OF SEA TRANSPORTATION | ‘?a#D = OXCOS. §G., TOYO-ADHI-WAKACHIKU JOINT VENTURE J oe DETAILA Scale 130 Note |. Minimum fength of Bamboo used for matress assembly shall not be smaller than Sm Diameter orbamboo shall be mor than 60 ram. 5. Coniracions ean propose an alteative arrangement bu it Shall be subjected prior approval by engineers | ‘90 ORANG Sou DETAIL OF BAMBOO MATTRESS esau TYPE EFOR WEST SEAWALL(WSW-2) | PLAN OF BA! PLAN OF BAMBOO MATTRESS TYPE F (STHILAYER) pag] Las MBOO MATTRESS TYPE F (ND LAYER) ELAN OF BAMBOO MATTRESS TYPE F (ITHLAYER) PatimOne Consul DEAL antes tease ~4 aan Ose Yat approved - Construction may proceed 1 sowroved submit Fal ravings Contcton may proceed Grooved cot ast Hate cages ae nak dg, Bras Contracton ay precede yore IED not sproved= Covet andfenomit PAE vevew net Raues = Contin may paced a ono 6 CIST209- FRONT VIEW Scale: DETAIL A SIDE SCALE F30 SCALE wow 1. Minimum length of Bamboo used for matress asembly sla at be star han Si 2. Diameterof bamboo shall be more than 6 mm 3. Contractors) can propose an alternative anangement but it shall be subjected to prior approval by eaginee(s) 0° ORMING THE: DETAIL OF BAMBOO MATTRESS TYPE F FOR WEST SEAWALL (WSW-2) @ diRECTORATE GENERAL OF SEA TRANSPORTATION PEC PATIMBAN PORT DEVELOPMENT PROJECT (I) CONTRACT PACKAGE 2: BREAKWATER, rece SEAWALL AND CHANNEL DREDGING WORKS, COMO B® TOVO-ADHI-WAKACHIKU JOINT VENTURE oe Oo FOYO-ADHI-WAKACHIKU JOINT VENTURE sei PATIMBAN PORT DEVELOPMENT PROJECT (I) ow PACKAGE 2: BREAKWATER, SEAWALL, AND CHANNEL DREDGING WORKS INSPECTION FORM FOR BAMBOO MATTRESS FABRICATION Dete(dd-mmmy) —«: 0 Oktober 2020 Target installation Area: WStu ~ 2 Location Potimban yard, Mattress Type Al Ref. No. caw- BFL -1SS7 Dirtiension 30.00 mx {b-00_m TWH PatimOne [Ne.| Description Site ail Remarks/Comments Engineer | OA/OC | Enaineer | T [Bamboo types 1 ‘Ort, “Petung", or iv Tawa v . | | | Minimum age: T i | | 2 years [Volar fet ft | F | straightness | Vv Vv { & | Fhick-walled T 7 pee 3 [Free from damage by r insect, rot, ordefects. | yy v u } © [ihe dameterot | a cuasiinicis bamboo materia: 8. i ly fvdy 7 [Binding (Nyon vars) | ~ zi v Vv | ae | | | & [Required spacing & Serie formation (as per v | [drawing | . v | inspected layers Loyer: 1&2 v Vv Legend: » =not complied Prepared by Site Engineer (TAW JV) Page kot oO TOYO-ADHI-WAKACHIKU JOINT VENTURE PATIMBAN PORT DEVELOPMENT PROJECT (I) revi cn noone cekcnevons INSPECTION FORM FOR BAMBOO MATTRESS FABRICATION drawing) Date (dd-mmm-yy) O2 Oktober 2020 Target installation Area; W/SW/~ 2 Location Potimban “Yord Mattress Type ioe Perens Ref. No. Taw - Prt 1ssy Dimension 30.00 mx_/650 m TAWIV | Patimone Description Site Tescawil Remarks/Comments engineer CAVOC | Engineer 1 [Bamboo types: t “ori, etung”, or “awa? eee ree cater 0 2 | Minimum age 7 a viiviy ! | 3 ea feeececoeh - v v i ! J} 4 | Thickcwalled | Vv 4 | Free from damage by t insect rot,ordefects | yy te a 5 [The diameter —— cae bamboo materia: Vv bs v v 7 | Binding (Nylon yarn) | eee vividly 4. - Hee @ | Required spacing & | formation (as per Renae | | & | inspected layers: ayers 1&2 Layers3, 4, @ fence legend: = compiled — eee jot complied Prepared by Verified by Site Engineer (TAW JV) awac, # (fPet Page 2.of 2 O TOYO-ADHI-WAKACHIKU JOINT VENTURE PATIMBAN PORT DEVELOPMENT PROLECT (\) Ow PACKAGE 2: BREAKWATER, SEAWALL, AND CHANNEL DREDGING WORKS INSPECTION FORM FOR BAMBOO MATTRESS FABRICATION Date (dd-mmm-yy} 202 Oktober 2020 Target installation Area: W/S! Location Patimban yard Mattress Type Cc Ref. No. “raw. F-ISSY Dimension 30.00_mx1F00" mn Taw PatimiOne |no.| Description Site emarks/Comments { Engineer | QA/QC | Engineer T [Serbo types 1 Orit, *Petung", or ie we lw “awa [Minimum age: yeas v 3 |Streightness ~ |] ee at : 4 | Thick-walled T | 4 4 5 Free from damage by T insect, rot, or defects v Vv v 6 |The diameter of a eee 120 materi bamboo met Vv vily 7 | Binding (Nylon yarn) y EEE sa | i | HERE & | Required spacing & iF 1 fomatontesper =| VO} oy | drawing) F Vinspected layers: H Layer: 1&2 i ayers, 4B fence " Fall Legend: v =complied oe poo » =not complied Prepared by Site Engineer [TAW JV) Page % ot TOYO-ADHI-WAKACHIKU JOINT VENTURE PATIMBAN PORT DEVELOPMENT PROJECT (I) PACKAGE 2: BREAKWATER, SEAWALL, AND CHANNEL DREDGING WORKS ew INSPECTION FORM FOR BAMBOO MATTRESS FABRICATION Date (a-mmm-yy) 02 Okteber 2020 Target installation Area: WS Location :patiubon yond Mattress Type C2 Ref. No. 2 Jaws PPC -ISSY Dimension 30-00 inx (7-00 _m TaWiV PatimOne a Ramarks/Comments T [Bamboo types T ori, "Petung’, or eee a | | few" i i 2 [Minimum age 1 T 2years A Vv v | 3 |Siraightness an 7 — — = Vv ey I | @ | Whidewalled 7 7 i 5 [Free trom 1 insect rot ordefects | 1, | | V/ 6 |The diameter of a 33 bamboo mater ¥ le Vv [7 | inane von yarn = | if if 8 [Required spacing & pet oi formation (s per oy Aaa Rae aaet | | |drawing) # linspected layers : | ~ | ence mplied as Ha complied Prepared by Verified by Inspected by Site Engineer (TAW JV) neg (PatimOne) Poge oft O TOYO-ADHI-WAKACHIKU JOINT VENTURE PATIMBAN PORT DEVELOPMENT PROJECT (I) @ 2 crcaacezsreacnren seawall an GININE DEDENG WORKS INSPECTION FORM FOR BAMBOO MATTRESS FABRICATION Date (désmmmy) 02 Oktober 2020 Targetinstllation Area; Wt Location Patinban yor! Mattress Tyae feet Ret. No. Taw PPL - ISTY Dimension 3000 mx !F-00_m AW | Patimone |o.| Description she Remarks/Comments ' Enetteer A/C | Enginaer T [Bamboo types 1 “ori, "Petune’, or be vay | | ‘Winimum age 7 1 | 2 years viyvy|l/% | 3 |Straightness sant si is |_—=— — = a t Von leae - @ [Thickavalied 7 } fae 3 | Free fom damage by 1 Inset, rot, ordefects | yy Vv 7 7 freeman panscomse®. | y | y |v | 7 [Binding (Nylon yarn} © [Requred'spacing & 1 a formation (ae per Vv | arawing) & | inspected layers: es [Leyes ia 2 [vt | Loyer:3, 4B fence : legend: 7 = complied + =not complied Prepared by Site Engineer (TAW JV) AMAM By Uy Page tof Oo TOYO-ADHI-WAKACHIKU JOINT VENTURE — PATIMBAN PORT DEVELOPMENT PROJECT (I) © 2 crcincezsreurwaren sAWAlL ano GIAANE DREDGING WORKS INSPECTION FORM FOR BAMBOO MATTRESS FABRICATION Date (do-mmm-yy) 0% Obtober 2020 Target installation Ares: WSW/- 2 Location Rattbon yerd Mattress Type cy Ref. No. TAw BFL ISSY Dimension 13000 mx !P00 _m TAWIV [PatimOne | Description site laa Remarks/Comments | my Engineer CA/OC | Engineer | T [Bamboo types T T ‘Ort, "Petar + v v oe 2 | Minimum age: 7 yeas re Ee ighiness c= Se v[v Ty Z | | 7 hidewaled [Free from damage by insect, rot, or defects UA ecy ey 3 [Thedansiert Donboomarenst &. | lem v v 7 | rcng ion are) j : ; 1 & | Required spacing & Hormation (as per vol v érawing) | Inspected layers layeria? | ioe 3.4 8 + tigen 7rd steered Prepared by Site Engineer (TAW JV) Page 3 ot 2 oO TOYO-ADHI-WAKACHIKU JOINT VENTURE PATIMBAN PORT DEVELOPMENT PROJECT (I) © 2 rcircez srearnaren seanai avo cunnia DnegeNs WOR INSPECTION FORM FOR BAMBOO MATTRESS FABRICATION Date (dé-mmm-y) —-:O2_ORtober 202 Target installation Area :_W/ Sw - 2 Location _Petintban Yard Mattress Type Et Ref. No. Taw PPL -ISTY Dimension (2000 _ mx 12-50 _ TAWIV PatimOne | No. Description Site 7 1 Remarks/Comments, Engineer | ert | eens (7 [mbes noes T | “Ori”, “Petung”, or i awa” v “ v © [Minimum one T 1 1 t 2 years Vv V Vaa| | | 4 3 | Straightness | Seal —— = ey aaa ae Ee, | 4 | Thick-walied | v 3 | Free from damage by = PEPE Row @ TP Bowboo Ton insect, rot, ordefects. | Vy | NS (ipo to pa bewkas Tom |esniner Pow & 76 bamboo fom ca 6 The diameter oF 9 Pow F 7ps bamboo lem bamboomateria 8. | y | yy | vy em 7 | Binding (Nylon yarn) Fee a 7a | v Viv @ | Required spacing & A ai Hormation (as per (aan ae | owing) | & [Inspected layers: i Layer: 1&2 T | [layer'3, 4 fence a Prepared by Verifies p Ingildcted by Site Engineer (TAW.IV) owas InspectopfEfgineey(PatimOne) Page 2 of 2 Cr) TOYO-ADHI-WAKACHIKU JOINT VENTURE PATIMBAN PORT DEVELOPMENT PROJECT 69 tater ina aw cuinel pecnawons INSPECTION FORM FOR BAMBOO MATTRESS FABRICATION Dete (dg-mmm-yy) :O2 Oktober 2020 Target installation Area; WS ~2 Locetron Patino yard Mattress Type Ref. No. Taw PFE -1SS¥ Dimension TAW JV. PatimOne ] | No. Sie : Remarks/Comments | Engineer _ NDE anes | T [Bamboo hyper T on v v tower v 2 [Minimum age: | 2 years ane ts | 3_ | Streightness ame v Vv @ | Fhicewalled | | | ‘S| Free from damage by T = Repaim? Pow 72 /PeS Bamboo Vom Inset rot ordefects |, o Vv co 6 |The diameter of Pree i Sa renee material: 8. A ~. ti 7 [Binding (Nylon yarn) | a Wy viv Vv | 8 [Required spacing & a Hormation (as per HHI we |drewing) | # linspected layers ayer 1&2 T i | Layer: 3, 4, & fence 7 Poot | Legend: Prepared by Verified by Site Engineer (TAW JV) ON/OC ANTI) Page tot Ow @ TOYO-ADHI-WAKACHIKU. JOINT VENTURE 7 PATIMBAN PORT DEVELOPMENT PROJECT (1 PACKAGE 2: BREAKWATER, SEAWALL, AND CHANNEL DREDGING WORKS INSPECTION FORM FOR BAMBOO. MATTRESS FABRICATION vate(demmmy —-; & kok eno Terget instalation Area ;_WSW-2 ee Rotintan Yocsl Mattress Type coos ereeeteeeeeaeS helt :TaW- REL - ISsy Dimension 230,00 mx_!650 im r = TAWV PatimOne al No. Description ‘site | Remarks/Comments Engineer | QC | Engineer T [Bamboo types Ori", "Petung”, or “Tawa” We oe u 2 [Minimum age: aa 1 2 years ye a uf : i 3. | Straightness FE a ee Vv | 7 | hicewalon | | v | 5 [Free rom damage by Insect rotor defects | i: ui 6 |The diameter of ee amboomatea:.8. | io al lem i 7 | incing (Wylon varay i v v v 8 | Required spacing & | formation (as per v Wf wy | drawing) | 9 [inspected layers: q fs i layers a2 vv v_] toyer:3, 4 & fence L legend: 7 = complied * = not complied Prepared by Verified Inspected by Site Engineer (TAW 1V) (LER Asune, @ Pages oft, oO TOYO-ADHI-WAKACHIKU. JOINT VENTURE on PATIMBAN PORT DEVELOPMENT PROJECT (I) BP oncracer: SREAKWATER, SEAWALL, AND CHANNEL DREDGING WORKS INSPECTION FORM FOR BAMBOO MATTRESS FABRICATION Date (dd-mmm-yy) 9 akober 2020 ‘Target installation Area :_WSW-2 Location : Roxinbon Martrors Yard Mattress Type El Ref. No. » Taw-RFt- 165u Dimension 21280 _ mx 3Q00_m [- = Taw, PatimOne No.} Description ste | Remarks/Comments Engineer | QA/OC | Engineer T [Bamboo tipes r “Ori, "Peturg”, or Sawa" M | Yofv 2 [Minimum age: T aoe Rte Ay 3 | Sraightness | ——— _ Vv ws v 7 | Thiccwaled T vf { 5 | Free rom damage by insect ro or defects | Paley © | The diameter of seaccremes emboommeteiat. 8. | | o v j I 7 | Binding tWyion yarn) v Mey & | Required spacing & T formation (as per ES eee érawing) | 9 [Inspected layers: T |loyertaz layer 34 Bene | J] v Legend: 7= complied * =not comalied Prepared by Site Engineer (Taw sv) (olQEL ASreme, e Page tof. @ TOYO-ADHI-WAKACHIKU JOINT VENTURE PATIMBAN PORT DEVELOPMENT PROJECT () OP omcxacer: SREAKWATER, SEAWAUL, AND CHANNEL DREDGING WORKS INSPECTION FORM FOR BAMBOO MATTRESS FABRICATION vate (dé-mmmyy) ——-:_ 9) OK ther 209 Torget instalation Area; WOW-2 aestae : Rasimban Matatess. Yara Mattress Type Cay Ref. No Tawi REL 6s Dimension 17,00 _mx_9.90_m TAWH [Patines ] No. Description Site] Remarks/Comments Engineer | QA/QC | Engineer 1 | Bamboo types: i] T, “Petung”, or | stawa" ba | v ‘ 2 | Minimum age: ia | 2 years wv v v z i 5 | Sraahiness j = —— — - v | ue | 7 | hiewaled 7 | | i, i | 5 [Free from damage by x fnsecrotoraetece | y |, v { 6 |The diameter of | bamboo material: .. vi ly v | em i [ 7 [Binding Wivion yarn jv iv vo] fs Required spacing & { formation (as per v m4 v erewing) | 9 [Inspected layers: T Toye: 182 Ea loyer'3 4 Bene ca 7 Legend: = complied = snot compied Prepared by Site Engineer (TAW 1 (ARE Ames Page {of 1 O TOYO-ADHI-WAKACHIKU JOINT VENTURE PaniMaA oR Devon ror Ow PACKAGE 2: BREAKWATER, SEAWALL, AND CHANNEL DREDGING WORKS INSPECTION FORM FOR BAMBOO MATTRESS FABRICATION Date (ad-mmmy) 9 OWRObte 2000 Target instalation Aree ;_WSW-2 Location Rowinton Maticess Yard Mattress Type 3 Ref. No. Taw REI- I6cy Dimension 990 _ mx 38.00 _m ss: TAW IV PatimOne_ ‘ 7 Sm No.| Description Lara Remarks/Comments 1 [Bamboo types: 1 Mori, “Petung’, or v awe bydv 2 [Minimum age: | 2 years v V vu 3 [Straighmess ol = a “3 ae L af a 4 [Thickwalled T + v | | 5 | Fee From damage by eee eee ana ae | The diameter of t Bamboo material: 8. ete v lem v | 7 | Binding (Nylon yarn) co v i a v 8 [Required pate formation (as per v 1 v | rewing) lv 9 [Inspected layers: T Layer: 1&2 Pe lovers, 4 Fence vi 7 Legend: 7= complied * =not complied eo ree {hays Page : of O TOYO-ADHI-WAKACHIKU JOINT VENTURE PATIMBAN PORT DEVELOPMENT ‘PROJECT (1) Ow PACKAGE 2: BREAKWATER, SEAWALL, AND CHANNEL DREDGING WORKS INSPECTION FORM FOR BAMBOO. MATTRESS FABRICATION ate (deemmm-yy) 19 Oktebte 2020 Target Installation Ares ;_WSW-2 ‘scat Rakion Males York seers Tips c2 Ret. No. Taw BEA (su imension $9100 _mx_3400_m ss TAW IV PatimOne. No. Description Site | Remarks/Comments Engineer | VOC | Engineer T [Bamboo per: “Ori”, “Petung”, or her Visage an 7 | Minima years Breed eee i | v i ae v 4 | thick-walled = : | | 5 | Free from damage by T cal Insect, rot, or defects v eZ v i 6 |The diameter of r : (ee eta | 7 Binding (Nylon yarn) i ee v v v © Reed pacing ] formation (as pet | y | drawing) y a 3 [Inspected layers: T layer 782 | layer 3. 4 Bence i z Legend: “= complied * =not comes Prepared by Inspected by Site Engineer TAW.V) Inspesdepincey(PtimOne) aM Basten ilowy Page: oft TOYO-ADHI-WAKACHIKU JOINT VENTURE PATIMBAN PORT DEVELOPMENT PROJECT (I) PACKAGE 2: BREAKWATER, SEAWALL, AND CHANNEL DREDGING WORKS INSPECTION FORM FOR BAMBOO MATTRESS FABRICATION ate (dc-mmm-yy) 29 OKtoler 2020 Target installation Ares ;_WSW-2 Location :_Rakinban Matteess ‘Yor Mattress Type a tkinban _Mottces ee Ref. No. ~ Taw REL ISSy Dimension 2400 mx 20,00 im AW PatimOne ‘No. Description Site] Remarks/Comments Ee ver | CA/QC | Engineer i [Bamboo pes "Ori", “Petung", or j eee Yl yvdy 2 [Minimum age: a 2 years | : Vv eZ v 3 | Staighiness ae = — Re ge @ | iiiccwated i v 5 [Free from damage by Insect, rot, or defects | yy a A 6 | The diameter of ‘bamboo material 7 | Binding (Nylon yarn ‘ae eee v 8 [Required spacing & | formation (as per v } drawing) jv [iv 9 | Inspected layers: (a Layer: 1&2 a, yeis3. 4 Benet | “7 v legend: = complied * =not complied Prepared by Site Engineer (TAW sv) colder Zaseaey TOYO-ADHI-WAKACHIKU- JOINT VENTURE PATIMBAN PORT DEVELOPMENT PROJECT (I) PACKAGE 2: BREAKWATER, SEAWALL, AND CHANNEL DREDGING WORKS INSPECTION FORM FOR BAMBOO. MATTRESS FABRICATION ate {dd-mmm-py) 19 OKtobee 2020 ‘Target Installation Area wsw-2 Location Rosinbon Mattes Yoo Mattress Type 2 Ret. No. TAM: FLA 6H Dimension 21080 mx 20,00 mq FAWN —[Ptimnone No. Description Site 7 7 Remarks/Comments Engineer | Qasac | Engineer i 1 [Bamboo types: T “Ort, “Petung”, or ssawa? ve i oe ca 2 [Minimum age: imi |” fayears ee Y if i ["o Staieriness A = = — at ina v | t 7 | hickwaled / | v | [ 5 [Free from damage by T insect, rot, or detects ect ra, oF de eet v I 6 |The diameter of g | bamboo material; 5 v cm i v v 7 | inaing Wve varay | v | w v | 8 | Required spacing & T A formation (as per vid Vv drawing) ma | 9 [Inspected layers: T j Lover i LL [lovers 4 tence 7 7 7 legend: = complied * =not complies Prepared by Site Eraineer(TAW 1) (ARE ASH a Page soft TOYO-ADHI-WAKACHIKU JOINT VENTURE — PATIMBAN PORT DEVELOPMENT PROJECT (t) PACKAGE 2: BREAKWATER, SEAWALL, AND CHANNEL DREDGING WORKS INSPECTION FORM FOR BAMBOO MATTRESS FABRICATION bate (dd-mmmyy) 2B obttobte _aor5 ‘Target installation Area :_WSW-2 ae + Ratittton Maaess Yaret Mattress Type Ieee eet ei Taw BRI Iss Dimension 680 mx 38,00 TAWW [Patina No.