Research About Vocabulary and Confidence

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Chapter 1



English language is one of the struggles of non-English speaking countries. In the Philippines, it is claimed to be the
second language of the said country. And even in the younger age, teachers introduce English language to everyone.
Edge (2002, p.5) argued that teacher's developed the students language abilities in different ways. He also believed that
in language speaking, there are many factors that affect the students' learning English and it is the theories, learning
styles, and attitudes in learning the language. In addition to that, some students were hopeless and had negative
attitudes towards language learning, but some were not. Therefore, teachers had the most influence in student's
learning ability, he suggests that the teachers should treat students in different ways and encourage them.

Strategies-Based-Instruction (SBI) is one of the recent strategies to develop student's confidence and learning English
language. It is proposed by (Brown, 2002, p. vii). The students who know their ability and capability are the most likely to
reach self-determined goals, he added. Brown (2002) also argued that, students should set their own goals, practice
outside class, analyze their own mistake and use different strategies to learn more. For those who are afraid of speaking
English this is a perfect way of developing your confidence as well as your vocabulary.

According to Cotter (2007) as the students learn English language in the classroom setting, students should know and
learn about how language works. He argued that the students should also ask to reflect on various aspects of language
to develop and to use this knowledge to think critically in terms of effectiveness, meaning and accuracy. Also, he said
that "Someone who speaks well would similarly understand when to use different grammar points.

The amount of reading is important to long-term vocabulary development (Cunningham and Stanovich, 1998). Extensive
reading provides students with repeated or multiple exposures to words and is also one of the means by which students
see vocabulary in rich contexts (Kamil and Hiebert, 2005).

Students must learn in a productive way, especially in English language. In able those to grow in that aspect they need
motivation and exercises to stretch and explore more about English. Teach the students to go beyond their limitations in
terms of vocabulary and confidence in sparking the language.

Theoretical Framework

This study focused on the level of vocabulary and speaking ability of G11-STEM B students. The following
theories is relevant this study that’s why the researchers included it here.

The Dual Coding Theory proposed by Paivio attempts to give equal weight to verbal and non-verbal processing. Paivio
(1986) states: “Human cognition is unique in that it has become specialized for dealing simultaneously with language
and with nonverbal objects and events.

In the core of Dual Coding Theory lies the attempt to prompt learning and expand on learning material through verbal
associations and visual imagery. According to the theory, our language system deals directly with linguistic input and
output while it uses symbolic imagery to accommodate behavior and event.

Self-Determination Theory (SDT) represents a broad framework for the study of human motivation and personality. SDT
articulates a meta-theory for framing motivational studies, a formal theory that defines intrinsic and varied extrinsic
sources of motivation, and a description of the respective roles of intrinsic and types of extrinsic motivation in cognitive
and social development and in individual differences.

Psychologists Edward Deci and Richard Ryan developed a theory of motivation which suggests that people tend to be
driven by a need to grow and gain fulfillment. The first assumption of self-determination theory is that people are
actively directed toward growth. Gaining mastery over challenges and taking in new experiences are essential for
developing a cohesive sense of self.

Self-determination allows people to feel that they have control over their choices and lives. Self-determination theory
suggests that people are motivated to grow and change by innate psychological needs.

Though the Matthew Effect in education was first coined by Walberg and Tsai in 1983, it was Stanovich (1986) who used
it to describe how, in reading, those who start well tend to continue to do so, while those who do not are unlikely to
catch up. Not only do they not catch up, according to Stanovich, but there will also be a widening gap between the slow
starters and fast starters as their school career continues.

There is sample evidence that students who do not make good initial progress in learning to read find it increasingly
difficult to ever master the process. Stanovich (1986, 1988, 1993) outlined a model in which problems with early
phonological skills can lead to a downward spiral where even higher cognitive skills are eventually affected by slow
reading development.

Language skills such as vocabulary knowledge, general knowledge, syntactic skills, and possibly even memory, rely
heavily on reading for their development (Stanovich, 1988). These skills impinge on most areas of the curriculum and
hence what began as a narrow deficit becomes progressively larger, amplified by the negative motivational
consequences of failure. Contrary to the hope that initial slow progress is merely a maturational lag to be redressed by a
developmental spurt at some later date, typically even relatively minor delays tend to become increasingly major over
time (Stanovich, 1993).

Therefore, it can be concluded that the following theories are relevant to this kind of study. As they are in concerned
with vocabulary and speaking ability of the students too.

Conceptual Framework

Based on the theories and several concepts presented, the researches came up with the conceptual models of
the study. These models are tools used by the researchers to assure the reliability of the study.

Independent Variable Dependent Variable

Figure 1: Research Paradigm

Figure 1 shows that the independent variable consists of student’s vocabulary skills. As it is presented, the
student’s vocabulary level relate to the speaking ability of the students in speaking English language. The dependent
variables in the study is the students’ speaking ability, it is what the researchers focused.

The process shows the administration of the vocabulary test and their performance task score. Also, this framework
used the IV-DV pattern to illustrate how the student’s vocabulary relates to students’ speaking ability

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to assess the predictors influencing the vocabulary and student's confidence in speaking English in
Kapayapaan Integrated School.

