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Instantaneous Heat Transfer

Rates and Coefficients Between
the Gas and Combustion
Chamber of a Diesel Engine

N. A. Henein
University of Alexander (Egypt)

International Automotive Engineering Congress

Detroit, Michigan 969B
January 11-15,1965
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Instantaneous Heat Transfer

Rates and Coefficients Between
the Gas and Combustion
Chamber of a Diesel Engine

N. A. Henein
University of Alexander (Egypt)

A PROPER KNOWLEDGE of the instantaneous heat transfer the whole cycle and does not represent the instantaneous
rates and coefficients is necessary for the computation of rate, and in most of the cases includes a part of the friction-
the cyclic wall temperatures and the cyclic thermal stresses al losses.
in any internal combustion engine. This is of special im- In the present work, the instantaneous heat transfer rate
portance in high specific output supercharged engines where was determined from an analysis of temperature traces ob-
the temperature and pressure levels are much higher than tained at the inside surface of the combustion chamber wall
the naturally aspirated ones, and the heat transfer rates and of a diesel engine. The measurement of the instantaneous
coefficients reach relatively high values. wall temperature at the gas-metal interface was made by
Very few attempts have been made in this field because a special thermocouple.
of the complexity of the problems involved. The process
of heat transfer in the engine is cyclic at a high frequency, REVIEW OF PREVIOUS WORK
and the available instruments cannot determine precisely
many of the factors involved. The main difficulty is in the Nusselt (7)* proposed a formula for the coefficient of
determination of the instantaneous heat transfer rate from heat transfer in engines, taking in consideration the effect
the gas to the walls. In steady-state heat transfer problems, of convection and radiation. His formula for the heat trans-
the heat transfer rate is determined from a heat balance and fer coefficient by convection is given by
the area of heat transfer. But in engines, the whole cycle
is completed within a few milliseconds, and it is impossible
to measure the instantaneous heat transfer rate. In many
instances, the engine was treated as a steady-state heat ex-
changer and the rate of heat transfer was calculated from
the heat gained by the cooling medium and an estimated * Numbers in parentheses designate References at end of
area of heat transfer. This gives only the average value over paper.

combustion chamber of a diesel engine. A fair agreement
The instantaneous heat transfer rates and coefficients between the calculated coefficients and Eichelberg' s cor-
were calculated from wall temperature traces obtained with relations was found when the instantaneous gas velocity was
a special thermocouple fitted onto the inside surface of the used instead of the mean piston speed.
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The formula for the heat transfer coefficient by radiation represent the rate of heat transfer per unit area at the same
is given by distance as a function of time. Assume that the heat con-
duction in the wall parallel to the surface is small enough
that it can be neglected. Therefore,

The heat transfer rate at the same point is given by

In the preceding two equations, the pressures are in kg/sq
cm, the temperatures in degrees Kelvin, and the mean pis-
ton speed in meters per second. The total coefficient of
heat transfer is therefore given by
On the surface, x = 0, and Eq. 6 becomes

Eichelberg (4) proposed another formula for the coeffi-

cient of heat transfer by both convection and radiation: The relation between q (0, t) and F (0,t) can be given by the
following equation (2):

It is to be noted that both formulas of Nusselt and Eichel-

berg have been successfully used for the estimation of the
average coefficient of heat transfer from the gas to the cyl-
inder walls over the whole cycle. But it is believed that
they give relatively low values for the instantaneous coef-
ficient of heat transfer, from the gas to the combustion cham-
ber, especially in high speed engines in which the gas v e -
locity inside the cylinder is not only a function of the mean
piston speed, as assumed in Eqs. 1 and 4, but is also a func-
tion of the type of the combustion chamber of the engine.
In a recent investigation (9), Overbye et al. made an ex-
tensive study on a CFR gasoline engine and determined the
instantaneous coefficient of heat transfer at different de-
grees of turbulence. Their experiments were made with the
engine motored and fired. They found that the experimen-
tal results did not agree with the correlations of Eichelberg,
Eq. 4, and in many cases the experimental results gave much
higher values. They suggested a correlation, based on a which is the convolution or Faltung integral of the two func-
theoretical analysis, for the heat transfer in the gasoline en- tions F (t - q) and This convolution can be put in the
gine, which they found to give good results when applied following form:
to the motored engine. But they could not reach a satis-
factory correlation when the engine was fired.


