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Name of Intern: Sharrah Laine Alivio Name of Institution: New Day Recovery Center
Date Activity Learning Insights Supervisor’s

Orientation I am so thankful that our supervisor gave us time to be

properly oriented regarding our internship. During the
orientation we were introduced to the staff. I have given
important information regarding how the Center operates,
the center’s policies and procedures. That information
reminded me to be more careful especially in dealing with
the residents and patients since I don’t want to make
mistakes that would affect them negatively. The orientation
also made me understand my responsibilities as a masteral
intern. It also allows me to assess my professional growth
needs and determine learning goals to be achieved. I am
really looking forward to the learning that this internship
would give me and I am sure that this experience would be
very helpful in my career.

Name of Intern: Sharrah Laine Alivio Name of Institution: New Day Recovery Center

Date Activity Learning Insights Supervisor’s

July 28, 2018- MORNING
It is for the first time that I have experienced observing in a
Multiple Family Therapy. It is there that I have discover
Multiple Family that it is a type of therapy consists of meeting of two or
Therapy observation
more families gathered together to discuss common
problems. In this case, those are the families whose one
family member is a resident of the center under Addiction
Program. As I have listened to the discussion, I have
understood more the importance of family on the resident’s
or client’s recovery. I know that addiction recovery is a
lifelong process and it requires a lifelong commitment,
those people with substance use disorder will not just going
to come home from an addiction rehab facility “cured” from
addiction. He or she will take sobriety day-by-day, and will
need to turn his or her focus towards long-term recovery.
This emphasize the role of the family members as crucial to
helping their love ones focus on his health and recovery.

Name of Intern: Sharrah Laine Alivio Name of Institution: New Day Recovery Center
Date Activity Learning Insights Supervisor’s
This is the first time that I have been assigned
under Behavioral Management Program. I admit
Behavioral Management Program that I was quite nervous because as what have
Meditation and News reporting
with the residents. heard before, dealing and communicating with
people with behavioral problem is somewhat
Attending mass with residents
and patients. difficult. Because of this things that I have heard
from the past, I became too conscious of the words
that may come out from my mouth because I don’t
want to say something that would change of affect
their mood and emotion. As I have participated in
the meditation and listened to the processing part ,
especially those part where they have shared some
of their experiences, it reminded me of the fact that
certain life events are likely to prompt people to
exhibit periods of behavioral issues as what the
residents have shared.

Name of Intern: Sharrah Laine Alivio Name of Institution: New Day Recovery Center

Date Activity Learning Insights Supervisor’s

This afternoon, I just spend my time reading
different sample of Treatment plan both for short
Reading of sample Treatment term and long term. As I read these samples, it
plan and chart reading of past
resident. became clearer to me the purpose of being in this
field, which is to heal. Alleviating symptoms of a
concerning issue or condition is the main purpose
of Psychology, to promote a healthy wellbeing,
strives to change, influence, or control behavior to
make constructive and lasting changes in people's
lives. Being able to hold and read a compilation of
treatment plan made me think how much effort and
dedication those medical professional gave to be
able to create treatment plans that outline different
approaches and interventions that can be used to
achieve a certain goal, which is again, to heal. I am
also looking forward on making a comprehensive
treatment plan and case study.

Name of Intern: Sharrah Laine Alivio Name of Institution: New Day Recovery Center

Date Activity Learning Insights Supervisor’s

I can really relate in this morning’s meditation. As I
have participated in this morning’s meditation
Behavioral Management about the past, I have been reminded that even with
Program meditation with the
residents. everything that I have been gone through, life still
works out, and in the end, everything’s going to be
Giving lecture and activity
about Impulse Control. okay. I have experienced beautiful moments of joy,
laughter, and love. I have also experienced
heartbreak, anger, and confusion. All of these
experiences, good and bad, allow me to grow into
someone who is strong and hopeful. Someone who
goes after what she believes in and who cares for
those around her fully and whole-heartedly. I also
appreciated the participation of the residents during
my short lecture about Impulse control, I appreciate
a lot all the sharing and I have learned lessons
through them.

Name of Intern: Sharrah Laine Alivio Name of Institution: New Day Recovery Center

Date Activity Learning Insights Supervisor’s

I have given the chance to share my own priorities

Behavioral Management Program in life during meditation. I have been reminded

meditation and News reporting how important it is to set priorities especially now
with the residents.
that I am already a working adult, I have to juggle
Attending lecture with multiple responsibilities in work and studies. To be
residents /PSUD about Rational
Emotive Behavioral Therapy successful in managing multiple work and family
demands, I must identify my long term goals and
objectives; it is then that I can set daily priorities.
I have also observed and listened in the lecture
about REBT that posits that addictions are caused
by the interplay of cognition, behavior, and images.
The addicted client thinks irrationally, acts self-
defeatingly, and visualizes dysfunctionally. I was
really amazed because I have observed that most or
the residents are already aware of their condition;
acknowledge their condition and they are already
informed about this therapy that is mostly used to
treat their condition.

