Eced Social Principles Cohortsyllabus

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Wesleyan University-Philippines

Mabini Extension, Cabanatuan City

3100 Nueva Ecija

Methodist Social Principles - Cohort Syllabus

Pre-requisite: None Co-requisite: None No. of Units : 3
No. of Weeks: 4 (June 18, 25, July 2 & 9 ) Time: 8:00AM – 2:00 PM No. of Hours: 24
Course Description:
This session will review institutional core values and social principles, and study how these will be used in decision making, development
of educational programs and the creation and promotion of educational advocacies for social change and development.
Course Outcomes:
At the end of this session, the student would be able to:
A. Demonstrate a clear understanding of the intent and significance of the Methodist social principles in effecting social change and
B. Use the Methodist social principles in making decisions, in developing educational programs, or in creating and promoting educational
advocacies for social change and development.

Christie, Neal. Justice in Everyday Life: A Look at the Social Principles of The United Methodist Church. Nashville, Tennessee, USA:
Discipleship Resources, 2014.

History of the Social Principles
The Social Creed
The Book of Discipline of the United Methodist Church 2016. Part V, “Social Principles,” Preamble, Paragraphs 160-166. Nashville
Tennessee, USA. 2016. Pp. 105-145. See also
Introducing the Revised Social Principles, January 22, 2020
Living Our Principles 1: THE NATURAL WORLD

Living Our Principles 2: THE NURTURING COMMUNITY

Living Our Principles 3: THE SOCIAL COMMUNITY

Living Our Principles 4: ECONOMIC JUSTICE

Living Our Principles 5: POLITICS, POWER AND THE WORLD

Course Requirements:

Schedule Learning Topics Delivery Learning Activity Assessment Tools Required Readings
Outcomes Mode
Week 1 A What are the Synchronous Watch History of the Social Submit Reflection 1 {max Read The Social Creed in
Social Principles video in 200 words) What is the intent
Principles? of the Social Principles and ntent/our-social-creed
atch?v=2Yo6IsLRNMM why should we practice
Watch Introducing the them? (Due: June 25)
Revised Social Principles,
January 22, 2020 in

The Natural Watch Living Our Principles Submit Reflection 2 (max Read The Book of
World 1: The Natural World 200 words) How can I Discipline of the United support an ecologically Methodist Church 2016.
watch?v=UPOboZ5ZZ0w sustainable world with a Part V, “Social Principles.”
higher quality of life? Preamble, Paragraph 160:
(Due: June 25) The Natural World.
Nashville Tennessee, USA.
2016. See also
Week 2 A The Synchronous Watch Living Our Principles Submit Reflection 3 (max Read The Book of
Nurturing 2: The Nurturing Community 200 words); Discipline of the United
Community in How can we develop a better Methodist Church 2016. understanding of community Part V, “Social Principles.”
watch?v=EdY5NK6ef0Y and how will we practice Paragraph 161: The
respectful dialogue with all Nurturing Community and
persons? (Due: July 2) Paragraph 162:The Social
Community. Nashville
Tennessee, USA. 2016. See
The Social Watch Living Our Principles Submit Reflection 4 (max
Community 3: The Social Community in 200 words); t-we-believe/basics-of-our- How can we help safeguard faith/our-social-positions
watch?v=fvaz1OB9u4k human right, and to respond
in faith to acts of hate and
violence against humankind?
(Due: July 2)

Week 3 A Economic Synchronous Watch Living Our Principles Submit Reflection 5 (max Read The Book of
Justice 4: Economic Justice in 200 words); Discipline of the United 1.What 5 personal practices Methodist Church 2016.
watch?v=BfZB6ZAobv8 should I stop doing? Continue Part V, “Social Principles.”
doing? Start doing? Paragraphs 163:The
2. What 5 practices should Economic Community and
my organization stop doing? Paragraph 164:The Political
Continue doing? Start doing? World. Nashville Tennessee,
(Due: July 9) USA. 2016.

Politics, Watch Living Our Principles Submit Reflection Paper 6 See also
Power and 5: Politics, Power and the {max 200 words);
the World World in 1.What 5 personal practices t-we-believe/basics-of-our- should I stop doing? Continue faith/our-social-positions
tch?v=zFrQ70MybAo doing? Start doing?
2. What 5 practices should
my organization stop doing?
Continue doing? Start doing?
(Due: July 9)
Week 4 B Integration Asynchronous Create an educational Submit a 60-minute
webinar that will teach and multimedia presentation.
promote an advocacy from (Due: July 9)
any one of the 5 focus areas
mentioned in the Methodist
Social Principles (Natural
World, nurturing Community,
Social Community, Economic
Justice and Political World)

Consultations: For any questions, you may email me at or call/text at 09065655173
Submissions: Requirements (assignment, projects, etc.) shall be sent to

Course Instructor/Professor: The Rev. Dr. Cristine Carnate-Atrero is an ordained elder of the United Methodist Church, appointed as District
Superintendent of the Zambales District from 2018 to 2022. She holds a Doctor of Ministry degree from Asbury Theological Seminary, Kentucky,

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