| Description Ske Remarks/Comments Engineer | QA/QC | Engineer [Bamboo types | “Ori”, “Petung”, or | v saws? idee Sat 2 | iinimarm ages years WH a tet : i 3 | Staines ] ae eae rt “= {| 4} | 7 fihaewatee 1 | | v i t 5 | Free from damage by t insect, rot, or defects ae | Y v \ 6 |The diameter of g | [bamboo material: 2. wo EB ij“ iv | 7 | Binding Won varay v aa B | Reauired spacing ] formation (as per wine v drawing) i i 9 [Inspected layers: T layer: 7&2 I layer & Bence aes legend: = complied * snot complied Prepared by Site Engineer (TAW JV) Pages oft CO TOYO-ADHI-WAKACHIKU JOINT-VENTURE = PATIMBAN PORT DEVELOPMENT PROJECT I) ow PACKAGE 2: BREAKWATER, SEAWALL, AND CHANNEL DREDGING WORKS INSPECTION FORM FOR BAMBOO MATTRESS FABRICATION Date (de-mmmy) ——: 1S_OMtobee 2020 ‘Target installation Ares ;_WSW-2 eae = Ratinbon Maticess Mattress Type : 83 Ref. No. Taw BRI“ 1554 Dimension 23000 _mx_!650_m Tawi PatimOne TNo. Description Site 1 Remarks/Comments | sngineer | OO | Engineer | 1 [Bamboo types: T T "Ori", “Petung”, or 1 “Jawa” v Vv Y [Jenna T aoe Wi eG 3 [Streightness ar Serer recreate {— 7 | Wricewalled i uv i 5 | Free rom damage by i insect, rot, or defects v v ey 6 [The diameter of 7 bamboo material: v Y, VU em 7 | Binding (Nylon yarn) a eae u i 8 [Required spacing & t sae Hormation (as per viv rowing) © [Inspected layers: = not complied Prepared by Verified Inspected by Site Engineer (TAW JV) w a wom ASHARK Pane 3 of 2 Oo TOYO-ADHI-WAKACHIKU JOINT VENTURE Mo * PATIMBAN PORT DEVELOPMENT PROJECT (I) ee) paceace 2 BREAKWATER SEAWALL, AND CHANNEL DREDGING WORKS INSPECTION FORM FOR BAMBOO MATTRESS FABRICATION Date(ddmmmy) —: 1S Older 2020 Target Installation Area :_ WSW-2 Location Rauimkan Matrcess Mattress Type eae Ref. No. Aul- Ret = (S44 Dimension 30,00_mx_l&50_m TAWV Patimone No.| Description Site Remaris/Comments | Engineer | QA/QC | Engineer T [Bamboo types T Hori, “Petung", or wt mee oF c & | Minimum age: T + 2 years : v J & 3 [Sraighiness cece fae iv ie A Y | 7 | Wrickwalled 1 1 i 3 | Free rom damage by T insect ot, ordefeets | Vy / "6 |The diameter of | - z fee Donboomtenst®. | | em v 7 [Binding (Nylon yarn) fe v v vi | 3 [Required specne & formation fs par v Vv ie drawing) | © [Inspected layers: r layers @2 ws Layers3, 4 & fence eee legends 7 =complied =not complied Prepared by Site Engineer (TAW JV) wed” PSHARL Ry Page jot t o— TOYO-ADHI-WAKACHIKU JOINT VENTURE “ PATIUMBAN PORT DEVELOPMENT PROJECT (!) qa WwW PACKAGE 2: BREAKWATER, SEAWALL, AND CHANNEL DREDGING WORKS INSPECTION FORM FOR BAIIBOO MATTRESS FABRICATION Date (dd-mmm-yy} 21S olttcher 2020 ‘Target installation Ares ;_WSUI-2. Location » Patimban Mattress Mattress Type as RefNo. eens Dimension 3000_mx {650_m TAWIV [Patina es 0 IN. site| S| ance | tne Remarks/Comments T [Bamboo typex T “Ori”, “Petung”, or { ows" Jee eee 2 | Minimum age: T T 2years Straightness pial —— | 7 [Thickewaled | f v i 5 | Free from damage by t insect rot ordefects | Vv y 6 |The diameter of — — bamboo materi banboomets vifdy U 7 | Binding (Nylon yarn) ” ey ig (Nylon yarn) v vf iv 3 | Reauired spacing © formation (as per vei v drawing) i © | inspected layers: jiayer: 2&2 ea layer: 3, 4, & fence oH Legend: complied a =not complied Prepared by Site Engineer (TAW 1V) or ZASHAR Pane ot. oe TOYO-ADHI-WAKACHIKU JOINT VENTURE a a PATIMIBAN PORT DEVELOPMENT PROJECT (I) PACKAGE 2: BREAKWATER, SEAWALL, AND CHANNEL DREDGING WORKS INSPECTION FORM FOR BAMBOO MATIRESS FABRICATION Date (ddrmmm-yy) 21S Oktdoer_2020 ‘Target installation Area :_WSW-2 Location Retinbon_ Notes Mattress Type ipeesaaiaess cease Aeon ; Taw: Qe \- (S54 Ditnension 30j00_mx_'F,00_m TAWA [Patinne] ; ] No. Description Site [ | Remarks/Comments i 1 Engineer | QA/Qc | Engineer | | T [Bamboo ter T [foe Petue v w 2 | Minimum age: T 2 years Sy ae 3 [Svaishines 1 eee tv v a - 7 | Wridewalied j | vii 5 | ree from damage by . i ordefects insect, rot, or dees ow iG © [hesiometerof bamboo materia: v | ten v uU 7 | Binding (Nylon yarn) j = Aceh vilv a & [Required pacing & formation (as per gi drawing) | Ga 4 © [inspected ayers 1 | | Layer: 1&2 v Lv ~ : Layer: 3, 4, & fence iis egend: 7 = complied = not complied oe eas Site Engineer (TAW JV) QA/QC TAW JV) Ay O { Pane hott oO iam TOYO-ADHEWAKACHIKU JOINT VENTURE - ee PATINIBAN PORT DEVELOPMENT PROJECT (I) PACKAGE 2: BREAKWATER, SEAWALL, AND CHANNEL DREDGING WORKS INSPECTION FORM FOR BAMBOO MATTRESS FABRICATION Date fadsmmm-y) + 19. Otbokte op Target installation Area »_WSW/-2. Location Torimban Marvess Mattress Type :_A2 Ref. No. Taw REA= ISS Dimension 2 3000_mx 1600_m TAW JV | PatimOne IN. sie emarks/Comments | Engineer QA/QC | Engineer 1 | Bamboo types: T 1 “Ori”, “Petune”, Vv v v awa [Minimum age: T Y | C 2yeas vu eae 3 [Sirighiness i : — + ae pr a @ [Thiekcwaliea 1 i v i | 5 | Free from damage by T Insectrotordetets | yy | es & |The diameter of g | bamboomarerat. ©. | Vv uv 7 [Binding (Nylon yarn) an ‘ v v v C | 3 | Renuired spacing & T formation (as per aoe Y | lecawing) | | | ‘& [inspected layers: aan Layer: 1&2 Vv 7 Layer: 3, 4, & fence Legend: = complied » =notcomplied Prepared by Site Engineer (TAW JV) (le ASHAM Paget ot2 oe TOYO-ADHI-WAKACHIKU JOINT-VENTURE = ay PATIMBAN PORT DEVELOPMENT PROJECT (!) ad? “wl! PACKAGE 2: BREAKWATER, SEAWALL, AND CHANNEL DREDGING WORKS Final Lnspexion INSPECTION FORM FOR BAMBOO MATTRESS FABRICATION Date (dd-mmm-yy) 21 akisker 2020 Target instalation Area :_WSw -2 tocanon Pesinbon Motiress Mattress Type a Ref. No. Dimension 3000_mx '4.00_m TAWIV | PatimOne 1 No. Site | Remarks/Comments | | 7 | Engineer | Qayac { Engineer ‘1 [Bamboo types: t | “oni”, "Petung”, ft Vv vy “awe 7 | Minimum eee: T T 2years viy u 3 | Straightness Hl aor 4 |Thick-walled | + [etn commas peed aecameeee itt ty S @ |The diameter oF bamboo material 7_ | Binding (Nylon yarn) & |Requived space & 7 formation fs per a érawing) © linspected layers: Layers 182 Z Prepared by Site Enginesp (TAWIV) al Asan Pane Lot? o ~ Date (da-mmm-yy) _TOYO-ADHI-WAKACHIKU JOINT VENTURE PATIMBAN PORT DEVELOPMENT PROJECT () +19 Ottcher 2020 Final Lnspection INSPECTION FORM FOR BAMBOO MATTRESS FABRICATION PACKAGE 2: BREAKWATER, SEAWALL, AND CHANNEL DREDGING WORKS ‘Target installation Area :_WSW -2. Locauen + Ratinban Matiess Mattress Type :_B8 Ret. No. aul QE -1SSy Dimensién :,3000_mx16S0_m L TAW IV PatimOne | No. Description Site Remarks/Comments L | Engineer | ee T [Bamboo types: | Ori", “Petung", or ie “awa wy 2 [Minimum age: t 2 years oA v 3 | Srsighiness ~ : : pee - — 7 Wriccwalied i Yv i | Fee from damage by | : insect, rot, or defects Vv we met © [ihe ameter ot So bamboo materia: &. |, V 7 Binding (von yar : J | v 3 | Required spacing & formation (as per | rowing) Mee ve © linspected layers: Layers 1&2 Layer=3, 4, & fence v Legend: Prepared by ‘ite Engineer (TAW 5V) (loet Page Lot TOYO-ADHI-WAKACHIKU JOINT VENTURE PATIMBAN PORT DEVELOPMENT PROJECT (!) PACKAGE 2: BREAKWATER, SEAWALL, AND CHANNEL DREDGING WORKS oe a wm INSPECTION FORM FOR BAMBOO MATTRESS FABRICATION Date (de-mmmy) 9 outsler 2020 Target nstatieton area ;_WSW-2 vocation Patinban Yard Mattress Type i Ref. No. + Now: Bete W654 Dimension 20,00_mx_17,00_m Taw — [Patina No, Description Site : Remarks/Comments | Engineer | NOC | Engines | 1 [Bamboo types: T ori", “Petung’, or ie a “towa? | v | winimom ape t ; yeas i. ye 3 [Siaighiness ‘ ———— Brea ered tee a 7 hiaewaled | v 4 5 | Free from damage by T Ireecrotordetes | 4, | v 6 |The diameter of _ bamboo materia dt 7 | Binding (Nylon yarn) Pee i Vv ! wt ike 1 | | 7 [Renard specie 1 formation (as per Pe oA Vv | drawing) ‘© [Inspected layers: layer 82 [ayers3, 4, B fence Vv VU . legend: 7 =complied % =not complied Prepared by Site Engineer (TAW JV) clOAZ Ase py Ge Pome Lot Oo hal TOYO-ADHI-WAKACHIKU JOINT VENTURE PATIMBAN PORT DEVELOPMENT PROJECT (!) PACKAGE 2: BREAKWATER, SEAWALL, AND CHANNEL DREDGING WORKS. ta ‘Tnspectson INSPECTION FORM FOR BAMBOO MATTRESS FABRICATION uce(demmmy) 19. Olteher 2000 Tget ination aren; _WSW “2 Locsvon Retimban Hotties Mattress Type :_ 84 Ret. No. Taw. REI ISey Dimension 30,00 _mx_!6S0_m TAWIV PatimOne ] |No.