Name of Intern: Sharrah Laine Alivio Name of Institution: New Day Recovery Center
Date Activity Learning Insights Supervisor’s

This afternoon, I spent all of my time researching

Making power point presentation and making power point presentations for a Drug
for Drug free program seminar
Free Program Seminar. This task have reminded me
with topics about Common
Substance Abuse in the that Alcohol and drugs represent a serious problem
Workplace, Management of for a significant percentage of the working
Common Substance of Abuse, population, especially in some sectors and
Legal Aspects of Substance occupations that’s why it is really a must for the
Abuse and Prevention and different companies to be aware on how to identify
intervention for Substance Abuse. and manage this cases. I have also realize that the
main reasons behind the use of alcohol/drugs at
work can be differentiated into work-related
reasons and social/personal reasons hence, it is
really important to have a good environment and a
good relationship with people whom we interacts at
work. .

Name of Intern: Sharrah Laine Alivio Name of Institution: New Day Recovery Center

Date Activity Learning Insights Supervisor’s

This morning , I have given a chance to lead the
Leading meditation in meditation. I was quite nervous because this is the
Behavioral Management first time that I have experienced this. As we go on
Program through a video
our meditation, I have realized that having this type
entitled Future Self.
of job is not really easy. I have also realized that
Attending Lecture about some of my skills that would be helpful in this type
understanding personality of setting is still needed to be improved if ever I
through defense mechanism. will pursue this type of career in the future. I am
looking forward to more experiences that would
help me improved my skills. I also enjoyed
listening to this morning’s short topic about defense
mechanism. The lecture reminded me of those
defense mechanism that even me is guilty of using
in some situations, and what would be the effect of
those. I also appreciate the residents in sharing their
own experiences about defense mechanisms.

Name of Intern: Sharrah Laine Alivio Name of Institution: New Day Recovery Center

Date Activity Learning Insights Supervisor’s

I would say that this afternoon’s experience is the
most memorable in my whole internship in this
Chart viewing of my assigned
center. I was given a chance to observe the different
client in Psychiatric Ward.
behavior of the patients in Psychiatric ward. I have
encountered familiar faces from my last internship
Observing at the Psychiatric here during bachelor’s degree more than two years
Ward activity area. ago. I was amazed that those patients still
remember me and my co interns and how happy
they are in seeing us again. As I read my assigned
client’s chart, I became so interested in his case. I
have been reminded how someone’s bad past
experiences greatly affects his future. As I was
finishing taking notes of his relevant information, I
saw my client entering the activity area I am
looking forward in meeting my client and being
able to talk to him for me to be able to make a
comprehensive case study of his condition.

Name of Intern: Sharrah Laine Alivio Name of Institution: New Day Recovery Center
Date Activity Learning Insights Supervisor’s

Some of my most rewarding personal growth
explorations that are given by this experienced of
participating in this program’s meditation has
Behavioral Management involved turning weaknesses into strengths. Nothing
Program meditation and News proves to me the value of investing in personal
reporting with the residents. growth more than reflecting upon a strength I can
control with ease and remembering what my life
used to be like when I was weak, unfamiliar,
incompetent, or powerless in that same area. Some
skills that I regularly apply today used to be personal
weaknesses, especially speaking. I wasn’t naturally
good at this skill when I was younger. I committed
to improvement over a period of years, and that
made a world of difference. There’s something
special about applying skills in areas of life that I
used to deliberately avoid. For some reason, all the
obstacles and limiting beliefs I had to overcome to
turn those weaknesses into strengths make it even
more fun and rewarding to apply those skills. When
I was younger, a stage used to be a very scary place.
Just visualizing a stage would make me nervous.
Now I think of a stage as a place to connect with
people and have fun considering the fact that my
chosen field is more on connecting with people.
Name of Intern: Sharrah Laine Alivio Name of Institution: New Day Recovery Center
Date Activity Learning Insights Supervisor’s


I have started making my client’s case report. This

Case Report Making experienced reminded me that every aspect of the
client's life and history needs to be analyzed to
seek patterns and identify my client’s causes of
behavior. Clinical case reports are vitally
important because, like precious gems, they often
represent difference, describing cases and insights
that are out of the ordinary or cases we cannot
encounter every day. Case reports can make a
significant contribution to the education of all
mental health professionals and students, and
enhance our understanding of the patient's journey.

Name of Intern: Sharrah Laine Alivio Name of Institution: New Day Recovery Center
Date Activity Learning Insights Supervisor’s



I really like the meditation that we’ve done this

morning. This made me realize the power of choice.
Behavioral Management I am now in the state of my life where I am already
Program meditation and starting to question myself of all the choices that I
Attending Lecture about stress have made throughout this life and if those choices
management with the APO were really for my own good. I’ve realized that it is
residents. only me who has the lone power to decide for my
life and that I should be more careful in making
choices for it would affect my whole being. The
lecture after the morning meditation was also related
as the lecture talks about stress. The lecture helped
me evaluate my present state being bombarded by
lots of deadlines both from work and academic.

Name of Intern: Sharrah Laine Alivio Name of Institution: New Day Recovery Center
Date Activity Learning Insights Supervisor’s



I have continued making my client’s case report.i

Case Report Making was quite worried since I have found out today
that he was discharged already. I admit that the
information that I have gathered is not yet enough
for me to make a comprehensive psychological
report. I am trying my best to utilize the
information that I have collected. This experience
made me realized more the value of all the
assessment tools. I have been reminded how
important it is to have a complete set of
assessment tools in making a psychological report.

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