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Name of Organization:................................................................................................................................1
1. Introduction:........................................................................................................................................1
2. Objectives:...........................................................................................................................................1
3. Mission:...............................................................................................................................................2
4. Vision:..................................................................................................................................................2
5. Short range plan till June 22:...............................................................................................................2
5.2 Process to reach:...............................................................................................................................3
6. PEST ANALYSIS:....................................................................................................................................4
6.1 Political:.............................................................................................................................................4
6.2 Economical:.......................................................................................................................................4
6.3 Social:................................................................................................................................................5
6.4 Technology:.......................................................................................................................................5
7. Long range plan for next two years:....................................................................................................6
7.1 Main objective:..................................................................................................................................7
7.2 Process to reach:...............................................................................................................................8
8. Contingency planning for long term:...................................................................................................8
8.1 Identify risk:.......................................................................................................................................8
8.2 Analyze their severity........................................................................................................................9
8.3 Come up with the actions:.................................................................................................................9
8.4 Get the plan approved:......................................................................................................................9
8.5 Communicate the plan:.....................................................................................................................9
8.6 Review:..............................................................................................................................................9
9. Time management plan:......................................................................................................................9
9.1 Usage of Time Management:...........................................................................................................10
9.2 Strategies helped:............................................................................................................................11
10 Financial plans:.....................................................................................................................................11
10.1 Short term:....................................................................................................................................11
11 Corrective action plan:...................................................................................................................12
11.1 Identify the issue:..........................................................................................................................12
11.2 Defining the scope is the first step:...............................................................................................13
11.3 Efforts to keep the situation under control:..................................................................................13
11.4 Plan for a Corrective Action:..........................................................................................................13
11.5 The Corrective Action should be taken:.........................................................................................13
11.6 To be sure the plan succeeded, follow up:....................................................................................13
12. Growth strategy:..................................................................................................................................14
12.1 Building rapport:............................................................................................................................14
12.2 Giving credit:..................................................................................................................................14
Name of Organization:
“Academic and education organization”

1. Introduction:
Academic and educational organization is a student organization that would start functioning at
Keystone at June 2022. The organization will clearly define policies and programmes as well as
a favorable teaching-learning environment for the students to learn properly. The organization
will make use of adequate resources for the development of student educational qualities. The
academic and educational organization will implement its plans on the students for the welfare
and proper interaction of students with the authority. The academic and educational organization
will work hard to attain its objectives, among other things it is critical youngsters to learn how to
concentrate on studies. The academic education organization set and achieve goals, and reduce
stress by being well-organized as early as possible. In addition to making it easier to collaborate
with others, having strong organizational skills that will also help to increase production and
efficiency among the students in the school. The student organization will also propose learned
societies that organizations will promote academic subjects, professions, or groups of related
fields such as the arts and sciences. They are also known as learned societies in other countries
which will be promoted by the organization.

2. Objectives:
The objectives of the academic and educational organization is to benefit the general students in
the school. This will enable students to improve their leadership abilities on both a personal and
professional level. The organization will also assume a position of authority for the students in
the school. The major objective of the organization would be to make the students understand
how to manage and interact with their life to avail the opportunity. In this way the students
would learn to better manage their own lives, they will be able to lead better in their families and
personal lives. In this way, kids will be given the chance to grow into well-rounded individuals.
Therefore, the school would be organized in a way that promotes the development of students'
physical, mental, moral, and social traits with the help of academic and educational organization.
As a result, the organization will maintain an eye on the children's developmental needs. In order
to achieve its own goals, the student organization will organizes schools in order to provide the
proper training for citizenship among the students. The conditions that are created in advance of
the teaching process are known as intended engagement opportunities. Students would be
expected to meet certain behavioral goals through a specific engagement. Within or outside of
the school system, such resources would be developed. The objective of the academic and
educational organization would be students, teachers, and administrators work together to design
and implement the development of the educational sector.