| ——Descration Se | ; Ramarks/Comments | Engineer | WC | Engineer 1 [Bamboo types: T T “Ort, "Petune’, or ' | jtor.7 orale [Minima ager t 1 fae vijiYvly 3 | Saighiness 7 = v va hei } | | 7 [Fhickswaties a ' © | Free from damage by t insect rotordefects | eae © [The diameter of | a bamboo materia et eae 7 [Binding Nylon yarap 1 v viv 1B | Required spacing ® se y a formation fa per v | drawing) ve i 2 inspected layers fever 182 1 Layer: 3, 4 & fence Vv legend: v= complied ~ . * =notcomalied Prepared by Site Engineer (TAW JV) jldeZasuant @ axe Lott O TOYO-ADHI-WAKACHIKU JOINT VENTURE -~ PATINBAN PORT DEVELOPMENT PROJECT i) “> “A package: BREAKWATER, SEAWALL, AND CHANNEL DREDGING WORKS i “Final Vespection INSPECTION FORM FOR BAMBOO MATTRESS FABRICATION Date (ermmm-yy) —_ :_19_Oltchee 2020 Target instalation area ;_WSw-2 secsbom Patiinhan Mattress Mattress Type RS Ref. No. “Taw. Ret ISSY Dimension 3000 _mx_1650_ TAWW——[Patinone (No. Description site 7 Remarks/Comments Engineer | FV/QC | Engineer i or vi lf Ge 7 | Minimum age T 2years v oi [T [Bamboo types: “Orit, "Petun “tawa" 3 |Sirsghinese fo . as agora w: as See @ [healed | ! oi i 5 [Free from damage by t mech otordelets | |, ay, 6 |The diameter of lbamboo material: 8. Ee aaa Rta Aa at 7 [Binding (Nylon yarn) @ | Required spacing & T formation (as per vi yv érawing) v © Tinspected layers | lever 182 Tr iayer3, 3, ence 7 Uv legend: Y= complied * =notcomplled Prepared by Site Engineer (TAW JV) (leer Zauan g Pane tot @ TOYO-ADHI-WAKACHIKU JOINT VENTURE = PATIMBAN PORT DEVELOPMENT PROJECT) @ Ww PACKAGE 2: BREAKWATER, SEAWALL AND CHANNEL DREDGING WORKS Final Tnsgecetn INSPECTION FORM FOR BAIMBOO MATTRESS FABRICATION Date(de-mmmy) —-:_1_OlKaer 2099 Target Installation Area :_WSW- 2. oes ._Ratinton Mokavess dana A pie TAME REL ISU Seer 2000 mx 600m Taw [Patina |No.| Description cat aarac’ |fewaae Remarks/Comments [i Teamboo eer T a "Oni, ating” or mee ee 2 [Minimum age: T Pre viv |e 5 ; za pawn _| Tore : 4 [Thickcwalled | © | Free rom damage by insect, rotordetects | Vf ) of | vy 6 |The diameter of bamboo material 7 | Binding (Nylon yarn) v Vv @ [Required spacing & T formation {as per very e drawing) © [inspected layers: -_ | Layer: 3, 4, & fence v7 complied ot complied Prepared by Verified by Site Engineeg (TAW JV) ip. ZasHon By Pare Lota oe) TOYO-ADHI-WAKACHIKU JOINT VENTURE “ PATIIBAN PORT DEVELOPMENT PROJECT (1) we “wr PACKAGE 2: BREAKWATER, SEAWALL, AND CHANNEL DREDGING WORKS Final nsgecrion INSPECTION FORM FOR BAIVIBOO MATTRESS FABRICATION Date(demmmy) = 19_Olktdker 2020 Target Installation area :_WSW-2 Location + Povinban Maseess Mattress Type 2 Bt Ret. No. Tab: REL~ ISS Dimension ©; 24,00 mx 650m FAW PatimOne Noe] Description Sie Remarks/Comments Engineer | ONGC | Engineer T [Bamboo type: 1 | Ori", “Petung”, or pee ae tbat “awa i 2 | Minimum age: T years - . v v 3 | Streightness au eee 1 Spe eae _ eee _ | | 4 [Thick-walled | 5 | Free rom damage by insect, rot, or defects we V4 all © [the diameter of bamboo material v Vv v 7 [Binding (iyion yarn) aca z 7 v wv ¥Y | 8 | Required spacing & EEE formation (a per i v | drawing) | v le Inspected layers: ‘Bjence Vv vw wT is Prepared by Site Engineer (TAW JV) (LOE Powe sot 3 oO TOYO-ADHI-WAKACHIKU JOINT VENTURE - ae as PATIMBAN PORT DEVELOPMENT PROJECT () BS tw PACKAGE 2: BREAKWATER, SEAWALL, AND CHANNEL DREDGING WORKS Final ‘Lnse ection INSPECTION FORM FOR BAMBOO MATTRESS FABRICATION Date {da-mmm-yy) +19 ouisker 20.0 Target installation Ares :_ WW “2. socavon ; Redinton Motsres Mattress Type = Ret. No. Taw. RE\- Issy Dimensin +3000 mx [400m TAWA | Patimone | No. Description Site 7 Remarks/Comments: { Engineer | QA/QC | Engineer T [Bamboo types: T ror, “Petung” or yj | ftawa" pave ‘2 [Minimum age: ' C | pe viv yl 3 |sraghness ‘ = = : i 7 [ek waed S| Free from damage by Insect, rot, or defects v SC] aN Taw Re ISsy Dimension 80 mmx 2000_m T TAW JV PatimOne_ INo.| _Deseription Site ; Remarts/Comments Engineer QA/QC | Engineer T [Bamboo wees “Ori”, “Petung”, or a / ews ete | Minimom age: 2 years vi ly ue 3 [Siaehiness aera eae ae we @ PThicewaied : Vv | Free from damage by Pera: Gow 4s 4 pt bamboo Sm insect, ot, ordefects | y ai 6 |The diemeter of 8 2 ‘bamboo material: 8. v yf Z 7 [Binding (Nylon yarn) |v 7 [Required spacing & 7 formation fas per v | drawing) } vv 3 | nspectad ayers C pore med Layer: 3, 4, & fence Legend: “=complied » =notcomplled Prepared by Verited by Site Engineer (TAW.V) (EA ed ewac (7 Poge 1 of 2 oO TOYO-ADHI-WAKACHIKU JOINT VENTURE PATIMBAN PORT DEVELOPMENT PROJECT (I), BP sscxacez-snearwattn staal ano CHANNEL DREDEING WORKS INSPECTION FORM FOR BAMBOO MATTRESS FABRICATION Date (ad-mmm-yy) 2i_Krobte 2020 ‘Target Installation Area :_WOW-2 Location Rarinban Mates [a Ref. No. Taw- Rel- 16S4 Dimension + 59,00 rmx_30,00_m TAWIV | PatimOne: No. Description Site | Remarks/Comments Engineer | CA/OE | Engineer T [Bamboo types: “ori, “Petung”, or v v awa" 2 | Minimum age: 2 years Gi oy [5 [Streightness| | Thick-walled 'S | Free from damage by uypers Raw e+ f pet babe Om insect roverdsiedts | oy | 3. bemies vet u 7 [Binding (Nylon yarn) @ [Required spacing & ormation (as per v VY drawing) 3 [Inspected layers: Layer 2&2 Vv Z iiayer:3, 4, & fence Legend: 7 = complied x = not complied 4 Y + v v + fedianaiarat . 4 v Prepared by Site Engineer (TAW JV) Page 1of4 @ Ow TOYO-ADHI-WAKACHIKU JOINT VENTURE PATIMBAN PORT DEVELOPMENT PROJECT (I) PACKAGE 2: BREAKWATER, SEAWALL, AND CHANNEL DREDGING WORKS INSPECTION FORM FOR BAMBOO MATTRESS FABRICATION Date (dd-mmm-yy) Location Ref. No, 22 oeeler 2670 Toumooe My Taw Wee eH Target Installation Area Mattress Type Wu -2 e Dimension POA mx Description TAWI PatimOne Site Engineer | WOE Engineer Remarks/Comments 7 Bamboo types: “ori, “Petung”, or “tawa" af a v Minimum age 2 years Straighiness v Thickowalled v Free from damage by insect, rot, or defects ego Ga Wi We De tame aw WE OK SKE Hones The diameter of bamboo materia: Binding (Nylon yarn) v Required spacing & formation (as per drawing) v Inspected layers ayers 7&2 Layers & & fence legend: “= complied Prepared by Site Engineer (TAW JV) ‘ot complied Inspected by Inspector/Engingér épatimOne) Page Loft O TOYO-ADHI-WAKACHIKU JOINT VENTURE saeSee: PATIMBAN PORT DEVELOPMENT PROJECT (I) G69 rrcrace 2 arennwaren staal, ano cuannel REDGING Wom INSPECTION FORM FOR BAMBOO MATTRESS FABRICATION Date (datmmm-yy) Terget installation Ares ;_WOW-2 e Location Mettess Type F Ref. No. Dimension - 2u 70 mFS m PatinOne o.