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f yent. The Task 2 consists of a communicative context containing a statems WRITING TASK give an opinion, discuss ideas, jires the MUET candidate to ‘ Extended Writing __ statement requires t d ee valuat ti to problems. The can¢ evaluate arguments or provide solutions to pi ee eta do so by means of providing advice, reasons, opini about the idea or the problem given. ‘As a MUET candidate, you will write an essay—either discursive, argumentative or problem-solution in nature—of at least 250 words in 50 minutes. Essay Types _ Different types of essays would have different specific characteristics. ‘The following are the three different essay types and their characteristics. i Argumentative Problem-solution Di iscursive Essay as Tessa - Presents albalanced’ | - Presents a strong) | - Presents solutions examination ofa particular topic » Written in a fubject = Written ina and + Written ina i more formaliand more form and | .impersonalstyle | compared to other impersonalstylé | compared to other | essays compared to other | essays essays ~ Educates and - Presents both sides! | persuades the ofthewdiscussion, | readers oma supported by facts? | particular point oP and research’ ‘view, supported by facts and research, Effective Writing —_Inorder to write effectively, there are a few things that MUET candidates need to know and learn. [Seem 1 nnoring 7 Careful planning is the key when attempting Task 2. Brainstorming for ideas using a thinking map helps you to prepare a well-written essay. Here The shortest complete are a few thinking maps that you can use. sentence in English is TTL We scply “a ‘Thinking Map 1: Circle Map . Resource 1 Main points Resource 3 Resource 4 4a TESTFOCUSED + Witing Scanned with CamScanner EY ‘Thinking Map 2: Brace Map . Elaboration Main idea { Did You 2 Example Know? Apangram isa sentence which contains all the letters of the alphabet; for Elaboration G=p Main idea { cong Example The quick brown fox he ed the Elaboration Main idea Example ‘Thinking Map 3: Bubble Map .. Elaboration 1 Elaboration 2 /Solution 1 /Solution 2 as Example N Example boy They elated Sroltnteiaes Elaboration 3 {Solution 3 mame Thinking Map 4: Double Bubble Map AGREE ‘ Disa Main point Mal ouat AGREE é > in point ——~._ AGREE IU Au EE M te AGRE at Ea — Dsecres — DSA / \ AGREE Main point DO AGBEE lain point TESTFOCUSED - Witing 43 Scanned with CamScanner isthe shortest commonly used word, Thinking Map 5: Tree Map Cai senclestiehs | Main idea Mainidea [ | Elaboration Elaboration Elaboration | | | Example Example Example ‘The basic structure of an essay consists of an introduction, at least three body paragraphs and a conclusion, as shown below. Paragraph 1 (Introduction) There are three parts in this paragraph, as follows: oe ~ Write @ hook that grabs the attention of readers. ~ Ahook refers to: + Acatchy sentence that raises compelling questions in the readers’ mind, + A common misconception that the readers may feel like debating for or against. + A burning question that the readers may want to know the answer to. + An interesting fact that inspires the readers to find out more. — Describe what the topic is about in one sentence, — Provide further information regarding the topic. a ~ Give details that elaborate on or justify the opening sentence. tate a clear and convincing opinion or BITE AT + Fora discursive essay: point of view. : + Foran argumentative essay: state a clear stand (agree, disagree or neutral stand). : + Fora problem-solution essay: describe the problem briefly. a4 TEST-FOCUSED + Writing Scanned with CamScanner (im ~ A strong thesis statement is specific and expresses the purpose g the essay clearly. : + Write one sentence that ties together the three main points yo, intend to develop in the body paragraphs ; + Fora strong thesis statement, you may use the following templates to guide you on how to sequence your three main py, in the sentence: — : (@)... because of (main point 1), (main point 2) and (main poy; (®)... in so many ways, such as (main point 1), (main point 2) (main point 3) (©)... not only for (main point 1), but also for (main point 2) (main point 3)... ~ The three main points would differ, based on the different types of essays. + Discursive essa in one sentence. + Argumentatitve essay: state three arguments that justify the sentence in one sentence. * Problem-solution essay: provide three solutions to the problen in one sentence. ang state three opinions/points of view/perspectiy: ~ Use specific words that clearly state the main ideas, and avoid general words which are vague. ~ The thesis statement must be something that allows for discussion and argument. It should not be a statement of fact that has no root for argument. ~ A good strategy when writing a thesis statement is to show that he topic is controversial. This will interest the readers to read the ret of the essay, as they would want to see how the stated main ideas are developed and supported. oo Paragraphs 2, 3 and 4 (Body) an effective body paragraph has a clear main point, which is * leveloped with supporting details to substantiate the main point. The following is a step-by-step puide usi > strate ., Pp guide using the ‘MEEL strat Write effective body paragraphs —each step is explained in detail be” (M) Main point (E) Elaboration (E) Example (0) Linking sentence DCUSED- Writing 45 Scanned with CamScanner Interesting Fact American novelist Truman, Capote never started or finished any of his writing on a Friday. — Use clear and specific words, as the main point is what you want Your readers to understand and keep in mind while reading the paragraph, — The first sentence of the paragraph is normally known as the topic sentence. It tells the reader what the paragraph is about. A good topic sentence should not contain any elaboration of the main point, ~ Identify keywords in the main point and write sentences specific details that support, justify and develop the main point. ~ Use facts, reasons, explanations or descriptions when writing the sentences with the specific details. ~ Give one example that substantiates the elaboration given. — Ensure that the example also supports the main point. — Use appropriate cohesive devices to signpost the example. — Use a cohes re device to start the linking sentence. — Rephrase the topic sentence in order to reinforce the main point. = Sum up the idea of the paragraph in one sentence, and ensure that the linking sentence answers the question ‘so what?” Paragraph 5 (Conclusion) ‘The conclusion should be concise and not lengthy, Use this step-by-step guide to write an effective and organised conclusion. — Start the first sentence with a cohesive device Eg. ‘In conclusion, .., “To conclude, ..", To sum up, ...” — Write a summary statement after the cohesive device by rephrasing the thesis statement. 