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Client Campaign Jour 413 Spring 2011

Lauren Goodacre, Lindsey Julian, Katrina Stern

Table of Contents
Client Identification 1 Introduction 1 Forseeable Complications .. 2 Discussion 2 Outline .. 2-3 Qualifications of PR students.. 3 Evaluation .. 3-4 Budget .. 4
Needs Assessment

Client Interview .. Mass Media Sources .. Demographics



Media Habits


Attitudes, Beliefs, Opinions Existing Knowledge


Qualitative and Quantitative Research Public Relations Campaign

Situation Goal Objectives Audience Strategy, Tactics, Tools Timetable Budget Implementation Media Relations Media List Supporting Materials Marketing Activities Event Activities Post-Event Activities Crisis Communications Evaluation Appendix

Client Identification

Being a part of a club team is a great complement to a students academic life the Cal Poly Club Baseball Team is comprised of 20-30 respectable, dedicated men with a desire to involve themselves in multiple facets of campus. The club team became a part of the Cal Poly Club Sport Program in 2010. They have yet to develop a reputation on campus and need assistance with promotion. The club team has strong potential to succeed but should dedicate time to reaching targeted demographics. With our help, the team has the opportunity to expand fan base, increase club funding, and create a lasting reputation with Cal Poly affiliates.

Foreseeable Complications
If the club team does not wish to work with us, they could suffer several reputation setbacks. Public relations professionals are difficult to hire on a small budget and can be relatively unavailable. Our group has enough combined public relations experience to compensate for any discrepancies and its completely free! Since we have experience, we can provide the team with communications tools they may not otherwise have access to. We have media contacts and promotional materials that will get the club teams name out in the public. If the team doesnt take on the opportunity to do business with us, they might carry on being an unknown entity of campus and could blend in like most other club sports. Everyone knows Cal Poly has a baseball team. How many people actually know we have a club team? Much less that the team is actively involved in the community and campus?

Discussion Requirements
This client project is much more an opportunity than a problem. The club team really has a chance to create a positive image in the community and get their name across campus. Many people dont know about the club team so we can get really creative with promotional tools. There is not much research involved in determining the target audiences because it is obvious we are mainly trying to reach out to Generation X and Midlifers. The midlifers are all the parents of the kids we want to invite to the Little League Day, so it is important to ensure they are satisfied with our marketing tools.

Generation X is composed of the college students and young people in the community. They are easily swayed by technology and innovation. We plan to use this concept to appeal to this demographic. Since we are all college students, we can help the team advertise to peers.

Detailed Analysis delineate the steps required for completing

the project, present alternative approaches, distinguish this plan from competitors plan, demonstrating a comprehensive understanding of the situation and explaining the advantages of this approach: Approach logic is the focus, reader should be able to see how and what measures will be taken to solve the problem:

Outline of the Project

Our main project for this client will be the Little League Baseball Day. We all have to coordinate how to meet with Jake McCollum, President of the club baseball team, in order to promote the event as much as possible. Since this is the first year McCollum and his teammates plan to host this event, we do not have many future predictions yet. All we can do is plan the event, publicize it with various media tools, and hope enough children show up and have a good time. Timeline:

Qualifications of PR Staff
Our group is a noteworthy blend of public relations and communications skills. We each have at least a year of public relations experiences. Last fall, Katrina and Lauren were a part of the Cal Poly PR firm, PRspectives. They managed two clients and were responsible for all promotional and marketing needs. Lindsey is a Journalism major and deals with communications issues on a daily basis. All three have hands-on exposure to the public relations world and would be a valuable asset to any company. Plus, we all love baseball! See attached resumes for more information.


The evaluation will be an essential part of our campaign. During the Little League Baseball Day, we plan to collect feedback from the parents and coaches. We can use the information to determine whether or not our event was successful. We are hoping most of the parents will be very satisfied with the event and will bring their children back in coming years. This part of the evaluation is important because it is coming from the parents, who we are trying to impress the most. They decide whether or not to support the club team and if their child will return to Little League Day in the future. We have also sent out a survey to friends and community members from San Luis Obispo to determine how many people have heard of the team, and if they would support it. We hope this will help us gauge if our public relations efforts actually make a difference for this team.