1. What is the students' level of vocabulary?

2. What is the students' level of speaking ability as assessed by their oral communication teacher?

3. Is there significant relationship between student’s level of vocabulary skill and their speaking ability?
Significance of the Study

The primary goal of this research is to assess how the predictors that influenced the students' vocabulary and speaking
ability in speaking English. The results of this study will be beneficial to the following groups:

Department of Education Administrators, the findings of this study will let them know the students who are not efficient
in terms of their vocabulary and speaking. To that, they can make solution to that problem.

Senior High School Students, this research will make them realized that they can improve in terms of speaking English
through their vocabulary level.

Teachers, this will give them more privileges to do some vocabulary and speaking exercises to the students, so that the
students really learn in a good manner.

Incoming Senior High School Students, through this study they will inform that in Senior High school they need a wide
range of vocabulary. Also, they will learn on how they can improve their speaking ability

Future Researchers, this will serve as their guide and reference for the studies that they will do to the future.

Scope and Limitations of the Study

The study focused on the vocabulary and confidence of the students. It only covers STEM B Grade 11 strand, other
strands and tracks are excluded in this study. In addition, the study focused the senior high school students of
Kapayapaan Integrated School.

The result will be gathered using an adapted test from Oxford-Vocabulary Test and the other one is through the rubric of
their teacher in oral communication. In addition to that, performance task scores of the students is also relevant in this

Definition of Terms

The following terms are deemed important for better understanding of this research. Hence, they are defined
conceptually and operationally.

Accuracy, refers to work or do something without mistake.

Capability, refers to the capacity of an individual.

Communicate, refers to the share or exchange of information, news and ideas.

Confidence, in this study it is the feeling or belief that one can rely on someone or something.

Confidence Level, the specific probability of obtaining some result from a sample if it did not exist in population as a
whole (Alreck, 444).

Dual-Coding Theory, this refers to the give equal weight to verbal and non-verbal processing.

Extensive Reading. it pertains to the excessive reading of any kind of readings.

STEM, this pertains to the academic strand which stands for Humanities and Social Sciences. Students enrolled in this
strand may take Engineering, Architectural, doctoral and other related college courses

Language, refers to the use of system of communication which consists of a sounds or written symbols.

Long term vocabulary development, refers to the development of vocabulary of an individual.

Matthew Effect. The students who do not read well do not read.

Motivation, it pertains to the influence that causes someone to do something.

Non-English speaking countries. Refers to the individuals that is not good in English.

Pronunciation. Refers to the way in which a word or a language is spoken.

Self-Determination. Refers to the work on your own in able to improve a particular thing.

Senior High School. Refers to G11 and G12, the last two years of K-12 program.

Skill. Refers a type of work or activity in which requires special training and knowledge.

Speaking Ability. It pertains to the ability to talk at any time and in any situation.

Strategies-Based-Instruction. Strategies to develop student’s confidence and learning English language.

Vocabulary. Means that a set of familiar words within a person’s language. In thus study, it is used by measuring the
student’s vocabulary.

Chapter 2



Communication is definitely part of everyday life. It is the exchange of ideas and information through verbal or non-
verbal of expressing it. And it is significant and essential to all individuals.

According to (Encarta, 2005) every individual developed their spoken and written form of communication for the means
of sharing messages and meanings. The most common type or form of socialization that everyone practices is the
interpersonal that is face-to-face, at the same time and place.

Misunderstanding or miscommunication can form throughout the conversation. According to Fowler & Manktelow
(2005) to be an effective communicator, you have to avoid confusion and to lessen the frequency of these barriers at
each stage of this process with clear, concise, and well planned communication. Also, (Black Enterprise, Charles, 1988,
pg. 116) argued that communication is the heart of any kind of business.

Defining Vocabulary

Vocabulary is the words that make up a language and all of the words known and used by a person. It is the words that
are related to a particular subject. It's also a list or collection of words or of words and phrases usually alphabetically
arranged and explained or defined. Also it is a sum or stock of words employed by a language, group, individual, or work
or in a field of knowledge.

According to (Catalan, 2003) she explains her working definitions for vocabulary as knowledge about the mechanisms
that is used in order to learn vocabulary as well as steps or actions taken by the students to find out the meaning of
other unknown words. Also according to (Intaraprasert, 2004) he sees vocabulary as a technique or a learning behavior,
which language learners reported using in order to discover the meaning of a new word, to retain the knowledge of the
newly learned words, and to expand their knowledge of vocabulary.
According to (Uzer, 2017) she discuss that vocabulary is one of the important elements in building up English. Through
this element, someone can communicate, learn and think. Therefore, the learning of vocabulary is fundamental need to
support some learners to master English, because the ability of students to speak and to comprehend the subject is
relatively determined by their vocabulary mastery. Being able to speak in English, one needs to have enough vocabulary
to express own idea. Therefore, speaking is one way of giving and finding information through oral communication.
Speaker of English agrees that vocabulary is needed so much and not less important than grammar. Many students are
still doubtful to expose their ideas in English because they have limited vocabulary in their mind.

Importance of Vocabulary

Learning of new vocabulary is always been challenging for them. It may not be possible for the students to learn all new
vocabulary items only in classroom setting. It is imperative for the teachers to help the students learn how to acquire
new vocabulary for their own (Sokmen, 1997). Learner independence has long been recognized important by a number
of linguists in the process of vocabulary acquisition (Hamzah et al., 2009). In vocabulary learning, they are considered
important and have received much attention in the area of second language learning (Schmitt, 2000). Vocabulary
knowledge is often viewed as a critical tool for second language learners because a limited vocabulary in a second
language impedes successful communication. Underscoring the importance of vocabulary acquisition, Schmitt (2000)
emphasizes that “lexical knowledge is central to communicative competence and to the acquisition of a second
language” p. 55) Nation (2001) further describes the relationship between vocabulary knowledge and language use as
complementary: knowledge of vocabulary enables language use and, conversely, language use leads to an increase in
vocabulary knowledge. The importance of vocabulary is demonstrated daily in and out the school. In classroom, the
achieving students possess the most sufficient vocabulary.

