Personal Philosophy in A Career of Nursing-1

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A Personal Experience Influencing My Nursing Philosophy

Rosalinda Rojas

School of Nursing, James Madison University

NSG 463: Professional Role Transition

Professor Nena Powell

September 25, 2022

A Personal Experience Influencing My Nursing Philosophy


Each individual in the workforce has reasons, beliefs or values that lead them to their careers.

Regardless of career differences, we each uphold certain values that display unique qualities that

factor in how we perform our professional career. To explore a personal philosophy, one must

become aware of these values and act upon them in their careers. This paper reflects the

discovery of my personal philosophy in the career of nursing that involves emotional experiences

leading to an increase chance of making a greater impact in one’s life.

A Personal Experience Influencing My Nursing Philosophy

Philosophies can be interpreted in many ways and can vary on the individual. According

to Beth Black, a philosophy can be summarized as an individual’s underlying thought, belief or

guide that influences their actions or behaviors in life or professional careers (2020). This

explains some of the internal factors that drives a person to explore who they are and why.

Throughout nursing school, I became aware of my personal philosophy and deeply explored the

influences that shaped my perspective regarding my career. My personal philosophy in nursing

stemmed from an eye-opening experience at the age of 16, when I met my grandmother. My

grandmother lived in a rural area in Mexico, a location considered as a 3rd world country. Within

the summer months that I got to spend with my grandmother, I noticed symptoms related to her

health that were not normal. These symptoms progressed quickly which further declined her

wellbeing and ultimately led to her death. The circumstances of my grandmother’s death taught

me early on of the inadequate availability of healthcare resources and led to my discovery of her

causative factors of her death, Heart Failure and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease or

COPD. Due to lack of medical knowledge or inexperience surrounding my grandmother’s death,

I was determined to be involved in a healthcare profession where I can contribute to the care of

wellness in patients. This influenced me on my philosophy in the career of Nursing; To make a

positive impact to patients’ lives, in a manner of genuine and compassionate care, while

encouraging health awareness that increases one’s quality of life. Certain goals, job positions and

values are other influences on my philosophy.

As mentioned above, I was determined to be in a health

care profession after experiencing my grandmother’s death. First, I started to volunteer 48 hours

a month with a rescue squad which exposed me to various aspects of emergency patient care

services. This led to my certification as an Emergency Medical Technician or EMT. I learned

A Personal Experience Influencing My Nursing Philosophy

medical knowledge and critical skills necessary to perform care of the sick or injured patients.

My experience as an EMT led to other job opportunities that advanced my knowledge in bedside

care as a tech within the Emergency Room or ER. Not only did my new role as an Emergency

Room Technician improve my critical thinking skills and build onto the foundation of patient

care, but it also solidified my decision in becoming a Registered Nurse. After a thorough

research of what the career of nursing is, I knew without a doubt that this career will be the

ultimate way to achieve my goals and aspirations.

After completing nursing school, I identified future goals as a professional nurse. One

goal is to take steps to truly educate and promote health wellness in local communities,

especially the underserved populations. I want to make health resources known and accessible,

inform people about diseases, spread awareness of worrisome symptoms and advise people on

the importance of preventive screenings. I want to not only provide care locally, but I also want

to provide care worldwide. I aspire is to be a part of a non-profit organization that allows medical

professionals to volunteer their time and provide free humanitarian aid to 3rd world

countries/cities. As a nurse who comes from a Mexican American culture, I also want to be a

role model to other minorities and inspire them to break generational barriers or challenges

associated with pursuing a professional career. However, with these goals and aspirations in

mind, I learned important values that contribute to my philosophy in nursing.

Nursing values that are crucial to me as a healthcare provider are humility, humaneness

and empathy. These values empower me to establish a therapeutic relationship to my patients by

remaining non-judgmental, humble and express genuine care and respect. These values remind

me to care for patients in the way that I would have wanted for my grandmother. According to

Denehy, values can change as we adjust to different phases in life and can adapt to support newer
A Personal Experience Influencing My Nursing Philosophy

practice within the nursing profession (2001). I hope my current values can strengthen my future

career and provide more wisdom to my character.

All in all, each person has a philosophy or belief in something. My humbling and eye-

opening experience with my grandmother is why I have a strong desire to do more than treating

the sick or injured and the reason why I want to impact many lives through health promotion.

Through this, I may be able to impact families or loved ones with adequate healthcare resources,

that could expand their quality life and possibly make a difference, like it would have if my

grandmother had that opportunity. My philosophy of making positive impacts to one’s life

through genuine and compassionate care, while encouraging health awareness to better increase

one’s quality of life, continues to guide me to where I am today.

A Personal Experience Influencing My Nursing Philosophy


Black, B. P. (2020). Professional nursing: Concepts & challenges. (Pg. 192-193). Elsevier.

Denehy, J. (2001). Articulating your philosophy in nursing. The Journal of School Nursing,

17(1), 1-2. doi: 10.1177/105984050101700101

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