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—— Spoken Emirati Copyright © 2015, 2011 by Al Ramsa Institute, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, with- out the prior written consent of Al Ramsa Institute, Inc,. including, but not limited to, in any network or other electronic storage or transmis- sion, or broadcast for distance learning. Copyright © 2016 All Rights Reserved. Spoken Emirati, first level A1. Hanan AlFardan Version 2 No. Printed 174598 Al Ramsa Institute Dubai, United Arab Emirates. Emitatiindd 2 van 904 am Emiratiindd 9 Arabic LevelA1 Course Outline RST elt Emiaty greetings d cand] Lesson 1 ronunciation according to Gender Numbers( 0-100) Common words Pronouns Simple questions (how much, how many, how cidiwher) who) ‘00 Lesson 2 ame questions (why, what & when) Juestions Lesson3 possessive Feelings Simple questions ( which & how) Lesson4 Locktion Family and relationships Adjectives Lesson5 Colours Present tense verbs pe ody parts Lesson 6 Ania Plants Environment Clock House Direction Location Lesson 7 Lesson 8 Students choice a 904 aM This book is dedicated to all spoken Emirati learners since 2011. With- out their inputs and suggestions, we will not able to have this material. Special thanks to Maryam Almuaini, Maryam Bader, Bushra Al Talib, Hamda AlAnsari and Sumaya AlKamali for their continuous efforts to improve the books MS Emiratiindd 4 van 904 am Emiratlinds 5 17 904 aM Live my country, the unity of our Emirates lives Lilla! atail yile gas You have lived for a nation Whose religion is Islam and guide is the Quran || made you stronger in God’s name on homeland My country, my country, my country, my country soul) cut ULall gam allwyl ais bg Wall uy ctiim 92th gall gail gay God has protected you from the evils of the time lost gyi aly aa We have sworn to build and work das is of as Work sincerely, work sincerely As long as we live, we'll be sin- cere, sincere The safety has lasted and flag LiljLolly alall yiileg ylaYl ala The symbol of Arabism dugyall jay We all sacrifice for you, we sup- ply you with our blood scugyiloally chyaai Ws We sacrifice for you with our souls oh homeland Gg ly algy iy hadi A Short Introduction to Arabi There are around 22 countries in which Arabic language is the offi- cial language. There are more than 300 million Arabic speakers in the world. Also, The Arabic language is one of the six main official languag- es in UNISCO since 1997. Modern Standard Arabic is the most descendant form of the classi- cal Arabic. The modern classical Arabic is used in many formal occa- sions like news broadcasts, political speeches and most importantly in schools and university education. Basically, it is the language of writ- ing and formal speaking. The colloquial Arabic or Arabic dialect is a form of spoken language where it is used in informal conversations among friends, colleagues, and at home. The spoken Arabic is different between country to country and city to city. The greater geographic distance between countries, the greater is the difference between in spoken dialects. The difference between classical Arabic and Arabic dialects can be categorized into two main things: pronunciation and new vocabulary. In pronunciation, different Arabic speakers pronounce some letters differently than others. For example, the Arabic letter “j” is pronounced as “g” in Egyptian dialect and “j" is pronounced as a “y” in many words in Emirati dialect. The second difference is new vocabularies. For example, the word “win- dow” in classic Arabic is “naf-e-tha”, in Egyptian dialect is “shub-bak" and in Emirati dialect is “der-ee-shah”. In addition, they are some new alphabet letters that have appeared in dialects which are not existing in classical Arabic language such the letters “ch” and “ga”. The com- munication among Arabs is only in dialects. Although there are vari- eties in dialects, most Arabic speakers understand each other and no one really speaks Modern Classical Arabic these days. aK Emiatiindd @ van 904 am The Emirati dialect: The Emirati dialect has vocabularies from other languages as well. For example, the word “see-da” came from Urdu, “kha-sho-gah” (spoon) originally came from Persian, “a-cancel” (| cancel) came from English and “bush-kar” (bashkar) came