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Kembali lagi di podcast asik dan seru bersama saya trisandi, nah gais disini kita berdiskusi
mengenai banyak nya orang yang merasa stress dengan pekerjaan dan tugas mereka ,

In this case we can see countries with high levels of work stress, yak, you must
havea shadow with this country, there are 2 countries that have high work stress, namely
japan and north korea, just imagine that you must be thinking hard about how the country
has work stress while they have what they want, for north korea surely you imagine it for
real, hell for people who strongly avoid stressors, in north korea how not stressed, if their
work is betting with lives and they are restricted in entertainment too, even north korea has
implemented regulations where its citizens will be arrested and detained if caught ngefens
with the artists of their neighboring countries, namely their sister countries who with the
power of plastic can change the worldview, Just imagining that is enough to make you
nervous and feel stressed without having to become a North Korean citizen

We return again to the work stress that we naturally encounter, namely in Japan, where
work stress is a common thing to find in the country, in Japan work stress is a thing that
many encounter and it has become a cycle that continues to exist and process continuously
until they find a way how to reduce their stress even though it is not 100% effective but
they have succeeded in minimizing the victims of this work stress,

recently they implemented a work system that made all countries see the courage of Japan
to take such handling measures, the system implemented a work system of 3 days a
working week, namely 3 working days, the rest are off, this method is very effective so that
it can reduce the percentage of work stress by up to 30%, not only that, there are various
personal metedes that Japan presents to minimize work stress, namely with the festifal held
every month, with the various festifal variations they present, it is also a form of their
efforts to reduce stress at work

Sebelum melanjutkan podcast nyaa, ada lagu nih yang bakal bikin kamu menangis nihh

In the example of a country that has been real to face work stress with a heavyweight level
such as Japan above, where in that stress there are many victims, until it is circulated that
from being so stressed in the country it can even cause sudden death because they are tired
of everything they do which becomes useless and even some of the brands choose suicide
to end their suffering, Judging from their history as well, which happened during World
War 2 where Japan lost the war and was faced with the fall of an atomic bomb in their
country, where soldiers who saw the fall of the bomb committed seppuku (suicide by
stabbing their hearts) en masse
Not only in Japan, work stress also exists in Indonesia, but at a low level, and usually
attacks on the basic work layer such as factory workers, but it is possible that work stress
will also come to the higher-ups both in the company, military, and state.

Recently, news was heard from the Timu Java section, more precisely on Suramadu Bridge,
where a person ends his life because he feels weak, helpless, and unable to meet the needs
of his family, in an analysis issued by the party handling the case states that the person
ended his life because of the stress he experienced and chose the path of suicide as the
ending of his life story, But before he commits suicide, the person abandons his
motorcycle and a will containing a form of apology for his family and the last form of
goodbye from the person


Meditation practice

In my opinion, most stress is caused by fear of the future or letting go of past trauma. When
we live life like that, we don't focus on the future and have a hard time coping with new
stress responses.

Meditation can help us overcome it. a"Meditation constantly brings us back to the present
moment and makes us much stronger," he said. Meditation that is practiced regularly every
day will bring joy when we are facing stress. According to Moday, meditation can help take
our minds off something that hasn't happened or happened years ago.

Full sleep for 8 hours

In fact, lack of sleep can negatively impact our health. But, do you know how much sleep it
takes to be able to cope with stress? According to Moday, eight hours is the ideal time to
sleep. An American Psychological Association (APA) report found that people who sleep
less than eight hours each night have the potential to have higher stress levels. This condition
will make them more easily disturbed and angry.

Me time! We can do a fun thing or a hobby we like.

It can be used to simply 'breathe'. You can read books at your favorite coffeeshop, or go to
the salon for just creambath, you can also watch movies at the cinema. Oh yes, when you
are me time, don't forget to shut down your social media. According to research, if we leave
social media for a few moments, maybe tomorrow we will feel more positive and fresher.

Take a short trip!

Stress can be triggered by conditions where we have less picnics! No need to go all the way
to Europe, we can find places to refresh ourselves by traveling. We can take weekend
holiday rations or you can take time off to take time by doing short trips to places you want.
Leave work first for a moment, we focus on the holiday to unwind, then when we return to
work, we are fresh again and continue our work yesterday.

Share and open positive chats in the work environment

If you keep going, there are other people in a negative mood. If you only complain about
work or complaints about office friends, the office environment will greatly affect your
mood. If you open a positive chat, it will definitely have a good effect on our mood when
we are in the office.

Set the break time

This is very important considering the lack of attention to mental health in Indonesia. This
is something critical because for business people and employees, mental health can affect
the performance of a person in carrying out work. The way to maintain each other's mental
health is the presence of break times or breaks for the body and brain. When break time can
be filled with doing fun and light activities that can reduce the feeling of pressure or fatigue
while working.

Okee mungking itu beberapa tips and trik dari saya yang mungkin sedikit cara simple untuk
mengurasi stress dalam pekerjaan dan tugas, saya harap temen temen semua bisa
memahami apa yang saya katakan.

"Mengeluh tidak akan memperbaiki keadaan, semangat untuk hari ini. Jalani dengan ikhlas
dan penuh kesabaran."

Thanks you !!!!!

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