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Malaysia is a fine country which include by many races and religion live in a peaceful city. Malay, Indian and Chinese mostly live in harmony country. Malaysia also is a democracy country when people can choose to make an election toward chooses the government. Very unique country which has many flora and fauna, the beautiful architecture, historical places, greatest skyscrapers and many more point to go is a attracting why tourist make a journey here .With the many objective there, it can help the country reach the great achievement to make Malaysia proud by Other developed countries. Here are Malaysia information following orders to reveal what Malaysia have done.


The population of Malaysia is about 27 million. They are a uniquely diverse group of people. The earliest inhabitants are the "orange Azalea" in the Peninsula. There are similar tribes in Sabah and Sarawak who still pursue a nomadic way of life. The next immigrants were the Proto-Malays and the Deutero-Malays. Other indigenous peoples of Malaysia are collectively called "Bumiputra", or "sons of the soil". They make up 59% of the population. Later, the Chinese and Indian migrated from China and India respectively. Today, the population of Chinese is 32% while the Indians make up 9% of the population of Malaysia.Malaysia's history has been one of continual interaction with foreign powers and influences because of its strategic position between the Indian Ocean and the South China Sea. Its location has made it the meeting place for both traders and travelers alike. Hindu-Buddhist influence was strong in the northwest before the coming of Islam. Archaeological findings in Kedah provide evidence of a Hindu-Buddhist civilization that dated back to 300AD. It flourished as an important center of trade and commerce until the 13th Century when Malacca, abundant in spices, attracted colonial powers. By 1511, Malacca fell to the Portuguese, then in 1641 the Dutch took over, and finally the British in 1815. The British consolidated their hold on the Malay states following Francis Light's arrival in Penang in 1786. Across the seas, on the island of Borneo, Sarawak was ruled by a British adventurer, James Brooke, and his descendants since 1841 to 1888. Sarawak and North Borneo (Sabah) thus became the British protectorates. In the 1930's, the first stirring of Malayan nationalism were felt. Following the end of World War II, there was a resurface of the nationalism movement culminating in the independence for the Federation of Malaya on August 31, 1957. In 1963, Malaysia was formed. Today, Malaysia is a prominent member of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN).

Malaysia's economy was once exclusively based on agricultural commodities. It is still one of the world's largest producers of rubber, tin, palm oil, timber, and pepper. However, the current government had aspired to shift the economy to manufacturing and service based. Today, manufacturing forms the largest single component of Malaysia's economy. Revenue from oil and natural gas reserves together with increasing foreign investments have helped the economy diversify into car production and the manufacturing of computers. Tourism is also emerging as a major source of revenue. Malaysia has become one of the greatest economic success stories of Asia. Malaysia declared independence on the August 31, 1957 from the United Kingdom. The capital of Malaysia is Kuala Lumpur. Malaysia comprises 13 states and two federal territories - Kuala Lumpur and Labuan (an island off the coast of Sabah). Nine of the states have a hereditary ruler from which the Supreme Head of State, the Yang Di-PertuanAgong (King), is elected every five years. The government is based on parliamentary democracy. The head of the government, the Prime Minister, heads the cabinet of Ministers. Malaysia is a tropical country situated 7 degrees north of the Equator in the heart of Southeast Asia. It is divided into West Malaysia and East Malaysia. West Malaysia is the Peninsular, which comprises of 11 states. East Malaysia comprises the two states of Sabah and Sarawak, which are situated on the Island of Borneo. The capital and the largest city, Kuala Lumpur, is on the Peninsula. Malaysia has a tropical climate, which is warm and humid throughout the year with cooler temperatures in the hill resorts. Temperatures range from 21 degree Celsius to 32 degree Celsius. It is a beautiful country with coastal plains rising to hills and mountains. Malaysia is 8 hours ahead of GMT and 16 hours ahead of the U.S. Pacific Standard Times.

