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G News Profits

By: Austin

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This report was diligently researched and compiled with the intent to provide
information for persons wishing to learn about making a profit using online
resources. Throughout the making of this consumer report, every effort has been
made to ensure the highest amount of accuracy and effectiveness for the
techniques suggested by the author. The report may contain contextual as well as
typographical mistakes.

No information provided in this report constitutes a warranty of any kind; nor

shall readers of this report rely solely on any such information or advice. All
content, products, and services are not to be considered as legal, financial, or
professional advice and are to be used for personal use and information purposes
only. This report makes no warranties or guarantees express or implied, as to the
results provided by the strategies, techniques, and advice presented in this
report. The publishers of this report expressly disclaim any liability arising from
any strategies, techniques, and advice presented in this report.

The purpose of this consumer report is to educate and guide. Neither the
publisher nor the author warrant that the information contained within this
consumer report is free of omissions or errors and is fully complete. Furthermore,
neither the publisher nor the author shall have responsibility or liability to any
entity or person as a result of any damage or loss alleged to be caused or caused
indirectly or directly by this report.

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Table of Contents
Welcome ....................................................................................................................................................... 4
About Me ...................................................................................................................................................... 5
My Experience With Google News ....................................................................................................... 6
Overview of Guide ........................................................................................................................................ 7
What Is Google News? .................................................................................................................................. 8
Some of Google News’s Features…........................................................................................................... 9
Why Is Google News Important? ................................................................................................................ 10
Traffic Produced From Google News .......................................................................................................... 11
How To Build A Google News Site............................................................................................................... 12
Google News Guidelines ............................................................................................................................. 13
After You’ve Applied To Google News ........................................................................................................ 26
Where To Hire Your Google News Staff ...................................................................................................... 30
How To Monetize a Google News Site ........................................................................................................ 30
Selling Your Google News Site .................................................................................................................... 34
Conclusion ................................................................................................................................................... 36

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Let me start off by saying THANK YOU for purchasing the Google News Profits.
The Google News Profits outlines techniques that I’ve used multiple times to earn
thousands from leveraging Google News in my marketing efforts.

The money I’ve made from using the strategies outlined in this guide has allowed
me to vacation in the Bahamas, take my product creation to the next level, and let
me financially help out friends and family that I otherwise wouldn’t have been
able to. Utilizing this guide to the fullest WILL create results.

Follow the strategies outlined here closely; everything discussed in the coming
pages has been tested multiple times to prove that it wasn’t just coincidence;
correlation has proven it correct.

Google News allows you to rank for almost any keyword… Yes, that means your
AdSense CPCs are TOTALLY in your control 

This guide is very straight forward, no BS – results-oriented talk only. I go over

everything from what categories to focus on, to how to format your pictures in
your posts, to the EXACT thing you need to do for a Google favorable submission.
Seriously, I’ve used these exact techniques to get multiple sites in Google News
and cash out at up to $5,200 USD for a site with ZERO revenue and profit!

With that said, I’ve invested substantial time and funds to test these methods and
techniques, so please do not share them. After all, you don’t want to pass your
enemy the guide that makes them bank, do you?

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To my knowledge – this is the only guide on the market that breaks down
CURRENT techniques, along with a submission cheat sheet and recommended

Imagine not having to ever worry about traditional SEO again! Take advantage of
the Google News placement for high CPC terms like “Life Insurance”, “Medical
Insurance”, and “Lawyers”. In fact, I’ve even used Google News to rank on page 1
for “Mesothelioma” – we all know how valuable that term is!

About Me
My name is Austin, I’m a 22 year old full time internet marketer. I’ve got a huge
passion for helping people, and love seeing happiness in others from something
that I have done. That’s why I created Google News Profits for you.

I’ve seen tons of people fail at Internet Marketing, myself included, time after
time… but with a couple steps in the right direction (which you’re moving in with
this guide), your life can be forever changed.

