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Dear Parents

Welcome to a new school Year and to Year 5. Below is an

outline of the areas which Year 5 aim to cover this half term.

On behalf of the Year 5 team, I hope you find this helpful.

Mr De Asha

September 4th to 21st October 2022

Text genre: Recounts - Understand and use the main features of a
recount, such as past tense verbs, time connectives and
Persuasive writing - Understand and use the features of a persuasive
text, including devices used for persuasion and their effectiveness.

Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar: Ensure the use of consistent

and correct tenses throughout a piece of writing, Continue to
distinguish between homophones and other words which are often
confused, Use coordinating and subordinating conjunctions to add
more detail to a sentence and to incorporate expanded noun
phrases to convey complicated information concisely within a
piece of writing.

Weekly spelling tests, dictation, handwriting and whole class and

individual reading.

Place value, mental methods for addition and subtraction. Word

problems. Using m, cm and km as units of measurement and time
intervals. Decimals, percentages & fractions. Rehearsing
multiplication and division facts, problem solving, reasoning &
algebra. Addition and subtraction using written methods.

Prodigy, Timestables Rockstars and Google Classroom 

Living Things
The children will learn about how different animals are grouped
(classes) as well the important distinguishing features of each group.
They will also learn about how the life cycles for each of the
groupings can have differences/similarities.
Classifying Plants
The children will look at the parts of plants in more depth and begin
to understand each of their functions. The differences in the way
that various plants reproduce and disperse their seeds will also be

South America – The children will learn about the seven continents
of the World and the relationship between them. They will identify
Europe on a map and know some of the countries within it. The
children will be developing an understanding of physical and
human features. Finding out how people live in other countries
including clothing, food and currency. Researching and presenting
a detailed project about a South American country of their choice.
Children will be learning about a variety of South American artists
and recreating their styles. There will be an emphasis on creating
patterns and using bright, bold colours. The children will use these
skills to draw a number of South American landmarks.

● Roald Dahl Day 13th September

● Parents Information Evening Sunday 18th September
● Carnival Day - Thursday 13th October. Children will come to
Events/Dates school in South American carnival costumes - bright colours
and headdresses! More information will be sent closer to the
● National Poetry Week - Week beginning 2nd October
● Online Parents Day - Thursday 20th October

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