46 sesh Scanned with CamScanner ‘TEST-FOCUSED - waiting — Refer to the keywords in the main points and the elaboration oy, body paragraphs, then summarise these main points. — Restate your opinion or stand, or convince the readers that the solutions provided in the essay can solve the problem, SS a — Give a valid and reliable recommendation. — Ask a thetorical question to raise awareness or a call to action, eae Discursive, argumentative and problem-solution essays have diffey specific characteristics. The following tables show the three diffys essay types and their characteristics. Discursive essay | Discusses opinions from different perspective ona given topic ee You attended a talk by a famous psychologis which was recently organised during you z school’s Academic Week. The followin, ‘comment was made by the guest speaker. Example of stimulus and task : ‘Family hasa strong influence on one’s acadeni Ries ‘| success.” Write an essay expressing your opinion on te t __| statement. Essay structure introduction and organisation of ; ~ General information to capture the readers’ | Points ¥ attention ~ Brief specific background information on tht topic __ | 7 Aclear thesis statement that contains three : opinions on the topie _ | Body Paragraph 1 (M) Main point 1 = sentence form) (B) Elaboration (©) Example Opinion 1 (in topic (©) Linking sentence (to link back to M) tody Paragraph 2 (M) Main point 2 = 0, _. | __ sentence form) | (BE) Elaboration (©) Example pinion 2 (in topic (L) Linking sentence (to tink back to M) a7 Scanned with CamScanner Body Paragraph 3 (M) Main point 3 = Opinion 3 (in topic sentence form) (E) Elaboration (E) Example (L) Linking sentence (to link back to M) Conelusion = Rephrase thesis statement ~ Reiterate keywords in topic given ~ Give a strong recommendation or call to action Argumentative | Gives a clear stand on the issue and provides essay evidence to substantiate the stand Example of ‘You attended a talk by a famous instagrammer, Stimulus and task | which was recently organised during your school’s ‘Business Studies Workshop’. The following comment was made by the guest speaker, ‘Influencers are the best medium to advertise products.” BEI Do you agree with this statement? Essay structure | Introduction and organisation of | General information to capture the readers’ points attention — Acclear stand (agree or disagree or neutral) — Acclear thesis statement that contains three points to substantiate the stand Body Paragraph | (M) Main point 1 = Argument I for or against the topic (in topic sentence form) (B) Elaboration (E) Example (L) Linking sentence (to link back to M) Body Paragraph 2 (M) Main point 2 = Argument 2 for or against the topic (in topic sentence form) (E) Elaboration (E) Example (L) Linking sentence (to link back to M) Body Paragraph 3 (M) Main point 3 = Argument 3 for or against the topic (in topic sentence form) (E) Elaboration es (E) Example (L)_Linking sentence (to link back to M) mn TEST-FOCUSED + Wating Scanned with CamScanner Conclusion ~ Rephrase thesis statement — Reiterate keywords in topic given — Give a question for the readers to think abou, (rhetorical question) or call to action Problem-solution essay Example of stimulus and task offers ways (the solutions) to deal with the issue Explains an issue of concern (the problem) ang You attended a talk by a representative from| a non-governmental organisation, — which was recently organised during your school's academic week. The following comment was, made by the guest speaker. ‘Many college students nowadays struggle with depression.’ Write an essay suggesting ways to deal with depression. Essay structure and organisation of points Introduction — General information to capture the readers’ attention — Brief specific background information on the topic — Aclear thesis statement that contains three opinions on the topic Body Paragraph 1 (M) Main point 1 = Solution 1 (in topic sentence form) (B) Elaboration (E) Example (L) Linking sentence (to link back to M) Body Paragraph 2 (M) Main point 2 = Solution 2 (in topic sentence form) (B) Elaboration (E) Example (L) Linking sentence (to link back to M) Body Paragraph 3 (M) Main point 3 = Solution 3 (in topic sentence form) (E) Elaboration (E) Example (L) Linking sentence (to link back to M) Conelusion = Rephrase thesis statement — Reiterate keywords in topic given — Give a strong recommendation or call to action Scanned with CamScanner steP-BY-STEP GUIDE STIMULUS EXAMPLE A: Discursive Essay Danish author Hans Christian Andersen. always brought along an emergency coil of rope whenever he stayed at a hotel in case of fire. The following isa step-by-step guide to tackling Task 2 effectively * Read and understand the task * Ident au the type of essay that you ar lunentative or problem-solution) * Ident supposed to write (discursive, the keywords + Highlight the keywords * Analyse the keywords to understand what type of ess: going to write Plan your response * Brainstorm for ideas ay you are * Write the ideas in keywords (use thinking maps to help you) * Plan an outline ee | | Step 3” Present your answer * Organise your paragraphs (Introduction, Body paragraphs and Conclusion) + Use the right or most appropriate cohesive devices * Use suitable and effective expressions + Ensure you use a wide vocabulary and a mix of different sentence structures + Apply the accurate use of grammar, spelling and punctuation + Ensure that the word limit is at least 250 words You attended a talk by 2 famous psychologist, which was recently organised during your school’s Academic Week. The following comment was made by the guest speaker. Family has a strong influence on one’s academic success. Inderline the keyword: 1d analyse the task Write an essay expressing your opinion on the statement. Write an essay of at least 250 words. } identify the type of essay required. = Express opinion = Discursive essay It = Discuss the topic given by giving theee opinions 50 TEST-FOCUSED + Witina Scanned with CamScanner BITES Geert ya Paragraph 1 Introduction your ideas using a suitable thinking map. We suggest: the bubble map, Le Example: The wrapping of books, the drive to school and the carrying of books and things when the child is moving into a hostel or college. 