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Republic of the Philippines


Calape, Bohol

Name: Rose Marie T. Revilla

Course & Year: BEED 2
Instructor: Mrs. Christine Hormillada
Date: November 19, 2022

Assessment in Learning 1

For each item, write the letter of the correct answer on the space provided
before the item number.
d 1. A teacher informed a child’s parents that their son did not do well in the
performance assessment. To prove her point, she showed their son’s grade the
scores obtained by their son’s classmates. What ethical issue is evident in this
a. Comprehensiveness
b. Confidentiality
c. Fairness
d. Transparency
b 2. A Grade 7 Science teacher grouped the students for an oral presentation
about mitigation and disaster risk reduction. She forgot to discuss to the class
how they shall be graded. What ethical concern did the teacher fail to consider?
a. Confidentiality
b. Fairness
c. Relevance
d. Transparency
d 3. The teacher reported that Janna is a slow and sloppy learner. What is
wrong with the teacher’s evaluation?
a. Irrelevant
b. Offensive
c. Stereotyping
d. Unfair penalization
b 4. What section in Artile VIII of the Code of Ethics for Teachers that state “ a
teacher shall recognize that the interest and welfare of learners are of first and
foremost, concern and shall deal justifiably and impartially with each of them”?
a. Section 1
b. Section 2
c. Section 4
d. Section 8
c 5. It is the Section 6 in the Article VIII of the Code of Ethics for Teachers.
a. Under no circumstances shall a teacher be prejudiced or discriminate against
b. A teacher shall not accept, directly or indirectly, any remuneration from
other than what is authorized for such service.
c. A teacher shall base the evaluation of the learner’s work only in merit and
quality of academic performance.
d. A teacher shall ensure that conditions contribute to the maximum development
of learners are adequate, and shall extend needed assistance in preventing or
solving learners’ problem and diffiulties.

