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Erbil polytechnical university

Erbil polytechnic engineering

Mechanical and energy engineering

Experimental name: forced convection local heat

transfer coefficient.
Experiment no.: 4

Name: Nabaz Muhammad

Group: {D}

Experiment No. (4)

Experiment Name: forced convection local heat transfer coefficient.
Objective: To determine the local heat transfer coefficient of forced
convection of air inside the tube.

Evaluation of convective heat transfer coefficient is difficult as the physical
Phenomenon is quite complex. Analytically, it can be determined by solving the
mass momentum and energy equations. However, analytical solutions are
available only for very simple situations, hence most of the convection heat
transfer data is obtained through careful experiments, and the equations
suggested for convective heat transfer coefficients are mostly empirical. Since the
equations are of empirical nature, each equation is applicable to specific cases.
Generalization has been made possible to some extent by using several non-
dimensional numbers such as Reynolds number, Prandtl number, Nusselt
number, Grashoff number, Rayleigh number etc. in this experiment we will find
the difference between the average and local heat transfer coefficient: where,
the local heat transfer coefficient is h at any point, and average h eat transfer
coefficient is h over entire body or pipe.
in a subsequent study, Tam and Ghajar (1998) experimentally investigated
the behavior of local heat transfer coefficients in the transition region for a
tube with a bell-mouth inlet. This type of inlet is used in some heat exchangers
mainly to avoid the presence of eddies, which are believed to be one of the
causes for erosion in the tube inlet region. For the bell-mouth inlet, the variation
of the local heat transfer coefficient with length in the transition and turbulent
flow regions is very unusual. For this inlet geometry, the boundary layer along the
tube wall is at first laminar then changes through a transition to the turbulent
condition, causing a dip in the Nu versus x/D curve. In their experiments with a
fixed inside diameter of 15.84 mm, the length of the dip in the transition region
was much longer (100 , x/D , 175) than in the turbulent region (x/D , 25). The
presence of the dip in the transition region causes a significant influence in both
the local and the average heat transfer coefficients.
This is particularly important for heat transfer calculations in short tube heat
exchangers with a bell-mouth inlet.

Shown in the attached figure, part of the devices included in this experiments
that you are going to deal With are: control panel, blower ,test section, heater
and orifice.

Control panel


orifice heater

Theory and Calculation:

do: orifice diameter: 30mm
L: length of the test section =600mm
Cd: Coefficient of discharge=0.68
Pa: air density=1.03 kg/m3
Pw: water density=1000 kg/m3
g: Acceleration due to gravity=9.81m/s2
Do: outer diameter of the pipe= 33mm
Di: inner diameter of the pipe.= 26mm
h: heat transfer coefiicient in W/m2.K
Ao:area of cross section of orifice in m2
Ac: test cross section area in m2
H: manometer reading in meter
Ta: average temperature of air in °C
Ṽ: volume flow rate in m3/s
V: velocity of air m/s
K: thermal conductivity W/m.℃

υ: kinematic viscosity m2/s

Red: Reynolds number
Pr: prandtl number
Nud: nusselt number
Ṽ= Cd*Ao*√ (2g*H*pw/pa)
Ao= (pi/4)*do2
Ac: (pi/4)*Di2
V= Ṽ/ Ac

Red= V*Di / υ

Nud= 0.023* Red0.8*pr0.4 if 104>Red>5*106 , 0.5>pr>1.5

Nud= 0.036* Red0.8*pr1/3 *(d/L)0.055 if 10< (d/L) <400

h= Nud*k/ Di

1. Give supply to control unit.
2.Switch on the control unit by pressing the red switch given on backside of
control unit.
3. With the help of up key see all the six temperatures on control unit display.
4.Now give supply to heater by rotating the knob H2.
5.Also start the blower by rotating knob H1. Set the desired blower speed.
6.After getting the proper steady state, all the observation are recorded.

POWER= 9 watt
T1= 34.7 ℃ (307.7 K) T 2= 50.2 ℃ ( 323.2 K) T 3=58.8 ℃
(331.8 K)
T4= 61.9 ℃ (334.9 K) T5= 62.7 ℃ (335.7 K) T6= 44.7 ℃
(317..7K) H=80 mm H2O

Ao= (pi/4)*do2 =(pi/4)*(0.03)2 = 7.06858*10-4 m2

Ac= (pi/4)*Di2 = (pi/4)*(0.026)2 = 5.309*10-4 m2
Ṽ= Cd*Ao*√ (2g*H*⍴w /⍴a)= 0.68*7.06858*10-4*√ ( 1.03

= 0.018763 m3/s
V = Ṽ/ Ac =0.018763 /5.309*10-4 = 35.341 m/s
Ta =(T1+T6)/2 = (34.7+44.7)/2 = 39.7 ℃
At Ta: k= 0.027537 W/m.℃ , pr= 0.69906 , υ =16.931*10-6
Red= V*Di / υ = 35.341*0.026 / 16.931*10-4 = 5.427*104
Use this equation: Nud= 0.036* Red0.8*pr1/3 *(d/L)0.055
Nud= 0.036*(5.427*104)0.8 *(0.69906)1/3 *(0.026/0.6)0.055 = 164.872
h= Nud*k/ Di = 164.872*0.027535/0.026 = 174.628 W/m2.℃

Result table:
T K υ Pr Re Nu h

℃ W/m.℃ m2/s W/m2.℃

Ta=39.9 0.027535 16.931*10- 0.69906 5.427*104 164.872 174.628


T1=34.7 0.02713 16.451*10- 0.7 5.5854*104 168.786 176.12


T2=50.2 0.02827 17.97*10-6 0.6979 5.1133*104 157.115 170.83

T3=58.8 0.02887 18.847*10- 0.6962 4.87539*10 151.116 167.79
6 4

T4=61.9 0.02909 19.169*10- 0.6956 4.79349*10 149.039 166.75

6 4

T5=62.7 0.029149 19.253*10- 0.6954 4.77258*10 148.505 166.49

6 4

T6=44.7 0.027889 17.425*10- 0.6985 5.2732*104 161.08 172.783


Curve between temperature and local heat transfer



temperature (℃)






176.12 170.83 167.79 166.75 166.49 172.783

heat transfer coefficient (W/m 2.℃)

In this test we study on local heat transfer coefficient, in this system
we work the fluid is through the cylinder (pipe), the fluid is air that
through the pipe by external forced, therefore the velocity of air
very great and viscosity of air very small, so the fluid becomes
If we see the result in this test explained for us that in any
temperature Have some different properties. when the temperature
increase the viscosity increase, so the Reynolds number decrease, in
this way the nusselt number decrease. When nusselt number
decrease the heat transfer coefficient decrease. In this test the heat
transfer coefficient average and local different because the
temperature difference.
The heat transfer coefficient in this experiment and experiment (3)
difference, in this experiment same condition, because in experiment
(3) the heat transfer coefficient found by equation (Q= h*A*∆T), but
in this experiment (h) found by the correlation

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