TEMPERATURE MEASUREMENTS Evaluation of Eq. 10 up to any time "t" gives the rate of
heat transfer across the plane of the thermocouple junction.
In this analysis the cylinder wall of the engine is treated
as a semi-infinite solid because the periodic temperature EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURE AND RESULTS
variation on the wall is greatly reduced with the increase
of the distance from the surface (11). The temperature variation of the combustion chamber
Let F (x, t) represent the wall temperature as a function surface was measured by a special type of thermocouple.
of time " t " and a distance " x" from the surface. Let q(x.t) The thermocouple junction consisted of nickel and steel and
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was placed at a distance of 0.00025 in. from the surface. slotted every 3 deg. The alternating voltage generated by
Fig. 1 shows the thermocouple, and Fig. 2 shows the ther- the rotation of the disc was applied to the other channel of
mocouple located in the combustion chamber. The emf the dual beam oscilloscope mentioned above. The corre-
output from the thermocouple was fed through a bridge am- sponding figure obtained on the screen, shown in Figs. 4 and
plifier into one of the channels of a dual beam oscilloscope. 5, consisted of a serrated line across the horizontal diameter
The positionof the crank was indicated by a degree mark- of the screen. Every 3 deg were thereby marked, and the
ing unit, Fig. 3. It consisted of a magnetic pickup unit crank positions were directly determined.
mounted on the flywheel casing, with its pole close to the The gas pressure inside the cylinder was recorded by us-
rim of a disc mounted on the flywheel. The disc rim was ing a pressure pickup unit fitted into the combustion cham-
ber of the engine, Fig. 2. The output of the pickup unit was
fed into the oscilloscope. The traces for the wall temper-
ature, gas pressure, and the crank angles obtained on the
screen were photographed by a Polaroid camera attached
to the oscilloscope; these are shown in Figs. 4 and 5.
The engine used in the tests was a Nordberg, single cyl-
inder, diesel engine. Its combustion chamber was of the
single lobe Lanova type. The engine was run under simu-
lated supercharged conditions. The test conditions for which
the traces were taken, together with the engine specifica-
tions, are given in the Appendix. A detailed description
of the tests and instrumentation is given in a work done by
the author in Ref. 5.
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On the left side of the picture of Fig. 4, two temperature the substitution in Eq. 10. The heat transfer rates obtained
traces are given for two consecutive cycles. This indicates represent the heat transfer across the plane of the thermo-
that the fuel injection into the cylinder is not exactly the couple junction, and were considered to be equal to the heat
same for all cycles. The average of the two traces is con- transfer rates at the surface because the heat stored in the
sidered as representing the wall temperature, from which very thin layer between the plane of the thermocouple junc-
it was calculated and plotted against crank angles in Figs. tion and the surface is very small and can be neglected.
6 and 7. The gas pressure was calculated from the photo- The minimum wall temperature (229.5 F) was consid-
graph of Fig. 5 and is plotted in Fig. 8. The average gas ered to be the reference zero temperature; the crank angle
temperature was computed from the gas pressure and the of 95 deg before the tdc, at which this minimum temper-
equation of state, and is plotted in Fig. 8. ature occurred, was considered as the point of zero time.
ANALYSIS OF DATA - The rate of heat transfer from the The integration was first evaluated in terms of crank angles
gas to the combustion chamber at any crank angle was de- and then multiplied by a constant, which is proportional to
termined by the graphical differentiation of the tempera- the engine speed in order to get the rate of heat transfer with
ture-crank angles diagram shown in Figs. 6 and 7, and by respect to time. The numerical integration was accom-
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plished with the aid of an ordinary desk calculating machine. The coefficient of heat transfer was also computed from
The rate of heat transfer was calculated at 68 points all over Nusselt's formula, Eq. 3, and Eichelberg's formula, Eq. 4.
the cycle, and the results were plotted in Fig. 9. The coef- It was found that the two formulas give near values, and fu-
ficient of heat transfer, plotted in Fig. 10, was calculated ture reference in this investigation will be made only to