I currently blog at where I talk about what I am

currently doing online, and what my future plans are. My goal of TPL is to provide
motivation for myself and you, and show some techniques to my readers that
have brought me success.

I discovered Internet Marketing on complete accident by building an clone back in 2010, and since then I’ve never looked back. I started
out building websites purely for fun. Then one day, I received an email (about 3
months into working with the website) requesting banner for $50 a month! That’s
when I realized just how easy it could be to make money online.

Since that first project, I started a webhosting business from the ground up
offering shared, reseller, and VPS web hosting and domains, and ended up selling
it to a private internet service provider. I’ve also owned an outsourcing firm,

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offline interactive marketing business, and TONS of niche sites. Let’s just say I
have a thrill of adventuring into unknown territories!

My aim is to earn as much as I can, and learn along the way. I am always testing
out new methods and expanding my revenue streams. I first learned of Google
News and its capabilities in 2011. I decided to invest time and money into a full-
scale news site created from scratch. I ended up getting the site approved by
Google News, which was surprising considering the high amounts of sites that
went unapproved- Google’s forums were full of complaints.

I studied exactly what I did with that submission and applied it to others, all the
while looking for ways to increase my ROI and decrease my risk. This testing and
tracking is what created the Google News Profits.

My Experience With Google News

I have owned and submitted several Google News sites myself, as well as
consulted for clients looking to get their blog, website, or news source into
Google News Successfully. I typically charge $750 for a one-time Google News
consultation; however, I’m giving out a special deal in this WSO as a way of giving
back to this generous community.

Here’s some proof of what Google News sites can sell for:

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Overview of Guide
In this guide you’re going to learn all the intricacies of setting up a Google News
included website. The goal of the Google News Profits is to not only develop a
great looking news portal, but also be able to successfully be submitted and
included into Google News.

You’ll learn:

1. Why Google News?

2. Themes to Use on a Google News Site
3. Plugins Needed for Google News Sites
4. Outsourcing Your Google News Content
5. Google News Site Setup
6. Structuring Your Content For Google News
7. Applying to Google News
8. Maximizing Your Chances of Acceptance (Easy Steps!)
9. Monetizing A Google News Site
10.How Much To Sell A Google News Site For
11.Where To Sell Google News Sites
12.Making More Money When Selling Your Google News Site

We will start by organizing the sections featured on our news site, and then we’ll
overview content needed like: how many articles per day, recommended length,

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and amount per month that we need to produce. Next, we will cover site design
and how to properly fill out and detail the About Us and Contact information.

After that we’ll cover how to format a post, and how to create proper author
profiles. Then, we’ll cover how to properly hire content creators and what types
of interviewing to conduct.

This guide is jam packed with all the information that I’ve personally been using
on my own Google News sites, as well as clients’! This is the STEP By STEP guide
that you need to maximize your chances of cashing in on Google News.

Here’s what is great about Google News – NO SEO (yes, that’s right!)

What Is Google News?

Google News is Google’s news aggregator platform that webmasters can submit
their sites to in order to report news about certain topics. Once a webmaster’s
site is submitted and approved, they can write articles on whatever they’d like, as
long as they adhere to Google guidelines.

According to Google themselves, Google News is explained as the following:

“Google News is a computer-generated news site that aggregates headlines from
news sources worldwide, groups similar stories together and displays them
according to each reader's personalized interests.

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“Traditionally, news readers first pick a publication and then look for headlines
that interest them. We do things a little differently, with the goal of offering our
readers more personalized options and a wider variety of perspectives from
which to choose.

“On Google News we offer links to several articles on every story, so you can first
decide what subject interests you and then select which publishers’ accounts of
each story you’d like to read. Click on the headline that interests you and you'll go
directly to the site which published that story.

“Our articles are selected and ranked by computers that evaluate, among other
things, how often and on what sites a story appears online. We also rank based on
certain characteristics of news content such as freshness, location, relevance and

“As a result, stories are sorted without regard to political viewpoint or ideology
and you can choose from a wide variety of perspectives on any given story. We'll
continue to improve Google News by adding sources, fine-tuning our technology
and providing Google News to readers in even more regions.”