3. Mission:
The mission of student organization in to connect the students with the authority and provide
opportunity for them so that they can focus on their studies also and other physical activities
also. The student organization will enable students to improve their leadership abilities on both a
personal and professional level. The organization want to build self confidence among the
students to chase the difficulties of life and work for the betterment of school.

4. Vision:
The vision of academic and educational organization is to provide opportunities for leadership
development, learning, student participation, and the development of shared interests that would
be provided by recognized student in the organizations. The organization is of the vision that the
student organization will take care about the student rights and will work for the betterment of
the students rights in the Key stone organization.

5. Short range plan till June 22:

The short range plan of the academic and educational organization includes:

 The Red Raider Orientation and Welcome Week programmes would be developed and
presented for the students till June 22.
 Through this program the students will come to know about the technology
advancements and the interest of the students would be developed for the technology.
 The student organization will create a robust Student Activities programme that will
pique the interest of potential students.
 The academic and educational organization will recognize and document student
employment and volunteer opportunities within the department.
 The major mission of the student organization would to impress the students so that the
vision, mission and goals of the organization could be achieved .Students and their
families will be impressed by the multi-purpose facility on campus.
 The educational and academic organization will join forces with other offices in the
university's Student Affairs and Enrollment Management divisions to promote
admissions by playing a key role in development of Keystone.
 The organization will stay up to date on the latest technology, equipment, and facility
offers from the competition.
 To keep track of and report on student work and volunteer opportunities the student
organization will divide the work among the members.
 Academic and educational organization will make sure that SU&A student leaders and
student employees are staying put by monitoring their progress.
 The student organization will also provide current TTU to students with programmes and
services that they are interested in.
 With the help of student leaders and the advisory boards the student organization will
work for the welfare of the student rights by reassess programmes and services.

5.1 Main Objective:

The key objectives of the organization is providing suitable facility to the students regarding the
educational and academic conduct. The organization seeks to focus on the students welfare by
preserving key interest for the future of the students. The student organization is of the short term
objectives to sustain these all suggested goals till June 22.

5.2 Process to reach:

The proposed objectives of the organization would be reached by:

 Maintaining the university's requirements for the evaluation and evaluation of staff
members for the organization by weekly assessment.
 Each member of the team will have their own specialized training regimen so that no
problem occurs for the fulfillment of the short term plan.
 Staff Organization Charts and Workflow Charts for Student Union & Activities will be
kept up-to-date
 The organization will make an investment plan for the replacement of furniture and
equipment that covers the next five to seven years for the student affairs by connecting to
 All financial operations for the Student Union & Activities would be aligned with
university standards and integrated accordingly.
 The Student Union and its activities would undergo an in-depth evaluation of their
administrative and financial management for the short term plan
 The department's objective and vision would be reflected in how funds are spent.

6.1 Political:
 Privatization of public schools (like the NHS)
 In order to deliver on a government project, the school runs the danger of becoming
distracted from its core mission or failing to meet policy objectives.
 Changes in the teaching and tutoring skills diverts the mind of the students from the
students organization
 Short-notice changes to the curriculum can affect the fulfillment of the proposed

6.2 Economical:
 Funding decisions made by the local or national government that influence schools would
impact the developing the funds for the academic and educational organization in school.
 Disruption of fundraising efforts due to the closure of a local educational facility will
impact the goal fulfillment
 A parent's financial ability to support their child's participation in extracurricular
activities and give funds for the student organization will impact the performance.
 Existence and management of after-school programmes is essential.
 International and national market shortages can contribute to the high cost of various
resources such as technology solutions and human resources for the technology
advancement among students.
 Competition from nearby institutions due to oversupply of school spaces in the area
 The possibilities of important staff members relocating to other schools will impact the
performance of the organization for maintain the leadership qualities among the students.