Suppose you are the principal of a public high school. You received complaints
from students concerning their tests. Based on their complaints, you decided to
talk to the teachers concerned and offered advice based on ethical standards.
Write down your recommendations citing specific aspects of ethics or fairness
discussed in this chapter.
Scenario 1:
Eight-grade students complained that their music teacher uses only written
tests as the sole method of assessment. They were not assessed on their skills
in singing or creating musical melodies.
Answer: For me, I would recommend that the music teacher utilizes other
methods of assessment rather than just sticking into the conventional way of
assessing students' learning. In this case, the teacher has overlooked the
students “ opportunity to learn” which implies that fair assessments should be
aligned with instruction which provides adequate time and opportunities for all
students to learn.
Scenario 2:
Grade 7 students complained that they were not informed that there is a
summative test in Algebra.
Answer: I believe that the teacher should always keep the students informed
regarding summary test because it is a very important type of assessment that is
significant in assessing not only students’ grades but also their learning. As a
result of this, Students’ Knowledge of Learning Targets and Assessments has
been overlooked.
Scenario 3:
Grade 7 students complained that they were not told what to study for the
mastery test. They were simply told to study and prepare for the test.
Answer: In this scenario, the teacher overlooked an aspect of fairness which is “
students knowledge of learning targets and assessments”. Students must have
access to information about the details of assessment, so that students can
prepare and recognize the significance of assessment and how it can be used to
enhanced their learning. It is critical for students be a part of the assessment and
to relay necessary information to the teacher. This includes the learning
outcomes to be assessed and evaluated, the assessment methods and formats,
item weighting, and the amount of time allotted, to complete the assessment,
criteria for evaluation and grading also known as a rubric.
Scenario 4:
Grade 9 students complained that there were questions in their Science test
on the last unit which was not discussed in class.
Answer: In this scenario, I would advise the teacher to includea test in which
fairness is observed, which means that learners are given equal opportunities to
perform well on the task in order to receive a favorable rating from the rater. This
is not feasible when the teacher concerned doest not choose to provide an
assessment that corresponds to the discussions at hand. With this scenario, it
should follow the guidelines of “ avoiding bias in assessment task and
Scenario 5:
Grade 9 students studied for a long test covering the following topics: Motion
in two dimensions; Mechanical Energy; Heat, Work and Efficiency; and Electricity
and Magnetism. The teacher prepared several questions on the first topic. Hence
students complained that most of what they studied did not turn up in the test.
Answer: I believe that the teacher should have been encourage and incorporate
a test in which he/she relays important assessment details to the class, such as
assessment coverage, assessment methods and formats, and so on. With this
the need for students’knowledge of learning targets and assessments should be
recognize by the teacher. So that, the students would not complain regarding the
Scenario 6:
Students complained that they had difficulty with the test because they
prepared by memorizing the content.
Answer: I believe that the teacher should have considered the learning outomes
to be assessed and evaluated and if the chosen method of assessment is
deemed and suitable for the type of learning objective that must be met. One of
this abilities is test-taking ability. The teacher must take this into account because
one students’ techniques may differ from another’s preferences when it comes to
taking a test. With this scenario,the teacher should put his or her lessons into
practice. The teacher should practice “ students’ knowledge of learning targerts
and assessments.
Scenario 7:
Students were tested on an article they read about Filipino ethnic groups. The
article depicted Ilocanos as stingy. Students who hail from Ilocos were not
comfortable answering the test.
Answer: In this scenario, Offensiveness is observed. It is form of bias in
assessment. I believe that the teacher should have chosen to review the
assessments that will be given to students because slur conten in the
assessments can have an impact on students’ learning process.
Suppose you are a firm teacher especially when it comes to ethics in
assessment. You would like to observed correct conduct prior, during and after
the test. Write down five DO’S and DON’T’S for each phase of testing.
Before the test During the test After the test
1. Seek clarification on 1. Students must focus 1. Keep the scores
issues and question from on their exam. confidential.
the administrative team 2.Take appropriate 2. Dismiss the students
responsible for ethical security precautions on time.
and appropriate during administration of 3. Take appropriate
practices. the test. security precautions after
2. Read and discuss the 3. Remind your students administration of the test.
test administration to avoid teaching. 4. Let them have a break
manual with colleagues. 4. Remind your students for the next subject of
3. Schedule and provide to become honest. exam.
the appropriate amount 5.Actively proctor 5. Avoid any actions that
of time needed for the students during tests, would permit or
assessment. keeping the focused and encourage individuals or
4. Take appropriate on task. group of students to
security precautions receive scores that
before administration of misrepresent their atual
the test. level of knowledge and
5. Communicate to skill.
students, parents and
public what any test does
and doest not do when
and how it will be
administered and how
the results may be
appropriately used.
1. Don’t inform the 1. Don’t portray the test 1. Don’t change the
students about necessary as indicative of appropriate responses of
assessment details. intellectual capability. students.
2. Arrange the seats in a 2. Don’t mentor the 2. Don’t acknowledge
way that students can students with right favors from guardians or
see what another student answer. students to leverage their
is writing. 3. Don’t give hints to ratings.
3. Don’t reveal all or any students who ask about 3. Don’t reproduce test
part of secure individual items. documents for any
copyrighted tests to 4. Exclude eligible purpose.
students, in any manner, students from taking test. 4. Don’t leave pertinent
oral or written, prior to 5. Don’t allow students to test documents
test administration. use gadgets during the unattended.
4. Don’t cram. exam. 5. Don’t possess
5. Don’t bother arranging unauthorized copies of
the messy testing any test; copy or
classroom. otherwise reproduce all
or any part of secure or
copyrighted tests.


Article VIII of the Code of Ethics for Teachers (Resolution No. 435, s. 1997)
contain ethical standards in relation with students. These standards are
benchmarks to ensure that teachers observe fairness, justice and equity in all
phases of the teaching-learning cycle.
Article VIII: The Teacher and Learners