Factors Affecting Vocabulary

Learner individual difference factors constitute one sort of the variation in the use of vocabulary. These factors include
belief, attitude, motivation and language learning experience. Belief has been singled out as one of the clear factors
affecting learners' vocabulary use. A study done by Gu and Johnson (1996) found that Chinese university students
devalued rote memorization strategies and they employed more meaning-oriented than rote strategies.

Apart from belief, Wei (2007) took attitude into account as another factor influencing the learner’s vocabulary use. The
findings showed that Chinese college students with positive attitudes towards vocabulary learning.

Students' motivation seems to positively correlate with their vocabulary learning strategies. For example, Fu's (2003)
study revealed that inherent interest motivation positively correlated with student's vocabulary use. The other research
work that confirms the relationship between motivation and learner’s vocabulary use is Marttinens (2008) indicating
that Finnish ESL students with high motivation employed a wider range of vocabulary learning’s than those with low

In addition to Learner individual difference, Language Learning Experience is also included in these factors. Language
learning experience is considered as a factor that affects learner’s vocabulary use. For example, Porte (1988) discovered
that EFL students studying in language schools in London.

Social and situational factors are other sources that influence the learner’s vocabulary use. Social and situational
variables comprise the field of study, course type, class level and gender.

Field of the study is the first thing under social and situational factors.. Considerable evidence supports the relationship
between learners field of the study and vocabulary use. In an example cited by Gu (2002). He's findings revealed the
difference in strategy use between science and arts students in which science students tended to employ strategies such
as relying on visual coding more frequently than arts students.
Other than field of study, there is course type. Course type is considered a key factor affecting learners' vocabulary use.
Course type refers to "regular" and "part-time" programs. In a study made by Siriwan (2007), the relationship between
students' course type and their vocabulary use was explored.

Defining Speaking

There’s a bunch of definition of speaking as defined by different people. In Webster New Dictionary speaking is define as
to say words orally and to communicate by the means of talking. But, Chaney (1998) argued that, by the use of verbal
and non-verbal symbols in different contexts, speaking is a process in which two or more people shares different
meanings. It is supported by Brown (1994) and Burns and Joyce (1997) that believes speaking is a process too. They call
it as “interactive process” following the sequence of producing, receiving, and processing the information.

Bygate (1987) speaking is defined as the auditory signals production in able to produce different verbal responses in
listeners. In addition, to form meaningful sentences, combing sounds systematically should practice very well.

According to Kayi (2006) speaking refers to the gap between linguistic experience and teaching methodology. Linguistic
experience issues with language structure and language content. Teaching speaking isn't like listening, reading, and
writing. It wants habit formation because it's a true communication and speaking may be a productive ability thus it
wants active as often as doable. In Palestine students are needed to scan English at the first, secondary, and higher
secondary levels for regarding twelve years. However, their level of proficiency is below the mark. They enter
universities for collegian programs with a coffee proficiency in English. After finishing the graduate and postgraduate
levels, they need to enter the work market. In different interviews they're tested on their ability in English; however the
results are typically disappointing. Moreover, most of the graduate and postgraduate students aren't capable of
speaking sensible English that is associate proof of one’s ability during a language. What’s the reason behind it? Clearly,
there's one thing wrong within the methodology of teaching and learning. At the university level, the scholars
sometimes forget what they need learned at secondary and better secondary levels as most of the departments, except
country Department, don't take correct care of developing the students’ skills of speaking in English.

Importance of Speaking

Speaking skills hence is enormous for the learners of any language. Without speech, a language is reduced to a mere
script. The use of language is an activity which takes place within the confines of our community. We use language in a
variety of situations. People at their work places, researchers working either in a medical laboratory or in a language
laboratory, are supposed to speak correctly and effectively in-order to communicate well with one another. Any gap in
commutation results in misunderstandings and problems. Speaking is the ability to produce words in language practice.
Speaking is an important skill that students have to master. It is because in speaking we can know the students’ ability to
produce the target language or English. Speaking is to express thought a loud using the voice or talk. It means that when
someone interacts with other by using a language as a mean, certainly, they want to convey something important. For
example, they want to utter their feeling and thought. It is strongly impossible for someone to make a communication
with other without having any purpose. As people communicate, there must be speaker and interlocutor. Therefore,
communication involves at least two people; sender and receiver. They need communication to exchange information,
ideas, opinion, view or feeling. Keith and marrow say “Speaking is an activity to produce utterance to oral
communication”. It means that this activity involves two or more people in whom the participants are both hearers and

Anova, C. Antoni, R. Kasyulita E. (2005) argued that speaking is the skills that the students should be mastered. And the
proofs of the students able to do that are they can speak English and they can take the information well. By speaking
someone can take information from the other people and it can to share information to the other people, and the
student can spend their time in a positive thing such as make some conversation, debating, dialogue, it can be a way for
them to get new information, increase vocabulary, and improving their structure.