Budget Outline
Fortunately, there are very limited costs for this client. Possible budget considerations include: Promotional flyer for Little League Day - 200 copies at $0.50 each (through UGS printing on campus) = $100 BBQ supplies range from $100 $150 depending on how much food/drink the team decides to buy and serve Charge $4 per meal (depending on how many people buy, the team could break even or gain money) Restaurant fundraiser flyer - $20 or less to print; plus people will bring in the flyer and a portion of their meal will be donated to the team Banquet venue undetermined until venue is located All of these expenses are a small part of our public relations tools. Jake McCollum has expressed that getting the teams name out is important enough to invest money in. The team can afford to spend $300 if it means they will have a larger clientele on and off campus.

Needs Assessment
Client Interview
Our interview was held with Jake McCollum, the President of the Cal Poly Club Baseball Team. The main goal he hopes to accomplish this quarter is to successfully plan a philanthropy event that will benefit the Little League teams in the community. It is intended to be a Little League Baseball Day where kids ages 6 to 13 can come to Santa Rosa Park and participate in various free baseball activities with the team. During the event, we plan to provide a barbeque at low cost to help fundraise for the team. Kids and parents can enjoy hamburgers, hot dogs, and drinks to stay hydrated. We want to publicize this event to as much of the public as possible. We will draft a press release, send out a media advisory and design a flyer to post around middle schools and to Parent/Teacher meetings. We also have a contact with KJUG radio and are going to inquire about a quick 30-second announcement about the event. Our main target audiences for this event are the parents, teachers, and coaches in the county. Since it is a family friendly event, we want as many families to attend as possible. McCollum also wants us to advertise the event to Little League teams outside of SLO, such as Atascadero, Morro Bay and Arroyo Grande. In addition to the philanthropy event, we would like to host a fundraiser for our client at a local restaurant. We can advertise the event to college students and encourage the restaurant to donate a portion of their profits to the club baseball team. If there is time, we talked about the idea of helping them plan an end of the year banquet. McCollum expressed how hard the team works and how they have never had the chance to plan one for themselves. Though we cannot create the event for them, we hope to help them determine a location, pricing, and food options.

Archival Research
The Club Baseball team has a very short history. It started just two years ago and has only established recognition in a few areas of the city. The team is composed of 26 members who compete against other Universities around

California. This year, the team is really trying to get involved with Little League (hence our volunteer event). They are offering their services to the youth in the county to build up their reputation and increase knowledge of the team as a whole.

Mass Media Sources

We have several media sources for this client. The team has a Facebook page, but we plan to make a Facebook fan page to increase awareness. We also plan to make a Facebook event for the Little League Baseball Day. We also want to make them a Twitter account so users can stay up-to-date with upcoming events and games. We plan to send our press release to local newspapers that will target families, coaches, PTA members and any community members or college students that read the paper. Another media source we will use is the radio. We want to get a 30-second spotlight and advertisement through KJUG radio station.

Demographic Groups
Baby Boomers
Our client must appeal to the baby boomer demographic because they make up the majority of the community population. They are not as concerned with entertainment or news media, but more about their families and the well being of the community. If the Club Baseball Team can positively contribute to San Luis Obispo, the baby boomers are going to be much more likely to support them.

This demographic encompasses the parents, teachers and coaches to the little league athletes. They are involved with the media and concerned with the family as a whole. Most of this demographic is just starting a family so it is important for the club team to use the Little League Baseball Day to satisfy the parents. The coaches need to know this philanthropy event will help the youth learn more about baseball techniques from college students

they can look up to.

Generation X
This generation makes up all the college students in the area. It is important to appeal to the students at Cal Poly because they are the most likely to support the team. By increasing fan base and general knowledge we can also improve the overall popularity of the club baseball team. According to research, Generation X-ers are the most concerned with entertainment media than any other demographic group. We plan to use social media and digital and print promotions to appeal to the college students so they are more interested in supporting the team, composed of their fellow peers.

Generation Y
This generation is merely the emerging teens in late middle school or early high school. Even though we are targeting a younger audience, it is important for this demographic to be aware of the club baseball team as well. A lot of kids at this age may have younger siblings involved in sports or may want to attend Cal Poly. If they know about the club baseball team, they can spread the word to their friends and family.

