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// RC1-TEAM3

Research Cluster 1, 2019-2020

M.Arch Architectural Design

UCL, The Bartlett School of Architecture

1 INTRODUCTION 6.1 Material Connection Chart 10 PHYSIC MODEL
1.1 Theoretical Background 6.2 Joint Design 11 DESIGN ITERATIONS
1.2 Project overview 6.3 Material Application logic
1.3 Scenario
2.1 Material Lifecycle 7.2 Damage Assessment
2.2 Material Logistic Chain in London 7.3 User’s Preference
2.3 Demolish Method 7.4 Algorithms Optimization
2.4 Material Classification
2.5 Material Catalog 8 BUILDING GENERATION
2.6 Material Storage 8.1 Game2 Workflow
8.2 Reversible Space Design
RC 1 Reversible Architecture

8.3 UI Interface

Reversible Architecture
8.4 Data Collection
3.1 Background
8.5 Algorithm Generation
3.2 Participatory Construction System
8.6 The Final space
3.3 Gaming Approach
3.4 Case Study: Bartlett School
3.5 Conflicts in Ukraine 9 BUILDING CONSTRUCTION
3.6 Reversible Space 9.1 Construction Workflow
Team 3:: Sitan Sun, Mingmin Shen, Xinjie, Wu 9.3 Voxel Typology
4 REVERSIBLE ARCHITECTURE 9.4 Material Combination system
4.1 Introduction
9.5 Unit Combination
4.2 Project process
9.6 Construction
4.3 UI Interface

5.1 Detection Process
5.2 Material Dataset
5.3 Material Exchange Library


UCL, The Bartlett School of Architecture 3
RC 1 Reversible Architecture

Chapter 1

Reversible Architecture

Mingmin Shen, Sitan Sun, Xinjie Wu

Project Background
Today, the construction industry accounts for 39% of algorithms for optimisation. Based on the concept
the total carbon emissions produced by humans. The of reversible architecture, the project challenges the
desire for non-renewable resources such as sand, capital-led extractive economy by creating a visible
water, stone and steel during the rapid urbanisation and participatory material supply chain. The negative
process is irreversibly depleting entire regions, impact of an extractivist-dominated building system
essentially transforming their nature into habitats that can be reduced by pooling discarded materials
cannot support human and animal life. At the same and resources from the neighbourhood to produce
RC 1 Reversible Architecture

time, in the process of transferring raw materials building components that can be disassembled and

Reversible Architecture
into the built environment, there has always been reused repeatedly.
the phenomenon of capital accumulation and the
corresponding cruel exploitation of the environment.
Img.1 Axonometric drawings for project’s units
This mining-led building manufacturing process has
inevitably caused some kind of irreversible damage.

Project Overview
From the perspective of architects, the project
proposes architecture as an interactive system of
functional reversibility, community engagement, and
the recycling and reuse of construction materials
to connect people and places. Therefore, when
the main purpose of architecture is to serve the
community rather than capital accumulation, a
bottom-up, citizen-led urban regeneration platform
is proposed. The decentralised platform promote
citizens, instead of architects, to play a major role in
city scale redevelopment projects, forming regional
redevelopment plans through a bottom-up approach,
in the form of games, with machine learning and

Img.2 Rendering of the final result

6 7
Non-Extractive Architecture: On designing without Deplrtion

Architecture - and the architects - has a huge At the same time, “a transition of equity” could
influence in defining how we live, work and socialise also change the concept of material supply chain,
as a community. In fact, architecture can be depicted from an unregulated profit-maximizing model to
as the process of how our collective priorities shape an internationalism of community negotiation,
the environment. Today, buildings are responsible for worker empowerment and solidarity between
nearly 40% global annual greenhouse gas emissions. material producers and consumers. Non-Extractive
As the real cost of inaction grows, every human activity Architecture is a new architectural model proposed
will be reconsidered – the construction industry is by Space Caviar, aiming to find a methodology, that
RC 1 Reversible Architecture

one of the places where creative thinking is most integrate community value into the architectural

Reversible Architecture
desperately needed. Confronted with the urgency industry from long-term thinking, material resource
of the climate crisis, architects have a responsibility and their subsequent landscapes. The project involves
to think about the environmental impact of building a series of research and residential and public projects,
material and are called upon to creatively reimagine proposing if we can meet our insatiable needs for
the performance of materials, in order to guide our economic development and material consumption
innovations to meet the challenges. through reuse and recycling, using old materials to
create new cities, and proposes detachable design
Face by the urgency of the climate crisis, attention and material circulation, to realise a closed-loop
has been focused on the impact from material system for material extraction and production.
production and supply: the accumulation of capital
and the corresponding processes of cruelty and Start from the concept proposed by Non-extractive
exploitation in the transfer of raw materials into Architecture, we aim to create a community
the built environment have long been thought at reconstruction platform, to enable negotiations and
alarming scales, and considered to be disjointed with empowerment of the community through gaming.
planning practices. It has reflected today’s global At the same time, we propose a material exchange
neocolonial model of extractive capitalism. Political library at community scale, to radically overturn the
theorist Damian White has pointed that, the concept previous material supply chain, which was built on
of “a transition of equity” as a powerful framework, the exploitation of labour and nature. Beyond that,
has recently been put forward in areas such as a detachable design of architecture may realise the
climate justice, for thinking about how to change the “carbon free”, to further seek the coexistence of
contradictions between environmental protections, built environment and environmental protection.
workers’ benefits and the economy in today’s model
of extractive capitalism.

Img.3 Illustrations in <Non-Extractive Architecture> Caviar, S., (2021). Non-extractive architecture. Moscow: V-A-C Foundation.

8 9
Chapter 1: Introduction
Project Objective Project Workflow


RC 1 Reversible Architecture

Reversible Architecture
Upcycling Participatory
of materials Construction

Reversible design and A more democratic de-

material upcycling sign for the community

Img.4 The diagram of project’s aim and contribution

According to the industry based on an extractive economy, the logistic and trading with material are not transparency, while industrialized processes have made
construction easily achieved but deconstruction complicated. Therefore, we seek to create a decentralised open-source platform within a city context which aims
for transparency in material trading and reversibility in construction practices and architectural functions.

In this platform we have made the logistics chain of materials transparent, used upcycle materials for construction and designed a high tolerance construction
system. The game approach were applied to the platform to enable users to collaboratively design and construct each stage of their community. The platform
therefore in an attempt to create a community where materials are decentralised and autonomous and where building functions are reversible.

10 11
Chapter 1: Introduction Scenario

Industrialization Climate Change


Material Transparency Resources Shortage War Conflict Man-made Extreme

Material Disaster Climate

Literature Review Site Visit

Material Reuse Urban


3D Scanning Machine Learning

Construction Building Demolish Reversible Adapting to new Non-democratic
Architecture situation Negotiation

Case Study Video Game

RC 1 Reversible Architecture

Reversible Architecture
Damage Detection Voxlization Video Game Reversible Space

Agent Simulation Magnetizing

Reversible Material Demolish Community Building

Classification method Rebuilding Generation
Prdestrian Simulation

Storage Point Material


Space Voxelization Galapagos

Material Reversible Participatory
Exchange Construction Construction System


Research of material logistic chain The scenario illustrates the outline of the project. As a background target location and the platform was used to complete the post-
to the project, on the one hand, an extractive-based capitalist war reconstruction of Ukraine, including participatory design
Research of urban reconstruction
economy has led to a shortage of building resources. On the other of communities, participatory construction based on reusable
Img.5 Diagram of project methodology hand, many cities have been destroyed by extreme weather due materials, and the realisation of a reversible material logistics
Techincal approach of the projects
to climate change and urgently need to be rebuilt. Our project chain. At the same time, video games were used as a tool to enable
Proposal target of the projects therefore aims to provide a platform for community redevelopment community-based participatory design and construction.
in which the material cycle is reversible. Ukraine was chosen as the
Img.6 Project Scenario

12 13
Chapter 3: Urban reconstruction
Project outline

Participate in the building process

Design of reversible spaces

+ A comprehensive view of the building Deep involvement in the design

design and manufacturing process and construction of communities
+ +
Architecture Public
Assist with algorithm design Users play game to design their Floor plan
private and public spaces

Participatory construction
Reversible construction
Enter user preferences for communities and spaces

Designing the game flow

RC 1 Reversible Architecture

Reversible Architecture
Platform & System
+ Urban regeneration projects are largely gov-
ernment-led and profit-oriented, rather than
community upgrading oriented through com-
Users play game to design their Community plan munity dynamics and resident participation.
community functions Government-led community redevelopment
policies treat housing and construction as a
commodity in an open market, and as such,
Market value Reversible space Material exchange these projects are mostly utilised by develop-
ers as a means of making a profit rather than
as an opportunity for improvement. For local
Participation in the consultation and negotiation governments, a community-based, bottom-up
process of the public approach to urban policy means encouraging
comprehensive planning and collaboration
between government and the community. It is
a holistic approach built around families and
The global pandemic of 2020 shows how
Conflicts between goernment and market:
Conflicts between goernment and construction: much informed public debate and consent
Evaluation and approval 1. Labor shortage after Brexit
1. Complex approval standards for rebuilding houses is needed before government decisions can
2. High transportation cost and landfill cost
2. Land is privatized, but there are still many restrictions gain significant support. At the same time,
3. High cost of treatment of harmful materials
3. High third-party supervision fees + the private lives of heterogeneous residents
4. Material waste, pollution of the environment
4. Strict construction industry system require built spaces that are adaptable to
5. The cost of regulating markets is enormous
5. Design freedom is low and cumbersome change, rather than a uniform, standardised
space. Therefore, in line with the changing
context and the needs of individuals, it is pro-
posed that architecture be seen as a process
Evaluation and approval of community and building and system in which the flexibility of space,
+ the involvement of the community, and the
construction processes
management of the construction process in-
teract to design and produce a building.
Img.7 Diagram of project outline

14 15
RC 1 Reversible Architecture

Reversible Architecture
Chapter 2
Material logistic chain

16 17
Chapter 2: Material logistic chain

Img.9 Context of material logistic chain

RC 1 Reversible Architecture

Reversible Architecture
Img.10 Context of material logistic chain

Img.11 Material logistic study

Chapter 2 provides the theoretical background to the material logistics chain. This
Img.8 Context of material logistic chain
includes a study of the life cycle of different materials and a field survey of the ma- The construction industry consumes forty percent of the materials used globally each year (Global ABC Global Status Report,
terials logistics chain in London, where two methods of demolition based on differ- 2018). According to the UK State of Materials Reuse Survey (2003), when a building is demolished, between thirty-five and forty
ent configurations of buildings are presented, together with the design of a com- percent of the materials are wasted and less than seventy percent are reused, and this includes materials that are transported
munity-wide storage process for demolition materials. The chapter focuses on the to landfill. In addition, industrialized processes have made construction very easy, but deconstruction very complicated, this is
process of materials from production to decommissioning and attempts to create a due to an industry based on an extractive economy, however in contemporary scenarios, there is not enough resources. Thus, it
catalogue of decommissioned materials through machine learning, which provides a has become a problem that how to reduce the waste generated in the lifecycle of materials. Today’s buildings are designed to be
technical reference for the subsequent construction of a materials exchange platform.. easily assembled, not disassembled or reassembled. These relate to the opaqueness of material logistics and material waste.

18 19
Chapter 2: Material logistic chain
Material lifecycle
Concrete ------The game of traditional and modern ways to upcycle concrete. Timber

Aggregate Cement Slurry Reinforcement material

+ +
stone sand cement and water steel fiber glass fiber pre-formed foam

cement concrete lightweight concrete fiber reinforced concrete Autoclaved aerated concrete In fact, over 90% of construction, demolition
and excavation waste have opportunity to be
recycled nowadays, like bricks and woods. As
for the concrete, the general life cycle now
is to be crashed into particles in their end of
life and reprocess some reusable parts as raw
materials from beginning, so the other part
will have to be wasted in the process. So if
there is an other way to reuse such material?
We will try to find out.
RC 1 Reversible Architecture

Precast Beams Precast Floor Slabs Precast Walls Precast Columns

Reversible Architecture

Raw M
ateria End of Life

When a tree is ready
for harvesting it is Ma
felled, debranched nce
and usually cut into a
butt log, middle log
and top log, plus one ves
Demolition to three sections of Har
Way pulpwood. Wood components damaged by termite
Manufacture Post production Seasoned timber
& Distribution Decay and deterioration timber
Crown and bench Wood components were replacement
Deformated wood components
wrecking ball high-reach arm Selective Demolition Non-explosive demolition agent DYNACEM
Wood chips and particles Damaged materials and
Shaving and dry chips prefabricated structural
Sawdust Broken plank components
Crown and branch wood can
Crushing into partical size be collected up to be chipped The wood extracted from the
Concrete chunk with rebars for reusing as aggregate
and used as forest fuel. Smaller Swedish forest can be divided up
trees that are felled during thin- into three main flows: 47 percent
step3: grading ning, for example, are cut into goes to the sawmills, 45 percent
pulpwood or small-dimension heads for the pulp mills and 8
saw logs with a top diameter of percent is used for firewood,
120–200 mm. Alternatively, trees poles and so on. The logs are ac-
Flow both large and small with bends, companied by bark, while crowns
twists, hollowed centers or other and branches are also taken from
defects will be removed during a the forest in the form of forest
Collecting uncontaminated concrete and rebars Every chunks with 1.5m or 2m Length and width
final harvest dlone with the saw- fuel, which is used for energy
step1:Transports and acceptance at a step2: crushing and sorting. New step 3: collecting timber.
concrete recycling facility. and processing.
20 21
Chapter 2: Material logistic chain
Material lifecycle
Steel Stone

Marble Slate

Metamorphic Stone
Granite Basalt


Igneous Rocks

Sandstone Limestone

Sedimentary Rocks
RC 1 Reversible Architecture

Reversible Architecture

Sel Decommissioning

& R tenan
esto ce

p pl Decay phenomena induced
Su Construction
by environmental attacks, ag-
There are three stone ing, and/or damage due to
Preparation construction method: long-term heavy loads can
Dry stone stacking, strongly influence the super-
Stone masonry, Stone ficial and structural durability
veneer. During the of stone masonry, including
construction process, multiple-leaf structures. During
some stones veneer the maintenance, some stones
Quarry by-products are produced and stone brick will be veneer and stone brick will be
during crushing and washing opera- discarded because of replaced because of Weather-
tions. There are three types of quarry
the improperly cut size. ing, corrosion and damage
by-products resulting from these op-
erations: screenings, pond fines, and
baghouse fines.