1 Physical support 3 Financial support Gays a strong influence’on one’s academic ears 2 Emotional support Example: When the child does not perform well in an examination, Example: Parents pay the child's education fees. Then, write the essay using an organised structure. Thesis statement Give further information State a clear and convincing opinion Write a strong thesis statement that ties the three opinions together Paragraph What you Structure should do ... Saniple Reeenee. Introduce the | Write an A family is a group of people topic (remember | interesting fact | who are related to each other the hook?) or an observation | and live together under one roof. A family typically consists of a father, mother and child, or more than one child. Because these people live together, they depend and support each other in almost all aspects of their lives, including the child’s academic success. This shows that a family is the strongest predictor of one’s academic success. Family has a strong influence on one’s academic success because family members provide strong physical, emotional and financial support. Scanned with CamScanner Paragraph 2 Body paragraph Paragraph 3 Body paragraph (Elaboration) E (Example) Paragraph What you Btractbre | arshiould Woes Sample Response M (Main point 1) | Start with a Firstly, our family undeniably cohesive device and introduce your first opi Elaborate on your opinion Give an example to substantiate your opinion ives us strong physical support. With a family that is always by our side since we were small, our family members would always help us when we needed them, particularly when we were still learning, For instance, when we were in primary and secondary schools, our father or mother would be the one driving us to and fro daily. When it was time for us to go to college or university, our parents, especially our mother, would help us to pack our clothes and things. While our father and elder brother would help to carry everything to our dormitory or room on campus, L (Linking Use a cohesive | Hence, this shows that family sentence) device to link _| plays a pivotal role in making your example | sure one is successful in one’s and elaboration | academic performance. to your opinion M (Main point 2) | Start with a Next, a family also offers us cohesive device | emotional support. and present your second opinion E (Elaboration) | Elaborate on _| When going through our , your opinion —_| academic journey, we were not always alone, We had our family members by our side. E (Example) | Give an example | Our mother, for example, to substantiate | would sometimes accompany your opinion _| us when we did our homework or assignments late at night. Sometimes along the journey, when things got bumpy and uneven, our parents would be our cheerleaders, cheering us ‘onto lift our spirits so that we would be able to perform well in our studies. L 52 TTEST-FOCUSED + Witing rE Scanned with CamScanner Paragraph 4 Body paragraph FCISEO + Wing Paragraph Structure ‘What you |__ should do... ‘Sample Response L (Lint sentence) M (Main point 3) E (Elaboration) E (Example) L (Linking sentence) Use a cohesive Thus, family is the utmost device to link | important reason in making uy cessful in our studies, your example — | st and elaboration to your opinion Start with a ‘The last point is a family cohesive device | provides us with financial and state your | support. third opinion Elaborate on In whatever that we do, money your opinion —_| is always a factor. To be successful in education, we need money. Not only do our parents offer us physical and emotional support, but they also assist us by financing our education. Pursuing studies can be quite costly; some students may apply for a student loan, but before some of these students receive the Joan, their parents would have to use their own money first. Give an example | To illustrate, once our to substantiate | application to enrol ina your opinion —_| university is accepted, our parents would need to pay for the registration fees. But it does not stop there, as they would also have to pay for other expenses, such as our books as well as food, Without their financial aid, we would not be able to continue our journey as a student and excel in our academic pursuits, Use acohesive | Therefore, itis proven that device tolink | without financial funding from your example | our family, specifically from and elaboration | our parents, we might not be to your opinion | excellent in our academic achievement. Scanned with CamScanner pecauranll pybatyoe ‘Sample Response » , Structure should do... aragral eas Summarises the | Rephrase the In conclusion, a family has essay thesis statement | a strong influence on one’s academic success, as family members play a vital role in one’s academic journey. They give physical, emotional and financial support unequivocally to guarantee one would be successful in one’s academic performance. Reiterate the | Reiterate your _| There might be other main idea opinion contributing factors that can lead one to a fruitful academic journey. Clincher Call toaction _| But truth be told, above it all, family is definitely the main ‘and most imperative factor that would make one successful in his or her academic life. NILIEM: ‘Write your answer based on your plan, Remember that your answer should be in the correct format, and you need to use linkers where required to keep the flow of your writing smooth, Remember to write at least 250 words. A family