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magazine task checklist

1. an introduction to my coursework- why do you choose magazine brief as your
<eg: For my media studies coursework, I have decided to take up the magazine brief, simply because I
find it easier to convey my ideas and thoughts through text and images compared to moving images.
My magazine will revolve around social issues in the arab community and the article will specifically
talk  about child abuse in the arab community and how it is perceived.>
2. front cover anaysis (3 个相关封面页分析) <masthead,tagline,coverline,central
image,cover model, colour scheme,barcode,>
3. content analysis (3 个相关的目录页分析) <>

4. Double-page spread (3 个相关内容页分析)

5. questionaire

6. 思维导图:planning,tools
比如 topic 是什么?(appearance anxiety )
magazine title : ?
cover model ?
software ?
location ?
article ?

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