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Group Members

1. Atikarwita-203020201071
2. Rahayu Alvionita-203030201100
3. Okta Ricky Victori-203030201079

One day, Nyai Balau had a dream.

In her dream, she dreamed of being met by a grandmother who said that her son had been
killed. Then, the next day with a feeling of still not believing in his dream last night, he
quietly went to a forest that had never been touched by humans.
Nyai balau left for 7 days and 7 nights. In the forest, he then hermited to beg the Lord of the
Realm for instructions. For 7 days and 7 nights nyai balau did not eat and did not drink, on
the first day nayi balau still felt strong, until the second, third, and fourth night, then on the
fifth night the energy of nyai balau had begun to decrease, the sixth day nyai balau was
almost unable to continue as it were. After a seventh night of asceticism, the clue finally
came through a grandmother.
The grandmother held nyai balau's shoulders and said "my grandson, open your eyes", but
nyai balau was still unable to open her eyes. Then the grandmother called nyai balau again
"my grandson open your eyes" however, nyai balau was still unable to open his eyes. For the
third time the grandmother called nyai balau "my grandson open your eyes" then, finally,
nyai balau was able to open her eyes slowly.
"O, my granddaughter! Stop looking for your son, it's gone," the grandmother said.

"What do you mean, Grandma?" asked Nyai Balau with some worry.

"Know it, my grandson! Your son has been killed (beheaded) by Antang from Juking
Sopang," the grandmother continued.

Hearing this, Nyai Balau couldn't hold back tears. His heart was so sad for the fate that befell
his son. He also rounded on his determination to demand revenge for his son's death. But,
whatever, he didn't have the power to deal with his son's killers.

"Don't worry, my grandson! I will help avenge you. I will give you knowledge and power, "
said the grandmother who knew Nyai Balau's determination.
The grandmother then passed down her power to Nyai Balau and gave a magic shawl as the
ultimate weapon.
"Take this magic shawl. At any time you can use it against the enemy," the grandmother said
as she handed the shawl to Nyai Balau.

"Thank you, Nek, " said Nyai Balau.

After getting the shawl, Nyai Balau immediately returned to his home. Upon arriving home,
her husband and entire family greeted her with a sense of relief.

"Oh, my Dinda! You've alarmed us all. For almost half a month more we searched around,
but didn't find Dinda. Where has Dinda been all along? Her husband asked.

"Forgive Dinda, Kanda! Dinda was indeed wrong to leave the house without saying goodbye
to anyone, " Nyai Balau replied.

Nyai Balau then recounted her journey to the forest until she met a powerful grandmother. He
also told the information he got from the magic grandmother about his son who had passed
away by Antang from Juking Sopang. Therefore, she also invited her husband and all his
family and a number of soldiers to Juking Sopang to demand revenge for his son's death.

Upon arriving at Juking Sopang, Nyai Balau asked Antang to admit his mistake and

"Hey, Antang! Is it really you who have been stalking my son? If it is true, confess and
apologize to us! Nyai Balau exclaimed.

"Hi, beautiful lady! You don't just accuse like that! What is the evidence for your
accusations? Antang sangggah.

"You don't have to deny! You are the culprit! Nyai Balau said.

The arrogant Antang still didn't want to admit his mistake. He even attacked Nyai Balau.
Unexpectedly, it turned out that the woman he was facing was not a random person. His
attack could be easily avoided by Nyai Balau. Antang, who began to get annoyed, finally
attacked Nyai Balau blindly. However, as soon as he was caught off guard, the powerful Nyai
Balau immediately threw his shawl towards Antang's chest. Immediately, the arrogant
Antang then fell to the ground.
After successfully tearing down Antang, Nyai Balau then invited them to reconcile and
discuss the customary provisions that apply to the crime of murder. Antang's family is
willing to accept the invitation. According to dayak custom, Antang had to pay a customary
fine for his mistakes. However, Antang's arrogance has not been exhausted. He refused to
pay the customary fine . With some of his remaining energy, he tried to get up and then
attacked Nyai Balau again. The fierce battle is back in full swing. Nyai Balau, who had
had enough of watching the young man's arrogance, immediately attacked with his magic
shawl. Antang died at the hands of Nyai Balau.

Then Nyai Balau with her husband and entourage went home feeling relieved. Since that
incident, Nyai Balau has been known as a powerful woman. Kampung Tewah became safe
and peaceful. No one dared to disturb the peace because they were afraid of the power of
Nyai Balau. At the request of the entire Tewah community, Nyai Balau was later crowned as
the leader. The powerful woman ruled wisely so that Tewah prospered.

Meanwhile, in the village of Juking Sopang, the Antang family apparently has a grudge
against Nyai Balau. After secretly compiling a force, they then moved towards Tewah to
carry out the attack. So that their presence would not be noticed by Nyai Balau and the
Tewah people, they deliberately went by road by breaking through the wilderness and hills
that humans had never passed through. .

The group of Antang family troops finally arrived at Ngalangkang Hill which was located
behind Tewah village when it was dusk, they then stopped to arrange a strategy. When it
was getting dark, they then went down from the hill to attack Tewah. Surprisingly, every
time they are about to enter Tewah village, they always get lost and immune to
Ngalangkang hill. That kind of thing lasted for days.

"You know, why are we just circling around these hills? " asked one of Antang's family

Another member of the family said, "This must be due to the power of Nyai Balau. I am
sure, he has fortified Tewah with Salatutup Science so that the village cannot be seen by the
enemy. "

"If so, let's open the salatutupnya, use all our supernatural powers " said another.
With all their abilities and supernatural knowledge, the troops from Juking Sopang tried to
open the salatutup that protects Tewah village, but to no avail. It seems that the magic
knowledge of Nyai Balau is higher than the power of the people from Juking Sopang.

Finally, the Antang family decided to return to Juking Sopang with a feeling of
disappointment. Meanwhile, Nyai Balau with his supernatural powers has learned of the
events taking place around Ngalangkang Hill. However, he only informed the citizens about
this after the enemy forces left.

After that event, there was never another enemy who dared to disturb the village of Tewah.
Likewise, the citizens of Tewah, no one dares to commit crimes because they are afraid of
Nyai Balau. Until finally his life, Nyai Balau led Tewah wisely. For her services and heroic
stories, Nyai Balau is always remembered as "Pangkalima Bawi" or the powerful and wise
Dayak Female Commander as a leader.

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