is a group of people who are related to each other and live together under one roof. A family typically consists of a father, mother and child, or more than one child. Because these people live together, they depend and support cach other in almost all aspects of their lives, including the child’s academic success. This shows that a family is the strongest predictor of one’s academic success because Thesis Statement family_members_provide_strong_physical,_emotional_and_financial support. Cees Firstly, our family undeniably gives us strong physical support. M (Main point 1) With a family thet is always by our side since we were small, our E (Elaboration) family members would always help us when we needed them, E (Example) particularly when we were still learning. For instance, when we were in primary and secondary schools, our father or mother would be the one driving us to and fro daily. When it was time for us to go to college or university, our parents, especially our mother, would help us to pack our clothes and things. While our father and elder brother would help to carry everything to our dormitory or room on campus. Hence, this shows that family plays a pivotal role in making sure one is successful in one’s academic performance. L (Linking sentence) 54 TEST-FOCUSED + Writing Scanned with CamScanner M (Main point 2) E (Elaboration) E (Example) L (Linking sentence) M (Main point 3) E (Elaboration) E (Example) L (Linking sentence) STIMULUS EXAMPLE B: Argumentative Essay The idea of the Twilight series came to the author Stephanie Meyer in a dream, TEST-FOCUSED + Writing Next, a family also offers us emotional support. When going through our academic journey, we were not always alone. We had our family members by our side. Our mother, for example, would sometimes accompany us when we did our homework or assignments Tate at night. Sometimes along the journey, when things got bumpy and uneven, our parents would be our cheerleaders, cheering us on to lift our spirits so that we would be able to perform well in our studies. | Thus, family is the utmost important reason in making us successful in our studies. The last point i provides us with financial support. In whatever that we do, money is always a factor, To be successful in ‘education, we need money. Not only do our parents offer us physical and emotional support, but they also assist us by financing our education. Pursuing studies can be quite costly; some students may apply for a student loan, but before some of these students receive the loan, their parents would have to use their own money first. To illustrate, once our application to enrol in a university is accepted, our parents would need to pay for the registration fees. But it does not stop there, as they would also have to pay for other expenses, such as our books as well as food. Without their financial aid, we would not be able to continue our journey as a student and excel in our academic pursuits. Therefore, it is proven that without financial funding from our family, specifically from our parents, we might not be excellent in our academic achievernent. In conclusion, a family has a strong influence on one’s academic success, as family members play a vital role in one’s academic journey. They give physical, emotional and financial support unequivocally to guarantee one would be successful in one’s academic performance There might be other contributing factors that can lead one toa fruitful academic journey. But truth be told, above it all, family is definitely the main and most imperative factor that would make one successful in his or her academic life. en You attended a talk by a famous Instagrammer, which was recent!) organised during your school’s “Busi is iness Studies y. The following comment was made by the guest speaker. Workstor: Underline the keywords £ a — Influencers are the best medium to advertise products, x a 0 you agree wi ‘ this statement? Write an essay of at least 250 words. Ident the iypoof essay requ ~ Agree withthe statement = Argumentative essay 7 Suppor your stand with twee argument ss Scanned with CamScanner Paragraph 1 Introduction is where the candidate must decide how to respond. First, brainstorm Your ideas using a suitable thinking map. We suggest: the brace map. Sach Nis Influencers have good online Effectively platforms reach the target audience Instagram, Influencers have established trust Quickly build with their fans trust channel \_ Cost-effective as a marketing Facebook Influencers do not have to be somebody famous YouTube Then, write the essay using an organised structure. topic (remember the hook?) Paragraph What you Structure should do ... Sample Response Introduce the | Write an Most people globally are on interesting fact oran observation Give an interesting fact Give further information State a clear and convincing argument the virtual world now, and with social media gaining a stronger ground particularly in our country, this has resulted in a growing trend called influencer marketing. Influencer marketing is a kind of social media marketing that involves endorsements and product placements online by influencers. Influencers are people who possess purported knowledge. Tagree with the statement that says influencers are the best medium to advertise products. 