Some of Google News’s Features…

 Personalized news: No one can read all the news that’s published every
day, so why not set up your page to show you the stories that best
represent your interests? Learn more.

 Alerts: You can sign up to receive weekly, daily or as-it-happens email alerts
on any topic that interests you. Learn more.

 News for your mobile phone: If you have a mobile data plan, you can
access a special version of Google News right from your mobile
phone. Learn more.

 Feeds: You can receive updates of various sections of Google News or

Google News search results by subscribing to RSS or Atom feeds in your
favorite feed reader. Learn more.

 News archive search: Search and explore information from historical

archives dating back over 200 years. Learn more.

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Why Is Google News Important?

Google News articles typically appear at the top of every page that a relevant
article exists. What does this mean?

 Automatic Page 1 rankings FOR ALMOST ANY KEYWORD

 No more Search Engine Optimization
 No paid traffic
 No more worrying About Google Sandbox
 No more Panda updates to worry about
 No more Penguin updates to worry about
 INSTANTLY rank, even if you’re late to write on that topic

“Ok, that’s cool, but what kind of keywords can I rank page one for with Google
News?” is a question you’re probably thinking to yourself right now. Well, let’s
just say I’ve ranked page 1 for keywords like “mesothelioma, iPhone 5, and iPad
3” just by writing a simple ~300 word article on them.

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Google News allows your own website to appear with on page 1 with authority
levels equal to Time Magazine, New York Times, USA Today, and other HUGE print
magazines who have gone digital.

Yes, you read that right- I have NEVER once done search engine optimization for
my Google News sites, or any clients’ Google News sites. Instead I focus all my
efforts into content generation, because the more content that’s written, the
more money and traffic to be made!

Traffic Produced From Google News

The answer to this question is infinite- it all depends on what kind of keywords or
topics you target your articles around, as well as how many articles you produce
in a 24 hour period.

For example, if a popular topic at the moment is the 2012 Presidential Election,
it’s probably a good idea to cover that a bit, along with individual news on each
candidate, instead of a news article on a new kind of ground breaking light bulb.

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This will allow you to maximize your opportunity for current, relevant traffic.
Now, you’re probably wondering how to find out what’s trending and/or getting
searched quite a bit online, right?

Well here are the resources I use when researching content to write about for the

 - This is setup by Google and shows you

the trends for certain topics and keywords. This is especially great to use
for a topic that takes a while to climax such as the Olympics, the
presidential election, etc.
 - this is similar to the above link in
that it breaks down where the traffic and searches are coming from
 - The hottest trends on Google
for the current day.

How To Build A Google News Site

Now we’re onto the fun part of this guide, how to build your new Google News
money maker. These techniques as said above have helped me personally get
multiple sites into Google News for myself and clients.

Before building out the Google News site it’s imperative that we review the
Google News Quality guidelines (click here).

Here’s a key point to pull out of it in case you’re too busy to read them:

 Content must be news oriented content – no “how to” content, advice

columns, job postings, or purely information content.

What they mean by news content is that it must be something that you would
expect to see on news sites in a newspaper...

Good Google News Article Titles:

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1. “3 Dead, 2 Fatally Injured In Houston Shooting”

2. “Ford Stock Drops 5% As First Quarter Earnings Announced”
3. “RX Drug X Being Pulled From Shelves Due To FDA Bust”

Bad Google News Titles & Content:

1. “5 Reasons You Need A Dog Snuggie”

For example, a generic blog post talking about why you should buy dog
snuggies is not something you would expect to see in a newspaper, so do not
include content like that on your Google News site (or at least in the Google
News indexed content).