from the rate of heat transfer and the difference in temper- computations from Eq. 4. The coefficients calculated from
ature between the gas and the walls. Eq. 4 are plotted in Fig. 10, from which it is noticed that
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the coefficients calculated from the wall temperature reach where M2' is the mass of the gas in the combustion chamber
values much higher than the correlations from Eichelberg's
recess at the same crank angle. The angular velocity is
formula. The main discrepancy is in the compression and
therefore inversely proportional to the square of the cham-
expansion strokes, which is to be expected, owing to the high
ber diameter. This, of course, assumes that no loss of any
instantaneous velocities reached by the gas; these are not
kind occurs during the transfer of the air from the cylinder
taken into consideration in Eichelberg' s formula.
to the chamber recess. Since the transference will cause
CALCULATION OF THE HEAT TRANSFER COEFFICIENT eddies, some losses in the kinetic energy possessed by the
FROM THE INSTANTANEOUS GAS VELOCITY gas are expected to happen. Experiments made by Alcock
(1) showed that the swirl ratio w2 /w1 , caused by the flow
A study of Fig. 11 indicates that the gas velocity in the
combustion chamber is due to the primary and the second- of a mass of air from a bigger diameter to a smaller one,
ary types of turbulence. The primary turbulence occurs dur- varies very nearly inversely as the ratio of the diameters;
ing the compression stroke and is due to the swirl and squish accordingly, Eq. 11 becomes
velocity components. The secondary turbulence starts after
the beginning of combustion and is due to the flow of gases
from the energy cell into the main combustion chamber.
SWIRL VELOCITY - The air swirl is created during the
intake stroke by introducing it into the cylinder through the The swirl velocity for our engine was calculated from
inlet port which is tangential to the piston, as shown in Fig. Eq. 12 at different crank angles, and is plotted in Fig. 14.
12. The swirl produced into the cylinder can be estimated SQUISH VELOCITY - Since the piston is brought to within
from the air flow rate, its temperature and pressure, the area a very small distance from the cylinder head at the tdc po-
of flow through the valve, and the distance from the valve
centerline to cylinder centerline. This swirl is augmented
by transferring the air during the compression stroke to the
combustion chamber recess, which has a diameter less than
that of the cylinder itself.
Assume that the total mass of air in the cylinder, at the
close of the inlet valve, is divided into two parts: M1 in
the main cylinder and M2 in the combustion chamber re-
cess. At the close of the inlet valve, M1 has a swirl w1 , and
and M2 is assumed to have zero swirl velocity. By applying
the principle of conservation of moment of momentum, the
swirl in the combustion chamber at any crank angle can be
given by
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sition, a secondary movement of the air is produced. Its of air contained within the inner cylindrical portion gets
effect is to produce a flow of air radially inward, toward greater and greater. There is thus a transfer of air from the
the combustion chamber recess, by squeezing it from be- annular portion to the cylindrical portion. The area through
tween the piston and cylinder head as they approach each which the displaced gas flows from theannulusis [PD2 (1+n)].
other at the end of the stroke, as shown in Fig. 13.
The squish velocity at the different crank angles is cal-
The streams from opposite sides meet one another and
culated; the results are shown in Fig. 14 for run number 1.*
are therefore deflected upward into the combustion cham-
It is to be noted that the smaller the distance "n,"the higher
ber; on reaching the end of the chamber, they flow radially
will be the maximum squish velocity. In our engine, the
outward toward the outer walls, down which they are again
distance "n" is 0.058 in. and the maximum squish velocity
deflected toward the open end. Here they are met by the reached 61 fps.
air flowing radially inward from between the cylinder and A combination of the rotational swirl and the squish move-
piston, and are then carried round again, producing a tor- ment will result in the combustion chamber, and the par-
toidal movement within the combustion chamber. ticles will move toward the center and upward and then down-
For the calculation of the squish velocity, the gas is con- ward along the walls and inward with an angular velocity.
sidered as being divided into two volumes, Fig. 13, the an-
nulus of which has a volume of
* The conditions for the runs are given in the Appendix.