| Deseription Sie Remarks/Comments nemeer | NOE. | Engineer T [Bariboo Wee “Ont, "Petre", oF Fre ¢ “ewe? v [Minium age" 2yeats peels a 3 [Sarighaness Serer 7 Pee eee area ae 7 [Fhicewalled eR v 5 [Free fom damage by Vigna WE Oe Dee tonne insect retorsefecs | yy, | | v caiw 19 = Oe SES OAS © |The diameter of bamboo material: 9. Vv v 7 [Binding Won vam |, “ v B | Required spacing & a formation (es per v v rowing) v 5 [inspected layers Tegan; 7 scamplied * = not complied Prepared by Verified by) site Engineer (TAW JV) /ac era W) Page tof O TOYO-ADHI-WAKACHIKU JOINT VENTURE PATIMBAN PORT DEVELOPMENT PROJECT () God packace 2: BREAKWATER, EAWALL, AND CHANNEL DREDGING WORKS INSPECTION FORM FOR BAMBOO MATTRESS FABRICATION Date (dd-mmm-yy) Target installation Area Location Mattress Type D Ref. No, Dimension T2S0_ tax 3000 m PatimOne scription T mark No. Descripti aaa 1c | Engineer Remarks/Comments T | aamboo types 1 ori”, "Petune", or JS a ie stawat | Minimar eee years / a u 7 | Straghiness oe 7 [Thiccwalled v 5 [Free from damage by —— insect, rot ordefects |, / v Vv i © [The diameter of bamboo material... | 7 : \fas [= ao 7 | Binding (Nylon yarn) J v ie 7 [Required space & 1 ormation (as per v a iD drawing) 3 [inspected ayer Layers 2 8.2 ‘Layer: 3, 4, & fence =, l Legend: v= complied x =not complied Prepared by Verifiedby Inspected by Site Engineer (TAW JV) awaefrawsy) Inspector/Engines|(PatimOne) one “opey) fo Cee pe aswant sy & Teaming 9 stent eee Page 1 of 1 O TOYO-ADHI-WAKACHIKU JOINT VENTURE ? PATIMBAN PORT DEVELOPMENT PROJECT (i) ©] WS raceacez-snearwaren stawacs ano crane: DReDaING Wore INSPECTION FORM FOR BAMBOO MATTRESS FABRICATION Date (dd-mmm yy) DR oko 2020 Target Installation Area :_WSW-2 Location Mattress Type Sb 3¢t0 om Ref. No. Dimension \4.00_mx AWW PatimOne aayac | Engineer No. Description site Remarks/Comments Engineer T [Bamboo ter “Oni, "Petung”, or v awa? Vv vu 2 | Minimum age: 2 years v u 3_| Straightness @ | Thickwalled 5 | Free from damage by insect, rot, oF defects v 6 |The dameterof 5 bamboo materia... | 4 v om 7 [Binding (Nylon yarn) | 7 / v B [Required spacing & Formation (as per drawing) 9 Inspected layers Layer: 182 Layers 3 4 fence 7 legend: 7 = complied » =not complied Site Engineer (TAW JV) awactrawivy / Inspector poseninone) Le | Bo 4 ih (oe Pome ey watibang > : CBigtenet oe, Prepared by Verified by >) i by Poge Loft oO TOYO-ADHI-WAKACHIKU JOINT VENTURE om PATIMBAN PORT DEVELOPMENT PROJECT (i) Ow PACKAGE 2: BREAKWATER, SEAWALL, AND CHANNEL DREDGING WORKS INSPECTION FORM FOR BAMBOO MATTRESS FABRICATION Date (dd-mmmy) + 2L_ Oktober 2030 Target installation Area ;_WSW-2 Location Parimban Marteess Mattress Type Co Ref. No. SSH Dimension ¥9,00_mx_30,00_m Tawi PatimOne 'No.| Description eae, | avec | enebeer Remarks/Comments T [Bamboo pee 7 “Ori”, "Petung”, or 7 ‘Mawes? v 4 2 [Minimum age: | 2 years vos 3. [Sraightness @ | Thick-walled 5 | Free fram damage by Bayar: Row e+ f pet bomb fm insect, rot, ordefects | y ial: 3, barhoo materia: .. cm Mi v 7 [Binding (Nylon yarn) @ | Required spacing & Formation (as per v J drawing) v 7 v Vv = ia . 4 v 9 [Inspected layers ayers 782 ayer: 3, 4 & fence legend: = complied x =not complied Prepared by Page Lof 1 Oo TOYO-ADHI-WAKACHIKU JOINT VENTURE PATIMBAN PORT DEVELOPMENT PROJECT (1) GS rictcrnnticns cu ne cremattnancwons Final “Tnepection INSPECTION FORM FOR BAMBOO MATTRESS FABRICATION Date (dd-mmm-yy) 3B onrghtr 2020 Target Installation Area ;_WSU “2 3 9 Location Astnbon Mattress Type BS Ref. No. : Taw: te Dimension 16,50 mx TAWIV PatimOne No. Description site a Remarks/Comments: Engineer PAGE: | Eneoner T [Bamboo tres “Ori”, “Petung’, or awa" v4 ie u { | minimum ages 2 years v [ - 3 |Straghtness = Vv . = — @ | Thickwalled 3 | Free from damage by insect, rt, or defects v Vv a |"6 | The diameter of g bamboo materia. v v u em 7 [Binding (Nylon yarn) ee | 3 | Required spacing & formation (as per aa / Y drawing) 3 [Inspected layers: layers 182 Layer: 3, 4, & fence legend: 7 =complied * = not complied Prepared by Verified by—) ey by Site Engineer (TAW JV) aa/ac (raw sy) / aay ?atimOne) Al { Bs (le AS gy “hkiiocog $y Zt ad Page tof oO TOYO-ADHI-WAKACHIKU JOINT VENTURE PATIMBAN PORT DEVELOPMENT PROJECT (1) @ 4 rrcoace orearwaren, sAWAl, aND CHANNEL DREDGING WORKS Final Lespection INSPECTION FORM FOR BAMBOO MATTRESS FABRICATION Date (ad-mmm-yy) 22 datdher 2020 Torget installation Area :_vHul-Z Locstion fortinban Maras Mattress Type fet, No Tau: ete I8su Dimension mx_30.00_m Taw PatimOne no.| _Deseription Sie Remarks/Comments Engineer | NAC | Enaineer T [Bamboo types con Petig or 7 : io [inion age 2 years eee 3 |Straightness: [ = na @ | Trickewalled N 5 [Free irom damage by Rac Gos pT aT insect, rot ordefects | See aoe 22S km Sem fe ‘ oa d= 4¢6 tambo wom & | The diameter of is lbemboo material: 2. v jem . ~ 7 [Bineing (Nylon yarn) Thien il Wee bind coe efRIe Lowy v = 7 | Required spacha& formation (as per ¥ \ drawing) v 7 | Layer: 3, 4 & Fence Vv Vv ae Cegend: 7 = complied = not complied Prepared by Verified by) Inspegted by Site Engineer (TAW.V) anacirawivy ) inspector y 7 2 Pm Gout neil Page 1 oft TOYO-ADHI-WAKACHIKU JOINT VENTURE PATIMBAN PORT DEVELOPMENT PROJECT (|) PACKAGE 2: BREAKWATER, SEAWALL, AND CHANNEL OREOGING WORKS Final ‘Taspection INSPECTION FORM FOR BAMBOO MATTRESS FABRICATION Date(déimmmy) _2_oudober 2or0 Terget instalation Area :_WSW-2 Location = Netkimbon_ Mate e666 Mattress Type Rt Ref. No. A SS4 Dimension 1650 mx FAW Patimone No. Description Site a Remarks/Comments Engineer QA/Qc | Engineer T [Bamboo wer ont, “Petung’ or ee v v re 7 | Minimum age 2 years v \ z a 3 |Siaiahiness zm asyseeserassnacaseusses v Vv ‘i 7 | ekwated 5 [Free trom damage by Insect roo gefects |, 7 a 6 | The diameter of 8 - bamboo mater ie . ae em 7 [Binding Wivon yarn i: i : 7 [Requred specie & formation (as per y : Z drawing) y 5 [speced avers layer 282 Re- iaspection [loyers3 & Fe Lene VGH x = not complied Prepared by Vetted by —~ inefctedtoy Site Engineer (TAW JV) cwvac(rawiv) —)—_inspeetpr/epeinedy (Patimone) l / ; Vi bs | A gz: /| et sae / adhe wt Alo ( sO Reta lana 3 i Satan ) Page 1 of 1 oO TOYO-ADHI-WAKACHIKU JOINT VENTURE PATIMBAN PORT DEVELOPMENT PROJECT (1) 9 _sracesce 2 sheanaten seawaus, ano crnnes DREDGING WORKS Final inspection INSPECTION FORM FOR BAMBOO MATTRESS FABRICATION Date (a-mmm-yy) ZB odiober 2026 Won 2. Location sinha Morteess Mattress Type Az Ret. No. Dimension 1600 _ mx 3%00_m TaWIV PatimOne fe Deven || na | enter Remarks/Comments T [Bamboo wer “Ort”, “Petung”, or Vv “awa” ‘ x 7 |inimam age 2 years 1 i ig 3 | Straightness = Vv v ds @ | Wridewaled l 5 [Free fromdamageby | insect, rotor defects 7 \ 6 |The diameter of 5 a | bamboo materia... | Vy : i 7 [Binding (Nylonyarm) | | v v r 3 |Requved spacha& formation (as per bi ¥ \ /drawing) D [Inspected layers ayers 182 iayer'3, 4 & fence 7 Legend: 7 = complied + = not complied 5 a Prepared by Verified by Inspected by Site Enginegs (TAW JV) awjac (raw IV} epee Ys \ : Jy. \ Ae Y YY c Pa comGasesen ©) 4 Bootleg 2.4 wa Seww | aan Paget of 2 O TOYO-ADHI-WAKACHIKU JOINT VENTURE PATIMBAN PORT DEVELOPMENT PROJECT (1) Gad packace 2: BREAKWATER, SEAWALL, AND CHANNEL DREDGING WORKS —Firov INSPECTION FORM FOR BAMBOO MATTRESS FABRICATION Target Installation Area :_WSW “2 Date (de-mmm-yy) Location Mattress Type AL Ref. No. Dimension 16.00 mx 20,00 _m TAWV [atime io] descinton | “She Remarks/Comments renter | OA | sree T barboo pes Orit, *Petung’, or v Jlv ows" 7 | Minar age Dears ee eee 7 [alge Gece eee — Me a appl er a 7 frckwaed v 5 Free Fom damage by Insecvroworaeecs |, |» |v 6 |The diameter of Hee ae Domboo mater v ey [nag von vr Vv c T [Reauted sche formation as