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Work Immersion is one of the course requirements for graduation. A Senior High School
student has to undergo Work Immersion in an industry that directly relates to the
student’s postsecondary goal. Through Work Immersion, the students are exposed to
and become familiar with work-related environment related to their field of specialization
to enhance their competence. But due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the school of
Colegio De Tablas cannot participate on this tradition. Instead, the institution conducted
a one day clean-up drive for the graduating senior high students.

As a graduating senior high student of Colegio de Tablas, I participated in the clean-up

drive conducted last March 30, 2022. Due to the pandemic, we rarely go to school and
because of this the school grounds was in a mess with the dried tree leaves
everywhere, tall grasses, dusty window grills and filthy rooms. Seeing the scenario
made me think that we got a lot of things to do and it drained all my energy. We started
by sweeping the dried tree leaves outside while the others were cleaning the rooms,
wiping the window grills and pulling the tall grasses. While participating in the activity, I
thought that I might get tired early but to my surprise, I enjoyed the activity and I lasted
for the whole day. I learned that even how big the problem is, as long as there is a unity,
we can solved it together. And in working together, we can strengthen the bond.

I believe that by participating in the activity that the school conducted, I had helped the
school in a simple way. As a student, I have nothing to recommend, but I am thankful
that the school conducted this kind of activity for us students to work together even if it
is just for a day only.

Submitted by:

Cyndy Rose Camisona


Our mental health determines how we think, feel positive about yourself and cope well
with the everyday pressure. If you experience issues dealing with everyday problems, it
could be a sign of a mental health problem and should be addressed immediately.

I have learned that mental health includes our emotional, psychological and social well-
being. It affects how we think, feel and act. It also help determine how we handle stress,
relate to others, and make healthy choices. Mental health is important at every stage of
life from childhood and adolescence through adulthood.

Symptoms of depression, anxiety and distress are more common in students compared
to age matches peers. Mental ill health among students is associated with impaired
academic achievement, worse occupational preparedness, and lower future
occupational performance.

Submitted by:

Cyndy Rose Camisona

By: John Lester F. Mangao

What does Personality Disorder mean?

It is a long-term set of tendencies in one’s thinking and behavior that impairs person’s
functioning in the world.

I learned the facts about personality disorder that is a traumatic childhood experiences
including abuse and neglect have been recognized as risk factors that may elevate the
chances that an individual may develop a personality disorder.
Personality Disorder is covered of three clusters;
Cluster A, which includes Suspicious, Paranoid Personality Disorder, Schizoid
Personality Disorder, and Schizotypal Personality Disorder.
Cluster B incudes Emotional and Impulsive, Antisocial Personality Disorder, Borderline
Personality Disorder, Histrionic Personality Disorder, Narcissistic.
Cluster C includes Anxious Disorder, Avoidant Personality Disorder, Dependent
Personality Disorder and Anankastic Personality Disorder.

What are the implications of Personality Disorder for you?

Personality may influence learning indirectly through attitudes and motivation which
create particular conceptions of learning, learning investment and preferred ways to

Submitted by:

Cyndy Rose Camisona


Computer Literacy use of basic hardware and software and the understanding of key
information technology concepts and components.
Along with the importance that students should learn to use computer to improve their
own work and prepare for careers in a world where computers have becomes as
commons the pencil and paper. Education has benefited from the inclusion of
technology and computers by making it easier for students to keep u while helping
teachers by improving the way lesson can be panned and taught. Computer play a vital
role in the modern business world and many of even the most basic jobs involve
technology and computers. How to use computers help them prepare for any number of
possible careers, classes based on computer education can get even more specific.
Computers make the learning process a lot more simple and efficient, giving students
access to tools and method of communication unavailable offline.

Submitted by:

Cyndy Rose Camisona


Love is an active, universal power and I am at one Love today. This love is omnipotent
and supreme. This love fills my consciousness and motivates me today. This divine
Love protects and cares for my life, my health, my family and the world. Today no one is
outside of the loving embrace of love. In the time when you cannot uplift yourself, turn to
your friend, love ones and especially to God for love and support.

1 John 4:8
Whoever does not Love
Does not know God,
Because God is Love

Submitted by:

Cyndy Rose Camisona


School Clean-Up Drive ……………………………………………………1

Mental Health ……………………………………………………………….2
Spiritual Upliftment …………………………………………..…………....3
Computer Literacy ………………………………………………………....4
Personality Disorder …………………………………………….……..….5
Bangon, Odiongan, Romblon

S. Y 2021-2022

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