Research Objectives
Consumer Habits and Purchasing Decisions
There are not many consumer habits involved with this client because they are not selling a product or service. The team only receives a small amount of money from the school, so a lot of their funding comes from outside sources. Since we are mainly trying to target college students, we have to be wary of their interests. Most generation X-ers are persuaded by modern, trendy technology. If we can keep the club team up to date with current pop culture, they are likely to receive more attention. In our case, the consumer habits would be derived from the fundraiser we are conducting at a local restaurant. It is important to pick a time of night when most people will be eating dinner and to find a restaurant that gets a

lot of foot traffic. It is also important to keep weather conditions in mind and make promotional materials to encourage consumers to support the team.

Media Habits
The Cal Poly Club Baseball Team has a great website, but isnt subscribed to many other media outlets. They do have a Facebook fan page, but they do not have Twitter or a blog of any kind. This can lead to not having a presence or up-to-date knowledge of their fan base. We hope to change this by connecting the team with new social media sites. The team can post updates, game schedules, pictures, and links to various events around the county. Increasing these social media habits will create a better brand for the Cal Poly Club Baseball Team and can possibly expand the fan base to a wider demographic.

Attitudes, Beliefs, and Opinions

Ever since the Giants won the World Series in 2010, the sport of baseball has revolutionized among the youth community in California. Young boys want to be a part of a winning sport and have become much more inspired to play baseball. Having a California team win the Championship encourages kids to get involved at an early age. The Little League Baseball Day philanthropy event we are planning will get kids excited about pursuing a future in baseball, especially since they look up to college athletes. Baseball has a high level of respect in San Luis Obispo since it is such a small town and there are not very many teams in the little league series. The club baseball teams contributions will generate a very positive relationship with the community. The club team upholds a high standard of responsibility and skill, which will encourage kids to continue playing in future years.

Existing Knowledge
There is not a enough existing knowledge of the Cal Poly Club Baseball Team. Although most students have heard of the Cal Poly Baseball Team, very few even know we have a club team. With our efforts, we plan to change this anonymity and make the club team a much larger part of the Cal


Poly campus and community. The only existing knowledge comes from the Open House booth or the small amount of publicity during home games. The team has a great website and a Facebook page that could be very beneficial for advertising events/promotions if we can increase public awareness.

Qualitative Research
Focus Groups
It is difficult to conduct a focus group for this client because they are such a small entity. A focus group generally addresses a problem or issue within the company that needs to be resolved. The club baseball team is not large enough to need a focus group. However, we do plan to send out a survey after we plan the philanthropy event to gauge how well it went. We can talk to people around the community to see their perspective on the club baseball teams contributions.

Field Observation
We will be observing our success by attending the philanthropy event and the fundraising event. By interacting with the participants who attend we will collect feedback on what they like and what they wish to see if these events happen again. This gives us the evaluation we will need to know if our press release, our visits to the schools, or contact with the coaches worked effectively.

Quantitative Research
We are going to conduct a survey about our philanthropy event, the Club Baseball Little League Day. We can leave comment cards on a table for parents to provide feedback about how the event went, if they liked it and if they would enjoy seeing something like this in the future. We also think it would be valuable to send out a survey to our peers in the college world. So many students do not realize what a genuine asset this club is to Cal Poly. We plan to send out a survey (most likely through Facebook) that will ask students about their involvement with baseball, if

they know about the club team, would they attend a game, and what they would like to see the club team do in future years. With these two surveys, we can evaluate the success of our campaign and of the club as a whole.

QuickTime and a decompressor are needed to see this picture.

Public Relations

Campaign Situation
The Cal Poly Club Baseball Team was developed in 2010 by a group of men interested in playing baseball for pleasure. These teammates had a passion for the game but also wanted to have the time and freedom to engage in other campus activities. Since the team has only been around for two years, they do not have much visibility in the public eye. The team is in need of a public relations image campaign in order to expand the awareness of their club on campus and within the community. The team hopes to have a successful philanthropic event that they will be able to continue for many years to come.

The Cal Poly Club Baseball Team hopes that the Little League Baseball Day will result in sincere appreciation from all the children and parents who attend. They also hope to see an increase in their fan base within the Cal Poly campus and the local community. The team has high hopes that a greater awareness of their club has the potential to increase sponsorships for their games evoke larger crowds of people in the stands.

Informational Objective
We want the Cal Poly campus and local community to be completely aware of the Little League Baseball Day that is being held by the Cal Poly Club Baseball Team on May 22nd. The public should be aware that a BBQ lunch with chips and a drink will be available for purchase as a fundraising opportunity for the team. Attendees can enjoy good food and support the club team at the same time.