2. “How To Peel A Potato”

When Google says how-to articles, they mean instructional type articles such
as how to peel a potato or how to change a light bulb. How-to articles are not
news oriented articles, so do not include them in your Google News indexed

3. “School Secretary Job In Houston, Texas”

Job postings are not news articles, so do not include them in your Google
indexed content. Doing so risks getting your site forfeited from inclusion or de-
indexed from Google News.

Google News Guidelines

Part 1: Google News Quality Guidelines

 Unique articles. Original reporting and honest attribution are

longstanding journalistic values. (If your site publishes aggregated
content, you will need to separate it from your original work, or restrict
our access to those aggregated articles via your robots.txt file.)

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This simply means not to plagiarize another Google News site and publish it on
your site. It is ok to use other new stories as references, or base your news
articles off of them; however, you should never just copy someone else’s work.

 Accountability. Users tell us they value news sites with author

biographies and clearly accessible contact information, such as
physical and email addresses, and phone numbers.

Make sure you have author biographies for each author on your Google News
site, along with their email address (it is recommended to set it up on your
domain so their email is, and phone numbers if possible.

Make sure this biography is visible on a single author’s page on your site, as well
as at the bottom of each post on the site. This gives the reader a more personal
feel, and establishes trust and possible returning visitors.

 User-friendly. Sites should load quickly and use URL redirects

rarely. Clearly written articles with correct spelling and grammar also
make for a much better user experience. Keep in mind that we can
only include sites that follow the Webmaster Guidelines .

This piece basically says to make sure your article has minimal to no grammatical
or spelling errors. It makes things easier to read for users. It also suggests that
your Google News site should be easy to navigate with a clear navigation bar.

 Review The Kinds Of Content Allowed In Google News:

This again is very straight forward, make sure to read the information at that link
in regards to what kinds of content are allowed within Google News.

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Part 2: Google News Technical Guidelines

 Article URLs. To make sure we only crawl new articles, please make
sure your URLs are unique with at least 3 digits, and are permanent.

This is a very simple request for Google that confuses many applicants. They tend
to forget to include the numbers in their URL structure. I will be using WordPress
for the example (and I recommend you do as well), so let’s use this permalinks
format to ensure we meet Google’s necessary requirements:

Permalink: /%year%/%monthnum%/%postname%/41%post_id%.html

What this above permalink does is list the URL like so: year/month/post
name/##postID.html. The ## ensures that we meet the minimum 3 digital
requirement for URLs, and the next step illustrates why I use .html at the end of
my URLs. Make sure to replace the ## with your own 2 numbers, or just use 41
like the example.

 Article Links. When our crawler scans your site, it looks for HTML
links with anchor texts that includes at least a few words. We are also
unable to crawl JavaScript, graphic links or links found in frames.

As you see in the permalink example above, I prefer to use .html at the end of my
post permalinks, and this is exactly why. The Google News crawler looks for
HTML links- what better way to show it’s an HTML link than by putting .html at
the end of it?

 Article formatting. Our crawler is only able to include HTML articles.

This means we cannot crawl PDFs or other non-HTML formats.
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Make sure your articles are in text format. It’s ok for them to include an image,
but they should not be in PDF or other formats, otherwise the crawler cannot
recognize the content.

 Robots.txt or metatags. In order for your content to be included in

Google News, our user-agent must be able to crawl and index your

Make sure your Robots.txt is not blocking the Google News robot. You can ask
your webhost to help you with this part.

 Google also recommends you submit a Google News sitemap through your
webmaster tools account (create one if you don’t have one). You may see
an error with your Google News sitemap though until your site is officially
 Google also recommends you examine their other technical requirements
to ensure your website complies; you can do that by clicking here.

