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Ad Layout

Seen this type of ad get at least 5x ROAS (even in late 2022) across
numerous brands. It will be a difficult ad to make. It performs well for a
reason. Because it is hard, and because it is high-quality. The effort is
surely worth it, is it not?

(The ad should be between 60-90 seconds)

Here is the breakdown:

1. First Three Seconds (Hook): Demonstrating theProduct.

a. Take a video as long as it needs to be (eg. 90 seconds), and
then speed it up.
b. Speed it up so the entire video (regardless of how long the
original is) is three seconds.
c. This will be the first clip in the video.
2. Starting at Three Seconds: Introducing the Expert
a. Right near the end of the hook, introduce the expert.
b. Make sure there are subtitles on the screen with your name
such as “Rob: Here with (expert).” Adding the name to the
subtitle is important to indicate someone is talking and they
aren’t just ordinary subtitles.
c. Always make sure to add subtitles because Facebook videos
are muted by default.
d. Show your face and the face of the expert.
e. This clip should be four seconds or so, and should start 4
seconds in and end 8 seconds in.
3. Show the Expert’s Highlight Reel
a. Show some clips or background demonstrating the expert’s
knowledge/credibility/resume/etc. in order to build more trust
and prove they are an expert.
i. Show videos
ii. Show media headlines
iii. Show degrees and certifications
iv. Show anything that would help build the case.
b. This should last around 6-10 seconds and should start 8
seconds in and end around 16 seconds in.
c. The expert doesn’t even need to be world class. If you sell a
self-help product, it could be a psychologist. If you sell a food
product, it could be a dietician. Anything works, as long as there
is perceived credibility.
4. Introduce the Product Again
a. The product was demonstrated during the hook (sped up) but
now you should introduce it fully.
b. The owner/founder should introduce the product (visually and
verbally) and then ask the expert why someone would like a
product like this.
c. Make sure to show the product, and then cut to clips of the
expert and founder talking.
d. The expert should give a 20-40 second monologue as to why
someone might want this product.
e. It is important for this to start by showing the expert’s face, but
then cutting to different clips and angles of the product to make
sure the video remains engaging, while the expert
f. The best way to do this is to shoot B Roll (background clips
separately), and then get the expert to do voiceover (or use
audio from the original clip over the background shots).
5. Music
a. Put some background music over the entire clip.
b. Make sure it isn’t too loud where it disturbs the quality of the
c. Make the background music “fit” with your product. If you are
selling some essential oils, don’t put hardcore rock-n-roll music.
6. Bonus: Video Testimonials
a. If you have video testimonials from any customers, put them at
the end of the video
b. Put three or more if you have them
c. They should be 10 seconds each or less
7. CTA Screen
a. At the very end of the video, put a CTA screen with a Shop Now
button and the offer.
b. Bonus: Add three bullet points on the CTA screen with the top
three benefits of buying the product.

Example of this type of ad:

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