Section 1: A teacher has a right and duty to determine the academic marks and
the promotions of learners in the subject or grades he handles, provided that
such determination shall be in accordance with generally accepted procedures of
evaluation and measurement. In case of any complaint, teachers concerned shall
immediately take appropriate actions, observing due process.
Section 2: A teacher shall recognize that the interest and welfare of learners are
of first and foremost concern, and shall deal justifiably and impartially with each
of them.
Section 3: Under no circumstance shall a teacher be prejudiced or discriminate
against a learner.
Section 4: A teacher shall not accept favors or gifts from learners, their parents
or others in their behalf in exchange for requested concessions, especially if
Section 5: A teacher shall not accept, directly or indirectly, any remuneration
from tutorials other than what is authorized for such service.
Section 6: A teacher shall base the evaluation of the learner’s work only in merit
and quality of academic performance.
Section 7: In a situation where mutual attraction and subsequent love develop
between teacher and learner, the teacher shall exercise utmost professional
discretion to avoid scandal, gossip and preferential treatment of the learner.
Section 8: A teacher shall not inflict corporal punishment on offending learnings
nor make deductions from their scholastic ratings as a punishment for acts which
are clearly not manifestations of poor scholarships.
Section 9: A teacher shall ensure that conditions contribute to the maximum
development of learners are adequate, and shall extend needed assistance in
preventing or solving learner’s problems and difficulties.
For each of the following, explain why teacher’s action is deemed, unethical.
Moreover, cite a section of the Code of Ethics that was violated to support your
1. A Social Studies teacher gave an essay asking students to suggest ways to
improve the quality of education in the country. The teacher simply scanned the
students’ answers and many of the students received the same score.
For me, the teacher action is unethical because he/she violated the section 1
of article VIII of the code of ethics. The teacher has a duty or responsibility to
determine the academic marks because it something wrong when he/she
students have the same answer therefore he/she give them the same score. The
teacher should to read the answers of his/her students to determine their
academic marks.
2. A Grade 4 Technology and Livelihood Education teacher did not allot
sufficient time in teaching animal care, but instead focused on gardening, a topic
which he liked the most.
For me, the teacher violated Article VIII, section 9 of the code of ethics. The
teacher should follow the curriculum and focus on the topics that need to be
properly explored rather than ones that he/she enjoys the most. In addition, the
instructor should make certain that he/she will address the students’ concern.
3. The teacher uses stigmatizing descriptions for students who are not able to
answer teacher question during an initiation-response-evaluation/recitation.
For me, the teacher action is unethical because he/she violated the section 3
of article of VIII of code of ethics because the teacher shall not discriminate the
student’s learner perhaps the teacher should to understand and help the
students in their learning difficulties. The teacher should also to know and
determine what are the factors or the reason behind why he/she students didn’t
answer the questions correctly and beside the students have a right to give
thesecond chance.
4. A grade school teacher deducted five points from the student’s test score for
the misdemeanor in class.
For me, the teacher is expected to exercise authority in the classroom. He/she
maybe ruled unfair to deduct a test score for a specific transgression in
behaviour. The educator’s actions are in violation Article VIII, section 8 of the
code of ethics.
5. The teacher gave additional points to students who bought tickets for the
school play which was declared to be optional.
The teacher action is unethical because he/she violated the section 4 of article
VIII of code of ethics because the teacher shall not accept favors or gifts from the
learner in exchange for requested concession especially if undeserved. The
teacher should to focus in the performance and works of the learner
6. Some students receive an “ incomplete” in the performance task due to the
absences or other reasons. The teacher told them to acquire books instead in
lieu of the performance assessment.
The teacher action is unethical because he/she violated the section 8 of article
VIII of code of ethics because the teacher shall not make deductions from their
scholastic ratings as a punishment for their act. The teacher should
understandable in his/her students. The teacher should to focus only in the
academic performance of his/her students
7. A student approached the teacher during the summative test in Mathematics
to ask about a test item. The teacher reworded the test item and clarified the test
According to Article VIII, section 2 of the code of ethics, the teacher violated
amoral rule.He/she provides “special aids” of any kind to the understudy,
acoording to the explanation. The teacher should explain why the test should be
taken fairly. The educator’s choice should be based on objective criteria rather
than predilection or the unfair advanatage given to one person over another for
ill-advised reasons.
8. The teacher excused foreign students from participating in the Linggo ng
Wika program.
Under no circumstances will an instructor be biased or prejudiced against a
student, accoring to Article VIII section 3. Schools should provide a diverse
atmosphere in which all students have an equal opportunity to learn and
participate in all school activities. All students should have the opportunity to
learn about various civilizations and foundations, allowing them to develop a
deeper sense of comfort with these distinctions.

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