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1 introduction

Smart Ph Detector is one of the innovative facilities designed for use by fish farmers. This Smart
Ph Detector helps absorb the impact and is also beneficial to fish farmers because it can send a
quick notification if there is water pollution that exceeds the specified water ph level.

Furthermore We use used plastic containers to put water ph because it is cost-effective and
environmentally friendly. Our Smart Ph Detector has also installed ESP32 to send notifications
to fish farmers to prevent fish from dying due to contaminated water due to not knowing the ph
reading of the water quickly and quickly.

5.2 recommendation

After going through the construction phase of this Smart Ph Detector project, we hope that this
Smart Ph Detector can give 1001 advantages to users while increasing user concerns. By regard
to dead fish causing uncontrolled water which worries fish farmers, this Smart Ph Detector will
help fish breeder by knowing the water condition in the fish pond quickly.

The recommendation of this study is that this Smart pH Detector for future improvement can be
improved by placing an alarm because this project only issues a notification to inform users
about the warning. When the alarm is placed, the user will be more alert when the ph of the
water is not controlled.

A suggestion for improvement in the future is to use better can add other functions such as being
able to know the level of water turbidity through the display of the same application. To find out
the turbidity of the water, this project must put a tubidity meter. In addition to being able to know
the pH reading, users can also know the level of water turbidity quickly and quickly.
5.3 Conclusion

In conclusion, through this project has been carried out there is a lot of knowledge that has been
obtained. In addition, we learned how to run our projects independently. There are various
challenges we face to complete our project but we never put it as a weakness until the project is
completed. Through the objective of this project we can conclude that our Smart pH Detector can
help entrepreneurs improve the quality of their business. Therefore, from this research we can
apply and practice all the knowledge, skills and theories learned before. We chose Ipoh Perak as
the study location because it is close to where we are conducting the project. The application we
use aims to send notifications to fish breeder if there is a warning notification detected when
acidic water occurs. The Smart pH Detector that we built, allows us to help reduce the problems
faced by fish breeders.

We put a lot of effort into preparing the Smart pH Detector, such as the method we needed to
produce it. To build more functionality of this Smart pH Detector, we use the blynk app on
Smart pH because it can send notifications to the phone when there are uncontrolled water
readings. This makes this project different from others. So, it can make it easier for fish farmers
to get information quickly. We struggled as a group to assemble and find materials and tools to
produce the Smart pH Detector. This Smart pH took a long time to produce because we had to
think about the right tools to use on the project and the right way to use to run this project. For
example, we work hard to figure out how to do coding until it works.

5.4 Summary

In this chapter, explains about the tools used to produce the Smart pH Detector and why
components are widely used. In addition, it also explains where to use the Smart pH Detector
Follow-up, it also explains the purpose of the blynk application sending information to the
smartphone and how the Smart pH works. However, this project has some improvements that
need to be worked on in future projects such as placing an alarm so that this project can be used
better and useful in the future. All this is explained in this chapter which is in the introduction,
recommendations and conclusion

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