56 TEST-FOCUSED + Writing Scanned with CamScanner PEIN Paragraph ‘What you Senne Teale See Re Thesis statement | Write a strong | This is because influencers thesis statement | can effectively reach the targe, that ties the three | audience, quickly build trust ideas together | and they are cost saving as a Paragraph 2 M (Main point 1) | Start with a Firstly, incorporating Body paragraph cohesive device _| influencers as the ambassador and introduce —_| for a certain product is. your first definitely the best marketing argument strategy, as influencers can reach the target audience effectively. E (Elaboration) | Elaborate on These influencers have already your argument | established a strong platform online, as they have followers in the hundreds of thousands, or even millions, who practically follow everything that the influencers post online E (Example) Give evidence | For example, the famous to support your _| local instagrammer Khairul argument Aming, who goes by the handle @khairulaming, has million followers. He is s0 into cooking that Vantage Cookware had chosen him to market a few of their pots and pans. All he needs to do is cook using their pans. His followers will watch @khairulaming 1-minute cooking videos and they woulé indirectly want to have the same pans that Khairul uses. L (Linking Use acohesive | This shows that using sentence) device to link __| influencers is the best yourexample —_| marketing strategy to get and elaboration | buyers to buy products or to your argument | services. Paragraph 3 | M (Main point 2) | Start with a Secondly, influencers can Body paragraph cohesive device | quickly build trust among the and present your | customers. second argument Scanned with CamScanner Paragraph 4 Body paragraph Paragraph Structure E (laboration) E (Example) What you should do a Elaborate on your argument Give an example to substantiate your argument Life as an influencer is not easy, ‘To build trust among the followers, influencers have to post pictures of what they wear, where they go and what they do almost every other hour, Once they have posted their pictures, they have to put a caption too, ‘This is the part where followers get to comment on or like the pictures that were posted. By doing all this, the influencers would have slowly built trust among the followers, as the followers get to see and judge what these influencers do ‘on almost a daily basis. | Faris Zakaria, also known as ‘Maharaja Solo7’, is a gamer and a phenomenon among Facebook users. He has 20 million followers on Facebook alone. Not only does he post pictures, but he is also into streaming when he is playing games. Those who watch him game online get to see what he wears. And since they have been following “Maharaja Soloz’ through his posts and streams, they can be considered loyal fans who trust him. This automatically makes the followers want to wear and buy whatever he wears, PIN L (Linking, Use a cohesive | Thus, this shows that the sentence) device to link | influencers’ frequent postings your example | of pictures and streams online and elaboration | have made the followers to your argument | trust them, and it is this trustwort! s that makes the influencers the best medium for marketing products. M (Main point 3) | Start with a Lastly, using the influencers as cohesive device and state your third argument channel to market products is cost-effective. 58 TEST-FOCUSED * Writing Scanned with CamScanner ‘OCUSED- Writing Paragraph 5 Conclusion ‘Paragraph Structure ‘What you should do ... Sample Response E (Elaboration) E (Example) L (Linking sentence) Elaborate on your argument Give an example to substantiate your argument Use a cohesive device to link your example and elaboration to your argument How is it productive in terms of costs? Because companies do not have to spend so much ona famous actor or model to market their products, This is because, with influencers, companies do not need to use somebody famous, For instance, the endorsement of a specific beauty product can be done through how-to videos running on a platform such as YouTube. In the videos, the influencers do not only show how the products look like, but also how they are applied. This is the reason a giant beauty company like Estee Lauder focusses more on digital marketing, instead of conventional print marketing. Therefore, influencers are the best marketing strategy in endorsing products to the market, as they are cost- effective via cost savings for the companies. ‘Summarises the essay Reiterate the main idea Clincher Rephrase thesis statement Reiterate your stand Call to action In conclusion, influencers can reach the target market effectively, build trust among the customers and they are cost-effective. With that being said, itis ‘imperative to restate and emphasise the stand that influencers are indeed the best medium to use to advertise products. In this fast-paced digital environment, the Internet knows no boundary and we have to keep up with it, so doe the business world 59 Scanned with CamScanner Thesis Statement Paice M (Main point 1) E (Elaboration) E (Example) L (Linking sentence) Ese M (Main point 2) E (Elaboration) E (Example) Write your answer based on your plan, Remember that your answer should be in the correct format, and you need to use linkers where required t0 keep the flow of your writing smooth. Remember to write at least 250 words, Most people globally are on the virtual world now, and with social media gaining a stronger ground particularly in our country, this has resulted in a growing trend called influencer marketing. Influencer marketing is a kind of social media marketing that involves endorsements and product placements online by influencers, Influencers are people who possess purported knowledge. Lagree with the statement that says influencers are the best medium to advertise Products. This is because influencers can effectively reach the target audience, quickly build trust and they are cost saving as a marketing channel. Firstly, incorporating influencers as the ambassador for a certain product is definitely the best marketing strategy, as influencers can reach the target audience effectively. These influencers have already established a strong platform online, as they have followers in the hundreds of thousands, or even millions, who practically follow everything that the influencers post online. For example, the famous local instagrammer Khairul Aming, who goes by the handle @khairulaming, has 2.7 million followers. He is so into cooking that Vantage Cookware had chosen him to market a few of their pots and pans. All he needs to do is cook using their pans. His followers watch @khairulaming I-minute cooking videos and they would -ctly want to have the same pans that Khairul uses. This shows that using influencers is the best marketing strategy to get buyers to buy products or services. Secondly, influencers can quickly build trust among. the customers, Life as an influencer is not easy. To build trust among the followers, influencers have to post pictures of what they wear, where they go and what they do almost every