11b - Maintenancex

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February 2013

Confidential - PSA GM Purchasing & Logistic Committee 1

Maintenance Outline
Introduction page: Purpose, Scope, Responsibility


Maintenance strategy & organization (MAI1)

Maintenance activities (MAI2)

Level 1 Maintenance (MAI3)

Spare parts management (MAI4)

Improvement of the equipment (MAI5)

Customer tools management (MAI6)

What goes wrong

Confidential - PSA GM Purchasing & Logistic Committee 2


Maintain the different equipment of a Management of the different type
process in good working conditions of maintenance
Improve the overall effectiveness of the Management of the spare parts
process Improvement of the equipment
Contribute to the risk management
related to the continued activity

(Ownership) :
Maintenance Manager
Manufacturing Manager

Confidential - PSA GM Purchasing & Logistic Committee 3

 Increase availability of the equipment through Reduction in machine
downtime or excessive line stops due to equipment :

• Avoids plant disruptions

• Managed risk reduces or limits the need for overtime

• Increase flexibility

 Contribute to the overall improvement of the industrial performance

 Fast recovery after breakdown by ensuring

• availability of critical spare parts

• Availability of skills

Confidential - PSA GM Purchasing & Logistic Committee 4

Plant Overal Organisation

Customer Customer
eSOP - MPS Needs
Forecast Program

Nominal Industrial
Industrial Performance
Performance Check

Maintenance as Contributor

Confidential - PSA GM Purchasing & Logistic Committee 5

Processes Roadmap

Equipment Efficiency
Operational New Equipments
Preventive Maintenance
Avoid malfunctions

Use the Equipments

Detect warning signals

Works Management Corrective Maintenance RS

Treat different signals Breakdown Restart Equip. / treat root causes

Spare Parts Management
Maintenance Maintenance costs Management
processes Maintenance plans management

Support Maintenance standards management

Processes Lessons learned

Confidential - PSA GM Purchasing & Logistic Committee

Strategy & Organization (MAI1), what are we searching for ?

# Requirement Criteria of the Requirement

1) Maintenance process is formalized and covers all the machines, tools, devices, equipment
and facilities on the site. It includes preventive and corrective maintenance
2) A system for managing, planning, organizing and monitoring maintenance operations is set
3) Resources are available during all production period and outside production period to
ensure non critical maintenance operations (E.g: preventive maintenance). work load is
Maintenance organization and strategy followed
MAI1 are established and deployed 4) Suitable maintenance facilities and equipment are available
5) Fast communication between production and maintenance is assured
6) A strategic improvement process (like TPM) is deployed with the goal of improving the
production output

Confidential - PSA GM Purchasing & Logistic Committee 7

Strategy & Organization (MAI1)
Perimeter adressed
• Process Equipments
• Handling devices / conveyors
• Facilities
• …. Handling devices



Fork-lift truck
Confidential - PSA GM Purchasing & Logistic Committee 8
Different types of maintenance
Corrective Maintenance
Maintenance performed after a breakdown detection
Purpose: Ensure the re-start of the equipment as soon as possible (even with
degraded solutions)

Preventive Maintenance
Maintenance performed according to predefined frequencies or on the basis of
predefined criteria (nb of cycles…)
Purpose: Reduce the probability of breakdowns or the wear of the equipment
Ex: Aircraft maintenance

Condition based Maintenance (specific type of preventive maintenance)

Maintenance based on the measurement of key parameters on the equipment
Ex: Vibration Analysis on rotating machines, Fluids analysis, thermography on
electrical equipments

Corrective Maintenance

Risk of
breakdown Condition Based Maintenance

Preventive Maintenance

Confidential - PSA GM Purchasing & Logistic Committee 9

TPM – key principles

TPM : Continous Improvement of the reliability of the equipments based on the

daily involvment of all the operationals on the shopfloor

The action plans are driven by The actions plans are driven by
severe issues (breakdowns) warning signals (symptom)

1 severe 1 severe
breakdown breakdown
Perpetual Perpetual
Motion Motion 10
10 Action
breakdowns breakdowns
100 minor downtimes Plans 100 minor downtimes

1000 warning signals before 1000 warning signals before

malfunctioning malfunctioning

Without TPM With TPM

Confidential - PSA GM Purchasing & Logistic Committee 10

Activities planning (MAI2), what are we searching for ?

