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2, MAY 1993 225

Rail Track Distributed Transmission Line

Impedance and Admittance: Theoretical
Modeling and Experimental Results
R. John Hill, Senior Member, IEEE, and David C. Carpenter

Abstmct-Frequency-dependent distributed transmission line track transfer function for various excitation conditions. For
self and mutual impedances and admittances for a single-track, a low number of rails, the mathematical computation can be
power-rail electrified railway are obtained by experiment and
modeling. Impedance results obtained by numerical calculation carried out in the time domain, but for larger systems with
from an electromagnetic minimum energy field solution using parallel tracks, transformation into the modal domain, utilizing
the finite-elementmethod are compared with analytic impedance track modal propagation constants and characteristic imped-
models based on the Carson-Pollaczek equations for a stratified, ances, may be more appropriate. This approach is convenient
weakly conducting ground and with practical experimental mea- for complex system analysis and can be used, for example,
surements made on a short length of rail track. The running
rail self conductances and the power rail to running rail mutual together with knowledge of the nonlinear dependencies in
capacitances are also evaluated by the finite element method and the matrix elements as functions of current and frequency
compared with experimental measurements. A physical interpre- to model electromagnetic compatibility phenomena such as
tation of the results is given in terms of conductive and induced intermodulation distortion arising from the mixing of power
ground currents caused by finite ground conductivity and relative frequency harmonics with signaling currents [11.
The accurate determination of track impedance and ad-
mittance has received little attention in the literature, most
I. INTRODUCTION traction simulation studies making simplifying assumptions

A realistic model of the electromagnetic properties of rail about rail and ground material properties. Knowledge of the
track is necessary for the analysis and design of electric impedance and admittance is important in several respects.
railway power and signaling systems. Representing the track The impedance is necessary for track circuit design, which
as a multiconductor coupled transmission line (MTL) is a usually considers only the running rail loop [2], and in
feasible approach provided accurate values for the distributed traction current power flow simulation, where simplified linear
self and mutual track impedance and admittance are known. data has been adopted for a variety of applications such as
The numerical values of these equivalent components are, modeling harmonic propagation along the overhead catenary
however, difficult to measure under practical conditions, since [3], predicting ground current distribution [4], and assessing
they are affected by the shape, position, permeability, and telecommunications interference [5]. The self admittances
conductivity of the rails, and the permittivity and conductivity determine the rail potential distribution in high-voltage AC
of the ground and track substructure. The problem addressed in railways which must be kept below specific safety limits [6]
this paper is to model and measure the equivalent MTL circuit and the magnitude of stray traction currents on dc railways
impedances and admittances for a single power-rail electrified [7], [8], where the variability in track self admittance can
rail track, with special reference to the frequency dependency be controlled by supplementary grounding arrangements or
of the components. The task is particularly difficult because by the addition of thyristor-controlled ground-leakage devices
the running rails and power distribution cables are located on [9]. Knowledge of the track mutual admittance is important
or above the ground which acts as a weak and diffuse, but for the evaluation of the transmission characteristics of signals
significant, conductor of electric current, and ground currents along the track, for example in audio frequency track signaling
are generated which affect the values of the track MTL systems where modulated signals travel along the running rails
equivalent components. at minimum attenuation [lo].
Determination of the equivalent components in the track In this paper, existing analytic models for self and mutual
model is important since the track self and mutual impedance impedance are reviewed [11]-[13]. The models are based on
and admittance matrices can then be used to obtain the the theory of the behavior of electrical conductors laid on and
in contact with a weakly conducting ground. To overcome
This work was supported by the U.K. Science and Engineering Research
Council under Research Grant GR/E/58816.
shortcomings in this analytical theory due to variable material
R. J. Hill is with the School of Electrical Engineering, University of Bath, properties, the self and mutual impedances and admittances
Claverton Down, Bath BA2 7AY,U.K. have been modeled using a minimum energy electromagnetic
D. C. Carpenter was with the School of Electrical Engineering, University
of Bath, Claverton Down, Bath BA2 7AY,U.K. He is now with Vector Fields
field solution implemented by a finite element method (FEM)
Ltd., Kidlington, Oxford OX5 lJE, U.K. software package. This was done because of the difficulty of
IEEE Log Number 9206415. experimental verification due to the unavailability of an abso-
0018-9598/93$03.00 0 1993 IEEE

lute ground reference point, and the impossibility of making Impedance model Admittance model
differential measurements between points at opposite track

ends because of the creation of substantial detection circuit
loops. Experiments in partial support of the modeling are, how- Rail 2
ever, described which exploit independence of impedance and
Rail 3 0
admittance elements for short lengths of rail track, where the
signal propagation wavelength is much greater than the track
measurement length. The impedance results are interpreted
in terms of physical phenomena governing electromagnetic
fields and currents in the rails, track substructure, and ground, Fig. 1. Coupled transmission line ground return model for track impedance
and admittance.
and the interpretation is supported by a FEM-derived ground
current contour plot. The admittance results validate the FEM
conductance model, and are used to estimate the effective between lines 1and j . Incorporating similar equations for lines
permittivity of the ground as a function of frequency. 2 and 3, and rearranging, the matrix equation


- -[Z][I]

A. General Transmission Line Theory

A full and accurate analysis of any transmission line requires
the complete determination of the electromagnetic fields in (3)
the vicinity of the line since energy flow takes place through
the fields. Generally, representatim of a line by an electrical is obtained. [VI and [I] are thus column vectors of the
network with distributed equivalent components introduces phase voltages and currents, and [Z] is a square impedance
simplifications which correspond to the assumption of plane- matrix with diagonal coefficients zii representing the line
wave propagation along the line. This condition is satisfied i ground-return self impedances per unit length, and off-
for the case of railway track since the line length is much diagonal coefficients z;j representing the ground-retum mutual
greater than its width. The usual distributed component model impedance of line i with respect to line j . The current along
illustrated in Fig. 1 may thus be used for the complete line a is given by
equivalent circuit.
In a rail track, the individual lines correspond to each
running rail, the power rail or overhead catenary, and any
parallel cables such as auxiliary power conductors or signaling
wires. Fig. 1 shows the electric circuit representation of a where yie is the self admittance of line i and ym,j is the mutual
three-wire coupled ground-return transmission line with self admittance between lines i and j . Combining the equations for
and mutual impedance and admittance elements, representing i = 1 - 3, (5), shown at the bottom of the page, is true. In
for example a power-rail electrified single track railroad. matrix form, this becomes
The elements are distributed with values evaluated per unit
line length. The presence of a weakly conducting ground d[4
- - - -[y][V]
effectively completes the circuit for each conductor so that
three self and three mutual ground-return impedances and where
admittances can be identified. y11 Y12 913
The transmission line model is derived by writing differen- (7)
tial equations for the line voltage and current, generalizing into 931 932 Y33
a matrix formulation, and then combining the two equations
using substitution. Representing the lines by 1-3, the voltage In the track admittance matrix of (7), the diagonal coefficients
yii represent the line i self admittances per unit length, and
along line 1 is given by the equation
the off-diagonal coefficients yij represent the ground-return
admittances of line i with respect to line j . There is no
direct equivalence between the admittance matrix components
where 211 (= ~ 1 +jwZll)
1 is the ground-return self impedance and the physical track admittances as is the case with the
of line 1, and z l j (= ~ l jj w m ~ is) the mutual impedance impedance matrix elements. The admittance matrix elements

for an n-phase line are related to the admittances in the 375

physical model of Fig. 1 by the equations

Yii = Yie + &mij?