pet v i drawing) 7 [apace en Loyer: 1&2 a Layer: 3, 4, & fence v Vv legend: 7 + complied Saket orpted Prepared by Veritiedby ) Inspected by Site Engineer (TAW JV) awvag craw svy/ ioe) a V4 «teed pone Castell Sle ) Page tof 1 'O-ADHI-WAKACHIKU JOINT VENTURE PATIMBAN PORT DEVELOPMENT PROJECT () PACKAGE 2: BREAKWATER, SEAWALL, AND CHANNEL DREDGING WORKS INSPECTION FORM FOR BAMBOO MATTRESS FABRICATION Target installation Area ;_WSW F Date (dd-mmm-yy) Location Mattress Type Ref. No Dimension 20,30 mx 450 m No. Description Site Remarks/Comments T [Bamboo tyees “Ori, "Petung’, oF Vv “Jawa” 2 [Minimum age: 2 years i 3 | Straighiness 4 | Thickwalled | Free from damage by insect, rot, or defects v Vv vy © [the diameter of = bamboo material: v v 7 [Binding (Nylon yarn) 3 | Required spacing & formation (as per v Vv drawing) | J 3 [Inspected layers [Layers 2 Layer:3, 4 & fence legend: 7 = complied » =not complied Prepared by Verified by ) Inspegted by site “A. (away) anac (Taw JV) more (PatimOne) [ a wel ( ao Page 1 of oO TOYO-ADHI-WAKACHIKU JOINT VENTURE. a Paani tonr oul © WW srexscea:onencwartn AWA, ano cHAnNEL DREDGING WORKS oe INSPECTION FORM FOR BAMBOO MATTRESS FABRICATION bate (hmmmy) «+ 28 Ottahie 2eae Trgetinstaisvon area :_NGA-2 Location Mattress Type Bo Ref. No. Dimension 1G50_mx_3299 om TaWV [Patina wo] Destin ae | Remarts{Comments Engit QA/Qc | Engineer T [Bamboo pes ‘on, Petro ; ae vl oa c 7 | Miaomaee yeas ei ee 5 [Sragnese = = fF - 7 rckwaed 5 [ee Fornaenegs br imeciovordeeas | | io 3 [Tredanetarat 5 tambo mitra adi ie 7 |Binaing (Nylon yarn) / v jv fw | Required specing& . formation (sper Beet eee es rewing) 3 | inspected layers: jee iayers 1 82 Re- caspection Layer: 3, 4, & fence v nk Foes = Snot eomplied Praparad by Vested gma Site Engineer (TAW JV). eect) M Inspect ?atimOne) Zh / eines g Gooeel leas al Page Loft oO TOYO-ADHI-WAKACHIKU JOINT VENTURE PATIMBAN PORT DEVELOPMENT PROJECT (I) 4d! eackace2: BREAKWATER, SEAWALL, AND CHANNEL DREDGING WORKS Final Letpection INSPECTION FORM FOR BAMBOO MATTRESS FABRICATION Date (de-mmm-yy) 22 onohe Target installation area ;_WGh~Z Location Kaien Mat Mattress Type 82 Ref. No Taw. Reis 1854 Dimension Taw [PatimOne No. Description Site Remarks/Comments: Engineer QA/QC | Engineer T [Banboo per “Ori", “Petung”, or ai v ¥ Ma = | Minimo age 2yeers v S[Sraiehinees cc v tel | @ | riewaied \ 5 [free rom damage by Bean Go we Th Ra Oe insect rot ordefects | ates tok Sem z ‘ fod 0 +48 Wake om 6 |The diameter of He eset bamboo materia: |v em ‘ x 7 [Binding Won yer Tattnall aie Biaag pe Pee Vaay_ v _ . © | Required pacine & formaton{asper | \ drawing) > [spaced ayers jLayer:1&2 a ae tayer'3 4 ence 7 vos logend'¢ = eotlad ot complied Prepared by Verified by ——) site Engineer (TAW JV) owacgawiny ) O yan ctonewam e) « loaities eee Pagetoft TOYO-ADHI-WAKACHIKU JOINT VENTURE PATIMBAN PORT DEVELOPMENT PROJECT (I) PACKAGE 2: BREAKWATER, SEAWALL, AND CHANNEL DREDGING WORKS Fat Tegecton INSPECTION FORM FOR BAMBOO MATTRESS FABRICATION Target Installation Area :_WSw~2 Bi Date (co-mmm-yy) Location Mattress Type Ref. No. Dimension 1680 _ mx PatimOne QA/AC | Engineer T | Bamboo types: i “Ori”, “Petung’ or : cane a v cL No. Description [Site Remarks/Comments 7 |iinimom see 2 years v 3 [Straightness e cans aca = @ | Thicewalled | Free from damage by insect, rot, or defects / “ v v & | The diameter of bamboo materia: 7. 7 [Binding (Nylon yarn) 3 | Required spacing & formation (s per y, drawing) v 7 [pected ayers tori? Teyer 3 5 jance nd: ¥ = complied * noteompled Re. iaspection stealeaah Prepared by Verified by — Site Engineer (TAW 1V) owacrawn yj fA (Pe ase By AB’: Poge Loft oO TOYO-ADHI-WAKACHIKU JOINT VENTURE a PATIMBAN PORT DEVELOPMENT PROJECT () GP saceace 2: sremnwareR, SeAWALL, AND CHANNEL DREDGING WORKS Final inspection INSPECTION FORM FOR BAMBOO MATTRESS FABRICATION Date (dd-mmm-yy) ‘Target Installation Area Mu -2 Location Mattress Type A2 Ref. No. Taw Pet issu Dimension 600 mx 300m TAW | Patinone No,| Deserlation Sie Remarks/Comments in | OA/QC | Engineer T |Bamboo ween “Ori, *Petung”, or eZ “tawar v Me © | Minimum age years See et i 3 [Straigtness : | z 1 ssfeianniaierto 7 fihickwaled \ 5 [Fee rom damage by insect, rot, ordefects | °/ i ‘a & |The dameterof bamboo meters: e : : em 7 [Binding non yar) : ‘ T [Requred spacing | formation (as per v id drawing) . 5 | napected ayers 54 Bence 7 7s omplied ot complied Prepared by verified by) Inspected by Site Engineer (TAW JV) owacerawsv)_/ rere sizer (patimOne) "A eae VOX a {wo iw ee 1 tft 42.) Fe ib Page Loft eu TOYO-ADHI-WAKACHIKU JOINT VENTURE PATIMBAN PORT DEVELOPMENT PROJECT (}) PACKAGE 2: BREAKWATER, SEAWALL, AND CHANNEL DREDGING WORKS era INSPECTION FORM FOR BAMBOO MATTRESS FABRICATION Date (dokmmmyy) Bowie 2020 Target Installation Arez Location Soemzon Moctrts Mattress Type A Ref. No. Tha BEI SS Dimension 1600 mx 3660 _m Tawi PatimOne we] perctoon [eT aavac | ener | Remarks/Comments | ginger ‘Bamboo types: "Ori", “Petung”, or i. J v “Jawa” Vv 7 2 | Minimum ager 2 years v v 3 |Staightness na la v v . pee ee @ | Thiekwalled v '5 | Free from damage by insect, rot, ordefects | 5 i 6 | The diameter of EEE Pee bamboo materia: v v 7 | Binding Wien yarn) v v 3 [Required spacing & formation (as per v Vv rawing) 3 [Inspected layer loyers1 82 liayer:3, 4 &fence | Vv ¥ v Cegend: 7 = complied x =not complied Prepared by verified bf Inspected by a ono y/ oye r (PetimOne) (luni i set. Aye 8) kesh Poge Loft TOYO-ADHI-WAKACHIKU JOINT VENTURE PATIMBAN PORT DEVELOPMENT PROJECT (t) PACKAGE 2: BREAKWATER, SEAWALL, AND CHANNEL DREDGING WORKS INSPECTION FORM FOR BAMBOO MATTRESS FABRICATION Date (do-mmm-yy) Wea Target Installation Ares Location Mattress Type. cb Ret. No. Dimension 4.00 mx 3400 m No,| Description RRemarks/Comments T [Bamboo types: “Orit, "Petung’, or ees 2 [Minimum age: 2 years 3 | Straighiness @ | Thickwalled [Free from damage by Insect, rot, or defects © |The diameter of bamboo materat: 7 [Binding (Nylon yarn) 8 [Required spacing & Formation (as per drawing) 9 [Inspected layers ioyers 2 iyers3, 4 & fence Legend: v= complied =not complied Prepared by site hy (TAWsy) aw/ac(rawWiv) by 7 Re {PatimOne) h 1b Bt ‘hang ) Ctl a, Page Lof 1. Dete Location Ref. No, ow @ TOYO-ADHI-WAKACHIKU JOINT VENTURE PATIMBAN PORT DEVELOPMENT PROJECT (I) PACKAGE 2: BREAKWATER, SEAWALL, AND CHANNEL DREDGING WORKS INSPECTION FORM FOR BAMBOO MATTRESS FABRICATION (ad-mmmn-yy) Ws ~ ‘Target installation Aree Mattress Type Dimension No. TAW IV, [PatimOne Description Site Engineer QA/QC | Engine Remarks/Comments T Bamboo types ori’, “Petung”, o “awa? v v ue Winimum age 2years v Siraightness Thickewalled Free from damage by insect, rot, or defects The diameter of bamboo material: Binding (Nylon yarn) Required spacing & ormation (as per drawing) Inspected layers: liaver's a ence” — | Layer Ta2 Legend: omplied % = not complied Prepared by Site Engineer (TAW JV) cM fe (TAW JV) ) Inspegt Inspecto) My) ed by ae Page 1 of 1 oO -TOYO-ADHI-WAKACHIKU JOINT VENTURE PATIMBAN PORT DEVELOPMENT PROJECT () $a! eacxace2: SREAKWATER, SEAWALL, AND CHANNEL DREDGING WORKS INSPECTION FORM FOR BAMBOO MATTRESS FABRICATION iw Date (ot-mmm-y) oatoher Target instalation Aes Location Mattress Type. x Ref. No. Dimension + 120,30 mx PatinOne ] ‘No. Description jee ‘aasac | Engineer Remarks/Comments: | T [Bamboo wpe ror, Petar’ or “Jawa” . v N = | Minimo aees years a u 3 |sraigimes jm ns = = Vv fees 7 | rickwaled . 5 [Free rom damage by insect ot ordefects | yy | y LY € [fe dametarot 5 amboo matenet. 