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Teaching Evaluation in North

South University
A Research Report on the above topic for “ENG105 – ADVANCED
COMPOSITION” course as a partial course completion requirement.

Prepared for

Instructor: Shireen Huq

Course: ENG105,

Section 13

Prepared by
Sadia Benta Mohoshin

ID # 0930462030

Course: ENG105,


Submission Date: 11.04.2012


I would like to thank all the students of North South University who helped me by
participating in the questionnaires of the survey and allowing me to complete my
research within the deadline. I would also like to thank my course instructor, Ms
Shireen Huq for her guidance, support, instructions and all out cooperation in writing
the research paper.


This research paper is on the topic “Teaching Evaluation in North South University”.
Teaching Evaluation is a process of evaluating the faculties by the students involved in
their courses at the end of every semester. The main purpose of teaching evaluation in is
to provide information and feedback to the faculties or the instructors so that they can
improve themselves, add materials to the course and also improve the quality of the way
they teach the students here. This is a very important system to be done in almost every
institute because professional practice needs to be improved, be up to date and always be

Through this research, I wanted to find out that are the results really accurate of the
evaluation or not. My hypothesis was that the students evaluating their respective
faculties are not serious about the teaching evaluation and thus these effects the teaching
evaluation results, the method of teaching as well as other factors. However, I also
expected to find out what is teaching evaluation for the students and some reasons
through which I can prove my hypothesis to be true. I am glad that my hypothesis has
been proved right through my questionnaire of the survey. Interestingly, I have found
out certain information about some dishonesty while evaluation. I also tried using a few
secondary sources like, taking interview from a few students about my hypothesis.

I faced difficulty in doing the secondary research since I had fewer time in my hand and
that students were unwilling to talk about the topic and give me time. Therefore I had
difficulty to find out information from the secondary source.


Introduction ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5

Background------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6

Areas of Research ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 7

Hypothesis ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8

Methodology ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9

Primary data and presentation and analysis ----------------------------------------- 10 -18

Survey Questionnaire------------------------------------------------------------------- 19 - 21

Conclusion ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 21

Recommendation……………………………………………………………… 22 - 24

Bibliography------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 25



Teaching Evaluation is a systematic process which is mainly done almost in every

educational institute in Bangladesh as well as also practiced in other foreign countries.
Teaching evaluation can have many purposes like collecting feedback which later helps
to improve professional skills as well as the course material. This might also help for
taking personal decisions of a faculty or even help the institute to know about the faculty
well as well as what the students think of him or her. Therefore an individual faculty can
develop him or her throughout the whole semester and the upcoming semesters.

The students of the target area, that is students of North South University has to
evaluate the faculties after every semester by answering a number of questions regarding
the course material, performance of the faculty in class and so on. The topic “Teaching
Evaluation in North south University” seemed to be interesting to me due to a number of
reasons. Firstly, as a 8th semester student it is obvious that I have evaluated many times
and every time I evaluate I find students who are not willing to do so. I saw students
evaluating on behalf of their friends too. Therefore, I decided that I would like to work on
the above topic which hopefully would contribute a higher significance to the institute.


The research paper is based on the topic “Teaching Evaluation in North South
University”. Since this is a research done based on the students of North South University
and also is a course completion requirement this was not possible to know that whether
any research were done on this topic or not through the university.

It is earlier stated that the evaluation takes place after each semester but are we actually
aware of the fact that the results are accurate or not? What are the thoughts running in the
students mind with the topic? Are there actually in dishonesty or any factors present
which effects the result of evaluation? I am glad to say that the entire research completes
all the above information as well as the research paper will tell us some more interesting

Areas of Research

The area of the research is the students of North South University answering their
idea of evaluation, preference on the peer form, likings /disliking about the process, way
of answering the questions and many more.

I wanted to know about the following information through this area of research and
they are listed below:

1. Are the results accurate of teaching evaluation?


Are the students providing correct answers to evaluate the faculties?

2. What are the factors effecting the results?

3. Some other information which later shows that the hypothesis I made was right.

I hope the research will be helpful for the institute to improve its current status of
evaluation. This will be clearer as I continue my report.


My hypothesis for the topic “Teaching Evaluation in North South University” includes:
“How accurate are the results of teaching evaluation in North South University”


The methodology I have used in this research can be basically divided into two parts,
primary data collection and secondary data collection. The two methodologies will be
shortly discussed below.