According to Green and Petty (1978: 9) a teacher who thoughtfully recognize the interrelationship of language skills may
well discover that a reading problem really hinge upon in sufficient oral language base. Since speaking is a part of the
four language skills such as speaking, reading, writing and listening) its relationship cannot be neglected in developing
speaking skill itself. However, in the teaching of language skills, interrelationships are basic importance. Clearly, in
teaching foreign language a teacher must realize the interrelatedness of the language skill. For example, in teaching
reading to a child or teenager, without recognizing the importance of listening and speaking skill a teacher will find more
difficulties. So the of skill is highly correlated to the other skills in establishing the mastery of language skills, especially in

According to Widdowson (1985: 57) that speaking is an oral verbal exchange that gives statistics entails two elements,
they are; two the speaker who gives the message and the listener who receives the message in the world, the verbal
exchange involves the productive skill of listening. And he additionally states that an act of conversation through
speaking is in many instances function in face to face interplay and manifest as a phase of speak or instead than form or
verbal exchange.

Factors Affecting Speaking

The first factor is relevant to performance conditions. With the students or learners’ different conditions, they carry out
different speaking activity. According to (National and newton, 2009) “Performance conditions impact speaking
performance and these conditions involve time pressure, planning the quality of performance, and the amount of

The second factor is related to affective ones Oxford (1990). Discuss the importance of affective side of the students.
They said that the effective side of the students is necessary in learning a language.

The student's ability to listen is the third factor. Learners cannot enhance their speaking ability unless they develop their
listening ability. Doff (1998). Also, according to Shumin (1997) illustrate that other students answer through the listening
factors, while other students talk that is to say, speaking is very closely related to listening.

Topical knowledge is the fourth factor. Bacthman and Palmer (1996) define it as long-term memory knowledge
structures. Moreover, topical knowledge is the speakers' knowledge of related topical information. It makes the
students build their respect in applying language in the world they live. Bachman and Palmer (1996) argued that in
learners' speaking performance topical knowledge has a great impact.

The fifth factor is related to feedback during speaking activities. Most of the learners expect to hear feedback from their
teachers is regards to their speaking performance. According to Harmer (1991) the decisions that instructors adopt
towards their learner's performance depend on the stages of the lessons, the tasks and the kinds of mistakes they make.
He also argued that if the teacher or instructor directly corrects the mistakes of the student, the flow of the dialogue and
the objective of the speaking task. will be damage. Also in addition to that Baler & Westrap (2003) of the student always
corrected the will be afraid of speaking. He suggests that the teachers or the instructor motivate and cheer them up
while speaking in front of the class.

Defining Confidence

Confidence is defined as “individuals” overall evaluation or appraisal of themselves, whether they approve or disapprove
of themselves, like or dislike themselves” (Higgins, 1996, p.1073). Corsini (1994) viewed is as the way one feels about
oneself or the “sense of personal worthy and competence that people associate with their self-concept “(p.289).
Cummings and Dunham (1989), as cited in pierce & Gardner, 2004), defined it as “’the degree to which an individual
believes him/ herself to be capable, significant, and worth” Coopersmith (1981, as cited in Harris, 2009, p .a) a that it
herself when facing the world. In includes beliefs as to whether her on she can expect success or failure”. In general, it
refers to attitudes and beliefs towards the self. General self-confidence is developed during the age of childhood and
emerges (Harris, 2009).

Importance of Confidence

Self-confidence has long been used as an important influencing factor in the field of business and marketing. Self-
confidence is defined as ”individuals” performance expectancies and their self-evaluations of ability and completed
performance” (Lenney, 1981.905) and confidence in one’s ability (Benaboo and Tirole, 2002, Stajkovic, 2006). Moreover,
Ecdes and Harold’s (1991). Self-confidence includes Twokey constructs which are perceived competence and a lack of
anxiety (element, 1980), specifically, individuals feel self-confidence when they recognize that they have the needed
ability to complete the task in questions successfully. Self–confidence influence the process of speaking activity because
language learning is a complex process that influences cognitive and affective factor which constitute the main source of
individuals differences I foreign language learning.

Factors affecting Confidence

English language isn't the primary language to Kenyan students. It’s rather learned as a second language. Through this
method of acquisition, students face variety of challenges that hinder them from being fluent speakers of English. Early

works wiped out the same field in alternative countries indicate that acquisition of speaking skills in English is influenced
by variety of things. These factors including family background and atmosphere the students‟ home atmosphere and
background is key within the acquisition of a second language method. For instance, Indian students whose oldsters are
peasants with poor academic background expertise difficulties once asked to talk in English. In addition, the economic
condition levels in Indians is found to force most oldsters to involve students in money-generating activities at the
expense of causing these students to schools ensuing into poor speakers of English because of lack of exposure (Spratt
et al, 2005). This situation shows that students‟ family background apparently affects the acquisition of speaking skills in