22 23
Chapter 2: Material logistic chain Construction research in London
Material Logistic Chain Research in London

1. Make Construction map in London 2. Building demolition

method research
Investigation into how many buildings are
Research Process being demolished in an area of London A Case study used to investigate
the demolition process of a
building in London

3. Research on the flow of

materials after demolition

4. London Landfill Map Investigating the destination of

different materials after a building
RC 1 Reversible Architecture

Investigating the location and has been demolished by interview

Reversible Architecture
accessibility of landfill sites within

After the building has been demolished,

most of the waste material is sorted and
transported to the nearby landfill, with the
exception of concrete, which is crushed on
site or transported to a nearby plant to be
crushed and reprocessed.

5. Research on material storage

Construction Manager
Investigating the storage of different
materials in landfills

Most of the materials from the landfill are

sold to companies that reuse materials for
reuse, and some are sold to people who
want to use cheaper materials to repair their
6. Landfill material
flow survey
Investigate the flow of materials in the
landfill and the reuse of materials
Landfill manager
London de-construction storage map

24 25
Chapter 2: Material logistic chain
Case study
Building being demolished

80-81 Farringdon St, London

Shoe Ln, London

80 Farringdon Street is a Grade II list building in

the City of London. Historic England notes that
it was originally a terraced house, built in about
1720 for a vintner, and was converted to a pub
in about 1832. The building is the traditional
london terrace house with brick and wood con-

Img.1 Img.2
RC 1 Reversible Architecture

Reversible Architecture
Img.4 Img.5

81 Farringdon Street and 77 Farringdong Street

are both commercial building with concrete and
steel construction.

There three buildings are all being demolished:

A 13-storey development designed by TP Ben-
nett is set to go ahead after the City of London Img.6
gave it approval.
Img. 4-5 The current site location of 80 Farrington Street and the whole demolished plan stated by government.
The works will begin in May and see the demo-
Img. 6 The dismantled structure of the building and dconstruction material statistics of 80 Farrington Street. The deconstruction of
lition of two existing buildings – 81 Farringdon
Img.3 the building structure helps the program better study the framework and construction of the current buildings. In addition, each
Street and 1 Stonecutter Court – to make way for
disassembled component is classified and counted
32,000m2 office space.

26 27
Chapter 2: Material logistic chain Material storage research
Material landfills in London

Demolished site Landfill

Clearaway Reclamation Surry Waste Removal Veolia, Rainham Landfill

Whetsted Road, Whetsted, Tonbridge TN12 Avern Rd, Molesey, West Molesey KT8 2JP Coldharbour Ln, Rainham RM13 9YB
RC 1 Reversible Architecture

Reversible Architecture
28 29
Chapter 2: Material logistic chain
Material storage
1 mechanical and electrial elements 2 components: windows,doors 3 interior walls Planning & Development
Building Condition

• Program

• Finance

• Evaluation

• Management

• License

1. Prepare the site: 2. Strip away nonstructural components:

Mechanics, electricians, and plumbers cut off the power, shut down Labor forces dismantle the architectural, mechanical, and electrical elements of When a building is demolished, the planning scheme of the new
HVAC systems, and cap open piping. Crew members also install a tem- the structure, leaving the building’s shell. building will be formulated. The period of the permission is usually
porary lighting system and add a trash chute to maximize sorting of stipulated in the conditions of the permit, starting within 3 years from
recyclable goods the date of obtaining the permit.

Label each Material Storage Requirement Storage Point

RC 1 Reversible Architecture

Reversible Architecture
Bricks Blocks Roofing tiles Drainage pipes
Bricks may be delivered to site loose Bricks may be delivered to site loose Bricks may be delivered to site loose Bricks may be delivered to site loose Bricks may be delivered to site loose
or strapped in unit loads and stored or strapped in unit loads and stored or strapped in unit loads and stored on or strapped in unit loads and stored or strapped in unit loads and stored
on timber pallets to be transport- on timber pallets to be transport- timber pallets to be transported using on timber pallets to be transported us- on timber pallets to be transported us-
Bricks may be delivered to site loose or ed using a forklift. Bricks should be ed using a forklift. Bricks should be a forklift. Bricks should be stacked on ing a forklift. Bricks should be stacked ing a forklift. Bricks should be stacked
strapped in unit loads and stored on tim- stacked on edge in rows to a maxi- stacked on edge in rows to a maxi- edge in rows to a maximum height of on edge in rows to a maximum height on edge in rows to a maximum height
mum height of 2.4 m. mum height of 2.4 m. 2.4 m. of 2.4 m. of 2.4 m.
ber pallets to be transported using a fork-
lift. Bricks should be stacked on edge in
rows to a maximum height of 2.4 m.
8 load-bearing walls 7 floor beams 6 floors 5 roof tiles 4 insulation

Suburban Warehouse

During the three-year period when dem-

olition approval was obtained and the site
was redesigned, the house was left with a
load-bearing structure and skin, and in an
unused state. This time gap in the demolition
process can be used as a storage site. Trans-
porting most of the materials under other
4. Sort debris: 3. Remove materials and shore up building: demolitions in the area to this site saves a lot
The team places the deconstructed building materials into Structure shoring and temporary supports are added. Crews remove of transportation and storage costs.
recycle, reuse, sell, or donate bins and then begins new con- floor beams, load-bearing walls, columns, and floor slabs of external Users can on-site pickup materials at this stor-
struction. sections of the building that require demolition. age point after purchasing materials

30 31
Chapter 2: Material logistic chain
• Frame structure Selective demolition
Demolish method
• Roof Using a residential house in London as a case study, we analysed the basic compo- “Selective Demolition and On-site Sorting” is to facilitate recovery of construction
Building materials classification - Brick structure nents in the building and the materials used in each component to consider how to and demolition (C&D) materials for beneficial reuse/recycling, thus minimizing the
• floors maximise the use of materials to dismantle the building. burden on municipal landfills and public filling areas.
• Wall with windor and door
• Walls Selective demolition flow - Brick structure
• Interior walls

Tiles in Roof

Timber in roof frames

Window in attic
RC 1 Reversible Architecture

Reversible Architecture
Timber boards in floors 1. Prepare the site, cut off the power 2. Strip away mechanical and electrial 3. Add temporary supports remove
elements as well as windows and doors. interior walls and insulations.

Temporary supports stabilize stabilize the

The construction crew cuts off utilities, adds The nonstructural pieces of the building are building while workers demolish the desired
temporary lighting, and installs trash chutes. removed, leaving behind the building shell. beams, walls, and floor slabs.
Insulation layer

Brick in Walls

Timber in frames



Timber in floors

6. Demolish exterior walls and sort the debris. 5. Remove roof structure and floor beams. 4. Remove roof tiles and floors
32 33
Chapter 2: Material logistic chain • Frame structure Selective demolition method - concrete wall
Demolish method • Roof
Building materials classification - Concrete frame structure • floors
• Wall with windor and door Concrete in wall
• Walls
• Interior walls The concrete walls and broken walls to be removed
are first measured to determine the cutting point
and size of each piece, including measuring the
broken parts, the distribution of reinforcement and
Tiles in Roof the location of the floor slab. After the positioning
is completed a hand-held cutter is used to cut it to-
gether with the reinforcement into large pieces of
a certain size. Concrete on higher floors can be re-
moved by a large demolition unit before secondary
treatment of it.
Steel in roof frames
RC 1 Reversible Architecture

Reversible Architecture
Concrete in frames

Concrete in roof frames

Concrete processing

Concrete in walls


Concrete in foundation

2. Cutting reinforcement in concrete and trimming edges 3. Spot cutting of large concrete blocks

34 35
Chapter 2: Material logistic chain Modeling simulations attempt
Material acquisition test
Physical attempt
Different from the London scenario, these
buildings are mostly concrete, the left overs of
which are all irregular due to explosions. There-
fore, rather than performing precise incisions
and meticulous dismantling, simulations of dif-
ferent forms of demolition techniques are used
to get a prediction of the probability of parts.

We conducted a controlled concrete blast test

and uploaded the concrete fragments to the
material library by 3d scanning; the idea being
that one would upload post-war broken ma-
terial to the material library in the same way.
More digital simulations will be carried out in
Place the material into the black the near future. We also simulated the anima-
Original model (Test) Tool preparation board with the positioning mark tion of the building collapse to get the material
pieces. The idea being that one would upload
post-war broken material to the material library
in the same way.
RC 1 Reversible Architecture

Reversible Architecture
Scanning process

Explosion process

Stair Concrete chunk Concrete chunk

Concrete chunk Concrete chunk
Structure timber Steel

Material flagments Recover flagments

Physical material scanning into 3D model

36 37
Chapter 2: Material logistic chain
Decoding Methodology Material identification

Training Set
RC 1 Reversible Architecture

Reversible Architecture
Candidate label

38 39
Chapter 2: Material logistic chain Machine learning Data collection
YOLOV5 Network
RC 1 Reversible Architecture

Reversible Architecture
40 41
Chapter 2: Material logistic chain Material Catalog
Material catalog
Material Classification with types Classification by the usable properties and types of different material.

Brick Timber Concrete

Log Board Batten Block Chunk Rubble

Brick Tile
Life Span * History*Color Life Span
Prefabricated Pipe *Size
*Types Square wood Stick *Usages

Stone Steel Components

Total Amount:1 Total Amount:1 Total Amount:1 Total Amount:1 Total Amount:1
RC 1 Reversible Architecture

Ownership:Peckham Recla- Ownership:Peckham Recla- Ownership:Peckham Recla- Ownership:Peckham Recla- Ownership:Peckham Recla-
Beam Corrugated Iron sheet Window Door Container mation&Salvage mation&Salvage mation&Salvage mation&Salvage mation&Salvage
Rock Slab

Reversible Architecture
Postcode:SE15 2BG Postcode:SE15 2BG Postcode:SE15 2BG Postcode:SE15 2BG Postcode:SE15 2BG
Size:1.2X0.3X0.2m Size:1.1X0.3X0.2m Size:1.2X0.3X0.3m Size:1.2X0.3X0.3m Size:1.2X0.3X0.2m
Life Span:100 years Life Span:100 years Life Span:100 years Life Span:100 years Life Span:100 years
Weight:50 pounds(22.67 kg) Weight:50 pounds(22.67 kg) Weight:50 pounds(22.67 kg) Weight:50 pounds(22.67 kg) Weight:50 pounds(22.67 kg)
Damage degree:2% Damage degree:2% Damage degree:2% Damage degree:2% Damage degree:2%
Erosion degree:Slight (E1) Erosion degree:Slight (E1) Erosion degree:Slight (E1) Erosion degree:Slight (E1) Erosion degree:Slight (E1)
Slate Aluminium Timber Medium Log Timber Medium Log Timber Medium Log Timber Medium Log Timber Medium Log
Stair Column Furniture TL06 TL07 TL08 TS01 TS02
Total Amount:1 Total Amount:1 Total Amount:1 Total Amount:1 Total Amount:1
Ownership:Peckham Recla- Ownership:Peckham Recla- Ownership:Peckham Recla- Ownership:Peckham Recla- Ownership:Peckham Recla-
mation&Salvage mation&Salvage mation&Salvage mation&Salvage mation&Salvage
Postcode:SE15 2BG Postcode:SE15 2BG Postcode:SE15 2BG Postcode:SE15 2BG Postcode:SE15 2BG
Size:1.2X0.2X0.2m Size:1.2X0.3X0.3m Size:1.2X0.3X0.3m Size:49X4.9X5.3cm Size:29x6.8x5.5cm
*Size Sculpture Life Span:100 years Life Span:100 years Life Span:100 years Life Span:100 years Life Span:100 years
Weight:50 pounds(22.67 kg) Weight:50 pounds(22.67 kg) Weight:50 pounds(22.67 kg) Weight:50 pounds(22.67 kg) Weight:50 pounds(22.67 kg)
Damage degree:2% Damage degree:2% Damage degree:2% Damage degree:2% Damage degree:2%
Erosion degree:Slight (E1) Erosion degree:Slight (E1) Erosion degree:Slight (E1) Erosion degree:Slight (E1) Erosion degree:Slight (E1)
Timber Medium Log Timber Medium Log Timber Medium Log Timber Stick Timber Stick
Total Amount:1 Total Amount:1 Total Amount:1 Total Amount:30 Total Amount:289
Ownership:Peckham Recla- Ownership:Peckham Recla- Ownership:Peckham Recla- Ownership:Peckham Recla- Ownership:Peckham Reclama-