Now that we’ve reviewed the guidelines, let’s move onto the actual Google
News Site Creation…

There are a few things I would highly recommend you have on your Google News

 A decent quality Logo

 A contact address
 A contact phone number
 An author’s page (with contact details and author biographies)
 A contact us page (with a contact us box)
 About us (about the news site)
 Privacy Policy Page

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 Terms Of Use Page

 A high quality WordPress theme

I’ll be showing examples of most of these later throughout this guide, but make
sure you have all of these items. I also recommend you cover several categories
on your Google News sites… my favorites are:

 Local (news in your surrounding area)

 Business (can cover finance as well)
 Headlines
 Technology
 World News
 Politics
 Health/Science

If you’re in a fairly small town, I’d recommend that you cover a closer, larger, and
more relevant city. You can include your town as a part of this, but make sure it’ a
city that people know of. You can include the city’s surrounding areas as well.

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Authors Page Example

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 You can see the organization, it’s mailing address, and phone number are
all displayed. We’ve then given each writer a title, name, email, phone
number, and short biography.

About Us Page Example

 Just a brief blurb about your news site and the team behind it. Talk about
what you cover, how ground breaking you are, how hard your team
works, and how thankful you are for your readers, etc.

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High Quality Logo: Why You Need It & Places To Get It

 A high quality logo is very important because it shows authority and

establishment. You do not want just boring text, you need a graphic logo
that looks great and professional. Below are a few cheap $5 Fiverr gigs you
can use:

Gig #1:


Gig #2:


Gig #3:

Gig #4:


Gig #5:

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News Content: Hiring Writers, Content Details, Content Formatting

Content is the most important part of your Google News site! Content is the key
factor to determining whether your site will be accepted into Google News,
whether it will stay included, and more. Content even controls how much traffic
you get, and how high your earnings will be!

Google News sites require a decent amount of content, so I suggest writing up

200-250 news articles that are a variation of 250 to 500 words in length- this will
give your Google News site a good base of content for application.

I also recommend you breaking these articles down into monthly increments, and
typically back date by around at least 2 months. So for example, if I was building a
Google News site from scratch and the current month was June, I would back
date around 3-4 months back and break down the articles up to this month like

 February:30 articles
 March: 40 articles
 April: 50 articles
 May:60 articles
 June: 70 articles

To find the articles to cover on these topics, go to

and then search for Google News articles that were published in each of these
months. Research, the news they are about, then write about the news story and
back date the article in your WordPress post area to show it was from that date.

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I would recommend you try to split up each months articles relatively even across
each category. So if you are covering 4 different categories (entertainment,
technology, world, science) I would assign a relatively even split for each of them.

If you are planning to outsource your content creation, these same suggestions
apply. You can even have your writer pick out the topics as long as they are from
Google News during that time period.

For outsourcing content creation I recommend you go to; that’s where I’ve personally outsourced my
writing to, with great results.

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Content Writer Outsourcing Template

--------- --------- --------- --------- --------- ---------

Here is a sample job application that you can use to hire writers from the
resource above:

Job Title: News Article Writers Wanted (Long Term Potential)

Body: We are a New publishing firm looking to hire native English speaking
content writers who can write up to 3-4 articles per day of between 250-450
words. Each article should contain a corresponding image and appropriate title.

We are looking for long term relationships with our writers and would like to set
pay schedules. We are looking to pay $1.00 to $2.00 per 100 words. Please send
us at least 1 sample of your writing and include the word “monkey” in your

** Applicants who do not send at least one sample will be immediately denied **

--------- --------- --------- --------- --------- ---------

The key points that you want to make sure that you absolutely cover are:

- Native English speaker (or at least fluent in English)

- Minimum of 3 articles per day
- Each article consists of 250-450 words
- Minimum of 1 picture per post

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Settings Before Publishing Content

So before we start putting out content, we need to make sure we have a couple
key settings properly configured. Using this trick I’ve been able to reuse content
from sites that ran into issues with Google News, for newly submitted sites! In
essence this has allowed me to reduce my content expenses and recycle content
if a site happens to not get included into Google News.

What we’re doing is stopping search engines from finding our content on our
Google News Site until after we make sure we’re approved by Google news.

Go to your WP-Admin, then go to Settings, then go to Privacy and make sure you
select the below option:

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This will result in all “ethical” search engines to not index your content into their
listings, which prevents it from becoming duplicate content!