Mother-tongue findings during a study conducted in Asian nation by Kansakar (1998) on the impact of natural language
(Indian) on acquisition of a far off or a second language, indicated that articulation of words, their accent, pitch, and also
the audio system wedged greatly on the acquisition of a Florida or L2. Therefore, the mate between Indian natural
language and English language in terms of those options earlier mentioned, winds up confusing students. The confusion
comes as students are needed to initial unlearn all the linguistic features in their MT then begin to find out English
options for acquisition of English to take place (Kansakar, 1998). In respect to this, students learn to speak in English
while transferral in MT interference that ends up in kinds of language and misunderstanding. In the same context,
learners tend to try to to literal natural language translations once speaking in English. in line with (Baker and Westrup,
2000; KIE, 2006; Kisilu & Lelei, 2008), making translations into MT as how of transfer the which means of latest things
ought to be avoided in the slightest degree prices. during a similar study wiped out a University in Vietnam, languages

by students whereas thinking and speaking English were examined. Findings of the study revealed that a considerable
range of scholars thought in Vietnamese language once they were speaking in English. Wenden (2005) determined that
planning the word in the native (native) language and so translating it to a different language is fateful

students because it affects the acquisition of the target language (English). this is often the same case with Indian
students United Nations agency are keen on victimization their natural language once concerned in English speaking and
writing activities. natural language influence thus prevents students from exploit the right English and will increase
students‟ vulnerability to English spoken errors that may be managed through active to talk smart English in various
contexts. This same situation applies to Kenyan students. In a similar study wiped out Asian nation, it absolutely was
found that the factors that caused low English language learning and acquisition among students included: students
lacked self-confidence once victimization West Germanic as they saw English as a tough language (Souriyavongsa et al,
2013). Muriungi and Mbui (2013) conjointly conducted the same study to investigate however natural language
influenced the acquisition of West Germanic and also the findings of the study indicated that natural language hindered
students from exploit the language. The authors within the study recognized that so as to amass associate L2 with

the students‟ learning atmosphere ought to be enabling for affordable levels of

competence in West Germanic to be achieved. this means thus that, English

language have to be compelled to be instructed in contexts made in English input and support (Belchamber,2007).
Motivation is essential in second learning and acquisition method. Reece & Walker (1997) emphasize that a less ready
student United Nations agency is very impelled can do larger success than a lot of intelligent student United Nations
agency isn't well impelled. Physicist & Helmut Heinrich Waldemar Schmidt

(1991) read motivation from varied perspectives; in terms of selection, engagement and

persistence as determined by interest, relevance, expectancy and outcome. The authors further argue that motivation
depends chiefly on the social interaction between lecturers and learners. Cooper & McIntyre (1998) claim that extremely
impelled students necessitate strong social and social interaction thence making a good learning

environment. Macaro (2010) observes that intrinsic motivation is greatly related to academic success. Implying that
students United Nations agency are persistently inspired to find out eventually do better than those less inspired. so
students from families that worth English language learning are possible to amass English quicker than people who less
worth the language. Clearly, students United Nations agency relish learning and feel in their progress will do higher than
people who don't. The author any maintains that students United Nations agency are given continued, applicable
encouragement to find out by their lecturers and oldsters can

generally fare higher than people who aren't. as an example, students from families that

place very little importance on West Germanic learning are possible to progress less quickly. According to Philpot (2007)
lower motivation levels or lack of motivation hinders

learners from actively collaborating in speaking activities. This thus implies that

learners ought to incline ample time free from interruption once concerned in any

conversation with lowest correction of what they're locution as this motivates them a

great deal. Conjointly lecturers should appreciate any slight improvement created by

students towards victimization English properly within the right context. The consequence of shut monitoring and
correcting learners‟ auditory communication by the teacher can translate to reluctance by the coed in collaborating
within the speaking activities resulting in poor practice or no follow in the slightest degree. Poor orientation

Research has shown that a lot of students will hardly communicate in English properly

without grammatical errors despite finishing their „O‟ level of education or perhaps going up to college. This
unskillfulness is well attributed to the actual fact that students read English as an examination subject instead of a
language to be practiced to be used in varied contexts. This perception makes students to convey English less stress
thence ignoring the language. in line with Spratt, Pulverness and Williams (2005), learners‟ speaking skills are often
developed frequently by action on fluency and pronunciation aspects of speaking through the accomplishment of
grammatical competency and accuracy once speaking West Germanic. Faculty language policy and speaking skills in
English in Kenya, there are 2 main languages acceptable to be employed in the college domain: English and Bantoid
language. Others are foreign languages like French, Arabic and German. English is that the official language since the
leadership of the first president of African country, His

Excellency, President Jomo Kenyatta once independence 1963. Bantoid language (Swahili), on the other hand, is that the
Kenyan national language spoken by majority of Kenyans and a lingua franca. It conjointly tries to unify alternative
African countries like United Republic of Tanzania, Burundi, Uganda and Zaire. However, in 2010 the third president of
African country Honourable Mwai Emilio Kibaki within the new publicised Constitution declared Bantoid language a
politician language that had been at first used as a national language. This created African country has two official
languages English and Bantoid language additionally to language (Kibui, 2014). Poor listening skills

the central role of listening comprehension within the second/foreign language acquisition process is currently mostly
accepted. Listening plays a particularly vital role within the development of speaking talents. Usually, one person speaks
and also the alternative responds by means of the listening method. In fact, throughout interaction, each speaker plays a
pair role (as a hearer and a speaker). If one cannot perceive what's aforementioned, one is actually unable to respond.
So, speaking is closely complex with listening skills. Bwire (2007) supports the read that there's a right away relationship
between listening and speaking skills during a communication method, that is, “speaking and listening are reciprocal
activities with each enjoying totally different roles” (Bwire, 2007: 59). analysis has shown that, there is reciprocity
between reading and oral language. DeGelder and Morais (1995) argue that as skills in some facet of oral language
increase, they assist development in reading, and as an individual improves his reading skills, that improvement looks to

further improvement within the auditory communication. Bwire (2007) maintains that spoken language depends greatly
on intonation and paralinguistic options like gestures and facial expressions for its which means. this suggests that which
means precedes speaking within the language learning method. This statement is in agreement with Syomwene (2013)
United Nations agency argues that

the which means of latest words is suffering from the characteristics related to spoken