Function Classification Classification according to building construction components. mation&Salvage

Postcode:SE15 2BG
Postcode:SE15 2BG
Postcode:SE15 2BG
Postcode:SE15 2BG
Postcode:SE15 2BG
Size:29x6.8x5.5cm Size:25X3.4X4.7cm Size:19.0x3.0x2.2cm Size:49X4.9X5.3cm Size:29x6.8x5.5cm
Life Span:100 years Life Span:100 years Life Span:100 years Life Span:100 years Life Span:100 years
Weight:50 pounds(22.67 kg) Weight:50 pounds(22.67 kg) Weight:50 pounds(22.67 kg) Weight:50 pounds(22.67 kg) Weight:50 pounds(22.67 kg)
Damage degree:2% Damage degree:2% Damage degree:2% Damage degree:2% Damage degree:2%
Erosion degree:Slight (E1) Erosion degree:Slight (E1) Erosion degree:Slight (E1) Erosion degree:Slight (E1) Erosion degree:Slight (E1)
Facing Components Timber Stick Timber Stick Timber Stick Lump of Timber Lump of Timber
Total Amount:53 Total Amount:230 Total Amount:240 Total Amount:1 Total Amount:99
Ownership:Peckham Reclama- Ownership:Peckham Recla- Ownership:Peckham Recla- Ownership:Peckham Recla- Ownership:Peckham Recla-
tion&Salvage mation&Salvage mation&Salvage mation&Salvage mation&Salvage
Postcode:SE15 2BG Postcode:SE15 2BG Postcode:SE15 2BG Postcode:SE15 2BG Postcode:SE15 2BG
Size:29x6.8x5.5cm Size:29x6.8x5.5cm Size:29x6.8x5.5cm Size:49X4.9X5.3cm Size:29x6.8x5.5cm
Life Span:100 years Life Span:100 years Life Span:100 years Life Span:100 years Life Span:100 years
Wall Decoration Beam Panel Pillar Weight:50 pounds(22.67 kg) Weight:50 pounds(22.67 kg) Weight:50 pounds(22.67 kg) Weight:50 pounds(22.67 kg) Weight:50 pounds(22.67 kg)
Damage degree:2% Damage degree:2% Damage degree:2% Damage degree:2% Damage degree:2%
Erosion degree:Slight (E1) Erosion degree:Slight (E1) Erosion degree:Slight (E1) Erosion degree:Slight (E1) Erosion degree:Slight (E1)
Timber Timber Timber Lump of Timber Lump of Timber Lump of Timber Timber Board Timber Board
* * * TB03 TS04 TB05 TB06 TL07
Steel Steel Steel Total Amount:90 Total Amount:430 Total Amount:25 Total Amount:1 Total Amount:240
crete*Steel* Ownership:Peckham Recla- Ownership:Peckham Recla- Ownership:Peckham Recla- Ownership:Peckham Recla- Ownership:Peckham Recla-
* mation&Salvage mation&Salvage mation&Salvage mation&Salvage mation&Salvage
Components Postcode:SE15 2BG Postcode:SE15 2BG Postcode:SE15 2BG Postcode:SE15 2BG Postcode:SE15 2BG
Size:25X3.4X4.7cm Size:19.0x3.0x2.2cm Size:49X4.9X5.3cm Size:49X4.9X5.3cm Size:29x6.8x5.5cm
Life Span:100 years Life Span:100 years Life Span:100 years Life Span:100 years Life Span:100 years
Weight:50 pounds(22.67 kg) Weight:50 pounds(22.67 kg) Weight:50 pounds(22.67 kg) Weight:50 pounds(22.67 kg) Weight:50 pounds(22.67 kg)
Damage degree:2% Damage degree:2% Damage degree:2% Damage degree:2% Damage degree:2%
Erosion degree:Slight (E1) Erosion degree:Slight (E1) Erosion degree:Slight (E1) Erosion degree:Slight (E1) Erosion degree:Slight (E1)
Timber Board Timber Board Timber Board Timber Board Timber Board
42 43
Chapter 2: Material logistic chain
Material catalog
Brick Concrete
B01 B02 B03 B04 B05 CR01 INFORMATION
Total Amount:1 Total Amount:1 Total Amount:1 Total Amount:1 Total Amount:1
Total Amount:30 Total Amount:23 Total Amount:12 Total Amount:42 Total Amount:60
Ownership:Clearaway Recla- Ownership:Clearaway Recla- Ownership:Clearaway Recla- Ownership:Clearaway Recla- Ownership:Clearaway Recla-
Ownership:Clearaway Recla- Ownership:Clearaway Recla- Ownership:Clearaway Recla- Ownership:Clearaway Recla- Ownership:Clearaway Recla-
mation Yard mation Yard mation Yard mation Yard mation Yard
mation Yard mation Yard mation Yard mation Yard mation Yard
Postcode:TN12 6SD Postcode:TN12 6SD Postcode:TN12 6SD Postcode:TN12 6SD Postcode:TN12 6SD
Postcode:TN12 6SD Postcode:TN12 6SD Postcode:TN12 6SD Postcode:TN12 6SD Postcode:TN12 6SD
Size:12X11X3.6cm Size:15X10X3.5cm Size:17X13X4.2cm Size:13X8.5X6.7cm Size:9.8X8.8X3.7cm
Size:18X12X7.4cm Size:18X12X7.4cm Size:25X13X7.1cm Size:25X12X7.4cm Size:25X12X7.4cm
Life Span:80 years Life Span:80 years Life Span:80 years Life Span:80 years Life Span:80 years
Life Span:80 years Life Span:85 years Life Span:90years Life Span:90 years Life Span:120 years
Weight:50 pounds(22.67 kg) Weight:40 pounds(18.14 kg) Weight:35 pounds(15.87 kg) Weight:55 pounds(24.94 kg) Weight:55 pounds(24.94 kg)
Weight:4 pounds(1.81 kg) Weight:4.5 pounds(2.04 kg) Weight:5 pounds (2.27 kg) Weight:5 pounds (2.27 kg) Weight:5 pounds (2.27 kg)
Damage degree:60% Damage degree:60% Damage degree:80% Damage degree:65% Damage degree:50%
Damage degree:30%-40% Damage degree:28%-30% Damage degree:30%-41% Damage degree:32%-40% Damage degree:10%-15%
Erosion degree:Slight (E1) Erosion degree:Slight (E1) Erosion degree:Slight (E1) Erosion degree:Slight (E1) Erosion degree:Slight (E1)
Erosion degree:Moderate (E2) Erosion degree:Moderate (E2) Erosion degree:Severe (E3) Erosion degree:Moderate (E2) Erosion degree:Slight (E1) Concrete Rubble Concrete Rubble Concrete Rubble Concrete Rubble Concrete Rubble

B09 B10 B06 B07 B08 CR06 INFORMATION

INFORMATION INFORMATION INFORMATION INFORMATION INFORMATION Total Amount:1 Total Amount:1 Total Amount:1 Total Amount:1 Total Amount:1
Total Amount:60 Total Amount:8 Total Amount:11 Total Amount:48 Total Amount:30 Ownership:Clearaway Recla- Ownership:Clearaway Recla- Ownership:Clearaway Recla- Ownership:Clearaway Recla- Ownership:Clearaway Recla-
Ownership:Clearaway Recla- Ownership:Clearaway Recla- Ownership:Clearaway Recla- Ownership:Clearaway Recla- Ownership:Clearaway Recla- mation Yard mation Yard mation Yard mation Yard mation Yard
mation Yard mation Yard mation Yard mation Yard mation Yard Postcode:TN12 6SD Postcode:TN12 6SD Postcode:TN12 6SD Postcode:TN12 6SD Postcode:TN12 6SD
DESCRIPTION DESCRIPTION DESCRIPTION DESCRIPTION DESCRIPTION Size:9.8X8.8X3.7cm Size:9.8X8.8X3.7cm Size:9.8X8.8X3.7cm Size:9.8X8.8X3.7cm Size:9.8X8.8X3.7cm
Size:22X10X7cm Size:14X13X7.2cm Size:25X12X6.9cm Size:22X12X6.8cm Size:22X13X7.4cm Life Span:80 years Life Span:80 years Life Span:80 years Life Span:80 years Life Span:80 years
Life Span:80 years Life Span:80 years Life Span:90 years Life Span:80 years Life Span:80 years Weight:55 pounds(24.94 kg) Weight:55 pounds(24.94 kg) Weight:55 pounds(24.94 kg) Weight:55 pounds(24.94 kg) Weight:55 pounds(24.94 kg)
Weight:4.5 pounds(2.04 kg) Weight:3 pounds(1.36 kg) Weight:4.5 pounds(2.04 kg) Weight:5 pounds (2.27 kg) Weight:5.5 pounds (2.49 kg) Damage degree:50% Damage degree:50% Damage degree:50% Damage degree:50% Damage degree:50%
Damage degree:10%-15% Damage degree:60%-80% Damage degree:36%-40% Damage degree:20%-25% Damage degree:15%-20% Erosion degree:Slight (E1) Erosion degree:Slight (E1) Erosion degree:Slight (E1) Erosion degree:Slight (E1) Erosion degree:Slight (E1)
Erosion degree:Moderate (E2) Erosion degree:Slight (E1) Erosion degree:Severe (E3) Erosion degree:Slight (E1) Erosion degree:Moderate (E2) Concrete Rubble Concrete Rubble Concrete Rubble Concrete Rubble Concrete Rubble


INFORMATION INFORMATION INFORMATION INFORMATION INFORMATION Total Amount:235 Total Amount:689 Total Amount:689 Total Amount:129 Total Amount:200
Total Amount:8 Total Amount:8 Total Amount:8 Total Amount:8 Total Amount:8 Ownership:Clearaway Recla- Ownership:Clearaway Recla- Ownership:Clearaway Recla- Ownership:Clearaway Recla- Ownership:Clearaway Recla-
Ownership:Clearaway Recla- Ownership:Clearaway Recla- Ownership:Clearaway Recla- Ownership:Clearaway Recla- Ownership:Clearaway Recla- mation Yard mation Yard mation Yard mation Yard mation Yard
mation Yard mation Yard mation Yard mation Yard mation Yard Postcode:TN12 6SD Postcode:TN12 6SD Postcode:TN12 6SD Postcode:TN12 6SD Postcode:TN12 6SD
DESCRIPTION DESCRIPTION DESCRIPTION DESCRIPTION DESCRIPTION Size:12X11X3.6cm Size:14X13X7.2cm Size:14X13X7.2cm Size:12X11X3.6cm Size:12X11X3.6cm
Size:14X13X7.2cm Size:14X13X7.2cm Size:14X13X7.2cm Size:14X13X7.2cm Size:14X13X7.2cm Life Span:80 years Life Span:80 years Life Span:80 years Life Span:80 years Life Span:80 years
Life Span:80 years Life Span:80 years Life Span:80 years Life Span:80 years Life Span:80 years Weight:50 pounds(22.67 kg) Weight:3 pounds(1.36 kg) Weight:3 pounds(1.36 kg) Weight:50 pounds(22.67 kg) Weight:100 pounds(45.34 kg)
Weight:3 pounds(1.36 kg) Weight:3 pounds(1.36 kg) Weight:3 pounds(1.36 kg) Weight:3 pounds(1.36 kg) Weight:3 pounds(1.36 kg) Damage degree:10% Damage degree:6%-8% Damage degree:9%-10% Damage degree:8%-12% Damage degree:8%
Damage degree:60%-80% Damage degree:60%-80% Damage degree:60%-80% Damage degree:60%-80% Damage degree:60%-80% Erosion degree:Slight (E1) Erosion degree:Slight (E1) Erosion degree:Slight (E1) Erosion degree: Erosion degree:Slight (E1)
RC 1 Reversible Architecture

Erosion degree:Slight (E1) Erosion degree:Slight (E1) Erosion degree:Slight (E1) Erosion degree:Slight (E1) Erosion degree:Slight (E1) Concrete Block Concrete Block Concrete Block Concrete Block Concrete Pipe
Tile Tile Tile Tile Tile