Primary data collection

I prepared a survey questionnaire for the area of my research in order to get

my primary research to be completed. The questionnaire included a total of 11 questions
which also included certain demographic questions. A sample of thirty students
participated on the survey which included both the male and female of fifteen boys and
fifteen girls approximately. The primary data are presented through pie-charts in

Secondary data collection

I had a short talk with some students regarding the research topic as well as hypothesis.
This was more or less like a short interview with them and the results in the secondary
data collection will be discussed in the later pages.

Primary data presentation and analysis

Regular student vs. irregular student

The first requirement of the survey questionnaire was the ratio between the regular and
the irregular student. This was mainly done because of that both regular and irregular
student have to do the evaluation. Therefore in that case I wanted to find out through my
research that whether there are any basic differences between the regular and irregular
students evaluation. Is it only that the irregulars are not evaluating properly or the both?
The figure below represents the data provided by the sample which says 93% students are
regular and 7% are irregular at their class. Later it will be seen that both the regular and
the irregular says that majority does not give much importance to the teaching evaluation.

Fig: Pie-chart representing the percentage of regular and irregular students

who participated in the survey

regular 93%
not regular 7%


10 | P a g e
Perspective of teaching evaluation to the students mind

The second requirement was followed by the question of what is actually teaching
evaluation to each of the sample. This was one of my very important requirements in the
research because this could be represented as one of the factors of why my hypothesis
could be proved true. The below pie-chart represents the percentage of sample which says
that 3% says it is very important and 43% says it is important but the majority says that it
is a waste of time and nothing. This again proves my hypothesis to be true.

Fig: Pie-chart representing the percentage of what do the students think of

teaching evaluation.

Very important 3%
Important 43%
Nothing 30%
Waste of time 24 %
Others 0%

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Timing preferred by the students when the evaluation week starts

The third requirement asked that which time did the sample preferred to do the
evaluation. It was seen that almost 44% of the sample forgets about the dates and rush
into the last hour of evaluation while 43% does it anytime they want to and13%
completes the task very quickly taking time to evaluate. This again proves that students
are unwilling to do the teaching evaluation and give less importance to it. The following
pie-chart represents the timing preferred by the students.

Fig: Evaluation time preferred by the students

13% anytime 43%

Rush at the last hour
43% 20%
Forget the dates 24%
Wait for the advising day
20% Important task 13%

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Are the students providing correct answers to all the questions?

This was the next requirement asked in the survey which says that almost half of my
sample says that they answer the questions properly but unfortunately they get tired of
answering the questions while 20% says that they always do it properly. It is unfortunate
that almost 30% of the sample says that they almost randomly answer the question which
again proves my hypothesis to be correct. The following pie chart represents the data
wise percentage of the students.

Fig: Pie-chart representing the correctness of the answers of evaluation

provided by the students

13% 20% Ofcourse 20%

Gets tired 50%
17% Read a few and
answer randomly 17%
Randomly answers

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What does the sample say about the correctness of the answers provided by them in
the teaching evaluation?

As it isshown in the pie-chart almost 80% says that the results are wrong and 20% says
no they are correct. This says that students are aware of the fact that whatever they are
evaluating these are all wrong and cannot be used for further requirements. 20% of the
sample says that it is correct so, we can say that students have still a belief that the results
are right therefore if the recommendation could be followed I think errors might decrease
and we could get more accurate result in the future.

Fig: Pie-chart representing what sample says about the correctness of the
answers in evaluation


Yes 20%
No 80%


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Duration taken by the student while evaluation

To prove my hypothesis that whether it is correct or not I asked students that how do they
usually evaluate. 43% said they do not have enough time to read all the questions and
answer one by one, 27% asks to the friends sitting beside them and 30% says yes they
take time while evaluating. The following pie-chart represents the data.

Fig: Pie chart representing the duration of the evaluation done by the students

43% Yes I do 30 %
Ask fellow mates 27%
No, not enough time! 43%


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Liking Vs. Disliking

The survey says that only 30% of the sample says that they like the process of evaluation
while the majority that is 70% of the students says that they dislike the process.
Graphically the data is represented below.

Fig: Pie chart showing the liking and disliking in the process

Yes No


16 | P a g e
Any change in the process of evaluation?

Students were asked that how many of them wanted a change in the teaching
evaluation method. The answers are shown below in the pie-chart. 30% says yes
while 70% says no. this could be mainly due to that if the methods are changed the
students would not be able to evaluate as like they are doing now.