(i # j) (8)
Rail2 Raa3


B. Application to Rail Track

The primary function of rail track is for the mechanical
support and guidance of trains. However, the rails are also
conductors of electrical current and as such are used to
carry both traction power return current and track signaling
information signals. Most transmission lines are intended
for either power or information flow, and have well-defined
propagation characteristics. It is thus not surprising that for rail
track the usual approximations of lossless and/or distortionless
lines do not apply. Furthermore, the physical layout of the Fig. 2. Test track geometry and rail profiles (dimensions in mm).
line, with several parallel, unscreened cables laid on and in
contact with the ground surface, means that mutual coupling by integration. In order to obtain representative conductivity
effects are significant. This conflict between power flow (with values for the models in the study, the conductivity-depth-
a high efficiency requirement) and information flow (with frequency variation was determined experimentally by a de-
a low distortion requirement), with a consequent potential velopment of the classic 4-probe technique [17]. The resulting
EM1 problem, stresses the importance of achieving a thorough measured continuous function conductivity profile was then
understanding of the line properties at the design stage. approximated to a layered structure, with either two layers
necessary for some of the analytic theory evaluated, or up to
111. TRACK IMPEDANCE AND ADMITTANCE MODELING four which could be handled by the FEM package (Fig. 3).
The values of conductivity in each layer and the layer depths
A. Physical Track Layout and Material Properties were chosen to minimize the integrated conductance between
Fig. 2 shows the physical layout of the power-rail-electrified ground surface and remote earth [17].
single track modeled. The rail dimensions represent actual
worn values. The track was laid on concrete track ties, with B. Track Self Impehnce Model
500 mm deep ballast in perfect condition. The rail material The self impedance of each rail line in the track system with
properties are fully specified in [14]. respect to ground return is the sum of separate internal and
The rail iron conductivity and permeability affect the series external components. These internal and external impedances
track self impedance through the resistance and internal induc- arise from the distribution of flux within and external to the
tance, but have minimal effect on the external self inductance rail surface. The internal component is nonlinear, varying with
and mutual impedance. The shape of the rails is an important current and frequency due to saturation and the skin effect
factor in determining the capacitance between the power rail, within the rail iron. For steady state conditions, it is normally
ground, and other rails. The type of rail fastening to the much smaller than the external component. It has been fully
ties is a factor in the determination of the self and mutual investigated in [14] and is only considered here within the
conductances. The present track used Pandrol spring clips as context of its contribution to the transmission line equivalent
used on British Rail, with insulating pads between the running impedances.
rails and ties. The power rail was mounted on insulators at 4 The self inductance of a circuit is defined by the energy
m intervals. stored in the magnetic field according to the volume integral
The finite ground conductivity affects the track impedance.
In general, it is a function of both depth and frequency and
is affected by the geological structure and moisture content.
-:2L 2
J * A d V = - pH2dV H / m (10)

The technique of conductivity measurement as a function of where J is the current density, I is the total current, and A is
depth is well established from geological prospecting [151, the vector potential. The relationships between B (magnetic
and the depth variation may be treated as constant, in uniform flux density), H (magnetic field strength) and A (vector
layers or as a continuous function. In low frequency analyses, potential) are
a two-layer conductivity function has been shown to give B=VxA (11)
good results [16]. More generally, models of self and mutual
conductance may be derived from experimentally determined
stratified ground conductivity-depth-frequency relationships B=pH (12)

-30 where h is the height of the wire above the conducting plane.
E- - ; ,
- layer 1
Equation (16) contains no length dependency as did (14). If the

where p is the permeability. The internal self inductance is due exp - 2hX
to the field energy within the conductor. For a long, isolated dX. (18)
cylindrical conductor it is [18]
P H/m. where p and u are the equivalent homogeneous ground per-
lii,int = - (13) meability and conductivity. Evaluation of (17) and (18) yields
The external self inductance is due to the field energy outside a complex impedance whose real part represents additional
the conductor, and for a long isolated conductor is power dissipation in the lossy ground, and whose imaginary
part represents the energy stored in the magnetic field in the
air and ground. The equations have been applied extensively
to calculate the ground-return impedance of power lines. The
where y is the length of the wire and a is the radius (y >> a). assumption of ground homogeneity, however, is dubious, and
The inductance per unit length is thus itself a function of attention has been focused on devising an analytic expression
length. This potential source of difficulty in deciding on correct for external self impedance for the multilayer ground case
data values in a model is tempered by the fact that the [211, [221.
dependency is weak since it is contained within a natural The result even with a two-layer approximation for the
logarithm function. ground model provides a more accurate representation since
The conductor resistance is obtained from the dissipated the bottom layer can be assigned a lower conductivity, ac-
energy within the conductor according to centuating the current density near the surface. A convenient
expression for the ground-return self impedance for a two-
r=-=- (15) layer ground has been given by Bickford et al. [23] as
I J, J . d A
where V is the longitudinal voltage causing the current I to
flow and J is the current density over area d A within the
conductor cross section S. In (13) and (15), both internal where
inductance .and resistance are frequency dependent from the
skin effect [19].
When the conductor is brought parallel to a conducting
semi-infinite ground, eddy currents are generated by induction
in the ground whose associated magnetic field modifies the
field surrounding the wire. Return current is constrained to
flow in the ground near the outward path beneath the wire, and
so the circuit impedance is changed. The circuit can be
represented as a conductor with its image. If the ground is 72 = x2 + jWPnP0.n. (22)
a perfect conductor, the image will be located beneath the In (19)-(22), the subscripts 1, 2, 3 refer to air, upper ground
ground at a depth equal to the conductor height. For this layer and lower ground layer respectively, and d is the depth
condition, the external self impedance is that of a parallel of the interface between ground layers.
wire circuit and is given by The model for external self impedance taking account of the
Po 2h ground conductivity must lie within extreme impedance limits
z, = j w l , = j w - In - film (16)
2lr a corresponding to the cases of perfectly insulating and perfectly