8. | / v cm < 7 [Binding (Nylon yarny aH v Fe ho J © [Required spacing formation fs per v vy drawing) J 5 [inspected ayers Layers 82 oF Loyer: 3, 4, & fence - lecend 92 com = = not complied Prepared by verineaty Inspagted by meen anaetraw sv Inspector/Enghesr(PstimOne) Ar awl V{MAa? EZ Aswan ey « Aeaoacg 5 ) Page Loft Oo TOYO-ADHI-WAKACHIKU JOINT VENTURE muh er otedeetn 6D cts znstumin aide cme vice woris INSPECTION FORM FOR BAMBOO MATTRESS FABRICATION Date (dd-mmm-yy) 1 Dh oMbober 2o2e Target installation Area ;_W Sw Location Powimbon MA Mattress Type Ret. No. TH 4 Dimension TAWIN Patimone No. Description ‘Site asyac | Engineer Remarks/Comments: Engineer T [Bamboo wes “oni, "Petung”, or P . Vv 7 Vv “awa” 2 | Minimum age: 2 years 3 | Straightness @ [Thieckwalled v 5 [Free rom damage by insect, rot, or defects ie Me v |6 |The diameter of g ae bamboo material: wa v - Vv 7 [Binding (Nyion yarn) i uv v 3 [Required spacing & formation (as per v Vv Vv drawing) 9” [Inspected layers: Layer 783 v Layer: 3,4 @ fence | Legend: v= complied =not complied Prepared by Verified by — Inspected by site Engines TAWW) caractraw vy) ——inspecgricertbterone) ae Ww Wee ef hice A thm ide arenes ©) Keay 5 ee i Page 1 of 1 O TOYO-ADHI-WAKACHIKU JOINT VENTURE = PATIMBAN PORT DEVELOPMENT PROJECT (I) Ow PACKAGE 2: BREAKWATER, SEAWALL, AND CHANNEL DREDGING WORKS INSPECTION FORM FOR BAMBOO MATTRESS FABRICATION Date(ddmmmy) + _26_OWKcher 220 Target instalation Area ;_WSW- Location Tasinson Marsess Mattress Type K = ea = Ref. No. Aul- REI- WSS Dimension AVA mre_W aby) Taw [PatimOne No.| Description sie Remarks/Comments Engineer | QNce | Engineer 7 [Bamboo wees “Ori”, “Petung”, or Fae vjuvly = | Minium age 2 years Vv wy u 3 |sweghiness ae v Ca Ee 7 | ricewalled v 5 [Fe rom damage by inecvrouordetecs |, | V 6 |Thediameterof teem | | | 7 [Binding (Nylon yarn) vw |All F [Required spache® formation (as per et ae Ge crewing) 7 | mapewted ayers 7 layer i&@2 «id “Vv ayer 34 Wee 1 Legend: ¥ = complied 7 x Snot complied Prepared by Verified by site Engineer (TAW.V) roc ir woefemen se, 4 Page 1 of O TOYO-ADHI-WAKACHIKU JOINT VENTURE PATIMBAN PORT DEVELOPMENT PROJECT (1) Gad! ——_backace 2: BREAKWATER, EAWALL, AND CHANNEL DREDGING WORKS Final Lospection INSPECTION FORM FOR BAMBOO MATTRESS FABRICATION Date (do-mmm-yy) Zo _OWoker Boro Target installation Area :_WSu! Location Codimbon Mates Mattress Type a Ref. No. Tau - Ret - Dimension + 3%00_mx_2 Taw [PatimOne No. Description Sie Remarks/Comments Engineer QA/Qc | Engineer T [Bamboo types j "Ori", “Petung", or v ae “Jawa” Vv © | winimam age 2 years Vv YY 3 Straghiness o = 4-4 a 7 [Thiecwated YY 5 [Free from damage by 7 insect rotor defects |, | v 6 |The diameter of a Lae | : cm v i, 7 [Binding vio yarn w a is | 7 [Required spacing & t formation (as per Ye ls drawing) > [nspected aver a [layen't&2 Layer:3, 4, &fence v Legend: = complied set Enot complied Prepared by Veritied by Infected by Site Engineer (TAW JV) aasac(tawiv) ) —_ inspecger/épkinder(Patimone) [Aer eal, a, Belong > 5 seat, i Poge tof 1 oO TOYO-ADHI-WAKACHIKU JOINT VENTURE PATIMBAN PORT DEVELOPMENT PROJECT (1) PACKAGE 2: BREAKWATER, SEAWALL, AND CHANNEL DREDGING WORKS Cena basgrction INSPECTION FORM FOR BAMBOO MATTRESS FABRICATION Date (de-rmmm-yy) 2b. Siatsber_ Anes Target installation area 1_WSw- Location Perietban Muraress Mattress Type Q Ref. No, Taw Rt- ISS Dimension 90 mx 30.00 m TAWIV PatimOne No.| _Deseription we, | lee | Ener Remarks/Comments T [Bamboo types fom srg or vty uv 2 | Minimum age: 2 years v ey a 3 |Straightness | — = v ae 2 aoe @ | Thick-walled Vv 5 [Free from damage by inseet rotorcefects | J [6 Thedameterot | banhen mater es i wy 7 [Binding (Nylon yarn) a rv "Vermeer | v Inspected by, Pagel of1 ow TOYO-ADHI-WAKACHIKU JOINT VENTURE PATIMBAN PORT DEVELOPMENT PROJECT (I) PACKAGE 2: BREAKWATER, SEAWALL, AND CHANNEL DREDGING WORKS Fino Tnspeceiony INSPECTION FORM FOR BAMBOO MATTRESS FABRICATION Date (dd-mmm-yy) 2b outober 2020 Target installation Area ;_WSW-2 = Location Perumban Marriess Mattress Type a Ref. No, kw Bei \CSM Dimension X9.00_mx_2400 m TAW IV PatimOne No.| Deseription Ste Remarks/Comments Engineer | CA/OC | Engineer T [Bamboo types On", *Petung’, or / v “Jawa v ve 2 | Minimum age: 2 years ; ¥ a V vy, 3 | straightness ee oo v v Ve @ | Thickwalled Vv 5 [Free from damage by insect rtordefecs |) - v & | fhe diameter of bamboo material... Vv em v v 7 [Binding (Nylon yarn) | TaN he a Weoik ond Wrong v : Vwiadiog cope before Laray 3 | Required spacing & ss formation (as per v V UV drawing) 3” [inspected layers layer? - ayer3, 4 @ fence vt Vv tal legend: 7 = complied * =not complied Prepared by Verified by) Site Enginesr (TAW JV) aajac (raw suy Mb Wa (pu / |Drot i pe Aspe & (..teetbang 3. Page 1 of O TOYO-ADHI-WAKACHIKU JOINT VENTURE PATIMBAN PORT DEVELOPMENT PROJECT () BW csceace ns oreacvnten, seaWAL, aND CHANNEL DREDGING WORKS = Final Lasgection INSPECTION FORM FOR BAMBOO MATTRESS FABRICATION Date (dd-mmm-yy) 2k witcher 2620 Target instalation Area :_WSw-2 Location Pakinbon Maries, gaat ie Ret. No. “Taw RF - ISS Dietetslon 20_mx 30.00 _m TAWIV PatimOne .| Description a a Qa/Qc | Engineer Remarks/Comments T [Bamboo types on", “Petung", or L eo Jawa" Vv 2 | Minimum age 2 years ie ; - 3 |Siraightness v v we: Ee : 7 [Wricewalled nz 3 [Free from damage by insect, rot, or defects - “7 © | the diameter of tonooormme® | yy | y | Jem | Binding (Nyon - a (Nylon yarn) i ; FRR aN Tes dig Tp é Vetere toMy © [Required spacing & formation (as per iv Y drawing) Y | 9 [inspected layers’ | - layers 82 ¥ mo Prepared by Verified by — Site Engineer TAW1V) awacrrawivy ) 4p. (AOE BBA Page Loft TOYO-ADHI-WAKACHIKU JOINT VENTURE PATIMBAN PORT DEVELOPMENT PROJECT (I) PACKAGE 2: BREAKWATER, SEAWALL, AND CHANNEL DREDGING WORKS Final Lnsgeation INSPECTION FORM FOR BAMBOO MATTRESS FABRICATION Date (ed-mmm-yy) Yo oct gore Targetinstaiaton Ares; WOW 2 Location fatrmban \ Mattress Type os fet No Taw “Bet -1954 Dimension $0.0 mx AE0 im Tawi PatimOne No.| _Deseription site Remarks/Comments Engineer QA/QC | Engineer T [Bamboo types “Ori”, “Petung”, or “owe? alee | iinimum age years bee Vv v 3 |Straghiness a = ree an Ee Sesleri eeetoe cre @ | Thiewalled v 3 | Free rom damage by insect, rot, or defects vu wf) vii 6 |The diameter of fe bamboo materiat:.8. | - V ay 7 [Binding (Nylon yarn) y oe ' at vu | wi 8 | Required spacing & v ot formation (as per | rawing) v v 9 [Inspected layers laver:1 83 layers3, 4B fence Prepared by Verified by Inspected by Site Engineer (TAW.V) ANCE (TAWIT ) —_Inspector/Engineer (PatimOne) Hebe ed BC, Page tof oO TOYO-ADHI-WAKACHIKU JOINT VENTURE PATIMBAN PORT DEVELOPMENT PROJECT) © 69 recuse oneanwaten, awa ano cuanne: DREDGING WORKS a Final Unsqeetion INSPECTION FORM FOR BAMBOO MATTRESS FABRICATION Date (dd-mmm-yy) 20 ok Wr Target installation Area :_YiSw Location Rabmban | Mattress Type G Ret. No. Thu - Fe = S84 Dimension 4.30 mx_B:26 wi TaW WV PatimOne No.| Description Sie | Remarks/Comments Engineer Qa/ac | Engineer T [Bamboo types ori, *Petung”, or e/a “Jawa uw 2 | Minimum eee: ee vw |v v 3. |Straightness: al | _ — —t v Ree 4 [Thicewalled v |Free from damage by insect rotor defects | a, v @ |The diameter of bamboo materak &. | | / o Jem v 7 [Binding (Nylon yarn) ae ue v | | 4 @ | Required spacing & formation (as per u i v drawing) * 9 [inspected ayers: lovers 82 Layers, # @ fence Vv ate plied 1 complied Propared by Verified by Inspected by Site Engineer (TAW JV) aasac. TAT) Inspector/Engineer (PatimOne) Page 1 of oO TOYO-ADHI-WAKACHIKU JOINT VENTURE = PATIMBAN PORT DEVELOPMENT PROJECT (i) GF proses vestry atta secure sarvsticiions Froal Insertion INSPECTION FORM FOR BAMBOO MATTRESS FABRICATION Date (dermmm-y) 3 Of 2020 Target installation Area: SW) % Locetion Jatwaloan | Mattress Type = Ref. No. Thy -PE LANE S4 Dimension 220.40 mx AtEm Taw PatimOne No.