and the inner cylindrical portion of which has a volume

equal to

As the piston approaches the cylinder head, the total vol-

ume of the gas is reduced, but at the same time the weight
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The final gas velocity is considered to be the resultant of as speed, gas pressure, temperature, and physical properties.
the two components, and is calculated and plotted in Fig. The best correlation was found to be that proposed by Over-
14. On the same figure a horizontal line is drawn to rep- bye (9). Accordingly, the heat transfer rates were put in
resent the mean piston speed. This indicates that,during the dimensionless form of
the compression stroke, the gas velocity in the combustion
chamber reaches its maximum at few degrees before the
tdc, and its value is about nine times the mean piston speed.
Meanwhile, at the beginning of the stroke, the velocity in
the chamber starts from zero and reaches the mean piston
speed at about 15% of the stroke. and plotted against the dimensionless cylinder pressure P*
The instantaneous heat transfer coefficient for the com- = P/P 0 , as shown in Fig. 16. Plotted on the same figure are
pression stroke was calculated by substituting the instanta-
the values obtained from a formula given by Overbye for
neous gas velocity obtained from Fig. 14 in Eq. 4, instead
the compression stroke in a motored gasoline engine when
of the mean piston speed.
it was run under the condition of maximum turbulence (9).
For the expansion stroke, the calculation of the gas v e -
The Peclet number used in the preceding equation for
locity due to secondary turbulence requires additonal data,
our engine is shown for each run on Fig. 16. The increase
which are unavailable at the present time. However, in or-
in the values obtained by Overbye' s formula at the begin-
der to check the order of magnitude of the maximum in-
ning of the compression stroke is thought to be due to the
stantaneous heat transfer coefficients calculated from the
high turbulence produced in the gasoline engine and the dif-
wall temperature measurements, the published gas veloc-
ference in the types of combustion chambers.
ities for a combustion chamber of the same type will be
Expansion Stroke - For the expansion stroke, the analysis
is made for run number 1, from which it is noted that the
point of maximum heat transfer rate, Fig. 9, and the point
Compression Stroke - For the compression stroke, the of maximum heat transfer coefficient, Fig.10, coincide with
heat transfer coefficients calculated from Eq. 4, together the point of maximum pressure in Fig. 8. This indicates the
with those calculated from the same equation but with the great effect of the gas pressure on the process of heat trans-
instantaneous gas velocity, were plotted against the coef- fer, and shows that convection is the predominant process. Al-
ficients computed from the wall temperatures for four dif- though the temperatures reached by the gas at the end of
ferent sets of operating conditions, as shown in Fig. 15. It the combustion process are very high (2960 R), the radiation
is noticed that there is a fair agreement between the coef- has negligible effect because of the very short length of the
ficients calculated from the wall temperatures and those radiating beam and the low partial pressures of the radiating
calculated from the instantaneous gas velocity, whereas Eq.
gases, which consist mainly of H 2 O and CO2 . This is further
4, with the mean piston speed, gives lower values.
An attempt was made to correlate the heat transfer rates indicated by the drop in the heat transfer coefficient with
and coefficients with the engine operating parameters such the drop in pressure after its maximum is reached, in spite
of the increase in the gas temperature.
Fig. 10 indicates that for the expansion stroke, the great-
est deviation between the heat transfer coefficients calcu-
lated from the wall temperatures and those calculated from
Eichelberg' s formula occurs at 6 deg and 30 deg after tdc.
The sharp rise in the heat transfer coefficient at 6 deg is due
to the blast from the minor cell of the energy cell. From
Figs. 2 and 11 it is noticed that the energy cell and the fuel
nozzle are in the same vertical plane; the energy cell is
so located that it discharges tangentially into the main cham-
ber. The blast from the minor cell is directed against the
final portions of the fuel spraying from the nozzle, causing
the mixture of fuel and burning gases to sweep around the
main chamber in a violent swirl. This swirl is in a clock-
wise direction, which is the same direction as the induction-
induced swirl. This occurs while the gas pressure is near its
maximum value, causing a very high increase in the heat
transfer coefficient.
As the piston moves farther on the expansion stroke, the
pressure difference between the cell and the main chamber
assists the discharge from the energy cell. The discharge
from the major cell picks up fuel in the minor cell and
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passes into the main chamber, completing the combustion in a Lanova combustion chamber, which indicates that the
and producing another energetic swirl in the gases in the gas velocity due to the first blow-out reaches 2170 fps; that
main chamber. This second swirl causes the increase in is, about 177 times the mean piston speed. If this value is
the heat transfer coefficient, which reaches its maximum substituted in Eq. 4 instead of the mean piston speed, the
at the crank angle 30 deg after tdc. This increase happens resulting heat transfer coefficient would be 1180 Btu/sq ft-
in spite of the drop in the gas pressure and temperature due hr-F, compared with 1305 Btu/sq ft-hr-F, which is calcu-
to expansion. lated from the wall temperatures. The same figure indicates
The dimensionless heat transfer N0* for the expansion stroke that the second blow-out produces a gas velocity of 984 fps,
which results in a value of 688 Btu/sq ft-hr-F for the heat
was plotted against the dimensionless cylinder pressure P*
transfer coefficient as compared with 528 Btu/sq ft-hr-F
for run number 1 in Fig. 17, together with the compression
calculated from the wall temperatures.
stroke. This figure indicates that the secondary turbulence
The preceding analysis and discussions indicate that if
plays a big role in the process of heat transfer in the expan-
the instantaneous gas velocity is substituted in Eichelberg's
sion stroke. In the range between P* = 40 and P* = 56, the
formula, Eq. 4, the values obtained for the instantaneous
gas motion is mainly due to the first gas blow-out from the
heat transfer coefficients, will agree fairly well with the
energy cell. As the piston proceeds on the expansion stroke,
values obtained from the surface temperature trace.
the drop in pressure is accompanied by a drop in gas speed,
resulting in a sharp drop in the dimensionless heat transfer.
At P* less than 40, the value of N0* increases again, owing
to the second gas blow-out from the energy cell. This con- This investigation revealed the fact that it is rather dif-
tinues down to P* = 14, after which the flow of the gas from ficult to find one formula for either the heat transfer rate
the energy cell stops as the pressure drops to values lower or the coefficient for the whole cycle in the diesel engine.
than that in the main chamber (7). The gas swirl caused It is suggested to divide the cycle into parts according to
by the blow-outs decreases as the piston approaches the bdc,
but exists until the end of the expansion stroke is reached,
and continues during the exhaust stroke (3). This causes the
dimensionless heat transfer at the end of the expansion stroke
to be higher than that during the compression stroke at the
same dimensionless pressure.
The swirl in the Lanova type of chamber was the subject
of a recent investigation by Nagao and Kakinoto (6). They
indicated by motion pictures the fact discussed before, namely,
that the gas ejection from the energy cell into the main
chamber occurs once near the tdc and another time later
during the expansion stroke after a considerable drop in the
gas pressure in the main chamber. Their investigation did
not include an evaluation of the magnitude of the gas ve-
locity. Schmidt (10) published a figure for the gas velocity
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the type of turbulence present during each part. The heat k =