Language like presence of hesitation, use of fillers like “er”,”em”, and continuous

repetition of phrases. Another drawback related to auditory communication is “the

contradiction of the quality non-standard speech or standard written type which can typically be dialectal or results of
rhythm and stress within the flow of speech” (Bwire, 2007:p.60). Also emotions related to auditory communication like
annoyance and excitement as expressed in intonation are often tough to represent in writing except once
complemented by phrases like “said excitedly”. This shows that auditory communication includes a nice impact on
listening as well as writing as a result of the hearer won't print to explain these emotions expressly. In addition, the
auditory communication limits the liberty of hearer in terms of what to concentrate

to and at what pace. this is often thus as a result of in auditory communication, the words are spoken once and the
hearer might or might not hear all. If the listener’s mind starts to wander looking for the lost data, the hearer might
altogether lose things aforementioned later unless the speaker decides to repeat it or print speech (Bwire, 2007). The
author what is more, says that sometimes info and inflection in speaking would possibly render the hearer
misunderstanding, misinterpreting, being influenced adversely or being misled in listening than in reading. thus for
effective chatting with be aforementioned to require place, the listener ought to be able to grasp and perceive all that's
aforementioned and also the word should translate to a written type with heaps of ease. so speaking and listening co-
exist mutually. Lack of confidence According to a quest wiped out Asian nation, this is often the foremost common
drawback encountered by learners within the language acquisition method. Speaking activities need a learner to possess
all eyes on him. This exposure to associate audience will usually provide learners fright because of lack of confidence
and timidity. In respect to a study wiped out national capital University, Vietnam, students didn't speak fluently because
of lack of confidence. (Baker & Westrup, 2003) observe that timidity is extremely possible to occur once students speak
English as a result of most students don't prepare what to mention and conjointly underestimate speaking as a talent.
Instead, a majority of the scholars solely image what to mention in mind however stay silent. Anxiety is often caused by
a student speaking a far off language (FL) or second language (L2) publically. this may build several students be
incoherent or lost for words in associate sudden state of affairs resulting in discouragement and a general sense of
failure in the learners. Adults read creating errors as a public show of cognitive content which can be an obvious
occasion of losing face (Cao, 2011). These learners might also be disturbed about creating mistakes, being criticized or
losing face ahead of the remainder of the category. This leads to their performance wherever they either build heaps of
mistakes in spite of

having a really smart data within the space or altogether keeping silent. Lack of correct vocabulary Students of English
typically face the matter of getting to look for associate applicable word so as to suit into a selected context (Tarone,
2005). This happens thanks to lack of exposure to a spread of vocabulary. Baker and Westrup (2003) argue that learners
typically might have very little plan concerning what to mention, might not recognize the words to use, or might not take
care a way to use the descriptive linguistics. Celce-murcia the, anthropologist & Goodwin (1996) claim that the
acquisition of excellent pronunciation is often command to be the foremost difficult of all tasks in second learning. This
was evident during a study conducted in national capital University, Vietnam wherever most students reported to be
one amongst the issues hindering them from being skillful speakers of English. This may eventually result in

failure in human activity fluently in West Germanic, which can once more result in losing of confidence and lack of
motivation to talk. Peer influence establish influence of peers on acquisition of speaking during a second language, 2
classroom experiments were organized to look at the consequences of peer tutoring intervention on the second
language acquisition of Gymnasium students. English acquisition by restricted communicative Mexican yank students
was measured within the 1st experiment and was measured Spanish acquisition by restricted Spanish –speaking
Mexican yank students were measured in experiment two. The themes were matched on associate overall language
proficiency and on a verbal interaction score and assigned to treatment and management teams. In experiment one, it
absolutely was found that there was a vital group of variations in frequency of English utterances to peers during a
structured setting with the distinction favoring the treatment cluster. The correlation analysis indicated significant
relationship between English proficiency and verbal interaction in English with peers. From each the experiment cluster
and management group in experiment two, the frequency of Spanish utterances to peers in free play shrivelled, leading
to the virtually total absence of Spanish use by the scholars. This finding instructed that peer tutoring could also be
associate effective suggests that of encouraging interaction between Mexican yank students acquiring English and their
fluent communicative peers (Diane, 2012). Age and entrance because there's no explicit policy concerning the optimum
age for sitting for the national examinations, there ought to be associate applicable age for a pupil to enroll in school.
Mugo (2016) instructed a baby to be at school one at seven years. Mister Mugo John, Uwezo African country
coordinator determined within the normal Newspaper of two and November, 2016 within the discharged KCPE
communicating results that youngsters ought to get to

standard one at 7 years. this could be thus as a result of this is often the time they're

emotionally, psychologically developed and are able to do category work. Further, within the same discharged KCPE
results among the Counties that registered overage candidates for KCPE 2016 was Turkana County. The aforementioned
County had registered the very best range of candidates higher than nineteen years aged two,850 in total. This case was
attributed to the tough living conditions within the space that would have contributed to delayed entrance. This
apparently affected their KCPE performance to be poor compared to Counties like capital of Kenya with majority of
average aged candidates (14years). However, variety of Counties recorded underage students for normal eight across
the nation including capital of Kenya and Bungoma.
Chapter 3


This chapter provides a brief description of the method of research, the respondents of the study, data gathering
instrument and procedures, and the statistical analysis employed for the gathered data.