Malaysia History has been influenced to a great extent by outside influence of Hindu Kingdoms, the arrival of Islam in the 10th century, the intrusion of European colonial power, the Japanese occupation during World War Two and the establishment of a multi racial Federation of Malaya in 1957. The Hindu Kingdoms ruled the Malays world from 100 BC to 1400 AD and reached its peak in the Srivijayacivilisation based in Sumatra. During this time, Hindu culture were imported from India and archaelogical findings in Bujang Valley in the state of Kedah showed that there were ruins of an ancient Hindu Kingdom dating back to the year 300 AD. You will be able to see some of the relics on display at Bujang Valley Archaeological Museum.

The Historical Sultan Abdul Samad Building opposite Merdeka Square in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia The arrival of Islam in the 10th century led to the conversion of the Malay and Indonesian world. It reached its golden era from 1400 AD to 1511 AD during the reign of the sultanates in Malacca. Islamic culture and trading of goods prospered during this time.

There are about 27 million people in Malaysia from diverse backgrounds/races. It can be said that in diversity there is unity because in Malaysia all the races, ethnic Malays and indigenous people (sons of the soil), as well as Chinese, Indians, Eurasians and many others work and live together. Although the overall population density was estimated at about 62 people per sq km, this number is deceptive due to an unequal population distribution. East Malaysia is much less populated (about seven times less) than West Malaysia. The migration rate from rural to urban areas is very high due to low urban unemployment, with urban areas containing over half the total population. Immigrants to Malaysia are attracted by the low unemployment rates, as well, particularly those from Indonesia, Pakistan, Bangladesh, and the Philippines. Malaysians are warm and welcoming to visitors from other lands and enjoy conversing. They have tremendous charm and are renowned for their hospitality and exceptional friendliness.


Cultures have been meeting and mixing in Malaysia since the very beginning of its history. More than fifteen hundred years ago a Malay kingdom in Bujang Valley welcomed traders from China and India. With the arrival of gold and silks, Buddhism and Hinduism also came to Malaysia. A thousand years later, Arab traders arrived in Malacca and brought with them the principles and practices of Islam. By the time the Portuguese arrived in Malaysia, the empire that they encountered was more cosmopolitan than their own. Malaysia's cultural mosaic is marked by many different cultures, but several in particular have had especially lasting influence on the country. Chief among these is the ancient Malay culture, and the cultures of Malaysia's two most prominent trading partners throughout history--the Chinese, and the Indians. These three groups are joined by a dizzying array of indigenous tribes, many of which live in the forests and coastal areas of Borneo. Although each of these cultures has vigorously maintained its traditions and community structures, they have also blended together to create contemporary Malaysia's uniquely diverse heritage. One example of the complexity with which Malaysia's immigrant populations have contributed to the nation's culture as a whole is the history of Chinese immigrants. The first Chinese to settle in the straits, primarily in and around Malacca, gradually adopted elements of Malaysian culture and intermarried with the Malaysian community. Known as babasand nonyas, they eventually produced a synthetic set of practices, beliefs, and arts, combining Malay and Chinese traditions in such a way as to create a new culture. Later Chinese,

coming to exploit the tin and rubber booms, have preserved their culture much more meticulously. A city likepenang, for example, can often give one the impression of being in China rather than in Malaysia. Another example of Malaysia's extraordinary cultural exchange the Malay wedding ceremony, which incorporates elements of the Hindu traditions of southern India; the bride and groom dress in gorgeous brocades, sit in state, and feed each other yellow rice with hands painted with henna. Muslims have adapted the Chinese custom of giving little red packets of money (angpau) at festivals to their own needs; the packets given on Muslim holidays are green and have Arab writing on them. You can go from a Malaysian kampung to a rubber plantation worked by Indians to Penang's Chinese kongsi and feel you've traveled through three nations. But in cities like kualalumpur, you'll find everyone in a grand melange. In one house, a Chinese opera will be playing on the radio; in another they're preparing for Muslim prayers; in the next, the daughter of the household readies herself for classical Indian dance lessons. Perhaps the easiest way to begin to understand the highly complex cultural interaction which is Malaysia is to look at the open door policy maintained during religious. Although Malaysia's different cultural traditions are frequently maintained by seemingly self-contained ethnic communities, all of Malaysia's communities open their doors to members of other cultures during a religious festival--to tourists as well as neighbors. Such inclusiveness is more than just a way to break down cultural barriers and foster understanding. It is a positive celebration of a tradition of tolerance that has for millennia formed the basis of Malaysia's progress.