Reversible Architecture
Stone Component
Total Amount:1 Total Amount:1 Total Amount:1 Total Amount:1 Total Amount:1 Total Amount:1 Total Amount:1 Total Amount:1 Total Amount:1 Total Amount:1
Ownership:Peckham Recla- Ownership:Peckham Recla- Ownership:Peckham Recla- Ownership:Peckham Recla- Ownership:Peckham Recla- Ownership:Clearaway Recla- Ownership:Clearaway Recla- Ownership:Clearaway Recla- Ownership:Clearaway Recla- Ownership:Clearaway Recla-
mation&Salvage mation&Salvage mation&Salvage mation&Salvage mation&Salvage mation Yard mation Yard mation Yard mation Yard mation Yard
Postcode:SE15 2BG Postcode:SE15 2BG Postcode:SE15 2BG Postcode:SE15 2BG Postcode:SE15 2BG Postcode:TN12 6SD Postcode:TN12 6SD Postcode:TN12 6SD Postcode:TN12 6SD Postcode:TN12 6SD
Size:51X39X12cm Size:28X22X6.9cm Size:26X19X12cm Size:51X39X12cm Size:15X11X5.2cm Size:12X11X3.6cm Size:12X11X3.6cm Size:12X11X3.6cm Size:12X11X3.6cm Size:12X11X3.6cm
Life Span:100 years Life Span:100 years Life Span:100 years Life Span:100 years Life Span:100 years Life Span:80 years Life Span:80 years Life Span:80 years Life Span:80 years Life Span:80 years
Weight:50 pounds(22.67 kg) Weight:50 pounds(22.67 kg) Weight:50 pounds(22.67 kg) Weight:50 pounds(22.67 kg) Weight:50 pounds(22.67 kg) Weight:50 pounds(22.67 kg) Weight:50 pounds(22.67 kg) Weight:50 pounds(22.67 kg) Weight:50 pounds(22.67 kg) Weight:50 pounds(22.67 kg)
Damage degree:2% Damage degree:2% Damage degree:2% Damage degree:2% Damage degree:2% Damage degree:60% Damage degree:60% Damage degree:60% Damage degree:60% Damage degree:60%
Erosion degree:Slight (E1) Erosion degree:Slight (E1) Erosion degree:Slight (E1) Erosion degree:Slight (E1) Erosion degree:Slight (E1) Erosion degree:Slight (E1) Erosion degree:Slight (E1) Erosion degree:Slight (E1)
Stone Rock
Erosion degree:Slight (E1)
Stone Rock
Erosion degree:Slight (E1)
Stone Rock Stone Rock Stone Rock Door Door Door Door Door

Total Amount:1 Total Amount:1 Total Amount:1 Total Amount:1 Total Amount:1 Total Amount:1 Total Amount:1 Total Amount:1 Total Amount:1 Total Amount:1
Ownership:Peckham Recla- Ownership:Peckham Recla- Ownership:Clearaway Recla- Ownership:Clearaway Recla- Ownership:Clearaway Recla- Ownership:Clearaway Recla- Ownership:Clearaway Recla- Ownership:Clearaway Recla- Ownership:Clearaway Recla- Ownership:Clearaway Recla-
mation&Salvage mation&Salvage mation Yard mation Yard mation Yard mation Yard mation Yard mation Yard mation Yard mation Yard
Postcode:SE15 2BG Postcode:SE15 2BG Postcode:TN12 6SD Postcode:TN12 6SD Postcode:TN12 6SD Postcode:TN12 6SD Postcode:TN12 6SD Postcode:TN12 6SD Postcode:TN12 6SD Postcode:TN12 6SD
Size:51X39X12cm Size:51X39X12cm Size:51X39X12cm Size:51X39X12cm Size:51X39X12cm Size:12X11X3.6cm Size:12X11X3.6cm Size:12X11X3.6cm Size:12X11X3.6cm Size:12X11X3.6cm
Life Span:100 years Life Span:100 years Life Span:100 years Life Span:100 years Life Span:100 years Life Span:80 years Life Span:80 years Life Span:80 years Life Span:80 years Life Span:80 years
Weight:50 pounds(22.67 kg) Weight:50 pounds(22.67 kg) Weight:50 pounds(22.67 kg) Weight:50 pounds(22.67 kg) Weight:50 pounds(22.67 kg) Weight:50 pounds(22.67 kg) Weight:50 pounds(22.67 kg) Weight:50 pounds(22.67 kg) Weight:50 pounds(22.67 kg) Weight:50 pounds(22.67 kg)
Damage degree:75% Damage degree:10% Damage degree:55% Damage degree:55% Damage degree:55% Damage degree:60% Damage degree:60% Damage degree:60% Damage degree:60% Damage degree:60%
Erosion degree:Slight (E1) Erosion degree:Slight (E1) Erosion degree:Slight (E1) Erosion degree:Slight (E1) Erosion degree:Slight (E1) Erosion degree:Slight (E1) Erosion degree:Slight (E1) Erosion degree:Slight (E1) Erosion degree:Slight (E1) Erosion degree:Slight (E1)
Stone Slab Stone Slate Stone Slab Stone Slab Stone Slab Window Window Window Window Window

Total Amount:1 Total Amount:1 Total Amount:1 Total Amount:1 Total Amount:1 Total Amount:1 Total Amount:1 Total Amount:1 Total Amount:1 Total Amount:1
Ownership:Clearaway Recla- Ownership:Clearaway Recla- Ownership:Peckham Recla- Ownership:Clearaway Recla- Ownership:Clearaway Recla- Ownership:Clearaway Recla- Ownership:Clearaway Recla- Ownership:Clearaway Recla- Ownership:Clearaway Recla- Ownership:Clearaway Recla-
mation Yard mation Yard mation&Salvage mation Yard mation Yard mation Yard mation Yard mation Yard mation Yard mation Yard
Postcode:TN12 6SD Postcode:TN12 6SD Postcode:SE15 2BG Postcode:TN12 6SD Postcode:TN12 6SD Postcode:TN12 6SD Postcode:TN12 6SD Postcode:TN12 6SD Postcode:TN12 6SD Postcode:TN12 6SD
Size:55X20X6cm Size:51X39X5cm Size:51X39X12cm Size:51X39X12cm Size:51X39X12cm Size:12X11X3.6cm Size:12X11X3.6cm Size:12X11X3.6cm Size:12X11X3.6cm Size:12X11X3.6cm
Life Span:80 years Life Span:100 years Life Span:100 years Life Span:100 years Life Span:100 years Life Span:80 years Life Span:80 years Life Span:80 years Life Span:80 years Life Span:80 years
Weight:4.5 pounds(2.04 kg) Weight:50 pounds(22.67 kg) Weight:50 pounds(22.67 kg) Weight:50 pounds(22.67 kg) Weight:50 pounds(22.67 kg) Weight:50 pounds(22.67 kg) Weight:50 pounds(22.67 kg) Weight:50 pounds(22.67 kg) Weight:50 pounds(22.67 kg) Weight:50 pounds(22.67 kg)
Damage degree:10%-15% Damage degree:2% Damage degree:2% Damage degree:55% Damage degree:55% Damage degree:60% Damage degree:60% Damage degree:60% Damage degree:60% Damage degree:60%
Erosion degree:Moderate (E2) Erosion degree:Slight (E1) Erosion degree:Slight (E1) Erosion degree:Slight (E1) Erosion degree:Slight (E1) Erosion degree:Slight (E1) Erosion degree:Slight (E1) Erosion degree:Slight (E1) Erosion degree:Slight (E1) Erosion degree:Slight (E1)
Stone Slab Stone Slab Stone Slab Stone Slab Stone Slate Stair Stair Stair Stair Stair

CC01 CC02 CC03 CT03 CT01

Total Amount:1
Total Amount:1
Total Amount:1
Total Amount:1
Total Amount:1
Ownership:Clearaway Recla-
mation Yard
Ownership:Clearaway Recla-
mation Yard
Ownership:Clearaway Recla-
mation Yard
Ownership:Clearaway Recla-
mation Yard
Ownership:Clearaway Recla-
mation Yard
Total Amount:235 Total Amount:786 Total Amount:235 Total Amount:235 Total Amount:235 Postcode:TN12 6SD Postcode:TN12 6SD Postcode:TN12 6SD Postcode:TN12 6SD Postcode:TN12 6SD
Ownership:Clearaway Recla- Ownership:Clearaway Recla- Ownership:Clearaway Recla- Ownership:Clearaway Recla- Ownership:Clearaway Recla- DESCRIPTION DESCRIPTION DESCRIPTION DESCRIPTION DESCRIPTION
mation Yard mation Yard mation Yard mation Yard mation Yard Size:2000X11X11cm Size:2000X11X11cm Size:2000X11X11cm Size:2000X11X11cm Size:2000X11X11cm
Postcode:TN12 6SD Postcode:TN12 6SD Postcode:TN12 6SD Postcode:TN12 6SD Postcode:TN12 6SD Life Span:80 years Life Span:80 years Life Span:80 years Life Span:80 years Life Span:80 years
DESCRIPTION DESCRIPTION DESCRIPTION DESCRIPTION DESCRIPTION Weight:150 pounds(68.01 kg) Weight:150 pounds(68.01 kg) Weight:150 pounds(68.01 kg) Weight:150 pounds(68.01 kg) Weight:150 pounds(68.01 kg)
Size:200X200X10mm Size:10X10X80cm Size:50X50X3cm Size:76X38X65cm Size:76X38X65cm Damage degree:10% Damage degree:10% Damage degree:10% Damage degree:10% Damage degree:10%
Life Span:80 years Life Span:80 years Life Span:80 years Life Span:80 years Life Span:80 years Erosion degree:Slight (E1) Erosion degree:Slight (E1) Erosion degree:Slight (E1) Erosion degree:Slight (E1) Erosion degree:Slight (E1)
Column Column Column Column Container
Weight:50 pounds(22.67 kg) Weight:50 pounds(22.67 kg) Weight:50 pounds(22.67 kg) Weight:50 pounds(22.67 kg) Weight:50 pounds(22.67 kg)
Damage degree:7%-10% Damage degree:10%-12% Damage degree:10% Damage degree:10% Damage degree:10%
Erosion degree:Slight (E1) Erosion degree:Slight (E1) Erosion degree:Moderate (E2) Erosion degree:Moderate (E2) Erosion degree:Slight (E1)
H Beam Euqal-Angle Beam Box Section Beam C Channel Beam 3i Beam
44 45
Chapter 2: Material logistic chain Material classification with size
Material classification

Load-bearing wall Horizontal Concrete Stone Timber Steel Brick

0.01-0.2m³ 0.01-0.2m³ 2x2x5-20in 127x76x13mm 1/6 [240x115x53]mm
Verticality XS Debris Stone rubbles Sticks Beams Broken bricks
Interior wall Stone

Roofing Concrete 0.2-0.4m³ 0.2-1m³ 4x4x5-20in 610x305x149mm 1/4 [240x115x53]mm

Structure S Small pieces Slabs Sticks Beams Broken bricks
Floor slab
Load-bearing wall Concrete/Stone
structure Slabs
Interior floor
RC 1 Reversible Architecture


Reversible Architecture
Staircase 0.4-5m³ 1-5m³ 2x8x10-20in 203x133x30mm 1/2 [240x115x53]mm
Timber/Brick M Large pieces Medium chunk/slabs Square woods Beams Broken bricks

Structure Beam
Steel 5-10m³ 5-15m³ 4x4x10-20in 914x305x224mm
3/4 [240x115x53]mm
Concrete L Strip and small chunks Big chunks Square woods Beams
Broken bricks
Column Steel

Material Labeling Timber

Sizs: Large 10-20m³ 15-25m³ 6x10x10-20in 1016x305x487mm 240x115x53mm

Material: Concrete XL Pillar and large chunks Big stones Square woods Beams Whole bricks
Structure: Load-bearing wall
Sizs: X-Large Sizs: Small
Material: Concrete Material: Concrete
Structure: Load-bearing wall Structure: Load-bearing wall
L-C4-LB09 S-C2-LB03
Sizs: Small
Material: Concrete
Structure: Load-bearing wall
46 47
RC 1 Reversible Architecture

Reversible Architecture
Chapter 3
Urban reconstruction

48 49
Chapter 3: Urban reconstruction

Government-led Reconstruction
RC 1 Reversible Architecture

Reversible Architecture
Community-led Reconstruction

Img.22 Urban reconstruction background

This chapter presents some of the attempts made to realise architecture as a process Urban renewal projects are pervasively government-led and profit-oriented, rather than During the global pandemic period in 2020, public debate and consent have revealed
and system in the context of urban renewal, including a case study and site selection aiming for community benefits, through community dynamics and resident participation. great importance before government decisions. At the same time, the heterogenous
for the project. The chapter begins with the concept of reversible architectural spaces Government-led community regeneration policies treat housing and construction as a needs of residents requires a building space that can adapt to changes, rather than
in terms of spatial flexibility. It then uses the Bartlett building as a case study to propose commodity in an open market, so these projects are mostly controlled by developers as a fixed and standardised space. Therefore, according to the changes of the general
the use of games as a tool for bottom-up participatory design, leading to comprehen- a means of profit, rather than as an opportunity for improvement. For local governments, environment and the needs of individuals, it is recommended to view architecture as a
sive planning and collaboration between government and people. Finally, based on the community-based, bottom-up urban policies means encouraging comprehensive plan- process and system, in which the flexibility of space, the participation of the community,
need and urgency of community redevelopment, Ukraine is proposed as a test site for ning and collaboration between government and communities. It’s an integral approach the circular material supply chain, and the management of the construction process
the project platform and a series of site studies are presented at the end of this chapter. built around family and community. create synergies to construct a building.