Thermal conductivity, Btu/sq ft-hr (F/ft)
transfer rates and coefficients vary from instant to instant 1 =
Distance of the piston top from its idc position, ft
during the cycle and from point to point on the cylinder L =
Stroke of the engine, ft
walls. The highest values occur in the combustion chamber, M =
Mass of gas, lb
not only because of the high pressures and temperatures n =
Clearance between piston top and cylinder head at
reached by the gas but also because of the high gas veloc- tdc, ft
ities produced. The gas velocity relative to the walls varies N0* = Dimensionless heat transfer = (L . qwg )/(k g .T0 )
also from point to point in the cylinder. A proper evalua- P = Absolute gas pressure, psia
tion of the heat transfer coefficient at any point on the wall
depends on the proper estimation of the gas velocity at the P* = Dimensionless cylinder pressure = P / P 0
same point.
Pe = Peclet number for gas = (L . S . p0 . cp ) / k g
Eichelberg' s formula gives relatively low values for the
instantaneous heat transfer coefficients in the combustion q = Rate of heat transfer, Btu/sq ft-hr
chamber, since it does not take into consideration the in- S = Mean piston speed, fps
stantaneous gas velocity caused by the primary and second- t = Time, hr
ary types of turbulence. The primary turbulence depends T = Absolute temperature, R
upon the induction-induced swirl and any further augmen- x = Distance, ft
tation produced in the combustion chamber. The secondary V = Volume, cu ft
turbulence produced in divided combustion chamber en-
gines does not depend on the engine speed, but depends
mainly upon the shape of the main and auxiliary chambers, Greek Letters
the ratio between their volumes, the size of the throat con-
necting them, the shape of the fuel spray, and the rate of
fuel injection. a = Coefficient of heat transfer, Btu/sq ft-hr-F
In the present investigation the heat transfer coefficients q = Variable of integration
were calculated at a point in the main chamber where the r = Density, pcf
instantaneous gas velocities were calculated. The results w = Angular velocity, radians/sec
showed that a proper value for the instantaneous heat trans-
fer coefficient could be obtained by substituting the instan- Subscripts
taneous gas velocity in Eichelberg' s equation, instead of
the mean piston speed.
c = Convection
g = Gas
NOMENCLATURE 0 = Intake manifold conditions
P = Pressure
r = Radiation
a = Thermal diffusivity = k/(r . c p ), f t 2 / h r
w = Wall
c = Specific heat wg = Wall on gas side
D = Cylinder diameter, ft 1 = Cylinder
e = Emissivity 2 = Combustion chamber recess in cylinder head