6.3 Social:
 Reduced or increased student enrollment due to population shifts in the area
 Students' enrollment in the student organization would be affected by demographic shifts.
 Inability to find the suitable employees for the fulfillment of the goal
 The emergence of social networks that would be utilized to meet a variety of educational
 Incorporation of students with disabilities into the community
 Parental rights have been strengthened, allowing parents to influence their children's
education and their interest to be a part of school.
 Due to the widespread availability of the internet, students have easy access to
information which can impact the technology advancement sector of the student

6.4 Technology:
 In today's world, there are a number of instructional tools that need to be updated.
Additionally, there's always the possibility of picking the wrong platform, such as open
source software or Microsoft's Windows operating system which can be used by the
students in the student organization Red Raider orientation area.
 Threats to educational institutions, including the emergence of new pathogens will affect
the performance of the organization.
 Concerning and illegal photos might be found on the Internet impacting ICT security
measures among other things which can be used by the students can affect the
performance of the academic and educational organization.
 Shift to electronic book readers from paperbacks
 IT systems are at risk of becoming out-of-date because of a lack of time dedicated to their
maintenance due to the technical factors that are not known. This can impact the students
opportunity to avail the technology also.

7. Long range plan for next two years:

The long term plan for the academic and educational organization is to enhance and facilitate the
student rights for the betterment of their personality traits. Along with that to focus on the
student’s future so that the future of the students can be bright. The long term plan of the student
organization for next two years is to enhance:

 Student learning that will be facilitated in a way that enhances the educational mission.
 Students' Employment Opportunities would be taken as a Benchmark
 The student organization will assign responsibilities and set goals for training to ensure
that all employees and students are on the same page to develop the leadership quality
among the students.
 Provide real-world employment experiences that will enhance the moral health of the
 Strategies for the betterment of the child mental health development and physical
 Set up the interview procedure, including the application and resume for the job
opportunity of the students before their graduation.
 Learner outcomes and objectives would be analyzed and evaluated.
 Student employees would be recognized and rewarded at semester and annual events.
 Leadership Experiences for Students as a Comparison would be provided by the
educational and academic organization
 Every year, the student organization will provide 20 to 25 fresh students the chance to
take on leadership roles.
 The educational organization will use pre and after tests to evaluate students' ability to
 Comparative examination of the Big 12 and NACA Central Region programming boards
and student leadership opportunities would be provided to the students.
 Students who want to be leaders should have access to leadership retreats and training.
 Over the course of a semester, the officials will work with students to organize at least 50
different activities.
 Using the pre/post assessment tool, to provide weekly one-on-one coaching to help
students grow.
 Student leaders would be recognized and rewarded at semester and annual events as a
motivation for creating more opportunities and also for the students to avail more
 Organization among college students that set the standard would be preferred.
 Maintain or expand student groups.
 Workshops and trainings would be used to determine the needs of student groups and
their leaders.
 Students' rights and obligations under the Code of Student Conduct would be made clear
to student organizations through registration sessions held by the university
 Ensure that student organizations have high-quality mentors for the betterment of the
leadership quality of the student
 Organize a yearly conference for new employees, as well as a conference for academy
(leadership) members.
 Every semester, the academic organization will hold workshops for advisors on topics
such as risk management, diversity, and online community for the students
 Student organizations would be recognize and reward the students every year as a
motivation. In this way the students would be attached with the authority of the school

7.1 Main objective:

The main objective of the long term plan is that student learning will be enhanced by
implementing established standards in all departmental facilities and programmes and services at
all levels. Financial compliance would be ensured for the Student Union and Activities.
Organizing community service activities that benefit students and the surrounding area while
also benefiting the university. The long term pan of the academic and educational organization
will provide employment opportunities, reward system, examination and assessment tools and
code of conduct for the students.