Research Design

Descriptive Correlational Design was employed to find out the relationship between levels of vocabulary with speaking
ability of G11 STEM - B students in Kapayapaan Integrated School. The correlational study, on the other hand, was
carried out to investigate the existence and non-existence of the relationship between the variables of the study in order
to make predictions or suggestions (Fook et al., 2011, p.33).

Respondents of the study

The respondents of the study were 40 students enrolled in the senior high school of G11-STEM B in the first semester of
the school year 2019-2020 in Kapayapaan Integrated School. STEM is also practicing communication also, Oral
Communication is relevant to all strands in senior high school.

According to Effective Chemistry Communication in Informal Environments (2016) Oral communication is also important
for STEM and other disciplines. They argued that chemistry plays article roles in our daily lives, community issues,
national policy and global events. To that, these things uses communication and presents opportunities may not be
familiar with chemistry or chemical concepts.
Sampling Technique

This study will be conducted in Kapayapaan Integrated School. One of the Academic tracks that are offered in this school
is the HUMSS strand. With the total of 185 students of Grade 11 STEM B, 40 of them are the respondents from G11-
STEM B. Through the use of total enumeration the number of respondents is gathered. In addition, the whole section of
G11-STEM B since it is the chosen section to be focused. Furthermore, the researchers will use Purposive Sampling
Technique. Purposive sampling or also known as judgment, selective or subjective sampling, is a sampling technique in
which researcher relies on its own judgment when choosing members of population to participate in the study.

According to John Dudovskiy (2019) Purposive sampling is a non-probability sampling method and it occurs when
“elements selected for the sample are chosen by the judgment of the researcher. Researchers often believe that they
can obtain a representative sample by using a sound judgment, which will result in saving time and money”. The table is
shown below:

Table 1: Representation of respondents

Grade/Section No. of students Total no. of respondents

STEM 11-B 37 37

Data Gathering Instruments

The researchers' data gathered information from websites, book, published and unpublished thesis related to the
present undertaking and other printed materials. The gathered information served as the basis in constructing test. The
research instrument was the adapted English vocabulary test mental exercises on word and contextualized vocabulary
tests of Oxford-English Vocabulary test, which is a free online vocabulary test. The vocabulary test has 40 items with 4
choices for each statement.

The sampling technique is divided into two parts. The first of the test serves as the test for vocabulary skills. On the
other hand, the second part is their speaking ability which is through the rubric of the teacher. Also, their score in their
performance task in oral communication. The test tells the vocabulary level and the speaking ability of the respondents.
Table 2: Interpretation of CEFR Levels

CEFR Levels Corresponding Scores

A1 1-15

A2 16-23

B1 24-31

B2 32-39

C1/C2 40

CEFR or Common European Framework of Reference for Languages

The six reference English levels are widely accepted as the global standard for grading an individual’s language

English test A1 (Beginner)

English Level A1 can understand and use familiar everyday expressions and very basic phrases aimed at the satisfaction
of needs of a concrete type. Can interact in a simple way provided that the person he/she talks, talk slowly and clearly.

English test A2 (Elementary English)

English Level A2 can understand sentences and frequently used expressions related to areas of most immediate
relevance. They can communicate in a simple way requiring simple and direct exchange of information.

English test B1 (Intermediate English)

B1 Level English can understand the main points of clear standard input on familiar matters regularly encountered in
work, school, leisure, etc. Can deal with most situations likely to arise whilst travelling in an area where the language is
spoken. They can produce simple connected text on topics which are familiar or of personal interest. Also, they can
describe experiences and events, dreams, hopes & ambitions and briefly give reasons and explanations for opinions and

English test B2 (Upper-Intermediate)

B2 Level English can understand the main ideas of complex text on both concrete and abstract topics, including technical
discussions in his/her field of specialization. They can interact with fluency and spontaneity that makes it easy for them
to communicate even with the native speakers. In addition to that, they can produce clear, detailed text on a wide range
of subjects and explain a viewpoint on a topical issue giving the advantages and disadvantages of various options.
English test C1 (Advanced English)

C1 Level English can understand a wide range of demanding, longer texts, and recognize implicit meaning. They can
express his/her fluently and spontaneously without much obvious searching for expressions. Can use language with
flexibility and uses language in a very effectively for social, academic and professional purposes. Moreover, they can
produce clear, well-structured, detailed text on complex subjects, showing a controlled use of organizational patterns,
connectors and cohesive devices

English test C2 (Proficiency)

C2 Level English can understand with ease virtually everything heard or read. They can summarize information from
different spoken and written sources, reconstructing arguments and accounts in a coherent presentation. Can express
him/herself spontaneously, very fluently and precisely, differentiating finer shades of meaning even in more complex

Data Gathering Procedures

When the title and the statement of the problem will have been approved already by the teacher in PR2, the researchers
will start to test and to get the skills of the respondents. The researchers will make sure that the test that they will
conduct has permission to the Oral Communication teachers and their test has undergone series of validation until it
was approved for distribution.