conducting ground. Self impedance calculations assuming TABLE I

perfectly conducting, single-layer lossy, two-layer lossy and THEORETICAL SELF AND MUTUAL IMPEDANCES
perfectly insulating ground have been performed at 50 Hz for
a single running rail on a track with the dimensions of Fig. 2, ' Self impedance Mutual impedance
using the conductivity profile of Fig. 3. They are summarized bm9 bm.4
in Table I.
Perfectly insulating rint + 49.3+ j m +
49.3 j m
Perfectly conducting zint + 0 + j8l.l 0 + j2.35
C. Mutual Impedance Model earth
The mutual inductance between two parallel wires located Single layer earth' +
Zint 4- 49.3 j467.0 +
49.3 j363.9
over a perfectly insulating ground is [18] Two-layer earthZ + +
zint 49.4 j387.0 49.4+ j350.2
zii = 532 j516 498 + j206
zint = 90 j104
Experimental 483 + j295
where d is the wire spacing, y is the line length and y >> d. measurement
In the vicinity of a perfectly conducting ground, the mutual lau = 0.9 x Sm-', a1 = 3.9 x Sm-', d = 0.8
2 a = 0.91 x Sm-'
inductance is reduced due to the screening effect. Each con-
ductor acquires an image beneath the ground surface, and the
mutual inductance becomes A(X) is defined as before by (21) and (22). Table I includes
sample mutual impedance calculations at 50 Hz for per-
fectly insulating, weakly conducting and perfectly conducting
where h is the height over the ground surface. As for the case ground, for a running rail pair on a standard gauge (1.435 m)
of the self inductance, the length dependency is lost. track.
If the ground is lossy, a field solution can again be obtained
in terms of the sum of the value with perfectly conduct- D. Physical Interpretation of Self and
ing ground, with appropriate correction terms. The Carson Mutual Impedance Models
equation for this condition is Evaluation of the mutual impedance from (25H30) results
in positive in-phase and quadrature components, representing
ground eddy current loss and mutual inductance respectively.
Klewe [24] explains the mutual impedance effect in terms of
with the phasor magnetic field components around the conductors.
The phase may be determined by considering the relationship
between the inducing current in the rail ( I l ) ,current density
in the ground ( J ) and electric field at the ground surface (E).
where h k and h, are the heights of the conductors above the For homogeneous ground with conductivity a,
ground surface. Equations (25) and (26) may be simplified at
power frequencies and harmonics for calculations of ground- J=aE (31)
return effects in electric railways. Klewe [24] approximates
the mutual impedance as E y = (jwm)l1 (32)
1,z -[12.98 - 21n [d,b\/(af)]
s jwPO -- R/m
4n 2
V = -E9 = - ( j w m ) l i = - 1 1 ~ ~ . (33)
where dab is the distance between the conductors a and b. In
this model the ground plane is treated as a conductor at a depth The inducing current and the induced voltage then differ in
that is frequency and conductivity dependent phase by an angle between nl2 and n.
A physical interpretation of the mutual impedance between
two conductors can be made using the knowledge that the
conductors will in general have different ground return depths.
Similar considerations to those for the self impedance model Therefore, total apportionment of the real and imaginary parts
apply for multilayered ground, and Bickford's equation for the cannot easily be made. Sunde [25] gives the mutual impedance
mutual impedance for a two-layer ground is [23] in the form
2, = + j w ( 1 +~ ZB) (34)
where T is the zero-frequency dc mutual resistance, ZA is the
(29) contribution of mutual inductance from the wire geometry and
ZB is the contribution from the ground return path. For pairs of
p2 cos [ X ( h k - h,)] exp - hX running rails which have almost the same ground return path,
dX. (30)
the dc term will normally be negligible. However, it could

be significant if the line heights above the ground vary, for produce shunt losses along the track, the magnitude of which is
example in the calculation of mutual impedance between a related to the values of the self and mutual conductances. The
rail and an overhead catenary. actual conductive connection of the rails to the ground arises
The application of Carson’s equations to the calculation of from the resistance of rail fastenings to track ties, which in turn
self and mutual impedances in overhead power and communi- are in contact with the underlying ballast and hence the soil.
cations lines has produced much published work. Rosen [26], The ground also has permittivity which determines the
for example, has evaluated tables of mutual inductance for magnitude of quadrature or displacement currents flowing be-
power transmission systems assuming an equivalent single- tween the conductors or to ground. Capacitive currents flowing
layer ground conductivity. For the same conditions, Deri et between the running rails at power and audio frequencies are
al. [27] have introduced the concept of an ideal current normally small compared with conductive currents because
return plane below the surface with an equivalent depth the fastenings to the ties and ground substructure ensure the
determined by the complex wave penetration. Their method establishment of a continuous, dominating ground conduc-
is also applicable to a multilayer ground. tance. However, the power rail self and mutual capacitances
To evaluate the Carson integrals accurately, some assump- may be significant and if so will influence the transmission
tions concerned with the physical nature of the system are line characteristics by contributing to the modal propagation
necessary. Wise [28] has neglected ground relative permeabil- constants and characteristic impedances. For power rails in
ity, displacement currents, and wave attenuation. Olsen and close proximity to the ground, but isolated from it, the large
Pankaskie [29] have compared the exact and Carson theories, bottom physical section of the rail produces significant capac-
examining in detail the associated approximations. Their work, itance effects to ground compared with the direct capacitance
applied to the case of rail track, confirms the validity of the from the power rail to the running rails (Fig. 2). In contrast
Carson equations for the assumptions: to the ground conductivity variation, the determination of
the distance of the observer from the track is much permittivity as a function of depth and frequency is difficult.
less than the freespace wavelength at right angles to the A model of an effective constant ground permittivity does,
wire (true even at higher harmonic frequencies where the however, provide a useful initial approach for the mutual
wavelength is still several hundred meters); capacitance model [30].
the relative magnitude of ground phase constant is much
less than that of the freespace phase constant, i.e.,
where A. General Considerations
ko = W ! / ( P O € O ) = - (36) The finite element method is a versatile numerical analytic
x technique in widespread use for the solution of static and
and time-varying electromagnetic field problems. Its application to
IC, = W ! / ( P O € , - JPoU, Re (k,) >0 (37)
problems involving magnetic stored and dissipated energy is
well established, and computation times for systems with two-
or three-dimensional geometrical symmetry are reasonable
typical values being ko = 1.05 x lop6 m-l and k, = using personal computer workstations. FEM is attractive for
1.98 x 1 0 - ~m-l for CT = S/m; the solution of electromagnetic fields around rail track where
the propagation constant is much less than the ground analytic modeling is difficult because the rails and trackbed
phase constant do not have a regular geometric shape, and because the
rails are in close proximity to each other compared with
lYsl Ikgl their individual dimensions. The difficulties in applying the
a typical value for 7sat 50 Hz being 15.7 x m-’. technique to rail track modeling are concerned with optimizing
the computational mesh size to achieve reasonable calculation
The condition that the rail radius is much less than the height
times, and setting the model boundaries to achieve acceptable
above the ground is, however, violated.
accuracy [31].
The theoretical basis of FEM requires a description of the
E. Physical Interpretation of Admittance Model system to be modeled in electromagnetic field terms based
The track transmission line model consists of several paral- on Maxwell’s equations. The equations are manipulated in
lel rails excited with respect to a remote, weakly conducting either an integral or differential formulation and an efficient
ground. From the impedance viewpoint, this is equivalent numerical algorithm is selected for the solution. Elementary
to regarding the system as a set of conductors which inject accounts of FEM theory may be found in [32] and [33], with
current into the ground by induction (eddy currents) and a more detailed exposition in specialist texts such as [34]
conduction (conductive currents). If the conductors are at and [35]. The package used in the present modeling uses a
different potential with respect to each other or absolute differential formulation of the field equations, and following
ground, currents will also flow between them or to ground. is a summary together with interpretive information in terms
The in-phase or conductive components of these currents will of the fields around rail track.

