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Assessment Details – HR5053 Organisation Design

and ...
Module Assessments (Summative)

If not
pass on
Assessm % explain
Description Date
ent Weight what is
of Item Due
Method ing require
d to
Individu Workbook 30  Friday  NA
al sections over 2nd
Student six weeks Decemb
Workbo based on er 2022 -
ok materials 3pm
covered in the
ar  3-8
Individu 70 Friday 1 NA
2,500 word
al Essay 6th
essay on a
choice of
er 2022 -
Formative feedback
You will be given the opportunity for formative verbal
feedback on one draft of your workbook (per weekly
topic - if you would like to ask about a certain question
you need to ask it in the topic week when the workbook
is released [not last minuite!]) and essay (looking at
general questions and formatting). 
Workbook sections
There will be a set of questions each week from week 3
to week 8. These are all located in the Workbook
sections folder in Weblearn. You should complete each
section soon after the session that week, because the
questions will relate to material covered either in the
lecture of the seminar. Each of your workbook sections
should total 150 words (excluding reference lists). You
should cite and reference using Harvard standards. You
need to integrate your six sections into one document
for submission by Friday 2nd December 2022 -
3pm using the (Assessment 1) link in Turnitin. 
These are the criteria on which your workbooks will be
Reliability and quality of definitions used
Use/relevance of empirical evidence
Citation and referencing according to Harvard
referencing standards.
I have added a model answer of the first section for
your guidance (see the documents in the Assessment
details folder).
You will be presented with a set of three possible essay
questions (end of week 5) from which you need to
choose one question. Your essay should total 2500
words. You should cite and reference using Harvard
standards. You need to submit the essay by Friday 16th
December 2022 - 3pm using the (Assessment 2) link in
These are the criteria on which your essay will be
 Coherent and logical structure
 Clearly focused on the chosen essay question/topic
 Applies relevant theory and concepts to discuss and
explain the issues
 Evidence of critical engagement with empirical
 Harvard referencing and citation

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