Motivational Objective
As a result of our event, we want to increase the image of the Cal Poly Club Baseball Team on campus. We hope that as the local public and our

targeted demographics begin hearing about the club, they will become strong supporters. As participants leave the event, we hope they will have a greater appreciation for the team and a better understanding of their purpose. If all goes as planned, the team should witness a large increase in their fan base and their games will have a greater outcome.

There are three main audiences that we were trying to reach. The first public we are trying to reach are the children who play baseball or have an interest in the sport. The parents of the children are also a very influential audience for our campaign. This is because they have the final say on whether their child can go or not, so it is imperative that we get their support. Third, the coaches of the Little League are crucial to the success of this event. The children see these coaches as role models and the parents trust them, so they are a powerful word-of-mouth component.

We plan to spread the word of Little League Day by reaching out to our local media, local schools, Little League Associations, and the PTA. What we want to emphasis is that the Cal Poly Club Baseball Team wants to make a difference in their community. The reason we decided to use local media such as the newspapers and the radio was because audiences we wanted to expose this to usually read or listen to these two mediums. Another way we wanted to promote this event was by visiting the schools and passing out flyers that we had made for the event. We wanted to utilize all the resources we had by trying to get the baseball players to visit the schools and get the children excited for the event. In addition, we wanted to get PTA involved with the event by asking them to put it in their newsletter and also letting other parents know that this is an amazing opportunity for their child to attend. Lastly, we wanted to get in contact with the coaches. The president of the Cal Poly Club Baseball Team had direct contact with them and asked for their support. It was a great way to reiterate what the event was and to remind them to come and enjoy a new event on a Sunday afternoon.


Key Messages / Themes

We hope that the publics will remember and support the Cal Poly Club Baseball Team. It is important because if we are able to get that positive response, they can get more people to come to their games. We also want to make sure the community understands that the Cal Poly Club Baseball Team wants to build a positive relationship with them. Lastly, we want the children to leave a more confident outlook on baseball and to keep on living a healthy lifestyle. For all of the audiences we want the baseball players to stand for other role models for those children. We want them to be distinguished from the Cal Poly Baseball Team and seen as students who have a passion for baseball who do it because they love it. They also want to promote a healthy lifestyle for these children and to lead by example.

We have several tactics when approaching this campaign. We designed a great promotional flyer on InDesign that we posted on the middle school campuses and gave to Parent Teacher Associations around the county. Our client contact, Jake McCollum posted the flyer on the Club Baseball teams website as well. Not only did this promote the Little League Baseball Day, but it also brought people to the website and learn more about the team. We also drafted a press release that we sent to some radio stations. Even though we did not get a response, it gave us good practice with promoting the event. During the event, we had 40 kids attend and all seemed to have a great experience. We plan to conduct a brief survey with the team and with the people who participated to measure the success of the event. As far as our restaurant fundraiser, we plan to make a small flyer that will encourage people to support the team and enjoy good food. We will also make a Facebook event to send out to local friends and send out updates on Twitter to promote the fundraiser even more. The team has also asked us to help them plan an end of the season banquet, which does not require much promotional material because it is

only open for the team. We plan to assist McCollum with finding a restaurant/banquet hall, comparing prices, and coordinating with the team to determine what type of food to provide.

Calendar / Timetable
Little League Baseball Day - May 16: meet with Jake McCollum to determine location, contacts, and general logistics - May 16: drafting a press release for public relations - May 18: design flyer for event and distribute around community - May 19: correspond with McCollum to plan BBQ and prizes for kids that attend - May 22: host event at Santa Rosa Park - May 23-27: follow up with attendees; reflect on how to change it for next year Restaurant Fundraiser - May 25: determine location for fundraiser - May 25: contact restaurant and determine what percentage of profits will go back to the team - May 25: set a date and time - May 27: make a mini flyer for the event to distribute on social media and around campus - May 27-event: invite friends to attend - host fundraiser - Post event: collect money from restaurant End of the Year Banquet - May 30: contact venues - May 30: compare prices - June 1: determine location and contact team


There are three separate budgets for our clients needs. The first stemmed from the Little League Baseball day, where McCollum paid UGS to print the flyers. We also had to pay for the BBQ at the event, but we did charge attendees a small fee if they wanted food. This event was more focused on

getting the club teams name out in the community and less about making money. The next part of the budget will be paying for the flyers to hand out to people for the restaurant fundraiser. However, we are planning to post the flyer on Facebook so all students have to do is print them out and bring them to the restaurant. Lastly, the end of the year banquet will be the largest part of the budget because the team will have to pay for the venue and the food. We havent decided if we will charge the team members a small fee for the food or if the event will be completely free. It all depends on how much money the team can allot for this event.