7.2 Process to reach:

Therefore the plan for the long term would be reached by:

 Proposing the long term plan to the authority of the educational sector .
 Proposing the plan to the stakeholders and officials of the organization
 Making the students aware regarding what we are going to do.
 By developing a list of the building blocks (parameters) that States would be chosen to
change in order to achieve long-term goals.
 A series of high-level processes that State teams would be utilize to assist them in the
process of creating long-term goals.
 When incorporating goals into school system vision and system architecture would be
presented to the Miss Doa
 There would be additional considerations for State teams to make

8. Contingency planning for long term:

8.1 Identify risk:
 Reputation and negative press identification for the employment opportunity for the
 Declining enrollment of more students. So that the initial focus would be on the deserved
 Compliance with regulations should be monitored for the leadership development among
 Health and Hygiene would be major consideration to identify by the educational and
academic organization in Key stone.
 Risks to finances would be identified by the organization officials
 Risks to operations in maintaining the educational and assessment tools would be
8.2 Analyze their severity
The severity of not following the rules and regulations for the educational department
would be identified.
Balance assessment forms and assessment surveys would be conducted to know that
viewpoint of the students for the welfare of the student organization.

8.3 Come up with the actions:

- The educational and academic organization will come up with the actions for the
employment opportunity for the students so that they can be independent. The services
and features that the academic and educational organization would be offering would not
be offered by anyone else.
- The student organization will put keen focus on the risk management workshops for the
leadership and reward system of the students.

8.4 Get the plan approved:

The final steps for the plan would be to approve the plan from the authority.

8.5 Communicate the plan:

- While making the decisions for the students the guidance and opinion of the students
would also be considered.
- The plan for the examination and assessment tool for the betterment of the student with
the organization interaction would be preferred.

8.6 Review:
- The final step would be to review the plan for the leadership management and providing
the opportunity to the students.
- The student’s activities for the physical activities would also be reviewed. The activities
that would benefit the student’s mental health would be preferred. Because if the mental
health of the student would be good then it is possible that the student will give full
concentration in the studies.

9. Time management plan:

Work schedules for the implementation of the plan would be can be easily created with the help
of time management. It will entail designing and maintaining a corporate, flexible timetable that
allows for the inclusion of the institution's most essential priorities. Different activities
necessitate a variety of timetables. The major goal of the educational and academic organization
would be to achieve the all goals within the time span.

Week 1 Week2 Week3 Week4

1st -10th 11-15th 15th -25th 25th -31st
April Focus on funding Creating plan for Evaluation of the Reward system
employment plan for proposal
opportunity assessment and
educational tool
May Red Raider Student affairs Development of Focus on
orientation focus plan for the physical ,mental
student and moral health
interaction with of the student
the organization
June Give proposal for Creation of the Usage of pre and
the fund raising educational and post educational
for the student academic and assessment
organization organization in tool.
Keystone Finalizing the
code of conduct
to the students
till June 22

9.1 Usage of Time Management:

As one of the most critical areas of project management expertise, effective time management
has helped me in direct impact on the quality, scope, and cost of a project. The ability to
effectively manage one's time is critical to completing a project on schedule and within budget.
To meet deadlines and complete all work on a project on time and within budget, effective time
management is an essential component of project management. With the help of long and short
term plan I was able to complete and fulfill the goals on time.
9.2 Strategies helped:
Time management strategies that helped during the completion of the long and short term plan
for the academic and educational organization includes:

- Prioritization of time and be aware of how we use the resources for the development of
the student welfare organization for education.
- Try out a Planning Tool before implementation
- Appropriately planning of the timetable for the fulfillment of the targeted score to
- Delegate means to enlist the assistance of others for the development of the organization
- Maintain Control over Time-Wasters.

9.3 Strategies that don’t helped:

- Stop distracting mind from other things

- Lack of focus on the procrastination
- Fear of failing in achieving the goal for the student welfare
- Lack of urgency
- Lack of proper organizational structure

10 Financial plans:
The financial plan that would be proposed for the fulfillment of the objectives met by the
student’s organization is:

10.1 Short term:

As the academic and educational organization would be the initial organization of the
Keystone. So, yes the academic and educational organization will needs financial aids for
short term plan and long term plan. The funds for the long term plan would rise due to the
fulfillment of:

- compensation for student fees in the school

- The upkeep of the building and the surrounding area.
- Field trips, special activities, and after-school and lunch programmes for students
- Texts and computer technologies are included in the list of classroom materials.

