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The provinces of Canada The provinces of Canada are Alberta, Manitoba, British Columbia, New Brunswick, Newfoundland and

Labrador, Nova Scotia, Ontario, Prince Edward Island, Quebec, a nd Saskatchewan. The territories are the Northwest Territories, Nunavut, and the Yukon Territory. The main difference between a Canadian territory and a provinc e is that a Canadian province derives its powers directly from the Crown, accord ing to the Constitution Act of 1867. Territories get their powers from the Canad ian federal government. The original Canadian provinces are New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Ontario, and Que bec. These Canadian provinces comprised the Dominion of Canada, which had a cent ral government in the current capital of Ottawa. Three more Canadian provinces j oined the country during the six years after confederation: Manitoba, British Co lumbia, and Prince Edward Island. In 1905, two more Canadian provinces, Alberta and Saskatchewan, came on board. The last of the Canadian provinces to join up w as Newfoundland and Labrador, in 1949. Ontario is the most populous of the provinces of Canada, by a wide margin. Quebe c is second in population, and British Columbia and Alberta are third and fourth , respectively. Quebec is often the most contentious of the provinces of Canada because of its large French-speaking population, some of whom want independence from the other, English-speaking, provinces of Canada. The various Canadian provinces and territories have similarly federated legislat ive assemblies, although many have different formal names. Seven of the Canadian provinces have a Legislative Assembly. Nova Scotia and Newfoundland and Labrado r have a House of Assembly. Quebec's head legislative body is called the Nationa l Assembly. In all cases, the province or territory has just one legislative hou se. In contrast, the national government is bicameral. This idea of provincial and territorial independence extends to economic and cul tural activities as well, with each of the Canadian provinces or territories or having its own identity. In western Canada, British Columbia is known as a great tourist mecca, Alberta is known for its oil and natural gas reserves, and Saska tchewan is known for its vast wheat fields. Looking eastward, Manitoba is known for its agriculture and its bison, Ontario is known as being the business hub of the country specially with the largest city, Toronto and Quebec is known for be ing different than the rest of Canada. Of the coastal Canadian provinces, Newfoundland and Labrador is known for its fi shing pursuits and its independent heritage. New Brunswick has the largest Frenc h presence outside of Quebec, and Port Hardy, one of the largest ports in the co untry. Nova Scotia is known for its lighthouses and its lobsters. Potatoes are t he main claim to fame of Prince Edward Island. The Canadian territories are relatively wild by comparison, although the Yukon T erritory comes the closest to having an urban feel. The gold rush helped drive t he population increase in this territory, and the frontier mentality still exist s despite the presence of larger cities and shopping malls. The Northwest Territ ories and Nunavut are vast, icy places with small populations and more old-fashi oned lifestyles. Some large cities exist, of course, but they in no way approxim ate the urban nature of Toronto and Quebec City.

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