Term Paper Topic

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Term Paper Topic

Grou Rolls Group Leader Title

p No ID
01 1-8 25 Challenges of environmental assessment of
developing countries
02 10-20 10 SEA: a future alternative of EIA in developing
03 21-32 15 Legal aspect and challenges of SEA development
and implication
04 33-40 12 Future direction and limitation of SEA
05 41-44, 19-10, 19- 14 Role of SEA on sustainable development
17, 20-06

General guidelines
 Work/research to prepare a term paper (minimum 5000 words (better 7500 words)
without figures, tables and references) and oral presentation (preferably in power point)
 Each term paper contain minimum five figs and five tables (do not copy from any
sources), produce from your own thought using published/primary data or using your
 Prepare for 10 minutes presentation and 2 minutes Q/A
 Some possible sources of information are: BBS (Env. Statistics), GOB/NGO reports,
www (DoE, IUCN-BD and so on…), https://www.sciencedirect.com/. Google scholar,
research gate and others
 Do not use more than 20 years old references
 Focus on last ten years literatures
 Page layout: Page A4, Font: Times New Roman, Size 12, Line space 1.5 and Standard
 Follow APA – Referencing system.
 Group member contributions: For transparency and fair marking, each member
contribution should be noted at the end of the term paper.
 Maximum 10 slides (excluding the cover slide) can be used including Figures, Tables,
Graphs, Pictures (if relevant) and texts (less emphasis)
 Short video clips (1 minute) may be included within the total presentation time
 Presentation should be done in chronological order (as per the ID number)
 For each topic the presentation must include the followings:-Specific name of the topic
(further focus) [put 10% of your effort]-Reason of the problem (with some facts and
numbers; sources should be provided in the relevant sections) [put 40% of your effort]-
Consequence/ impact of the problem [put30% of your effort]-Possible solutions (very
briefly)[put20% of your effort]
 Individual marking for the presentation and assignment
Marks distribution (out of 10 points) for the presentation
Content in slides = 4 points; Slide design and layout (text font, color, size etc) = 2 points;
Presentation style = 2 points; Time management = 1 points; Q/A = 1 points

Marks distribution (out of 30 points) for the Term paper

Content = 5 points; novelty of the information = 10 points; logical arrangement = 5 points; Fig
and Table = 5 points; Quality of English writing = 5 points.
Bonus marking: WELL ORGANIZED report: Team leader 4 points, member 3 point,

Plagiarism is an academic offence. Your term paper will be assessed by plagiarism software and
maximum 20% similarities will be accepted. More than 20% similarities will reduce your marks

Submission date: Submit word file (Fig. in JPG) before last class (before 12.0 pm) through
email to smtareq@juniv.edu

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