Evaluating our success is going to be a bit challenging because we are doing so many different things for the team. The philanthropy event was for kids and their families so we are going to reach out to those that attended to determine if the event was successful and if they would consider bringing their child back again in future years. For the restaurant fundraiser, our main audience is Cal Poly students, so we can ask our friends if they enjoyed the restaurant and if they would support the club team as a whole. Since we are also trying to increase the teams reputation, we also want to evaluate how much people actually know about the team. So many students dont even know we have a club baseball team so we want to increase awareness and determine what would get students more interested in attending games and supporting the team. Lastly, we want to coordinate with McCollum and the team members to get feedback on how our efforts helped promote club baseball. Even though McCollum will be graduating, we want to make sure we provide the team with enough supplies/contacts to continue campaigning in the future.


PR Campaign Implementation
Media Relations
We developed a press release for this event explaining what the Cal Poly Club Baseball Team is. We made sure that we gave a specific description on what this event is going to entail. We wanted to make sure that we got all our bases covered by: explaining what the child should bring and what will be provided, that there will be a BBQ if they would like to purchase anything to help out the team, and that the baseball team wished to just make a difference in their community. We also hoped to get in contact with the radio stations so that we can deliver the information through that medium as well. It was just another way we would have liked to use the media in the local area to get the information out to. Other than that we tried to utilize the school newspapers, flyers, and word of mouth to get the event promoted.

Media Contacts
We used the media list Dr. Eller had given us. Through these we sent out the press release in hopes we would gain support for this event. It was sent to The Tribune, The Bay News, Santa Maria Sun, and From all of these we got one response from The Tribune that it would be forwarded to the sports section of the newspaper.

Press Release (see Figure 1 on page 30) Promotional Flyer (see Figure 2 on page 31) Marketing Activities
We have provided many marketing strategies to the Cal Poly Club Baseball team in order to contribute to the betterment of our image campaign. The local community and Cal Poly campus have become more


aware of the club's existence through our commitment to managing the club's social media sites (facebook and the team website), contacting local newspapers with a press release promoting Little League Day, and requesting time slots at local radio stations to inform the public of the philanthropic event. Not only was the event advertised using the previously mentioned techniques, but we created and designed our own flier as well that was distributed to local schools. Many of the schools chose to place this flier within their PTA newsletters and school newspapers.

Event Activities
Together the team and our group collaborated ideas to create a philanthropic event that would focus on the children in local communities who are interested in baseball techniques and etiquette. A BBQ lunch could be purchased for a small fee at the event, that of which included hot dogs, chips, and a drink. This BBQ was a simple, easy, and enjoyable way to fundraise for the team. The Little League Baseball Day itself was free and fun for the kids. Team members taught the children warm-up techniques, the fundamentals of how to properly pitch and hit a ball, and even had time to play a few games of the good American sport.

Post-Event Activities
During Little League Day we evaluated the event by talking to team members and parents. Unfortunately, the children were distracted with the baseball activities so we did not get a chance to receive their feedback. The parents and team members were asked a few simple questions in regards to their personal feelings on the outcome of the event. Questions such as: Do you think the event is a success? Do you anticipate putting this event on again in the future? Are you happy with the turnout of the event? Do you think this event is helpful for the kids? Do you plan to come back if this event is held annually? Most responses were positive and motivating for the team. The club and our group have discussed creating VIP packages to


encourage members of the community to continue supporting the club and to increase their fan base at local games in the future.

Preparing for Crisis Communications

There are several different crises we could have encountered with this event. We wanted to host it at Santa Rosa Park since we needed a location with a baseball field. Since the park is owned by the city, we had to make sure they would approve before we could host it. Though it would have been easiest to host the event at Cal Poly, we didnt want to risk parking issues or pre-reserved fields. Another problem we had to anticipate was reaching the right demographics. Our goal was to target parents and coaches so we had to go out of our normal connections to access them the most. Some parents might be reluctant to send their child to the event if they did not know about the club baseball team in the past. The main problem we could have endured is an injury. With all the people running around the event, it was very possible someone could have tripped or gotten hit with a ball. Even if the injury was unavoidable, our team would have to deal with it promptly and responsibly.

