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Build Trusted Relationships

Course Overview
Strong relationships are the key to personal and professional success. The strongest
relationships are built on trust, and one of the best ways to earn trust is to add value. The Build
Trusted Relationships course will teach you simple yet effective techniques for using your skills
and abilities to deliver value to your existing relationships and build strong new connections.

This 15-minute interactive module with accompanying video and downloadable worksheet is
based on the business relationship principles of ‘The Connector’s Way’ by author and speaker
Patrick Galvin.

Course Objectives
✓ Examine the role of trust in building strong relationships
✓ Develop active listening skills to understand what others need
✓ Add value and build trust with simple yet effective techniques
✓ Grow relationship building confidence and skill


Earning the Trust of Others

"Success means we go to sleep at night knowing that our talents and

abilities were used in a way that served others." — Zig Ziglar

Old or new, the strongest relationships are those that are built on trust—and one of the best
ways to earn trust is to provide value first, without consideration for how you will benefit.

But what constitutes value? Value exists in many forms. It means different things to different
people. It may be a book, an article, an industry study, or a web link that you share with
someone because you think it will help them in their career.

Value may be a strategic business introduction or a personalized card or letter for someone
going through a difficult time. It may be as simple and personal as having a heartfelt
conversation or lending a sympathetic ear.

The Connector’s Way© by The Galvanizing Group ● All Rights Reserved

Clearly, value means different things to different people. To understand what someone really
wants or needs, pay close attention to their words and actions. Try seeing things from their
perspective. When you offer someone your full and undivided attention, you gain valuable
knowledge that you can use to provide them with the information and tools they need to

Watch the short video that accompanies this course and consider the following simple yet
effective ways to build trust and add value to your relationships.

1. Listen Carefully

One of the most valuable gifts you can give someone is your undivided attention. Unlike
hearing, which doesn't require extra effort, listening involves paying close attention to what
someone says and how they say it. The best relationship builders are active and appreciative
listeners who genuinely want to know about others.

How can you improve your listening skills to focus better on others?











The Connector’s Way© by The Galvanizing Group ● All Rights Reserved

2. Share Freely

Adding value and being of service means identifying the knowledge, skills, and gifts that are
unique to you and which can be used to help others advance their goals. In the words of Zig
Ziglar, American author, salesman, and motivational speaker: “You can have everything in life
you want if you will just help enough other people get what they want.”

What are your unique knowledge, skills, and gifts? How can you use them to help other people















The Connector’s Way© by The Galvanizing Group ● All Rights Reserved

3. Make It Routine

Great connectors connect to give, not to get. Relationship building—or connecting—is a

mindset where the focus is on adding value whenever possible.

Think about a time you added value and helped someone without thinking about your own
benefit. How did it make you feel? How can you build this behavior into your everyday
relationship building activities?











When you use your talents and abilities to add value and serve others, you build trusted
relationships that benefit all areas of your life.

The Connector’s Way© by The Galvanizing Group ● All Rights Reserved

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