from Turkish. If you hear these words you may not recognize them because of the change in pronunciation and grammar. Also, there are some minor variations in the spoken Emi- rati dialect among the seven Emirates in terms of vocabulary and pro- nunciation. This book introduces Emirati dialect as spoken in Dubai. In the spoken Emirati dialect, it is common to replace some letters. The following are variations in pronunciation when the letter spoken in Emirati dialect: Replace “j” with “y”, Replace “k” with “ch”, Replace “q” with “g”, Replace “q” with “j" Example: Pte) Modern Standard Arabic Spoken Emirati Chicken Da-jaj De-yay Fish Samak Semach Coffee Qa-ha-wa gah-wa Near qareeb jereeb Emiatiindd 9 7 904 aM Pronunciation This section is designed to familiarize you with the sounds of Arabic language and Emirati dialect using simplified phonetic transcription. In the table below, the pronunciation of the Arabic letters are ex- plained along with their ‘imitated’ equivalents in English language. It also includes 2 letters that exist in Emirati dialect in addition to the 28 Arabic letters. Not all Arabic letters have exact pronunciation in Eng- lish. Therefore, we have developed the approximate pronunciation in English. This system used throughout this book. In Arabic language, there are 28 letters: i A Apple ° B Banana 3 T Table 3 Th Three zt Ha Honey é KH “Loch” Like Scottish z J Jelly 2 D Dubai Dh “As “the 2 R Rabbit 5 z Zayed e s South & Sh Sharp ve Sa Sour 3 Dh Dhow oke: Emiratiindd 10 van 904 am Spoken Emirati & Ta Ten 4 Dh ‘Abu Dhabi es F Far 3 Q Umm Al Quwain € fa All é Gh Afghanistan J K Kate J L Lump e M Moon o N Nap : H Had 3 w. Wednesday ¥ yt Yes Only in colloquial Arabic. ch (Chicago (Chip Does not exist in classic Arabic language Only in colloquial Arabic. Ga Gulf Does not exist in classic Arabic language “the letters in red have no representation in the English alphabet Eniatiind 11 17 904 am | Arabizy: We call the phonetic transcription for Arabic “arabizy” because it com- bines Arabic meaning and English letters Araby (Arabic) + Inglizy (Eng- lish). It is very popular to use Arabizy in chatting and texting among Emiratis. Arabizy also includes numbers that represent Arabic letters as shown in the table below. We have decided to use only two numbers (3) and (7) throughout the book to help the learners pronounce those letters correctly. i tele ola} res Nea Cm ee ture Couey I & é Lb c 3 ve Aa Kh Ta Ha wlo/s|o|u|wiry Sa Steps to learn spoken Emirati: Have Emirati friend/ colleague/ classmate/ neighbor. Listen to Emirati conversations via radio and media. Practice the greetings with any Emirati you meet (preferably with the same gender). Do not take corrections as criticism. Make your own Emirati phrasebook and write down all new words you learn. Review and practice what you learnt all the time. Have fun and good luck. Emit ind 12 van 904 am Cultural note: Emirati coffee etiquette Coffee is a very special part of our society and symbolizes hospitality and kindness. There is, therefore, a certain method of serving Emirati coffee. First of all, the coffee pot or “dallah” is held by the left hand while the right hand holds the cups (usually 2-3 cups placed on top of each other). Coffee, food or other thing else should always be of- fered with the right hand because using the left hand considered dis- respectful. When pouring the coffee into the cup, it is poured half way through only, not less, not more. Pouring less than half would mean that the host is stingy and pouring up to the cups limit would mean that the host is rushing the guest into leaving hence it is very important to be precise. Once the guest is don't, the person pouring the coffee, usually the youngest from the group, takes back the cup, re-pours into it and offers again. It is refilled unless the guest slightly wiggles the cup which means they have had enough. Emiratiindd 13 a 04am Cultural note: Greeting gestures In the Emirati society, men have certain way of greeting each other. It involves a handshake and noses gently bumping into each other. In other words, a nose kiss. This is mainly performed between. On the other hand, women greet other by shaking hands and kissing the right cheek or cheeks several