50 51
Chapter 8: Building generation
Reversible space design Office modules
Adapt space Levels of spatial reversibility
• Dimension ( building level) Shopping mall
• Mono-functional 6mx21m
• Position of core elements • Cross-functional
• Building level Disassembly • Multidimensional Transformation School modules
• Capacity of the core

Mono-functional samples Room modules


Single office room Office meeting room Open office studio

RC 1 Reversible Architecture

Reversible Architecture
Cross-functional samples

House room Class room Office room

Multidimensional Transformation samples

Small House room Medium office room Big office studio

Img.23 Diagram of reversible building

52 53
Chapter 3: Urban reconstruction
Gaming Approach Theoretical and technological inspirations of participatory construction system

The House of Clicks Place Viewer DragonQuest:Builder2



component Collect Data
Img.1 Img.1 Img.1
Upload Analysis of Evaluation
Preference data and Approval
RC 1 Reversible Architecture

Specific Space

Reversible Architecture
Public Government

Img.26 The house of Clicks Img.28 Place Viewer Img.30 Game UI

Img.24 Diagram of gaming process

The house of clicks, also known as Hemnet House, Place viewer is a video-like viewer created by red- DragonQuest:Builder2 is an open-world sandbox
is a house designed by the Swedish online housing dit in 2017 for April Fool’s Day. There is an emp- game that allows players to experience the plot of
portal after collecting data from over 200 million ty canvas. The usere may place a tile upon it, but the game while being deeply involved in the plan-
hits. The idea was to create the ultimate image of they must wait to place another. Individually they ning, design and construction of the city, making
democracy: a home built by the people, for the can create something. Together they can create it easy for non-architects to build through the plot.
people. The idea was to create the ultimate image something more. The project presents an interac- Moreover, the game allows four players to build in
The Architecture and Algorithm The public and community The Government of democracy: a home built by the people, for the tive map that creates a way for people to unite and the same city at the same time and offers an open
people. The attempt was to use big data to design create an interaction source platform for users to upload their designs
The architects use their professionalism to provide The public enters user preferences by playing The Government is responsible for the a house that everyone would be happy with. for other players in the network to reference and
pre-design components for the community to choose games to achieve a level of public participation assessment and approval of the final modify.
from to ensure that the redevelopment of the community in community building. The views of the com- redevelopment plan to ensure that the
proceeds in the right direction. Algorithms assist in gath- munity will dominate the final outcome of the results of the redevelopment meet the
Weller, C, (2015) This Swedish house was designed Weller, C, (2015) This Swedish house was designed Romano, (2018) Dragon Quest Builders 2 de-
ering big data as well as generating designs to achieve a community reconstruction. appropriate specifications.
by two million people — and it’s surprisingly attractive. by two million people — and it’s surprisingly attractive. velopers discuss multiplayer, production status
redevelopment plan that satisfies most people.
From From From
swedish-house-of-clicks-2015-6?r=US&IR=T swedish-house-of-clicks-2015-6?r=US&IR=T on-quest-builders-2-developers-discuss-multiplayer-pro-

54 55
Chapter 3: Urban reconstruction CR09
CW03 TB08 Concrete Wall
Case Study: Bartlett Window Timber Board
Total Amount:2500
Bartlett building deconstruction analyse Total Amount:300 Total Amount:3000
Ownership:Bartlett School of
Ownership:Bartlett School of
Ownership:Bartlett School of Architecture
Architecture Architecture
Postcode:WC1H 0AY
Collaborative design process Postcode:WC1H 0AY Postcode:WC1H 0AY
Size:25X12X7.4cm Size:25X12X7.4cm
Life Span:45 years
Life Span:45 years Life Span:45 years
Weight:5 pounds (2.27 kg)
Weight:5 pounds (2.27 kg) Weight:5 pounds (2.27 kg)
Damage degree:40%-60%
Damage degree:10%-15% Damage degree:10%-15%
Erosion degree:Slight (E1)
Erosion degree:Slight (E1) Erosion degree:Slight (E1)
RC 1 Reversible Architecture

Reversible Architecture
Temporary storage point
Remove mechanical and Remove windows, doors Remove interior walls
electrial elements
SS12 Stone Slate
B32 Brick
INFORMATION Total Amount:30000
Total Amount:25000 Ownership:Bartlett School of
Ownership:Bartlett School of Architecture
Architecture Postcode:WC1H 0AY
Postcode:WC1H 0AY
Demolish load-bearing columns DESCRIPTION
DESCRIPTION Size:25X12X7.4cm
Size:25X12X7.4cm Life Span:100 years
Life Span:100 years Weight:5 pounds (2.27 kg)
Weight:5 pounds (2.27 kg) Damage degree:40%-60%
Damage degree:40%-60% Erosion degree:Slight (E1)
Erosion degree:Slight (E1)

Inventory of materials and

Construction for new building

The construction industry consumes forty percent

of the materials used globally each year (Global
ABC Global Status Report, 2018). According to the
CCn03 Concrete Column UK State of Materials Reuse Survey(2003), when
CF32 Concrete Floor a building is demolished, between 35% - 45% of
Total Amount:50 INFORMATION
Demolish facade the materials are wasted and less than seventy
Ownership:Bartlett School of Total Amount:25000 percent are reused, and this includes materials
Postcode:WC1H 0AY
Ownership:Bartlett School of Demolish floors that are transported to landfill. But with selective
Postcode:WC1H 0AY demolition, specific case studies have shown that
Size:25X12X7.4cm DESCRIPTION
the process can achieve a material wastage rate
Life Span:100 years Size:25X12X7.4cm of 10%, which is lower than the current status quo.
Weight:5 pounds (2.27 kg) Life Span:100 years
Damage degree:40%-60% Weight:5 pounds (2.27 kg)
Erosion degree:Slight (E1) Damage degree:40%-60%
Erosion degree:Slight (E1)

56 57
Chapter 3: Urban reconstruction Game test
Case Study: Bartlett

Log in Chose basic module Rotate module’s direction

(Press R)
RC 1 Reversible Architecture

Reversible Architecture
Put different types of furnitures Furnitures’ types can change floors’ color Rotate Camera’s direction

We found some students to play the game.

Drug waste modules into trash can Read previous plane Upload your plane

58 59
Chapter 3: Urban reconstruction
Game data analyse of Bartlett
Functional Fragments
RC 1 Reversible Architecture

Reversible Architecture
60 61
Chapter 6: Recoding process

Game data analyse of Bartlett In this step, the shape of each functional space is extracted and the area is calculated
Functional Fragments Step1 by analysing the results of the user in the game. From there, the user’s preferences
for the shape of the individual functions are counted.

Studio Modules Meeting room Modules Common Modules Kitchen Modules Toilet Modules
RC 1 Reversible Architecture

Reversible Architecture
62 63
Chapter 6: Recoding
6: Recoding process
process Chapter 6: Recoding process
Game data Analyse
1 Data analyse of Bartlett Game 1 Data Analyse
RC 1 Reversible Architecture

Reversible Architecture

64 65
Chapter 3: Urban reconstruction
Game data analyse of Bartlett
The space components from game (Bartlett)
RC 1 Reversible Architecture

Reversible Architecture
The large functional pieces generated in Game one are used as components
for the second game, and continue to be arranged by the players in the bound-
aries of the muti-layer, unlike in Game one, where the whole space is arranged
in multiple layers and the height can be selected. Players play three rounds
of the game, with the number of components that can be selected being de-
fined by the number of players in the team, for example, rc one has seventeen
players controlling ten studio pieces and rc ten has seven players controlling
five studio pieces. Each round the players are ranked in turn, changing directly
from the previous user, but with a restriction on the number of components the
latter can change for the former user each round. Each time a round is com-
pleted, God fine-tunes the game based on the heatmap’s evaluation criteria
to achieve a more reasonable amount of space. At the same time, we record-
ed the process and stability points of each user modification in an attempt to
discover and summarise the pattern of changes in popular points. The game
allows the building to be designed and negotiated spontaneously by the users
and optimised by the designer. The final overall spatial form is generated.

66 67
Chapter 3: Urban reconstruction Chapter 3: Urban reconstruction
Site analysis in Ukraine Site analysis in Ukraine
Background Site location: Bucha
RC 1 Reversible Architecture

Reversible Architecture
68 69
Chapter 3: Urban reconstruction Damage District of Bucha
Site analysis in Ukraine This map was drew according to the Rapid Damage found that 82 cells out of 305 cells in the City of Chernihiv
Building Assessment (RDBA) of the Bucha City, Ukraine, sustained visible damage. This represents approximately
First-degree destruction areas
Before war & after war which was from satellite imagery. The RDBA divides the 27% of the cells over the city.
city into 500m x 500m cells, each of which is analyzed to
Second-degree destruction areas determine whether or not there are damaged buildings This analysis is based on structures visibly damaged as
inside the cell. of 31 March 2022 as seen in marginally degraded satel-
lite imagery affected by light clouds and other limiting
Based on imagery collected on 31 March 2022, analysts factors.
RC 1 Reversible Architecture

Reversible Architecture
Bucha is a city in Ukraine’s Kyiv Oblast. It borders the cities were mutilated, as well as broken streets and destroyed build-
of Irpin and Hostomel and the villages of Vorzel, Mykhailiv- ings.
ka-Rubezhivka, and Blystavytsia.
The city has returned to normal life. Over the past few weeks,
Spring has arrived six weeks since Russian soldiers withdrew residents have been returning to Bucha, a city that has begun
from this bedroom community on the outskirts of Kiev, leaving to repair the physical damage caused by the invading Russian
behind mass graves of slaughtered citizens, many of whom army and its weapons.

70 71
RC 1 Reversible Architecture

Reversible Architecture
Chapter 4
Reversible architecture:
72 73
Chapter 4: Reversible architecture: platform
Process Introduction
From the perspective of architects, the project
proposes architecture as an interactive system
of functional reversibility, community engage-
ment, and the recycling and reuse of construc-
tion materials to connect people and places.
Start: Building generation Therefore, when the main purpose of archi-
tecture is to serve the community rather than
capital accumulation, a bottom-up, citizen-led
urban regeneration platform is proposed. The
decentralised platform promote citizens, in-
Material Classfication Building Demolish stead of architects, to play a major role in city
scale redevelopment projects, forming region-
al redevelopment plans through a bottom-up
approach, in the form of games, with machine
Reversible Architecture Video games learning and algorithms for optimisation. Based
on the concept of reversible architecture, the
project challenges the capital-led extractive
economy by creating a visible and participatory
material supply chain. The negative impact of
an extractivist-dominated building system can
be reduced by pooling discarded materials
RC 1 Reversible Architecture

and resources from the neighbourhood to pro-

Reversible Architecture
duce building components that can be disas-
sembled and reused repeatedly.
Level1 Level2 Level3 Level3

Damage Detection

Participatory Construction System

Storage Point Voxlization

Demolish method
Selective demolish

Material Catalog
Community Rebuilding Building Generation Reversible Space

Reversible Construction
Material Exchange
Online shop
74 75
Chapter 4: Reversible architecture: platform
Time line of project process
Start: Community decide to reconstruct

Game 1: Community Rebuilding

A blueprint for community will generate based on user

data in the game1. In this session, residents play a game
to visualise their needs for the community. The algorithm
will then extract the corresponding data to generate a In game2, the user can play the spatial arrangement
community layout to be applied in the next session. game, through which the algorithm generates a heat Step1.1: Building new community from first game. Step1.2: Choose the building to see the damage degree
map applicable to this community based on user’s and information details.
needs and gives optimisation to form the building

Game 1: Community Rebuilding Game 2: Building Generation Building Construction

RC 1 Reversible Architecture

Reversible Architecture
Step1.3: Decide whether the building should be demol- Step1.4: After demolishing the buildings, users can choose Step1.5: The algorithm will calculate a variety of results
Step2: Demolish Building ished or not. the function boxes to design new buildings for their new based on the user’s design preferences and the require-
community. ments entered (like size and proportion of greenery, hous-
Decide the buildings that need to
ing, etc.) Users can choose the favorite one to upload.
be demolished.

Step5: Space Voxlization

Game 2: Building Generation

Step1: Damage detection

Step3: Code Material

Step 2.2: Generate space typology from game 2. Step 2.2: Users browse and select their preferred space
modules for their own design in the exhibition.

