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Safety and Emergency Procedures on Handling

Accidents by Malaysia Biosafety & Biosecurity

Association(MBBA) National Institute of
Occupational Safety & Health (NIOSH)

General Procedure in Schools Set by NIOSH

-Immediately report any spills, accidents, or injuries to a teacher.

- Follow the established emergency plan as explained by the teacher

and evacuate the building through the nearest exit.

-Clean up all spills properly and thoroughly

- Dispose chemical substances properly

-For a spill not directly on human skin, do the

-Neutralize acids with powdered sodium hydrogen carbonate (sodium

bicarbonate/baking soda), or bases with vinegar (5% acetic acid solution).

-Avoid inhaling vapors.

-Spread diatomaceous earth to absorb the neutralized chemical.

-Sweep up and dispose of as hazardous waste.

For spills directly on human skin, do the following:
-Flush area with copious amounts of cold water from the faucet or drench shower
for at least 5 minutes.

-If spill is on clothing, first remove clothing from the skin and soak the area with
water as soon as possible. Arrange treatment by medical personnel

Safety Measures Set by MBBA

Waste Management
-Wastes segregation implemented

-Chemical waste containers tagged, labelled, dated and kept closed/stored

-Biohazardous waste containers appropriately handled and disposed

-All sharps (needles, broken glass, scalpel blades) are disposed in sharps bin or
designated durable puncture proof containers

-No trash on floor

-- Decontaminant appropriate to the organism(s) in use.

- All spills and accidents involving infectious materials reported to the laboratory

-Appropriate disinfectant used during spill clean-ups

-Work surfaces decontaminated before and after each procedure, daily and after
-Biological spill kit available (content e.g. disinfectant should be periodically
checked for expiry)
Handling of contaminated waste
-Infectious waste should be segregated and placed in autoclavable

-Waste containers or bags properly labelled and closed securely

-Culture stocks and other infectious waste properly decontaminated

by autoclaving or chemical disinfectant before disposal

-Infectious waste containers not overfilled

-Materials decontaminated outside the laboratory transported in closed, durable,

leak proof containers

-Co-mingled waste (biological waste mixed with chemical or radiological waste)

decontaminated prior to disposal according to local regulations.

By:Gabriel Jok
4 Jaya
Biology Assignment

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