times. Moreover, Emirati men and women greet the opposite gender verbally and without any physical contact. Famta Al Ali, 2013 Emit ind 14 van 904 am Cultural note: Emirati traditional game “Kayram” A game that consists of a square wooden board and has small disks made of plastic or wood. A minimum two players are needed and a maximum of four who sit around the board and each must try to get the disk in one of the four pockets that around each corner. The game is similar to billiards. eS ete Maryam Kamalboor, 2013 — « Emiratiindd 15 a 804 AM | Cultural note: UAE traditional dance “Al Yola” Al-Yola: A Bedouin traditional dance where dancers hold rifles while dancing in a spiral circle. The TV show “Al Maidan (the arena)” broad- casted on the Sama Dubai channel, has increased the popularity of this dance (which means the battle circle) and attracted people's attention to it. This competition is the brain child of His Highness Sheikh Ham- danbin Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Crown Prince of Dubai, out of his commitment to maintaining traditional sports in the United Arab Emirates. Al-Yola dance is different from Razfa dance, a dance performed by male warriors standing in two opposite rows. With a poet standing in the middle between the two rows reciting some verses that inspire bravery and the warriors repeat these verses after him. Performing Al- Yola dance requires physical strength, harmony between man and his gun, direct coordination and precise timing. As a matter of fact the gun seems like an extension of the body of the dancer. Dubai culturae, 2013 Emiratiindd 16 van 904 am Cultural note: Haq al Lailah “Emirati Halween” Haq Al Lailah is an Emirati tradition to celebrate the middle night of Shaban wherein children wearing traditional dresses roam the roads carrying embroidered bags to collect candies and nuts from the hous- es they visit. They joyfully sing “Give us candies, may Allah grant you a visit to Mecca”. After the tour, children boast to one another who had collected more candies, and praise the generous people. Children usually start their visit after the afternoon prayer or shortly after the sunset. The ceremony reflects the healthy social environment and foster social bonding. It is also an opportunity to educate children about the Holy Month of Ramadan and fasting, and is a practical lesson in generosity. Haq Al Lailah is a great chance for people to prepare themselves for the advent of the upcoming holy month of Ramadan Emiratiinds 17 17 904 aM | Emirati proverbs and its equivalent in English He sets the wolf to guard i i [PN Yel pe E NTA] EN rociees PEW UTN iy Forbidden fruit is sweet | Kul mamnoo3 marghob | ugé;0 ¢giaa JS By hook or by crook Redhait wa la enradhait | Gudyil Jg Cudy Let bygones be bygones Elly fat mat Glo Ld wall Sey Pa oust El sara7ah razah daly @aljoll policy The early bird gets the . _ M I a U on jin sebaq lebug Wau yo A Ff El ba3eed 3an el 3ain, «Quail Yc auoull »f sigh min : na eed bas3eed 3an el galb ulall yc ass You can't teach old dogs | El gato el 30d ma yetra-| La agalll ghall new tricks bba uuyis Cut your coat according | Med eryoolek 3alagad | ad ule cigs) aa to your cloth el7afek dab) It's no use to cry over Edha fat elfoot, ma gall GLa 15! spilt milk yenfa3 el sout gall gaiila Interested to learn how to cook Emirati and Arabic food? Visit Shaikah is young Emirati who are passionate about cooking. She has many videos in her blog to explain the cooking process and recipes. Whenever she films either herself or a relative cooking in any of her videos on the website, she focuses on just the hands. Emirati restaurants in Dubai Al Fanar, Dubai Festival Center: Al Mails, Dubai Mall: rants/ MS Emiratiindd 18 van 904 am Alketttar, Deira: Inspirational Quotes for Language Learners If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his own language, that goes to his heart. - Nelson Mandela One language sets you in a corridor for life. Two languages open every door along the way. - Frank Smith The limits of my language are the limits of my world. Learning is a treasure that will follow its owner everywhere. - Chinese Proverb You can never understand one language until you understand at least two. - Geoffrey Willans To have another language is to possess a second soul. - Charlemagne Those who know nothing of foreign languages know nothing of their own. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe Language is the road map of a culture. It tells you where its people come from and where they are going. - Rita Mae Brown Language is the blood of the soul into which thoughts run and out of which they grow. - Oliver Wendell Holmes Emiratiindd 19 a 04am Jalil yuyall Eldars el awwal First lesson In this lesson, you will learn: Greetings Numbers 0- 100 Daily words Common word Emiratiind! 20 van 904 aM Emiratiinds 21 1Wan7 904 AM Note: the red color is reply of above greeting ree Reyer) Peace be with you salam 3likom ASulc ally Peace be with you too wa 3likom essalam | a\lull aSuleg Good morning saba7 el khair all alo Good morning saba7 el noor gill alo Good evening masa el khair pal! Lua Good evening masa el noor jgill Lua Hello mar7aba elsaa3 clull Layo Hi million times mar7aba million Ugula baja Thanks mashkoor(m) JgSuita Thanks mashkoora(f) Gyg Suita Thanks Shukran 1ySuis You are welcome 3afwan Igac re | toothond | seas You can ee to hedachede eer Sorry Asiff /essomo7ah | Gagaull Jaw It's OK(when accepting the ; ich apology) 7asal khair/3adee | gale/pS Joa | emiratiinds 22 an7 904 AM W are you Cale How are you?(f) esh7alech? Saltau How are you?(pl) esh7alkom? SaSIbuil Fine, thank God 7amdellah bekhair yay all aaall What's new?(m) shakbarek? Seljuaui What's new? (f) shakbarech? Sajuaubs What's new?(pl) shakhbarkom? SaSjbaub Going well thank God hamdellah tamam alai allaaall What's up?(m) sho emsawee SSguia gus What's up?(f) sho emsawyah Sdugua gilt What's up?(pl) sho emsaween Sguguua gui Good bye Ma3a essalamah ao\lul! go Good bye Allah yesalemkom eSoluy alll Good bye Fa manallah alll ylaa Good bye Famanen kereem AuyS ylaa Note: When different gender forms apply the masculine form is fol- lowed by (M); feminine by (F); plural by (pl). Emirati ind 23, a 04am | Exercise: + In peers, make a greeting dialogue with the person next to you and model it. + Read ‘cultural note: greeting gesture’ and practice it. + Use some greeting behaviors. + Note: in Arabic, for 2 digit numbers, we read from right to left. + Read ‘Note: The secret origin of Arabic number’ TL Ley NCEE) alayl 0 sifer jan il Wa7ed 2 Ethnain 3 Thalatha 4 Arb3ah 5 Khamsah 6 Sittah 7 Sab3ah 8 Thamanyia 9 Tes3ah 10 3shrah 11 e7da3sh 12 ethna3sh 13 talata3sh 14 arba3ta3sh 15 Khamsta3sh 16 sitta3sh 17 sab3ta3sh 18 thamanta3sh lie duilai 19 tesa3ta3sh vlleb dow 20 3eshreen ype | emiratiinds 24 an7 904 AM 21 wa7ed wa 3shreen 22 ethnain wa 3shreen 23 thalath wa 3shreen 24 arab3a wa 3shreen 25 khamsa wa 3shreen 26 sitta wa 3shreen 27 sab3a wa 3shreen 28 thaman wa 3shreen 29 tes3ah wa 3shreen 30 Thalatheen 31 wa7ed w thalatheen 32 ethnain w thalatheen 33 thalatha w thalatheen 34 arba3a w thalatheen 35 khamsa w thalatheen 36 sitta w thalatheen 37 sab3a w thalatheen 38 thaman w thalatheen guillig ylai 39 tes3a w thalatheen uuidlig gui 40 arba3een woyi 4 wa7ed w arba3een 42 ethnain w arba3een 43 thalatha w arba3een 44 arba3a w arba3een 45 khamsa w arba3een 46 sitta w arba3een 47 sab3a w arba3een 48 thaman w arba3een 49 tes3a w arba3een Emit ind 25 aes 50 Khamseen 51 wa7ed wa khamseen 52 ethnain wa khamseen 53 thalatha wa khamseen 54 arba3a wa khamseen 55 khamsa wa khamseen 56 sitta wa khamseen 57 sab3a wa khamseen 58 thaman wa khamseen 59 tes3a wa khamseen 60 Siteen 61 wa7ed wa siteen 62 ethnain wa siteen 63 thalatha wa siteen 64 arba3a wa siteen 65 khamsa wa siteen 66 sitta wa siteen 67 sab3a wa siteen 68 thaman wa siteen 69 tes3a wa siteen 70 Sab3een 7 wa7ed wa sab3een 72 ethnain wa sab3een 73 thalatha wa sab3een 74 arba3a wa sab3een 75 khamsa wa sab3een 76 sitta wa sab3een a sab3a wa sab3een 78 thaman wa sab3een | emiratiinds 26 an7 904 AM 79 tes3a wa sab3een 80 Thamaneen 81 wa7ed wa thamaneen 82 ethnain wa thamaneen 83 thalatha wa thamaneen 84 arba3a wa thamaneen 85 khamsa wa thamaneen 86 sitta wa thamaneen 87 sab3a wa thamaneen 88 thaman wa thamaneen 89 tes3a wa thamaneen 90 Tes3een 91 wa7ed wa tes3een 92 ethnain wa tes3een 93 thalatha wa tes3een Uyoutig Gy 94 arba3a wa tes3een queutig 24)! 