Right after the validation of the test the researchers will prepare the necessary letters and permit necessary for the
conduct of the study. Then it will be personally administered by the researchers to the target respondents which is the
G11 students in Kapayapaan Integrated School. The information that the researchers will gather through the scores that
they will get in their vocabulary test and performance task in oral communication will help them in analyzing the results
of the study. The proponents will give full assurance that all the responses which will be provided by the respondents
will be treated with strictest, confidentiality and will be used for scholarly purposes only.

Statistical Treatment of the Data

Frequency. It helps the researchers to measure the scores of the respondents and give statistical information to the
people that will see this study.

Pearson’r. It will to use to measure the strength of the relationship between the two variables.
Chapter 4


This chapter presents the gathered together with the corresponding analysis and interpretation. The data is presented in
tabular form organized in sequential manner, following the order of presentation of the specific problems posed at the
beginning of the study.

Vocabulary Level and Speaking Ability

The following table and figures present the data gathered with regards to the vocabulary level and speaking ability of
STEM 11 - B students.

Legend: 1-15 – A1; 15 – 23 – A2; 24 – 31 – B1; 32 – 39 – B2; 40 – C1/C2

Figure 2: Vocabulary Level Test

Test Result Frequency Percentage


A2 22 59



C1/C2 15 41
Total 37 100.00

As the chart shows, most of the students got the category B1 with the frequency of 22 or 59% which means that most of
the students from STEM 11-B are categorized as intermediate as indicated in CEFR Levels. Meanwhile, 15 or 41% of the
whole class belongs to the category A2 which means that they had a level of elementary English. Moreover, the
categories A1, B2, C1 and C2, none of the students got these CEFR Levels, because nobody belongs to those mentioned

Legend: VGE- 93-115; GE- 70-92; SE- 47-69; LE- 24-46; N- 23

Figure 3: Speaking Ability Assessment

Test Result Frequency Percentage

Very Great Extent 36 97

Great Extent 1 3

Some Extent

Little Extent

Not at all

Total 37 100.00

The chart above shows that, most the students got the category very good extent, with the frequency of 36 or 97%; it
tells that these students are good in communicating in terms of their speaking ability. Meanwhile, the remaining 3% or
the 1 student from STEM 11-B are categorized as good extent. It only tells that this student is slightly good in
communicating in terms of speaking. Moreover, no one from STEM 11-B belongs to the remaining categories which is,
some extent, little extent and not at all.

Relationship between Vocabulary Level and Speaking Ability

Variables r-value p-value Interpretation Decision on Ho Remarks

Vocabulary Level 0.033 0.847 Negligible Correlation Accept Not Significant

Speaking Ability

As shown in the table above, when testing of the significant relationship was done between the student’s vocabulary
level and speaking ability, the computed r- value of 0.033. Therefore the null hypothesis is accepted. Moreover, there is
no significant relationship between vocabulary level and speaking ability.
Thus, a significant relationship was noted between the variables cited. This only shows that vocabulary level
does not affect the speaking ability of the respondents from STEM 11-B in Kapayapaan Integrated School.

As illustrated above, the variable of the study is the vocabulary level and speaking ability. By using the statistical
treatment Pearson’s-r the outcome of r-value is 0.033 which has the interpretation of Negligible Correlation.

Table shows that the r-value of 0.033 interpretad as negligible correlation with p-value of 0.847 implies that the null
hypothesis was accepted. This means that there is no significant relationship between the vocabulary and the speaking
ability of the respondnts. Results of the study were in contrary to the study of Uzer, Y. V. (2017) her study tells that there
is significant relationship between vocabulary level and speaking ability.

Chapter 5


This chapter presents the summary of the findings of the study, conclusions drawn and recommendations
offered by the researcher.

Summary of Findings
The following are the summary of the findings of the study based on presented results.

Vocabulary Level Assessment

We've gathered a survey test to the Grade 11 STEM B to measure their vocabulary level. After we collect and
checked the test papers, the 22 or the 59% of the STEM 11 B learners categorized as intermediate as indicated in the
CEFR Levels. Moreover, the remaining 15 or the 41% got the category of having elementay English level.

Speaking Ability Assessment

The selected Grade 11 STEM – B learners with a total of 40 students have their persuasive speech this first
semester. Suddenly, only the 37 of them have done their persuasive speech successfully and the remaining 3 students
are not because they are absent on the day that their persuasive speech was held.


Based on the findings of the study, the researchers have drawn the following conclusions:

1. Based on the findings in terms of students’ vocabulary and speaking ability, the researchers conclude that, there
is no significant relationship between students’ vocabulary level and speaking ability. As the tables present them and
how it’s correlation level.

2. In can be concluded that, vocabulary level does not directly affects the speaking ability of the students from
STEM 11-B, as shown in the interpretation of it.


The researchers recommend this study to the following:

For the school administration, may have interaction between school administration and students concerning on their on
their vocabulary level and speaking ability.

For the teachers, may understand about this kind of problem that their students experiencing and encountering. They
may be implied more vocabulary excercises and speaking to enhance the students’ confidence.

For the students, must be aware to enhance their vocabulary level and practice more about speaking English.

For Incoming Senior High School, suggesting that they may be do some vocabulary and speaking exercises and practices
to make them ready for senior highschool

Future Researchers, they can use this as the source of information and use it for improving their research.



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