other hour. Once they have posted their pictures, they have to put a caption too. This is the part where the followers get to comment on or like the pictures that were posted. By doing all this, the influencers would have slowly built trust among the followers, as the followers get to see and judge what these influencers do on almost a daily basis. Faris Zakaria, also known as ‘Maharaja Soloz’, is a gamer and a phenomenon among Facebook users. He has 20 million followers on Facebook alone. Not only does he post pictures, but he is also into streaming when he is, playing games. Those who watch him game online get to see whet he 60 TEST-FOCUSED + Weting bE TN Scanned with CamScanner L (Linking sentence) M (Nain point 3) E (Elaboration) E (Example) L (Linking sentence) Eernn STIMULUS EXAMPLE C: Problem-solution Essay wears. And since they have been following ‘Maharaja Solo’ thro, his posts and streams, they can be considered loyal fans who in, him. This automatically makes the followers want to wear and whatever he wears. Thus, this shows that the influencers’ frequg, postings of pictures and streams online have made the followers try, them, and it is this trustworthiness that makes the influencers the ba, medium for marketing products. Lastly, u: the influencers as a channel to market produc, is cost-effective. How is it productive in terms of costs? Becaus, companies do not have to spend so much on a famous actor or mody to market their products. This is because, with influencers, companig, do not need to use somebody famous. For instance, the endorsement a specific beauty product can be done through how-to videos running on a platform such as YouTube. In the videos, the influencers do no, only show how the products look like, but also how they are applieg This is the reason a giant beauty company like Estee Lauder focusses more on digital marketing, instead of conventional print marketing Therefore, influencers are the best marketing strategy in endorsing products to the market, as they are cost-effective via cost savings far the companies. In conclusion, influencers can reach the target market effectively, build trust among the customers and they are cost-effective. With that being said, it is imperative to restate and emphasise the stand the! influencers arc indeed the best medium to use to advertise products. n this fast-paced digital environment, the Internet knows no boundary and we have to keep up with it, so does the business world. ees Worle ‘You attended a talk by a representative from a non-governmes!® organisation, which was recently organised during your school’s academ* ‘The following comment was made by the guest speaker. Underline the keymords | and analyse the task j> Many college students nowadays struggle with depression. Write an essay suggesti ting ways to deal with essay of at least 250 words, nea ne Identiy the type of estay required ~ Suggestions on how to dent ~ Problem-solution essay ~ Suggest three solutions to the proislem Scanned with CamScanner The names for the famous houses of Hogwarts came toJ. K. Rowling when she was ona plane. And| she wrote them down on 3 motion sickness bag! Perec Paragraph 1 Introduction is where the candidate must decide how to respond, First, brainstorm ‘Your ideas using a suitable thinking map. We suggest: the tree map- Mainideat = Mainidea2 ===‘ Main idea 3 Exercise Strengthen your _ | Improve your 7 “social connection nutrition | Research Research has Eating healthy has proven found that does not have the benefits social support to be hard of exercise minimised the for treating effects of stress depression on depression Exemple: Example: Example: Ee Go for a walk Put together a Simple snacks [FES oras study group like almonds a and apples Then, write the essay using an organised structure, Paragraph What you Structure should do... Se ree Introduce the | Write an For some people, going to topic (remember | interesting fact _ | college to pursue a tertiary the hook?) or an observation | education is a dream come true. To them, studies may be the epitome of success in their lives. State the problem | But, once they are in college, little did they realise that this stage of life can be quite challenging. Elaborate on the | Going to college can present problem briefly | several difficulties to new undergraduates, The living away from family, their studies, their new environment and new circle of friends; coping with all of these can have a negative effect on some students. One of the effects is depression. 62 TEST-FOCUSED “Whiting Scanned with CamScanner Paragraph 2 Body paragraph Paragraph 3 Body paragraph USED + Writing ‘Paragraph. Structure ‘What you should do... Sample Response Thesis statement Write a strong, thesis statement that contains the three solutions to the problem Many college students nowadays struggle with depression, but there are a fey, solutions to this problem whic, are exercising, strengthening social connections and improving nutrition intake. M (Main point 1) E (Elaboration) Start with a cohesive device and introduce your first solution Elaborate on your solution The first solution is exercise, As we all know, exercise has countless health benefits, including reducing depression, ‘When we exercise, our bodies produce endorphins which can lead to increased feelings of well-being. Universities and colleges often provide recreational activities for their students. Exercise can be anything that the students enjoy doing, so long as it gets them moving. For example, students can go E (Example) Give an example for the solution | for a walk around their college campus and enjoy nature, or they can go for a swim at the swimming pool in the sports centre. Exercise can really help them to relax and keep calm. L (Linking Use acohesive | Thus, by exercising, they get sentence) device to link | to soothe their inner feelings your example —_| or worries, thus they will and elaboration | be less likely to succumb to to your depression that will cause suggestion them to face problems in their studies later. M (Main point 2) | Start with a Besides, students who feel E (Elaboration) cohesive device and present your second solution Elaborate on your solution