Recommended WordPress Plugins

Contact Form 7
This is a contact form plugin, it will allow readers contact you from a
contact page on your website. This is a must in case people contact you
about buying banner space or advertising space on your website.

Digg Digg
This is a great social media plugin that allows you to set your social
media icons in a couple different ways including under or above the
posts, as well as floating on the sidebar.

Google News Sitemap Generator

Use this because Google News has a special kind of sitemap they like to
use, submit this when Google News tells you to 

Simple XML Sitemap

Allows you to have a sitemap setup in the meantime for when your site
is included in Google News.
A plugin that is great for blocking spam comments. It prevents your
comment feed from getting caught up with thousands of spam

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After Your Base Articles Are Created

Ok, so now we’ve set the privacy setting for our content, and created our base
articles that are dated by each month. Articles should be dated all the way from a
few months back to fairly recent at this point. At this point we’re going to go
ahead and apply to Google News for inclusion (make sure to go over the cheat
sheet & inclusion video Before continuing).

At this point we’re also going to create our Google News submission using their
submission form found here:

*** Make sure To Watch The video Enclosed In Google News Profits on how I fill
out this form, and the recommended settings from my experience ***

After You’ve Applied To Google News

Alright, so you’ve just watched my video on how I apply to Google News, and the
options I use. After you have successfully submitted you should be redirected to a
page like this:

After we’ve landed on this page, we next need to check our email. You should see
something like this:

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Now this big long email looks scary, but don’t be afraid! You can see that this
email says to confirm that your site matches all these guidelines, and if so reply to
the email.

Make sure you put some thought into this reply, it’s much better put some heart
into it than just reply saying “I accept”. Now this email reply may never get read
by Google News, but it certainly shows that you care about your site, and that you
put hard work into it.
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In this email I suggest you talk about how your site fits these guidelines, and
better yet, how it exceeds the guidelines. Mention how hard your team has
worked on the news source, and the kind of value your news site can bring to
Google News readers, along with what it will continue to contribute to Google
News and its readers in the future.

Here’s an example of something I would use as a general outline:

“Dear Google News Team,

Thank you very much for allowing our news source to be given an
opportunity to be included in Google News. Our writers (including myself) have a
passion for speedy coverage of all events, and an eye for detail. We are confident
that we can raise the bar for the standard of content in Google News, and look
forward to helping provide readers of Google News high quality and accurate
content. Again, thank you very much for the opportunity, and we at look
forward to hearing back from you.

Thank you very much,


So now that we’ve successfully applied, we’re going to increase our article volume
to 4+ articles per day until we’ve been approved by Google News. In my
experience this typically has taken around 15 days, but can take longer in some
cases. I would also recommend you continue this daily volume for a minimum of a
few days after acceptance so that you get a steady flow of articles into Google
News in the beginning.

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Where To Hire Your Google News Staff

- Local University students: Many students can write some amazing articles,
and will write for cheap to supplement beer and “fun” money.

- Craigslist: Placing a craigslist ad has been a great way to find native English
speaking writers who will write for a very affordable rate.

- Odesk: Odesk is a great place to find writers and outsourcers as a whole for
your online business. You can find high quality writers at extremely
competitive rates.

- Elance: Elance is another outsourcing platform where you can hire

freelancers at all kinds of rates. I’ve had good success hiring writers here
who continually perform well!

How To Monetize a Google News Site

If you’re someone who would rather keep their Google News site for a while
before selling it, or you want to keep it permanently, read this next part of the
guide very closely!

Google News is a truly unique opportunity; the ability to monetize these sites is
incomparable to just about any other site that I know of. Why? Because of the
sheer volume of unique visitors that Google News produces, and the extreme
targeting it provides.

For instance, if you are publishing news on finance, your visitors are almost 100%
finance interested. What correlates with the finance niche? High CPC’s on
AdSense, big commissions through Clickbank, and a very lucrative set of traffic!
You can capture the visitors via lead generation and mail them news as well as
affiliate offers as a source of getting the latest stock trends, etc. I would not
recommend covering your Google News site in ads before submission though.