The field equations to be solved are Maxwell's equations: TABLE I1

V.D=p (39) Electromagnetic Static Electrostatic Comments
V.R=O O.J=O V.D=O Divergence
V.B=O (40) constraint
R =B / p J=uE D = eE Material
3B relationship
at (41) B=CxA Ex-01. E=-VV Potential
and c. -v ' -v. [eVV] =
[(l/p)VA,] = 0 [uVV] = 0 0
VxH=J (42) 1/p U e Material
where J is made up of both source currents ( J , ) and eddy J H . B dS S E . JdS $E.DdS
currents (aE).
The material properties are = 0.5 L I ~ = 0.5 GV2 = 0.5 C V 2 Energy
D = EE (43)

and B. Building the FEM Model

The process of modeling a system using the finite ele-
B =pH. (44) ment method starts with the definition of the physical model
In the electrostatics case, a simplification is available by the which requires the geometric features of the system to be
use of a scalar potential V rather than the vector electric field identified. These include the shape, material properties, and
E. From excitation of the actual system. Hence dimensions, material
properties (permeability, permittivity, conductivity), conductor
E = -VV (45) (source) current densities and driving voltage magnitudes and
waveforms must all be known.
it follows from (39) and (43) that Next, the information in the physical model is refined
to form an appropriate geometric model. This simplification
-V.€VV=p. (46) process retains only features relevant to the particular analysis
under study. For example, in an inductance calculation, relative
This simplification is available for the magnetostatics case only permittivity is neglected, and for capacitance modeling, the
for simple solutions. Problems concerning static conductance permeability is of no interest. At this stage, boundary condi-
and capacitance may also be solved using these equations by tions must be chosen to provide a suitable shape, function
exploiting aspects of electromagnetic-electrostatic duality as condition and distance so that a meaningful and accurate
summarized in Table 11. solution may be obtained. For the case of rail track, to ensure
Where dynamic solutions including the effects of eddy that the far field boundaries are a sufficient distance away, two
currents are required, a continuous vector potential must be different boundary conditions may be used-the Neumann and
used. The magnetostatic solution is then simply a special case Dirichlet conditions. The former is a natural FEM condition
of the electromagnetic problem. In the electromagnetic case, which sets the normal derivative of the potential to zero, and
the vector potential is defined from the latter sets the potential value to zero. If the two solutions
from the two conditions provide results which are in agreement
VxA=B. (47) to within an acceptable error, then the boundary is deemed to
Hence be at an appropriate distance from the track.
At this stage, the geometric model may still contain redun-
V x H = J , +aE (48) dant information, especially concerning problem symmetry.
dA Thus the mathematical model need not coincide exactly with
= J , - a- (49) the physical system, but only to a subset of it. For example,
when analyzing a single rail, only half the cross-section
so that need be modeled since there is a vertical line of symmetry.
1 3A Other examples of redundant information include conductors
V X - ( V x A ) = J,-O-. in electrostatic analyses. Since the permittivity is infinite
P at
within good conductors, only their outline is required in the
In two dimensions x and y, only the z-component of A is mathematical model. A further consideration concerns the
required, since the remaining two components are assumed to relationship between magnetic flux density and vector potential
be constant in the model space. This simplifies the implemen- from (47). Since the potential does not have a unique value, the
tation procedure. The duality equations for the dynamic case model must be assigned a datum such as a boundary where
must incorporate the time dependency term in (50). the potential is known.


Fig. 4. Finite element method elemental nets. (a) Running rail. @) Track and ground substructure.

After formation in outline form, the mathematical model is C. Application of FEM to Rail Track Modeling
discretized into a numerical model by dividing each region In the case of rail track with its substructure, the problem
into a mesh linked by nodes. Qpical elemental nets for space is characterized by separate regions as follows:
an individual rail and for the complete problem space are
ground, with low conductivity which is variable with
shown in Fig. 4. The number of mesh elements that can be
depth, zero permeability and significant permittivity which
used is limited by the computational processing time, about
5000 elements being required for most problems covering may also be variable with depth;
the complete space. At the time of publication, processing rails, which have moderate conductivity, high nonlinear
power is continually increasing, with a concomitant increase permeability and permittivity equal to that of free space;
in possible model complexity. To improve the model accuracy, air, with zero conductivity and permeability and permit-
more elements are necessary in regions of rapidly changing tivity equal to that of free space.
fields, since the solution error is proportional to h2 where h is To simplify the problem, ferrous hysteresis in the rail iron is
the largest dimension of the element. A further variable is the ignored, although saturation is permitted through a predefined
interpolation methocLa quadratic rather than linear technique B-H relationship.
will improve the accuracy, albeit at the expense of computation After the problem region is divided into the elemental
time. net and the boundary conditions are defined, the numerical


solution of (50) determines values for the vector potential ‘ I L b : PN3F1000 I /Y€W
within every element for the minimum system energy state. MIlS 1 L 2 Bath Unlv

From these, values of other variables can be obtained and

the actual system magnetic stored and dissipated energies
evaluated. For problems involving duality, the scaling factors
will be known from the excitation conditions.
The software package used, MEGA, was developed in-
house over a number of years for a range of electromagnetic
and electrostatic problems [34]. The reported results were
obtained using a DEC MicroVax 2000 with 6 MB RAM.
The CPU time for solution of a typical problem ranged
from 7 minutes for linear solutions such as conductance and
capacitance problems, which require about 40 iterations for
convergence, to 10 hours for nonlinear solutions such as
resistance and inductance, which require about 280 iterations
lCCl Contours of A C 0 . 0 DEC I
for convergence.