depressed can strengthen their connections. Depression thrives if a student isolates himself or herself from social connections and experiences loneliness, So, bY strengthening the students’ social lives, this could save them from feeling despair. a Scanned with CamScanner Paragraph Struclare’ alc aeen one Sample Response E(Example) Give a | | Give an example | There are many ways that forthe solution | college students can socialise: for instance, they can form a | study group for a class that | they are really stressed about. | Through a group like this, they | can spend time with friends and, at the same time, talk about the issues faced in the class. They get to share their problems and find solutions to the problems together. L (Linking Use acohesive | Therefore, socialising and _ sentence) device to link | mingling around with some your example | friends would help students to | ‘and elaboration | avoid depression, or students to your who are already feeling _ suggestion depressed from getting worse. Paragraph ¢ — M (Main point 3) | Start with a Lastly, students can avoid Body paragraph “cohesive device | depression by watching what and state your _ | they eat It is a known fact that, third solution when we eat well, we will feel well, Sometimes, nutritional | deficiencies can contribute to | symptoms of depression. E (Elaboration) Elaborate on However, it may not be easy wur solution _| for students to eat healthy while living in college, as they have to juggle a lot of things ina day, But eating healthy does not have to be hard or overwhelming, It can be just asimple act of adding more nutrient-rich foods to their diet. E (Example) | Giveanexample | Simple snacks such as almonds for the solution | and apples, for example, do not require any preparations. They are the perfect snacks for busy college students. L (Linking Use acohesive | Hence, by adding more sentence) device to link | vitamins, minerals, your example carbohydrates, protein and ‘and elaboration | fatty acids in their diet, this to your | will help them to eat healthier suggestion and prevent them from getting depression. 64 TESTFOCUSED + Weting Scanned with CamScanner Paragraph 5 Conclusion Thesis Statement Body Paragraph M (Main point 1) E (Elaboration) E (Example) L (Linking sentence) TEST-FOCUSED Writing Paragraph ieeeyon Sample Response) Structure should do .. | Summarises the |Rephrase the | To conclude, depression is a essay thesis statement | serious problem for everyone especially college students. By students can avoid this disease by exercising, improving thei, social lives and eating more nutritional foods. | Reiterate the | Reiterate urgency | These students are our future main idea of solutions to | and successors. They are our solve the problem | legacy. And so, itis importany for them to be able to handle their responsibilities well, Clincher Question to It is hoped that with the ponder solutions suggested, college students can face their days better, despite any burdens that they may be facing in their studies or in other areas of their life. Write your answer based on your plan, Remember that your answer should be in the correct format, and you need to use linkers where required io keep the flow of your writing smooth. Remember to write at least 250 words. For some people, going is a dream come true. To them, Coping with all of these can have a negative effect on some students. One of the effects is depression. Many college st udents_nowadays Struggle with depression, but there are a few solutions to this probl which are exercising, strengthening social connections and impro\ nutrition intake. The first solution is exercisi health benefits, including redu Asweall know, exercise has countless cing depression. When we exercise, can lead to increased feelings "ges often provide recreational can be anything that the students enjoy doing, so long as it gets them m ‘oving. For example, students ca? ‘ampus and enjoy nature, or they Pool in the sports centre, Exercise can really help them to relax and keep calm, Thus, by exercising, they OF worries, thus they will be less Scanned with CamScanner likely to succumb to depressi ape ion that in their studies Inge at will cause them to face problems Ea M (Main point 2) E Elaboration) Besides, social © or hersel Students who feel depressed ean strengthen their Hts: Depression thrives if a student isolates himself If from social connections and experiences loneliness. So, by strengthening the students’ social lives, this could save them from feeling despair. There are many ways that college students can Socialise; for instance, they can form a study group for a class that they are really stressed about, Through a group like this, they can Spend time with friends and, at the same time, talk about the issues faced in the class. They get to share their problems and find solutions to the problems together. Therefore, socialising and mingling around with some friends would help students to avoid depression, or studem Who are already feeling depressed from getting worse. LENE ren Lastly, students e M (Main point 3) Itis a known fact that, E (Elaboration) E (Example) L (Linking sentence) ‘an avoid depression by watching what they cat when we eat well, we will feel well. Sometimes, hhutritional deficiencies can contribute to symptoms of depression However, it may not be easy for students to eat healthy while living in college, as they have to juggle a lot of things in a day. But eating healthy does not have to be hard or overwhelming. It can be just a imple act of adding more nutrient-rich foods to their diet. Simple snacks such as almonds and apples, for example, do not require any Preparations. They are the perfect snacks for busy college students. Hence, by adding more vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates, protein and fatty acids in their diet, this will help them to eat healthier and prevent them from getting depression. To conclude, depression is a serious problem for everyone, especially college students. But students can avoid this disease by exercising, improving their social lives and eating more nutritional foods. These students are our future and successors. They are