Bartender Dialogue Glitchers

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Hi! Who are you!

# <PlayerName>, you? {Hub}

I'm Asli Sixty, I'm new.
# Are you sixty? {Sixty}
# You're a Glitcher? {Glitchers}
# Cool eye. {Eye}

Thanks! I can see all the alternate realities my dead clones would have lived!
= Nah it's just a contact.
# (Something else) {Hub}

No! I'm the sixtieth me.
# Is this like an 'I'm a new person every year' thing or are there literally 59
other yous? {OtherYous}

There were 59 other mes but they're all dead now.
# Congrats? {Congrats}
# OK you might need to spell this out for me a bit. {SpellOut}
# From Glitching? {SpellOut}

Thanks! I didn't murder them, but I bet I could have, so I'll take it.
=They used teleporters to kill themselves and create each other, and ultimately me.
# OK you might need to spell this out for me a bit. {SpellOut}

It's a Glitcher tradition: every time you teleport you're technically killing
yourself and creating a replica, so we change our names to remember what number we
# Teleporting KILLS ME?! {Morbid}
# Christ, that's morbid. {Morbid}
# How do you know the real you didn't die the first time you teleported? {DieFirst}

Not really! You're not a lump of flesh, you're a pattern. The pattern survives, the
fleshlump gets fried.
# It gets FRIED?! {Fried}
# How do you know the real you didn't die the first time you teleported? {DieFirst}

Yeah but really really fast, it doesn't hurt.
# How do you know? {FryHurt}

It happens to every part of your body simultaneously, so your brain dies before it
can receive any pain signals from the other parts.
# That's a comfort. {Comfort}
# But you haven't experienced it. {Experienced}

# How do you know the real you didn't die the first time you teleported? {DieFirst}
59 of me have, but you're right, I didn't have time to interview them afterwards.
# How do you know the real you didn't die the first time you teleported? {DieFirst}

Oh that whole situation, that body and brain and all, that did die.
=She knew that when she pressed the button. We just don't consider that to be a
=The person is the pattern, and the pattern survives.
# What if the teleporter broke and didn't destroy the original? {Broke}

I'd be Sixty B.
# Right, no, I mean would you have two people then? Isn't it wrong to kill one of
them? {WrongToKill}

Not straight away. The person is the pattern, so while the pattern's the same
you've just got two copies of one person.
# How long do you have to wait before they become two people? {LongWait}
# Don't they both count as people just by having the potential to go off and live
their own lives? {Potential}

Potential's not a person. If I had that teleporter I'd have the potential to make
infinite mes, but it's not wrong to throw that potential away.
# (Something else) {WrongToKill}

It's a sliding scale. At first it's one pattern in two places. As they diverge, the
patterns become more different and more worthy of consideration as separate people.
# When does it become a crime to murder one of them? {WhenCrime}

An hour. Seriously, that's a real law we passed. People-replicators are illegal,
but if a glitch goes wrong and you have too many yous, you've got an hour to
legally kill them.
# Well, that settles all moral questions here, carry on. {Hub}
# Wait, WHICH one can kill the other? {WhichKill}

We choose! Like how Offworlders pick what happens to their organs? We can register
who gets priority in the event of a glitchdupe: new you or old.
# No offense but your culture is a horror show. {NoOffense}
# Which did you go for? {WhichCopy}

New! I don't like to live in the past, or get murdered by a past self. Which would
you want?
# Old me lives. {OldMe}
# New me lives. {NewMe}
# I am never teleporting again. {NeverTeleport}

You gotta look forward, friend.
# (Something else) {Hub}

Yes! Kill that crusty old you.
# (Something else) {Hub}

Fine, enjoy having to open DOORS and stuff.
# (Something else) {Hub}

That's still pretty offensive.
# (Something else) {Hub}

Yes! I'm a Glitcher. I glitch.
# Why did you leave? {WhyLeave}
# How did you guys get here? {HowHere}
# (Something else) {Hub}

To this nebula, the drift? Teleported.
=To this arm of the galaxy, thousands of years from home? Also teleported.
=We're pretty into it.
# Where's home? {WhereHome}

Well, it's not my home. But it's about three and a half thousand light years...
that way. Meph, where glitch was born.
=They were good at it there, better than us - they could glitch small things big
distances, big things small distances...

# Big things big distances? {BigThings}

# Then? {Then}

No they screwed that up dramatically.
# (Continue) {TeleportFleet}

They tried teleporting a big thing a big distance.
# (Continue) {TeleportFleet}

Teleported their entire fleet to the other side of the galaxy, leaving their planet
defenceless and their fleet stranded.
=The fleet adapted: their short range glitch tech was beyond anything the rest of
the galaxy had ever seen, so they could jump in and steal whatever they wanted from
passing shipments.
=It was the weirdest war. Everyone's terrified of this hyper-advanced fleet, and
the hyper-advanced fleet is just like, can we have some food please. Also does
anyone want to join. This is boring.
# Why does the hyper advanced fleet talk like a toddler? {Toddler}

I'm summarising a bit. It's a precis. Anyway, it took a decade for them to realise
they could never get home, that home could never come for them, and they had
nothing left to fight for.
=They HAD to get new people in, they weren't sustainable. But twenty years later
it's a cultural thing, and people like me join, and now we're just the Glitchers.
# What do you do? {WhatYouDo}
#(Something else) {Glitchers}

I'm delightful.
= I'm also a hijacker.
#(Something else) {Glitchers}

I didn't! We don't really have a strong concept of membership. Anyone can join,
anyone can go off and do their own thing. We survive by welcoming anyone, and no
hard feelings if you go and work for someone else for a bit.
=I'll be honest, it's chaos.
#(Something else) {Glitchers}

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