D. Track Impedance Modeling

To determine the rail track impedance, it is convenient,
though not strictly necessary, to consider the internal and
external rail impedances separately. The internal impedance
has previously been evaluated for both ac and dc excitation
[14], [19], [36], and results are included here for completeness
and to assess its importance relative to the total impedance.
FEM has been used to determine the frequency-dependent
self impedances (211 and 222 = 233), including both internal
and external components, and the mutual impedances by
considering the excitation of a two-rail short circuit current
loop using the relationships:


2SC13 = 211 -k 233 - 2213. (53)

Since FEM is inherently more accurate in obtaining the system
energy than in predicting exact field values, integrating the
field energy produces realistic values for the impedances even
when there are significant errors in the field values. This is
particularly useful at high frequencies where it is unnecessary
to make major adjustments to the elements in regions of high
field gradient. After the field values have been obtained, the
rail resistance may be found from the system dissipated energy L icci contb.,~ or A c 0 . 0 DEG

and the rail inductance from the stored energy.

The model solution gives all the field variables at every
point in the problem space for a given set of boundary and
excitation conditions. Fig. 5 shows typical examples of vector Fig. 5. Finite element method derived vector potential contours for two-rail
track excitation.
potential contours generated by the FEM package when each
pair of rails in a power-rail electrified single track is excited
in turn. The contour intervals between each pair of rails interval indicates that the total induced current in the ground
depend on the magnitude of the excitation voltage. Since is very small compared with the excitation current magnitude.
this represents ripple components in a dc transit system, all Figs. 5 and 6 also demonstrate the care that must be taken in
the figures have been normalized for 1-V excitation. Fig. selecting the outer boundaries of the FEM model. Most of the
6 shows the corresponding contours of longitudinal current energy flow is contained in the fields near the current-carrying
density which are induced in the ground when the running conductors, and conditions far from the rails do not contribute
rails are excited. For a 1-A excitation current, the contour significantly. Moreover, since stored and dissipated energies


Fig. 6 . Finite element method derived ground current density profiles for running rail excitation.

are integrated to find the system impedances, the impedance static conductance problems is found by exploiting aspects
values will be insensitive to rail geometry if the problem area of electromagnetic-electrostaticduality given in Table 11. With
is large. appropriate scaling, it is possible to map A to V and l / p
to (T. The electromagnetic stored energy J B . HdS is then
E. Track Admittance Modeling equivalent to the dissipated energy J E .JdS. In the air region,
Conductance, The self conductance of a rail in continuous (T = 0 implies l / p = 0 or p -+00, so air must be modeled by
contact with the ground may be obtained by integrating the removing all elements from the region. For the dynamic case
current flow from the rail to remote ground. It may be where aA/at # 0, a more complex duality relationship based
represented by on (50) must be used. For the present conditions, this would
be required only for initially quiescent conditions during the
settling down period.
To solve the self conductance problem, a field calculation
where l i e is the total current injected into the ground per was performed by FEM to obtain the minimum energy con-
unit rail length, V, is the rail voltage, and Jie is the current dition with flow of current from one rail to remote ground. A
density in the ground over surface dS. Similarly, the mutual conventional top-contact power-rail electrified single rail track
conductance may be determined by integrating the flow of with the dimensions of Fig. 2 was modeled, and values of con-
current between two parallel rails, represented by ductance corresponding to tie, ballast (0.65 m) and four ground
layers (0.65, 2, 4,and 22 m) were estimated from previously
(55) measured conductivity-depth-frequency profiles [16]. The in-
tegral of (54) converges because the conductivity decreases
where Iij is the total injected current per unit length, V,, is the with depth. A sample equipotential contour for this condition
rail-rail potential difference and Jij is the current density in the is shown in Fig. 7(a). The contour interval has again been
ground over surface dS.In (54) and ( 5 9 , the current density normalized assuming a 1-V rail excitation.
depends on the local values of conductivity and electric field. The mutual conductance was found by considering current
The conductivity is a function of both depth and frequency flow between two rails, and the corresponding equipotential
and the electric field is a function of depth. is given in Fig. 7(b) (only half is required due to symmetry).
FEiM cannot be used to solve these equations directly. In both the self and mutual cases, the conductance was found
Instead, the electromagnetic fields are calculated in the various from the dissipated energy as gV2.
regions of the system being modelled, then integrated to Capacitance. For displacement current, the dual between the
find the corresponding dissipated energy. The solution for electromagnetic and electrostatic problems is required. Table


ILE : 02GlEF1500HZ /Y€& 'ILE : CAP3RlZSO I /Y€GA

QIDUCTANCE: RAIL 2 k RQGTE EARTH Bath Uni a P A C I T W : RAILS 1 b 3 Bath univ

[CCI CDntOUrO Of A e 0 . 0 DEG [CCI contours of A e 0.0 DEG I

FILE : COND250000
mWMCE: RAILS 2 b 3
M€GA ILE : ONERUP6000 1 A€
Bath Univ

Fig. 7. Finite element method derived equipotentials for conductance Fig. 8. Finite element method derived equipotentials for capacitance deter-
determination. (a) Single-rail excitation. @) %o-rail excitation. mination. (a) Two-rail excitation including power rail. @) Excitation between
running trails.
I1 shows that the appropriate mapping is V to A and E to
l/p. The electromagnetic field stored energy J B . H d S is significant differences in the capacitance between the power
then equivalent to the electrostatic stored energy E . DdS rail to either running rail, and to both running rails in parallel.
through the relationship The results clearly show crowding of the equipotentials in
the air between the power rail and the ground surface, the
/E.DdS=/VV.cVVdS (56) ground being sufficiently conductive to prevent charge storage.
Thus the power rail shape and its ground proximity alone
which is equivalent to the stored electrostatic energy of 0.5
determine the mutual capacitance between the power rail and
cv2. the other rails, and the inter-rail spacings have no effect. The
Since no information was available about the variation of
results also show an order of magnitude difference in the
permittivity with depth, a constant effective permittivity for the
mutual capacitances between the two running rails, which are
tie, ballast and ground structure was assumed. To obtain the
in good conductive contact with the ground compared with
mutual capacitances between the rails, FEM field calculations
those involving the power rail.
were performed to solve for the minimum energy condition
when each pair of the three rails was excited in turn. Because
of the perceived dominance of ground effects, an analysis was v. EXPERIMENTAL MEASUREMENTSOF
also carried out with an excitation voltage applied between the
power rail and the running rails connected in parallel.
Examples of the resulting FEM equipotential plots are A. Impedance Measurements
shown in Figs. 8(a) and (b) and confirm that there were no Since the track impedance is much less than the track

Rail 2
;G T ? t
Is *L

Fig. 9. Experimental arrangement for triple-short-circuit tests.