95 khamsa wa tes3een Uieutig yuad 96 sitta wa tes3een ewig Cu 97 sab3a wa tes3een ieuig dou 98 thaman wa tes3een Uueutig Ylai 99 tes3a wa tes3een Useutig domi 100 Emya cual Spoken Emirati Emiratiind 27 17 904 am | Exercise: Kam ragam telephonik? Scligali aay aS « Kam 30mrek? Sac aS « Kamsenah khibrah? Says diw aS Yes heh No laa y | want aba ui | don’t want Ma ba blo Ihave 3endee ganic I don’t have ma 3endee gaic la I know a3ref /adree gyal / ayci I don't know ma a3ref/ ma adree ai La / yc Lo There is fee wna There is no Ma fee wna La | emiratiinds 28 an7 904 AM Daily words Note: Don’t is “ma” in Emirati dialect. For example, “I don’t have car” will be “ana ma 3endee sayarrah” Note: Not is “mob” in Emirati dialect. For example, “I’m not American” will be “ana mob Amrikee” « Common words Gail! GLalsii Car ENEl Girl/ woman Bent/7ermah Boy/man Walad/ rayyal diy / alg Paper wergah aayg Book ketab wlis Flat shiqqah aa Door bab al Chair kursee sus Tower burj ax House bait cu Money Bezaat/ floos yuglo/ cl jus Name esim aul Emiratiinds 29 a 04am | Lill yuyall El dars el thani Second lesson In this lesson, you will learn: Pronouns Questions Food van 904 aM Emiratiind! 30 Emiratiindd 31 1Wan7 904 AM ey V/I'm ana You(m) enta ail You(f) entee iil You (pl) entoo giil Pea) Pena How old are you? Kam 30mrek? Sdyoc aS How many phones do 2 | Séaic gall you have? Kam telephone 3endek? = Sdiaic ygali aS How much is your . Ke a Celitlea salary? ‘am ma3ashek’ as How many sons do 7 Cai you have? Kam walad 3endek? $daic alg aS How many you want? Kam tuba? Sui as Mitt Wg Where is your house? whayn betkom? §eSin wg Where is Dubai Mall? Whayn Dubai Mall? ay Where is the restaurant? Whayn el matt3am? = Sagal jug Where is the university? Whayn el jam3a? Saealall jug Where is the money? Whayn el bezaat? Seal jull Wg ee ia aT Cor fetta] Who went to the cinema? Emno saar elcinema? | SLainuiJI jLu gia Who wants dinner? Emno yuba 3ashaa? Shite Ly gia Who ate my chips? Emno akal chibsee? Smut USI gia Who said that? Emno gaal? $JL4 gia Who is this? Emno hatha? ¢ 1am gia Food rig rap N]] Water My gla Tea Chai suis Coffee Ghahwa gaa Shrimp Robyan ulugy Fish Semach aaw Salad Salatah ably Chicken Deyay sla Meat la7am a Cheese Jebinn ua Sugar Shaker por Salt mel7 ala Fruits Fawakeh aSiga Sweets 7alawah agi Chocolate Kakaw glsis Vegetables Khedhra yn Emiratiinds 33 17 904 aM Exercise: « Shoo te7eb takel? SJ Si wai oii * Shoo te7eb teshrab? © | emirtiinds 34 an7 904 AM Emiratiinds 35 a 04am | CULT Yuyall EI Dars thaleth Third lesson In this lesson, you will learn: Questions Possessive Feelings Emiratiind 36 van 904 aM Emiratiinds 37 1Wan7 904 AM TN er) ul Why there is traffic? Lesh za7mah? S@oaj yin! Why are you absent? Lesh ghayeb? Squlé yi! Why are you late? Lesh metakher? Syalia yi Why are you upset? Lesh za3lan? Sgucj ui Why is it prohibited? Lesh mamnoo3? Segiag yi irs tr) fer] What are you doing? Shoo tesawi? Ssgui quis What happened? Shoo saar? $ylo gui What is going on? Shoo el salfah? SAalluull quit What is the lunch? | Shoo el ghadah? Slasil gus What is this? Shoo hadha? Slam gui Tag UTE wirre) When is the lunch? Meta el ghadda? Slaall uniia When the film does Meta yekhales el Salall valdy iia ends? film? When do we go? Meta enroo7? Sagi nia When is the holiday? Meta el ejaazah? S4j VI nia When is the party? Meta el Zafflah? alan! iia ioe an7 904 AM a ee Note: the ownership is formed by adding a prefix and suffix as it shows in red color. Emirati ind 39 Telli} cuSla My house vail (Your house(m lin (Your house(f aly (.Your house(pl baitkom asin Our house baitna lily His house baitah ain Her house baitha loin Their house baithum agin al 904 AM | Exercise: Can you apply the same structure to the below words: + Daughter Book + Computer + Mobile 1. Car 2. Bag | emiratina 40 an7 904 AM Note: If you want to change the adjective to a feminine word, just add «Gy or"ah", Paci a Hungry Yo3an Yo3anah dilegs ulegs Thirsty 3atshan — 3atshanah Tired Ta3ban | Ta3banah Happy mestanes mestansah Upset Za3lan | Za3lanah Sick maredh = maredhah | aéaya vaya (ex: the water is cold) bared bardah 6ayl a (ex: panes is hot) a ab aja » Cold (ex:| feel cold) bardan bardanah | dilay lay Hot (ex:I feelhot) — Zarran 7arranah ailp Jp Came up with different sentences by using those adjectives: Emiatiindd 41 a 904 AM |

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