# Requirement Criteria of the Requirement

1) The Preventive Maintenance planning takes into account risk classification of the equipment
(Safety, bottleneck equipment, unique process with no substitution process, ...). It is built
together with master production schedule (MPS. See #MFM4) which takes into account time
allocation for maintenance
2) The planning is regularly followed, updated (including outsourcing maintenance)
3) For each equipment an operating standard (nominal) is defined
The activities of maintenance are planned, 4) Corrective maintenance is carried out for any deviation from the nominal (according to
MAI2 performed and tracked manufacturing priorities). The Preventive Maintenance activity is periodically reviewed on the
basis of the issue/incidents causes
5) Maintenance activities are considered as standardized operations (see section #4).
Technical documentation is available and managed for all equipment
6) Records of all maintenance activity and results are formalized and filled in

Confidential - PSA GM Purchasing & Logistic Committee 11

Activities planning (MAI2), Preventive maintenance planning


Always red
=> Frequency must
List of be increased


Always green
=> Frequency can
be decreased
List of maintenance
operations to perform

0,3 Operation postponed

0,3 Operation not performed Document allows:
0,3 Near miss breakdown. Emergency reparation needed - To follow up preventive
0,3 OK, no reparation needed operations
0,3 Limit, reparation needed, no emergency - To identify maintenance plan
Confidential - PSA GM Purchasing & Logistic Committee 12
Activities planning (MAI2)
Risk classification of the equipments

Preventive Maintenance planning

Preventive Maintenance optimization

Operating standard
Deliverables associated

Records of maintenance activities

Issues collection
Tracking of line stops due to breakdown

Confidential - PSA GM Purchasing & Logistic Committee 13

MAI3: Level 1 Maintenance (MAI3), what are we searching for ?

# Requirement Criteria of the Requirement

1) Level 1 (L1) maintenance operations take into account Equipment Identification, Cleaning,
Self-maintenance and Safety devices verification
2) L1 maintenance is performed and visually follow up at workstation and operations are
integrated in the workstation's work instructions
Level 1 maintenance is systematically applied and 3) Any deviation, anomaly or improvement suggestion is recorded and, if necessary, starts an
MAI3 controlled higher level maintenance activity
4) Records are analyzed and used as lessons learned to improve maintenance operations

Confidential - PSA GM Purchasing & Logistic Committee 14

MAI3: Level 1 Maintenance (MAI3), Principles
The operator, who is always near the equipment, is able to ensure all the checks and the
maintenance basic operations. He prevents the degradation of the equipment
Operations performed by the operator alone with his 5 senses or with very basic tools

I take care of my car I take care of my machine

Visual checking Check Oil level Check the

Check cooling liquid Check Oil level parameters

Cleaning Scratch on anomalies
the paint ?

Small deviation

Clean Fill the washer Change the

Basic tuning
reservoir fasteners
Self maintenance Clean
Change the Check safety
Check Tyre pressure
lamps devices

Confidential - PSA GM Purchasing & Logistic Committee 15

MAI3: Level 1 Maintenance (MAI3), Work instructions
Small deviation
Riveter –selfmaintenance Control of the piston stroke detection
work instruction


Basic tuning
Self maintenance

Visual worn

Visual Inspection


Confidential - PSA GM Purchasing & Logistic Committee 16

MAI3: Level 1 Maintenance (MAI3), Visual Management
Pressure on Valves Flowmeter Detection of
manometers loosening


Needle in the green OK: marks OK: marks are

zone Closed position in Indicator between aligned misaligned. The
the green zone the red lines bolt is untighted

Visual standard to immediately detect deviations




Lubricant Level Lubricant

Reference Reference

Confidential - PSA GM Purchasing & Logistic Committee 17

Spare parts Management (MAI4), what are we searching for ?

# Requirement Criteria of the Requirement

1) A list of critical spare parts is determined, managed and regularly updated

2) A spare parts stock is available with minimum stock level; Spare parts tracking system is
The spare parts and their storage are managed combined with maintenance system in order to control physical inventory
MAI4 The critical parts are identified. 3) The spare parts are stored in suitable conditions and periodic physical inspections are
performed for long term stored items

Confidential - PSA GM Purchasing & Logistic Committee 18

Spare parts Management (MAI4)

Identification of the critical spare parts

• Criteria to define critical spare parts
• Examples of deliverables (list)
• List updating

Spare parts storage

• Storage conditions
• Stock management
• Supply
• Inspections & verification

Confidential - PSA GM Purchasing & Logistic Committee 19

Spare parts Management (MAI4),
Ex of spare part storage

Confidential - PSA GM Purchasing & Logistic Committee 20

Standardization & Improvement (MAI5), what are we searching
for ?

# Requirement Criteria of the Requirement

1) For each equipment an operating performance standard (nominal) is defined.

2) Approach to standardize equipment (e.g.: using same filter, same interfaces to tools
Process is implemented to standardize 3) A process to improve the nominal is implemented. It is based on capability results
MAI5 equipment and improvement their output.
analysis, maintenance process improvement, operators suggestions, Six Sigma
Technics etc.

Confidential - PSA GM Purchasing & Logistic Committee 21

Standardization & Improvement (MAI5)

Improvement based Maintenance

Identify the weak points of the equipment & root cause of breakdowns
Implement action plans to improve reliability or maintainability

Errors in the CNC after

9 maintenance operations
Difficult cleaning 4

j asdw j asdw

1 2 3 j asdw j asdw

j asdw j asdw wear of the
Clear Reset Enter

6 70o C




10 10
doesn’t last
Material of the gearing
Difficult Access
not strong enough

Confidential - PSA GM Purchasing & Logistic Committee 22

Customer tools management (MAI6), what are we searching for ?