| Description Site Remarks/Comments Engineer | QC | Engineer T | Bamboo types “On”, "Petung”, oF L S v wat 2 [Minimum age: 2year aaa 3 |Sireighiness — = ~ Y cee a @ | Thiekowalled v © [Free from damage by [Peat 7 Fae So Tom Ves Wamboo insect ot, ordefects | Vv vi 6 | The diameter of 8 sia bamboo mater: ua vs v 7 [Binding (Nylon yarn) ae a leoead v @ [Required space & formation (as per u a Vv drawing) © [Inspected layers 1 Layer: 1&2 [layer3, 4 & fence 7 legend: 7 = complied =not complied Prepared by Verified by _—, Inspected by Site Engineer (TAWJV) anaciTaw) ) —nspector/ngineerPatirOne} pee Paget oft. o TOYO-ADHI-WAKACHIKU JOINT VENTURE = PATIMBAN PORT DEVELOPMENT PROJECT () GB WF srexnce sree sewn. ano lA DREDENE WORE ral vwspection INSPECTION FORM FOR BAMBOO MATTRESS FABRICATION Date (dd-mmm-yy) 30 oc 2020 Target installation Area; WZ WS Location faruilaw | Mattress Type ial Ref. No The- PF ISG Dimension 48: 8t_ py Citeequler) AWWW PatimOne No.| Description Site Remarks/Comments Engineer | ONC | Engineer | T [Bamboo ter | “Ori”, “Petung”, or Jawa" wy a 2 [Minimum age 2 years ue ulv 3 | Straightness [ a @ | Thickwalled 5 | Free from damage by insect, rot, or defects Wage 7 & | The diameter of bosom |v | | oy 7 [Binding (Nylon yarn) wily v 3 |Requredspache® T formation (os per ey raving) 7 Tiespected ayers Taye 2&3 iver 3 4B ice CTT tegend: 7 = complied ot complied Prepared by verted by Inspected by Site Engineer (TAW JV) aa Inspector/Engineer (PatimOne) cule Oe ivereea bs ) Page 1 of 1 @ Ow TOYO-ADHI-WAKACHIKU JOINT VENTURE PATIMBAN PORT DEVELOPMENT PROJECT (I) PACKAGE 2: BREAKWATER, SEAWALL, AND CHANNEL DREDGING WORKS Fico Tnsgection INSPECTION FORM FOR BAMBOO MATTRESS FABRICATION Date (dd-mmm-yy) $0 Oct 2ozo Target installation Area :_WSW Location Rabwiban | Mattress Type & Ref. No. REH-ASS4 Dimension 120-0 me tS im TAWIV PatimOne al No.| Description eae, | ensae | erie Remarks/Comments | Bamboo types: “Ori”, "Petung’, or ; ‘awa ive 2 [Minimum age: | 2 years uv v v 3 | straightness = v ical ESE aa @ | Thicewalled v 5 | Free from damage by ea Nepair = FOOT > OW Cees yor | insect rot ordetects | L- | v coe © fe dianeterof zi 7 eee ml bamboo materal:.S Ee vv Vv v 7 [Binding (Nylon yarn) v v “ & [Required spacing & formation (as per tion (35 a Vv v drawing) Inspected layers: layer: 1a2 lover: 3,4, B fence v Legend: v= complied » =not complied Prepared by Inspected by Site Engineer (TAW,V) Inspector/Engineer (PatimOne) Ay ee Page of O TOYO-ADHI-WAKACHIKU JOINT VENTURE PATIMBAN PORT DEVELOPMENT PROLET () GB Wh sscences:ateacnaren sawn, avo chan DREDGING WOR : Final Tesgecrion INSPECTION FORM FOR BAMBOO MATTRESS FABRICATION Date (da-mmm-yy) 20 Ott too Target installation Area ;_ WWD Location Fatban | Mattress Type QD Ref. No, Taw - BELLE S 4 Dimension 30.0 mx tS m TaWV Patimone No. Description Site Remarks/Comments Engineer GATo6:: eneinest T [Bamboo types “Ori”, “Petung", or “awa uly i|y 2 | Minimum ager 2 years Vv i Vv 3 |Straighiness = = = v et v 7 [hidewalled Vv 5 [Free from damage by insect, rot, ordefects. |, ela 6 | The diameter of g saa ed bamboo nate uly iY 7 [Binding (Nylon yarn) v fe leer B [Required spacing & formation (as per ow drawing) a v 3 [Inspected ayers: Layers 82 tayer'3, 4B fence ra Legend mpied ot complied Prepared by Verified Inspected by Site Engineer (TAW JV) ny) inspector/Engineer (PatimOne) 7 hea S (oenmennnraen OBB ( ) Page 1 of 1 Final \nspeckion INSPECTION FORM FOR BAMBOO MATTRESS FABRICATION TOYO-ADHI-WAKACHIKU JOINT VENTURE PATIMBAN PORT DEVELOPMENT PROJECT (I) PACKAGE 2: BREAKWATER, SEAWALL, AND CHANNEL DREDGING WORKS Date (de-mmm-yy) 196 wey Zero Target Installation Area ;_WSW_Z Location Rarmlan Maitress Mattress Tyoe S Ref. No. Thw- bet - 1854 Dimension WO mx\t-2 om Tawi PatimOne 'No.| _Deseription She Remarks/Comments Engineer | ONOC | Engineer 7 4 / v = |iinimam age: 2 years BA acs 3 |Straightness = = — v as —lno | 4 |Thick-walled | uw uv 3 [Free from damage by insect, rot, or defects - y uF © | The diameter of bamboo materia. | 7 7 UV Jem v 7 [Binding (Nylon yarn) eae ee wa 3 [Required spacing & formation (as per ey ; vu drawing) | v 9 [inspected avers layer 182 laver'3 4 & fence Legend malied ot complied Prepared by Verified by Inspe€tad by Site Engineer (TAW JV) Qa/ac (TAWV >) (eer ffatimOne) _ tyes ( LB havi Page tof 1 Oo TOYO-ADHI-WAKACHIKU JOINT VENTURE = PATIMBAN PORT DEVELOPMENT PROJECT (I) 6 sscxscesnesnwaten EAWALL AND CHANNEL OREDGING WORKS ‘Eual “mrectton INSPECTION FORM FOR BAMBOO MATTRESS FABRICATION Date (de-mmm-yy) O6 aio _20to Target instalation Area: WSW 2 Location uMlean Marerese isetecr Typ é Ref. No. A - REL -WSS4 Dimension 20.0 mx \}S0_m Taw PatimOne fn] emtoton ste | cava | enanowr Remarks/Comments 1 | Bamboo types “ori, "Petung", or teva lev ¥ | Minimum age 2 years Mies ee 3_ | Straightness vv eee 4 | Thick-walled uv 5 [Free from damage by Fepair = Po 3 > St GE Cambor insect, rot ordefects | U~ 2 v Low \2 = Om Les bamboo flout 29+ (OM 1 Fes Bamboo 6 |The diameter of bamboo material 7 [Binding (Nylon yarn) & [Required spacing & formation (as per Vv drawing) v oe 3 [lnspected layers: layers 83 [Layer 4 & fence Legend: v= complied =not complied Prepared by Verified by Inspested by Site Engineer (TAW JV) anvac (raw sv) jon & Page Lof1 TOYO-ADHI-WAKACHIKU JOINT VENTURE = e PATIMBAN PORT DEVELOPMENT PROJECT (I) PACKAGE 2: BREAKWATER, SEAWALL, AND CHANNEL DREDGING WORKS Furl seection INSPECTION FORM FOR BAMBOO MATTRESS FABRICATION Date (dd-mmmn-yy) Ob Aby 2020 Target installation Area; WSW & Location Ratmnivan Mattress Mattress Type © Ref. No. Taw 28 ASF Dimension 20.40 mx ESV TAWiV PatimOne No. Description eae, | ania | Engineer Remarks/Comments T [Bamboo types: “Ori”, "Petung’, or eee eee aa “awa 2 [Minimum age: 2 years es a 3 | Straightness C = oars ee ee = @ | Thickowalied Y 5 | Free from damage by ann ia legate: Row 14> WOM \ Rs WAMboo insect, rot, ordefects | U- j UV 6 |The diameter of 8 eee bamboo mater wiv UZ 7 | Binding (Nylon yarn) vv v uv 3 [Required spacing & formation (as per v drawing) v v 5 [inspected ayers ‘tayeri& 2 [teayers3, 4B jenee ZV Fagen ee eal x Snot complied Prepared by Verified by) Inspected by Site Engineer (TAW JV) aw/ac (Taw JV) Inspector/ENgineer (PatimOne) Ae: Z Cesthel ils Page of1 O TOYO-ADHI-WAKACHIKU JOINT VENTURE = PATIMBAN PORT DEVELOPMENT PROJECT () B69 exceaser:srercwaten seAWAL a0 CHANNEL DREDGING WORKS ‘Funok tne pection INSPECTION FORM FOR BAMBOO MATTRESS FABRICATION Date (dd-mmm-yy} 06 Noy Lovo Target installation Area ;_WSW 2 Location Dtimban Vattress Mattress Type Ass Fag OY Ref. No Taw PEL - 1554 oe 48.01 ae, TAW I [Patinone No.| Description Sie Remarks/Comments Engineer QA/QC | Engineer T [Bamboo types On, “Petung’, or awa" ne v |v | Minimum oe 2 years Y : oa y 3 | raignness See r =: A <4} — ee = [Thiecwalled uv 5 |Freetrom damageby > ‘insect, rot, or defects f viu © |e diameter of samboomateral: 8. | 4 | vy oZ 7 [Binding (Nylon yarn) © | Required spacing & formation (as per drawing) Viv we | 3 [inspected ayers lover 182 Loyer 3 4, Fence Legend: <= complied =not complied Prepared by Verified by — Site Engineer (TAW WV) awacirawiy ) ‘| | Aw (hem24, $l Page L of

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