The financial aid would be received via:

- Educational funds
- Stakeholders
- Government funds
- Student funds

10.2 Long Term:

The long term funding would be collected for the payment of:

- Coach for the mental health and physical activity of students

- Mentor
- Job opportunities for student
- Physical activity
- Extracurricular activity

The funds would be collected through:

- Domestic revenue
- Business leaders
- Government
- Partners
- Student fees
- Student funds

11 Corrective action plan:

If the organization does not reach to the fulfillment of the plan till June 2022. Then therefore I
will implement the corrective action plan for the organization. therefore, the corrective action
plan would include:
11.1 Identify the issue:
The student welfare team will first of all identify the issue encountering. The student
organization would check to see if the issue is a real one rather than one that is only being
perceived as such. If the problem is regarding the implementation of the plan or delayed by staff.
Then therefore, I will implement the plan through another strategy via connecting the authorities
with me.

11.2 Defining the scope is the first step:

The scope of the problem and solution would be described in the first step. Management and
organizational team meeting would be conducted considering the facts and figures that are
causing problem in the fulfillment of the proposal.

11.3 Efforts to keep the situation under control:

The efforts would be made by the development team to speedup the work in making and
implementing the plan.It important to implement urgent checks or procedures that will catch the
problem if it recurs.

11.4 Plan for a Corrective Action:

The student organization will create solutions that are specific, attainable, and time-bound, while
keeping an eye on the big picture. It would be focused to mention all of the measures necessary
to eliminate the underlying problem. A cost and return on investment analysis would be required,
as well as official management permission, to proceed with the academic and educational

11.5 The Corrective Action should be taken:

The activities of the student organization would be implemented and managed to completion.
Changes to the database or software may be all that is required. New equipment might be needed
if the existing one can no longer meet tolerance standards in a manufacturing setting of the
technology sector.

11.6 To be sure the plan succeeded, follow up:

A debrief is a last step in the process to document what was accomplished and tell the team of
any modifications. The student welfare organization will give team enough time to prevent the
issue from recurring. A follow-up by the officials would also be conducted to resolve the issue.
The correction plan of the issue would be occurred in accordance with the intensity of the

12. Growth strategy:

Growth strategy would be implemented by academic and educational organization to have new
members in the student welfare organization.

12.1 Building rapport:

- A strong sense of community and shared purpose is essential to the success of a group
and to gain new members. Therefore to have new members in the organization the aims
and objectives along with the case study would be presented.
- These touch points would be held frequently by student organization leaders to keep
members interested and connected.
- Ideas for team-building activities would also be provided to attain more members in the
- In order to grow the organizations members the student organization will give a chance
for all members to learn more about the purpose of the organization as well as its officers
and plans for the academic year.
- Begin each meeting with a few small icebreakers to let folks relax and connect with each
other would also an implementing strategy to attract more members.
- Activities outside of the organization's core objective, which would allow people to
socialize and connect.
- Team-building events which include a painting retreat, disco bowling, and other exciting
team-building activities would be scheduled for the relaxment of the team members.

12.2 Giving credit:

- Publicly praising members for their contributions or accomplishments is a great
approach to show appreciation. It helps members feel appreciated, indicates their
importance in the group, and shows that hard effort does not go ignored. This would
be the major implementation strategy for the educational and academic organization.
Because when the members would know that the organization rewards their hard
work and take care of the comfort then more members would be attracted towards the
- Depending on the organization, members may also get recognition in the form of
awards or badges.
- Case studies would be shown to the members to attract them for the long term plan.

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