# Requirement Criteria of the Requirement

1) Any Customer Specific Tool (CST) is identified in a single and inalterable way according
with customer requirements (customer marking) . Identification includes tool change level
2) For each tool a "diary" sheet is available
3) Any operation on the CST (modification, transfer, resale and destruction) must be
authorized by the Customer and Approvals are formely recorded
4) In the case of multiple identical CST, customer is informed of the first production of the
The customer's specific tools are managed complementary tool. Product/process re-qualification is carried out for each complementary
MAI6 according to a process shared with the customer tool according to customer requirement
and covering all the life of the tool. 5) In case of sub-contracting, a list with the localization of the CST is established and
communicated to the customer
6) The storage of the CST is organized and managed. Activities to be carried out prior to
storage are defined. Storage conditions guarantee the safeguarding of the CST until its end-of-

Confidential - PSA GM Purchasing & Logistic Committee 23

Customer tools management (MAI6)

Perimeter addressed
• Tools owned by the customer
• Tools dedicated to a specific part reference

Contractual requirements
• Identification
• Customer approval
• Diary sheet, records & tool follow up

Storage conditions
• Safeguarding after end of mass production phase

Confidential - PSA GM Purchasing & Logistic Committee 24

Maintenance activities are effective (MAE)

# Requirement Criteria of the Requirement

1) Performance, Safety & Reliability targets are defined on the basis of

historical data and related indicators are tracked
2) Failure Rate, MTBF, MTTR, stop of lines
3) Maintenance planning tracking (inc Tier2)
4) paretos of breakdown
MAIE Maintenance activities are effective
3) Costs for Spare parts
4) availibility of spare parts (inventory robustness)
5) Ratio of corrective maintenance against preventive maintenance
6) Ratio L1 maintenance against preventive/predictive maintenance
7) Standardization indicators

Confidential - PSA GM Purchasing & Logistic Committee 25

Maintenance activities are effective (MAE)

Mean Time Before Failure

Operation Time
MTBF gives information on the reliabiliy MTBF =
of the equipment Nb of breakdowns


MTTR gives information on the maintenability Mean Time To Repair/Recovery
of the equipement (maintenance friendly) Reparation Time
Nb of breakdowns

 High equipment effectiveness means

High MTBF ⊕ Low MTTR

Confidential - PSA GM Purchasing & Logistic Committee 26

Maintenance activities are effective (MAE)
7 days X 24 hours = 168 hours
Legal Constraints

Heavy Revamping

No production need

Planned production Stops

Calendar Time
(Outside production time)

Normal Downtime
(operator breaks, team management)
Unexpected Downtime
(Energy loss, lack of manpower,

Planned Production Time

downstream saturation , lack of supply)

Opening Time
Breakdowns &
Functional Downtime
(change of batch)

Loss on cycle times

Non-quality Loss

Production of good parts
Maintenance involvement

Confidential - PSA GM Purchasing & Logistic Committee

Maintenance activities are effective (MAE)
Metrics related to processes

• Ratio of preventive maintenance:

௉௥௘௩௘௡௧௜௩௘ ௠௔௜௡௧௘௡௔௡௖௘ ௧௜௠௘
Ratio = ௉௥௘௩௘௡௧௜௩௘ ெ௔௜௡௧.ା஼௢௥௥௘௖௧௜௩௘ ெ௔௜௡௧.௧௜௠௘

• Ability of the supplier to anticipate and manage the availibility of the equipment
• Good situation : above 50%
• Look at the trend: improvement or not ?

• Ratio of L1 maintenance:
௅ଵ ௠௔௜௡௧௘௡௔௡௖௘ ௧௜௠௘
Ratio = ௉௥௘௩௘௡௧௜௩௘ ெ௔௜௡௧. ௧௜௠௘

• Ability of the supplier to anticipate severe issues. Deployement of L1 maintenance allows supplier
to reduce mainntenance cost and to center activity on equipement standardization & improvement
• Good situation :
• Look at the trend: improvement or not ?

Confidential - PSA GM Purchasing & Logistic Committee 28

What goes wrong?
 No preventive maintenance: they are waiting for breakdown …  risk of
major disruption

 Preventive operations are always postponed & frequency are not

respected causing breakdowns

 No maintenance records  enable to analyze situation & improve


 Spare parts stock is not correctly manage: “dead references”, critical

spare parts under mini level,…  risk of major disruption + costs

 L1 not well performed  maintenance overload, preventive planning is

not correctly done  breakdowns

 Manufacturing planning is established without taking into account

maintenance  preventive is not performed correctly  breakdowns

 Skills are not available everytime  breakdowns can last too much time

Confidential - PSA GM Purchasing & Logistic Committee 29

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