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Maybe put up 1 or 2, and I would suggest they be a CPA or banner ad. After your
site is accepted into Google News, I would then add the rest of your ads. Make
sure that you don’t coat it in ads though, or make it look spammy.

 Monetizing with Adsense: These are the best placements that I’ve
personally tested on sites that I’ve managed:
o Top block in the right sidebar
o Above the content in your single posts
 Monetizing with Amazon: Utilize the same placements above. I recommend
putting ads up for books, and things that middle aged people are typically
interested in.
 Monetizing with Clickbank: Utilize the top right sidebar box for a banner
placement. You can also put sidebar text links recommending products
such as “top 5 tools for Forex success” and then hyperlink your affiliate
links below.
 Monetizing via A newsletter: make sure to mail articles and links to
featured articles on your site as well. Study and how they do
this to maximize your success. This is something they are EXTREMELY good
at with their news stories.
 Press release distribution: you can setup your Google News site to publish
press releases, however make sure you do not have these indexed in
Google News as they will get you disqualified.

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Homepage Ad Placement

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Single Page Ad Placement

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Selling Your Google News Site

Alright so you’ve made your Google News site, submitted it, continued creating
content, and are now approved. You’ve either held the site or monetized it
yourself for a while, or you’ve gotten approved and you’re ready to cash in on
numbers like….

My first word of advice before telling you about where people sell Google News
sites successfully is: never release the URL publicly. I would recommend you
require an NDA before ever revealing the site URL. This is to protect the future
owner so that the site has the highest chance possible of staying in Google News,
and will also help your site retain its value as much as possible to bidders.

Marketplaces are a beautiful place to sell your web properties- however they are
also very dangerous for the simple reason that not everyone who acts as buyer
has the best intentions. We wish they did, but it is best to assume don’t, hence
the requirement of an NDA above.

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A Google News site can generally start priced at around 24 times the revenue it
generates and in some cases much more! Considering a typical site valuation is
around 12 times the revenue generated, these sites have a real advantage on the

Marketplaces You Can Sell Your Google News Site:

 Flippa
 Digital Point
 Warrior Forum
 Namepros
 Private Sales (these can result in very high multipliers)
 Using Site Brokers To Sell Your Site To High End Clients

How To Make More Money Off Your Google News Site

Now being internet marketers, we always want to make the most money from
out efforts, right? Well here’s a simple trick that I use to create extra money from
selling my Google News site… I offer long term article creation!

Offer to continue the content creation for the buyer on whatever terms you’d
like, but make sure to get the money up front so you don’t get scammed! Then
simply continue using your current outsourcer!

How To Consult For People Who Want In Google News

Another great way to monetize what you’ve learned from this guide is to do
Google News consulting. As I mentioned above, I charge $750 one time fee to
help people get into Google News.

They generate all the content, I simply use the formatting techniques, and setup
instructions I talk about in the guide above to ensure they have the highest
chance possible of getting included into Google News.

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I do not guarantee acceptance, because that simply puts too much risk on myself
as the consultant, however I do say that I am quite confident that following the
techniques outlined here that there is a very good potential, and that the results
from maintain a high quality news site are amazing.
I make sure to get the payment either 100% up front, or 50% upfront and 50% after the work
has been completed after the submission process and during the pending inclusion time frame.

I hope this e-book along with the videos has helped you to prepare your Google
News website, and submit it successfully. You’ve now got the exact blueprint that
I use on my personal Google News sites. As long as you keep providing quality
news, Google and your readers will keep on rewarding you!

Hopefully this course has set you in the right direction, but as always this course is
nothing if you don’t take action and implement it. It may seem like a lot of work,
but the rewards are high if you implement a Google News site correctly. This is a
genuine method to make you loads of money. Good Luck. Take Action.

To Your Success,

Austin L


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