admittance for short track lengths


lumped circuit measurements with the track short circuited

may be used to determine the impedance matrix element
values. There are, however, two main difficulties in devising
Fig. 10. Discontinuous rail experiment. (a) Technique. @) Equivalent circuit.
suitable experiments to do this. The first is that the remote
ground terminal is inaccessible, so absolute voltage measure-
ments cannot be taken, and the second is that differential are known from the FEM models and impedance measurement,
voltage measurements between the track ends cannot be made, the method can reveal the mutual impedance values.
since additional inductance loops would be created. These
factors restrict measurements to line currents and rail-rail volt- B. Admittance Measurements
ages, with only a limited number of independent experiments
available. From (57), the self and mutual admittances may be mea-
sured from open circuit conditions by considering the track as
An experimental technique, the triple-short-circuit test, can
be used to determine the mutual impedances if the self a lumped circuit. 'hvo sets of circuit tests were devised. First,
impedances are known. The circuit is illustrated in Fig. 9. Thethe running rail admittances were measured by a discontinuous
track was an isolated section 36 m in length laid to British rail test. However, this test is not suitable for the power rail,
since there is no conductance to ground and the total rail-rail
Rail specifications and with the ballast in perfect condition so
as to give high conductance. All three rails are continuously admittance is an order of magnitude smaller than that between
excited at frequencies between 15 Hz and 40 kHz. In each the running rails. Direct rail-rail admittance measurements
test, two of the three rails are connected in parallel and thenwere thus used in the latter case.
excited differentially with respect to the third line. The rail Discontinuous rad test. The running rail self and mutual
currents and excitation voltage are then measured as functions admittances were determined for the same 36 m length of
of frequency. track as for the impedance measurements. The test involved
Loop circuit analysis for the configuration of Fig. 9 gives making a break at the center of one of the running rails and
then exciting the rail pair at one end, with a load admittance
y~ comparable in magnitude to the track admittance connected
across the other (Fig. lqa)). The source voltage, source
current, load admittance and load current were all measured.
Loop equations for the equivalent circuit of Fig. lo@),together
with similar sets of equations obtained when the two other with the current continuity relationship I; = 0, then give
pairs of rails are connected in parallel. Since there are only (59), shown at the bottom of the page.
three independent equations with six unknowns, only three of Since running rail symmetry implies ~ 2 = e y3e, then ~ 2 (=
the six impedances may be determined. If the self impedances 93e), ym23, 11,12, and I3 may be determined.


Rail 3 (Running)

Fig. 11. Inter-rail admittance test model.

Inter-rail admittance test. In this experiment, the admittance

f: a a 9 / /

between each rail pair in tum was measured. Consideration of

the test circuit of Fig. 11 reveals, on analysis, six unknowns
with three independent equations. Since the values of pm23
0.1 I

and pze (= ~ 3 are ~ known

) from the broken rail test, the
values of ym12, ~ ~ 1 and 3 ,ple may be determined. Due to zero 0.01
measured conductance and the small capacitance, the lower 10 100 1k 10k 1OOk
frequency limit for these measurements was 400 Hz.


The self and mutual impedances were determined for a
conventional top-contact power-rail electrified single rail track
with dimensions given in Fig. 2. The results are shown in
Fig. 12 (self impedances) and Fig. 13 (mutual impedances).
The self impedances zll and 222 (= 233) are shown for
the theoretical model of (19) for two-layer ground (a, =
0.9 x Sm-', a1 = 3.9 x Sm-', d = 0.8m), for
a FEM analysis for multiple layered ground as determined
from previous experiments [17], for a FEM analysis for the
internal components, and for a laboratory experiment for the
internal component of 222 (= ,233) [14]. The results show
good agreement for the value of internal self impedance up
to a frequency of about 10 kHz for the resistive part and 2
kHz for the reactive part. However, the FEM result differs
from the theoretical model in the resistive part of the total self
impedance. The reasons for this are considered later.
The results for track mutual impedance ( ~ 1 2 , 223, and 231)
shown in Fig. 13 have been evaluated using the theoretical
model from (29) for two-layer ground (a,,= 0 . 9 ~ Sm-',
06 = 3.9 x Sm-l, d = 0.8 m), for a FEM analysis
for multiple layered ground, and from the track experiment
using FEM derived values for zll and 222 (= 233). Again,
there is divergence in the results for the resistive component,
considered later.
The self and mutual admittance results expressed in terms
of the admittance matrix elements according to (8) and (9)
are given in Fig. 14 for conductance and Fig. 15 for capac-
itance. The conductance results for the running rails show
good agreement between experiment and FEM modeling. The
experimental results involving the power rail, obtained by than those of the running rails and could not be verified by
manipulation of (8) and (9), are orders of magnitude lower the FEM model.

1 :

$ - 8 :
.- 100f
3 10:
u -
2 : s :
10 r 1:

1: 0.1 F

0.1 : 0.01 :

/ ' ' ""'
0.001 0 1 # * * . * * * """" """"
0.01 10 100 lk 10k 1 OOk 10 100 lk 1Ok 1ook

Frequency (W Fresuency(W

(4 Fig. 14. Track conductance matrix element values as function of frequency.

10 100 lk 10k 1OOk

Fig. 15. Validation of finite element method capacitance models.

permittivity assumption, only the mutual capacitances may

be determined by FEM and so the experimental comparison
is with the direct rail-rail capacitance measurements. The
experimental results for the capacitance (and hence suscep-
tance) components of the admittance matrix, obtained from
0.01 the practical tests and using (8) and (9), are given in Fig. 16.
10 100 lk 10k 1OOk

Frequency (W
The sample calculations of self and mutual impedance at
Fig. 13. Track mutual impedance results from experiment, finite element
method, and analytic theory. (a) Mutual resistance. @) Mutual reactance. 50 HZ given in I show that the difference
single-layer and two-layer stratification models of ground
A comparison of the FEM and experimental results for conductivity is small. The sensitivity of the results in general
capacitance is given in Fig. 15. Because of the constant ground to changes in ground conductivity is thus also small. The

Fig. 17. Effective ground permittivity as function of frequency.

