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Title of text: “The Brain on Love”

Author: Diane Ackerman

Main ideas (1-2 sentence summary of the main idea(s)) of the entire text:
Relationships in which one truly loves their partner plays a major role on the brain-it alters
the delicate circuits that shape memories, emotions and that ultimate souvenir, the self.

Key points/important details:

-We are the most social of all apes, and as such, we live in a mirror universe where every
significant interaction, whether it be with a spouse, friend, or child, molds the brain, which in
turn shapes our relationships.
-When two individuals get together as a couple, the brain expands the concept of self to
include the other; instead of the singular pronoun "I, “the mind is aware of who we are.
-People utilize the same physical pain pictures to express a shattered heart, which they
experience to be crushing and paralyzing, whether they speak Armenian or Mandarin.

Part(s) that were particularly interesting/important/memorable that I might include in my essay

(*do NOT just copy and paste, paraphrase in your own words):
-Just think about how much learning takes place when you select a partner—all of which
remodel the brain.
-The same regions of the brain that detect physical pain are engaged when someone feels
rejected socially, according to research by U.C.L.A. neuroscientist Naomi Eisenberger.
Because of this, being left by a partner ache everywhere in the body, but not in any one area.
Title of text: “The Brain on Love”

Author: Diane Ackerman

Quote(s) that I liked and why:

-” Love is the best school, but the tuition is high, and the homework can be painful” as it is a
great analogy to add.
-” A happy marriage relieves stress and makes one feel as safe as an adored baby”

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