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Date: September 20.

2022 (G7- Chestnut) Time Requirement: 1 Hour

School: San Fabian National High School
Lesson Topic: ELEMENS AND COMPOUNDS ( S7MT-lg-h-5-)
Students will be able to:
1. differentiate Elements from Compounds
2. cite examples of Elements and Compounds
3. give the uses of some compounds in our daily activities
4. identify the constituent elements of some compound given in the activity 2
5. construct an uttered word when you are surprised and connect it with the symbols of
Materials Needed:
 Teachers computer / android phone
 Smart Television
 Periodic Table of Elements
 Empty Food Wrapper
 Elements and Compounds activity sheets.
 Quarter 1 Module 2 Elements and Compounds
 Chemistry Books
Elicit ( 8 minutes ):

Let us complete the table by writing the correct definition after we have arrange the jumbled


- Is a pure substance made up of same kind of atom and cannot be separated within 2 or
more substances.
- It is made up of different kinds of elements and can be broken down into simplest form.
Using the traffic Light tell me where is your status? Whether we are going to proceed to the new
lesson or reteach the previous lesson.
Engage ( 7 minutes ):

1. The Teacher will have a game entitled Taste To Guess

2. Let them identify what inside the cup
3. Let them give the chemical formula of the identified compound in the cup
4. Give the constituent elements of that compound
5. What are the uses of the following compounds

Explore ( 7 minutes ):
1. Let them prepare their worksheet, pen and periodic table of elements
2. Discuss the procedure in the activity and let them answer the table

Example: Water- H2O- Hydrogen and Oxygen


1. Carbon Dioxide  
2. Glucose  
3. Salt  
4. Gold  
5. Manganese  
6. Acetone  
7. Iron  
8. Barium  
9. Monosodium Glutamate  
10. Iodine  
11. Vinegar  
12. Alcohol  
13. Acetic Acid  
14. Caffeine  
15. Zinc  

Explain ( 8 minutes ):

1. Discuss the rules in writing chemical formula

2. emphasize that a symbol is represented by symbols and compounds is represented
by Chemical Formula
3. answer the Guide Questions:
a. Differentiate Elements from Compounds
b. Give at least 10 Elements and their symbols
c. Give at least 2 examples of compounds aside from the given compounds in the table.
Write the constituent elements of that compound.
1. Carbon Dioxide (CO2)  Compounds - Carbon and Oxygen
2. Glucose ( C6H12O6) Compounds -Oxygen, Hydrogen and Oxygen
3. Salt (NaCl) Compounds, Sodium and Chlorine
4. Gold ( Au )   Elements
5. Manganese ( Mn )    Elements
6. Acetone (CH3)2CO   Compounds- Carbon, Hydrogen and Oxygen
7. Iron ( Fe )    Elements
8. Barium ( Ba)    Elements
9. Monosodium Glutamate  Compounds
C5H8NO4Na Carbon, Hydrogen, Nitrogen, Oxygen and Sodium
10. Iodine ( I )    Elements
11. Vinegar ( CH3COOH )  Compounds- Carbon, Hydrogen and Oxygen
12. Alcohol ( C2H5OH )   Compounds- Carbon, Hydrogen and Oxygen
13. Household Bleach ( NaClO )   Compounds - Sodium, Chlorine and Oxygen
14. Caffeine ( C8H10N4O2    Compounds -Sodium, Chlorine and Oxygen
15. Zinc ( Zn )    Elements
Elaborate: ( 25 minutes )
1. Can you give me examples of Elements wherein their symbol came from their Latin name?
2. Give other compounds that we usually use at home aside from the given examples.

Evaluate ( 10 minutes ) :
Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the chosen letter on a separate
sheet of paper.
1. Which one of the following statements is correct?
A. Water is an element and nitrogen is a compound.
B. Water is a compound and nitrogen is an element.
C. Water and nitrogen are both compounds.
D. Water and nitrogen are both elements.
2. Which of the following makes compounds different from elements?
A. Compounds are made up of molecules.
B. Compound may be a solid, liquid, or gas.
C. Compound have properties which make them useful to people.
D. The molecules of a compound are composed of two or more kinds of atoms.
3. Which element can be found as charcoal or diamond?
A. carbon B. hydrogen C. oxygen D. zinc
4. Calcium is the main component of our bones and teeth. Which is the correct
symbol for this element?
A. C B. Cl C. Ca D. Cu
5. Some accessories are made up of silver. Which is the correct symbol for this
A. Au B. Ag C. G D. Go
6. When a substance is analyzed using an electron microscope, it is found to contain
only one type of atom. This substance is ______.
A. an element B. a molecule C. a mixture D. a compound
7. A compound is represented by a chemical formula while an element is
represented by a ___________.
A. coefficient B. chemical symbol C. subscript D. chemical formula
8. What is the correct order of chemical symbols of the following element; chlorine,
potassium, copper, sodium?
A. Cl, P, Co, So B. Cl, K, Co, So C. Cl, K, Cu, Na D. C,P,C,S
9 . Study the four diagrams representing different substances. Which two of these diagrams
represents elements?

10. Which of the following can be separated into simpler form only by chemical
A. hydrogen B. sodium C. gold D. water

Reflective Question:
What do you usually say every time you see your crush wearing very neat clothes? Using the
symbol of an element.

Be Inspired :
“ Wonder is the heaviest element on the periodic table, Even a tiny fleck of it stops time”


*Subject Integration: Values Education

Prepared by:

Teacher III

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