Malaysia is a country on the move. From a country dependent on agriculture and primary commodities in the sixties, Malaysia has today become an exportdriven economy spurred on by high technology, knowledge-based and capitalintensive industries. . The structural transformation of Malaysia's economy over the last 50 years has been spectacular. Often dubbed the "lucky country" because of its wealth of mineral resources and fertile soils, Malaysia did not rest on its laurels but progressed from an economy dependent on agriculture and primary commodities to a manufacturing-based, export-driven economy spurred on by high technology, knowledge-based and capital-intensive industries. Today, Malaysia offers the world its Multimedia Super Corridor (MSC) which brings together a legislative framework and a next-generation telecommunications infrastructure in eco-friendly surroundings to create the best environment for the development of multimedia industries.

Transportation, Communication and service available in Malaysia

In Malaysia, there are many transportation available already to help people can move easily to somewhere. A car, motorcycle ,buses, train are in progress to help someone or public go to where there want. Such as bus company in Malaysia. From here you just pay the fare to travel and wait until you reach the destination chosen. Not like a car, there are so many car in a road and make a terrible terrific jammed. If u got a public transport, u will avoid from stuck in jammed and help reduce a vehicle in road. Moreover, there are also have a train(lrt), taxi, a ferry , airplane and many other willing to seeding service to develop the sector transportation.

The early history of the Information Ministry began in the early 20th century with the establishment of radio stations that the first communication channel in the country. Radio has been used to spread propaganda and the British and Japanese propaganda to influence the minds and gain their support. Meanwhile, the Malayan Film Unit (MFU) through the issuance of the films used for launching and psychological warfare against communist influences that threaten the Federation of Malaya in 1948. In 1945, the Public Relations Department was established and became part of the Government machinery and changed its name to the Department of Information Services (Federal Government's Information Services) in 1950. In October 1959, Sir Syed Jaafar Albar, was appointed as Minister in charge of

the field of information and broadcasting at the time. On July 1, 1961, the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting was established and placed under the Prime Minister at the time of Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra Al-Haj and assisted by an Assistant Minister, Mr. Ismail bin Yusof. Launch of the television broadcast in black and white in 1963, the rapid development of broadcasting. His first studio located in the Dewan Tunku Abdul Rahman, Jalan Ampang, Kuala Lumpur. In 1978 color television was launched. The rapid progress in the political, economic and social role of the Information Ministry to show more than just control the information and broadcasting services for distribution of news in and outside the country through participation of Malaysian National News Agency (BERNAMA). National Film Development Corporation (Finas), previously placed under the Ministry of Trade and Industry has joined the Ministry in 1981 with the objective to develop, promote and develop the local film industry. Meanwhile, the Special Affairs Department (JHEK) was established under the Ministry in 2000, seeks to inculcate moral values among people of different races, especially the Malays to understand and appreciate the loyalty and patriotism.


Generally, there are a lot of information available about Malaysia as Malaysia is country that is highly developed in terms of both internal and external. Malaysia is rich with memories of the past, particularly when colonized by western colonialists and left a thousand stories and their effect there are many tourists who come here to see the results itu.ini bit of history to help the tourism sector to grow up. Malaysia almost known by every world with the facilities like a other develop country and rich in culture which have many races and religion who live in peacefully without create any misunderstanding. In a reality just like now, Malaysia just like a simple nice country. Practice to make a better and good country in such like economic, transportation , communication now and future

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