greater than that of the running rails, and this is consistent

with the different cross section and height above the ground.
However, (19) and (20) do not include any component due
to internal self inductance, for which the necessary correction
will enhance agreement between theory and experiment.
Although the experimental measurements rely on prior
10 100 lk 10k 1 OOk knowledge of the self impedances to obtain the mutual im-
Frequency (W pedances, the FEM technique has previously been fully vali-
dated by laboratory measurements of the running rail internal
impedance. The agreement between practical measurements
Fig. 16. Track capacitance and susceptance matrix element values as
function of frequency. and FEM is shown in Fig. 12.
The experimental and FEM results for running rail self
and mutual conductance are also in good agreement, though
analytical and FEM derived self and mutual resistances differ it is important to remember that the various tests were per-
by a factor of ten. This may be understood by considering how formed on different occasions and take no account of any
the Carson-Pollaczek theory is implemented by Bickford's environmental changes that may have taken place in the
equations. In both the Carson model, with constant ground soil substructure with time. The previously measured ground
conductivity, and the Bickford model, with a two-layer ground conductivity profiles with depth and frequency do, however,
model, the self and mutual resistances as evaluated by the supply accurate data for the FEM model, accounting for the
real parts of the equations are equal to each other. Moreover, excellent match obtained.
according to (19) and (29), the resistance magnitudes are In carrying out the FEM conductance and capacitance mod-
also unaffected by the actual numerical value of the ground eling independently, implicit assumptions were made about
conductivity. Since it might be expected that the size and the relative magnitude of the conductance and susceptance
distribution of ground eddy currents, and hence the associated components for each physical configuration since a com-
power losses, are affected by conductor proximity to the prehensive field model should strictly take into account at
ground and rail shape, the analytic theory must contain simpli- the same time both conductive and displacement currents.
fying assumptions. The equality of the resistance components The running rail conductance results are based on a mea-
is also unrealistic, since their numerical values should be sured stratified conductivity-depth profile and good agreement
dependent on conductor separation. The theory of Carson- between experimental tests and FEM is obtained. Similar
Pollaczek is commonly applied to the study of overhead line independent data for a stratified ground permittivity profile
power and harmonic frequency propagation under ground- was, however, not available and the model assumes that the
return conditions, for which eddy current losses in the ground permittivity is constant with depth. The numerical value of
would usually be negligible. Although Bickford claims the effective permittivity has been determined by comparing FEM
equations are generally valid, for conductors in close proximity with experimental measurements between the running rails at
to the ground the fundamental assumptions regarding contact variable frequency. The result is the permittivity-frequency
impedance and the neglect of displacement currents should be relationship of Fig. 17. This technique for determination of
re-examined [29]. effective permittivity by rail-rail capacitance measurement is
Examination of the impedance results in Figs. 12 and 13 essentially similar to that reported by Mayhan and Bailey [30],
shows that the mutual reactance displays good agreement be- and shows the same increase of permittivity as frequency
tween experiment and theory, being smallest when the rails are is decreased. However, the very large permittivity values in
closest together. This can be explained by the rail geometric Fig. 17 at low frequencies are greater than those reported in
contribution, (34),with the large rail cross sections distorting reference [30].
the magnetic flux, and producing a nonlinear screening effect Because the power rail admittance is dominated by ca-
(shown in Fig. 5). The self inductance of the power rail is pacitance, there is confidence in the model of power rail

to running rail capacitance. The unavailability of accurate J. Holtz and H.-J. Klein, “The propagation of harmonic currents gen-
ground permittivity data was of little consequence because erated by inverter-fed locomotives in the distributed overhead supply
system,” IEEE Trans. Power Electron., vol. 4, pp. 168-174, Apr. 1989.
the capacitance is dominated by the rail-ground air gap rather W. Machczynski, “Currents and potentials in earth-return circuits ex-
than the exact value of ground permittivity. The experimental posed to alternating current electric railways,” IEE Proc., vol. 129B,
results for self capacitance and susceptance could not be no. 5, pp. 279-288, Sept. 1982.
A. Rosen, “Interferencein railway lineside telephone cable circuits from
checked by FEM using the constant ground permittivity model, 25 kV 50 Hz traction systems,” Institution of Railway Signal Engineers
because the result would be dependent on the assumed depth pro^., pp. 55-79, 1958.
S. D. Jacimovic, “Maximum permissible values of step and touch
of the ground plane, rather than on the value of permittivity voltages with special consideration to electrified railroads,” IEEE Trans.
chosen. A decreasing permittivity profile with depth would Ind. Appl., VOI. IA-20, pp. 935-941, JulylAUg. 1984.
have been required for the self capacitance to be independent R. E. Shaffer, “Design of DC powered rail transit systems to minimize
stray currents,” Materials Performance, vol. 21, no. 9, pp. 17-22, Sept.
of the position of the ground plane in the model. 1982.
P. Vernon, “Stray-current corrosion control in metros,” Institutwn of
Civil Engineers Proc., vol. 80, pt. 1, pp. 641-650, June 1986.
VIII. CONCLUDING REMARKS T. A. Kneschke, “Design considerations for the DART traction electri-
fication system,” in Proc. 1987 IEEEIASME Joint Railroad Conference,
Analytical models for rail track self and mutual impedance Toronto, Canada, April 21-23, 1987, New York: IEEE, pp. 1-11.
B. Mellitt, “Data-transmission characteristicsof railway track,” Electron
based on the established Carson-Pollaczek theory have been Lett., vol. 9, no. 23, pp, 550-551, Nov. 1973.
evaluated using ground conductivity data obtained from local J. R. Carson, “Wave propagation in overhead wires with ground return,”
measurements of ground conductance. Both single-layer and Bell Syst. Tech. J., vol. 5 , pp. 539-56, Oct. 1926.
F. Pollaczek, “Uber das Feld einer unendlich langen wechselstrom-
two-layer conductivity data have been used. The finite element durchflossenen Einfachleitung,” E.N.T., vol. 3, no. 9, pp. 339-359,
method has been applied to establish the validity of the 1926.
analytical models, and a practical method has been described G. Haberland, “Theorie der Leitung von Wechselstrom durch die
Erde,” Zeitschrifi f i r Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik, vol. 6,
for the measurement of the mutual impedance between the pp. 366-379, 1926.
individual rails in an electrified rail track. The experimental R. J. Hill and D. C. Carpenter, “Determination of rail internal impedance
for electric railway traction system simulation,” IEE Proc.-B, vol. 138,
technique relies on the separability of the track impedance and no. 6, pp. 311-321, Nov. 1991.
admittance for short track lengths. Due to the inaccessibility W. M. Telford, L. P. Geldart, R. E. Sheriff, and D. A. Keys, Applied
of the remote ground, the method requires prior knowledge Geophysics. Cambridge U K CUP 1976.
R. J. Hill, D. C. Carpenter, and T. Tasar, “Railway track admit-
of the rail self impedance, and this is obtained using the tance, earth-leakage effects and track circuit operation,” in Proc. 1989
FEM model. Self and mutual impedance results are given IEEEIASME Joint Railroad Conf., Philadelphia, PA, April 25-27, 1989,
for a frequency range between 25 Hz and 40 kHz. Good New York IEEE, pp. 55-62.
D. C. Carpenter and R. J. Hill, “A continuous-function ground conduc-
agreement is obtained between all the methods, and the results tivity model for the determination of electric railway earth conductance,”
are interpreted physically utilizing the concept of induced and IEEE Trans. Geosci Remote Sensing, to be published.
conductive currents in the weakly conducting ground. F. W. Grover, Inductance Calculatwns. New York Dover 1973.
R. J. Hill and D. C. Carpenter, “Modelling of nonlinear rail impedance
The self and mutual conductances and capacitances have in AC traction power systems,” presented at the Int. Conf. Harmonics
been obtained by a combination of field modeling using in Power Systems: ICHPS N,Budapest, Hungary, Oct. 4-6 1990, pp.
FEM and practical tests on the same short track length. F. C. Alvarado and R. Betancourt, “An accurate closed-form approxi-
The model of ground conductivity used as data in the FEM mation for ground retum impedance,” Proc. IEEE, vol. 71, pp. 279-80,
model has a multi-layer variation with depth and frequency. Feb. 1983.
M. Nakagawa and K. Iwamoto, “Earth-return impedance for the multi-
Good agreement is obtained between FEM and experimental layer case,’’ IEEE Trans. Power Apparatus Syst., vol. PAS-95, pp.
results for the running rail self and mutual conductances. 671-4576, MarJApr. 1976.
The assumption of an equivalent constant permittivity with A. Ametani, “Stratified earth effects on wave propagation - frequency
dependent parameters,” in Proc. IEEE PES Wnter Meeting, New York,
depth and frequency is sufficient to model the power rail to Jan. 27-Feb. 1, 1974, New York IEEE, pp. 1233-1239.
running rail mutual capacitances to a high degree of accuracy. J. P. Bickford, N. Mullineux, and J. R. Reed, Computation of Power
However, exact knowledge of the permittivity depth and System Transients. London, U.K.: Peter Peregrinus, 1976.
M. R. G . Klewe, Interference Between Power Systems and Telecommu-
frequency dependencies would be required for more accurate nications Lines. London, U.K.: Edward h o l d , 1958.
modeling of the self capacitance of the power rail. E. D. Sunde, Earth Conduction Effects in Transmission System. New
York: Dover, 1968.
A. Rosen, “Formulas and tables for mutual inductance between pardel
circuits with earth retum,” Proc. IEE, vol. 118, no. 9, pp. 1227-1236,
The authors acknowledge Prof. D. Rodger and Dr. P. A. Den, G. Tevan, A. Semlyen, and A. Castanheira, “The complex
ground return plane. A simplified model for homogeneous and multi-
Leonard at the University of Bath, England, for the use of layer earth return,” IEEE Trans. Power Apparatus Sys&, vol. PAS-100,
the FEM package MEGA. pp. 3686-93, Aug. 1981.
W. H. Wise, “Propagation of high-frequency currents in ground return
circuits,” Pmc. IRE,vol. 22, no. 4, pp. 522-527, Apr. 1934.
REFERENCES R. G. Olsen and T. A. Pankaskie, “On the exact, Carson and image
theories for wires at or above the earth’s interface,” IEEE Trans.Power
R. J. Hill, S. L. Yu, and N. J. Dunn, “Rail transit chopper traction Apparatus Syst., vol. PAS-102, pp. 769-778, Apr. 1983.
interference modelling using the SPICE circuit simulation package,” R. J. Mayhan and R, E. Bailey, “An indirect measurement of the effec-
IEEE Trans. Veh. TechnoL, vol. 38, pp. 237-246, Nov. 1989. tive dielectric constant and loss tangent of typical concrete roadways,”
R. J. Hill, “Train position detection and track-train data transmission IEEE Trans.Antennas Propagat., vol. AP-23, pp. 565-569, July 1975.
using audio frequency track circuits,” J. Electrical and Electronics D. C. Carpenter and R. J. Hill, “The effect of magnetic saturation,
Engineering Australia, vol. 5 , no. 4, pp. 267-277, Dec. 1985. hysteresis and eddy currents on rail track impedance,” in Pmc. 1989