Fig: Pie-chart representing that any change should take place in the evaluation or not

Yes No


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The last question asked to the sample says that whether students have passed their ID
and password to a friend to evaluate it on behalf of them or vice versa. Interestingly I
found out majority saying that they have done such dishonesty while evaluation.
The majority says that whether they have done it for a friend or they also have given their
password and ID to a friend to evaluate. The later recommendation part will have some
more information on which we can improve the situation. Graphically it is presented as :

Fig: Pie-chart representing the students’ percentage of passing ID and password and

Yes 37%
23% No 12%
No, but have done it for a friend


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Survey Questionnaire

Topic: Teaching Evaluation in North South University

The following questionnaire is prepared on the above topic. I appreciate your honest
answers because all your answers and opinions are valuable as well as will be kept
confidential. Thank you for your patience and support. Please tick your answers.

1. Which semester are you in?


2. Are you a regular student (at least 90% attendance)?

a. Yes b. No

3. What is teaching evaluation to you?

a. very important b. important c. nothing d. waste of time e. others (please

…………………………………. ……

4. Teaching evaluation usually continues for more than a week. Which time do you
usually evaluate?

a. This is one of my important task to be completed

b. I do it whenever I feel like
c. I rush into the room at the last hours
d. I usually forget about the dates of evaluation
e. I wait for the advising day

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Do you answer the questions correctly?

a. Of course everyone should do it.

b. Yes but sometimes I get tired of answering
c. I read a few and then answer randomly
d. I randomly answer all of them.

5. Do you think the results of evaluation are always right?

a. Yes b. No

6. Do you usually take time to evaluate?

a. Yes I do
b. Sometimes I ask my fellow mates who sits next to me
c. No, not enough time!

7. D you like the process of teaching evaluation in North South University?

a. Yes b. No

8. Do you think any change should be done to the process?

a. Yes b. No

9. If you answered “yes” in the previous question, please specify


10. Did you ever pass your ID and password to a friend to evaluate it on behalf of you?

a. Yes b. No c. No, but I have done it for one of my


20 | P a g e

To conclude it is all I can say is my hypothesis have been almost proved right. Since
there was a shortage of time I had to work with a very small sample. Hopefully I could
have proved my hypothesis more clearly and more accurately if I had the chance of
increasing my sample size. Students in the survey were found less interesting on the
research topic. It is a very negligible task to be done every semester for the majority but
as we all know how important it is but the fact is although we are aware of the
importance of the teaching evaluation but moreover students are unwilling or disliking
the process. Last of all I would say, the survey I conducted says that certain change in the
process might end up with more accurate but not 100% accurate results

21 | P a g e

Certain changes in the process of evaluation might help the situation that is, get results
which will be approximately correct. The following gives a short description on the new
changes of the teaching evaluation process. The ideas are to make it interesting to the

1. Regular change in the evaluation questions in each semester might sound interesting
to the students and increase their willingness to see the change in the questions.

2. Current questions of the evaluation might be reduced to decrease the students so

called “hassle”!

3. Current evaluation questions include multiple choice questions with 4/5 options
which could be turned into yes/no questions and make it more interesting to the

4. Involve an invigilator in the teaching evaluation room to invigilate the students ID

with the photos and the face to avoid dishonesty.

5. A change in the process could be done by using the “Mid Semester Evaluation”
process could be followed like as the foreign countries. This sort of evaluation is
basically short and done in the class by providing the students a page with certain
question after their first mid . A sample is provided below
Teaching Assistant Fellows, University of Wisconsin-MadisonCollege of Engineering, 1994, Ed
Spring 1997.

22 | P a g e
Sample Feedback/Mid-semester evaluation form

Course/Section____________ Faculty__________________ Date___________

 Do I speak audibly and clearly? (Yes) (No)


 Can you read my writing? (Yes) (No)


 Are the course syllabus and reading

assignments clear?
(Yes) (No)

 Did you understand all the instructions and

Class procedures that I announced?
(Yes) (No)

 Do you find my teaching-style suitable for

this class?
(Yes) (No)

 Do I encourage questions, involvement

and debate?

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(Yes) (No)

 Do I answer questions effectively? (Yes) (No)


 Do you have any scheduling conflict with

the office hours?
(Yes) (No)

 Is the pace of the course about right? (Yes) (No)


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1. Research proposal
2. Topic approval
3. Questionnaire approval
4. A survey questionnaire

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