Engine Specifications

Manufacturer: Nordberg Mfg.Co., Milwaukee, Wisconsin,

Number of cylinders = 1
Compression ratio = 14.5:1
Bore = 4.5 in.
Stroke = 5.25 in.
Swept volume = 83.48 cu in.
Valve lift (inlet & exhaust) = 0.47 in.
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REFERENCES 6. F. Nagao and H. Kakimoto, " Swirl and Combustion

in Divided Combustion Chamber Type Diesel Engines," SAE
1. J. F. Alcock, "Air Swirl in Oil Engines,'' Proc. IME, Trans., Vol. 70, 1962, pp. 680-699.
1934, Vol. 128, 123-193. 7. W. Nusselt, " Der Warmeubergang in Verbrennungs-
2. R. V. Churchill, " Modern Operational Mathematics kraftmaschinen," VDI Forsch.-Heft, 264, 1923.
in Engineering," New York: McGraw-Hill Book Co. Inc., 8. E. F. Obert, " Internal Combustion Engines Analysis
1944, pp. 106-110. and Practice," Scranton, Pa.: International Textbook Com-
3. C. B. Dicksee, "The High-Speed Compression Igni- pany, 1953, p. 511.
tion Engine," London: Blackie and Son Ltd., 1946, p . 193. 9. V. D. Overbye, J. E. Bennethum, O. A. Uyehara, and
4 . G. Eichelberg, " Some New Investigations on Old Com- P. S. Myers, " Unsteady Heat Transfer in Engines," SAE
bustion Engine Problems," Engineering, Vol. 148, (1939), Trans., Vol. 69, 1961, pp. 461-494.
463-466, 547-550. 10. F. A. F. Schmidt, " Verbrennungs Kraftmachinen."
5. N. A. Henein, " Thermal Loading and Wall Temper- Muchen: Verlag Von R. Oldenbourg, 1951, p. 101.
atures as Functions of Performance of Turbocharged Com- 11. P. J. Schneider, "Conduction Heat Transfer." Cam-
pression Ignition Engines," Ph. D. Thesis, University of Mich- bridge, Mass: Addison-Wesley Publishing Co. Inc., 1955,
igan, U.S.A., 1957. p. 282.

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