IEEEIASME Joint Railroad Conj, Philadelphia, PA, April 25-27, 1989, David C. Carpenter was bom in England on
New York IEEE, pp. 73-79. September 8, 1956. He received the B.Sc. degree
[32] M. N. 0. Sadiku, “A simple introduction to finite element analysis from the University of Southampton, England,
of electromagnetic problems,” IEEE Trans. Education, vol. E-32, pp. in 1978 and the M.Phil. degree from Coventry
85-93, May 1989. Polytechnic, England in 1989.
[33] M. N. 0. S a d h , “A further introduction to finite element analysis In 1979 he hecame a Computer-Aided Design
of electromagnetic problems,” IEEE Trans. Education, vol. E-34, pp. Engineer at GEC Machines Ltd, Rugby, England,
322-329, NOV.1991. where he was involved in the design of large
[34] J. F. Eastham and D. Rodger, “Differential methods, finite elements and induction motors. In 1982, he became a Lecturer
applications,” in Industrial Applications of Electromagnetic Computer (Senior Lecturer from 1984) in Electrical Engineer-
Codes, Y . R. Crutzen, G. Molinari, and G. Rubinacci, a s . Dordrecht, ing at Coventry Polytechnic, England. From 1986
The Netherlands: Kluwer, 1990, pp. 51-79. to 1987 he was a Visiting Professor at Lalcehead University, Canada, where
[35] P. P. Silvester and R. L. Ferrari, FiniteEZementsforEZecrricaZEngineers. he extended his research interests to intersystem satellite communications
Cambridge, U K CUP, 1983. interference analysis. Between 1988 and 1991 he has been a Research O a c e r
[36] D. C. Carpenter and R. J. Hill, “Rail impedance modelling for DC- at the University of Bath, England, working on the modeling of electric
fed railway traction simulation,” in Proc. M T E D Int. Symp. Applied traction systems, with special reference to the development of simulation
Simulation and ModeZZing, Lugano, Switzerland, June 18-20, 1990, techniques for EMC. Mr. Carpenter is now an Applications Engineer at Vector
Anaheim, Ck. Acta Press, pp. 105-108. Fields Ltd., Oxford, England, responsible for developments in electromagnetic
field computation with finite-element methods.
Mr.Carpenter is a Member of the IEE (UK).

R John Hill was hom in Somerset, England, on

July 3, 1948. He received the B.Eng. degree in
electronics and the Ph.D. degree in power electrical
engineering from the University of Liverpool, Eng-
land, in 1969 and 1973, and the M.A. degree from
the University of Cambridge, England, in 1983.
From 1973 to 1980he was a Design and Develop-
ment Engineer for London Underground Railways
working on automatictrain control systems. In 1980
he became a Ledurer (Senior Lecturer from 1990) at
Cambridge University Engineering Department and
in 1983 a Fellow of King’s College, Cambridge, England. Since 1986 he
has been a Lecturer at the University of Bath, England. His current research
interests are in the modeling of railway traction systems, and he has published
over 75 technical papers on power electronics and rail traction, electrification
and control systems.
Dr. Hill is a Member of the IEE (UK) and the Institute of Physics (UK).
In 1988 he was awarded the IEEE Vehicular Technology Society prize for the
best paper presented at the Joint ASME/IEEE Railroad Conference.

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