our legacy. And so, it is important for them to be able to handle their responsibilities well. It is hoped that with the solutions suggested, college students can face their days better, despite any burdens that they may be facing in their studies or in other areas of their life E (Example) L (Linking sentence) js i 1 Use cohesive devices / Using Effective 1 your essays, itis good to apply a range of cohesive devices appropriately Language 44 tink ideas and sentences. However, you need to make sure that the cohesive devices are not used to start every sentence. mE = Introduction = believe ~ [disagree that,| - sn “6 TEST-FOCUSED Witting Scanned with CamScanner BTN = ave | Problem. Discursive | Argumentative | soiutign Essay meee Essay Firstly, Paragraph = Secondly, ~ Finally, ... = Moreover, ... | = Besides, ... - In addition, = However, . Elaboration | E Example | E | - For example, . ~ For instance, .. = sy Such as ~ In the case of. ~ As shown by = In this situation ... Linking [L |- Thus, ... coats - Therefore, . = S0,... - This means that ... = Hence, Conclusion ~ In conclusion, ... - To conclude, ... - To summarise, ... = On the whole, *As the elaboration comes immediately after the main idea, which consists only of one sentence, it is advisable not to use any cohesive devices here. There would be an overuse of cohesive devices if each sentence in a paragraph starts with a cohesive device. 2 Use effective expressions Here are some examples of expressions that can help to ensure a mor interesting and effective presentation of ideas in your essays. Example of Expression | 1 To state an opinion | ~ I would say that ... | ~ As far as I am concerned, ... - From my point of view, ... 2 To state a fact or present ideas + Unfortunately, there is a significant decline/increase in ... - This would lead to ... - Eventually, this would create ... 1 = One reason behind this is ... J Scanned with CamScanner Example of Expression Argumentative 1 To offer different viewpoint or opinion Ey = [beg to differ ~ Itis not surprising that... = There is no reason why = These are all valid arguments, but 1 believe that ... = Twould argue that . = Those who disagree assert that ... = This is untrue, as = They may have a point, but ... 2 To state a neutral stand ~ However, ... depends on ... Problem-Solution | 1 To state a problem Essay = ... is a worrying issue, as it is becoming increasingly prevalent that .. ~ The problem is that = 1. is one of the most important issues facing us today. | ee 2 To provide a solution = One way to curb this problem is ... = This problem can be solved by .. = The solutions to this issue are = Another solution is ... ~ Twould suggest that... = Iwould recommend that . = To ensure that ..., we could = This isa good way to ... Other useful examples of expressions that you could use in your writing include: More Examples of Expressions 1 To start an essay = Inthis day and age, ... = Inrecent years, .. = Nowadays, it is very common ... = With the increasing ... = With the influence of ... = Today, ... is an integral part of our lives. ee Se 68 ‘TESTFOCUSED + Writing Scanned with CamScanner BY = As faras |.am concerned, I think ... $$ q 2. To prove a poi = Itis evident that = Itis obvious that - Undeniably, = There is no doubt that = Given the fact that ... = Needless to say, ... 3 To substantiate a point = Researchers claim that... = Ithas been proven that ... = This was made possible by ... = That is why ... 4. To emphasise an idea = It is important that .. = It is crucial that .. ~ Itistime to... 3 Use various sentence structures and sentence lengths Using a variety of sentence structures can prevent monotony in you writing and create paragraphs that are interesting to read. This can hel to improve your writing style, which then makes the presentation of idea more captivating and convincing. Here are two useful suggestions that you can use to vary you sentences for a more effective piece of writing: 1 Ensure sentences are of different lengths Long sentences may contain too many ideas that can confuse and tire out the readers. Interspersing long sentences with short, simple sentences not only provides the readers a breather, but it can also help them to focus their attention on the ideas presented. 2 Start sentences with different forms of a word Starting every sentence with the subject creates a standard and monotonous sentence structure throughout your essay that can be# bore to read. Instead, use verbs, the gerund or infinitives as sentenc® openers to avoid dull, repetitive sentence structures. Scanned with CamScanner Examples: Starting a sentence With the subject Students can obtain more information through reading. Students are encouraged to read articles by others that express other opinions and perspectives. ee = Starting the same sentence using various word forms Use a gerund Reading allows students to obtain more information. | Use infinitives |To_ understand an issue from different perspectives, students are encouraged to read articles expressing the opinion of others. ‘Students can choose any subject of interest for their reading pleasure, as there is a vast choice of reading ‘Taterials available. With the vast choice of reading materials available, students can choose any subject of interest for their reading pleasure. Feces be ‘Torecap, here are the pertinent dos and don'ts for an effective essay that holds your readers’ attention: DOS Brainstorm for ideas using the linking maps. Write a one-sentence thesis statement. ¥ Use the MEEL strategy to develop the main idea for each body paragraph. Usea range of cohesive devices appropriately. ¥ Use a wide vocabulary, various expressions and different sentence structures, as well as sentence lengths. Bae DON’TS Write a lengthy introduction. Include two or more main ideas in one body paragraph. Write more than one example in each body paragraph. Overuse cohesive devices. Give examples in the introduction and conclusion. Write a one-sentence conclusion. Write less than 250 words. 1: Keen to try out these strategies? Go to the Writing Exercises~Task 2 on p. 169. ‘TEST-FOCUSED - Wrting Scanned with CamScanner

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