When a problem ensues, it is important to always accept blame no matter who is at fault. In the event of an injury, we would come up with a reasonable solution and determine a way to compensate the child/individual. Fortunately, we prepared ourselves for such situations and encouraged kids to bring their own helmets and gloves. As a result, no injuries occurred.

Leadership Committee
If we needed to use crisis communications, we would be sure to delegate specific portions of the issue to each person to prevent one


committee member from taking too much of the burden. For example, if a child was injured, one of us would attend to the child, one of us would discuss the injury with the parent(s), and one of us would determine how the child got injured and ensure it wouldnt happen again in the future. Jake would also be involved in our committee since he is our main contact and would be the liaison between the parents/community participants and us as the public relations representatives. The spokesperson for this type of communications would be our client contact Jake McCollum. If a problem occurred, he would be the most knowledgeable about the team and the baseball logistics.

Media Attention
Our event did not attract much media attention since we did not publicize to many outlets. It was a small local event and was meant to reach out to the community directly (rather than through a media source). If we did have media coverage, they would be on the field capturing the different events and might even get any injuries or problems on camera. They could use this as collateral to potentially threaten the teams reputation.


PR Campaign Evaluation
Ongoing Evaluation

Summative Evaluation

Was the activity or program adequately planned?

Message Reached Intended Audience


How the Program Strategy Could Have Been More Effective

Primary and Secondary Audiences

Desired Goal Achieved

Instructional Objectives Achieved

Motivational Objectives Achieved

Most of our motivational objectives were achieved. Kids need constant role models during their growing years and we really wanted them to look

up to the club baseball team not only as athletes, but also as college students and responsible men. The club team did a great job of upholding these attributes because several of the children really enjoyed the event. Part of our motivational objectives was to improve the clubs public reputation. The Little League Baseball Day gave parents the chance to learn more about the club baseball team. Since the event proved to be a success, most of the parents expressed their sincere appreciation for the team and believed they would come back and support in future years. We also wanted to motivate current students to get more involved with club baseball (versus the Cal Poly team), which is why we increased Facebook viewings and tried to publicize the club team to as many college students as possible.

Unforeseen Circumstances
Fortunately, there were only a few circumstances that posed a threat on our campaign. First of all, we initially had a hard time reaching enough media for the event. Since we put the event together so quickly, we did not give radio stations/newspapers enough time to run a press release or news advisory. Media coverage would have been very beneficial at the event since the club team is still trying to establish a name within the campus and community. The success of the club baseball team as a whole still needs improvement. We spent so much time focusing on the Little League Baseball Day that we did not allot enough time to build a viable reputation among the college students. Since the club team is a part of Cal Poly, it is important for us to market them in the right way. We wanted the students to really understand and appreciate the value the club baseball team represents on campus.

Budget Restrictions
We maintained a very reasonable budget for this client. The Little League Day did not cost us much since the team was able to provide most supplies, and encouraged the children to bring the rest. The only expenses we had to consider were the flyers we printed and the food for the BBQ. The flyers were printed at UGS on campus for a discounted price and the team charged money for the BBQ. The only other budget the club team has to account for is the end of

the year banquet.

Formative Evaluation
There are several things to keep in mind if future students decide to take on this client. It is important to get a head start on any event or campaign because coordinating with the entire team is a lot of work. We were fortunate enough to work with Jake McCollum who was a great client contact. He was so passionate about the team and really wanted to get involved with the young community. The next group of students may have a difficult time finding a good contact person since McCollum is graduating. Another thing to keep in mind is budget. We had to get really creative to find ways to make the team money without spending it. All the club sports on campus get a certain amount of money from the school; any extra funds have to be raised by the team. Fortunately, there are endless opportunities for future campaigns with this client because they are so new to Cal Poly. Future students could plan a car wash or a restaurant fundraiser. They could build upon the Little League Baseball Day and publicize it in the media. We loved being the first ones to work with the Cal Poly Club Baseball Team because we became a part of several innovative ideas that will continue after we are gone. Since the team is only two years old, they are very open to suggestions. The three of us have worked with several other clients before and none of them have been as pleasurable to work with as the club team. We really enjoyed meeting college students passionate about baseball but still able to uphold reasonable social and academic lives. We only hope that someday the Cal Poly campus and community can see what a great group of men this team creates.

Press Release


Little League Baseball Day Promotional Flyer


Other Work Samples




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