Step4: Storage Material Step6: Material Application

Step7: Deconstruction
Step 2.3: Users reverse some spaces from other people's Step 2.4: After the game closes, the machine counts the Step 2.5: Based on the heat map, the algorithm will
models and design the space they like. most popular spatial models and generates a number of calculate the corresponding spatial model.
heat maps.
76 77
RC 1 Reversible Architecture

Reversible Architecture
Chapter 5
Material library

78 79
Chapter 5: Material library
Data collection in training Bucha
RC 1 Reversible Architecture

Reversible Architecture
To storage point

Depending on the location and size of the bucha damage and

the type of buildings in the area, we simulated the demolition
and transport of building materials. This included a count of
the number of existing inhabitants in each area, a logistic of
potential temporary storage sites, and an estimate of the quan-
tities of each material type. The transport routes for the demo-
lition of materials were also simulated based on the location of
the buildings to be demolished and the location of the storage
80 81
Chapter 5: Material library
Material catalog of Bucha


Concrete Total Amount:1 Total Amount:1 Total Amount:1 Total Amount:1 Total Amount:1
Ownership: Bucha Ownership: Bucha Ownership: Bucha Ownership: Bucha Ownership: Bucha
INFORMATION INFORMATION INFORMATION INFORMATION INFORMATION From: Church wall From: Church wall From: Church wall From: Church wall From: Church wall
Total Amount:1 Total Amount:1 Total Amount:1 Total Amount:1 Total Amount:1
Ownership: Bucha Ownership: Bucha Ownership: Bucha Ownership: Bucha Ownership: Bucha DESCRIPTION DESCRIPTION DESCRIPTION DESCRIPTION DESCRIPTION
From: School wall From: School wall From: School wall From: Primary school wall From: Church wall Size:80X75X4.2cm Size:80X75X4.2cm Size:80X75X4.2cm Size:80X75X4.2cm Size:80X75X4.2cm
Life Span:50 years Life Span:50 years Life Span:50 years Life Span:50 years Life Span:50 years
DESCRIPTION DESCRIPTION DESCRIPTION DESCRIPTION DESCRIPTION Weight:50 pounds(22.67 kg) Weight:50 pounds(22.67 kg) Weight:50 pounds(22.67 kg) Weight:50 pounds(22.67 kg) Weight:50 pounds(22.67 kg)
Size:80X80X2.2cm Size:15X15X3.2cm Size:15X10X2.1cm Size:45X30X2.1cm Size:80X75X4.2cm Damage degree:2% Damage degree:2% Damage degree:2% Damage degree:2% Damage degree:2%
Life Span:50 years Life Span:30 years Life Span:30 years Life Span:30 years Life Span:50 years Erosion degree:Slight (E1) Erosion degree:Slight (E1) Erosion degree:Slight (E1) Erosion degree:Slight (E1) Erosion degree:Slight (E1)
Weight:50 pounds(22.67 kg) Weight:50 pounds(22.67 kg) Weight:50 pounds(22.67 kg) Weight:50 pounds(22.67 kg) Weight:50 pounds(22.67 kg)
Damage degree:2% Damage degree:2% Damage degree:2% Damage degree:2% Damage degree:2%
Erosion degree:Slight (E1) Erosion degree:Slight (E1) Erosion degree:Slight (E1) Erosion degree:Slight (E1) Erosion degree:Slight (E1)
Total Amount:1 Total Amount:1 Total Amount:1 Total Amount:1 Total Amount:1
Ownership: Bucha Ownership: Bucha Ownership: Bucha Ownership: Bucha Ownership: Bucha
INFORMATION INFORMATION INFORMATION INFORMATION INFORMATION From: Hospital wall From: Church wall From: Church wall From: Church wall From: Church wall
Total Amount:1 Total Amount:1 Total Amount:1 Total Amount:1 Total Amount:1
Ownership: Bucha Ownership: Bucha Ownership: Bucha Ownership: Bucha Ownership: Bucha DESCRIPTION DESCRIPTION DESCRIPTION DESCRIPTION DESCRIPTION
From: School wall From: School wall From: School wall From: School wall From: School wall Size:80X75X4.2cm Size:80X75X4.2cm Size:80X75X4.2cm Size:80X75X4.2cm Size:80X75X4.2cm
Life Span:50 years Life Span:50 years Life Span:50 years Life Span:50 years Life Span:50 years
DESCRIPTION DESCRIPTION DESCRIPTION DESCRIPTION DESCRIPTION Weight:50 pounds(22.67 kg) Weight:50 pounds(22.67 kg) Weight:50 pounds(22.67 kg) Weight:50 pounds(22.67 kg) Weight:50 pounds(22.67 kg)
Size:15X15X3.2cm Size:15X15X3.2cm Size:15X15X3.2cm Size:15X15X3.2cm Size:15X15X3.2cm Damage degree:2% Damage degree:2% Damage degree:2% Damage degree:2% Damage degree:2%
Life Span:30 years Life Span:30 years Life Span:30 years Life Span:30 years Life Span:30 years Erosion degree:Slight (E1) Erosion degree:Slight (E1) Erosion degree:Slight (E1) Erosion degree:Slight (E1) Erosion degree:Slight (E1)
Weight:50 pounds(22.67 kg) Weight:50 pounds(22.67 kg) Weight:50 pounds(22.67 kg) Weight:50 pounds(22.67 kg) Weight:50 pounds(22.67 kg)
Damage degree:2% Damage degree:2% Damage degree:2% Damage degree:2% Damage degree:2% INFORMATION INFORMATION INFORMATION INFORMATION INFORMATION
Erosion degree:Slight (E1) Erosion degree:Slight (E1) Erosion degree:Slight (E1) Erosion degree:Slight (E1) Erosion degree:Slight (E1) Total Amount:1 Total Amount:1 Total Amount:1 Total Amount:1 Total Amount:1
Ownership: Bucha Ownership: Bucha Ownership: Bucha Ownership: Bucha Ownership: Bucha
INFORMATION INFORMATION INFORMATION INFORMATION INFORMATION From: School wall From: Church wall From: Church wall From: Church wall From: Church wall
Total Amount:1 Total Amount:1 Total Amount:1 Total Amount:1 Total Amount:1
Ownership: Bucha Ownership: Bucha Ownership: Bucha Ownership: Bucha Ownership: Bucha DESCRIPTION DESCRIPTION DESCRIPTION DESCRIPTION DESCRIPTION
From: School wall From: School wall From: School wall From: School wall From: School wall Size:15X15X3.2cm Size:80X75X4.2cm Size:80X75X4.2cm Size:80X75X4.2cm Size:80X75X4.2cm
Life Span:30 years Life Span:50 years Life Span:50 years Life Span:50 years Life Span:50 years
DESCRIPTION DESCRIPTION DESCRIPTION DESCRIPTION DESCRIPTION Weight:50 pounds(22.67 kg) Weight:50 pounds(22.67 kg) Weight:50 pounds(22.67 kg) Weight:50 pounds(22.67 kg) Weight:50 pounds(22.67 kg)
Size:15X15X3.2cm Size:15X15X3.2cm Size:15X15X3.2cm Size:15X15X3.2cm Size:15X15X3.2cm Damage degree:2% Damage degree:2% Damage degree:2% Damage degree:2% Damage degree:2%
Life Span:30 years Life Span:30 years Life Span:30 years Life Span:30 years Life Span:30 years Erosion degree:Slight (E1) Erosion degree:Slight (E1) Erosion degree:Slight (E1) Erosion degree:Slight (E1) Erosion degree:Slight (E1)
RC 1 Reversible Architecture

Weight:50 pounds(22.67 kg) Weight:50 pounds(22.67 kg) Weight:50 pounds(22.67 kg) Weight:50 pounds(22.67 kg) Weight:50 pounds(22.67 kg)
Damage degree:2% Damage degree:2% Damage degree:2% Damage degree:2% Damage degree:2%

Reversible Architecture
Erosion degree:Slight (E1) Erosion degree:Slight (E1) Erosion degree:Slight (E1) Erosion degree:Slight (E1) Erosion degree:Slight (E1) INFORMATION INFORMATION INFORMATION INFORMATION INFORMATION
Total Amount:1 Total Amount:1 Total Amount:1 Total Amount:1 Total Amount:1
Ownership: Bucha Ownership: Bucha Ownership: Bucha Ownership: Bucha Ownership: Bucha
INFORMATION INFORMATION INFORMATION INFORMATION INFORMATION From: Church wall From: Church wall From: Church wall From: Church wall From: Church wall
Total Amount:1 Total Amount:1 Total Amount:1 Total Amount:1 Total Amount:1
Ownership: Bucha Ownership: Bucha Ownership: Bucha Ownership: Bucha Ownership: Bucha DESCRIPTION DESCRIPTION DESCRIPTION DESCRIPTION DESCRIPTION
From: School wall From: School wall From: School wall From: School wall From: School wall Size:80X75X4.2cm Size:80X75X4.2cm Size:80X75X4.2cm Size:80X75X4.2cm Size:80X75X4.2cm
Life Span:50 years Life Span:50 years Life Span:50 years Life Span:50 years Life Span:50 years
DESCRIPTION DESCRIPTION DESCRIPTION DESCRIPTION DESCRIPTION Weight:50 pounds(22.67 kg) Weight:50 pounds(22.67 kg) Weight:50 pounds(22.67 kg) Weight:50 pounds(22.67 kg) Weight:50 pounds(22.67 kg)
Size:15X15X3.2cm Size:15X15X3.2cm Size:15X15X3.2cm Size:15X15X3.2cm Size:15X15X3.2cm Damage degree:2% Damage degree:2% Damage degree:2% Damage degree:2% Damage degree:2%
Life Span:30 years Life Span:30 years Life Span:30 years Life Span:30 years Life Span:30 years Erosion degree:Slight (E1) Erosion degree:Slight (E1) Erosion degree:Slight (E1) Erosion degree:Slight (E1) Erosion degree:Slight (E1)
Weight:50 pounds(22.67 kg) Weight:50 pounds(22.67 kg) Weight:50 pounds(22.67 kg) Weight:50 pounds(22.67 kg) Weight:50 pounds(22.67 kg)
Damage degree:2% Damage degree:2% Damage degree:2% Damage degree:2% Damage degree:2%
Erosion degree:Slight (E1) Erosion degree:Slight (E1) Erosion degree:Slight (E1) Erosion degree:Slight (E1) Erosion degree:Slight (E1)
Total Amount:1 Total Amount:1 Total Amount:1 Total Amount:1 Total Amount:1 Total Amount:1 Total Amount:1 Total Amount:1 Total Amount:1 Total Amount:235
Ownership: Bucha Ownership: Bucha Ownership: Bucha Ownership: Bucha Ownership: Bucha Ownership: Bucha Ownership: Bucha Ownership: Bucha Ownership: Bucha Ownership:Clearaway Recla-
From: School wall From: School wall From: School wall From: School wall From: School wall From: Church wall From: Church wall From: Church wall From: Church wall mation Yard
Postcode:TN12 6SD
Size:15X15X3.2cm Size:15X15X3.2cm Size:15X15X3.2cm Size:15X15X3.2cm Size:15X15X3.2cm Size:80X75X4.2cm Size:80X75X4.2cm Size:80X75X4.2cm Size:80X75X4.2cm Size:76X38X65cm
Life Span:30 years Life Span:30 years Life Span:30 years Life Span:30 years Life Span:30 years Life Span:50 years Life Span:50 years Life Span:50 years Life Span:50 years Life Span:80 years
Weight:50 pounds(22.67 kg) Weight:50 pounds(22.67 kg) Weight:50 pounds(22.67 kg) Weight:50 pounds(22.67 kg) Weight:50 pounds(22.67 kg) Weight:50 pounds(22.67 kg) Weight:50 pounds(22.67 kg) Weight:50 pounds(22.67 kg) Weight:50 pounds(22.67 kg) Weight:50 pounds(22.67 kg)
Damage degree:2% Damage degree:2% Damage degree:2% Damage degree:2% Damage degree:2% Damage degree:2% Damage degree:2% Damage degree:2% Damage degree:2% Damage degree:10%
Erosion degree:Slight (E1) Erosion degree:Slight (E1) Erosion degree:Slight (E1) Erosion degree:Slight (E1) Erosion degree:Slight (E1) Erosion degree:Slight (E1) Erosion degree:Slight (E1) Erosion degree:Slight (E1) Erosion degree:Slight (E1) Erosion degree:Moderate (E2)

Total Amount:1
Total Amount:1
Total Amount:1
Total Amount:1
Total Amount:1
Ownership: Bucha Ownership: Bucha Ownership: Bucha Ownership: Bucha Ownership: Bucha INFORMATION INFORMATION INFORMATION INFORMATION INFORMATION
From: School wall From: School wall From: School wall From: School wall From: School wall Total Amount:90 Total Amount:430 Total Amount:25 Total Amount:1 Total Amount:240
Ownership:Peckham Recla- Ownership:Peckham Recla- Ownership:Peckham Recla- Ownership:Peckham Recla- Ownership:Peckham Recla-
DESCRIPTION DESCRIPTION DESCRIPTION DESCRIPTION DESCRIPTION mation&Salvage mation&Salvage mation&Salvage mation&Salvage mation&Salvage
Size:15X15X3.2cm Size:15X15X3.2cm Size:15X15X3.2cm Size:15X15X3.2cm Size:15X15X3.2cm Postcode:SE15 2BG Postcode:SE15 2BG Postcode:SE15 2BG Postcode:SE15 2BG Postcode:SE15 2BG
Life Span:30 years Life Span:30 years Life Span:30 years Life Span:30 years Life Span:30 years DESCRIPTION DESCRIPTION DESCRIPTION DESCRIPTION DESCRIPTION
Weight:50 pounds(22.67 kg) Weight:50 pounds(22.67 kg) Weight:50 pounds(22.67 kg) Weight:50 pounds(22.67 kg) Weight:50 pounds(22.67 kg) Size:25X3.4X4.7cm Size:19.0x3.0x2.2cm Size:49X4.9X5.3cm Size:49X4.9X5.3cm Size:29x6.8x5.5cm
Damage degree:2% Damage degree:2% Damage degree:2% Damage degree:2% Damage degree:2% Life Span:100 years Life Span:100 years Life Span:100 years Life Span:100 years Life Span:100 years
Erosion degree:Slight (E1) Erosion degree:Slight (E1) Erosion degree:Slight (E1) Erosion degree:Slight (E1) Erosion degree:Slight (E1) Weight:50 pounds(22.67 kg) Weight:50 pounds(22.67 kg) Weight:50 pounds(22.67 kg) Weight:50 pounds(22.67 kg) Weight:50 pounds(22.67 kg)
Damage degree:2% Damage degree:2% Damage degree:2% Damage degree:2% Damage degree:2%
Erosion degree:Slight (E1) Erosion degree:Slight (E1) Erosion degree:Slight (E1) Erosion degree:Slight (E1) Erosion degree:Slight (E1)
Timber Board Timber Board Timber Board Timber Board Timber Board
Total Amount:1 Total Amount:1 Total Amount:1 Total Amount:1 Total Amount:1 Total Amount:53 Total Amount:230 Total Amount:240 Total Amount:1 Total Amount:99
Ownership: Bucha Ownership: Bucha Ownership: Bucha Ownership: Bucha Ownership: Bucha Ownership:Peckham Reclama- Ownership:Peckham Recla- Ownership:Peckham Recla- Ownership:Peckham Recla- Ownership:Peckham Recla-
From: School wall From: School wall From: School wall From: School wall From: School wall tion&Salvage mation&Salvage mation&Salvage mation&Salvage mation&Salvage
Postcode:SE15 2BG Postcode:SE15 2BG Postcode:SE15 2BG Postcode:SE15 2BG Postcode:SE15 2BG
Size:15X15X3.2cm Size:15X15X3.2cm Size:15X15X3.2cm Size:15X15X3.2cm Size:15X15X3.2cm Size:29x6.8x5.5cm Size:29x6.8x5.5cm Size:29x6.8x5.5cm Size:49X4.9X5.3cm Size:29x6.8x5.5cm
Life Span:30 years Life Span:30 years Life Span:30 years Life Span:30 years Life Span:30 years Life Span:100 years Life Span:100 years Life Span:100 years Life Span:100 years Life Span:100 years
Weight:50 pounds(22.67 kg) Weight:50 pounds(22.67 kg) Weight:50 pounds(22.67 kg) Weight:50 pounds(22.67 kg) Weight:50 pounds(22.67 kg) Weight:50 pounds(22.67 kg) Weight:50 pounds(22.67 kg) Weight:50 pounds(22.67 kg) Weight:50 pounds(22.67 kg) Weight:50 pounds(22.67 kg)
Damage degree:2% Damage degree:2% Damage degree:2% Damage degree:2% Damage degree:2% Damage degree:2% Damage degree:2% Damage degree:2% Damage degree:2% Damage degree:2%
Erosion degree:Slight (E1) Erosion degree:Slight (E1) Erosion degree:Slight (E1) Erosion degree:Slight (E1) Erosion degree:Slight (E1) Erosion degree:Slight (E1) Erosion degree:Slight (E1) Erosion degree:Slight (E1) Erosion degree:Slight (E1) Erosion degree:Slight (E1)
Lump of Timber Timber Board

82 83
Chapter 5: Material library
Material exchange library

To visualise the recycled material and to make the

transport logistics chain more transparent in our
Concrete project, we are trying to form a material cloud net-
work for trading visualisation and better reuse ma-
terial. We have designed an online store where you
can preview and buy materials online which can
collect and classify materials according to damage
degree, life span and market value these three fac-
tors, users can zoom in to every specific materials
here to see the information and decide to buy it.
And the Material prices are subject to real-time
inflation based on purchase volume in our online

Stair In this material library individual users and material

dealers, recyclers, etc. can upload their own materi-
als and the platform will evaluate them accordingly,
the results of which will be displayed in the material
catalogue by the location of the material.

In the present material store we have placed some

RC 1 Reversible Architecture

building parts removed from bacha’s dilapidated

Reversible Architecture




84 85
Chapter 5: Material library Operation process for users
Material exchange store
Online store Introduction

Building ready for demolition Dismantle the building Materials enter into platform
Establish the ID cards of materials Click 360 degree Change
the viewing angle

Hold Roll

Assessing the Move the store Zoom in/Out

reusability of

Selective demolition
RC 1 Reversible Architecture

Reversible Architecture
Place the mouse lightly over an object and it will The user is then immediately presented with specific information (include the Basic Info,
rotate. Click on the object to zoom in immediately. data, location, value, etc.) about the material. The different materials can then be freely
viewed in the store.

Click “+” to add an item to your shopping

Getting materials from basket.
dismantled buildings

Collect materials for new constrution

Here you can see how the value of the selected item has changed over a period Last step is placing the order in store.
of time.

Purcasing materials from others in platform

86 87
RC 1 Reversible Architecture

Reversible Architecture
Chapter 6
Material connection

88 89
Chapter 6: Material connection Concrete Stone Clay Timber Conponent
Material connection diagram
Rubble Chunk Block Rock Slab Slate Brick Tile Stick Log Board Window Door Stair Column





Stone Slab

RC 1 Reversible Architecture

Reversible Architecture



Frictional Force


Timber Board

Cement Window

Need to process Stair


90 91
Chapter 6: Material connection
Connection joint designs
Structure joint: Timber
Prefab structural joint locks that can be spliced and removable with a certain adjusting The joints that could fit the different kinds and directions of
ability, every single parts could be install and take down easily. structure by adding and combining these single parts.
The assembling of joint The single parts of joint
E.g: X-joint

a. b.


c. d. e.
The type of joints
RC 1 Reversible Architecture

XX-Joint XX-Joint

Reversible Architecture

2 2 2 2 2
2a.+2b. 2a.+4b.+c. 4a.+11b.+2c.
XZ-Joint XYZ-Joint XXYZ-Joint

2 2 2 2
4a.+2b.+d. 6a.+2b.+e.+d. 8a.+2b.+c.+e.+d.
92 93
Chapter 6: Material connection
Connection joint designs
Structure joint: Concrete


01 04 07

RC 1 Reversible Architecture

Reversible Architecture


02 05

The concrete joint is used in conjunction with our

building’s interlock system, where a machine is used
to measure out the part of the concrete that needs to
be cut, then a recess is created, drilled using a hand-
held hole punch and the joint is placed. Finally, the
two joints are joined. The diagram shows the break-
03 06 down of the joints.
94 95
Chapter 6: Material connection
Physical models
Structure joint: Timber Structure joint: Concrete

a. a.

b. b. b.
RC 1 Reversible Architecture

Reversible Architecture
96 97
RC 1 Reversible Architecture

Reversible Architecture
Chapter 7
Community rubuilding

98 99
Chapter 7: Community rebuiding
Game 1 workflow
RC 1 Reversible Architecture

Reversible Architecture
100 101
Chapter 7: Community rebuiding
Assessment of damage degree

Building layout sample

RC 1 Reversible Architecture

Reversible Architecture
Community demotion extent decision

Every damaged buildings around sites will be analysed the

level of deterioration and grade them to determine if they
need to be demolished. They will be investigated from struc-
tural integrity and facade, components damage condition to
assess the grade. Each grade have different methods for re-

102 103
Chapter 7: Community rebuiding
Game 1 User operations

Put the building functions

Click Press and Drag which you like.

Move the map Zoom in/out

Into community site Check building information Design community

and damage degree functions and input
layout requirements
RC 1 Reversible Architecture

Reversible Architecture
You can choose your community
site here. You can determine whether
Log in to demolish the damaged
buildings in site.

Waiting for the floor

plan to be generated

Choose the favorate

floor plan and submit

Community red line generation Demolish buildings Design upload successfully

and wait for the final layout.
104 105
Chapter 7: Community rebuiding
Algorithms optimization

Plan generation Blocks generation

1 2 3
RC 1 Reversible Architecture

Reversible Architecture
4 5 6


Greenery Rate


Medical Conditions

Disaster Response

7 8 9

106 107
Chapter 7: Community rebuiding
Algorithms optimization
RC 1 Reversible Architecture

Reversible Architecture
1 2 3 1 2 3
Openness Openness

Greenery Rate
Rate Greenery
Greenery Rate

Walkability Walkability

Medical Conditions
Conditions Medical
Medical Conditions

Disaster Response
Response Disaster
Disaster Response

4 5 6 4 5 6

7 8 9 7 8 9

108 109
RC 1 Reversible Architecture

Reversible Architecture
Chapter 8
Building generation

110 111
Chapter 8: Building generation
Game 2 workflow
RC 1 Reversible Architecture

Reversible Architecture
112 113
Chapter 8: Building generation
Reversible space design
Reversible plan library
Public Architecture

Cultural Architecture Educational Architecture

RC 1 Reversible Architecture

Reversible Architecture
Commercial & Offices Sports Architecture

Hospitality Architecture Religious Architecture

114 115
Chapter 8: Building generation Heatmap of floorplans
Agent simulation

Agent simulation.
RC 1 Reversible Architecture

Reversible Architecture
Heatmaps of floor plans generated by agent simulation.

Heatmap of floorplanes of housing and public buildings in Ukraine.

In terms of users’ behaviour patterns, we aim to detect the daily routines in the building, in order to understand
people’s lives. Their behaviour is investigated in a floorplan library of different catalogs, through agent simula-
tion. Therefore, a dataset of behaviour patterns have been set.

116 117
Chapter 8: Building generation Space optimization sample 8.4m
Agent simulation
Space optimization attempt 10.8m
Heatmap plane Original plane Optimized plane Reversible space

7.2m 7.2m 7.2m

1.Original plane 2.Heatmap plane generate 6.0m 6.0m 6.0m
6.0m 7.2m

8.8m 8.8m 8.8m
9.1m 9.1m 9.1m
8.8m 9.1m

5.8m 5.8m 5.8m


5.8m 5.8m 5.8m


5.8m6.0m 7.6m 7.2m7.6m

5.8m 7.6m
5.8m 7.6m
12.8m 6.0m 12.8m 12.8m

5.8m 5.8m 6.0m 5.8m 7.2m

8.7m 5.3m 5.3m 5.3m
8.4m 5.8m
12.8m 12.8m 12.8m 8.8m 9.1m
6.0m 6.0m 7.2m 7.2m
RC 1 Reversible Architecture


Reversible Architecture
8.8m 9.1m
9.1m 10.3m
9.1m 9.1m 10.3m 10.3m
9.1m 10.3m
5.8m 5.8m

3.Heattest space cutting 4.Optimized space 8.8m 8.8m 9.1m


5.8m 7.6m
5.8m 5.8m
5.8m 12.8m

5.8m 7.6m
5.3m 5.8m
13.0m 5.8m 13.3m
5.8m 13.0m 13.0m 13.3m 13.3m
8.7m 12.8m 13.0m 13.3m 12.8m

5.8m 7.6m
5.8m 7.6m 5.8m
12.8m 12.8m
12.8m 9.1m 10.3m
6.0m 8.4m
5.8m 5.8m
5.3m 5.3m

12.8m 12.8m
9.1m 10.3m

9.1m 9.1m 10.3m 10.3m

13.0m 13.3m

13.0m 13.3m

We first collected the planes of housing, public buildings, etc. in Ukraine, then
13.0m 13.0m 13.3m 13.3m
derived the heatmap by agent simulation, 8.4m extracted the hottest spaces from

them, cut them out of the original planes, then optimised them and carried out
spatial replacement experiments to verify their reversibility.

118 119
Chapter 8: Building generation
Game 2 logic diagram
The platform will categorise players’ models
according to the type of space and degree
Designers design some basic Designers extracting the space of reversibility, making it easy to navigate The algorithm sums up the space that
space modules. models from the plan library. through the exhibition. can be reversible and space typology.
Reverse space
Put these models into game

Player using these basic Player using these single Share their space with
Public/private space modules to design new + space models to design Upload their spaces into New users can make changes to the New player can upload their design in
platform. other users in online existing spatial model in exhibition. exhibition again.
design space. new space. exhibition.

Game timeline flow

Platform designer First generation players Second generation players Third generation players Fifth generation players Basic space Modules samples

Second generation
7 4
Designed a student
RC 1 Reversible Architecture

dormitory module Third generation

Reverse bed-ward space

Reversible Architecture
Basic space modules
Designed module of yard to library
5 3 Public space models
Fifth generation Reverse the classroom spaces to
First generation Reverse the bedroom make school become temporary
Designed a primary ules
to living room
school for community
community hospital
rd mod
Private space models Designed a single Bed
1 Floor Wall Door Floor-to-ceiling windows
bedroom module 4
1m x 1m 1m x 1m 1m x 2.3m 1m x 2.3m
5 Basic space modules
Third generation 2 Modify the classroom spaces Basic space furniture samples
to make school becom office
les Fifth generation
em odu
First generation Offic First generation

Basic space modules Public space models 6 Design some modules for 1
3 high school
Classroom modules
Reverse gym space of
Designed a house
school to big office
Designed share public 2
2 space of community
Put the canteen to a Sofa Cooking table Toilet
1 Modify some high school design Desk
space functions 1m x 0.5m 1m x 1m 1m x 1.5m 1m x 0.5m
Reverse the living Designed a single
3 private room Third generation
room to bedroom 3
Fifth generation Designed a single
Third generation kitchen module
Develop the kitchen to
a canteen
1 Designed a house Fifth generation Second generation
Bedroom models Second generation 2
Reverse a house to
studio office Meeting Desk Tv Table
Modify the house‘s Private space models
2m x 1.5m 1m x 1.5m 1.5m x 1.5m
120 121
Chapter 8: Building generation
Game 2 operation for users
Third generation players
Upload your models into
the exhibition, and wait for
the final result generation.
Choose the room type of private
space you want to create.
Click Press and Drag

Rotate models Zoom in/out

Choose the modules which you

want to use in your models.
RC 1 Reversible Architecture

Reversible Architecture
To create your own room model.

Into game2

Choose a space type

Into public exhibition Reverse some parts in models

122 123
Chapter 8: Building generation Public space
Data collection
After the cut-off of the user’s playtime, we extract
private house the floor plan from their spatial models and analyse Studio space
20% them to get the corresponding database. 20% 65% 70%

30% 40%
45% 65%

10% 55%

School space 20%

RC 1 Reversible Architecture

Reversible Architecture
60% 30%



70% 45%



private flat

60% 20% 10% 15%

After overlaying the floorplans

65% that users uploaded, a heatmap
70% 60% is generated of user preference,
and upload the data to algo-
rithm. The algorithm calculates
10% 65% 60% 60% and analyses the thermal values
of each plan and spatial mod-
el to obtain the optimal spatial
124 125
Chapter 8: Building generation
Space generation Module combination

Office studio space

Living space
RC 1 Reversible Architecture

Reversible Architecture
Reversible court yard Reversible space

Reversible sharing space Office studio space


Based on the heatmap obtained by the algorithmwe will generate the average size
of each functional space and calculate their optimal location and shapeWe have
selected the residential and office spaces as the main functions of the buildingse-
lected several spatial morphological data and modelled the resulting volumes into
small blocks for subsequent voxel generation,which are then arranged according to
the original spatial function and placement of each block to form a whole functional
building block.

126 127
RC 1 Reversible Architecture

Reversible Architecture
Chapter 9
Building construction

128 129
Chapter 6: Material connection
Construction workflow
RC 1 Reversible Architecture

Reversible Architecture
130 131
Chapter 8: Building generation
Spatial form decomposition
RC 1 Reversible Architecture

Reversible Architecture
The complete space form generated in Game 2

In the game, the user collaborates on the design of the building

form and constructs the actual building, first by voxelizing the
building form and dividing the entire building into voxels that
can be recognized by the computer.

132 133
Chapter 8: Building generation
Spatial form decomposition
RC 1 Reversible Architecture

Reversible Architecture
134 135
Chapter 9: Building construction
Voxel typology
RC 1 Reversible Architecture

Reversible Architecture
136 137
Chapter 6: Material connection
Material combination system
Material components
• Big chunk wall-concrete

6x8 5x8 13x9 2x10x7 8x6 11x8 12x13 2x9x7 7x3 7x6

Interlock Wall concrete

7x5 12x11 8x6 9x7 9x6 6x5 13x6 6x5 5x7 6x8
RC 1 Reversible Architecture

Reversible Architecture
6x4 4x5 3x6 7x7 4x4 4x4 4x10 6x6 5x6 10x11

• Interlock concrete

Wall concrete

3x4 3x5 5x5 3x3 3x6 4x5 3x4 2x3 2x5 5x5 3x3 4x5
We chose to use voxels coded through
the rules in order to standardise the ir-
regular concrete blocks and to unify
their area units. A 50cmx50cmx50cm
square was used as the basic unit. Gen-
erally broken concrete of less than 18
squares is used as an interlock forma-
tion and large concrete blocks are used
as concrete walls.
2x3 3x6 2x3 2x2 2x2 2x3 3x4 3x4 2x3 2x2 2x3 2x5

138 139
Chapter 6: Material connection Material coding samples
Material combination system

Step1: Inputting material components into gh

Step2: voxelization of wall
from material exchange store.

Step3: Coding

(Contains walls in combination of
frame and concrete.)
Material using depand on
Final step: Material filling to wall the size classification:
Large chunk for walls
Vertical for the interlock
RC 1 Reversible Architecture

Reversible Architecture
Step5: Calculation of
structural stability No

Step4: Voxel filling

Go back Boolean operations: Union

Fittness factor:
1. Intersection: [3,6] Min
2. Component: [2,8] Min
3.Filling volume: [1x108,3x108] Max

Step4: Single objective optimisation

140 141
Chapter 9: Building construction
Voxel combination
RC 1 Reversible Architecture

Reversible Architecture
142 143
Chapter 9: Building construction
Voxel combination
RC 1 Reversible Architecture

Reversible Architecture
The concept of voxels connects frames and building components the building component blocks are divided into different small
at scale. Thus, non-standard and standard components have an cubes to analyse and label the structural dimensions. The size of
interconnected strategy. The voxel is used as a basic measure- each voxel is 3.2 x 3.2 x 3.2 m. The material construction blocks in
ment standard to calculate and analyse the dimensions of build- the voxel cell generation are also random as the corresponding
ing design strategies, the cube voxel functions as a cube structural material composition in the material library is diverse.
material structural unit material catalogue material recycling/re-
use voxel units structures and components. With each voxel unit,

144 145
Chapter 9: Building construction
Unit combination

Single unit
RC 1 Reversible Architecture

Reversible Architecture
Composite unit

146 147
Chapter 9: Building construction
Construction connection
RC 1 Reversible Architecture

Reversible Architecture
Four different joints are used to connect the different
material combinations, and the internal space and struc-
ture reveal the envelope of voxels from the raw materials
used from the catalogue to the build version.

148 149
Chapter 9: Building construction
Structure calculation
RC 1 Reversible Architecture

Reversible Architecture
Structural Materials Calculation

The left side shows the material usage and the right side shows the result of the build.
The LOSS Value is calculated as the weighted sum of material waste and space unoccupied.
the LOSS decreases during the optimisation process, indicating that material usage rises
and space occupancy rises. ( Based on agent’s simulated annealing)

150 151
Chapter 9: Building construction
Building render
RC 1 Reversible Architecture

Reversible Architecture
152 153
Chapter 9: Building construction
Building render
RC 1 Reversible Architecture

Reversible Architecture
154 155
Chapter 9: Building construction
Anatomical Perspective
RC 1 Reversible Architecture

Reversible Architecture
156 157
Chapter 9: Building construction
Interior render
Facade spaces
RC 1 Reversible Architecture

Reversible Architecture
158 159
Chapter 9: Building construction
Interior space
RC 1 Reversible Architecture

Reversible Architecture
160 161
RC 1 Reversible Architecture

Reversible Architecture
Chapter 10
Physical models

162 163
Chapter 11: Physical model
Physical model
RC 1 Reversible Architecture

Reversible Architecture
Our physical models have four parts:
concrete experimentation, 3D printing Simulation of demolition states
interlock modules, 3D overall architec-
tural printer and lego game modules. Medium: Cement, sand, water, plaster,

164 165
Chapter 11: Physical model
Physical model
RC 1 Reversible Architecture

Reversible Architecture
Voxel models Interlock wall
Medium: PLA material (3D printing) Medium: Clay, sand, cement

166 167
Chapter 11: Physical model
Physical model
RC 1 Reversible Architecture

Reversible Architecture
Part of building building voxels

Medium: PLA material (3D printing)

168 169
RC 1 Reversible Architecture

Reversible Architecture
Chapter 11
Design iterations

170 171
Chapter 11: Design iterations Chapter 11: Design iterations
Term1: Project objective Term1: Bottom up design research
RC 1 Reversible Architecture

Reversible Architecture
172 173
Chapter 11: Design iterations Chapter 11: Design iterations
Term1: Project proposal Term2: Project proposal

- When we come to London to rent a house, there are many factors that affect how big
the room is, does it have a balcony, does it have a garden?

- When we buy materials, we compare the prices. How do we get the materials we want
within a certain budget? And where can we get it?

- Can we see the whole building construction process?

RC 1 Reversible Architecture

Reversible Architecture
174 175
Chapter 11: Design iterations Chapter 11: Design iterations
Term3: Project proposal Term1: Construction of building material
RC 1 Reversible Architecture

Reversible Architecture
176 177
Chapter 11: Design iterations
Term1: Material re-assemble methods testing
RC 1 Reversible Architecture

Reversible Architecture
178 179
RC 1 Reversible Architecture


Reversible Architecture
Chapter 11: Design iterations
Term2: Material re-assemble methods testing
RC 1 Reversible Architecture

Reversible Architecture
182 183
Chapter 11: Design iterations
Term3: Material re-assemble methods testing
Massive Prefabricate
Instruction manual of materials Concrete pillar/Big stone
Large Prefabricate or Carved on sites
Chunk/Slab/Rock carve on site
Small Carved on sites

No How big are your Prefabricate

Mixed rocks?


What materials Are your rocks Concrete pillar/Big stone

do you have? similar size?
Does them carve/pro- Yes Yes
Large Like puzzles?
cess well/ have good CONSTRUCTION 03
Chunk/Slab/Rock shape?
No No
RC 1 Reversible Architecture

Reversible Architecture
Small Will they be mixed No
Piece/Debris/Rubble with other materials? Use Small size
as fillers
Yes Do you want to Yes
Is it complete/ use them as nor- USED IN WALLS/ROOFS
Good quality? mal way? Use other
materials as Yes

Used as fillers with Brick/Clay/Tile What material can be Fill in the gaps
other materials CONSTRUCTION 04
as fillers/inserts? Brick/Clay/Tile/Stick/Wasted wood

Can they be used No

Used as inserts Steel/Components
as a part in con- with other mate-
struction? rials
Other materials around them
Process to fillers
Need to prefab- Process to structure
ricate or carve on
Whether it can be No Used as fillers with Stick/Wasted wood
Timber used as structure? other materials


Whether the
Yes Are your timbers No No
REUSED damage is seri- STRUCTURE JOINT01
similar size?
ous/have nails

184 185
Chapter 11: Design iterations
Term3: Material re-assemble methods testing
Required Materials:

Flame: Timber, Steel, Reversible Joint.

Subject: Massive/Large Concrete/ Stone.

Filler: Small concrete/stone ,Brink/Clay/Tile, Stick.


1. build the frame from wood or steel (combined with joints).

2. Transporting materials from the platform to the site.

3. Build the foundation with massive/large stones.

4. fill the obvious gaps in the first layer with fillers.

RC 1 Reversible Architecture

Reversible Architecture
5. Place a second layer and add filler to the remaining seam between the Required Materials:
first and second layers.
Flame: Timber, Steel, Reversible Joint.
6. Use the hammer to embed the filler.
Subject: Steel/Components.
7. Process the materials of inappropriate dimensions on site.
Filler: Timber, Concrete/Stone.
8. Follow this step by step stacking of materials.

1. Building the base frame with fillers.

2. Place components in wall.

3. Processing some out-of-spec materials.

4. Fill in other materials around the component.

186 187
Chapter 11: Design iterations
Term3: Design
RC 1 Reversible Architecture

Reversible Architecture
188 189
Chapter 11: Design iterations
Term3: Material market value
RC 1 Reversible Architecture

Reversible Architecture
190 191
Chapter 11: Design iterations
Term2: Demolition Policy Construction policy
Dismantle the building Materials enter into platform Collect materials for new constrution
Government-led Government-led

Establish the ID cards of materials

Assessing the
reusability of

Selective demolition Using materials they already have construction

Purcasing materials from individuals in Collecting materials through fundraising
Public buildings platform

1.Exchange of material stocks for

house price reduction.Buying more
material stocks will cut the amount of
monthly rent they pay.(Max 25%)
RC 1 Reversible Architecture

2.Monthly rent can be used as part of

Reversible Architecture
the full payment for their house.

Getting materials from

dismantled buildings
Residents choose materials to purcase in Residents get material stcock right by pro- Residents get housing benefits under Negotiated construction
platform viding materials to construct shared ownership
Affordable housings

Demolition Policy Dismantle the building Constrution for public buildings Negotiated construction for housings
Private-offer Enter materials into platform Government-led Government-led

1.Exchange of material stocks for house

price reduction.Buying more material
stocks will cut the amount of monthly rent
they pay.(Max 25%)
2.Monthly rent can be used as part of the
full payment for their house.

Get the amount of material corresponding Collecting materials in platform Using materials they already have Residents get material stock right by Residents get housing benefits under
Private home and buildings
to the property right providing materials to construct shared ownership
Establish the ID cards of materials
192 193
Chapter 11: Design iterations
Term1: UI platform

The initial interface The main interface The map The Exchange The Construction Plans The initial interface The main interface The map The Exchange The Construction Plans
Price Price
log in Map Zoom in Selection page Diagrammatic Optimal solution log in Map Zoom in Selection page Diagrammatic Optimal solution
Condition Condition
Start Exchange Site information Material selection Material lists Start Exchange Site information Material selection Material lists
3D models Location 3D models Location
Construction + Input requirements Methods Construction + Input requirements Methods
Material distribution Material distribution
Material information Property Material information Property
Additon Landfills Additon Landfills
Construction Construction

Value market ...... ......

The main interface The map

RC 1 Reversible Architecture

Reversible Architecture
194 195
Chapter 11: Design iterations
Term1: UI platform

The initial interface The main interface The map The Exchange The Construction Plans The initial interface The main interface The map The Exchange The Construction Plans
Price Price
log in Map Zoom in Selection page Diagrammatic Optimal solution log in Map Zoom in Selection page Diagrammatic Optimal solution
Condition Condition
Start Exchange Site information Material selection Material lists Start Exchange Site information Material selection Material lists
3D models Location 3D models Location
Construction + Input requirements Methods Construction + Input requirements Methods
Material distribution Material distribution
Material information Property Material information Property
Additon Landfills Additon Landfills
Construction Construction

...... ......

The exchange Material information

RC 1 Reversible Architecture

Reversible Architecture
196 197
Chapter 11: Design iterations
Term2: UI platform
RC 1 Reversible Architecture

Reversible Architecture
198 199
RC 1 Reversible Architecture


Reversible Architecture
RC 1 Reversible Architecture


Reversible Architecture
RC 1 Reversible Architecture


Reversible Architecture
RC 1 Reversible Architecture


Reversible Architecture

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208 209

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